SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN CATALOGUE 1949-1950 The Bulletin, of which this publication is Volume X LV II, No. 1, is pub­ lished quarterly by Swarthmore College, from the College Office, Swarthmore, PaEntered at the post office at Swarthmore, Pa., as second-class matter, in accordance with provision of the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. Printed in U. S. A. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN CATALOGUE 1949-1950 SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Volume X L V II Number 1 Tenth Month, 1949 Directions tor Correspondence For information about: G EN ER A L C O L L E G E POLICY J ohn W . Nason, President J ames A. Pebkins, Vice-President ADMISSIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS For men: D ean E verett L. H unt For women: D ean Susan P. C obbs RECORDS, TRANSCRIPTS AND CATALOGUES J ohn M. M oore, Registrar FIN AN CIAL INFORMATION C harles G. T hatcher, Business Manager VOCATIONAL PLA C EM EN T AND GUIDANCE Kenneth Allebach, Acting Vocational Director for Men B arbara C olbron, Associate Dean ALUM NI AFFAIRS Kenneth Allebach, Acting Alumni Secretary G EN ER A L INFORMATION J anet M. B aldwin, Director of Publicity D IRECTO RY O F FA C U LT Y AND STUDENTS Obtainable upon request to the Registrar SWARTHMORE COLLEGE • SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA 2 Table of Contents PAGE 4 C alendar ......................................................................................... ....................................... . P ersonnel ................................................•............... ............................................. .................. The Corporation and The Board of Managers................................................ The Faculty ............................ ..............................................•••••••—............. ‘...... Divisions and Departments................................................................................. Standing Committees ............................................................................................ Administrative Officers and Assistants............................................................... Honorary Curators of the Biddle Memorial Library..................................... 7 8 . 10 . . 18 19 . 20 . 22 to S w arthm ore C o l leg e .................................................................... . The College Community.................... ...... .......................................................... . The Purposes and Policies of Swarthmore College......................................... . Admissions Procedure ..................................... -............ -..... ............................... . . Student Aid and Scholarships................».......................................................... . Educational Resources ........................................................................................ . College Life ............ ........ ...... ?.....•■•••................................................................... . Student Community ............................................................................................. . T h e E ducational P rogram .............................................................. ?..... ......................... . Program for Freshmen and Sophomores.......................................................... . Program for Juniors and Seniors....................................................................... . Honors Work ....................................................................................................... . Pre-Medical Program .................................................................................. ........ . Faculty Regulations .................................... - .................................... :•••••'.......... . Requirements for Graduation............................................................................... . Advanced Degrees .......... ........ ,..................................—......... ........................... . Awards and Prizes................................................................................................. . Fellowships ............................. .............- ................ ........................ ï.................. » . C ourses of I nstruction ..................................................................................... ................. . . Chemistry ........................................................................... g............................. :••• . . . Engineering ................... ....................................... —................................... ........ . English ..................... ...... ................... - ....................... - ........................................ . . German Language and Literature ................................................................... . . Mathematics and Astronomy......................................... .................................... . Music .............................................................................................................. ....... . Philosophy and Religion......... .............................................................................. . Physical Education for Men................................................................................. . Physical Education for Women.......................................................................... . . Political Science .................................................................................... ................ . Psychology and Education................................................................................. . Romance Languages .........................................................................................— . Russian Studies ............................ ........................................................................ . Zoology .............................................................................. ..................................... . R e fer e n c e S ection .................................................................................... .............—....... : Visiting Examiners ......................................................... ....................................... . Degrees Conferred.................... ........................................................................... . Distribution of Students........................................................................................ . Bibliography of Swarthmore, 1939-1949 ...................................................... . . Plan of College Grounds..................................................................................... . I ntroduction 3 23 24 25 28 32 33 41 45 49 51 53 55 56 60 60 63 64 66 67 69 70 73 78 82 85 98 103 106 109 114 121 123 128 129 131 133 136 142 147 148 153 154 155 163 164 167 172 1949 s 2 9 16 23 30 M O C TO BER T W T F 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 S S 1 8 15 22 29 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 M NOVEMBER T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 DECEM BER F S 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 S M W T 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 1950 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 S M 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 S M JANUARY T W T F S 3 4 5 6 7 10 n 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 FEBRUARY T W T F S 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 M ARCH T W T 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 T APRIL W T F S 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 31 F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 S 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 MAY M T W 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 S M S 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 S 2 9 16 23 30 S M T F S 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 JU N E W T F S 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 T T JULY W T F 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 A U G U ST T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 SEPTEMBER T W T F 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 O C TO BER T W T F S 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 S M S M S 2 9 16 23 30 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 NOVEM BER T W T F S 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 S DECEM BER T W T M 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 F 1 8 15 22 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 1951 JAN U ARY M T w T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S S M 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 FEBRUARY T w T F S i 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 S M 4 5 n 12 18 19 25 26 S 1 8 15 22 29 MARCH T W T F S 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 APRIL M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 n 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 4 S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 S M T i 8 15 22 29 T MAY W 2 9 16 23 30 T F S 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 JU N E W T 3 4 5 Ó 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 F S i 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 College Calendar 1949 Winter Semester Ninth Month 22-25 ............ Freshman placement days Ninth Month 2 6 ......................Registration, 1:30 p.m. Ninth Month 2 7 ......................Classes and honors seminars begin Tenth Month 4 ......................Meeting of the Board of Managers Eleventh Month 3 ................. Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Eleventh Month 2 4 ...............Thanksgiving Day (holiday) Twelfth Month 6 ................. Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers Twelfth Month 2 0 ................. Christmas recess begins, 6:00 p.m. 1950 First First First First First First Month 3 ........................ Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Month 4 ........................Christmas recess ends, 8:00 a.m. Month 14 ......................Classes end for second-semester seniors Month 19 ......................Classes end Month 20 ......................Registration, 1:30 p.m. Month 20-21 ................. Review period for course students Senior written comprehensives First Month 21 .....................Honors seminars end First Month 23 .....................Mid-year examinations begin First Month 30 .....................Honors seminars begin for spring semester Second Month 2 ................... Mid-year examinations end Spring Semester Second Month 6 ....................Classes begin Second Month 7 ................... Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Third Month 7 ..................... Meeting of the Board of Managers Third Month 25 ................... Spring recess begins, 11:00 a.m. Fourth Month 3 ................... Spring recess ends, 8:00 a.m. Fourth Month 4 ................... Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Fifth Month 2 ........................Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Fifth Month 13 .....................Honors seminars end Fifth Month 20 .................... Classes end for second-semester seniors Fifth Month 22 .................... Honors written examinations begin Fifth Month 25 ..................... Classes end Fifth Month 26 ......................Enrollment in classes for winter semester, 1:30 p.m. Fifth Month 26-27 ...............Review period for course students Senior written comprehensives Fifth Month 29 ......................Final examinations begin Fifth Month 30 ......................Honors written examinations end Sixth Month 1-3 ................... Honors oral examinations Sixth Month 8 ........................Final examinations end Sixth Month 9 ........................Meeting of the Board of Managers Sixth Month 9 ........................Class Day Sixth Month 10 ..................... Alumni Day Sixth Month 11 ......................Baccalaureate Day Sixth Month 12 ......................Commencement Day 5 1950 Winter Semester Ninth Month 2 1 - 2 4 .............. Freshman placement days Ninth Month 25 ....................Registration, 1:00 p.m. Ninth Month 26 ................... Classes and honors seminars begin Tenth Month 3 ......................Meeting of the Board of Managers Eleventh Month 9 ................. Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Eleventh Month 23 ...............Thanksgiving Day (holiday) Twelfth Month 5 .................. Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers Twelfth Month 2 0 ................ Christmas recess begins, 6:00 p.m. 1951 First Month 2 ........................ Executive Committee of the Board of Managers First Month 4 ........................ Christmas recess ends, 8:00 a.m. First Month 18 ......................Classes end First Month 19 ...................... Registration, 1:30 p.m. First Month 1 9 -2 0 ................. Review period for course students First Month 20 ................ .....Honors seminars end First Month 22 ......................Mid-year examinations begin First Month 29 ......................Honors seminars begin for spring semester Second Month 1 ................... Mid-year examinations end Spring Semester Second Month 5 ................... Classes begin Second Month 6 ................... Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Third Month 6 ....................... Meeting of the Board of Managers Third Month 2 4 ..................... Spring recess begins, 11:00 a.m. Fourth Month 2 ......................Spring recess ends, 8:00 a.m. Fourth Month 3 ..................... Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Fifth Month 1 ........................Executive Committee of the Board of Managers Fifth Month 12 ......................Honors seminars end Fifth Month 19 ......................Classes end for second-semester seniors Fifth Month 21 ......................Honors written examinationsbegin Fifth Month 2 4 ....................Classes end Fifth Month 25 ..................... Enrollment in classes for winter semester, 1:30 p.m. Fifth Month 25-26 ...............Review period for course students Senior written comprehensives Fifth Month 28 ......................Final examinations begin Fifth Month 29 ......................Honors written examinations end Fifth Month 31 .................... Honors oral examinations Sixth Month 1-2 ................... Honors oral examinations Sixth Month 7 ...................... Final examinations end Sixth Month 8 ........................ Meeting of the Board of Managers Sixth Month 8 ........................ Class Day Sixth Month 9 ........................Alumni Day Sixth Month 1 0 ..................... Baccalaureate Day Sixth Month 11 ......................Commencement Day 6 PERSONNEL OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE The Corporation H oward C oo per J ohnson , President 801 Market St., Philadelphia 5, Pa. C laude C. S m it h , Vice-President 1617 Land Title Building, Philadelphia 10, Pa. Ada G raham C l e m e n t , Secretary Meeting House Road, Jenkintown, Pa. E. L aw ren ce W o rsta ll , Treasurer 33 Dudley Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. Board of Managers Em eriti H e t t y L ip pin c o tt M il l e r , Riverton, N. J. E l sie P a l m e r B row n , 1622 Twenty-ninth Street, N. W ., Washington, D. C. C h arles F. J en kin s , 232 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia 6, Pa. H en ry C. T urn er , 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. C l e m e n t M. B id d le , P.O. B ox 743, Church St., Sta., New York 8, N. Y. R o b er t P y l e , West Grove, Pa. L ife M em bers E leanor S t a b l e r C la r k e , Crumwald Farm, Wallingford, Pa. Ada G raham C l e m e n t , Meeting House Road, Jenkintown, Pa. I saac H. C lo th ier , J r ., 801 Market Street, Philadelphia 5, Pa. M ary L ip pin c o tt G risco m , 314 East Central Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. H oward C oo per J ohnson , 801 Market Street, Philadelphia 5, Pa. H adassah M oore L eed s , 1025 Westview Street, Philadelphia 19, Pa. C laude C. S m it h , 1617 Land Title Building, Philadelphia 10, Pa. B arclay W h it e , 22 North Thirty-sixth Street, Philadelphia 4, Pa. Term Expires T w elfth Month, 1949 P h e b e U n d erh ill S ea m a n , Jericho, N. Y. R uth P o t te r A shton , 409 Elm Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. E l isa be th H a l lo w e ll B a r t l e t t , 1922 Mount Royal Terrace, Baltimore 17, Md. Nicholas K e l l e y , 70 Broadway, New York 4, N. Y. E dward P. P a l m e r , 5 0 Church Street, New York 7, N. Y. E. L aw ren ce W o rsta ll , 33 Dudley Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. •E leanor R unk R e p p e r t , 746 Limekiln Pike, Glenside, Pa. Term Expires T w elfth Month, 1950 I sa b el J en kins B ooth , 400 Delaware Street, New Castle, Del. H el e n G aw th rop W orth , Claymont, Del. T heodore W iding , 800 Lincoln-Liberty Building, Philadelphia 7, Pa. •Nora R. B ooth , 920 Clinton Street, Philadelphia 7, Pa. •J ohn E. O rchard , 88 Morningside Drive, New York 27, N. Y. T erm Expires T w elfth Month, 1951 R o bert E. L a m b , 3429 West Indiana Avenue, Philadelphia 32, Pa. T hom as B. M c C a b e , Front and Market Streets, Chester, Pa. Anna E n gle T aylor , 8240 Fairview Road, Philadelphia 17, Pa. B oyd T. B arnard , 914 Lincoln-Liberty Building, Philadelphia 7, Pa. •Raymond K. D en w orth , 117 South Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. T erm Expires T w elfth Month, 1952 T. S tockton M a tth ew s , South and Redwood Streets, Baltimore 3, Md. L ydia F oulke T aylor , 23 Summit Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. E dith W ilson J ackson , 317 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. F rank A yd elo tte , 88 Battle Road, Princeton, N. J. P h il ip T. S h a rples , Twenty-third and Westmoreland Streets, Philadelphia 40, Pa. •Richard H. M c F e e l y , George School, Bucks County, Pa. • Nominated by the Alumni Association. 8 C ommittees of the B oabd T he President is ex-O fficio a M em ber o f Every Com m ittee E xecutive B arclay W h ite M ary L ip pin c o tt G riscom I saac H. C lo th ier , J r . R o bert E . L a m b Ada G raham C le m e n t L ydia F oulke T aylor E leanor S t a b l e r C larke E dith W ilson J ackson C laude C. S m it h R uth P o tter A shton H adassah M oore L eeds B oyd T . B arnard T heodore W iding P h il ip T . S h arples • R o bert P y le Finance T heodore W iding C laude C. S m ith N icholas K e l l e y M ary L ippin c o tt G riscom R o bert E . L a m b P h il ip T . S h arples E . L aw rence W orstall C l e m e n t M. B iddle Instruction and L ibraries H e l en G aw throp W orth T heodore W iding F rank Ayd elo tte E dward P. P a l m er R ichard H. M c F e e l y C l e m e n t M. B iddle C laude C. S m ith R uth P o tter A shton P h ebe U n derh ill S eaman E dith W ilson J ackson H adassah M oore L eeds L ydia F oulke T aylor R o b er t P y le Property B oyd T . B arnard I sa b el J enkins B ooth R aymond K. D en w orth R o bert E . L am b M ary L ip pin c o tt G riscom B arclay W h it e R o bert P y l e Trusts H oward C ooper J ohnson I saac H. C lo th ier , J r . T . S tockton M atth ew s B oyd T . B arnard T homas B . M c C a be E . L aw ren ce W orstall C h arles F . J enkins H ousehold and Student Affairs M ary L ip pin c o tt G riscom Ada G raham C le m e n t E leanor S t a b l e r C larke E l isa be th H a llo w ell B a r t le tt I sa b el J enkins B ooth Anna E ngle T aylor E leanor R unk R e p p e r t N ora R. B ooth Nominating B oyd T . B arnard I sa b el J enkins B ooth C h arles F . J enkins C l e m e n t M. B iddle R o bert E . L am b Ada G raham C l e m e n t T . S tockton M atth ew s A nna E n gle T aylor 9 * The Faculty J ohn W. N ason , President....................................................................... 324 Cedar Lane B.A., Carleton College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A., Harvard University; L L.D ., University of Pennsylvania, Carleton College; Litt.D., ■Muhlenberg College, Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia. J a m es A. P erk in s , Vice-President........................................925 Strath Haven Avenue B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University. S usan P. C o bbs , D ean and Professor o f Classics........................................West House B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman’s College; M.A., New York University; Ph.D. University of Chicago. E v e r e t t L. H un t , D ean an d Professor o f English......................... j604 Elm Avenue B.A., Huron College; M.A., University of Chicago; D.Litt., Huron College. J ohn M. M oore , A ssociate D ean, Registrar and A ssociate Professor o f Philosophy, 2 Whittier Place B.A., Park College; B.D., Union Theological Seminary; M.A., Harvard Uni­ versity; Ph.D., Columbia University. B arbara C olbron , A ssociate D ean............................................. ...................Parrish Hall B.A., Bryn Mawr College. C harles G. T hatcher , Business M anager...................................613 Ogden Avenue B.A., Swarthmore College; M .E., Cornell University; M.M.E., Johns Hopkins University. E meriti A l fr ed M a n sfield B rooks , Professor Emeritus o f F in e Arts........ Gloucester, Mass. B.A., and M.A., Harvard University; M.A., Indiana University. H arold C la rk e G oddard, Professor Em eritus o f English........ 915 Harvard Avenue B.A., Amherst College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University. H en r iett a J o seph in e M e e t e e r , Professor Em eritus o f G reek an d Latin, 309 Warwick Road, Haddonfield, N. J. B.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. S a m u el C opeland P a l m e r , Professor Em eritus o f Botany, 26th and Chestnut Streets, Chester, Pa. B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. 10 ; Professors M ary Alb er t so n , Professor o f History........................................405 Walnut Lane B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College. S olomon E. A sch , Professor o f Psychology...„ ...............................513 Elm Avenue B.S., College of the City of New York; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University. H ein rich B rinkm ann , Professor o f M athem atics..................... 403 Walnut Lane B.A., Leland Stanford Junior University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. S a m u el T. C a rpen ter , Professor o f Civil Engineering.............612 Ogden Avenue B.C.E., C.E. and M.S., Ohio State University. E dward H. C ox , Professor o f Chemistry ........................................... 8 Whittier Place B.S., Earlham College; M.A., Harvard University; Sc.D., University of Geneva. •Hen ry Term a in M aude C reighton , Edm und Allen Professor o f Chemistry, 515 Elm Avenue B.A., M.A. and L L.D ., Dalhousie University; M.Sc., University of Birming­ ham; D.Sc., Das eidgenössische Polytechnikum, Zürich. Arnold D resden , E dw ard H. Magill Professor o f M athem atics an d Astronomy, 606 Elm Avenue M.S. and Ph.D., University of Chicago. R o bert K. E nders , Professor o f Z oology......... ..................................... 311 Elm Avenue B.A. and Ph.D., University of Michigan. H e r b e r t F. F raser , Professor o f E conom ics............................. .Wallingford Hills M.A., University of Aberdeen; F.R.Econ.S. fP h il ip M arshall H icks , A lexander Griswold Cummins Professor o f English, 525 Elm Avenue B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. H oward M alcolm J en kin s , Professor o f E lectrical Engineering, 506 North Chester Road B.A. and E .E ., Swarthmore College, t W olfgang K öh ler , R esearch Professor o f Philosophy and Psychology, 603 Ehn Avenue Dr. phil., University of Berlin; D.Sc., University of Pennsylvania. P atrick M urph y M alin , Professor o f E conom ics.......... 221 N. Princeton Avenue B.S.,' University of Pennsylvania. •F rederick J. M anning , Isaac H. C lothier Professor o f History, 4 Pennstone Road, Bryn Mawr B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University. 1 H arold M. M arch , Professor o f F ren ch........ ............................... 600 Elm Avenue B.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Yale University. Ross W. M a rrio tt , Professor o f M athem atics and Astronomy. 213 Lafayette Avenue B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. J. R oland P ennock , Professor o f Political S cien ce................. 3 Whittier Place B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. E d ith P h il ip s , Susan W . Lippincott Professor o f F ren ch.......„...517 Elm Avenue B.A., Goucher College; Docteur de l’Université de Paris. • Absent on leave, Fall Semester. J Absent on leave, Spring Semester. U P aul S ch recker , Visiting Professor o f Philosophy (on a joint appointment by Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College and Swarthmore College), 120 South Chester Road Ph.D., University of Berlin; LL.D ., University of Vienna. " T ownsend S cudder , III, Professor o f English B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University. C h arles B. S haw , Librarian.............................................................. 304 Park Avenue B.A., M.A. and L.H.D., Clark University. L. R. S hero , Professor o f G reek............................................ 651 North Chester Road B.A., Haverford College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A. and Ph.D., Uni­ versity of Wisconsin. Al fr ed J. S wan , Professor o f Music ( on joint appointment by Haverford College and Swarthmore College)..........................................................519 Walnut Lane B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford. P e t e r van de K a m p , Professor o f Astronomy and D irector o f Sproul Observatory, 5 Whittier Place B.S. and M.S., University of Utrecht; Ph.D., University of California; D.Phil., University of Groningen. C la ir W il c o x , Jo sep h W harton Professor o f Political Econom y 510 Ogden Avenue B.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania. W in th rop R. W righ t , Morris L . C lothier Professor o f Physics...A Whittier Place A.B. and Ph.D., University of Michigan. Associate Professors G eorge J. B ec k er , A ssociate Professor o f English.................Cunningham House B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., University of Washington, fR ichard B. B randt , A ssociate Professor o f Philosophy....,.......521 Elm Avenue B.A., Denison University; B.A., University of Cambridge; Ph.D., Yale Uni­ versity. " R ichard S. C ru tch field , Associate Professor o f Psychology........ 8 Crum Ledge B.S., California Institute of Technology; Ph.D., University of California. G eorge P. C uttin o , Associate Professor o f History (on a joint appointment by Bryn Mawr College and Swarthmore College) ...............506 Ogden Avenue B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of Iowa; D.Phil., University of Oxford. R o b er t H. D unn , A ssociate Professor o f Physical E ducation fo r Men, 811 Westdale Avenue B.S., Temple University. W. C. E l m o r e , A ssociate Professor o f Physics........ Baltimore Pike, R. D. 3, Media B.S., Lehigh University; Ph.D., Yale University. D uncan G ra h a m F o ster , A ssociate Professor o f Chem istry.............15 Crest Lane B.A. and M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. M ilan W. G a r r ett , A ssociate Professor o f Physics....336 North Princeton Avenue B.A. and M.A., Leland Stanford Junior University; B.A. and D.Phil., Uni­ versity of Oxford. W a l t e r B. K eighton , J r ., Associate Professor o f Chem istry........ 311 Cedar Lane B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Princeton University. * Absent on leave, t Absent on leave, Spring Semester. 12 " L e s l ie M. L ifso n , Associate Professor o f Political Science........ 602 Elm Avenue B.A., M.A., University of Oxford; Ph.D., University of Chicago. L uzern G. L ivingston , A ssociate Professor o f Botany, 422 Highland Avenue, Morton B.S., Lawrence College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. J ohn D. M c C r u m m , A ssociate Professor o f E lectrical Engineering, 515 Elm Avenue B.S. and M.S., University of Colorado. " F rank C. P ierson , A ssociate Professor o f E conom ics.............740 Ogden Avenue B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Columbia University. J ohn H im e s P itm a n , A ssociate Professor o f M athem atics and Astronomy, 328 Vassar Avenue B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College. W il l ia m C. H. P ren t ic e , A ssociate Professor o f Psychology....1 Whittier Place B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. V irginia R ath , A ssociate Professor o f Physical Education fo r W om en, 735 Yale Avenue B.A., Hollins College; M.A., Columbia University. W il l ia m E. R ea ser , Associate Professor o f M echanical Engineering, 2 Crum Ledge B.S. in M .E., M .E., Lafayette College; M.S. in M .E., Lehigh University. W a l t e r J. S cott , Associate Professor o f Z oology............ 306 North Chester Road Ph.B., Lafayette College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. J a m es D. S o rber , A ssociate Professor o f Spanish and D irector o f Musical Activities.................................................................... ...................... 401 Walnut Lane B.A., Lehigh University; M.A., University of Nebraska. W il l is J. S tetso n , A ssociate Professor o f Physical Education fo r M en and D irector o f A th le tics.............................. 144 North Highland Road, Springfield B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. R o bert M. W a lker , A ssociate Professor o f F in e Arts.................6 Whittier. Place B.A. and M.F.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Harvard University. "H ans W allach , A ssociate Professor o f Psychology.............805 Harvard Avenue Dr. Phil., University of Berlin. Nea l A. W e b e r , A ssociate Professor o f Z oology...................................... .West House B.A. and M.S., University of North Dakota; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. L eon W en c eliu s , Associate Professor o f F ren ch.............................. 6 Crum Ledge D. es L., University of Paris; L.Th., University of Strasbourg; Th.D., Union Theological Seminary. B ryce W ood, Associate Professor o f Political S cien ce.............310 Chestnut Avenue B.A., Reed College; Ph.D., Columbia University. " E liz a be th C ox W righ t , A ssociate Professor o f English.........Rose Valley, Moylan B.A., Wellesley College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Assistant Professors L ydia B a er , Assistant Professor o f German.............Brookside Road, Wallingford B.A., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. D ennison B ancroft , Assistant Professor o f Physics.............733 Harvard Avenue B.A., Amherst College; Ph.D., Harvard University. * Absent on leave. 13 ...... 1 Crum Ledge B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University. P aul H. B e ik , Assistant Professor o f History........... .................. 512 Elm Avenue B.A., Union College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University. N e w e l l R. B ush , Assistant Professor o f R om ance Languages...5 1 9 Walnut Lane B.A., Miami University; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University. P h il ip W . C arruth , Assistant Professor o f M athem atics........740 Ogden Avenue B.A., Hamilton College; M.A., Syracuse University; Ph.D., University of Illinois. H h .d e D. C ohn , Assistant Professor o f G erm an......................805 Harvard Avenue Dr. Phil., University of Heidelberg. C arol F . C reedon , Assistant Professor o f Psychology:...120 South Chester Road B.A., and Ph.D., University of California. B ruce D earing , Assistant Professor o f English.................... ........ 5 Crum Ledge B.A., Allegheny College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Iowa. L e w is H. E lverson , Assistant Professor o f Physical Education fo r Men, 519 Walnut Lane B.S., University of Pennsylvania. E . J. F aulkn er , Assistant Professor o f Physical Education fo r Men, 235 Dickinson Avenue E dward A. F e h n el , Assistant Professor o f Chemistry....317 North Chester Road B.S., M.S. and Ph.D., Lehigh University. J a m es A. F ie ld , J r ., Assistant Professor o f History......................7 Crum Ledge B.S., M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. R oderick F ir t h , Assistant Professor o f Philosophy........ 302 North Chester Road B.S., Haverford College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. L aunce J . F l e m is t e r , J r ., Assistant Professor o f Zoology, 317 North Chester Road B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Duke University. C. J ustus G ahrahan , Assistant Professor o f E lectrical Engineering, 301 College Avenue B.S., and M.S., University of Pennsylvania. H en ry G l e it m a n , Assistant Professor o f Psychology................. 8 Crum Ledge B.S., City College of New York; Ph.D., University of California. F redric S. K l e e s , Assistant Professor o f English................................... The Damsite B.A., Bowdoin College. L aurence D. L a fo r e , Assistant Professor o f History.............506 Ogden Avenue B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. R oy F . L in sen m ey er , Assistant Professor o f Civil Engineering, 805 Harvard Avenue B.S. in C.E., University of Pittsburgh. J ae L. L it t r e l l , Assistant Professor o f Z oology..................... 805 Harvard Avenue B.A., Rockford College; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Illinois. N orm an A. M einkoth , Assistant Professor o f Z oology........ 835 Harvard Avenue B. of Ed., Southern Illinois Teachers College; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Illinois. I r en e M o ll , Assistant Professor o f Physical E ducation fo r W om en, 805 Harvard Avenue B.S. in Ed., University of Kansas; M.A., Texas State College for Women. M onhoe C. B ea rd sley , Assistant Professor o f Philosophy. 14 B ernard M orrill , Assistant Professor o f M echanical Engineering, 915 Harvard Avenue B.S. in M .E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M .M .E., University of Delaware. He l en F . North , Assistant Professor o f Classics............................ Woolman House B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University. M ay E . P arry , Assistant Professor o f Physical E ducation fo r W om en, Swarthmore Apartments B.A., Swarthmore College; B.S., Temple University. K arl R euning , Assistant Professor o f G erm an........ 211 South Swarthmore Avenue Dr. Phil., University of Giessen. B en bo w F. R it c h ie , Assistant Professor o f Psychology......................5 Crum Ledge B.A., University of Wisconsin; M.A. and Ph.D., University of California. Al ic e T . S ch a fer , Visiting Assistant Professor o f M athematics, 2243 Franklin Avenue, Morton, P.O. Box 44 B.A., University of Richmond; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Chicago. H e r b e r t S o n th o ff , Assistant Professor o f Political Science..¿05 Harvard Avenue M.A., University of Georgia; Diplomvolkswirt, University of Berlin; M.A., Harvard University. F rederick B. T o l les , Librarian o f th e Friends Historical Library and Assis­ tant Professor o f History............................................... .302 North Chester Road B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University. T heodore H. von L aue, Assistant Professor o f History, 1016 South 45th Street, Philadelphia B.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University. “W olfgang W asow , Assistant Professor o f M athem atics....915 Harvard Avenue Diploma, University of Gottingen; Ph.D., New York University. W il l is D. W ea th erfo rd , Assistant Professor o f Econom ics, 805 Harvard Avenue B.A., Vanderbilt University; B.D ., Yale University; M. A., Harvard Uni­ versity. S t eph en E . W h ich er , Assistant Professor o f English................. 4 Crum Ledge B.A., Amherst College; M.A., Columbia University;, Ph.D., Harvard Uni­ versity. M erton J. W il l is , Assistant Professor o f Civil Engineering, 835 Harvard Avenue B.C.E., University of Washington; M.S., Cornell University. I r m a W o lpe , Assistant Professor ( part-tim e) o f Music, 333 Dartmouth Avenue Certificate and Diploma of the Institute Jaques Dalcroze, Geneva. W il l ia m E . W ood, Assistant Professor o f M echanical Engineering, 104 Pine Ridge Road, Media B.S. and M.S. in M .E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. P aul N. Y lv isa ker , Assistant Professor o f Political Science, 8B Whittier Place S.B., Mankato State Teachers College; M.P.A. and Ph.D., Harvard Uni­ versity. ® Absent on leave, 1949-50. 15 I nstructors D avid C owde N, Instructor in English................................. 302 North Chester Road B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Harvard University. T homas D unn , Instructor (part-tim e) in music......................805 Harvard Avenue B.S., Johns Hopkins University; M.A., Harvard University. S arah C. F l e m is t e r , Instructor ( part-tim e) in Zoology..317 North Chester Road B.A., M.A. and Ph.D., Duke University. J ohn A. F rechtling , Instructor in Econom ics.....................„805 Harvard Avenue B.A., Oberlin College; M.A., School of Advanced International Studies. J osé M iguel G onzalez , Instructor in Spanish.........................835 Harvard Avenue B.A., Politechnic Institute of Puerto Rico. W il l ia m H ordern , Instructor in R eligion.......................... 317 North Chester Road B.A., University of Saskatchewan; B.D., St. Andrew’s; S.T.M., Union Theo­ logical Seminary. S a m u el L. H yn es , Instructor in English........................................519 Walnut Lane B.A., University of Minnesota; M.A., Columbia University. O lga L a m k er t , Instructor in Russian (on joint appointment by Bryn Mawr College and Swarthmore College).............701 Lambaert Street, Bryn Mawr Diploma, Demidoff Teachers Training College, Russia. B arbara P earson L ange , D irector o f Dramatics and Instructor ( part-tim e) in English................ .............................................................................319 Cedar Lane G race H. L arsen , Instructor ( part-tim e) in History....... 120 South Chester Road B.A. and M.A., University of California. P e t e r M adison , Instructor in Psychology....................................... 602 Elm Avenue B.S., University of Oregon; M.A., Harvard University. S idn ey M org en besser , Instructor in Philosophy......................805 Harvard Avenue B.A., City College of New York. C h arles W . Ne w l in , Instructor in Civil Engineering......................R. D. 3, Media B.C.E., Rose Polytechnic Institute; M.S., Harvard University. H ed le y H. R h ys , Instructor in F in e Arts.............................. 915 Harvard Avenue B.A., West Virginia University; M.A., Harvard University. E m il J. S lo w in ski , J r ., Instructor in Chemistry.......................... 510 Walnut Lane B.A., University of Massachusetts; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. E t h e l S t il z , Instructor ( part-tim e ) in F in e Arts...................................... Parrish Hall Ph.B., University of Chicago; M.A., Columbia University. T hom as E. S w ee n e y , J r ., Instructor ( part-tim e) in M echanical Engineering, 105 Amosland Road, Norwood B.S. in A.E., University of Alabama. L ecturers and Assistants G eorge T. H a m m ersc h a im b , L ectu rer in M echanical Engineering, 44 Green Valley Road, Wallingford M .E., Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich; D. Eng., University of Geneva. Arleig h P. H e s s , J r ., L ectu rer in Econom ics, 243 Mountwell Avenue, Haddonfield, N. J. B.S., M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. P h il ip E. J acob , L ectu rer in Political S cien ce........ 14 South Swarthmore Avenue B.A., Yale University; M.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Princeton University. 16 E. Gordon K eith , Lectu rer in Econom ics.......................... 409 State Road, Cynwyd B.A., Amherst College; Ph.D., Harvard University. L. B innendijk , R esearch A ssociate in Astronomy................. 915 Harvard Avenue Ph.D., University of Leiden. S. I. Liu, R esearch A ssociate in Civil Engineering................. 222 Lafayette Avenue B.S., National Wuhan University, China; M.S., University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., Case Institute of Technology. C aptain W endell P. R oop, R esearch Consultant in Civil Engineering, Anchorage Farm, Sewell, N. J. U.S.N., Retired. H ans R oth, R esearch Associate in Astronomy.......................... 500 Harvard Avenue Sc.D., University of Vienna. R obert B ach, Assistant in Physical Education fo r Men, 25 North State Road, Upper Darby B.A., Dartmouth College; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Albert M. B arron, Assistant in Physical E ducation fo r Men, 4244 Old York Road, Philadelphia B.S., Pennsylvania State College; M.S., Temple University. Avery B lake , Assistant in Physical Education fo r M en........ 49 Amherst Avenue Phyllis Am bler B rauner, Assistant in Chemistry. .10 Ridley Park Avenue, Aldan B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Wellesley College. Samuel G. E ckerd, Assistant in Physical Education fo r Men, Williamson School, Delaware County, Pa. B.A., Swarthmore College. S arah L ee L ippincott , Assistant in Astronomy, 226 West Tulpehocken Street, Germantown B.A., University of Pennsylvania. J ames J. M cAdoo, Assistant in Physical Education fo r Men, 513 East Bringhurst Street, Germantown J ames H. M iller , Assistant in Physical Education fo r Men, 834 Seventh Avenue, Prospect Park M.S., University of Pennsylvania. . J anet S cantlebury, Assistant in Physical E ducation fo r W om en, 528 Roxborough Avenue, Philadelphia 28 Howard D. S ipler , Assistant in Physical Education fo r Men, 318 Dartmouth Avenue B.A., Swarthmore College. Sara M. S m ith , Assistant in Astronomy................................... 510 Ogden Avenue B.A., Wellesley College. P aul S tofko , Assistant in Physical Education fo r Men, 1008 Hempstead Road, Pennfield Downs, Havertown J ane Vache, Assistant in Physical Education fo r W om en, 11 Rutlege Avenue, Rutlege F lorence W ilcox , Director o f Arts an d Crafts..................... 510 Ogden Avenue B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. Helena Zelezna , Assistant in Arts and Crafts....4104 Locust Street, Philadelphia 17 D iv isio n s and D e p a r t m e n t s I. Division of the Humanities—R obert M. W alker , Chairman. Classics, L . R. S hero, Chairman. E n glish, P h ilip M- Hicks, Chairman. Fine Arts, R obert M. W alker , Chairman. German, L ydia B aer , Chairman. History, M ary Albertson , Chairman. Music, Alfred J. S wan, Chairman. Philosophy and Religion, R ichard B. B randt, Chairman. Psychology and Education, W illiam C. H. Prentice , Acting Chairman. Romance Languages, E dith P h ilips , Chairman. Ill Division of the Social Sciences-BRYCE W ood, Chairman. Economics, C lair W ilcox , Chairman. History, M ary Albertson , Chairman. Philosophy and Religion, Richard B. B randt, Chairman. Political Science, J. R oland Pennock, Chairman. Psychology and Education, W illiam C. H. Prentice , Acting Chairman. III. Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences— Arnold D resden , Chairman. Botany, L uzern G. L ivingston, Chairman. Chemistry, E dward H. C ox, Chairman. Electrical Engineering, Howard M. J enkins, Chairman. Mathematics and Astronomy, Arnold D resden , Chairman. Physics, W illiam C. E lmore , Chairman. Psychology, W illiam C. H. Prentice , Acting Chairman. Zoology, R obert K. E nders, Chairman. IV. Division of Engineering—S amuel T. C arpenter , Chairman. Civil E ngineering, S amuel T. C arpenter , Chairman. p^nh-ieal Engineering, Howard M. J enkins, Chairman. Mechanical Engineering, W illia m E . R easer , Chairman. Chemistry, E dward H. C ox, Chairman. Mathematics, Arnold D resden, Chairman. Physics, W illia m C. E lmore , Chairman. 18 Standing C ommittees of the F aculty 1949-50 Moore, Chairman. Bancroft, Carpenter, Cobbs, Field, Hunt, Philips. academic r eq u ir em en ts : ( m e n ) : Hunt, Chairman. Brinkmann, Cobbs, Foster, Malin, Moore, Prentice, Reaser, Thatcher. adm issions : ( w o m e n ) : Cobbs, Chairman. Becker, Beik, Colbron, Hunt, Keighton. adm issions : Klees, Chairman. Garrahan, March, Parry, Walker, F. Wilcox. arts and c r a ft s : Stetson, Chairman. Carpenter, Cox, Faulkner, Rath, Reaser, Scott, Thatcher, Ylvisaker, with Charles C. Miller. a t h let ic s : Becker, Chairman. Beik, Colbron, McCramm, Meinkoth. awards and p r iz e s : van de Kamp, Chairman. Asch, Bancroft, Becker, Cuttino, Shero, Swan. cooper foundation : Jenkins, Chairman. Asch, Beardsley, Dearing, Garrett, Lafore. f e l l o w sh ip s : Nason, Chairman. Albertson, Brandt, Carpenter, Cobbs, Dresden, L. Flemister, Hunt, Jenkins, Perkins, Walker, C. Wilcox, B. Wood. in stru ctio n : Whicher, Chairman. Baer, Carruth, Enders, Firth, Lafore, Pennock, Rhys, Shaw. l ib r a r y : van de Kamp, Chairman. Pennock, Prentice, Reaser, Whicher. m a ste r o f a r t s : Prentice, Chairman. Enders, Keighton, Livingston, Moore. pr e - m ed ica l program : Moore, Chairman. Brinkmann, Creedon, Garrahan, Hicks, Shero, Sorber, Stilz. schedule o f c la sses : Hunt, Chairman. Cobbs, Colbron, Dearing, R. Dunn, Moore, Prentice, Rath, Ylvisaker. student a f f a ir s : tra v el a llow a n ce : Reuning, Chairman. Foster, Tolies. SECRETARY TO THE FACULTY: Jenkins. 19 Administrative Officers and Assistants President’s Office President, J ohn W. Nason, B.A., Carleton College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A., Harvard University; L L.D ., University of Pennsylvania, Carleton Col­ lege; Litt.D., Muhlenberg College, Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia. Secretaries, J anet B oubne, E lsa P almer J enkins, B.A., Swarthmore College. V ice -Presidents O ffice V ice-President, J ames A. Perkins, B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Princeton University. Secretary, E lizabeth S. M icheals, B.A., Dickinson College. D eans’ Offices Deans: Susan P. C obbs , B.A., Randolph-Macon Woman’s College; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., University of Chicago. E verett L. Hunt , B.A., Huron College; M.A., University of Chicago; D.Litt., Huron College. A ssociate Deans: J ohn M. M oore, B.A., Park College; B.D., Union Theological Seminary; M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Columbia University. B arbara C olbron, B.A., Bryn Mawr College. H ead Residents in Dormitories: B arbara C olbron, Parrish Hall; B.A., Bryn Mawr College. H elen F. North , Woolman House; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University. Sara M. L it tle , Worth Dormitory; B.A., Smith College. J anet M. B aldwin , Palmer Hall; B.A., Swarthmore College. Helen C. B owie , Pittenger Hall; B.A., University of Colorado. Secretaries to th e D eans: M yrtle R. Keen y , B.A., Dickinson College. Mary W . R icksecker . F rances W ills S laugh, B.A., Swarthmore College. J ean M cC. S torck. R egistrar’s Office Registrar, J ohn M. M oore, B.A., Park College; B.D., Union Theological Seminary; M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Columbia University. Secretary, M ildred T. W alichuck, B.A., Bucknell University. 20 L ibrary Staff College Library Librarian, C harles B. Shaw, B.A., M.A., and L.H.D., Clark University. R eferen ce Librarian, C atharine J. P ierce , B.A., Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina; M.S., Columbia University. R eferen ce Assist­ ant, M argaret Austin , B.A., Bethany College; B.L.S., Western Reserve University. C hief, Technical Departments, M artha A. C onnor, B.S. in Education, Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute; M.A., University of Pennsylvania. First Assistant, M argaret W. Zerby , B.A. and M.A., Bucknell University; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute. Catalogers, E lizabeth L. Hahrar, B.A., University of Delaware; M.A., University of Pennsyl­ vania; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute; E lizabeth S. S harpless , B.A., Swarthmore College. C hief, Circulation Departm ent, Howard H. W illiam s , A.B., Lake Forest College; M.A. and B.S. in L.S., Columbia University. Assistants, D oris B eik , A.B. and B.S. in L.S., New York State College for Teachers; Virginia D. Marsh. Periodicals Librarian, Mary G. T ait , B.A., Wells College; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute. O rder Assistant, C atherine J. S m ith , A.B., Swarthmore College; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute. Clerical Assistant, D iane S anders. Friends Historical Library Librarian, F rederick B. T olles , B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Harvard University. Assistant Librarians, D orothy G. Harris, B.A., Wellesley College; B.S. in L.S., Drexel Institute. L yman L. R iley , A.B., Oberlin College; M.A., University of Oklahoma. Curator o f the Swarthmore C ollege P eace Collection, E llen S tarr B rinton . Assistant Curator, W illiam F isher B rinton, B.S., Haverford College. B usiness M anagers Office Business Manager, Charles G. T hatcher, B.A., Swarthmore College, M.E Cornell University; M.M.E., Johns Hopldns University. Assistant Business Manager, S amuel G. E ckerd, B.A., Swarthmore College. B ookkeeper, E lizabeth R. Hirst . Assistants, Grace R. B abbitt , E dna B. C orson, Gertrude Gerould, S ylvia J. Scott . Accountant, G. C aroline S hero, B.A., Swarthmore College; M.B.A., University of Pennsylvania. Purchasing Agent, Alvin R. C arney. Secretary, E lizabeth L. J acobs, B.A., Swarthmore College. M anager o f Bookstore, J ean M. S orber . Assistant in Bookstore, Mary B. B lack. Stenographic Staff, Lois E. High, M abel R. Knight, M arian R ansberg. Postmistress, Nancy L ew is . Sw itchboard Operators, Ayme G osman, K athryn G oldsmith . 21 House D irector s Office House Director, E thel S tilz , Ph.B., University of Chicago; M.A., Columbia University. Assistant, Saha M. L it tle , B.A., Smith College. Secretary, Kathryn A. D avisson. Superintendent s O ffice Superintendent and H ead Gardener, Harry W ood. Director o f Arthur H oyt Scott Horticultural Foundation, J ohn C. W ister , B.A., Harvard University., D.Sc., Swarthmore College. Consulting Engineer, Andrew S impson , B.A., Swarthmore College; M.S., Cornell University. Assistant to th e Superintendent, C lifford R enshaw, Sr . Secretaries, V eronica Sullivan , L eicester C. C lark , F rancis K avanagh. D ietitian ’s Office Dietitian, R uth E. C arr, B.S., Simmons College. Assistant Dietitian, Hilda H opkins S m ith , B.S., Simmons College. Alumni Office Acting Alumni Secretary, Kenneth Allebach , B.A., Swarthmore College. Assistant, Kathryn B assett . Alumni R ecorder, P auline D eacon. Acting V ocational D irector o f Men, Kenneth Allebach , B.A., Swarthmore College. C ampaign Office Director, H arriet M. W elsh . Secretary, B arbara Held . Publicity Office Director, J anet M. B aldwin , B.A., Swarthmore College. Assistant, J ohn I. B rooks, B.A., Swarthmore College. Health Service Physician, M orris A. B owie , B.A., University of Colorado; M.D., Harvard Uni­ versity. Consulting Psychiatrists: L eon Saul , B.A. and M.A., Columbia University; M.D., Harvard University. J. W . L yons, B.A., University of Scranton; M.D., University of Pennsylvania. Nurses: Anne Austin , R.N., B lanche D evereux , R.N., R egina L. Holtzman , R.N., C am ille J ones, R.N. Honorary Curators of the B iddle Memorial L ibrary C harles F . J enkins, Chairm an................. 232 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia 6 F rank Aydelotte ................ ..................................... 88 Battle Road, Princeton, N. J, C lem ent M. B iddle ................. P.O. Box 743, Church Street Station, New York 8 L a V erne F orbush ............................. ......... 8 Wyndhurst Avenue, Baltimore, Md. J ames R. F roher.................................. ..............Weldin Road, Wilmington 284, Del. H annah C lothier Hull ...-...................................... 504 Walnut Lane, Swarthmore J esse M er ritt ......................................................................................... Farmingdale, L. I. Louis N. R obinson..—........................................... 411 College Avenue, Swarthmore J ane P. R ushmore .........................................................................................Riverton, N. J. 22 I N T R O D U C T I O N TO SWARTHMORE COLLEGE The College Community Swarthmore College, founded in 1864 by members of the Religious Society of Friends, is a small co-educational college situated twelve miles southwest of Philadelphia. In accordance with the traditions of its Quaker background, Swarthmore students are expected to prepare themselves for full, well-rounded lives as individuals and as respon­ sible citizens through exacting intellectual study supplemented by a varied program of sports and extra-curricular activities. Swarthmore is a residential college with an enrollment, in normal years, of eight hundred and fifty students, equally divided between men and women. Its students are drawn from a wide variety of back­ grounds.* The campus, a tract of about 250 rolling acres in Delaware County, contains the dormitories and class room buildings. In addi­ tion, a large number of faculty houses are within campus boundaries, making it possible for students to have valuable social contacts with their professors outside the class room. The borough of Swarthmore is a small residential suburb within half an hour’s commuting distance of Philadelphia on the W est Chester Branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Situated on U. S. Highway No. 1 about twelve miles southwest of Philadelphia, Swarthmore is easily accessible by car.** Swarthmore students are therefore able to com­ bine the advantages of a semi-rural setting with the opportunities offered by Philadelphia. Especially valuable is the cooperation pos­ sible with three other nearby institutions, Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges and the University of Pennsylvania. • ( S ee table of geographical distribution of students, page 163.) * * To reach the college, motorists should t o n off U.S. Route 1 to Pennsylvania State Highway 320 in the direction of Chester and continue south along Chester Road about half a mile until reaching College Avenue. There a right turn is made to the college campus. 24 T he Purposes and P olicies of SwARTHMORE COLLEGE The purpose of Swarthmore College is to make its students more valuable human beings and more useful members of society. Swarthmore shares this purpose with every other educational insti­ tution. Each in its own way seeks the development of human beings as individuals. Each seeks to direct their energies and talents toward the common good. American education is a direct result of our demo­ cratic principles. Democracy is based upon the infinite worth of each individual. It can operate successfully only when men are willing to seek together a common good. It depends upon knowledge and under­ standing of the complex problems of modem society. The debt of our educational system to democracy is equalled only by the debt of democracy to education. While a common purpose underlies all American education, each school and college and university seeks to realize that purpose in its own way. Each must select those tasks it can do best. Only in this way can it be most effective. Only by such selection can it contribute to the diversity and richness of educational opportunity which is a part of the American heritage and of the American strength. This statement attempts to outline those goals and policies which define Swarthmore’s place and function. T he religious tradition Swarthmore College was founded by the Religious Society of Friends, and it seeks to illuminate the life of its students with the spiritual principles of that Society. Although it has been non-sectarian in control since the beginning of the present century and although the children of Friends are in a minority, the College seeks to pre­ serve the religious tradition out of which it sprang. The essence of Quakerism is the individual’s responsibility for seek­ ing truth and for applying whatever truth he believes he has found. As a way of life, it emphasizes hard work, simple living, and generous giving; personal integrity, social justice, and the peaceful settlement of disputes. The College does not seek to impose on its students this Quaker view of life, or any other specific set of convictions about the nature of things and the duty of man. It does, however, have the two­ fold aim of encouraging conscious concern about such questions and 25 unceasing re-examination of any view which may be held regarding them. That is the kind of ethical and religious character which Swarthmore seeks to develop. T he community life Swarthmore is a small college by deliberate policy. It is semi-rural in location, residential and co-educational in character. These features create an ideal environment for personal growth. Co-education pro­ vides the most natural atmosphere for both men and women, who in their common work and play come to value each other for their true worth. The residential character is the basis for a community life in which the ideals of the college influence every member. Growth in emotional maturity, necessary both for personal satisfaction and for effective action, is an integral part of the total educational program. F or this reason the College encourages a wide variety of extra­ curricular- activities. Participation in sports has many values, social as well as individual. Membership in student organizations is impor­ tant. In practising parliamentary procedure and in facing the victories and defeats of elective office, students learn to live together, ironing out the clash of personalities and the friction of different views. They learn the effectiveness of enthusiasm and the frustration of indiffer­ ence. They learn to soften their uncritical intolerance as they struggle to live successfully together. They learn the meaning of responsibility as they become responsible for their activities. Academic excellence Democracy demands a broad base of intelligent understanding of issues. It also necessitates a high order of excellence in those who are destined to become its leaders. Swarthmore can best serve society by the maintenance of high standards. It is peculiarly fitted by tradition and performance for this essential role, and it is precisely this readiness to do a particular job well that gives the College its value in the educational mosaic of American democracy. Education is largely an individual matter, for no two students are exactly alike. Some need detailed help, while others profit from con­ siderable freedom. The program of honors study, in which Swarth­ more pioneered, is designed to give recognition to this fact. It is the most distinctive feature of our educational program. For many stu- 26 dents it provides an enriching and exciting intellectual experience. It has as its main ingredients freedom from class work, maximum latitude for the development of individual responsibility, concen­ trated work in broad fields of study, and close association with faculty members in small seminars. The honors program and the course program are parallel systems of instruction for students during their last two years. Both are designed to evoke the maximum effort and development from each student, the choice of method being deter­ mined by individual need. Admissions In the selection of students the College seeks those qualities of character, social responsibility, and intellectual capacity which it is primarily concerned to develop. It seeks them not in isolation, but as essential elements in the whole personality of candidates for admission. In the competition for admission preference is given to the children of Friends and alumni who can meet the requirements. It is also the policy of the College to have the student body represent not only different parts of the United States but many foreign countries, both public and private secondary schools, and various economic, social, religious, and racial groups. Selection is important and difficult. No simple formula will be effective. The task is to select those who give real promise of dis­ tinction in the quality of their personal lives, in service to the com­ munity, or in leadership in their chosen fields. Swarthmore College must choose its students on the basis of their individual future worth to society and of their collective realization of the purpose of the College. A collège is never static. Its purposes and policies are always chang­ ing to meet new demands and new conditions. The founders of Swarthmore would find in it today many features they never con­ templated when they shaped the College in the middle of the nine­ teenth century. Swarthmore, if it is to remain alive, must be forever changing. And many people are continually engaged in shap in g its destiny—the Board of Managers, administration, faculty, students, alumni, parents, and the community as a whole. The goal is to achieve for each generation, by means appropriate to the times, that unique contribution and that standard of excellence which have been guiding ideals of Swarthmore from its founding. 27 T he E ducational Program Swarthmore’s educational program is based on the philosophy that self-discovery and self-development are more valuable than the simple demonstrative method of teaching. Therefore, whenever it is possible, students are encouraged to make their own analyses, based on original source material or on laboratory experiments. Believing also that a liberal education is based on knowledge in many areas of human experience, the college requires that freshmen and sophomores take a wide variety of courses. This plan allows them to test their ability in subjects they have already studied and to explore new fields. By the end of their sophomore year, students are expected to make two decisions: first, what their field of concentration will be for the last two years; and secondly, whether they prefer to take “honors work” or to continue their study in regular courses. “Honors work” (see pages 56 to 5 9 ) is a method of study open to juniors and seniors who have shown independence and responsibility in their acadeimc work. They are freed from classroom routine and instead, meet with their instructors in small weekly seminar groups for discussion and evaluation of their work. Since a student pursues only one major and one related minor subject during a semester, this system facilitates greater concentration and greater independence than is possible under the usual academic routine. The development of the “honors” or seminar method was begun under President Aydelotte in 1922, and because of its success, has been widely imitated in other institutions. Admissions Procedure Applications for admission should be addressed to the Deans of the College: from men, to Dean Everett L. Hunt; from women, to Dean Susan P. Cobbs. General Statement Admission to the Freshman Class is normally based upon the satis­ factory completion of a four-year program preparatory to advanced liberal study, Applicants are selected on the following evidence: 1. Record in secondary school; 2. Recommendation of the school principal or headmaster and of others who know the applicant; 28 3. Ratings in the Scholastic Aptitude Tests, and in three of the Scholastic Achievement Tests given by the College Entrance Examination Board. In some cases, special tests may be given by the college. The special tests for veterans are described on page 31. 4. Personal interview with one of the Deans or an appointed representative; 5. Reading and experience, both in school and out. Applicants should have high rank in school and in aptitude and achievement tests, and should show strong intellectual interests. They should also give evidence of sturdiness of character, promise of growth, initiative, seriousness of purpose, and a sense of social responsibility. As future members of the college community, they should represent varied interests, types, and backgrounds. Preparation Applicants are urged to make their choice of college as early as possible in order to plan the work of their school years with the assistance of the Committees on Admission. In general, preparation should include: 1. Skills: The following skills are essential to success in college work and should be brought to a high level by study and prac­ tice throughout the preparatory period: a. The use of the English language with accuracy and effective­ ness in reading, writing, and speaking. b. The use of the principles of arithmetic, algebra, and plane geometry. c. The use of one, or preferably of two, foreign languages to the point of reading prose of average difficulty at sight, and of writing and speaking with some ease and proficiency. 2. Subjects: All, or almost all, of the preparatory course should be composed of the subjects listed in the following four groups. Variations of choice and emphasis are acceptable although some work should be taken in each group. History and Social Studies: American, English, European, and ancient history; political, social, and economic problems of modem society. 29 Literature and Art: American, English, and foreign literatures, ancient and modem; music, art, architecture. 'Natural Science and Mathematics: chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy; algebra, geometry, trigonometry. A college major in science or engineering presuppose? substantial work in algebra, in plane and, if possible, solid geometry, and in trigonometry. Languages: English, Latin, Greek, German, French, Spanish, other European or Oriental languages. Applicants who expect to major in science are strongly advised to include German and, if possible, French in their school programs. Advanced Standing For favorable consideration, applicants for advanced standing must have had a good scholastic record in the institution from which they wish to transfer, and must present full credentials for both college and preparatory work and a letter of honorable dismissal. They must also take the Scholastic Aptitude Test required of a freshman entrant, unless they have already taken these tests for admission ,to another college. As a general rule, students are not admitted to advanced standing later than the beginning of the sophomore year. Four terms of study at Swarthmore College constitute the minimum requirement for a degree, two of which must be those of the senior year. Applications and E xaminations Applications must be filed in the office of the Deans by February 15 of the year in which the candidate wishes to be admitted. An applica­ tion fee of $5.00, which is not refundable, is required of all candidates. All applicants for admission are required to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test and three Achievement Tests given by the College Entrance Examination Board. The Achievement Test in English Composition is required of all candidates; the other two Achievement Tests are chosen by the candi­ date from two different fields. Candidates for engineering must take the test in Advanced Mathematics. 30 In 1949-50 these tests will be given in various centers throughout this country and abroad on December 10, January 14, March 11, May 20, and August 9. Applicants are normally expected to take the required tests in March of their Senior year. They may take the Scholastic Aptitude Test in December or January if they wish. Those who wish to take the tests for practice at the end of the Junior year are encouraged to do so. All such applicants must repeat the tests in their Senior year, however, in order to give themselves the advantage of maximum preparation. Application to take the tests should be made directly to the College Entrance Examination Board, Box 592, Princeton, New Jersey. A bulletin of information may be obtained without charge from the Board. Students who wish to take the tests in any of the following western states, territories, and Pacific areas, Arizona, California, Colo­ rado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wash­ ington, Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, and all Pacific Islands except Formosa and Japan, should address their inquiries and send their applications to the College Entrance Examination Board, Box 775, Berkeley 4, California. Application should be made to the Board at least a month before the date on which the test will be taken. No additional tests are required of candidates for scholarships. They must, however, write for a special application blank at least two weeks in advance of the date on which applications for admission are due. There are five Open Scholarships for men and three for women, offered each year in amounts ranging from $100 to $1000. Fuller infor­ mation concerning these and other scholarships will be found on pages 33 to 40. Notices of the action of the Admissions Committee will be mailed about May 1. Veterans. Admission requirements for veterans are, in general, the same as those for other candidates. Veterans who have returned to high school for academic work should take the regular Scholastic Aptitude and Achievement Tests of the College Entrance Examination Board, as described above. Other veterans may take the Special Aptitude Test for Veterans, also administered by the Board. Con­ sideration will be given to the results of the General Educational Development Tests, administered by USAFI, or the tests given by the Veterans Administration, but these tests may not ordinarily be sub­ stituted for those of the College Entrance Examination Board. 31 Expenses Charges per academic year of two semesters: Board, room, and tuition .................................................... $1200* General fee ................................................................................. 100 Total charges ............................................................................... $1300 While a general charge for board, room and tuition is made, this may be divided into $600 for tuition and $600 for board and room. The general fee of $100 per year covers the costs of student health, library and laboratory fees, athletic fees, arts and crafts, and the support of several other extra curricular activities. An additional deposit of $25 per semester is required of each stu­ dent, payable in advance, to cover incidental bills. Students may charge purchases at the college bookstore, and certain other charges agreed to by the Business Office. When this deposit has been ex­ hausted a new one will be required immediately. Any unused balance is returned. One half of the' total sum is due not later than Registration Day at the beginning of the fall semester. Bills are mailed before the opening of the current term. Payments should be made by check or draft to the order of Swabthmore C ollege. In case a student’s bill is not paid by the end of the first month, he may be excluded from all college exercises. Correspondence about financial matters should be addressed to the Business Manager, Mr. Charles G. Thatcher. No reduction or refunding of the tuition charge can be made on account of absence, illness or dismissal during the year. If a student shall withdraw or be absent from college for any reason, there will be no reduction or refund because of failure to occupy the room assigned for that term. In case of absence or withdrawal from the college, due notice having been given to the Business Manager, there will be a refund for board for any time in excess of six weeks. Fees cannot be refunded for any reason whatever. * An advance deposit of $25 is required of all new students in order to reserve a place in college for the coming year. A similar deposit of $15 is required of returning students. These deposits are credited against the bill for tuition, board, and room. They are returnable if the registration is cancelled before August 1st. 32 Worth Hall (a Dormitory for Women). The Chinese Memorial Fountain and Part of Wharton Hall (a Dormitory for M en) T he T uition Plan Many of the parents of students may wish to pay all tuition, fees, and residence charges on a monthly basis. It is now possible to arrange this under The Tuition Plan. The cost is four percent greater than when payments are made in cash in advance. Details of its operation will be furnished by the College with the first semesters bill in Sep­ tember. Student Aid and Scholarships The college furnishes scholarships and financial assistance to deserv­ ing students from its general funds and from special endowments. During the current academic year the college has budgeted more than $80,000 for scholarships. About one-quarter of that sum is pro­ vided by the endowed scholarships listed below. All applications for scholarships are handled by the Committee on Admissions and Scholarships and should be addressed to the Deans. Honorary Scholarships are granted by the college in recognition of good scholastic standing and financial need. The specially named scholarship funds are listed below. Grants-in -aid, to a limited number, may be awarded to students of average scholastic standing and financial need who could not earn all they need without serious detriment to their academic work. C ollege J obs afford opportunities to earn money by regular work at current wage rates in one of the college offices, shops, laboratories or libraries. A student may hold a college job in addition to a scholarship or a grant-in-aid. The distribution of jobs among those authorized to hold them is made under the direction of the Business Manager. Residents of the borough of Swarthmore often send requests for services to the college, which cooperates in making these- oppor­ tunities known to students. Scholarships for Men The George F . B aker Scholarships. The George F . Baker Scholar­ ships, to be awarded for the first time in 1950, have been given to the college as part of a national scholarship program. They are the gift of the George F . Baker Foundation and will be awarded to four fresh­ men men each year for three years. The actual amount of the 33 scholarships, in part determined by financial need, will be a maximum of $1,200 for each year of the student’s college career. Students will be chosen for these awards primarily on the basis of achievement and promise of leadership in business, government and the professions. Open Scholakships for M en. Swarthmore College awards annually five four-year scholarships to men entering the freshman class. These scholarships, based on the general plan of the Rhodes Scholarships, are given to candidates who, in the opinion of the Committee of Award, rank highest in scholarship, character and personality. The amount of the annual award varies from $100 to $1000 according to the financial need of the winner. The Scott B. L illy Scholarship, endowed by Jacob T. Schless of the Class of 1914 at Swarthmore College, will be offered for the first time to a student entering Swarthmore College in the fall of 1950. This scholarship is in honor of a former distinguished Professor of Engineering and, therefore, students who plan to major in engineering will be given preference. The stipend will be a maximum of $900 a year for four years; the exact amount of the award will be determined by the financial needs of the winning applicant. The D onald R enwick F erguson Scholarship, established by Mrs. Amy Baker Ferguson, in memory of her husband, Donald Renwick Ferguson, M.D., of the Class of 1912, who died during the Second World W ar, is awarded to a young man who is looking forward to the study of medicine. The scholarship will pay $600. The Aaron B. I vins Scholarship is awarded annually to a young man of the graduating class of Friends Central School, Overbrook, Philadelphia. It is awarded under the following conditions: The recip­ ient must have been a student at Friends Central for at least two years, he must have good health, high grades, and must be the best allaround student in his class desirous of entering Swarthmore College. This scholarship, awarded by the faculty of Friends Central School, and subject to the approval of Swarthmore College, has the value of approximately $600. The T. H. D udley Perkins M emorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a young man selected by a committee of the faculty ap­ 34 pointed by the President of the college for the purpose. The award having a value of $500 will be made on the basis of qualities of man­ hood, force of character and leadership; literary and scholastic ability; physical vigor as shown by participation in out-of-doors sports or in other ways. The W illiam G. and Mary N. Serrill Honors Scholarship is a competitive Honors Scholarship for Men, awarded to a candidate for admission to the college, based upon the general plan of the Rhodes Scholarships. It is tenable for four years, subject to the maintenance of a high standing in college. The annual stipend is $375. Preference will be given to men who are residents of Abington Township, includ­ ing Jenkintown and Glenside, Montgomery County, Pa., but if there is no outstanding candidate from this locality, the scholarship will be open to competition generally. The Sarah K aighn C ooper Scholarship, founded by Sallie K. Johnson in memory of her grandparents, Sarah Kaighn and Sarah Coo’per, is awarded to a man in the Junior Class who is judged by the faculty to have had, since entering College, the best record for scholar­ ship, character, and influence. The value of this scholarship is approx­ imately $225 annually. Scholarships for W omen Open S cholarships for W omen . Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. White, of the Class of 1875, on the occasion of the Fiftieth Reunion of that class, established three open competitive scholarships for women, in the names of Howard White, Jr., Serena R. White, and W alter W . Green. These scholarships are given to candidates who, in the opinion of the Committee of Award, rank highest in scholarship, character and personality. The amount of the award varying from $100 to $1000 is determined in the same way as the scholarships for men. The Alumnae Scholarship, established by the Philadelphia and New York Alumnae Clubs, is awarded on the same basis as the Open Scholarships. It is awarded for one year and is valued at $500. The Annie Shoemaker Scholarship is granted annually to a young woman of the graduating class of Friends Central School, Overbrook, Philadelphia. The recipient must have been a student at Friends Central for at least two years, she must have good health, high grades, and must be the best all-around student in her class desirous of enter­ 35 ing Swarthmore College. This scholarship, awarded by the faculty of Friends Central School, and subject to the approval of Swarthmore College, has the value of $500. The George K. and S allie K. J ohnson F und provides $450 a year, to be used, at the discretion of the President of the College, in grant­ ing finarmial aid to young women during their senior year, it being the donor’s desire that the President must be satisfied that the appli­ cant is fitted to become a desirable teacher. The M ary C oates Preston S cholarship F und. A sum of money has been left by will of Elizabeth Coates, the annual interest of which will be about $450. This amount is given as a scholarship to a young woman student in Swarthmore College, preferably to a relative of the donor. The Harriet W. Paiste F und is limited by the following words from the donor’s will: “the interests to be applied annually to the edu­ cation of female members of our Society of Friends (holding their Yearly Meeting at Fifteenth and Race Streets, Philadelphia) whose limited means would exclude them from enjoying the advantages of an education at the college.” The value of this scholarship is approxi­ mately $350 annually. The M ary T. L ongstreth S cholarship was founded by C. Longstreth in memory of her mother and is to be awarded “at the discretion of the President of the College to assist woman student to pursue her studies in the College. The this scholarship is approximately $225 annually. Rebecca annually a young value of The J essie Stevenson K ovalenko Scholarship F und, the gift of Michel Kovalenko in memory of his wife, provides an annual income of $225. This sum is to be awarded to a student, preferably a woman, who is in her junior or senior year and who is a major in astronomy, or to a graduate of the college, preferably a woman, for graduate work in astronomy at Swarthmore or elsewhere. The income of the K appa Alpha T heta Scholarship F und, given by members and friends of the Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity at Swarthmore, is awarded annually to a woman student. The award amounts to approximately $125 annually. One or more members of the fraternity who are on the Board of Managers serve on the Committee of Award. 36 The Mary W ood F und is limited by the following words from the donor’s will: “the income thereof to be, by the proper officers thereof, applied to the maintenance and education at said college of one female student therein, one preparing for the avocation of a teacher to be preferred as the beneficiary, but in all other respects the applica­ tion of the income of said fund to be in the absolute discretion of the college.” The value of this scholarship is approximately $65 annually. Scholarships Open to Men and W omen The E dward C larkson W ilson Scholarship. A scholarship with an annual value of $625 has been established at Swarthmore by friends of Edward Clarkson Wilson, ’91, formerly Principal of the Baltimore Friends School. It will be awarded each year to a former student of the Baltimore Friends School, who has been approved by the faculty of the school, on the basis of high character and high standing in scholar­ ship. In any year when there is no outstanding candidate from the students of the Baltimore Friends School, the scholarship may be awarded to another young man or woman who shall meet the required standards and who is approved by the school faculty and the college. The Class of 1915 Scholarship F und was established on the occasion of the Twenty-fifth Reunion of the Class and provides an income of approximately $550. This sum is to be awarded either to freshmen or students in college, with preference given to descendants of the members of the Class of 1915. The Business Manager, the Deans, and members of the Class of 1915 designated by Thomas B. McCabe shall constitute the Committee of Award. This Fund will become a part of the General Endowment of the College on Alumni Day, 1970. The D aniel Underhill S cholarship, given by Daniel Underhill ’94, in memory of his grandfather, Daniel Underhill, member of the first Board of Managers, provides $500 annually for a deserving student in need of financial aid. The R achel W . H illborn S cholarship was founded by Anne Hillbom Philips of the Class of 1892 in memory of her mother, with the stipulation that the income shall go to a student in the junior or senior class who is studying for service in the international field. Preference will be given to a Friend or to one who intends to con­ tribute to world understanding through diplomatic service, participa- 37 tion in some international government agency, the American Friends Service Committee, or similar activities. The annual income amounts to approximately $450. The J onathan K. T aylor Scholarship, in accordance with the donor’s will, is awarded by the Board of Trustees of the Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends. This scholarship is first open to descend­ ants of the late Jonathan K. Taylor. Then, while preference is to be given to members of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends, it is not to be confined to them when suitable persons in membership can­ not be found. The value of this scholarship is approximately $450 annually. Memorial S cholarships in C lassics and Ancient History. In memory of William Hyde Appleton, Ferris W . Price, W alter Dennison, and Ethel Brewster, Professors of Classics at Swarthmore College, two scholarships are offered, one to a man, one to a woman who desires to specialize in Greek, Latin, Classics, or Ancient History. Each award normally carries a stipend of $400 a year. The scholarships are competitive. In addition to the requirements for the Open Scholarships, the candidate must make a high rating in a competitive Latin Reading test set by the Department of Classics. The Phebe Anna T horne F und provides an income of approxi­ mately $2250 for scholarship for students needing pecuniary assist­ ance whose previous work has demonstrated their earnestness and their ability. This gift includes a clause of preference to those stu­ dents who are members of the New York Monthly Meeting of Friends. These scholarships are awarded by the college under the regulations fixed by the board. The W estbury Quarterly Meeting, N. Y., S cholarship, amount­ ing to $350, is awarded annually by a committee of that Quarterly Meeting. The J ames E. Miller Scholarship. Under the will of Arabella M. Miller, who died Sixth Month 24th, 1922, the sum of $5,986 was awarded to the Cambridge Trust Company, Trustee under the will of James E . Miller, to be applied to scholarships in Swarthmore College. An annual income of approximately $200 is available and may be applied toward the payment of board and tuition of students of Delaware County (preference to be given to residents of Nether . 38 Providence Township) to be selected by Swarthmore College and approved by the Trustee. The Chi O mega Scholarship was established by members and friends of the Chi Omega Fraternity. The income provides an award of approximately $225 annually to a member of the freshman class who is in definite need of financial aid. Preference is given to daughters or sons of members of the fraternity, but if in any year such a candidate does not apply, the committee will select a freshman woman to receive the award. Applications should be sent to the Office of the Deans before January 1st of the year in which the award is to be made. A member designated by the Fraternity serves on the Committee of Award. The Presser Music Scholarships, given by the Presser Foundation of Philadelphia, makes available five scholarships annually, amounting to $250 each, for those students whose special interests are in the field of music. Each of the following funds yields annually about $225 and is awarded at the discretion of the college to students needing pecuniary aid: The B arclay G. Atkinson Scholarship F und. The R ebecca M. Atkinson Scholarship F und. The W illiam D orsey S cholarship F und. The George E llsler Scholarship F und. The J oseph E. Gillingham F und. The T homas L. L eedom Scholarship F und. The Sarah E. L ippincott Scholarship F und. The M ark E. Reeves Scholarship F und. The Helen Squier S cholarship F und. The Mary S proul S cholarship F une. The J oseph T. Sullivan Scholarship F und. T he D eborah F. W harton Scholarship F und. The T homas W oodnutt Scholarship F und. The Samuel W illets F und yields an income of approximately $4,300 annually, “to be applied to educate in part or in whole such poor and deserving children as the Committee on Trusts, Endow­ ments and Scholarships of said college may from time to time judge and determine to be entitled thereto.” 39 In addition to the above fund, Samuel Willets gave scholarships in the name of his children, F rederick W illets , E dward W illets , W alter W illets , and C aroline W . F rame . These scholarships have the value of $225 each. They are awarded by the respective parties, their heirs or assigns, or in the event that the heirs do not exercise their right, by the college authorities. The f j V. W illiamson Scholarships. Ten scholarships of the value of $150 each are offered to graduates of designated Friends schools. The scholarships are distributed as follows: two each to graduates of Friends Central and George School, one in the boys’ and one in the girls’ department; and one each to New York Friends Seminary, Balti­ more Friends School, Wilmington Friends School, Moorestown Friends School, Friends Academy at Locust Valley, Sidwell Friends School and Brooklyn Friends School. Any income not utilized in accordance with these conditions is used for free scholarships in accordance with the will of the donor. F riends C ollege Scholarships. Swarthmore College, with a group of other Friends Colleges, has established two kinds of scholarships: ( 1 ) to assist Friends discharged from C.P.S. camps to continue their education; ( 2 ) to enable students from the smaller Friends Colleges to spend a year at one of the three cooperating colleges in the Phila­ delphia area: Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore. These scholar­ ships will be granted in varying amounts according to need and ability. Special L oan F unds Several loan funds are administered by a committee to which appli­ cation should be made through the Business Manager of the college. T he Class of 1913 L oan F und was established by the Class of 1913 at their twenty-fifth reunion. Both principal and income are to be used to provide a loan fund for students in the three upper classes. Individual students may borrow up to $200 in any one year, the loans to be repayable within five years with interest at four percent. T he C lass of 1916 L oan F und was established by the Class of 1916 at their twenty-fifth reunion. The fund is designed to provide loans to senior students, preferably descendants of members of the Class of 1916, or to other students at the discretion of the administer- 40 mg committee. The loans are repayable not later that five years after graduation, with interest at the rate of four percent. The J ohn A. Miller L oan F und was established by the Class of 1912 at their twenty-fifth reunion. Both principal and income are to be used to provide a loan fund for students in die three upper classes. Individual students may borrow up to $200 in any one year, such loans to be repayable within five years with interest at four percent. The Paul M. Pearson L oan F und was established by a number of Dr. Pearson’s friends as a memorial for perpetuating his life and spirit. Both principal and income may be used for loans to students, repay­ able not later than five years after graduation, with interest at the rate of four percent The Swarthmore College S tudent L oan F und was established by Mr. Clarence J. Gamble, who, feeling such a fund to be of unusual benefit to worthy students, gave a sum to the college on condition that the Board should set aside an equal amount to be added to the fund. Both principal and income may be used for loans to students, repay*able not later than five years after graduation with interest at the rate of four percent. The E llis D. W illiams F und. By the will of Ellis D. Williams, a legacy of $25,000 was left to the college, the income from which is to be used for loans to students, repayable not later than five years after graduation, with interest at the rate of four percent. Educational Resources The primary educational resources of any college are the quality of its faculty and the spirit of the institution. Second to these are the physical facilities, in particular the libraries, laboratories and equip­ ment. Laboratories, well equipped for undergraduate instruction and in some cases for research, exist in physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, psychology, astronomy, and in civil, mechanical and electrical engi­ neering. The Sproul Observatory, with its 36-foot visual refracting telescope, is the center of much fundamental research in multiple star systems. The Edward Martin Biological Laboratory provides excep­ tional facilities for work in psychology, zoology, botany and pre­ 41 medical studies. Recent additions to Beardsley Hall increase the facilities for laboratory instruction and research in engineering. The Swarthmoke C ollege L ibrary, in part of the gift of Andrew Carnegie, contains reading rooms, offices and a collection of 154,576 volumes. Some 3500 volumes are added annually. About 600 periodi­ cals are received regularly. The general collection, including all but the scientific and technical books and journals, is housed in the library building, situated on the front campus. An addition providing store­ room for 150,000 volumes was erected in 1935. Important special units of the main library are the Appleton collection of classics and English literature and the Potter collection of legal material. The library is definitely a collection of books and journals for undergraduate use. The demands of honors work, however, make necessary the provision of large quantities of source material not usually found in collections maintained for undergraduates. It is a point of library policy to try to supply, either by purchase or through inter-library loan, the books needed by students or members of the faculty for their individual research. A number of special features enrich the academic background of the college. Among these are the following: The B iddle M emorial L ibrary is an attractive fire-proof structure of stone and steel given by Clement M. Biddle, ’96, in memory of his father, Clement M. Biddle, who served for over twenty years as a member of the Board of Managers or as an officer of the Corporation of the College. This Library contains two important Collections: the Friends Historical Library and the Swarthmore College Peace Collec­ tion. The F riends H istorical L ibrary, founded in 1870 by Anson Lapham, is one of the outstanding collections in the United States of manuscripts, books, pamphlets, and pictures relating to the history of the Society of Friends. The library is the central depository for the records of Friends’ meetings belonging to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (R ace Street). More than 1,000 record books have been deposited; many of them have been reproduced on microfilm, for which a read­ ing machine is available. The William W ade Hinshaw Index to Quaker Meeting Records indexes the material of genealogical interest in the records of 200 meetings in various parts of the United States. Notable among the other holdings are the Charles F . Jenkins Whittier 42 Collection (first editions and manuscripts of John Greenleaf W hittier), the Mott Manuscripts (over 400 autograph letters of Lucretia Mott, antislavery and women’s rights leader), and the Hicks Manuscripts (more than 300 letters of Elias Hicks, a famous Quaker minister). The Library’s collection of books and pamphlets by and about Friends numbers approximately 20,000 volumes. Ninety Quaker periodicals are currently received. There is also an extensive collection of photographs of meeting houses and pictures of representative Friends. It is hoped that Friends and others will consider the advantages of giving to this Library any books and family papers which may throw light on the history of the Society of Friends. The S wabthmore C ollege Peace C ollection, also housed in the Biddle Memorial Library, is of special interest to research students and others seeking the records of the Peace Movement. Beginning with Jane Addams’ personal papers and books relating to peace, the collec­ tion contains a rich variety of the documents of early peace groups as far back as the first peace committees in England and the United States about 1815, as well as rare peace posters from many lands, and correspondence and writings of peace and arbitration leaders. Individual writings on peace date back to about 1642. The collec­ tion includes some 500 titles of magazines and bulletins devoted to peace, published in the United States and abroad during the past 120 years. There are about 140 titles of bulletins and magazines cur­ rently received in eleven languages from 23 countries. This collection is the official depository for the leading peace organizations in the United States. A more complete description of the collection will be found in the Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, A Memorial to Jane Addams, published by the College and available on request. The W illiam J. C ooper F oundation provides a varied program of lectures and concerts which enriches the academic work of the college. The Foundation was established by William J. Cooper, a devoted friend of the college, whose wife, Emma Mcllvain Cooper, served as a member of the Board of Managers from 1882 to 1923. Mr. Cooper bequeathed to the college the sum of $100,000 and provided that the income should be used in bringing to the college from time to time eminent citizens of this and other countries who are leaders in states­ manship, education, the arts, sciences, learned professions and busi­ ness, in order that the faculty, students and the college community 43 may be broadened by a closer acquaintance w th matters of world interest.” Admission to all programs is without charge. The Cooper Foundation Committee works with the departments and with student organizations in arranging single lectures and con­ certs, and also in bringing to the college speakers of note w horem am in residence for a long enough period to enter into die life of the community. Some of these speakers have been invited with the understand­ ing tlmt their lectures should be published under die auspices of t Foundation. This arrangement has so far produced 7 volumes: Lindsay, Alexander Dunlop. T h e Essentials of Democracy. Phila­ delphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1929. Lowes, John Livingston. Geoffrey Chaucer and the Development of His Genius. New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1934. W eyl, Hermann. M ind and Nature. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1934. A m ericas Recovery Program, by A. A. Berle, Jr., John Dickinson, A. Heath Onthank . . . and others . . . London, New York, etc., Oxford University Press, 1934. Madariaga, Salvador de. Theory and Practice 'i n International Relations. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1937. Streit Clarence Kirshman. Union Now; a Proposal for a Federal Union of the Democracies of the North Atlantic. New York, Harper, 1939. Krogh August. T he Comparative Physiology of Respiratory Mechanisms. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941. The A r t h u r H o y t S c o t t H o r t ic u l t u r a l F o u n d a tio n . T w o hun­ dred and forty-seven acres are contained in the College property, including a large tract of woodland and the valley of Crum Creek. Much of this tract has been developed as an Arboretum through the provisions of the Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation, estabishpd in 1929 by Mrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott and Owen and Margaret Moon as a memorial to Arthur Hoyt Scott of the Class of 1895. The Arboretum is designed both to beautify the campus and to afford ex­ amples of the better kinds of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants which are hardy in the climate of Eastern Pennsylvania and suitable for planting by the average gardener. There are exceptionally fine 14 displays of Japanese cherries and tree peonies, and a great variety of lilacs and chrysanthemums. Many donors have contributed gener­ ously to the collections. (F o r full inf®rmation see Bulletin of Swarthmore College, Vol. xxxvii, No. 5 .) The B ronson M. Cutting Memorial C ollection of Recorded Music was established at Swarthmore College in 1936 by a gift of approximately four thousand phonograph records, a radio-phonograph, books and musical scores, from the family of Bronson Murray Cutting, late Senator from New Mexico. Its object is to make the best recorded music available to the undergraduates, faculty, and friends of Swarth­ more College, in cooperation with the work of the college Department of Music. The collection is kept up to date with current additions. The B enjamin W est Society, an organization of alumni, members of the faculty and friends of the college, is building up a collection of paintings, drawings, and etchings, which are exhibited as space permits in various college buildings. The Society owes its name to the American artist of the eighteenth century who was born in a house which still stands on the Swarthmore campus, and who became Presi­ dent of the Royal Academy. College Life H o u sin g Swarthmore is primarily a residential college, conducted on the assumption that an important element in education comes from close association of students and instructors. Most students live in dormi­ tories. Many members of the faculty live in houses on the campus. Residence Halls There are four dormitories for men: Wharton Hall, named in honor of its donor, Joseph Wharton, at one time President of the Board of Managers; and three buildings on the recently purchased Mary Lyon School property. The womens dormitories include the upper floors in the wings of Parrish Hall; W orth Hall, the gift of William P. Worth, 1876, and J. Shaipless Worth, ex-1873, as a memorial to their parents; Palmer and Pittenger Halls on South Chester Road; and Woolman House on Walnut Lane. 45 Roberts Hall on South Chester Road has been converted into apart­ ments for a limited number of married veterans. Dining Rooms All students, both men and women, have their meals in two adjoin­ ing College Dining Rooms in Parrish Hall. Breakfast is served to the residents of the Mary Lyon buildings in the cafeteria on the premises. R eligious L ife The religious life of the college is founded on the Quaker principle that the seat of spiritual authority lies in the Inner Light of each indi­ vidual. The Society of Friends is committed to the belief that religion is best expressed in the quality of everyday living. There are accord­ ingly no compulsory religious exercises, save in so far as the brief devo­ tional element in Collection (see below) may be so considered. Stu­ dents are encouraged to attend the churches of their choice: Episcopal, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Christian Science, in the borough of Swarthmore; Catholic, in the nearby towns of Morton, Media, and Chester. The Swarthmore Meeting House is located on the campus. Students are cordially invited to attend its meeting for worship on Sunday. Extra-curricular groups under faculty direction exist for the study of the Bible and the exploration of common concerns in religion. An assembly of the college, called Collection, is held at 10:00 a. m. every Thursday in Clothier Memorial; attendance of students is required. There is regularly a period of silence according to the Friendly tradition and, when these are in keeping with the remainder of the program, the singing of hymns and a reading from the Bible. Lasting from one-half to three-quarters of an hour, Collection nor­ mally includes an address; but this is varied by the occasional intro­ duction of musical, dramatic, and other programs. Student W elfare Health The college physician holds daily office hours at the college, where students may consult him without charge. A student must report any illness to the college physician, but is free to go for treatment to another doctor if he prefers to do so. 46 The college physician gives physical examinations to all students at the beginning of each year. There is close cooperation with the Department of Physical Education. Recommendations for limited activity are made for those students with physical handicaps. In some cases a student may be excused entirely from the requirements of the Physical Education Department. The college health program includes an annual chest x-rav which is compulsory for all students. Should the student fail to meet his x-ray appointment, he is required to have one taken at his own expense. There are two infirmaries, one for men and one for women. The infirmary for men is in Section F of Wharton Hall; the women’s infirmary is at the east end of Parrish Hall. A registered nurse is in charge of each, under the direction of the college physician. The infirmaries are open to students without charge unless the services of a special nurse are required. Students suffering from a communicable disease, or from illness which makes it necessary for them to remain in bed, must stay in the infirmaries for the period of their illness. Students are encouraged to remain in the infirmaries for the duration of an illness. A charge is made for special expensive medicines and certain immunization procedures, but ordinary medi­ cines are furnished without cost. Medical and surgical expenses for injuries incurred during author­ ized athletic competition are paid for by the college. For non-athletic injuries permission of parents is usually requested for procedures such as x-rays and extensive laboratory tests. The college psychiatric consultants hold office hours by appoint­ ment each week. A student may have from one to three interviews, for which a fee of five dollars is charged by the college. The purpose of this service is to be of help to all types of emotional problems. Vocational Office The college provides vocational information and advice to assist students in their choice of a career. Conferences and field trips are planned periodically and interviews are arranged with prospective employers. Help is offered to students in finding employ­ 47 ment. In addition, summer work is planned to give students job experience in various fields. Alumni Office The Alumni Office keeps records of the addresses of all living graduates and alumni of the college. It also publishes p e rio d ic a l the Swarthmore alumni magazine, T he G arnet L etter and an informal news letter, Swarthmore R eports. The Alumni Secretary acts as liaison for the college with all alumni and alumni groups, interpreting to them present plans and policies of the college. Student Advisers The Deans and their assistants hold the primary responsibility for advising all students. However, there are many other advisers avail­ able to each student. Each freshman is assigned to a faculty member who acts as his course adviser until this responsibility falls to the chairman of the student’s major department at the end of his sophomore year Faculty members have also been appointed as advisers for each of the m ens varsity athletic teams. They work closely with the team, attending practice as well as all home and away games. Members of the senior honorary societies, Book and Key and Mortar Board, help the Deans with the placement program conducted during freshman week. A group of upperclass women, under the direction of the Women’s Student Government Association, serve as counselors for all freshman women, several counselors being as­ signed to each freshman hall. There are also proctors in each of the men’s dormitory sections. A marriage course is given each year under the direction of the Marriage Council of Philadelphia. This course may be attended by juniors and seniors, and students may seek advice from a member of the Marriage Council staff at any time. A non-credit course analyz­ ing the development of emotional maturity is also given by the college psychiatric consultant, Dr. Leon Saul, to a limited number of students. Special problems may be referred by the Deans to the college physician or to the consulting psychiatrists. 48 T he Student C ommunity Student Council The semi-annually elected Student Council represents the entire undergraduate community and is the chief body of student govern­ ment. Its efforts are directed toward the coordination of student activities and the expression of student opinion in matters of college policy. Committees of the Council include the Budget Committee, which regulates distribution of funds to student groups; the Community Service Committee, which administers welfare projects; and the Elections Committee, which supervises procedure in campus elec­ tions. In addition to these, there are seven joint Faculty-Student Committees, whose student membership is appointed by the Council: Admissions, Arts and Crafts, Collection, Cooper Foundation, Motion Pictures, Men’s Athletics and Student Affairs. M en s Executive Committee The men students of the college are represented by the Men’s Execu­ tive Committee, a group elected to take responsibility for specified problems which have to do primarily with dormitory life. W o m en s Student Government Association All women students are members of the Women’s Student Govern­ ment Association, headed by an Executive Committee elected to pro­ mote a great variety of women’s interests. This committee includes the chairmen of certain important committees: Conduct, which maintains social regulations; Personnel, which has a special concern for helping freshmen; Social (see below ); Vocational, which assists the women’s Vocational Director; Somerville, which arranges the program for Somerville Day, on which alumnae are invited to return to the College, and fosters student-alumnae relationships. Social Committee An extensive program of social activities is managed by the Social Committee, under the direction of two elected co-chairmen, a man and a woman. The program is designed to appeal to a wide variety of interests, and is open to all students. At no time is there any charge for college social functions. 49 Extra-Curricular Activities In addition to the foregoing organizations, Swarthmore students have an opportunity to participate in a program of extra-curricular activities wide enough to meet every kind of interest. No credit is given for work in such varied fields as sculpture, play-writing, pub­ lishing the college newspaper or playing the cello in the orchestra. However, the college encourages a student to participate in whatever activity best fits his personal talents and inclinations, believing that satisfactory avocations are a necessary part of life for the well-rounded individual. It has provided instruction or advisers wherever there has been sufficient demand. A handbook describing all activities, written by the students themselves, can be had upon request to the Deans Office. 50 THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE General Statement Swarthmore College offers the degree of Bachelor of Arts and the degree of Bachelor of Science. The latter is given only in the Division of Engineering; the former, in the Divisions of the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and Mathematics and the Natural Sciences. Eight terms of resident study, which are normally completed in four years, lead to a Bachelors degree. The selection of a program will depend upon the student’s interests and vocational plans. Programs in engineering, pre-medical courses, and chemistry, for example, are the necessary preparation for pro­ fessional work in these fields. Students planning on legal careers and government service find majors in the social sciences of great value. The purpose of a liberal education, however, is not primarily to provide vocational instruction, even though it provides the best foundation for one’s future vocation. Its purpose is to help students fulfill their responsibilities as citizens and grow into cultivated and well rounded individuals. A liberal education is concerned with our cultural inheritance, the world of thought, and the development of aesthetic, moral, and spiritual values. It is necessary for most students to concern themselves with the problem of making a living. But this concern should not lead them to a specialization that is too early and too narrow. They still have need of broadening the scope of their experience. Particular skills may afford readier access to routine employment, but positions of greater responsibility will be occupied by those who are equipped to think their way through new problems and to conceive of their functions in a larger context of time and place. Liberal education and vocational training may be the joint products of a common process, and the courses here offered should be selected with this large purpose. F or this reason, all students, during the first half of their college program, are expected to complete general college requirements, to choose their major and minor subjects, and to prepare for advanced work in these subjects by taking certain prerequisites. Their schedule is made up of full or half courses. Five full courses or their equivalent • For groupings of departments, see page 18. 52 in half courses constitute the normal program for each of the first two years. A full course represents from eight to twelve hours of work a week for two semesters including class meetings, laboratory periods and individual preparation. The program for upper class students affords a choice between two methods of study: Honors Work, leading to a degree with Honors, and General Courses. An honors student concentrates on three related subjects which he studies by the seminar method. At the end of his senior year he must take a battery of eight examinations on the work of his seminars, set by outside examiners. (T he system will be ex­ plained more fully below.) A student in general courses has a somewhat wider freedom of election and takes four full courses or their equivalent in each of the last two years. At the end of his senior year he is required to pass a comprehensive examination given by his major department. The program for engineering students follows a similar basic plan, with certain variations which are explained on page 85. Courses outside the technical fields are spread over all four years. In addition to scholastic requirements for graduation, all students must meet certain standards of participation in Physical Education as set forth in the statement of that department (see pp. 128 to 130) and must attend the Collection exercises of the college (see p. 4 6 ). The course advisers of freshmen and sophomores are members of the faculty appointed by the Deans. For juniors and seniors the advisers are the chairmen of their major departments or thenrepresentatives. Program for Freshmen and Sophomores The program for the first four terms is designed primarily to con­ tribute to a student’s general education by giving him an introduction to the methods of thinking and the content of knowledge in a variety of fields: 1. The traditional humanistic studies—those studies through which man learns to understand himself and his relationship to his fellows as individuals, and the enduring values in human experience. 2. The social sciences—those studies through which man leams to understand the nature of organized society, past and present, and his relationship to it. 53 3. The natural sciences—those studies through which man learns to understand his physical environment, both organic and inorganic, out­ side of his own individual and social being. The following subjects, therefore, designed to serve as a broad and sound background for the more specialized work of the last two years, are included in the program of the first two years for all students (except those in the Division of Engineering; see pages 85 to 8 7 ). Foreign Language—through Course 4 (see below) History 1-2 (see p. 1 1 0 )—full course (except for science students who may substitute a second social science) Literature—half course Philosophy-half course Psychology—half course Social Science—full course in either Economics or Political Science Natural Science or Mathematics—full course or two half courses (A full course in Mathematics is required for science students. For partial fulfillment of the science requirements, students are permitted to take Philosophy 47.) As far as possible, these requirements are to be completed during the first year. It is usual, however, to defer Psychology to the first term of the second year. Science students, moreover, must ordinarily defer one of the two courses which they select from among Economics 1-2, History 1-2 and Political Science 1-2, to the second year. In the case of pre-medical students and students who plan to major in Zoology, some exemptions from the requirements listed above may be permitted, if necessary in order to make possible participation in the honors program. Such students should consult the chairman of their proposed major department about these arrangements. In addition to the requirements listed above, prerequisites must be completed for the work of the last two years in major and minor sub­ jects, and sufficient additional electives must be taken to make up ten full courses. In the Divisions of the Humanities and the Social Sciences it is strongly recommended that these electives shall include: Half courses (preferably in the first semester of an academic year) in at least two of the following: Foreign Literature (classical or modem, either in the original or in translation), Fine Arts, Music. A full course in whichever social science (Economics or Political Science) is not taken in fulfillment of the general requirements. 54 A third half course in a natural science or a half course in Mathe­ matics or courses in each of these. It is expected that, after completion of the minimum courses in the general program of the first two years, the student will devote the remainder of his sophomore year to preparing himself for more ad­ vanced study of those subjects which have most interested him and to other courses which will increase the range of his knowledge. He should decide, as early in his sophomore year as possible, upon two or three subjects in which he might like to major and should consult the statements of the departments concerned as to required and recom­ mended courses and supporting subjects. In most cases he is advised to take not more than one semester of work in any subject beyond the first course. The requirement in foreign language (either classical or modem) is such that an exceptionally well prepared freshman may demonstrate his completion of it before entering college by his rating in an Achieve­ ment Test given by the College Entrance Examination Board. The results of die tests indicate, however, that most students need to devote from one to four terms to further language study. A complete statement of the requirement, follows: Each student will pursue one foreign language to a point equivalent to the completion of Course 4. The desired standard is normally met on the basis of four years’ work in high school, or of three or two years’ work in high school followed by one or two terms in college. If a stu­ dent fulfills the requirement with a language which he begins in col­ lege, he will need to study it for four terms. If he fulfills it with a language begun elsewhere, his progress toward the degree of compe­ tence demanded is measured by a placement test. This may be one of the achievement tests of the College Entrance Examination Board which he has taken as a requirement for admission. Additional place­ ment tests are given when necessary by the Swarthmore departments of language. Program for Juniors and Seniors W ork in C ourse The work of juniors and seniors in course includes some intensive, specialized study within a general area of interest. This comprises enough work in a single department (designated as a “major” ) to make an equivalent of four full courses and enough in another department 55 (designated as a “minor” ) to make an equivalent of three full courses; work taken during the first two years may be counted toward fulfil­ ment of either the major or minor requirements. The minor may be divided between two departments, but not more than two without the approval of the Instruction Committee. In the case of a mmor divided between two departments, not more than one introductory course may be submitted in support of the minor requirement. Before gradua­ tion the student must pass a comprehensive examination in his major subject. , , A student must choose his major and minor subjects at the end of the sophomore year, and apply formally through die Registrar to be accepted by the division or divisions concerned. The decision will be based on an estimate of his ability in his major subject as well as on his record. If a student does not secure divisional approval, he cannot be admitted to the junior class. A student’s course adviser during his junior and senior years is the chairman of his major department (or a member of the department designated by the chairman) whose approval he must secure for his choice of courses each semester. In addition to major and minor subjects, juniors and seniors usually have room for at least one elective a year. The completion of eighteen full courses, with a minimum average of C, normally constitutes the course requirement for a degree. A student may carry extra work after the freshman year with the approval of his course adviser and of the Committee on Prescribed and Extra Work, provided that his record in the previous year has been satis­ factory. H o n o rs W o rk Description of the System. Honors work is a system of instruction designed to free from the limitations of class-room routine those students whose maturity and capacity enable them to do independent work. Students who are chosen toward the end of their sophomore year to read for honors are exempt from further course requirements. Instead, during their junior and senior years they study a few subjects intensively and independently. They meet their instructors weekly in small seminars lasting about three hours. In these meetings it is customary for students to present • See separate departmental statements for definition of what constitutes an introductory course. 56 frequent papers, although the methods of stimulating discussion vary greatly. In scientific subjects additional time is spent in the laboratory. The work is so planned that a student takes two seminars each semes­ ter, making a total of eight seminars during his last two years. Depart­ ments sometimes permit their major students to substitute for one seminar the preparation of a thesis. If a department, supported by the division concerned, is of the opinion that seven seminars instead of eight, plus one full course or two half courses, form a better educational program than the usual eight seminars, such a program will be allowed, and will be completed by seven examinations instead of eight. A student whose work shows unusual distinction but who has not elected to read for honors at the end of his sophomore year may be permitted to take the regular honors examination and receive the degree of honors recommended by the visiting examiners. He must petition the division concerned for this permission before the end of his seventh semester and must submit a list of eight examinations which he feels prepared to take. Honors work involves a concentration of the students efforts upon a limited and integrated field of studies. H e chooses seminars in three ( or sometimes four) allied subjects, and customarily devotes at least one-half of his time to a single department in the line of his major interest, in which he is expected to demonstrate real achievement. Combinations of seminars are not governed by rigid rules but must be approved by the departments and divisions in which work is taken. Combinations involving seminars from two divisions must be approved by the divisions involved. No examinations or grades are given from semester to semester, although it is customary for honors students to take practice examina­ tions at the end of the junior year over the work covered thus far. These papers are read by the instructors concerned and are used as a basis for advice and guidance for the work of the senior year. At the end of the senior year honors students take written and oral examina­ tions given by examiners from other institutions.* The student should attain a degree of proficiency which will enable him to meet a rigorous and searching examination. This examination is designed to test his competence in a field of knowledge rather than his mastery of those facts which an instructor has seen fit to present in * For list of examiners in February and June, 1949, see page 134. 57 seminar. This is one of the chief ends for which the system of visiting examiners has been instituted. The examiners first set a three-hour written examination on the subject of each seminar, and after reading the written examination have an opportunity to question each student orally, in order to clarify and enlarge the basis of their judgment of the student’s command of his material. Upon recommendation of the examiners, successful candidates are awarded the bachelor’s degree with honors, with high honors, or with highest honors. Highest honors are awarded only to those who show unusual distinction. When the work of a candidate does not, in the opinion of the examiners, merit honors of any grade, his papers are returned to his instructors, who decide, under rules of the faculty, whether he shall be given a degree in course. Students admitted to honors work who prove unable to meet the requirements or who for other reasons return to regular classes may receive proportional course credit for the work they have done while reading for honors. Regulations governing possible combinations of major and minor subjects in the four divisions appear below. Lists of seminars offered in preparation for examinations follow departmental statements. COMBINATIONS O F MAJORS AND MINORS FO R HONORS WORK Division of the Humanities Major and minor subjects include English, Fine Arts, French, Ger­ man, Greek, History, Latin, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, and Span­ ish. At least half of the student’s time will probably be devoted to his major subjects, the remainder being divided between two related subjects within the division. Division of the Social Sciences Major and minor subjects include Economics, History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Political Science. Students in this division normally devote half their time to their major subject, dividing the remainder among related minor subjects according to plans approved by the division. Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences Major subjects include Botany, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Zoology; related minor subjects 58 include the subjects listed, and Astronomy and Philosophy. At least half of the student’s time will probably be devoted to his major subject, with the remainder divided between two other related subjects within the division. Division of Engineering Major subjects for honors work in this division include Civil Engi­ neering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering; a minor may be taken in either or both of the engineering departments in which the student does not have his major, or in Chemistry, Mathe­ matics, Physics or Economics. At least one-half of the student’s time will be devoted to his major in engineering. The degree granted is the B.S. in Engineering. The final examination will include papers on the fundamentals of the three professional departments of engineering, four papers on the seminars of the senior year, and one or two additional papers based upon the course which the student has taken, the number of papers and their subjects to be determined by the faculty of the division. Procedure for Admission to H onors W ork A candidate for admission to an honors division must file his appli­ cation near the end of his sophomore year with the chairman of his ivision, and must indicate the particular combination of related sub­ jects on which he wishes to be examined for his degree. His acceptance by the division, depends in part upon the quality of his previous work as m icate y the grades he has received but mainly upon his appar­ ent capacity for assuming the responsibility of honors work. The names o accepted candidates are announced later in the spring. The major department will then arrange, in consultation with the student, a defi­ nite program of subjects to constitute the field of knowledge on which re sL , T drT touch °f responsible H g B subsen T ! I aPP sub e c T o r t f e ^ ^ ^ ° f hiS Seni° r ^ That department is ng Up the ° riSinaI Plan of J * work for super­ Semif rs in a11 departments and for keeping in p I f5 ° f t e s t e r to semester. The division is ° f tHe Student’S original P ^ gram and for any ^ F ° gram- Pr° P° SaIs f° r c°*nbinations of fments i must g f bel approved f c *by provi ded for 111 * e divisional the divisions involved. 59 8 Pre -M edical Program The pre-medical student’s program is planned and his work super­ vised by the Pre-medical Advisory Committee. There is more than one program of courses by which a student may prepare himself for ad­ mission to medical school. In mapping out a program for each student the Committee keeps in mind ( a ) the particular interests of the stu­ dent, (b ) the entrance requirements of the medical schools of the student’s choice, ( c ) the need for an understanding of basic social problems and the cultivation of a sensitiveness for the enduring values in the arts and literature, and (d ) the value of intensive work in at least one field. In order to meet medical school requirements most pre-medical students take Biology 1-2; Chemistry 1-2, 11 and 21; English Com­ position; Mathematics 1-2; Physics 1-2; Zoology 11 and at least one other half course; a modern foreign, language, preferably German, to a point equivalent to the completion of course 4. The work of the ju n io r and senior years may be taken in the honors program or in course. Intensive work may be carried out in a single field or in closely related departments. Pre-medical students may fulfill the major requirements in the department of their own choice, usually, but not necessarily, in chemistry, mathematics, physics, or zoology, or they may fulfill the requirements by completing three full courses in each of two related departments in the division of mathematics and the natural sciences. In the latter case the comprehensive exami­ nations will be arranged jointly by the departments concerned. Although some students have been admitted to medical schools upon the completion of three years of college work, many of the best medical schools strongly advise completion of four years of college. Faculty Regulations Attendance at C lasses and C ollection Members of the faculty will hold students responsible for regular attendance at classes and will report to the Deans the name of any student whose repeated absence is in their opinion impairing the student’s work. The number of cuts allowed in a given course is not specified, a fact which places a heavy responsibility on all students to make sure that their work is not suffering as a result of -absences. Since freshmen must exercise particular care in this respect and since 60 the faculty recognizes its greater responsibility toward freshmen in the matter of class attendance, it is expected that freshmen, especially, will attend all their classes. When illness necessitates absence from classes the student should report at once to the nurses or to the college physician. The last meeting before vacation and the first meeting after vacation in each course must be attended. The minimum penalty for violation of this rule is probation. The exact definition of probation in individ­ ual cases is left to the Deans with the understanding that it shall include attendance at all classes without cuts. Absences from Collection are acted upon by the Deans as instructed by the faculty. All students are allowed two absences from Collection each term. Grades Instructors report to the Deans’ office at intervals during the year upon the work of students in courses. Informal reports during the semester take the form of comments on unsatisfactory work. At the end of each semester formal grades are given in each course under the letter system, by which A means excellent work, B good work, C fair work, D poor work, and E failure. W signifies withdrawn and Cond. signifies conditioned in the course. The mark “conditioned” indicates either ( 1 ) that a student has done unsatisfactory work in the first half of a course, but by creditable work during the second half may earn a passing grade for the full course, and thereby remove his condition; or ( 2 ) that a student’s work is in­ complete in respect to specific assignments or examinations. The con­ dition may be removed by the completion of the necessary work. Conditions of both types must normally be made up in the term immediately following that in which they were incurred; for the removal of conditions of type ( 2 ) , a date is set at the end of the first six weeks of each term when make-up examinations must be scheduled and late papers submitted. Under special circumstances involving a use of laboratories or attendance at courses not immediately available, a student may secure permission to extend the time for making up a condition until the second term following. Any condition not made up within a year from the time it is imposed shall thereafter be recorded as E , i.e., complete failure, which cannot be made up. 61 Reports are sent to parents and to students at the end of each semester. F or graduation in general courses, a C average is required; for graduation in honors work, the recommendation of the visiting ex­ aminers. (See pp. 56 to 59 and p. 63.) E xtra or F ewer C ourses A regular student is expected to take the prescribed number of courses in each semester. If more or fewer courses seem desirable, he should consult his course adviser and file a petition with the Com­ mittee on Academic Requirements. A student who wishes to take fewer than the normal number of courses should register for the regular program and file a petition to drop one or more courses. Applications involving late entrance into a course must be received within the "first two weeks of the semester. Applications involving with­ drawal from a' course must be received not later than six weeks after the beginning of the semester. E xaminations Any student who is absent from an examination, announcement of which was made in advance, shall be given an examination at another hour only by special arrangement with the instructor in charge of the course. No examination in absentia shall be permitted. This rule shall be interpreted to mean that instructors shall give examinations only at the college and under direct departmental supervision. Summer S chool W ork Students desiring to transfer credit from a summer school are re­ quired to obtain the endorsement of the chairman of the department concerned before entering upon the work, and after completing the work are required to pass an examination set by the Swarthmore de­ partment. R esidence All men students except freshmen choose their rooms in order deter­ mined by lot. All freshmen, both men and women, are assigned to rooms by the Deans. Upperclass women have a preferential system carried out by a committee of students and members of the admin­ istrative staff. 62 Students may occupy their rooms between terms only by special arrangement with the Deans. The college dining room is closed during all vacations. Freshmen are asked to leave the college immediately after their last examination in June so that their rooms may be used by Commence­ ment visitors. Prohibition of Automobiles at S warthmore By action of the faculty, approved by the Board of Managers, no undergraduate may maintain an automobile while enrolled at the college without the permission of the Dean. This rule prohibits equally the maintenance of an automobile owned by students and those owned by other persons but placed in the custody or control of students. Day students may, with the permission of the Deans, use cars in commuting to college. Under exceptional circumstances a student may obtain permission from one of the Deans to keep an automobile in the borough for a limited time. The prohibition of automobiles is important in order to maintain the kind of academic community for which Swarthmore stands. Parents and students must realize that this regulation will be strictly enforced; students who fail to observe it may be asked to withdraw from college. E xclusion from C ollege The college reserves the right to exclude at any time students whose conduct or academic standing it regards as undesirable, and without assigning any further reason therefor; in such cases fees will not be refunded or remitted, in whole or in part, and neither the college nor any of its officers shall be under any liability whatsoever for such exclusion. Requirements for Graduation B achelor of Arts and B achelor of Science The degree of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are con­ ferred upon students who have met the following requirements for graduation: 1. The candidate must have completed eighteen full courses or ten courses and eight seminars with an average grade of C. 63 2. He must have complied with the course requirements for the first two years. 3. He must have met the requirements in the major and minor fields during the last two years. 4. He must have passed satisfactorily the comprehensive examina­ tions in his major field or met the standards set by visiting examiners for a degree with honors. 5. He must have completed four terms of study at Swarthmore College, two of which have been those of the senior year. 6. He must have completed the physical education requirements set forth in the statements of the Physical Education Departments (see pages 128 to 130). 7. He must have attended the Collection exercises of the College in accordance with the regulations (see page 4 6 ). 8. He must have paid all outstanding bills and returned all equip­ ment and library books. Advanced Degrees M aster of Arts and M aster of Science The degree of Master of Arts or Master of Science may be conferred subject to the following requirements: Only students who have completed the work for the Bachelor s degree with some distinction, either at Swarthmore or at another institution of satisfactory standing, shall be admitted as candidates for the Master’s degree at Swarthmore. The candidate’s record and a detailed program setting forth the aim of the work to be pursued shall be submitted, with a recommenda­ tion from the department or departments concerned, to the division in which the work is to be done. If accepted by the division, the candidate’s name shall be reported to the faculty at or before the first faculty meeting of the year in which the candidate is to begin his work. The requirements for the Master’s degree shall include the equiva­ lent of a full year’s work of graduate character. This work may be done in courses, seminars, reading courses, regular conferences with members of the faculty or research. The work may be done in one 64 Im S SS jj | H D {uu uu > ur A Corner of the Biddle Memorial Library and the/Tow er of the Main Library. Parrish, Hall. department or in two related departments. The catalogue statements of departments which offer graduate work indicate the courses or seminars which may be taken for this purpose. At the option of the department or departments concerned, a thesis may be required as part of the work for the degree. A candidate for the Master’s degree will be expected to show be­ fore admission to candidacy a competence in those languages deemed by his department or departments most essential for his field of re­ search. Detailed language requirements will be indicated in the announcements of departments which admit candidates for the degree. A candidate for the Master’s degree shall be required to pass an examination conducted by the department or departments in which his work was done. He shall be examined by outside examiners; ex­ ceptions to this requirement shall be granted only by the division or divisions concerned. The reports of the outside examiners together with the reports of the student’s resident instructors shall be presented to the division in which the work was done. Recommendations for the award of the degree shall be made to the faculty by the division. The tuition fee for graduate students who are candidates for the Master’s degree is $300 per year, and the general fee for these stu­ dents is $15 per semester. Advanced E ngineering D egrees The advanced degrees of Mechanical Engineer (M .E .), Electrical Engineer ( E .E .), and Civil Engineer (C .E .), may be obtained by graduates who have received their Bachelor’s degree in Engineering upon fulfilling the requirements given below: 1. The candidate must have been engaged in engineering work for five years since receiving his first degree. 2. He must have had charge of engineering work and must be in a position of responsibility and trust at the time of application. 3. He must make application and submit an outline of the thesis he expects to present, one full year before the advanced degree is to be conferred. 4. The thesis must be submitted for approval one calendar month before the time of granting the degree. 5. Every candidate shall pay a registration fee of $5 and an addi­ tional fee of $20 when the degree is conferred. 65 Awards and Prizes The I vy M edal F und was created by a gift from Owen Moon, 94. The income of the fund is used to purchase a medal which is placed in the hands of the faculty for award on Commencement Day to a male member of the graduating class. The qualifications for the Ivy Medal are similar to those for the Rhodes Scholarships and include (a) qualities of manhood, force of character, and leadership; (b) literary and scholastic ability and attainments. These have been phrased by the donor in the words “leadership based upon character and scholarship.” The O ak L eaf Medal was established by David Dwight Rowlands of the Class of 1909. It was later permanently endowed in memory of him by Hazel C. Rowlands, ’07, and Caroline A. Lukens, ’98. The medal is placed in the hands of the faculty to be awarded each year to the woman member of the Senior Class who is outstanding for loyalty, scholarship and service. The M cC abe E ngineering Award, founded by Thomas B. McCabe, 1915, is to be presented each year to the outstanding engineering stu­ dent in the Senior Class. The recipient is chosen by a committee of the faculty of the Division of Engineering. The Crane Prize» a memorial to Charles E. Crane, Jr., of the Class of 1936, is an award of about $20, given for the purchase of philo­ sophical books, and presented annually to the junior who, in the opinion of the department, has done the best work in Philosophy. The A. E dward Newton L ibrary Prize of $50, endowed by A. Edward Newton, to make permanent the Library Prize first estab­ lished by W. W. Thayer, is awarded annually to that undergraduate who, in the opinion of the Committee of Award, shows the best and most intelligently chosen collection of books upon any subject. Par­ ticular emphasis is laid in the award, not merely upon the size of the collection but also upon the skill with which the books are selected and upon the owner’s knowledge of their subject-matter. The K atherine B. Sicard Prize of $5, endowed by the Delta Gamma Fraternity in memory of Katherine B. Sicard, ex ’34, is awarded annually to the freshman woman who, in the opinion of the department, shows greatest proficiency in English. P ublic S peaking C ontests. Prizes for annual contests in public speaking are provided by two funds as follows: The E lla F rances B unting E xtemporary S peaking F und awards prizes totalling $45, 66 for the best extemporaneous short speeches. The Owen Moon F und provides the Delta Upsilon Speaking Contest prizes totalling $25 for the best prepared speeches on topics of current interest. The George F ox Award of $100 is presented annually by an anonymous friend of the College to the undergraduate who writes the best essay on some phase of the history or testimonies of the Society of Friends. The E lizabeth F ry Award of $50, together with an autographed copy of Janet Payne Whitney’s biography of Elizabeth Fry, is pre­ sented annually by an anonymous friend of the College to the under­ graduate who writes the best essay on some aspect of the social atti­ tudes and activities of some Quaker individual or group, preferably of recent times. The Lois M orrell P oetry Award, given by her parents in mem­ ory of Lois Morrell of the Class of 1946, goes to that student who, in the opinion of the faculty, submits the best original poem in the annual competition for the award. The award, consisting of $100, is made in the spring of the year. All entries should be submitted by April 1. The J ohn R ussell H ayes P oetry Prizes, of approximately $25 for a first prize and $15 for a second prize, are offered for the best original poem or for a translation from any language. Manuscripts should be ready by April 1 of each year. Fellowships There are seven fellowships offered to graduates of Swarthmore College. Four fellowships are awarded annually by the faculty, on recom­ mendation of the Committee on Fellowships, to graduates of the college for the pursuit of advanced work under the direction of the faculty or with their approval. Applications for fellowships must be in the hands of the committee by April 15. Applicants for any one of these fellowships will be considered for all four. These four fellowships are: The C atherwood F ellowship, established by the Catherwood Foundation of Philadelphia, is awarded annually to an outstanding man or woman student of the senior class who proposes to carry on graduate studies. Requirements for the Fellowship are sim ila r to 67 those for Rhodes Scholarships, including “some quality of distinction in character or intellect or both.” The amount of the award is $1,000. The H annah A. L eedom F ellowship of $500, founded by the bequest of Hannah A. Leedom. The J oshua L ippincott F ellowship of $600, founded by Howard W . Lippincott, of the Class of 1875, in memory of his father. The J ohn L ockwood M emorial F ellowship of $600, founded by the bequest of Lydia A. Lockwood, New York, in memory of her brother, John Lockwood. It was the wish of the donor that the fellow­ ship be awarded to a member of the Society of Friends. The other three fellowships are: The L ucretla M ott F ellowship, founded by the Somerville L it­ erary Society and sustained by the contribution of its life members, has yielded an annual income since its foundation of $525. It is awarded each year by a committee of the faculty (selected by the society), with the concurrence of the life members of the society, to a young woman graduate of that year who is to pursue advanced study at some other institution approved by this committee. The M artha E. T yson F ellowship, founded by the Somerville Literary Society in 1913, is sustained by the contributions of life members of the society and yields an income of $500 or more. It is awarded biennially by a joint committee of the faculty and the society (elected by the society) with the concurrence of the life members of the society to a woman graduate of Swarthmore College, who has taught successfully for two years after her graduation and expects to continue teaching. The recipient of the award is to pursue a course of study fitting her for more efficient work in an institution approved by the Committee of Award. Sigma X i R esearch F ellowship. The Swarthmore Chapter of Sigma X i appoints, from time to time, as funds are available, Fellows with research grants with a maximum value of $1,000. The holders of this fellowship are usually associates of the chapter who have shown conspicuous ability in graduate studies. The purpose of the chapter in awarding these fellowships is to relieve worthy students from teaching and other distracting duties so that they may concentrate as much as possible upon their research. Applications for these fellowships should be made to the secretary of the chapter not later than the middle of M arch. Appointments will be announced about the middle of April. 68 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION C ourse Numbering A system of uniform numbering is used in all departments. Courses are numbered as follows: 1 to 9—introductory courses 11 to 49—other courses open to students of all classes 51 to 69—advanced courses limited to juniors and seniors Botany Associate P rofessor: L uzern G. L ivingston, Chairman The aim of the Department of Botany is to study plants as living organisms, with particular emphasis on the dynamic, rather than the descriptive aspects of plant science. Attention is given to the place of plants in the world of living things, of which they form an important part, and the relation of plants to their inorganic environment. The relation of plants to man’s culture and environment is included, but the main emphasis is oriented toward the biology of plants, rather than applied aspects of botany. The introductory course in the Department is a general biology course given in cooperation with the Department of Zoology. In this course, emphasis is placed on those principles and phenomena common to all organisms, with plants and animals interpreted on a comparative basis. Advanced courses provide an intensive treatment of major subdivisions of the field of plant biology aimed at the development of a requisite fundamental background for post-graduate study in plant science, either in botany per se, or in its applied aspects such as the various fields of agriculture, forestry, conservation, etc. Requirements and R ecommendations C ourse and for Majors in H onors Students intending to major in botany are advised to consult the departmental chairman early in their college course for the purpose of planning a well integrated program. Biology 1-2 and Chemistry 1-2 must be completed in the first two years by all students contemplating a major in botany. A minor in chemistry is strongly recommended. Students contemplating an honors program are required to complete courses in chemistry through Organic Chemistry in the first two years. Courses in physics and mathematics are highly desirable for students contemplating graduate study. Students desiring to major in biology may do so by planning an integrated program of courses in botany and zoology. Representatives of both departments should be consulted. 70 C ourses 1-2. GENERAL BIOLOGY. Mr. Enders, Mrs. Flemister, Mr. Livingston. F u ll C ourse An introduction to the study of living things. A consideration of the prop­ erties of protoplasm and the structure of the cell; a brief survey of living forms both plant and animal. The methods by which animals and plants maintain themselves, grow and reproduce, and a discussion of the. mechan­ ism of heredity. Some time will be devoted to the interrelationships of plants and animals in communities, and the place of man in the whole structure. Evidence for and against theories of evolution will be discussed. Two lectures and one discussion period, one three-hour laboratory per week. 11. GENETICS. Mr. Livingston. H alf C ourse A study of the fundamental principles of inheritance as they apply to living organisms generally. The course includes a detailed consideration of the principles of Mendelian inheritance, an analysis of the underlying chromo­ somal mechanisms, the gene theory, and the relationship of the principles of genetics to evolution, to plant and animal improvement, and to man. Three lectures per week, with assigned problems and laboratory and/or library projects in lieu of formally organized laboratory work. Prerequisite: Biology 1-2. 12. DEVELOPM ENTAL PLANT ANATOMY. Mr. Livingston. (Not offered in 1949-50.) H alf C ourse The fundamentals of anatomy of seed plants approached from a develop­ mental standpoint. The structure and behavior of meristems, problems and processes of differentiation, and a detailed analysis of cellular, tissue and organ structure in higher plants. Two lectures and two three-hour laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: Biology 1-2. 13. SURVEY O F TH E PLANT KINGDOM. Mr. Livingston. (F all) H alf C ourse A comparative study of the structure, reproduction, and life habits of the algae, fungi, mosses, and lower vascular plants from a phylogenetic view­ point. Particular attention is given to current concepts of evolutionary rela­ tionship from the standpoints of both comparative morphology and paleobotanical evidence. Two lectures and two laboratories or field trips per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1-2. 51. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. Mr. Livingston. (Not offered in 1949-50.) H alf C ourse An integrated study of the physiological processes of higher plants, including general cellular physiology, water relations, mineral nutrition, enzyme action, photosynthesis, metabolic processes, translocation, the physiology of growth and development, and related topics. Two lectures, one discussion period, and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: Biology 1-2, Chemistry 1-2, Organic Chemistry desirable. 71 52. BIOLOGY O F BACTERIA. Mr. Livingston. (Not offered in 1949-50.) H alf C ourse An approach to the study of bacteriology with principal emphasis on the consideration of bacteria as organisms, rather than as causative agents of disease, etc. The morphology, physiology and biochemistry, and classification of bacteria. Two lectures and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisites: Biology 1-2, Chemistry 1-2, Organic Chemistry desirable. 53. TAXONOMY O F SE ED PLANTS. Mr. Livingston. (Spring) H alf C ourse A study of the classification and evolutionary relationships of seed plants, including a detailed consideration of the characteristics of the more important families of flowering plants. A study of the methods of identification and recognition of the local flora, both native and horticultural. Two lectures and two laboratories or field trips per week. Prerequisite: Biology 1-2. H onors W ork The seminars given each year vary according to the choices of the students and the convenience of the department. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. An extension of the area covered in course 51, with particular emphasis on a critical study of original sources, both classical and current. The seminar discussion is accompanied by a full day of laboratory work each week. PROBLEM S O F GROWTH AND DEVELOPM ENT. A correlated anatomical and physiological approach to developmental plant anatomy and morphogenesis. The seminar discussion is accompanied by a full day of laboratory work each week. GEN ETICS. An extension of the area covered in course 11, with particular emphasis on current research in the field of inheritance in all its aspects. The seminar discussion is accompanied by a full day of laboratory work each week. TAXONOMY AND D ISTRIBU TIO N OF FLO W ERIN G PLANTS. An extension of the area covered in course 53, integrated with a study of plant geography and distribution. Seminar discussions and field work, sup­ plemented by laboratory work. 72 Chemistry Professors: E dward H. C ox, Chairman H. J ermain Creighton* Associate Professors: D uncan G. F oster W alter B. Keighton, J r . Assistant Professor: E dward A. F ehnel I nstructor: E m il J. Slowinski, J r . The aim of the Department of Chemistry is to provide a sound training in the fundamental theories and basic techniques of the science rather than to deal with specialized branches of the subject. The courses offered are designed to meet the needs of four classes of students: 1. Students, with a primary interest in the humanities or social sciences, who turn to chemistry as a scientific study of general educational value. For these students Chemistry 1 or Chemistry 1 and 2 offers training in the scientific approach to problems, experience with the laboratory method of investigation, and a presentation of the major intellectual achievements of chemistry. 2. Students who seek training in chemistry as a supplement to their training in astronomy, botany, engineering, mathematics, medicine, physics, or zoology. Courses 1, 2, 11, 12, 21 (or 22 and 5 5 ), 61-62 and the seminars in Organic Chemistry and in Physical Chemistry include those most fre­ quently recommended for this class of students. The departmental state­ ments contain specific recommendations. 3. Students interested in chemistry as a scientific study of general educational value, but who have no intention of pursuing chemistry as a profession. Such students may meet the college requirements for a major in chemistry by completing the following courses in chemistry as a minimum: 1, 2, 11, 12, 22, 55, 61 and 62. They should also take Mathematics 1, 2, 11, 12; Physics 1-2; and an additional advanced course in mathematics, physics, or zoology. By wisely planning his elective courses the student may obtain a broad education with emphasis on chemistry and its supporting subjects. 4. Students who expect to practice chemistry as a profession or to do graduate study in chemistry need somewhat more chemistry, mathematics and physics than listed in the previous paragraph. In addition they must complete German 4 or 5. The typical curricula outlined below provide for a wellrounded and thorough training in the fundamentals of chemistry and practice in its techniques. In addition, they satisfy the minimum require­ ments of the American Chemical Society for the undergraduate training of chemists. * Absent on leave, first semester, 1949-50. 73 The following are typical curricula for the student in course and in honors. Some variation from either curriculum is possible, and all students intending to major in chemistry should consult with members of the staff regarding the courses best suited to their purpose. I n C ouhse Junior Y ear Organic Chemistry 22 Gravimetric Analysis 51 Differential Equations 52 Advanced Calculus 51 Psychology 1 Physics 11-12 Elective F reshm an Y ear Introductory Chemistry 1, 2 Mathematics 1, 2 German 1-2 Introduction to Philosophy 1 English 1 Economics 1-2, or Political Science 1-2 S ophom ore Y ear Qualitative Analysis 11 Volumetric Analysis 12 Differential Calculus 11 Integral Calculus 12 German 3, 4 or 5 Physics 1-2 History 1-2, or Economics 1-2, or Political Science 1-2 Senior Y ear Organic Chemistry 55, 56 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 65 Physical Chemistry 61-62 Electives (3) I n H onobs The Freshman and Sophomore years are identical with the program above for students in course, except that Organic Chemistry 22 is substituted for Volumetric Analysis 12 in the second semester of the sophomore year. Differential Equations Ju n ior Y ear Senior Y ear Seminars: Elementary Physical Chemistry Advanced Physical Chemistry Electricity and Magnetism Modem Physics Courses: Gravimetric Analysis 51 Volumetric Analysis 12 Organic Chemistry 55, 56 Seminars: Advanced Calculus 1. INTRODUCTORY CHEM ISTRY. Mr. Reighton and Staff. F all Sem ester A study of some of the central concepts and fundamental principles of chemistry, showing how the basic facts of the science are collected and interpreted, how the theories or fundamental laws are arrived at, and how they are used in explaining or predicting the behavior of matter. The course is designed to meet the needs of those students who wish to study chemistry as a part of their general education as well as of those professionally interested in chemistry. 74 No previous training in chemistry is required, but ample work is provided for those who have already studied chemistry. A small group of students, who have the interest and ability, meet with some member of the staff for the discussion of more advanced topics. Students who enter college with exceptional training in chemistry are encouraged to take a placement exami­ nation during freshman orientation week. I f found to be sufficiently well prepared they may omit Chemistry 1 and start with Chemistry 2 in the spring term. One semester. Prerequisite for all other courses in chemistry. Three lectures and recitation periods and one four hour laboratory period weekly. Textbooks: Hildebrand and Latimer, P rin ciples o f C hem istry and R eferen ce B ook o f In organ ic C hem istry; Bray and Latimer, A C ourse in G eneral C hem istry. 2. INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY. Mr. Creighton. Spring Sem ester This course is a continuation of Chemistry 1, but with a shift of emphasis towards the needs of those students who expect to major in the sciences or in engineering. Chemistry 1 and 2 together constitute a survey of the field. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 1. Three lectures and recitation periods and one four hour laboratory period weekly. Textbooks: Same as Chemistry 1. 11. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS. Mr. Foster. E ach S em ester Modem theory of solutions of electrolytes and its application to inorganic qualitative analysis. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 2 with a minimum grade of C. Two lectures, one conference period and four hours of laboratory weekly. Textbook: Fales and Kenny, In organ ic Q ualitative A nalysis. 12. VOLUM ETRIC ANALYSIS. Mr. Foster. Spring Sem ester The theory and practice of inorganic volumetric analysis, including examples of physico-chemical methods. Acid-base, oxidation-reduction, and precipita­ tion analyses are covered thoroughly in class, with examples in the laboratory. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry I I , with a minimum grade of C. One lecture, one optional conference period and eight hours of laboratory weekly. Textbook: Kolthoff and Sandell, T ex tbook o f Q uantitative In organ ic Analysis. 21. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Mr. Cox. F all S em ester This course is designed to meet the needs of students who do not elect chemistry as their major interest. It is prerequisite for those minor students who will take the seminar in organic chemistry, but is not prerequisite for organic chemistry 22 or 56. The course covers classification nomenclature and reactions of organic compounds of both the aliphatic and aromatic series. Structural relationships and chemical behavior of representative mem- 75 bers of the various classes of compounds to pursue the more complicated syntheses modem theories. . One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 2, Three lectures, four hours of laboratory week. are stressed. No attempt is made nor to deal at length with current with a minimum gradé of C. and one optional conference per 22. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Mr. Cox or Mr. Fehnel Spring Sem ester An introduction to the principles of organic chemistry, with special emphasis on the nomenclature, structure, synthesis and reactions of aliphatic com­ pounds. This course is not intended to be a terminal course, but is designed to be taken in conjunction with Chemistry 55 by all chemistry majors and by other students who desire a more thorough training in the theory and practice of organic chemistry than is provided by Chemistry 21. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 2 with a minimum grade of C. Three lectures and one laboratory period per week. 51. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. Mr. Foster. F all Sem ester The theory and practice of inorganic gravimetric analysis, including some special methods, such as colorimetry and polarography, elementary gas analysis, and, if time allows, organic combustion methods. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 12. One lecture and eight hours of laboratory weekly. Textbook: Kolthoff and Sandell, T extbook o f Q uantitative In organ ic A nalysis. 55. ORGANIC CHEM ISTRY. Mr. Fehnel. F all Sem ester A continuation of Chemistry 22, with special emphasis on the chemistry of aromatic compounds. Laboratory experiments are selected to illustrate the more important synthetic methods for the various classes of aromatic com­ pounds and to develop skill in the use of fundamental organic laboratory techniques. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 22 with a minimum grade of C. Three lectures and two laboratory periods per week. Spring Sem ester 56. ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEM ISTRY. Mr. Fehnel. Selected topics in organic chemistry, including resonance theory, reaction mechanisms, molecular rearrangements, free radicals and other topics of current interest. Use of the literature of organic chemistry is discussed and library assignments provide opportunities for the student to become familiar with the more important journals and handbooks. One of the two weekly laboratory periods is devoted to qualitative organic analysis and the other to advanced preparations and techniques. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 55 with a minimum grade of C. Three lectures and two laboratory periods per week. 61-62. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Mr. Keighton and Mr. Slowinski. The principles of theoretical chemistry are studied and a number of numerical exercises are worked; the gaseous, liquid and solid states, solutions, colloids, elementary thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry, the kinetics of chemical reactions. In the laboratory die student uses a variety of physicalchemistry apparatus. 76 Two semesters, credit given only for the completion of both semesters. Prerequisites: Chemistry 2 with a minimum grade of C, Mathematics 12, Physics 1. Three lectures and one laboratory period weekly. Textbook: Prutton and Maron, Fundam ental P rinciples o f P hysical C hem istry. 65. ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Mr. Fehnel. F all Sem ester The periodic classification of elements is studied from the point of view of correlation of structure and properties. Consideration is given to such topics as atomic and molecular structure, coordination complexes, metal carbonyls, intermetallic and interstitial compounds, modern concepts of acids and bases, chemistry of the transition metals and rare earths and other phases of inorganic chemistry. One semester. Prerequisite: Chemistry 61 either previously or concurrently. Three horns of conference and lectures per week with additional four hours per week devoted to selected readings on modem developments in inorganic chemistry. H onors W ork Before admission to honors work the chemistry major will have completed the curriculum of the first two years, outlined above, or its equivalent. At the end of their senior year, honors students majoring in chemistry normally take four examination papers in chemistry, with the remaining papers usually selected from mathematics, physics, or zoology. The following seminars are offered as prepara­ tion for the honors examination in chemistry. ELEM ENTARY PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Mr. Keighton and Mr. Slowinski. F a ll an d Spring Sem esters The gaseous, liquid, and solid states, solutions, colloids, elementary thermo­ dynamics, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry, the kinetics of chemical reactions. Prerequisites: Chemistry 2, Mathematics 12, Physics L. One four-hour seminar and one eight-hour laboratory period weekly for one semester. ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Mr. Keighton and Mr. Slowinski. Spring Sem ester Thermodynamics, the Debye-Hiickel theory of strong electrolytes, the struc­ ture of matter, chemical kinetics including photochemistry and acid-base catalysis. Prerequisite: Elementary Physical Chemistry Seminar. One four-hour seminar and one eight-hour laboratory period weekly. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Mr. Cox. Spring Sem ester This seminar is for minor students who wish to fit this subject into their honors program. The material given has much of the content covered in courses 22 and 56. Prerequisite: Chemistry 21. Weekly seminars and laboratory. 77 Classics Professors: Susan P. C obbs L. R. S hero, Chairman Assistant Professor: Helen F . North The courses offered by the Department of Classics fall into two groups. One group consists of courses in the actual languages for students who wish to begin or to continue the firsthand study of Greek or Latin literature. They are designed to meet the needs both of those who plan to teach or to go on to postgraduate study in the classical field and of those whose interests are not primarily classical and who are doing work in this field to reinforce their study of modem literature or of language in general or to broaden and deepen their educational experience. The study of Greek is of value to all serious students of literature, philosophy, or the Christian religion, while a knowledge of Latin is an indispensable tool for students of the romance languages and mediaeval history. The other group consists of courses (numbered from 31 on) which presuppose no knowledge of the Greek and Latin languages and are open to all students. These courses deal with the history of the Greeks and Romans and with various aspects of their culture which have been of special significance for the modern world. R equirements and R ecommendations for M ajors and M inors Greek or Latin may be offered as major or minor subjects in course or in honors work. Major or minor students in course are normally required to com­ plete during the first two years either Intermediate Greek (course 11-12) or Introduction to Latin Literature (course 5-6). Both of these courses are pre­ requisite for honors seminars for a major student and one of them for honors seminars for a minor student. The course in Ethics and a course in the history of either Greece or Rome are also recommended for major students either in course or in honors work. Major students in honors work may substitute for one of the four semi­ nars normally required in this department either the seminar in Plato given by th& Department of Philosophy or a thesis. Students in Latin may substitute a seminar in Greek for one of their seminars in Latin or vice versa. Greek 1-2. ELEM EN TARY GREEK. Miss Cobbs. The essentials of Greek grammar are covered and easy selections from Greek literature are read. 78 11-12. IN TERM EDIA TE GREEK. Mr. Shero. Selections from Homer, a play of Euripides, and Plato’s A pology are read. 13-14. GREEK READING. Miss North. The reading of some of the masterpieces of poetry and of prose, including selections from lyric poetry and from Herodotus and a play of Aechylus or Sophocles, is supplemented by a survey of the history of Greek literature. Credit is given for each semester. The course will be offered only when required. 15-16. ADVANCED GREEK READING. Mr. Shero. The works read are determined by the interests and needs of the members of the class but will usually include portions of Thucydides, some speeches of the Attic orators, and a comedy of Aristophanes. Credit is given for each semester. The course will be offered only when required. Latin 1-2. ELEM ENTARY LATIN. Mr. Shero. The course is designed for students who begin Latin in college or who are not prepared to enter Intermediate Latin, and it normally covers the equivalent of two years’ work in secondary school. The course will be offered only when required. 3-4. IN TERM EDIA TE LATIN. Miss North. The course is primarily concerned with the reading of Virgil’s A en eid. For the benefit of students who have had only two years of preparatory Latin, a brief introductory period is devoted to a review of the fundamentals of Latin grammar. Credit is given for each semester. 5-6. INTRODUCTION TO LATIN LITERA TU RE. Mr. Shero and Miss North. The course aims to give some conception of the scope and characteristic qualities of Latin literature. The reading includes philosophical essays by Cicero in the first semester and the O des of Horace in the second. Credit is given for each semester. It is open to students who have had four years of preparatory Latin or who have completed Intermediate Latin. 11. CATULLUS AND ELEG Y. Mr. Shero. The work of the semester is devoted to the poems of Catullus and the elegiac poets. 12. MEDIAEVAL LATIN. Miss North. The reading done in this course consists of prose and verse selected chiefly from the writings of mediaeval Latin authors, with particular emphasis on history, philosophy, satire, and poetry. Some attention is given, early in the course, to Christian authors, such as Minucius Felix, St. Jerome, and St. Augustine, in order to clarify the transition from ancient to mediaeval modes of thought and expression. 79 Ancient History and Civilization 31. HISTORY OF G REEC E. Mr. Shero. The course is devoted to the study of the political and social history of the Greek states to the time of the Hellenistic kingdoms. This is preceded by a brief survey of the Oriental civilizations by which the Greeks were influenced. Special attention is given to the 6th and 5th centuries B.C. Considerable reading is done in the primary sources. The course is given in alternate years and will be offered in 1949-1950. 32. GREEK CIVILIZATION. Mr. Shero. Special stress is laid on those aspects of Greek culture which have had special significance for the modern world, and a detailed study is made of some of the masterpieces of Greek art and of Greek literature (in trans­ lation). The course is given in alternate years and will be offered in 19501951. 34. HISTORY O F ROME. Mr. Shero. The course is devoted to the study of the political and social history of Rome to the time of Constantine. Special attention is given to the last century of the Republic and the first century of the Empire. Considerable reading is done in the primary sources. 35. CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY. Mr. Shero. The methods of archaeological investigation in general and the contributions of archaeology to our knowledge of Greek and Roman life and art are studied. A visit is paid to the University of Pennsylvania Museum. The course will be offered only when required. 36. G REEK LITERA TU RE IN TRANSLATION. Miss North. The works read in this course include the Ilia d and the O dyssey, much of Greek tragedy and comedy, selections from the historians, the lyric and elegiac poets, and the Ionian physicists, and, in its entirety, the R epu blic of Plato. These works are considered both from the point of view of literary criticism and in relation to their influence on the development of western thought. H onors Seminars LATIN LANGUAGE. Miss North. This seminar serves as an introduction to classical philology, stressing the study of the Latin language in its development from Indo-European to the Vulgar Latin period. It also includes practice in reading and writing Latin, and an introduction to epigraphy and palaeography. The seminar is given in the first semester and will be offered in 1949-1950. 80 LATIN HISTORIANS. Mr. Shero. This seminar combines a survey of Latín historical writing to the end of the Silver Age with intensive study of selected books of Livy and Tacitus. The seminar is given in the second semester and will be offered in 1949-1950. LATIN EPIC. Miss North. This seminar traces the development of Roman epic poetry, with particular emphasis on the D e R erum N atura of Lucretius and the A en eid of Virgil. Some attention is also given to early Roman epic, as represented by the A rm ales of Ennius, and to the period of its decline, typified by Lucan’s Pharsalia. The seminar is given in the first semester and will be offered in 1950-1951. LATIN COMEDY AND SATIRE. Mr. Shero. Representative comedies of Plautus and Terence are read, and a study of the Satires and E pistles of Horace and the Satires of Juvenal is supplemented by a general survey of the development of Roman satire. The seminar is given in the second semester and will be offered in 1950-1951. In addition, seminars in Greek literature and in particular periods of ancient history will be offered when required. 81 Economics Professors: Herbert F. F raser P atrick Murphy M alin Clair W ilcox, Chairman Associate Professor: F rank C. Pierson* Assistant Professor: W illis D. W eatherford I nstructor: J ohn A. F rechtling L ecturers: Arleigh P. H ess, J r . G ordon Keith The courses in economics are designed: first, to acquaint the student with the institutions and the processes through which the business of producing, exchang­ ing, and distributing goods and services is organized and carried on; second, to train him in the methods by which the operation of these institutions and processes may be analyzed; and third, to enable him to arrive at informed judgments concerning relevant issues of public policy. Course 1-2 is prerequisite to all other work in the department except courses 3 and 4. Students intending to major in economics are also advised to take courses 3 and 4 and Political Science 1-2. Majors in course are required to take course 51 in the junior year and course 62 in the senior year. Majors in honors are required to take the seminars in Monetary and Fiscal Policy and Economic Theory. Courses and seminars should be taken, insofar as possible, in the order in which they are listed. 1-2. INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS. All members of department. This course is designed both to afford the general student a comprehensive survey of the field and to provide students doing further work in the depart­ ment with a foundation upon which to build. It explains the organization and operation of free, planned, and mixed economies and analyzes the major problems involved in the allocations of resources, the distribution of income, the maintenance of industrial stability, and the provision of social security, and in international economic relationships. Texts used are Samuelson, E con om ics and Bowman and Bach, E con om ic A nalysis an d P u blic P olicy. 3. ACCOUNTING. Mr. Hess. F irst S em ester Analysis of the problems of business organization and finance, banking, taxation and public regulation requires familiarity with the methods of corporate accountancy. It is the purpose of this course to equip the student with the rudiments of accounting that he will need to employ in his advanced courses and seminars in economics. • Absent on leave, 1949-50. 82 4. STATISTICS. Mr. Hess. S econ d Sem ester A large part of the literature of the social sciences presents generalizations based upon the results of statistical investigations. The validity of such gen­ eralizations is often dubious. It is the purpose of this course, by providing the student with an elementary knowledge of statistical methods, to enable him to appraise the studies that he will encounter in his later work. 51. MONEY AND BANKING. Mr. Malin. F irst Sem ester The organization and operation of the commercial banking system in the United States. Central banking and the Federal Reserve system. Monetary policy and economic stability. 52. PUBLIC FINANCE. Mr. Fraser. S econ d Sem ester The revenues and expenditures of Federal, state, and local governments. The principles' of taxation and borrowing. Budgetary control and debt man­ agement. Fiscal policy and economic stability. 53. 54. ECONOMICS OF BUSIN ESS. Mr. Fraser. The economic problems which confront the business executive. F irst sem ester: corporate organization and finance, investment banking and the securities exchanges. S econ d sem ester: marketing, risk, speculation, insurance and the commodities exchanges. 55. LABOR PROBLEM S. Mr. Pierson. (M r. Weatherford in 1949-50). F irst Sem ester The structure and functions of labor unions. Employer approaches to labor relations. Analysis of wage policies. Governmental control of labor relations. 56. SOCIAL ECONOMICS. Mr. Pierson. (M r. Weatherford in 1949-50). S econ d S em ester An examination of the extent, consequences, and causes of poverty, insecur­ ity, and inequality. An appraisal of economic reforms; social insurance, medical care, housing, the social use of the taxing power, the “welfare state.” 57. 58. PU BLIC CONTROL O F BUSIN ESS. Mr. Wilcox. F irst sem ester: competition and monopoly in American industry, enforcement and interpretation of the anti-trust laws, American agricultural policy. S econ d sem ester: regulation of production and prices in municipal utilities, transpor­ tation, communications, petroleum, bituminous coal, and urban markets for fluid milk; control of prices in war-time; public ownership and operation of industry. 59, 60. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. Messrs. Fraser, Malin and Wilcox. F irst sem ester: the theory and practice of international trade, the balance of payments, foreign exchange, national commercial policies, international investment. S econ d sem ester: population, resources, and technology; world economic development; problems of post-war reconstruction; relations be­ tween free and controlled economies. 61. ECONOMIC THEORY. Mr. Frechtling. F irst S em ester National income. The determination of prices. Fluctuations in economic activity. Determinants of the level of income and employment. 83 62. SENIOR MAJORS SEMINAR. All members of department. S econ d Sem ester Individual readings and reports on subjects not otherwise covered in the student’s program. Common readings in contemporary literature appraising the operation of free and controlled economies. Discussion of current issues of public policy. H onors W ork FINANCE. Messrs. Fraser and Malin. Private finance: commercial banking, corporation finance, investment bank­ ing, the securities and commodities exchanges, insurance, public regulation of financial practices. Public finance: the expenditures and revenues of federal, state, and local governments; the principles of taxation and borrowing. MONETARY AND FISCA L POLICY. Mr. Pierson. (M r. Keith in 1949-50.) Income and employment. The business cycle. The theories of Lord Keynes. The monetary policies of central banks. The fiscal policies of governments. The stabilization of economic activity. ECONOMIC THEORY. Mr. Weatherford. The determination of prices. The distribution of income. Non-monetary aspects of income analysis. Readings, among others, in the works of Ricardo, Mill, Marshall, Cassels, Wicksell, Chamberlin, Robinson, Hicks, Viner, Schumpeter and Haberler. PUBLIC CONTROL O F BUSIN ESS. Mr. Wilcox. The anti-trust laws, the patent system, price discrimination, delivered price systems, resale price maintenance. The control of prices and production in agriculture, bituminous coal, petroleum and urban markets for fluid milk. Public regulation of municipal utilities, transportation and communications. Price control in wartime. The public ownership and operation of industry. INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS. Messrs. Wilcox and Frechtling. The theory of international trade. Monetary problems, cyclical fluctuations, and international monetary cooperation. Restrictionism and discrimination, cartels, commodity problems, snipping, aviation and telecommunications. Relations between free and controlled economies. Post-war reconstruction, economic development and international investment. International economic organization. SOCIAL ECONOMICS. Messrs. Malin, Wilcox and Pierson. (M r. Weatherford in 1949-50.) Poverty, inequality and insecurity. Labor legislation, organization, collective bargaining, wage-policy and the public control of labor relations. Public assistance, social insurance, medical care, housing, free income and the social use of the taxing power. Regional planning and comparative economic systems. T hesis A thesis may be substituted for a course or a seminar under exceptional circumstances and by special arrangement. 84 Division of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Professor: S amuel T. C arpenter, Chairman Assistant Professors: R oy F . L insenmeyer Merton J. W illis I nstructor: Charles W. Newlin Research Associate: S. I. Liu Research Consultant: C aptain W endell P. R oop Department of Electrical Engineering Professor: H oward M. J enkins, Chairman Associate Professor: J ohn D. M cCrumm Assistant Professor: C. J ustus Garrahan Department of Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor: W illiam E . Reaser, Chairman Assistant Professors: B ernard M orrill W illiam E . W ood I nstructor: T homas E . Sweeney, J r . L ecturer: George T. H ammerschaimb The engineering profession of today is exacting and requires a broad, thorough education in the natural and social sciences. It requires people who are resource­ ful, precise, responsible, and emotionally mature. Engineering advances for new needs have been made possible by new knowledge, new instruments, and the coordinated efforts of a great number of people. Each advance has reaffirmed the necessity of learning the fundamentals of science and the importance of cooper­ ative endeavor. The educational plan of the Division has been prepared with these purposes in mind: to indoctrinate the student in professional disciplines while providing the foundation of a liberal education. The engineer must be so disciplined that he is not only technically proficient, but has the background and attitude which will enable him to accept his position as a professional man. Our pre-professional programs educate the student in the professional disciplines of the engineer, such as critical analysis, fact-finding, humanistic studies, and the com­ munication of ideas clearly and convincingly, in the written and spoken word. The engineering profession is in transition from solely narrow applications of technology to a position of importance in science, planning, management, 85 industrial research, and public service. With this in mind, the three Engineering Departments intend that each student shall ( 1 ) master the fundamental concepts of Engineering; ( 2 ) extend this mastery in the field of Civil, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering; ( 3 ) obtain a sufficient amount of general education to enable him to understand how his engineering activities fit into the great purposes of society. The engineering student must understand why he is doing what he has chosen to do. Once he has some understanding of the general function of engineering, he can safely be allowed some specialization. A student who intends to major in Engineering follows a common course of study for the first two years. At the end of the sophomore year, the student may enter his major field of Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Engineering. The last two years are largely spent in his major field. The three curricula of the Engineering Departments lead to the degree of Bachelor of Science; these curricula are accredited by the Engineers’ Council for Professional Development. The vocational aspects of engineering are minimized, and those aspects are emphasized which tend to show the student how he can be useful in our modern society. Each curriculum provides that the student of Engineering will take about one-fifth of his work in the Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, onefourth of his work in the Departments of Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics, and the remainder of his work in the three Departments of Engineering. The requirements for Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering do not differ until the third year. All students devote their last two years: ( 1 ) to certain basic courses required of all engineers; ( 2 ) to fulfilling the major requirements of one of the departments of Engineering; (3 ) to developing their special interests. It is possible for students in any of the three departments whose interests lie in the field of administration, physics, mathematics, or chemistry, to elect courses having a more direct bearing on these subjects. Each department has its own requirements, which are in addition to those courses of the general education required of all Swarthmore students. To this end, the program outlined below becomes, in effect, a uniform curriculum for the first two years. Note particularly: ( 1 ) * students intending to major in Engineering shall have finished calculus by the end of the third semester; (2 ) electives are available in each semester of the freshman and sophomore years (indeed, in all four years); these should be taken in the Social Science or Humanities Divisions. At the end of the sophomore year an examination is given to each student of Engineering to support his application for his major. • High school students intending to enter Engineering should take algebra, advanced algebra, plane and solid geometry, and trigonometry in secondary school so as to qualify to enter analytic geometry in their first term. 86 Outline of the C urricula E lectrical, in the D epartments and Mechanical E ngineering the F irst T wo Years of C ivil, for S econ d Sem ester F irst Sem ester Freshm an Y ear English Composition Chemistry Differential Calculus Descriptive Geometry Surveying II Social Science Elective English Literature Chemistry Analytic Geometry Engineering Drawing Surveying I Social Science Elective S ophom ore Y ear Physics Integral Calculus Statics Materials & Shop Processes Non-technical Elective Physics Thermodynamics I Dynamics Electric & Magnetic Circuits Non-technical Elective General C ourses GE1 EN GINEERING DRAWING. Mr. Morrill, Mr. Sweeney. Instruction in the use of drafting equipment; study of fundamental prin­ ciples of engineering drawing; practice through rendering of detailed elements and machine assemblies; lettering and sketching. Required for freshman engineers. Open to all students. Two three-hour periods per week. GE2 D ESCRIPTIV E GEOMETRY. Mr. Reaser, Mr. Sweeney. An extension of the basic conception of orthographic projection as applied to the location and definition in space of three-dimensional structures; analysis of the geometric relation of distances, angles, intersections for lines and planes; development of surfaces; emphasis upon practical applications of descriptive geometry in the various fields of engineering. Required for freshman engineers. Open to all students who have had GE1 or equivalent. Two three-hour periods per week. GE11 MATERIALS AND SHOP PROCESSES. Staff. Study of elementary metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous materials; investi­ gation in the laboratory of various engineering materials as they are affected by stress, temperature, and heat treatment; analysis of purposes and practice in use of machine tools with emphasis on their performance with the variety of materials used in manufacturing processes. Three class periods per week; two three-hour laboratories each week. 87 GE51 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT. Mr. Reaser. Study of organization and management of industrial enterprises; historical background and evolution of present-day scientific practices; significance of arrangement of physical plant, production control, financial policies, wage payment, and personnel relations. Open to all students. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. GE57 EN GIN EERIN G ECONOMY. Mr. Carpenter. À study of the methods of determining the relative economy of engineering alternatives; compound interest and the calculation of annual cost, present worth and prospective rates of return. A method of analysis which the engineer uses when he investigates a proposed course of action to decide whether it will prove to be economical. Open to all students. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Civil Engineering Professor: Samuel T. C arpenter, Chairman Assistant Professors: R oy F . L insenmeyer Merton J. W illis I nstructor: C harles W. Newlin R esearch Associate: S. I. Liu R esearch C onsultant: C aptain W endell P. R oop Civil Engineering is the oldest recognized branch of the Engineering profes­ sion, and the work of the present-day Civil Engineer is in construction, design of bridges, buildings and dams, sanitary engineering, foundations, hydroelectric power, highways, airports, and railroads. A major in the Department of Civil Engineering studies tne science of soil, water, structures, and materials. The Civil Engineering Department realizes the importance for the Civil Engineer of an understanding of Economics, Political Science, and the Liberal Arts, and provides for appropriate electives to be taken throughout the fouryear program. Students may elect to enter the Civil Engineering honors program at the beginning of the junior year, although the establishment of an honors seminar depends upon the number of students who wish to enroll. Standard Program for C ourse Students F irst S em ester S econ d Sem ester Ju n ior Y ear E E51 D. C. Apparatus CE51 Mechanics of Materials & Lab ME61 Applied Mechanics Non-Technical Elective M E54 Fluid Mechanics E E 53 A. C. Apparatus & Circuits CE52 Structural Theory Non-Technical Elective 88 CE53 Structural Design CE55 Soil Mechanics CE56 Sanitary Engineering Elective Senior Year CE54 Adv. Structural Theory CE57 Reinforced Concrete GE57 Engineering Economy Elective C E I SURVEYING, I. Mr. Newlin. Surveying instruments and their adjustment; practice in taping, leveling, running traverses. Required course for freshman engineers. Open to aU students who have had trigonometry in high school or college. ( 1 recitation and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE2 SURVEYING, II. Mr. Newlin. Taking topography, stadia work, preparation of profiles and maps from field notes, elements of photogrammetry, celestial observations. Prerequisite: CE1 Surveying. (1 recitation and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE11 STATICS. Mr. Willis. Concept and definition of force, scalar, and vector quantities; combination and resolution of forces, parallelogram law, and triangle law; principle ot moment and couples; including forces in space; graphical and analytical condition for equilibrium, force polygon, and string polygon; equilibnum ot forces as applied to simple structures and machines, free body sketches, stress diagrams, method of sections, loaded cables; conditions of equilibnum for various force systems, coplanor and noncoplanor; centroids of areas, volumes, and masses; area and volume theorems. Open to students who have taken Mathematics 1 and 2. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE12 DYNAMICS. Mr. Willis. Principles of dynamics, motion of a particle, Newtons laws, general equation of motion, rectilinear motion, displacement, velocity, speed, and acceleration, motion of a particle acted upon by a constant force, force proportional to displacement, simple harmonic motion, free and forced vibration, resonance, critical speed; inertia forces, work and energy, and relation between work and energy; momentum and impulse; curvilinear motion, velocity, tangential and normal acceleration, moment of inertia of masses; rotation, angular dis­ placement, velocity and acceleration, centripetal acceleration, and centrifugal forces; kinetic energy of rotation, torque, and power; balancing of rotating bodies; relative motion, angular momentum and gyroscopic motion; com­ bined translation and rotation. Prerequisite: CE3. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE51 MECHANICS O F MATERIALS AND LABORATORY. Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Linsenmeyer, Mr. Newlin. This course deals with the internal stresses and changes of form which always occur when forces act upon solid bodies. The mechanics involved in the design of simple engineering structures is presented so that the student may realize the problems which must be solved in order to secure the required 89 strength and stiffness in such structures. The laboratory work of this course is planned to clarify the theoretical considerations of beams, columns, com­ bined stress, torsion and methods of strain measurement. Prerequisite: CE3 Statics. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE52 STRUCTURAL THEORY. Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Linsenmeyer. Analysis of determinate and indeterminate structures. A study of stresses in truss and rigid frame systems. Prerequisite: CE51 Mechanics of Materials. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE53 STRUCTURAL DESIGN. Mr. Carpenter. Design of structural members and connections structures. for steel and timber Prerequisite: CE52 Structural Theory. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE54 ADVANCED STRUCTURAL THEORY. Mr. Carpenter. A study of complex structural systems and advanced mechanics of materials. Photoelasticity and the study of structural models. Prerequisite: CE52 Structural Theory. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) C E55 SO IL MECHANICS. Mr. Linsenmeyer, Mr. Newlin. The theory and practice of soil mechanics as applied to foundations, high­ ways, and airports. Prerequisite: CE51 Mechanics of Materials. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE56 SANITARY ENGINEERING. Mr. Willis. This course deals with the important activities of the sanitary engineer, including the development and purification of water supplies; sewerage and sewage disposal. This course also includes subjects dealing with advanced hydraulics such as hydraulic models, conformal mapping and hydrodynamics. Prerequisite: M E54 Fluid Mechanics. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) C E57 REIN FO RC ED CONCRETE. Mr. Newlin. The analysis and design of conprete structures including concrete building frames, concrete bridges and retaining walls. Prerequisite: CE52 Structural Theory. (3 recitations and 1 3-hour laboratory per week.) CE69 C IV IL EN GIN EERIN G TH ESIS. Staff. The time allotted to a civil engineering thesis is generally one semester. The subject matter of the thesis must be arranged six weeks before the beginning of a semester. 90 Electrical Engineering Professor: H oward M. J enkins, Chairman Associate Professor: J ohn D. M cC rumm Assistant Professor: C. J ustus G arrahan Electrical Engineering deals largely with the development and application of precise notions of electricity and its allied physical sciences in the broad field of the conversion, transmission, control, and utilization of electrical energy for the purposes of transmitting power and communicating intelligence. Electrical Engi­ neering achievements have been made possible through the coordinated efforts of many men. The profession demands critical analysis of a high order and the ability to carry out projects efficiently and with economy. The program in Electrical Engineering gives full recognition to the natural sciences basic to the profession, and includes considerable work in the Humanities and Social Sciences, since the needs of the profession are best served by engineers who are vitally aware of the society in which they work. The educational objectives of the Department are to provide the student with a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of the natural sciences related to Electrical Engineering, and to inculcate in the student the confidence to apply these principles to new situations. Considerable emphasis is placed on the experimental evidence underlying these fundamentals, and mathematical methods are used to facilitate the application of these principles. Since most engineering problems can be solved only by making certain simplifications, the student is encouraged to examine problems critically and to make such simplifying assumptions as are possible without destroying the significance of the results. Original thinking by students is fostered at all times. The importance of the presentation of work is also stressed, the student being required to gain some proficiency in communicating the results of his work clearly, completely, and in a well organized form. The courses in Electrical Engineering are each a series of inquiries dealing with fundamental concepts of electrical phenomena. The common aim is to carry the student to such a point that he will understand the basic sciences involved and can apply this knowledge to the problems of his later professional practice. Standard Program for C ourse S tudents Junior Year First Sem ester Secon d Sem ester E E 55 Electronics E E 57 Engineering Analysis II M E54 Fluid Mechanics Elective E E54 A. C. Circuits E E 56 Engineering Analysis I CE51 Mechanics of Materials Elective 91 Senior Y ear E E 61 Networks and Fields E E 59 A. C. Machinery II Engineering Elective Elective E E 52 D. C. Machinery E E 58 A. C. Machinery I E E 60 Vacuum Tube Circuits Elective E E 11 E L E C T R IC AND MAGNETIC CIRGUITS. Mr. Jenkins. The experimental basis of electricity and magnetism; elementary, electro­ statics and magnetostatics; voltage, current power, energy. Bilateral and linear networks with constant driving voltages. Induced electromotive forces; capacitance and inductance; elementary problems in ferro-magnetism. Three class periods per week; one laboratory every other week. Prerequisites: Physics 1-2, and to be preceded by Integral Calculus. E E 51 D IR EC T CURRENT APPARATUS. Mr. Jenkins. Theory of direct-current generators and motors; fundamentals of control for direct current machines. Topics include flux, generated voltage, armature reaction, commutation, torque, speed, voltage and speed regulation, losses, efficiency, and effects of control on motor characteristics. Three class periods per week; one four-hour laboratory every other week. Prerequisite: E E l l Electric and Magnetic Circuits. Primarily for nonElectrical Engineering majors. E E 52 D IR EC T CURRENT MACHINERY. Theory of direct-current generators and motors; fundamentals of control for direct-current machines; effect of control on motor characteristics; rotating amplifiers and their use in closed-cycle control systems; tandem drives. Three class periods per week; one four-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: E E l l Electric and Magnetic Circuits. Primarily for Electrical Engineering majors. E E 53 ALTERNATING CURRENT CIRCUITS AND APPARATUS. Mr. Jenkins. Relations of simple harmonic electromotive forces and currents, phase dif­ ferences; active, reactive and apparent power, power factor, resistance, inductance, and capacitance; series, parallel, series parallel, and resonant circuits; polyphase circuits, balanced and unbalanced. The construction* characteristics, and operation of alternators, induction motors, transformers, synchronous motors, synchronous converters, mercury arc rectifiers and their regulating and control devices. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisite: EE51 Direct Current Apparatus. E E 54 ALTERNATING CURRENT CIRCUIT THEORY. Mr. Jenkins. Instantaneous current and power; effective current and voltage; single phase circuit analysis; the use of complex impedance; non-sinusoidal waves; coupled circuits; balanced polyphase circuits, unbalanced polyphase circuits and symmetrical components. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisite: E E l l Electric and Magnetic Circuits. 92 E E 55 ELECTRONICS. Mr. Garrahan. Motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields; thermionic emission; the high vacuum diode; electrical discharges in gases; rectifiers and thyratrons; power supplies and filters; the triode; multi-electrode tubes; voltage amplifiers. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisite: E E 54 A. C. Circuit Theory. E E 56 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS I. Mr. McCrumm. Formulation and application of the method of engineering analysis based upon fundamental physical laws, mathematics, and practical engineering considerations. Emphasis is placed on the professional approach to the analysis of a new, bona fide engineering problem. A study is made of the common physical and mathematical aspects shared by different systems such as mechanical, thermal, electrical and acoustical. The theory and application of ordinary differential equations is systematically covered. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisites: E E 11 Electric and Magnetic Circuits, and Integral Calculus. E E 57 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS II. Mr. McCrumm. Further analysis of physical systems, employing the following branches of mathematics: Gamma and Bessell functions, elliptic integrals, Fourier series and other infinite series, partial differential equations, conformal mapping, dimensional analysis, the Laplace transform. Three class periods per week. Prerequisite: E E 56 Engineering Analysis I. E E 58 ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINERY I. Mr. Jenkins, Mr. McCrumm. The transformer: equivalent circuits, regulation and efficiency, parallel operation, balanced and unbalanced polyphase operation, the autotrans­ former, three winding transformer, etc. The induction motor: polyphase and single phase machines, equivalent circuits, graphical methods of analysis, effect of unbalanced voltages, etc. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisites: E E 54 A. C. Circuit Theory, and E E 52 D. C. Machinery. E E 59 ALTERNATING Jenkins. CURRENT MACHINERY II. Mr. McCrumm, Mr. The alternator: determination of the performance and the principle machine parameters, the two reaction theory, operation under unbalanced and transi­ ent conditions. The synchronous motor: a generalized study of the syn­ chronous machine correlating motor and generator action, the two reaction theory of the motor, etc. Commutator type A. C. motors and synchronous converters. The basic aspects of power system stability. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisite: E E 58 A. C. Machinery I. 93 E E 60 VACUUM TU B E CIRCUITS. Mr. Garrahan. An introduction to the analysis and design of circuits containing vacuum ' tubes. The circuits studied include: voltage and power amplifiers; modulators and detectors; oscillators and pulse generators. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisites: E E 54 A. C. Circuit Theory; E E 55 Electronics, and EE57 Engineering Analysis II, or equivalent. E E 61 NETWORKS AND F IE L D S . Mr. Garrahan. The first part of this course is a study of electrical networks, such as artificial lines, transmission lines with distributed parameters, and electric wave filters. The second part is an introduction to electromagnetic field theory. The topics discussed are: Maxwell’s hypothesis; propagation and reflection of electromagnetic waves; antennas; wave guides and resonant cavities. Three class periods per week; one laboratory each week. Prerequisites: E E 5 4 A. C. Circuit Theory, and E E 57 Engineering Analysis II. E E 70 ELEC TR IC A L EN GIN EERIN G TH ESIS. Staff. An engineering thesis may be substituted for a course or for the examination on the subject matter covered in a seminar, by special arrangement with the staff. H o n o rs The four following seminars are offered by the Department to prepare in part for examinations for a degree with Honors. Students who plan to take honors seminars in Electrical Engineering should note that Circuit Theory is a desirable preparation for Electronics ( although not a prerequisite if a seminar in Electricity and Magnetism has been taken). Adequate training in electrical machinery, and the Circuit Theory seminar or its equivalent, are prerequisites for the seminar in Servomechanisms. Some knowledge of A. C. Circuit Theory is a prerequisite for the Machinery Seminar. CIRC U IT THEORY. A systematic treatment of the transient and steady-state analysis of electrical networks. The operational methods of analysis based on complex algebra and the Laplace Transform are studied. These methods are then used to investi­ gate the performance of single and polyphase systems, the general twoterminal pair, long transmission lines, and electric wave filters. The seminar is accompanied by a full-day laboratory. ELECTRON ICS. A study of electron ballistics and the characteristics of electron tubes and their application in amplifiers, modulators, detectors, oscillators, pulse genera­ tors, etc. Some elementary aspects of radiation and ultra-high frequency techniques may be included. The seminar is accompanied by a full-day laboratory. 94 SERVOMECHANISMS. A systematic investigation of the characteristics of closed cycle control sys­ tems and their components. The mechanisms may be any combination of electrical, thermal, mechanical or hydraulic systems. Synthesis rather than analysis is stressed thus requiring use of the more powerful methods of the Laplace transform, and a study of transfer function loci and equations in the complex domain. Modern techniques are employed; extensive reading in the literature is expected of each student. There is one full-day laboratory per week, in addition to the seminar. MACHINERY. An intensive study of the basic aspects shared in common by transformers and rotating electrical machinery. A further study of the operating character­ istics and the engineering application of electrical machines as specific direct current and alternating current devices. There is one full-day laboratory per week, in addition to the seminar. Mechanical Engineering Associate Professor: W illiam E . R easer, Chairman Assistant Professors: B ernard M orrill W illiam E . W ood I nstructor: T homas E . Sweeney , J r . (part time) L ecturer: George T. H ammershaimb The curriculum in Mechanical Engineering is planned to develop an individual through scientific training for positions in manufacturing industries, with organi­ zations engaged in power production, and in the field of transportation. Based upon the fundamental sciences of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, the program aims to provide an adequate background for the solution of mechanical problems dealing with the design, construction, and operation of the machinery of modem industry. In addition, the arrangement of studies is intended to prepare an engineer for the eventual assumption of managerial responsibilities. Coincident with the need for a broad technical training, the Mechanical Engineer must be fully conscious of the effects of his efforts on the society of which he is a part. To promote such an awareness, provision is made for elective courses. The undergraduate is encouraged to pursue work in the Humanities as a means to this end. Standard Program for C ourse Students Junior Year Secon d Sem ester First Sem ester ME51 EE51 CE51 ME61 M E54 Fluid Mechanics E E 53 A. C. Apparatus & Circuits M E52 Heat Power Elective Thermodynamics II D. C. Apparatus Mechanics of Materials & Lab Applied Mechanics 95 Senior Year M E53 Heat Engineering ME62 Adv. Strength of Materials M E63 Kinematics and Design Elective M E64 Engineering Design M E55 Adv. Fluids and Heat Transfer GE51 Industrial Management Elective ME11 THERMODYNAMICS I. Mr. Reaser, Mr. Morrill. Energy and first law of thermodynamics; application of general energy equation to steady-flow and non-flow processes; properties of liquids; vapors, gases, mixtures; reversible cycles; second law of thermodynamics; entropy. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Integral Calculus. ME51 THERMODYNAMICS H. Mr. Reaser, Mr. Morrill. Continuation of M E11: comprehensive analysis of steam power plant cycles; external and internal combustion engines; real gases; flow of elastic fluids through nozzles and orifices; combustion; refrigeration; compression of gases. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: M E11 Thermodynamics. ME52 HEAT POW ER. Mr. Reaser, Mr. Hammershaimb. A critical study of modem power plants with emphasis upon design and fabrication problems relating to fuel firing equipment, furnaces, boilers, airpreheaters, economizers; auxiliary equipment such as pumps, compressors, deaerating heaters, condensers; significance of various plant cycles in their relation to station heat balance. Class and laboratory investigations extended by field trips. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: ME11 Thermodynamics. 1 M E53 HEAT ENGINEERING. Mr. Hammershaimb. Continuation of M E52; thermodynamic and mechanical features of both spark ignition and compression ignition internal combustion engines; com­ bustion of liquid and gaseous fuels; gas turbine processes; air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. Class and laboratory work supplemented by field trips. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisites: ME51 Thermodynamics, M E52 Heat Power. M E54 FL U ID MECHANICS. Mr. Wood. An introductory course in fluid statics; kinematics; equation of continuity; steady flow energy and momentum; dynamics of an ideal fluid; dimensional analysis and similitude; incompressible flow in closed conduits and com­ pressibility phenomena. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisites: Integral Calculus, ME 11 Thermodynamics. 96 Trotter Hall (a Classroom Building). I ff M E55 ADVANCED F L U ID MECHANICS AND HEAT TRANSFER. Mr. Wood. Theory of fluid mechanics in turbines, pumps, fans, jets, fluid couplings; fundamental principles of heat transfer by conduction, free and forced convection, radiation; parallel and counternow heat exchangers; insulated pipes and related equipment; relation to practical engineering problems. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: M E54 Fluid Mechanics. ME61 APPLIED MECHANICS. Mr. Wood. The development of fundamental concepts in problems dealing with mechan­ ical vibrations; Euler’s equation; theories of failure; metallurgical problems in design; use of statistical analysis and theory of probability for solving engineering problems. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: Integral Calculus. M E62 ADVANCED STRENGTH O F MATERIALS. Mr. Wood. Review of stress and strain; torsion; bending; beams on elastic foundations; thick cylinders; failure of metals under stress; plastic flow; influence of stress concentration and working stresses. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: M E61 Applied Mechanics. M E63 KINEMATICS AND DESIGN. Mr. Morrill. A study of the complex motions and velocities of machine linkwork and gearing; design of cams, screws, fastenings, belts, straight and curved frames, gears and shafting. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: ME61 Applied Mechanics. M E64 ENGINEERIN G DESIGN. Mr. Morrill. Design of elements under rotational stress; various classifications of fits; vibration analysis leading to isolation and engine balancing; lubrication and bearing design; design of machine assemblies. Three class periods per week; one three-hour laboratory each week. Prerequisite: M E63 Kinematics and Design. M E65 MECHANICAL EN GIN EERIN G TH ESIS. Staff. With ■departmental approval, an undergraduate may undertake a thesis project as a portion o f the program in the senior year. 97 English Literature Professors: Philip M arshall H icks, Chairm an * E verett L. Hunt T ownsend Scudder, 3rd* 0 Associate Professors: George J. B ecker E lizabeth C ox W right* * Assistant Professors: B ruce D earing F redric S. Klees Stephen E . W hicher I nstructors: D avid C owden S amuel L. Hynes B arbara Pearson L ange (part-time) This department might more properly be called the Department of Literature in English, since it offers a study both of literature originally written in the English language and of works translated from other tongues. Literature is considered as a fine art, as a cultural record, and as a guide to the student’s interpreta­ tion of his own experience in life. The program of courses and seminars comprises four approaches to the subject: the intensive study of the work of major writers, examination of the literature produced in certain limited periods, the historical development of the major literary types, and the grouping of various types or forms on the basis of their subject matter or point of view. The general purposes of this study are the broadening of the student’s understanding and enjoyment of literature, the development of a basis for intelligent criticism, and the provision of a foundation for further study in the field. Stress is also laid upon accurate reading and writing through critical explication of texts and criticism of student papers. * R equirements for M ajors and M inors in C ourse M ajor: The work of the major in this department in course normally consists of at least four full courses in the department, including Modem Literature in the first year, either Chaucer or Milton in the second year, a full course or two half courses in one of the types (numbers 21-28 below) in the third year, and Shakespeare and the Senior Conference in the final year. The comprehensive examination at the close of the senior year is based on this work, but also includes questions on other coruses offered by the department for those prepared in these fields. A reading list in English and American literature is given to all majors to act as a guide in the selection of courses and to independent reading in prepara­ * Absent on leave, second semester, 1949-50. 00 Absent on leave, 1949-50. 98 tion for the Senior Conference. Majors are expected to take a semester’s work in either Fine Arts or Music and are advised to take a semester’s work in some foreign literature. Students expecting to do graduate work should acquire a read­ ing knowledge in the languages required by the schools they propose to attend. Minor: The work of the minor in course normally consists of three full courses elected with the approval of the major department, including Modem Literature. C ourses 1. MODERN LITERA TU RE: Introduction to Literary Study. Staff. An introduction to the critical study of the four principal types of literature: poetry, drama, novel, and non-fictional prose. The materials are drawn chiefly from modern American literature for the purpose of emphasizing the rela­ tionship of literature to life through the study of works produced from backgrounds familiar to the student in terms of his own experience. Required of all freshmen. 5. COMPOSITION. Training in the writing of non-fictional prose. Designed to meet the require­ ments of Engineering and Pre-Medical students. Other students admitted on the basis of need for this work. 11. M ILTON AND TH E 17TH CENTURY. Mr. Hunt and Mrs. Wright. Paradise Lost, selections from Milton’s shorter poems, T h e Old Testament, Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, and the lyrics of John Donne are read. Study is made of narrative, epic, and lyric writing, and the relationship of the litera­ ture to the thought of the period. 12. CHAUCER. Mr. Klees and Mr. Scudder. Reading of Troilus an d Criseyde, T h e Canterbury T ales and some of the minor poems in the original Middle English, with greater attention to the literary than to the linguistic aspects. 21, 22. POETRY. Mrs. Wright and Mr. Dearing. A survey of English poetry from its beginnings, with a study of the principles of poetic criticism and a detailed examination of the work of two or three, poets. The first semester may stand alone, but new students are not admitted in the middle of the year. 23, 24. TH E NOVEL. Mr. Hicks and Mr. Cowden. The first semester covers the development of the English novel from Fielding to Trollope with emphasis on the chronicle form prevalent during this period. In contrast, the second semester emphasizes developments in tech­ nique and content from Meredith to the present day. Credit given for either semester, but students desiring both should take them in the regular sequence. 25. COMEDY. Mr. Klees. Dramatic comedy in its various forms, English and American, with particular attention to the Elizabethan, Restoration, and modem periods. 99 26. TRAGEDY. Mr. Klees. Dramatic tragedy from the Agam em m non trilogy to D eath o f a Salesman, with emphasis on Elizabethan and modem American tragedy. 27. BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL. Mr. Klees. Biography from Pepys to the present, with stress on the times as well as the lives; representative travel literature from Hakluyt to Dos Passos. 28. SOCIAL CRITICISM . Mr. Becker. The reactions of such major figures as Carlyle, Mill, Henry Adams, Bellamy and Morris to the changed conditions of life after the Industrial Revolution. An attempt is made both to analyze the social comment or protest in individual works and to explore the part that social forces play in modem literature. 31-32. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Mr. Whicher. Interpretation and comparison of some major writings by significant American authors. Texts include Franklin, A utobiography; Hawthorne, T h e Scarlet L etter; Thoreau, W ald en ; Melville, M oby D ick; Twain, H u ckleberry Finn; Adams, Education, which should be read in advance of the course. A year course, not ordinarily divisible. 33, 34. SATIRE. Mr. Dearing. An historically oriented consideration of some of the principal satires in world literature, with emphasis upon interpretation and evaluation as litera­ ture. Fall semester: representative satires from Horace and Juvenal through Voltaire and Swift. Spring semester: representative satires from Byron and Peacock through France and Huxley. 35. REALISM . Mr. Becker. A study of realism as a literary movement. Beginning with M adam e Bovary, the course traces the development of realistic techniques and concepts in Zola, in the Russians, and in American writers such as Norris, Dreiser, and FarrelL 41. ELIZABETHAN LITERA TU RE. Mr. Klees. Comprehensive study of the literature of the period, exclusive of the work of Shakespeare. 42. SHAKESPEARE. Mr. Klees. A study of the major plays. Not open to majors in this department. 49. ARGUMENT. Mr. Becker. The analysis and orderly presentation of large bodies of material in speech and writing. The work comprises a series of short analytical papers, a research paper of some magnitude (usually correlated with the work of another course) and a series of argumentative speeches. Admission only with consent of the instructor. 100 190600 51-52. SHAKESPEARE. Stag. A study of the complete works of Shakespeare, tracing the development of his craftsmanship and ideas. For majors in this department only; normally offered in seminar form in the first semester of the senior year. 54. SENIOR CO NFERENCE. Staff. Group meetings of departmental majors held in the second semester of the senior year for the purpose of reviewing, integrating, and supplementing the student’s course program. 56. LITERA RY CRITICISM . Mr. Hunt. The theories and doctrines of English literary criticism and their background. G REEK LITERA TU RE IN EN GLISH (Greek 3 6 ). Miss North. W riting and Speaking: Students in need of training in Composition may be required to take tutorial work or to complete Course 5 before entering the junior year. Instruction in Public Speaking is given weekly, by Mrs. Lange, in a non-credit course. Students are asked to prepare and deliver formal and informal speeches, introductions, presentations, and to partake in roundtable discussions. Frequent recordings of each student are made to aid in self-criticism. Extra-curricular student groups for practice in creative writing, acting, and debating meet with members of the departmental faculty. H onors W ork Prerequisites: The course requirements for a major in honors are the same as for a major in course, Modem Literature and either Chaucer or Milton. The election of an additional course in the sophomore year is advised when the schedule permits it, and The History of England is also recommended. For admission with a minor in this department, the requirement is One year of work, including Modem Literature. Program: Majors in honors must take four seminars in the department, includ­ ing Shakespeare and one of the types seminars from Group II. Minors in honors may enroll in any two or three of the seminars offered as may seem best suited to the purposes of their whole program. Seminars: The following seminars prepare for examinations for a degree with Honors. G roup I SHAKESPEARE. Mr. Dearing, Mr. Hicks and Mr. Whicher. Both Sem esters A study of the mind and art of Shakespeare as dramatist and poet. The emphasis is on the major plays, with a more rapid reading of the remainder of his work. Students are advised to read through the whole of the plays before entering the seminar. M ILTON AND TH E 17TH CENTURY. Mr. Hunt. Milton, Donne, and the poetry of the Bible. CHAUCER. Mr. Klees and Mr. Scudder. A study of Chaucer’s poetry and age. 101 F all Sem ester Spring Sem ester G roup II POETRY. Mrs. Wright and Mr. Dearing. Spring Sem ester Chiefly Victorian poetry. The basic elements of poetic expression, thought, imagery, and sound are studied separately, and then brought together m the investigation of four long poems. DRAMA. Mr. Hicks. Spring Sem ester Survey of the development of the drama in England and America following a preliminary study of classic drama. NOVEL. Mrs. Wright. F all Sem ester Chiefly 19th century. Principles ofaesthetics applied to the novel form are developed from the study of selected novels outside the Victorian tradition. LITERA RY CRITICISM . Mr. Hunt. Spring Sem ester English literary criticism from Sidney to Pater, with some study of classical backgrounds and contemporary developments. Group II I COMPARATIVE LITERA TU RE. Mr.Becker. F all Sem ester Using the realistic movement as a starting point, this seminar considers some of the major themes and philosophic attitudes embodied in recent literature. The chief figures studied are Flaubert and Zola; Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov; and Mann, Joyce, and Kafka. SOCIAL CRITICISM . Mr. Becker. SpringSem ester The development of social criticism as a major constituent of American literature from Jefferson and Paine to the present. TH E ENGLISH AUGUSTANS. Mr. Dearing. Spring Sem ester A study of ideas and forms in the works of Dryden, Pope, Swift, and Johnson. The intent is primarily to evaluate the literary achievement of four major authors, and to relate them on the one hand to the literature of Greece and Rome, and on the other to philosophical and literary currents of the Eighteenth Century. AMERICAN LITERA TU RE. Mr. Whicher. A study of the major writers in this field. F a ll Sem ester PROBLEM S O F LITERA RY STUDY. Mrs. Wright. F all Sem ester This seminar gives training in bibliography, selection of problems for critical writing, and leads to the presentation of a thesis. Students read and criticise each other’s work at intervals and confer individually with the instructor. Students who wish to write theses not properly within the scope of this seminar may apply to the Chairman of the Department for permission to sub­ stitute such projects for the fourth seminar of work in the major field. LIN GUISTIC SCIEN CE. Mr. Reuning. (German.) Admitted as a seminar in English for majors who concentrate on English or American language problems; may also be considered as a minor for students majoring in the department. 102 Fine Arts Associate P rofessor: R oeert M. W alker, Chairman I nstructors: Hedley H. R hys E thel Stilz (part-time) The aim of the Department is to study the historical-cultural significance and aesthetic value of architecture, sculpture, painting and graphic art (prints and drawings). Methods and problems of criticism are considered: observation, analysis, interpretation and evaluation. Instruction is given by means of original works of art as well as by the usual visual aids. Field trips are made to public and private collections in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington and to significant examples in those areas. Since it is the objective of the Department to foster an intelligent comprehen­ sion of the visual arts rather than to train professional artists, no courses^ in drawing, painting and sculpture are offered for credit. However, instruction in such work is available under the extracurricular Arts and Crafts Program. Requirements and R ecommendations Prerequisites: Majors and minors in course and honors must take the full year course Fine Arts 1-2. For other students the prerequisite for all advanced courses is one semester of Fine Arts 1-2 only (i. e., Fine Arts 1 or Fine Arts 2 ). S equ en ce o f Courses: Whenever possible, majors and minors will take advanced courses in their numerical order. For other students advanced courses need not be taken in numerical sequence. Majors and Minors in C ourse: The program of a major consists of at least eight half courses (including Fine Arts 1-2) in the Department. The courses supporting this program depend on the needs of the individual student and may be found in both the Division of the Humanities and the Division of the Social Sciences. Majors and Minors in Honors: Majors in honors take four seminars in the Department. In special cases the seminar in Aesthetics may be substituted for one in. Fine Arts. A minor in honors usually consists of two seminars. The seminars offered in any one semester vary according to the requirements of the students and the convenience of the Department. Language R equirem ents fo r G raduate Schools: Students are advised that graduate work in Fine Arts usually demands a knowledge of French or German. C ourses 1-2. INTRODUCTION TO ART HISTORY. Mr. Rhys and Mr. Walker. Full Course F in e Arts 1 ( first sem ester). Consideration is given in the first four weeks to the basic problems of the nature of the work of art, the factors of influ­ ence upon its conception, formation and development ( geographic, social, 103 economic, etc.), the principles of value Judgments, and methods of analysis. A limited number of representative examples of architecture, sculpture, and painting are studied within the historical context of the civilizations and cultural epochs which produced them: Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and Medieval France. F in e Arts 2 ( secon d sem ester). European and sculpture and painting from the fifteenth century studied from the same points of view and with the first semester. Three hours of lectures a week and one bi-weekly 11 American architecture, to the present day are same methods as in the conference hour. DESIGN IN DRAWING AND PAINTING. Mr. Rhys. H alf Course, Secon d Sem ester T he'basic elements of design and their function in drawing and painting. Types of harmony, sequence and balance such as linear, tonal and spacial. The methods of design and representation that characterize the various historical styles. Practical exercises required demand no special technical aptitude, since the purpose of the course is to develop a critical understanding of drawing ana painting and not technical skill. 12. ANCIENT ART. Mr. Walker. H 'S f Course, First Sem ester The development of the forms of architecture, sculpture and painting as expressing the various cultural patterns of ancient civilizations: Egypt, Iran, Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome. 13. M ED IEVA L ART. Mr. Walker. H alf Course, Second Sem ester A study of the relationship between art and society in Europe and the Near East from the fourth through the fourteenth centuries. The ideas and insti­ tutions which were instrumental in shaping Christian art during its formative stages of development. Special emphasis is placed on the Romanesque and Gothic periods in France: the abbey and the cathedral. H alf Course 14. ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ART. Mr. Rhys. A study of certain aspects of the Renaissance in Italy as expressed in archi­ tecture, sculpture and painting. Emphasis is placed on such great masters as Donatello, Masaccio, Alberti, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo and Titian. 15 RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE PAINTING O F W ESTERN EUROPE. Mr. Walker. Half Course Developments in painting and drawing during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Spam through the study of individual artists such as the Van Eycks, Roger van der Weyden, Jean Fouquet, Dürer, Gruenewald, Holbein, E l Greco, Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Poussin and Velasquez. 16. MODERN PAINTING. Mr. Rhys. H alf Course, First Sem ester Important stylistic developments in European painting from the French Revolution to 1939: the meanings of the various movements and then relationship to changing social and political attitudes. 104 17. AMERICAN ART. Mr. Rhys. H alf Course, Second Sem ester Architecture, sculpture and painting in North America from the Colonial Period to the present day, their connection with European art and their significance as a reflection of American culture. 18. MODERN BUILDIN G. Mr. Walker. H alf Course, Second Sem ester An introduction to the nature of architecture and the function of the architect through a study of developments in European and American building during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The specific influence of economic, technological and social changes upon design and structure. Emphasis placed on the study of original examples in the Phila­ delphia area and on the work of such men as Sullivan, Wright, Lescaze, Mies van der Rohe, Gropius and Le Corbusier. The prerequisite of Fine Arts 1-2 is waived for students in Engineering. 19. THEORY O F DESIGN IN DECORATION. Miss Stilz. H alf Course, First Sem ester The principles of design and color and their application to the planning and furnishing of the interior of the house. Practical exercises and the study of selected examples of European and American architecture. H onors Seminars ITALIAN RENAISSANCE PAINTING. Mr. Rhys. A study and analysis of painting in Italy from Giotto to Titian: the decisive contributions of the outstanding masters to its stylistic development and its relationship to the Renaissance movement as a whole. RENAISSANCE AND BAROQUE PAINTING OF W ESTERN EUROPE. Mr. Walker. Developments in painting and drawing during the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain through the study of individual masters such as the Van Eycks, Roger van der Weyden, Jean Fouquet, Albrecht Dürer, Gruenewald, Holbein, El Greco, Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Poussin and Velasquez. MODERN PAINTING. Mr. Rhys. Important stylistic developments in European painting from the French Revolution to 1939: the meanings of the various movements and their relationship to changing social and political attitudes. MASTER PRINT MAKERS. Mr. Walker. A consideration of certain problems in the history of the graphic arts. A study of the significance of the work of such men as Schongauer, Durer, Rembrandt, Goya, Daumier, Munch and Rouault for the development of expression in the media of the woodcut, engraving, etching, acquatint and lithography. Students work almost exclusively with original material in the Print Room of the Philadelphia Museum and the Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection in Jenkintown. 105 German Language and Literature Assistant Professors: L ydia B aer, Chairman Hilde D. C ohn Karl R euning Through its elementary courses the German Department attempts to serve, on a college level, those students who wish to build a foundation in the language, as well as those who are forced into the study by a college or departmental requirement. Beyond the first two years, the objectives are broadly cultural, with particular stress on the integration of German language, literature, and philology into the great body of other humanistic cultures. As far as possible, German is the language of the classroom in all advanced courses and seminars. R equirements for M ajors and Minors German may be offered as major or minor in course or in honors work. Prerequisites and recommended supporting subjects are the same for both course and honors students. By special arrangement, qualified students who begin German in college are enabled to choose German as a major or minor subject in their junior and senior years. Such competent students may in the sophomore year, by special reading, take Course 6-7, which is required of all majors and minors within the first two years. Recommended as supporting subjects for major and minor students during the first two years: an advanced course in German literature; Shakespeare; Modern Philosophy; Psychology; Fine Arts; courses in other literatures. 1-2. ELEM EN TARY GERMAN. Members of the department. Full Course For students who begin German in college. Equivalent of two years’ secon­ dary school preparation. Fundamentals of German and simpler texts such as Appelt and Funke: M od em G erm an Prose. 3. IN TERM EDIA TE GERMAN. Members of the department. H alf Course Prerequisite: German 1-2 or two years’ secondary school preparation. Review grammar and texts of average difficulty such as Hill: D rei N obelpreisträger. 4. IN TERM ED IA TE GERMAN. Miss Baer and Miss Cohn. H alf Course Fulfills the college requirement for all students who wish to learn reading through the medium of literary and cultural material, of the type W erfel: Jacobow sky und d er O berst; Fleissner and Fleissner: D ie Kunst d er Prosa; Goethe: Urfaust; Bruns: A B ook o f Germ an Lyrics. Prerequisite: German 3 or equivalent. 5. SC IE N T IFIC GERMAN. Miss Cohn and Mr. Reuning. H alf Course Fulfills the college requirement for students who are interested only in reading German scientific prose. Edited science selections followed by unedited material taken from the various scientific fields of the members of the class. Prerequisite: German 3 or equivalent. 106 6-7. INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN LITERA TU RE. Mr. Reuning. Full Course Either half or both may be taken for credit. Prerequisite for majors and minors. A study of representative German authors from the classical period to the present; reading and discussion of dramas, stories, and lyric poems. Writing of critical reports. Prerequisite: Course 3-4 or equivalent. 8. W RITIN G AND SPEAKING GERMAN. Mr. Reuning. H alf Course Composition and conversation. Introduction to V olkskunde: the social and cultural backgrounds of modern Germany. Prerequisite: Course 3-4 or equivalent. 11. D IE D EUTSCH E ROMANTIK. Miss Baer. H alf Course An introductory study of the romantic movement in Germany, with illus­ trative readings from representative authors such as Novalis, Tieck, Arnim, Brentano, Eichendorff. Lectures, discussion, papers in German. Prerequisite: Course 6-7 or equivalent. 12. POETISCH ER REALISM US. Miss Baer. H alf Course Selected studies from the dramas of Grillparzer, Hebbel, Otto Ludwig, and from the works of the great prose writers of the second half of the nine­ teenth century. Conducted in German. Discussion, papers. Prerequisite: Course 6-7 or equivalent. 13-14. GOETHE. Miss Baer. Full Course A study of Goethe’s life and works. The first semester is occupied with a consideration of the period up to the Italian Journey; the second semester with Goethe’s maturity and old age, including Faust I and II. Conducted in German; lectures, discussion, papers. Open to all students who read and speak German fluently. 15. SCH ILLER. Miss Baer. H alf Course The classical age of Schiller, as reflected in his dramas and in his essays on aesthetic questions. Conducted in German; discussion and papers. Open to all students who read and speak German fluently. 16. MODERNE DEUTSCH E LITERA TUR. Miss Baer. H alf Course A study of four or five leading German writers of the twentieth century, including Thomas Mann, Gerhart Hauptmann, Rainer Maria Rilke. Lectures, discussion, papers. Prerequisite: Course 6-7 or equivalent. 17-18. GERMAN AUTHORS IN TRANSLATION. Members of the department. F u ll Course Lectures in English; discussion; frequent book reports in English by students. Open to all students. 19. CREATIVE W RITIN G. Mr. Reuning. H alf Course An advanced course. Intensive practice in writing and speaking German. The subject matter is taken from German literature and Kulturgeschichte, and students are encouraged to exercise their own initiative. 107 H onoks W o rk The following seminars prepare for examinations for a degree with Honors. Those actually given in any year vary according to the choices of the students and the convenience of the department. M ID D LE HIGH GERMAN LITER A TU R E AND PHILOLOGY. Mr. Reuning. Introduction into Indo-European and Germanic philology and phonetics. Outline of development of the German language. Middle High German grammar. Brief survey of Old and Middle High German literature. Reading of MHG texts in the original, especially N ibelungenlied, Wolfram’s Parzival, and Walther von der Vogelweide. THE AGE O F LU TH ER. Mr. Reuning. Study of literary, historical, sociological and religious problems of the sixteenth century. Reading of outstanding authors of the period, such as Luther, Hans Sachs, Brant, Hutten, Fischart. A course or seminar in History of the Reformation is recommended as preparation for this seminar. DEUTSCHES BAROCK und AUFKLAERUNG. Miss Baer. A study of German literature in the seventeenth and early eighteenth cen­ turies. The reforms of Opitz, the lyric poetry of the period, the mysticism of Angelus Silesius and Jakob Bohme, the plays of Gryphius, and the prose of Grimmelshausen; a study of Lessing in his most important dramas and critical writing. GOETHE. Miss Baer. Goethe’s life and work in the classical age of German literature, in its chief phases. D IE D EUTSCH E ROMANTIK. Miss Baer. Romanticism as the dominant movement in German literature of the first half of the nineteenth century. POETISCH ER REALISM US. Miss Baer. Studies in the works of Grillparzer, Hebbel, Ludwig, Keller, Meyer, and Storm, and other writers of the drama, novel, and “Novelle” in the second half of the nineteenth century. DEUTSCH E LITERA TU R S E IT 1900. Miss Baer. The chief writers of “Neuromantik” and impressionism: Gerhart Haupt­ mann’s dramas; Thomas Mann’s epic prose; Rainer Maria Rilke’s poetry; Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s lyric prose and poetry. LIN GUISTIC SCIEN CE. (In cooperation with other departments in the Division of the Humanities.) Mr. Reuning. The most important problems of Linguistics, e.g., sound change, changes in accidence and syntax, semantic changes, geographical distribution and relation of languages. Indo-European, English, and American language prob­ lems. Relationship between linguistics and psychology. Some knowledge of German, French, Latin, or Greek is desirable, reading knowledge of at least one foreign language required. Students who know non-Indo-European languages are especially welcome. The seminar is conducted in English. (See also schedules of Honors Seminars in English and Psychology.) 108 History Professors: M ary Albertson, Chairman F rederick J. M anning* Associate P rofessor: George P. C uttino Assistant Professors: Paul H. B eik J ames A . F ield, J r . L aurence D. L afore F rederick B. T olles T heodore H. von L aue I nstructor: Grace H. L arsen (part-tim e) The department plans its offerings for majors in the other departments as well as for its own majors. Students with special interests will note that there are a few courses emphasizing, for instance, intellectual history and economic history, but in most of the courses and all of the seminars the emphasis is on the whole context of the event. L anguages Languages which are most useful to students of history and which are required by most graduate schools are French and German. Beginning with the class entering in 1951 the language requirement for a major in history will be French or German. This requirement may be met by three years study of one of these languages before entering college, or two years at the college level either at Swarthmore or in summer school and it may be met at any time before graduation. R equirements for a M ajor in History The minimum requirement for acceptance as a major in history is successful completion of course 1-2 and a C average in the first two years in all subjects. Any freshman or sophomore who wishes to keep open the possibility of a major in history should ask a member of the department for advice on courses. C ourse W ork for a M ajor The choice of courses in history should be made in such a way as to prepare for the comprehensive examination, which includes questions in European, Eng­ lish, and American history. Usually the first electives taken in history by majors should be one term of American history ( 4 or 5 ) and one term of English history ( 3 ) . All the other courses offered are also in the fields tested by the compre­ hensive examination. Course 65 (Special Topics) is designed to help major students in their preparation for this examination. All major students should elect this course. The following minors are suggested in connection with a major * Absent on leave, 1949-50. 109 in history: (1 ) a departmental minor (three full courses or six half courses in a single department), or (2 ) a minor in literature (for instance, a combination of courses in English and French or French and German, chosen in consultation with the major department), or ( 3 ) a minor in American studies (for instance, a combination of certain courses in Fine Arts and American literature or Latin American literature or in Political Science and Economics, chosen in consultation with the major department). COUKSES 1-2. EUROPE. All members of the Department. Full Course One of the basic courses in the curriculum. It is intended to be an intro­ duction to the study, understanding, and use of history. It is a prerequisite to all other work in history except courses 21 and 30. It begins with a brief discussion of the classical backgrounds of European civilization and ends with a brief discussion of post-war Europe. Sections are small enough for discussion. 3. ENGLAND. Miss Albertson. H alf Course A survey of the history of the English people. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors. This course is planned for a five-course program. 4. TH E UN ITED STATES B EFO R E 1865. Mr. Field and Mr. Tolies. H alf Course An advanced course on American history. Special help with the writing of long papers is given in connection with this course. For sophomores, juniors, ana seniors.' This course is planned for a five-course program. 5. TH E UN ITED STATES SINCE 1865. Mr. Field. H alf Course An advanced course on American history. For sophomores, juniors and seniors. This course is planned for a five-course program. 11. TH E OTHER AMERICAN REPU BLICS. Mr. Lafore. H alf Course The emphasis is on Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors. It may be taken without a prerequisite by special permission of the instructor. This is recommended for majors in Spanish as well as for majors in history and as a general elective. 12. FRANCE. Miss Albertson. H alf Course The history of France from Roman times to the present day. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors. It may be taken without a prerequisite by special per­ mission of the instructor. This is recommended for majors in French as well as for majors in history and as a general elective. 14. RUSSIA. Mr. von Laue. H alf Course The history of modem Russia. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The course begins with the reign of Peter and gives half its time to the period since the Revolution. 110 20. H EG EL AND MARX. Mr. von Laue. H alf Course The historical influence of Hegel and Marx from their own day to the present. The emphasis is on the relation between institutions and ideas. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors. 21. QUAKERISM. Mr. Tolies. H alf Course The history of the Society of Friends to the present day. The characteristic religious and social ideas of the Quakers are considered in their historical setting. A large part of the reading is done in the original sources. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors. It may be taken without a prerequisite. 30. RECEN T HISTORICAL TREN DS. Mr. Beik and Mr. Lafore. H alf Course A course designed for students who do not'intend to take more than one half course in history. It cannot be substituted for the college requirement in history ( course 1-2) and is not open to majors in the social sciences and humanities. 51. TH E W ESTW ARD MOVEMENT- Mr. Field. H alf Course European colonization, the struggle for North America, westward expansion, sectional development, problems of growth and integration of newly settled regions. For juniors and seniors. 52. MODERN BRITAIN. Mr. Lafore. H alf Course Social thought and institutions from 1688 to 1945. Much of the reading will be in fiction and biography. For juniors and seniors. 53. TH E FRENCH REVOLUTION AND NAPOLEON. Mr. Beik. H alf Course The emphasis is on the relation between institutions and ideas. For juniors and seniors. 54. M EDIEVAL EUROPE. Mr. Cuttino. H alf Course The history of western Europe from the decline of the Roman Empire through the thirteenth century. For juniors and seniors. 55. TH E RENAISSANCE. Miss Albertson. H alf Course The history of the period of the Renaissance in Europe. For juniors and seniors. 13. GERMANY. Mr. von Laue. H alf Course The history of modern Germany from the Napoleonic era to the present. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors. This is recommended for majors in German as well as for majors in history and as a general elective. Ill 56. TH E LABOR MOVEMENT. Mrs. Larsen. H alf Course The social background and the economic, political, and legal problems of American labor, considered in connection with the European and English labor movements. For juniors and seniors. 57. REC EN T EUROPE. Mr. Beik. H alf Course The emphasis is on factors of general importance chiefly in western Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. For juniors and seniors. 65. SPECIAL TOPICS. All members of the Department. H alf Course Individual programs are planned to prepare majors in history for the compre hensive examinations. The discussion of review problems, of papers, and of reading is conducted in groups and in individual conferences with the instructor. 66. SENIOR ESSAY. All members of the Department. H alf Course An essay may be substituted for a half course by special permission of the department. It must be finished by the middle of the senior year. H onors W ork The following seminars are offered by the department to juniors and seniors to prepare for the examinations for a degree with Honors. Students who plan to take honors seminars in history, whether as majors or minors, are advised to decide as early as possible whether their seminars will be in American, English, or European history so that they can meet prerequisite requirements for specific seminars. Any seminar will be given during the term for which more than four students elect it at the time of Spring registration. Seminars can not usually be arranged later than the time of registration. Honors Seminars Am erican History AMERICAN COLONIAL HISTORY. Mr. Tolies. The history of the thirteen colonies. The emphasis is on cultural, social, and institutional history. PROBLEM S IN AMERICAN HISTORY. Mr. Field and Mr. Manning. Selected topics in the history of the United States. Open only to student; who have taken either course 4 or course 5. TH E SUPREM E COURT. Mr. Manning. For seniors. The emphasis is on common law cases and principles. The work in this seminar is not designed to anticipate or overlap the courses in con­ stitutional law offered in law schools. 112 English History M EDIEVAL ENGLAND. Miss Albertson. The period from 1066 to 1485. TUDOR AND STUART ENGLAND. Miss Albertson. The period from 1485 to 1688. Open only to students who have taken course 3. MODERN ENGLAND. Mr. Lafore. The period from 1688 to 1914, with most of the emphasis on the nineteenth century. Open only to students who have taken course 3. European History M EDIEVAL EUROPE. Mr. Cuttino. The civilization of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. FIFT E E N T H AND SIX TEEN TH CENTURY EUROPE. Miss Albertson. The period of the Renaissance and Reformation. EUROPE 1760 TO 1870. Mr. Beik. The decay of the old regime and the rise of liberalism. EUROPE 1870 TO 1939: MODERN EUROPE. Mr. Beik and Mr. Lafore. Social and political changes which preceded the second world war. EURO PE 1870 TO 1939: DIPLOMATIC HISTORY. Mr. Lafore. The management of international affairs and problems. EUROPE 1900 TO TH E PR ESEN T: EASTERN EUROPE. Mr. von Laue. The internal development of Russia and Russia’s cultural and political position in eastern Europe. r T h e s is A thesis may be substituted for one of the honors examinations by special permission of the department. The topic should be selected and approved bv the end of the junior year. rr ' 113 M athematics and Astronomy Professors: Heinrich B rinkmann Arnold D resden, Chairman Peter van de Kamp , Director of Sproni Observatory99 Ross W . M arriott Associate Professor: J ohn H. Pitman Assistant Professors: Philip W. C arruth W olfgang W asow* V isiting Assistant Professor: Alice T. Schafer (part-tim e) R esearch Associates: L. B innendijk Hans R oth Assistants: Sarah L. L ippincott Sara M. S mith Mathematics Pure mathematics is an abstract subject and may be looked upon as the model of a deductive science. On the other hand, the subject matter of mathematics has for the most part arisen out of concrete applications to the physical sciences, of which geometry is one. The courses offered in the department of Mathematics attempt to combine these points of view and to give a picture of the power and beauty of the subject when studied for its own sake, as well as its many relations to other fields of thought. The study of mathematics is essential as a tool tor the understanding of the principles of the physical sciences and engineering; a knowl­ edge of its techniques is indispensable for a successful pursuit of these subjects. The same is becoming increasingly true in the biological sciences and even in some of the social sciences, such as economics. For students who intend to major in mathematics in course, the normal sequence of courses is the following: Freshman year, courses 1-2; Sophomore year, courses 11-12; junior and Senior years, two half-courses selected each year from courses 14, 15, 19, 51, 52, 53. The completion of Physics 1-2 is strongly recommended. In order to be admitted to honors seminars in mathematics, either as a major or as a minor, a student must have completed courses 1-2 and 11A2. An honors student whose major is mathematics must also take Physics 1-2; it is furthermore highly desirable that he have a reading knowledge of French or German. A junior honors student will normally take the seminars in Advanced Calculus and Differential Equations; these seminars are offered each year. The remaining seminars are usually taken by senior students and are offered as they are required. * Absent on leave, 1949-50. 0 “Absent on leave, September-December, 1949. 114 I- 2. F IR ST YEAR MATHEMATICS. Mr. Brinkmann, Mr. Carruth, Mr. Dresden, Mr. Marriott, Mrs. Schafer. The material covered in these courses consists of Algebra and Trigonometry (Course 1) and Analytical Geometry (Course 2 ) . The subjects studied are required for any further work in mathematics; they will also serve to give the student who intends to take no other courses in mathematics an introduction to mathematical principles and methods. Students taking Course 1 must also take Course 2 in order to receive credit for the course. However, properly qualified students may take Course 2 without first taking Course 1; such students will receive credit for Course 2 separately. Course 1 is given during the first Semester; Course 2 is offered in each semester. The texts used are: Albert, C ollege A lgebra; Curtiss and Moulton, Essentials o f Trigonometry; Smith, Salkover and Justice, Analytic Geom etry. 3. INVITATION TO MATHEMATICS. Mr. Dresden. (Omitted in 1949-1950) This course is intended for students who have a non-technical interest in mathematics. It does not take the place of the usual college courses, but aims to be an introduction to some of the important concepts of modern mathematics, to emphasize the fundamental ideas of the science rather than its technical processes, to provide a background for the study of its philo­ sophical aspects, and to furnish a basis for an appreciation of its wider significance. Dresden, Invitation to M athematics. Prerequisite: A good high school course in mathematics. I I - 12. D IFFER EN TIA L AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS. Mr. Brinkmann, Mr. Carruth, Mr. Marriott, Mrs. Schafer. These courses introduce the student to the principles and applications of the calculus. They form a necessary basis for any further work in mathe­ matics and are essential for an understanding of the fundamentals of physics and other sciences, as well as engineering. These courses constitute a full course and cannot be taken separately; both are usually offered in each semester. The text used is Sherwood and Taylor, Calculus. Prerequisite: Courses 1-2. 14. THEORY O F EQUATIONS Second Sem ester This course begins with a study of complex numbers and continues with a study of polynomials and algebraic equations, based on the notion of a field and its algebraic extensions. The numerical calculation of roots of numerical equations is also considered briefly. The text used is Weisner, Theory o f Equations. Prerequisites: Courses 1-2, 11-12. 15. SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. (Omitted in 1949-1950) Metric theory of planes, lines and quadric surfaces in Euclidean threedimensional space, emphasis on the use of determinants and' matrices. Dresden, Solid Analytical G eom etry an d Determinants. Prerequisites: Courses 1-2, 11-12. 115 19. PRO JEC TIVE GEOMETRY. Mr. Brinkmann. Firs* Sem ester The principles of plane projective geometry are studied in this course, by analytic as well as synthetic methods. The projective properties of the conic sections are derived and the relation of elementaiy metric geometry to pro­ jective geometry is considered. Prerequisites: Courses 1-2, 11-12. 51. ADVANCED CALCULUS. Mr. Dresden. First Sem ester This course deals with the differential calculus of functions of several vari­ ables and its geometric applications, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, improper integrals and infinite series. The treatment is sufficiently rigorous to strengthen the student’s understanding of the principles of the calculus. Applications to the physical sciences are given whenever possible. Prerequisites: Courses 1-2, 11-12. 52. D IFFER EN TIA L EQUATIONS. Mr. Dresden. Second Sem ester A study of ordinary differential equations, with applications to problems from geometry, physics and other sciences. Certain classical linear differential equations are also studied in some detail. Prerequisites: Courses 1-2, 11-12, 51. S econ d Sem ester 53. HIGHER ANALYSIS. A number of different subjects will be studied in this course, both because of their intrinsic importance and in order to give the student practice in the processes of analysis. Some of the topics to be considered are: Fourier Senes, With applications to physical problems; Orthogonal polynomials; Gamma Function; Elliptic Integrals. Prerequisites: Courses 1-2, 11-12, 51, 52 (may be taken at the same time). 60. READING COURSE IN MATHEMATICS. This course is to provide an opportunity for students to do special work in fields not covered by the undergraduate courses, listed above. The work consists in the preparation of papers requiring extensive and detailed exami­ nation of the literature of a problem. . Honors Seminars in M athematics ADVANCED CALCULUS. The subject matter of this seminar includes the differential calculus of func­ tions of several variables, the elements of vector analysis, multiple integrals, line and surface integrals, improper integrals, infinite series, uniform con­ vergence of infinite processes. The treatment of these various subjects is sufficiently detailed to give the student an introduction to the rigorous processes of analysis. 116 D IFFER EN TIA L EQUATIONS. This seminar begins with a formal treatment of ordinary differential equa­ tions and their applications to various types of problems. This is followed by a study of existence theorems for ordinary differential equations, certain classical linear differential equations, Fourier series and a brief introduction to boundary value problems of certain partial differential equations of the second order. STATISTICS and PROBABILITY. The purpose of this seminar is to give the mathematical background neces­ sary for an understanding of the mathematical analysis of statistical data. In addition, the modern development of this subject provides a valuable application of the concepts and techniques acquired in the study of advanced calculus. The topics treated include: the axiomatic approach, the use of Stieltjes integrals, correlation and regression, some special distribution, sampling theory and a short introduction to the theory of statistical estima­ tion. MODERN ALGEBRA. This seminar deals with the theoretical properties of such formal systems as groups, rings, fields and vector spaces. While these concepts will be illus­ trated by many concrete examples, the emphasis will be on the abstract nature of the subject; the student will thus be introduced to an important aspect of modem mathematics. Among the specific topics to be studied are the algebra of matrices, of classes and of ideals. THEORY OF FUNCTIONS O F A COM PLEX VARIABLE. A brief study of the geometry of complex numbers is followed by a detailed treatment of the Cauchy theory of analytical functions of a complex variable. Various applications are given and some special classes of functions, such as elliptic functions, are studied. Analytic continuation and the theory of Weierstrass are briefly considered. FOUNDATIONS O F MATHEMATICS. Postulational treatment of mathematics. The problem of consistency. Relation of logic and mathematics. Some of the systematic treatments of the founda­ tion of logic. Modem developments. D IFFER EN TIA L GEOMETRY. The subject of this seminar is the metric differential geometry of curves and surfaces in three dimensional space. THEORY O F NUMBERS. Among the subjects studied in this seminar are: Elementary properties of integers, the congruence relation, quadratic residues, certain quadratic forms, ' certain classical Diophantine equations, simple examples of fields of algebraic numbers. 117 Astronomy Astronomy deals with the nature of the universe about us and the methods employed to discover the laws underlying the observed phenomena. The elementary courses present the problems in broad outlines and trace the growth of our knowledge of the facts and the development of more comprehensive theories. The advanced courses consider some of these problems in detail;^ the order in which they may be taken depends upon the extent of the student’s mastery of mathematics and physics. The principal instrument of the Sproul Observatory is the twenty-four-inch visual refractor of thirty-six-foot focal length, used almost exclusively for pho­ tography. The instrument has been in continuous operation since 1912 and provides a valuable and steadily expanding collection of photographs. A number of measuring and calculating machines are available for the measurement and reduction of the photographs. The principal program of the Observatory is an accurate study of the distances, motions and masses of the nearer stellar systems. Advanced study in conjunction with the research program of the Observatory may be arranged in consultation with the Director of the Sproul Observatory. The Students’ Observatory contains a six-inch visual refractor, a nine-inch photographic telescope, and a transit instrument. The Sproul Observatory is open to visitors on the second and fourth Tuesday nights of each month, except those Tuesday nights that fall in a vacation period Visitors thus have an opportunity of seeing, in the course of a year, many celestial objects of various types. 1-2. D ESCRIPTIV E ASTRONOMY. Mr. van de Kamp. These courses provide an introduction to the methods and results of astron­ omy. Fundamental notions of physics are studied as they are needed to provide an adequate scientific basis for the course. These courses are pre­ requisite for all further work in astronomy. Three class periods each week, practical work to be arranged. 8. INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY. Mr. Pitman. This course is designed to give the student an acquaintance with some of the problems in astronomy, the methods of investigation, and results obtained. Emphasis is placed on the overlapping of astronomy and the other sciences, and its role in art, history and literature. Those planning to take additional work in astronomy should enroll in Astronomy 1-2. Three class periods each week. Text: Baker, Introduction to Astronomy, and current periodicals. 13. PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY. Theory and use of the transit instrument for the determination of time, lati­ tude and longitude. Reduction of star positions. Solution of observation equa­ tions by the method of least squares. (Tw o class sessions and one laboratory period each week.) Prerequisites: Mathematics 1-2 and Astronomy 1-2 or 8. 118 14. LABORATORY ASTRONOMY. Theory and practice of micrometric measures of double stars, comets and asteroids. Photography of selected objects. Determination of positions from photographic plates. (Two class sessions and one laboratory period each week.) Prerequisites: Mathematics 1-2 and Astronomy 1-2 or 8. 19. DOUBLE STARS. Mr. van de Kamp. The two body problem. Visual, spectroscopic and eclipsing binaries. The masses of binary components and of unseen companions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 11-12. 31. UNDERGRADUATE READING COURSE IN ASTRONOMY. Undergraduate students may, under direction, prepare papers upon subjects requiring a rather extensive examination of the literature of a problem. 51. O RBIT COMPUTATION. Mr. Pitman. The principles and methods of orbital analysis for planets, asteroids, comets and double stars. Students who intend to pursue astronomy as a major subject in course should have Astronomy 1-2 during the freshman or sophomore year; advanced courses in astronomy selected from the list given above combined with work in mathe­ matics constitute the further requirement. For students who select astronomy as their minor, Astronomy 1-2 and one advanced course normally constitute the minimum requirement. H onors Seminars in Astronomy Prerequisites for admission to honors seminars in astronomy, either as a major or as a minor, are the completion of the following courses: Mathematics 11-12; Astronomy 1-2, a course in general Physics, reading knowledge of French or German. SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY. Outline of spherical trigonometry. The astronomical triangle. Determina­ tion of time and latitude. Reduction of astronomical positions. Precession, aberration, proper motion, parallax. O RBIT COMPUTATION. The principles and methods of orbital analysis for planets, asteroids, comets and double stars. C ELESTIA L MECHANICS. The problems of two, three and n bodies. Perturbations. 119 DOUBLE STARS. The two body problem. Theory and observational technique of visual, spectroscopic and eclipsing binaries. Special attention is given to the pho­ tographic study of both resolved and unresolved astrometric binaries. The masses of binary components and of unseen companions. PHOTOGRAPHIC ASTROMETRY. The long-focus refractor. Photographic technique, measurement and reduc­ tion of photographic plates. Choice of reference stars. Attainable accuracy. Application to the problems of parallax, proper motion, mass-ratio, and perturbations. Resolved and unresolved astrometric binaries; orbital analyses. STATISTICAL ASTRONOMY. Fundamental data. Stellar motions and parallaxes. Distribution of stars and globular clusters. The dimming of star light. Pattern of stellar motions. The galactic system. Graduate W ork In conformity with the general regulations for work leading to the master’s degree (see p. 6 4 ), this department offers the possibility for graduate work. Candidates for the master’s degree will normally take four honors seminars, two each semester, selected from those listed in astronomy, mathematics or physics, in consultation with the faculty member under whose direction the work is to be done. A thesis may be substituted for one of the seminars. Candidates for the master’s degree must have a good reading knowledge of French and German. 120 Music P rofessor: Alfred J. Swan, Chairman Assistant Professor. Irma W olpe (part-time) I nstructor: T homas D unn The study of music is concerned with a gradual and growing understanding of the language of the great composers. This may be approached from without: through a study of the general style of the epoch in which the composer lived, its ideas, its art, its manner of life; through a historical tracing of the forms used by the composer; through listening to his music accompanied by certain directives of the teacher. Yet the better and surer approach is from within: through a study of the musical laws underlying the composition and a gradual application of these laws (counterpoint, harmony, etc.) to thematic material either invented by the student himself, or set before him by the teacher; through acquiring the ability to perform his own work or the models of the masters (chiefly at the piano). A reasonable amount of inherent musical talent is presupposed for the second, surer method of studying music. There are not a few students in the college, however, who, considering themselves lacking in this talent, would prefer the former, more outward way. The ensuing music courses are devised to satisfy both types of student. R equirements and R ecommendations for M ajors If, in the course of his first two years in college, the student has shown an exceptional aptitude for either composition, or musicology (an interest in all music history plus an absorbing interest in one phase, preferably the Middle Ages or the Renaissance), or both, he may elect to major in music. It is also desirable that he show a certain gift, or at least skill, in handling the piano. 1-2. FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC. Mr. Swan. Full Course First Semester: The study of the old scales (modes) leading to melodic writing in two and three parts. Models from the works of Josquin des Pres and Palestrina. Towards the end of the term the student will usually have produced exercises in free counterpoint (three-part motets for voices). Second Semester: Brief fugal exposition for piano or strings, preludes, fughettas, and dance forms. It is during the second semester that a public demonstration of student compositions usually takes place. The course includes a weekly class session of two hours and individual appointments with each of the students for the revision and correction of the work submitted. Collateral texts: Jeppesen, Counterpoint, T h e Palestrina Style and the Dissonance; Morris, Contrapuntal techn iqu e o f th e 16th Century; Medtner, T h e Muse and th e Fashion. # 121 3-4. HISTORY O F MUSIC. Mr. Dunn. Full Course A survey course of music history for non-composers. Study of the successive styles in music, especially those of Bach and the Viennese Classics. Initiation into score reading. 21-22. PIANO LITERA TU RE. Mrs. Wolpe. Full Course The acquisition of the art of piano playing through the study of Cramer, Bach’s Inventions and French Suites, Mozart and Beethoven Sonatas. Stu­ dents of composition may be beginners; others must show at least four years of previous study. The course includes a weekly class session of two hours in which the succes­ sive styles in piano music are demonstrated, and individual appointments with each of the students—lessons in piano playing, one horn: per week. 31-32. ADVANCED MUSICAL COMPOSITION. Mr. Swan Full Course A continuation of Music 1-2 for students who are able to attempt composi­ tion on a larger scale ( sonatina, sonata, string trio and quartet, small orchestra). 41-42. A seminar on mediaeval music, or some later phase, may be offered from time to time for course and honor students. H onors W ork To be admitted to honors a student must have completed both semesters of Music 1-2 and 21-22. A student may do his principal work in Composition, or in Music History (Musicology), or in both. The seminars (four for majors and two for minors) culminate in the production of a string quartet movement or some other chamber ensemble in sonata form. The completed work is played by pro­ fessionals at the time of the honors examination. 122 Philosophy and Religion Pbofessobs: W olfgang K ohler,* Research Professor of Philosophy and Psychology P aul Schrecker Associate Professors: R ichard B. B randt,* Chairman J ohn M. M oore (part-time) Assistant Professors: Monroe C. B eardsley R oderick F irth I nstructors: W illiam Hordern Sidney M orgenbesser The study of philosophy consists in examining the beliefs to which one is committed by accepting scientific knowledge and common-sense views of the world; clarifying basic concepts; determining the circumstances under which statements may properly be said to be true in all fields of human inquiry and concern, including ethical and aesthetic discourse; and drawing the outlines of an account of human experience coherent with the evidence of the sciences. On account of the role of philosophy in the history of human thought, and on account of the relation of philosophical ideas to problems in other fields, philosophy may be studied as instrumental to the understanding of wider areas of history or thought. Religion is studied primarily as a system of ideas, both ethical and theological: systematically, through a consideration of representative forms of contemporary religious thought; and historically, through an examination of the great religions and the development of religion, particularly of the Judaeo-Christian tradition. Requirements and R ecommendations for M ajors and Minors Applications to major in the department will normally not be approved until the student has completed Course 1, and one other course from those numbered 11 to 30 if his principal interest is philosophy. Students who wish to major in the field of religion should consult the department about their programs; normally Course 1 and at least one course in the field of religion will be a minimum pre­ requisite to admission as a major. Students whose principal interest is philosophy should obtain permission if they plan to offer courses in religion, in excess of one, as fulfillment of their major or minor course requirements in philosophy; similarly, students whose principal interest is religion should obtain permission if they plan to offer coruses in philosophy, in excess of one, as fulfillment of their major or minor course requirements in religion. As supporting material for a major pro­ gram in philosophy, the department recommends a year’s work in psychology, and some work in physics. * Absent on leave, second semester, 1949-50. 123 i . INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY. All instructors. H alf Course, B oth Semesters Several of the most important problems of philosophy, and alternative answers to them, are discussed. The nature and criteria of knowledge are emphasized, and implications of this issue for traditional problems are analyzed. Stress is laid on the writing of philosophical essays. This course should be taken to satisfy the college requirement for the freshman year. N ote: This course serves as a sufficient prerequisite for any other course offered by the department. Other courses may be taken in any order that is convenient. Members of the department will offer advice on request concerning an order of courses to suit individual needs. Students planning to do honors work should not take courses dealing with material to be covered in honors seminars. 11. ETH ICS. Mr. Brandt and Mr. Firth. H alf Course, B oth Sem esters A systematic study of the principal ethical theories, historical and con­ temporary, absolutistic and relativistic, with the object of developing an understanding of the nature and scope of rational criticism in ethics and of the principles and problems involved in the analysis of ethical issues. Psycho­ logical, anthropological, metaphysical and religious issues are examined where they are relevant. 12. LOGIC. Mr. Morgenbesser. H alf Course, First Sem ester An analysis of the structure of logical systems, both classical and contempo­ rary. Reference will be made to the philosophical problems resulting from such systems, and to the employment of logical tools for clarification of the sciences, especially mathematics. 13. SE L E C T E D MODERN PHILOSOPHERS. Mr. Firth. H alf Course, Second Sem ester A systematic study of the work of two or three modem philosophers from Descartes to the present day, selected according to the interests of students and instructor. Briefer attention will be given to the historical setting of the authors discussed, and to related philosophical figures. 14. ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY. Mr. Morgenbesser. H alf Course, First Sem ester A study primarily of Plato and Aristotle, but including also dramatists and other Greek thinkers. Greek thought will be considered in its relation to the economic and political context. 15. PHILOSOPHY O F SCIEN CE. Mr. Morgenbesser. H alf Course, S econ d Sem ester A consideration of scientific knowledge, its scope and limitations; of prob­ lems resulting from theory construction and the validation of scientific assertions; of probability and induction. Brief attention is given to the place of science in the wider cultural setting. 16. CONTEMPORARY PROBLEM S. Mr. Brandt. H alf Course, First Sem ester A systematic study of some problems in epistemology and metaphysics, such as the theory of meaning, universals, the nature and criteria of truth, the justification of memory beliefs and inductive generalization, theories of per­ ception, and the nature of the self and its relation to material nature. Parts of the work of Russell, Broad, Price, Lewis and Dewey are emphasized. 124 17. AESTH ETICS. Mr. Beardsley. H alf Course, First Sem ester A study of some problems that arise in describing and evaluating works of art. The course includes: ( 1 ) clarifying such basic terms of criticism as “form,” “style,” and “meaning”; (2 ) examining the principles and under­ lying assumptions of criticism; and (3 ) analyzing the nature of aesthetic value, especially the claim that works of art are good, beautiful, and “true.” 18. SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. Mr. Morgenbesser. H alf Course, Second Sem ester An analysis of theories of social institutions and change; the theory of rights, both of individuals and minority groups. A study of alternative political ideals, including Marxism, socialism and democracy. 19. SEVENTEENTH CENTURY PHILOSOPHY. Mr. Schrecker. H alf Course (Not offered in 1949-50.) The evolution of philosophical problems and ideas from Descartes to Leibniz, with special reference to the scientific, religious, political and social background. Particular attention is paid to matters relevant to present day discussion. 20. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION . Mr. Moore. H alf Course, S econ d Sem ester The nature of religion; the psychology and interpretation of religious experi­ ence; the problem of religious knowledge; the validity and difficulties of Christian theology and ethics. 32. RELIGIO US AND ETHICAL IDEAS OF THE B IB L E . Mr. Moore. H alf Course, First Sem ester Important parts of the Old and New Testament are examined, in order to trace the growth of Hebrew and Christian religions and the development of the ideas of the Judaeo-Christian tradition, both ethical and theological. 33. EARLY CHRISTIAN THOUGHT. Mr. Hordern. H alf Course, First Sem ester The rise and development of Christian thinking from the time of the New Testament to the Reformation; the influence of Judaism and Greek philosophy; the formation of the creeds, Scholasticism, the rise of Humanism, and Protestant beginnings. 34. MODERN CHRISTIAN THOUGHT. Mr. Hordern. H alf Course, Secon d Sem ester The development of Christian thought from the Reformation to the twentieth century, with emphasis upon the relationship between Christian and secular thinking; the main ideas of the Reformation, church and sect in the Reforma­ tion, Roman Catholic development, Protestant orthodoxy, Protestant liberalism. 35. HISTORY O F RELIGIONS. Mr. Hordern. H alf Course, First Sem ester An historical and comparative study of the world’s great religions, with the exception of Judaism and Christianity: primitive religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Mohammedanism. Stress will be placed upon the ethical and philosophical teachings of these religions and their rôle in the interaction or modern cultures. 125 36. PROBLEM S O F CHRISTIANITY TODAY. Mr. Hordern. H alf Course, Second Sem ester A study of Humanism, Naturalism, Liberalism, the Social Gospel, Barthianism, Neo-Orthodoxy, as the major answers to modem issues. Emphasis will be on the relevance of these answers to contemporary philosophical and scientific thinking. 37. RELIGIO N S OF AMERICA. Mr. Hordern. H alf Course, Second Sem ester A study of some of the more important American religious groups with regard to their history, teaching and present status. Visits will be made to representative churches and synagogues. 46. R E FL E C T IV E THINKING. Mr. Beardsley. H alf Course, Second Sem ester A beginning course in applied logic. Its principles are drawn from formal logic, scientific method and “semantics”. These are combined with the materials of rhetoric, to develop the student’s ability to read critically and write clearly. The emphasis is on practical application of these principles. 47. HISTORY OF SCIEN CE. Mr. Schrecker. H alf Course, Both Semesters The historical development of scientific methods as applied to three main problems: the conception of the universe, the structure of matter, and the evolution of life. Selected readings in the classics of science. This course can be taken only for the fulfillment of the science requirements; it will not be counted as a course for completion of major or minor requirements in Philosophy or Religion. Psychology 60. SYSTEM ATIC PSYCHOLOGY. Mr. Köhler. H alf Course A study of recurrent problems of psychology, in historical perspective and in the light of various systematic views. Open to qualified students of philosophy. Prerequisites: Psychology 1 and 2. (May be counted toward a major or minor in philosophy.) History 21. QUAKERISM. Mr. Tolies. H alf Course, Second Sem ester The history of the Society of Friends to the present day. The characteristic religious and social ideas of the Quakers are considered in their historical setting. A large part of the reading is done in the original sources. (For sophomores, juniors and seniors. May be taken without prerequisite. This course may be counted toward a major or minor in the field of Religion.) H onors W ork For admission to honors work in philosophy, the requirement is at least two semester courses, one of which must be the Introduction to Philosophy (course 1 ), unless with special permission. Students should normally present as their second course one selected from courses numbered 11 to 30. Seminars: department 1950. The degree with Students who wish to study religion in seminars should consult the about what seminars may be planned, beginning with the fall of following seminars in philosophy prepare for, examinations for a Honors: 126 MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Mr. Firth. A seminar in ethics, systematic and historical. The general issue of relativism and absolutism is analyzed; the principal ethical theories are studied; and considerable attention is also given to related psychological and metaphysical problems. Recommended for students of psychology and the social sciences. PLATO. Mr. Schrecker. Reading and interpretation of all the major and some of the minor dialogues of Plato in an effort to understand his contributions to metaphysics, the theory of knowledge, ethics and politics, and to appreciate his importance for Western thought. Attention will be paid to the pre-Socratic elements of his philosophy, to his scientific and social background, and to the germs of future developments contained in his work. HISTORY OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY. Mr. Beardsley. The development of modem thought from Bacon and Descartes to Kant. This seminar may appropriately be combined with work in any of the three divisions. CLASSIC PROBLEM S IN PHILOSOPHY. Mr. Kohler and Mr. Brandt. A systematic study of some basic problems such as the theory of meaning, universals and particulars, the nature and criteria of truth, the justification of memory knowledge and induction, theories of perception and the nature of the self and its relation to material nature. The reading is in the works of contemporary writers such as Broad, Russell and Lewis. PHILOSOPHY O F SCIEN CE. Mr. Morgenbesser. A consideration of scientific method, the logical foundations of science, including the theories of induction and meaning. Examination of the con­ cepts of space, causality, explanation and others of importance for the student of philosophy. AESTHETICS. Mr. Beardsley. A systematic examination of the philosophy of art and the methodological foundations of criticism. Recommended for students of literature, music and the fine arts. SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY. Mr. Brandt and Mr. Morgenbesser. An examination of theories of culture and of sociocultural change, including those of Hegel, Marx and contemporary writers. An analysis of the logic of the social sciences, of methodological problems and of related theories, such as historical relativism. Recommended for students of the social sciences and psychology. T hesis A thesis may be submitted by majors in the department in place of one of the seminars, upon application by the student and at the discretion of the Depart­ ment. 127 Physical Education for Men D irector of Athletics and Physical E ducation for Men Associate Professor: W illis J. S tetson Associate Professor: R obert H. D unn Assistant Professors: L ewis H. E lverson E dwin J. F aulkner Assistants: R obert B ach J ames M cAdoo J ames M iller Albert M. B arron H oward D. S ipler Avery F. B lake Paul Stofko Samuel E ckerd and C ollege P hysician: D r . M orris A . B owie The course in Men’s Physical Education is designed to acquaint each partici­ pant with both team and individual sports. The value of team play is developed while emphasis is also placed on the so-called “carry over” sports which one can enjoy after graduation. Each individual, while benefiting from the physical exer­ cise, also becomes better acquainted with the fundamentals, rules, etc., of the various sports and so is better able to enjoy these activities as a spectator. The intercollegiate athletic program is a comprehensive one with varsity schedules in eleven different sports. In many of these activities there are contests arranged for junior varsity and freshman teams, thus providing ample oppor­ tunity for large numbers of men to engage in intercollegiate competition. F aculty R equirements Physical Education is required of all non-veteran freshmen and sophomores unless excused by the College physician. During this two-year period, men stu­ dents must attend a minimum of three classes per week. All men not excused for medical or other reasons are expected to fulfill this requirement under penalty of being asked to leave the college. F all Activities 'Cross Country 'Football 'So ccer Speed Ball Swimming Tennis Touch Football W inter Activities Badminton 'Basketball Boxing Tennis Track Volley Ball Handball Lacrosse 'Swimming Spring Activities 'Baseball •Golf 'Tennis 'T rack 'Lacrosse Softball * Indicates intercollegiate competition. 128 “Wrestling Physical Education for Women Associate Professor: V irginia R ath, Chairman Assistant Professors: I rene M oll M ay E . Parry Assistants: J anet Scantlebury (part-time) J ane V aché (part-time) College Physician: D r . M orris A. B owie The aim of this Department is to contribute to the education of all women students through the medium of physical activity. W e believe this contribution can best be achieved through participation in a broad program of recreational, rhythmic and developmental activities. Therefore the program provides: in­ struction and experience in sports and dancing; swimming ability for all; cor­ rective and developmental exercises. It is our hope that the student will also acquire: appreciation of the dance as a fine art; the meaning of good sportsman­ ship; added endurance; good posture; leadership training; joy in outdoor exer­ cise; and a program o f interests and skills that will carry over for the individual and her community after college. Classes are kept small to insure individual attention, and students are grouped according to ability. Ample opportunities are given for intramural and inter­ collegiate competition, as well as for public performances and demonstrations. Freshmen and sophomores take three periods of activity each week. These may be elected from classes listed below with the stipulation that they: take swimming until a test is passed; take a rhythmic activity; take a team sport; take Body Mechanics if the posture grade indicates a need for it. Regulation costumes should be ordered before college opens. Blanks for this purpose will be sent out from the Office of the Dean to all incoming students. S ports 1. HOCKEY. Miss Parry, Miss Moll. Class and Varsity. F all Term F all and Spring 2. ARCHERY. Miss Rath. Class and Varsity. 3. TENNIS. Miss Parry, Miss Rath, Miss Moll, Mr. Faulkner. Fall, W inter and Spring Class and Varsity, Winter and Spring. Spring 4. GOLF. Miss Moll. Class and Varsity. 129 5. SWIMMING. Miss Rath. F dll, W inter and Spring Beginner, intermediate and advanced classes in strokes and diving. Class and Varsity. 7. 9. BASKETBALL. Miss Moll. Class and Varsity. W inter BADMINTON. Miss Rath, Miss Parry, Miss Moll, Mr. Faulkner. W inter and Spring Class and Varsity. 10. SO FT BALL. Miss Moll. Class and Varsity. Spring 11. LA CROSSE. Miss Vache. Class and Varsity. Spring R hythmic Activities 12. DANCING. Miss Scantlebury. Fall, W inter and Spring Class and Club. 13. FO LK AND SQUARE DANCING. Miss Moll. D evelopmental and Fall, W inter and Spring Health Activities 14. TUMBLING. Miss Rath. W inter 15. BODY MECHANICS. Miss Rath. W inter Required of all first-year students whose posture indicates a need for it. 16. CONDITIONING E X E R C ISE S. MissRath. W inter Service Activities 17. RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Miss Moll. Theory and practice teaching in recreational activities of all lands. W inter 18. R ED CROSS L IF E SAVING. Miss Rath and Red Cross Field Representative. W inter and Spring Senior and instructors’ courses. 130 Physics Professor : W inthrop R. W right Associate Professors: W illiam C. E lmore, Chairman M ilan W. Garrett Assistant Professor: D ennison B ancroft The physics department, through its introductory course in general physics, endeavors to give an integrated account of basic physics. In this course, as well as in the advanced work of the department, emphasis is placed on quantitative, analytical reasoning, as distinct from the mere acquisition of facts and skills. The introductory course makes no pretense of covering all material of interest to physicists, but rather comprises a selection of topics which form a coherent group. Advanced work in the department involves a more intensive study of topics covered at the introductory level, and of many phases of modern physics which require a considerable background in mathematics and electricity. In all courses and seminars particular importance is attached to laboratory work, in as much as physics is primarily an experimental science. R equirements and R ecommendations for Majors Students who intend to major in physics normally take Course 1-2 in the fresh­ man year and Course 11-12 in the sophomore year. In addition they should complete Course 12 in mathematics and Course 2 in chemistry by the end of the sophomore year. In view of graduate school requirements, and of the extensive literature of physics in German, it is strongly recommended that the student fulfill his language requirement in German. The work of the last two years normally involves an honors program, and includes three seminars in physics and three seminars in mathematics. Other seminars in the program are usually chosen from electrical engineering, chemistry, or philosophy. Such a program is a particularly satisfactory way of preparing for graduate or other professional work in physics or in mathematics. However, it constitutes in itself an effective educational program, since the aim throughout is to achieve an understanding of fundamental ideas and concepts, as distinct from the mastery of information, skills and techniques in a limited segment of science. C ourse Statement I - 2. GENERAL PHYSICS. Staff. An introductory course in basic physics open to all students. No prerequisite other than those for college entrance is assumed. This course or its equivalent must precede any advanced courses or seminars in physics. It is required of most science majors. Three lectures, a conference and a laboratory period weekly. Separate credit given for each semester’s work. I I - 12. MECHANICS, HEAT AND SOUND. Mr. Elmore and Mr. Bancroft. The material for this course is drawn from the fields of mechanics, hydro­ dynamics, acoustics, kinetic theory and thermodynamics. Since extensive use 131 is made of the calculus, a course in this subject must precede or be taken concurrently. This course is recommended for physics majors and should meet the needs of other students’ desiring a second course in physics. Three conference hours and one laboratory period weekly. H onors W ork PHYSICAL OPTICS. Mr. Wright. Second Sem ester Based on Robertson’s Introduction to Physical Optics. The laboratory work includes measurements on thick and thin lenses, intercomparison of wave lengths by prism, grating and interference spectrographs, computation ot series constants, quantitative observation of various interference and diffrac­ tion patterns and measurement of reflection coefficients. ELE C TR IC ITY AND MAGNETISM. Mr. Garrett. First Sem ester Based primarily on Page and Adams’ Principles o f Electricity en d Hamwell’s Principles o f Electricity and Electrom agnetism. It covers static and dynamic electricity, magnetism and electromagnetism, with some electronics. The emphasis throughout is on fundamental analysis rather than application. T e laboratory includes measurements in direct and alternating currents and in magnetism, together with some fundamental experiments in electronics. Mathematics seminars in advanced calculus and differential equations are normally prerequisite. MODERN PHYSICS. Mr. Elmore. Second Sem ester A seminar devoted to both the experimental and the theoretical aspects of modern atomic physics. The topics include radiation, special relativity, quantum theory, the wave nature of particles, atomic structure, X-rays, isotopes, radioactivity, nuclear physics and related matters. The seminar discussion is accompanied by a full-day laboratory period. This seminar should be preceded by that in electricity and magnetism. TH EO RETICAL PHYSICS. Mr. Elmore. Not O ffered Regularly A study of selected topics, mostly drawn from classical physics. Little dupli­ cation occurs of theoretical material covered in the other seminars offered by the department. Based primarily on Page’s Introduction to T heoretical Physics. Not accompanied by laboratory. Prerequisites: Course 11-12 and mathematics seminars in advanced calculus and differential equations. 132 Political Science Professor: J. R oland Pennock, Chairman Associate Professors: L eslie L ipson B ryce W ood Assistant Professors: Herbert Sonthoff P aul N. Ylvisaker L ecturer: Philip E . J acob The aim of the Department of Political Science is to study,'both in lc|eal and in reality the place of the state in society and to contribute to an understanding States, and international political institutions. Requirements and R ecommendations for M ajors Students who intend to major in political science should take Course 1-2 in the freshman year and Course 11 in the sophomore year. Majors a lso ^ q u e to take Economics 1-2. Courses in Statistics (Economics 11) and in American History are recommended. Political Theory, either in seminar or in course, required of all majors. 1-2. INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE. All members ¡ g R * ! partment. , _ The foundations of politics-sociological, psychological, and economici nature and development of political institutions; types of government. A study ot examples of “ he major forms of government, followed by a more detailed studyPof the national government of the United States. Political Science l is open to all students and is prerequisite to all other courses offered by the department. Other courses are open to all students who have had Political Science 1 unless otherwise indicated. I AMERICAN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Mr. Ylvisaker. 11. a m h iu c a Course, Second Semester The nature of federalism, as exemplified by the United States and contrasted systems Intergovernmental relations within a federal system Analysis o state and local governments; their constitutions and charters; the electoral process and political parties; the legislative, executive, and judicial branches; finance and functions of governmental administration. 12 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND ORGANIZATION. Mr. Wood 12. i n i L iuNa Half Course, First Sem ester An introduction to the principles and problems of international relations and foreign policy, including: historical concepts of international society; develop­ 133 ment and basis of the national state system; nationalism and imperialism; growth and nature of international law; the League of Nations; the impact of war on modem society; the United Nations Organization. 13. AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. Mr. Wood. H alf Course, Second Sem ester, Alternate Years A historical and analytical study of the political, constitutional, geographic and economic factors controlling American foreign policy, with particular reference to the development of policies toward Europe and the Far East since 1890. 14. LATIN AMERICAN RELATIONS. (Not offered in 1949-50.) H alf Course, Second Sem ester, Alternate Years Political, historical, cultural, commercial relationships between the United States and Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean area, and South America. Discussions of Pan-Americanism, the Monroe Doctrine, boundary disputes, trade agreements, the Good Neighbor Policy. 15. COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT. Mr. Sonthoff. H alf Course A critical study of the major political systems and of their significance in the problem of constitutional order. 16. DEMOCRACY AND DICTATORSHIP. Mr. Pennock. H alf Course, Second Sem ester Analysis of the crisis of political liberalism. Reconsideration of the bases of representative government in the light of changed economic and social condi­ tions in the modem State; examination of such alternative principles as those offered by Communism and Fascism; investigation of the problem of planning in a democracy; and an appraisal of present tendencies in political develop­ ment. 51. PU BLIC ADMINISTRATION. Mr. Ylvisaker. H alf Course An anlysis of the principles of administration in modern governments with illustrative material drawn chiefly from the national government of the United States and with particular references to the implications of recent developments. Problems of administrative organization, conduct of regulatory and managerial activities, financial administration, personnel, public relations, administrative legislation and adjudication. Open to juniors and seniors only, except by special arrangement. 52. AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. Mr. Ylvisaker. H alf Course The Constitution as developed by the Court; and the Court as seen through the cases. Stressing (a ) the extent of national power, (b ), constitutional 1,-mirations upon state legislation, ( c ) the nature of the judicial process in the American system of government. Sophomores may be admitted by special arrangement. 53. MODERN PARTY PO LITICS. ( Not offered in 1949-50.) The rise of political parties; their role in the modern state; and reasons for their existence. The connection between parties and group interests. Types of parties. Programs, organizations, and leadership. Open to juniors and seniors only. 134 54. HISTORY OF POLITICA L THEORY. Mr. Pennock. H alf Course, First Sem ester The deveiopment of thought on the nature of the state and of individual rights and chities, based largely on readings of the chief political philosophers. Topics studied include: Greek political thought; medieval umversalism and the divine right of kings; the Reformation and the development ot contractual theory; sovereignty and the rise of the national state; the growth ot liberalism and the roots of totalitarian ideologies. •Open to juniors and seniors only, except by special arrangement. Honors W ork Prerequisite: Political Science 1. The following seminars prepare for examination for a degree with Honors: POLITICAL THEORY. Mr. Pennock. The nature of the state, the basis of political obligation, sovereignty mid the nature of law, problems of freedom and authority, theoretical analysis of forms of government, theories of revolution—all in the light of the theories set forth by writers on these subjects from Plato to the present. POLITICS AND LEG ISLATION . Mr. Sonthoff. A study of the political process: purposes of the state; the relation of the general welfare to special interests; public opinion; voters and electoral sys­ tems; parties and politicians; the functions and organization of the legislature. PROBLEMS IN GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION. Mr. Ylvisaker. A detailed study of major problems of government, particularly on the administrative side, and especially as they manifest themselves in the national government of the United States. Topics studied include: public budgeting and financial control, administrative legislation and adjudication, governmental reorganization, administrative areas, governmental corporations, and problems of public service personnel administration. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND ORGANIZATION. Mr. Wood. First Sem ester Basic factors of interstate relations-geography, resources, races, trade-con­ sidered in relation to nationalism, imperialism and war. The development of international. organization, technical and political, from the Confederation of Europe to the United Nations Organization. AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. Mr. Wood. Second Sem ester A study of the economic, political and strategic factors in American foreign policy since 1890. PUBLIC LAW AND JURISPRUDEN CE. Mr. Pennock. Second Sem ester Sources and nature of law; historical, sociological, philosophic, and “realistic” approaches to law; key problems of jurisprudence illustrated by study of the fields of federalism and civil liberties in American constitutional law. TH ESIS. All members of the department. Approval of the instructor immediately concerned must be secured early in the student’s junior year. 135 Psychology and Education Professors: W olfgang K ohler, Research Professor of Philosophy, and Psychology Solomon E . Asch Associate Professors: R ichard S. C rutchfield,* Chairman W illiam C. H. Prentice, Acting Chairman Hans W allach* Assistant Professors: C arol F. Creedon Henry Gleitman B enbow F . R itchie I nstructor: P eter M adison The work of the Department of Psychology is concerned with the scientific study of human behavior and experience. This involves study of the basic processes of perception, learning, thinking and motivation, and the consideration of these processes in relation to psychological development of the individual, personality, and the social relations of the individual to other persons and to groups. For those students planning for graduate and professional work in psychology the courses and seminars of the department are designed to provide a sound basis of understanding of psychological principles and a grasp of research method. For other students the intention is to provide an orientation with respect to the nature of psychological inquiry and the foundations of the psychological approach to various problems encountered in study of the humanities, the social sciences and the life sciences. R equirements and R ecommendations Courses 1 and 2 are prerequisite to all further courses and seminars in psychology. Course majors are required to take Courses 51, 52, and 53. Course 63 is recommended. Honors majors are advised to take during their freshmen and sophomore years introductory work in zoology and/or physics, and, if possible, work beyond the introductory course in philosophy. A reading knowledge of German is useful but not required. Courses in education—3, 12, 13—will not be credited toward a major in psychology. Education alone may not be elected as a major subject, and not more than two full courses in education will be accepted for credit toward the bachelor’s degree. The Pennsylvania requirements for the certification of secondary school teachers include 21 hours of psychology and education. With the exception of 6 hours of practice teaching, which must be taken elsewhere, Swarthmore students may fulfill these requirements by taking Courses, 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 and 13. * Absent on leave, 1949-50. 136 Psychology 1 INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY. Mr. Crutchfield, Mr. Prentice. E ach Sem ester An introduction to the study of psychology, including a consideration of the nature of psychological inquiry and a brief review of the available facts and theories relevant to a scientific understanding of human behavior and experience. Technical aspects are subordinated to questions concerning motivation, personality and adjustment, although the emphasis throughout is theoretical rather than practical. Reading covers a standard textbook of psychology. Three lectures and one conference section per week. 2. PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS. Mr. Gleitman, Mr. Ritchie. E ach Sem ester The main objective of this course is to develop in the student a critical and experimental attitude towards psychological problems. The content of the course includes: ( 1 ) a survey of the types of experimental designs, the methods of measurement, and the kinds of apparatus employed in different psychological studies, ( 2 ) an introduction to the concepts of descriptive statistics and sampling error theory, (3 ) an analysis of the historical back­ ground of selected contemporary theoretical problems, and (4 ) practice in the design of original experiments by the students with the aim of training them to sharpen psychological concepts by casting them into experimental form. Prerequisite: Course 1. 51. COGNITIVE PROCESSES. Mr. Asch, Mr. Wallach. First Semester Selected problems in perception, learning, and thinking are studied with the object of clarifying how we perceive the world, how we discover its proper­ ties and acquire mastery of them. The following topics are studied: The structured character of perceptual processes. The role of experience in perception. Formation of associations; memory and processes in the trace field. Cognitive processes in emotions. The process of discovery; conditions of productive thinking. The problem of transfer of training. Applications to teaching. Cognitive processes in the social field. Prerequisites: Courses 1 and 2. 52. MOTIVATION. Mrs. Creedon, Mr. Madison, Mr. Ritchie. First Sem ester Emphasis is upon the role of dynamic factors (drives, needs, values) in the determination of behavior. Consideration is ' given to the measurement of motives, the relationship between biological and psychological tensionsystems, conflict, frustration, success and failure, reward and punishmènt. Evaluation of the theories of motivation of McDougall, Tolman, Lewin, All­ port, Murray and Freud. Term paper or design of an original experiment is required. Prerequisites: Courses 1 and 2. 137 53. EXPERIM EN TAL PSYCHOLOGY. Mr. Gleitman, Mr. Prentice, Mr. Wallach. E ach Sem ester A course in experimental thinking: how to conceive, design, and carry out original experiments on psychological problems. Instructor and students begin with a problem or problem-area and develop experimental attacks by group discussion. The actual experiments so designed are carried out by the students with supervision and are interpreted and evaluated by the group. Students present formal reports on each experiment. Class work, laboratories, and reports take ten to twelve hours per week. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2 and 51. 54. ANIMAL EXPERIM ENTATION. Mr. Ritchie. Second Sem ester A detailed analysis of selected contemporary experimental problems, leading to original experimental investigations carried out by the students with animal subjects. Meets as a weekly seminar during first half of term, and involves 6 hours of laboratory work per week during the remainder of the term. Prerequisites: Courses 1 and 2. 55. CH ILD PSYCHOLOGY. Mrs. Creedon. Second Sem ester The development of the child from birth through adolescence, studied in terms of basic psychological principles. Important theories and practices of child-rearing are evaluated in the light of experimental and cross-cultural data. Topics include the significance of infantile and childhood experience on subsequent personality development, parent-child relationships, sibling rivalry, and the “behavior problems” which typically occur during the socialization process. One of the following is required: (1 ) acting as an assistant in a child-care center for approximately 20 hours, ( 2 ) an intensive study of a single child, (3 ) individual or group experimental or observational research, (4 ) a term paper. Prerequisites: Courses 1 and 2. 56. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. Mr. Asch, Mrs. Creedon. Second Sem ester A study of some basic processes and products of interaction between persons, between persons and groups and between groups. The following topics are covered: The formation of the social field of the individual. Perception of persons as psychological entities. Perception of groups. Formation of the self; social relations of the self. Psychological forces supporting group­ belonging. Functional consequences of group membership. The psychological investigation of group processes. Group requirements and group standards. Formation and change of attitudes. Prerequisites: Courses 1 and 2. 57. PSYCHOLOGICAL TE STS AND MEASUREMENTS. Mrs. Creedon. First Sem ester Theory and measurement of intelligence and personality; a critical evalu­ ation of psychological tests and testing methods. Administration of individual 138 and group tests of intelligence to preschool and older children, normal adults, mentally retarded individuals and aged persons. Scoring techniques and interpretation of test results with major emphasis on the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler-Bellevue scales. Assumptions underlying the design of paper and pencil tests of personality, tests of special abilities and vocational interests are examined. Texts: Terman & Merrill: Measuring Intelligence, Wechsler: M easurem ent o f Adult Intelligence. Prerequisites: Courses 1 and 2. 58. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. Mr. Madison. First Sem ester A study of the main forms of mental disorders: psychoneuroses, psycho­ somatic disorders and psychoses, with special consideration of etiological factors; principles and methods of therapy; the relation of pathological forms to normal personality structure. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2 and 52. 59. PERSONALITY DYNAMICS AND DIAGNOSIS. Second Sem ester A systematic approach to personality, including a survey and critique of such major theoretical positions as those of Freud, Jung, Adler, Homey, Fromm, McDougall and Murray. A consideration of the methods employed in the assessment of personality such as life history methods, the interview, standardized personality tests, association tests, projective techniques and situational tests. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2, 52, 57 and 58. 60. SYSTEMATIC PSYCHOLOGY. Mr. Kohler. First Sem ester A study of recurrent problems of psychology, in historical perspective and in light of various systematic views. Restricted to psychology majors and qualified students of philosophy. Prerequisites: Courses 1 and 2. 61-62. ADVANCED PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH. The staff. E ach Sem ester Individual research on a selected original problem under the direction of a member of the department. Open only to psychology majors. Credit will be given for one semester; a second semester may be taken for credit at the discretion of the department. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2, 51 and 53. 63. PSYCHOLOGICAL TUTORIAL. The staff. Second Sem ester Weekly seminar meeting of psychology course majors held in the second term of the senior year for the purposes of reviewing, integrating, and supplementing the student’s course work in psychology. Open only to senior majors. 139 Education 3. INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION. First Sem ester A survey of the aims, organization and procedures of education, with some attempt to orient the study in the context of the philosophy and history of education; the opportunities and requirements in education as a profession. No prerequisites. 11. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Second Sem ester The application of psychological principles concerned with the processes of thinking, learning and motivation to the problems of education. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2 and 3. 12. PRIN CIPLES OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. (Not offered in 1949-50.) First Sem ester A study of the principles of secondary education, with emphasis upon aims and organization. Visits to nearby schools are made. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2, 3 and 11. 13. TECHNIQUES O F SECONDARY EDUCATION. ( Not offered in 1949-50.) Second Sem ester A review and critical anlysis of the methods used in secondary education. Prerequisites: Courses 1, 2, 3, 11 and 12. H onors Seminars PERCEPTION. Mr. Köhler, Mr. Prentice, Mr. Wallach. Reading and discussion combined with independent experimental projects. The student is expected to know the basic facts about human perceptual mechanisms, particularly visual ones, by the time he has completed this seminar. Specific topics covered are: color vision, grouping and form, depth and distance, size, movement, influences of learning and of needs or attitudes, general theory of perception. When time permits, some attention is given to parallel problems in other senses. LEARNING AND THINKING. Mr. Asch, Mr. Gleitman, Mr. Köhler, Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Wallach. Deals with principles of adaptive behavior; the functions of memory and thinking; the nature of understanding and problem-solving; the nature of intelligence. MOTIVATION. Mrs. Creedon, Mr. Crutchfield, Mr. Köhler, Mr. Madison, Mr. Prentice, Mr. Ritchie, Mr. Wallach. A systematic and experimental approach to the dynamics of behavior, based on material drawn from the laboratory and the clinic, and covering the fol­ lowing topics: instinctive behavior and biological drives; the relation of motivation and learning; derived motivation; the relation of perception and motivation; frustration and its relation to aggression, regression; level of aspiration; success and failure; substitution and sublimation; ego needs and the nature of the ego; emotion and feeling; contemporary theories of motivation. 140 INDIVIDUAL IN SOCIETY. Mr. Asch, Mr. Crutchfield. The relationship between man and his society, approached from the points of view of social psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology; the study of group-structures and the psychological consequences of groupmembership; the critique of available procedures for scientific treatment of group-behavior and group-influences. PERSONALITY. Mr. Asch, Mr. Madison. A systematic approach to personality, including a survey and critique of such major theoretical positions as those of Freud, Jung, Adler, Homey, Fromm, McDougall and Murray. An examination of clinical and experimental evi­ dence concerning personality, for • example, experimental data on egoinvolvement, clinical evidence of repression. A consideration of the methods employed in the assessment of personality such as life history methods, the interview, standardized personality tests, association tests, projective tech­ niques, and situational tests. LANGUAGE. (Not offered in 1949-50.) The psychological bases of communication, with special reference to the origin and development of language, the nature of linguistic symbolism, the disorders of linguistic behavior. SYSTEMATIC PSYCHOLOGY. Mr. Kohler. Observations and problems in different fields of modern psychology treated as parts of a developing system, with a consideration of the basic principles inherent in this development. TH ESIS. All members of the department. • May be presented as a substitute for one seminar, provided the student is doing major work in psychology with four seminars, and provided some member of the department is available to undertake the direction of the thesis. M asters D egree A limited number of students may be accepted for graduate study toward the Master’s degree in psychology. Students receiving the Bachelor’s degree from Swarthmore are not normally eligible for this work. The program of work for the Master’s degree requires the completion of four seminars, or their equivalents. One of the seminars must be a research seminar leading to a Thesis. The work of the seminars is judged by external examiners. The requirements for the Master’s degree can normally be completed in one year. 141 Romance Languages Professors: H arold M arch E dith Philips , Chairman Associate Professors: J ames D. Sorber L eon W encelius Assistant Professor: Newell B ush I nstructor: J osé M iguel G onzalez The Romance language department aims to give its majors a fairly compre­ hensive view of the literature and culture of the countries represented by these languages. In the elementary courses the emphasis is naturally on the language itself. In the advanced courses the emphasis is on the literature and progress in the language is a secondary aim. French ' All students offering French for entrance are placed at the level where they will presumably profit best by the course according to their rating in the College Entrance Examination or a test given by the department. French may be offered as. a major or a minor in course or in honors work. Prerequisites and recommended supporting subjects are the same for both course and honors students and are as follows: Required: French 5-6 Introduction to Literature. French 11 Advanced Composition and Diction. Recommended supporting subjects: French History, History of Modem Philosophy, Psychology, English or an­ other foreign or classic literature, Fine Arts. Majors are expected to speak French with sufficient fluency to take part in discussion in courses and seminars in the language and to pass an oral compre­ hensive or oral honors examination in French. Courses 1-2. ELEM EN TARY FRENCH. For students who begin French in College. Equivalent to two years’ French in high school. The initial approach is oral but a foundation is laid for a reading knowledge. No credit is given for French 1 alone. Both courses offered each semester. 3-4. IN TERM EDIA TE FRENCH. For students who have had French 1-2 or its equivalent ( 2 years’ French in high school.) Students who have had three years in high school usually enter French 4. Grammar is reviewed. Reading is from contemporary literature in French editions without notes or vocabulary. Students are urged to use a French dictionary (Larousse) as well as French-English dictionaries 142 Every effort is made to help the student to increase his vocabulary and to discuss what he has read in the French language. (Both courses are offered each semester.) 5-6. INTRODUCTION TO LITERA TURE. In Course 5 the transition is made from regarding reading as an aid to language learning to the consideration of literary values. The material is selected from classics of the nineteenth century, but it is not a systematic survey course. In Course 6 the treatment is more historical with selected readings in Larousse editions from Rabelais to Rousseau. (Both courses are offered each semester. ) 11. ADVANCED COMPOSITION AND DICTION. For those who intend to major in French or who wish an advanced course in which the emphasis is not primarily literary. An effort is made to correct faulty pronunciation and to improve self-expression in the language, both oral and written. 12. L E ROMAN AVANT 1800. Starting with some examples to show the origins of the French novel in the romances of the middle ages, selected novels are read which show the development of the novel as an art form before the nineteenth century. 13. ROMAN MODERNE. Representative novelists from Balzac to the present. 14. PROSE D E LA RENAISSANCE. Readings from Rabelais, Calvin, Montaigne. 15. LA PEN SÉE DU 17e SIÈCLE. Descartes, Pascal, L a Rochefoucauld and other prose writers of the seven­ teenth century, their importance in the formation of French “classicism". 16. L E S “PHILOSOPHES”. Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau; their contribution to the development of the ideas on art, literature and society which characterize the French eighteenth century. 17. THÉÂTRE CLASSIQUE. The plays of Corneille, Racine and Molière and the growth of the classic ideal in French literature. 18. TH ÉÂTRE MODERNE. The development of the French theater from the breaking down of the dominance of the classical ideal in the eighteenth century. Plays of Marivaux and Beaumarchais. Theories of Diderot. Characteristic examples of the theater of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 19. PO ÉSIE D E VILLON À LA FONTAINE. Villon, Ronsard and the Renaissance poets. The influence of French classicism on lyric poetry. 143 20. POÉSIE MODERNE. Baudelaire, the Symbolists, modem tendencies. 21. PROUST, GID E AND VALÉRY. The dominant writers of the early twentieth century. Novels and essays which illustrate their importance in contemporary literature. 22. SAINT-EXUPÉRY, MALRAUX, SARTRE, CAMUS. Neo-humanism and contemporary tendencies. 51. SPECIAL TOPICS. (For senior majors.) Readings selected to fit the needs of individual seniors and to supplement their selection of courses. Not designed to prepare for any specific type ot comprehensive examination but to give an opportunity in the senior year for tiie student to see his courses in perspective and to see possible relation­ ships with work in other fields. Footnote: All advanced courses are not offered every year. Students wishing a major or minor in French should plan their course carefully in advance with the department in order to get a well rounded program. H onors S eminars LA RENAISSANCE EN FRANCE. Rabelais, Calvin, Montaigne, Ronsard et la Pléiade. L E THÉÂTRE CLASSIQUE. Corneille, Racine, Molière. L E S “PHILOSOPHES” Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau. BALZAC, STENDHAL, FLA U BERT. PROUST, G ID E, VALÉRY. PO ÉSIE MODERNE. Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Verlaine, Mallarmé, Claudel, Valéry. MOUVEMENT D ES ID ÉE S. Ideological background of modem literature with particular but not exclusive attention to the French. ECRIVAINS POLITIQ UES. Political writers from Rousseau to Maurras and Blum who have been important for the influence of their ideas and the quality of their literary style. While some honors seminars treat the same subject matter as the courses, the reading required is more extensive both in the texts and in critical material. The work of a seminar corresponds to two courses. 144 Italian Since few students enter with previous preparation in Italian, there is no system for placement. Any student who wishes advanced standing can arrange his status in conference with the instructor. C ourses 1-2. ELEM ENTARY ITALIAN. A course aimed to give the student ability to read ordinary Italian with ease, and to writè and speak simple Italian. 3. INTERM EDIA TE ITALIAN. First Sem ester Grammar review and composition. Reading from modern literatme. 4. INTERM EDIA TE ITALIAN. Readings from Dante’s Inferno. 5-6. INTRODUCTION TO MODERN ITALIAN LITERA TU RE. Representative texts of modern Italian writers. Footnote: The department does not offer a major or minor in Italian. There are no honors seminars in Italian. Not more than one Italian course is usually offered in any given year and plans for the study of Italian should be carefully made in consultation with the department. Spanish All students offering Spanish for entrance are placed at the level where they will presumably profit best by the course according to their rating in the College Entrance examination or a test given by the department. Spanish may be offered as a major or a minor in course or in honors work. Prerequisites and recommended supporting subjects are the same for both course and honors students and are as follows: Required: Spanish 5-6 Introduction to Literature. Recommended supporting subjects: Introduction to Philosophy, Psychology, English or another foreign or classic literature, Fine Arts, South American History. Majors are expected to speak Spanish with sufficient fluency to take part in dis­ cussion in courses and seminars in the language and to pass an oral comprehensive or oral honors examination in Spanish. C ourses 1-2. ELEM ENTARY SPANISH. For students who begin Spanish in college. Equivalent to two years’ Spanish in high school. The emphasis is both on the spoken language and on reading. 145 3-4. IN TERM EDIA TE SPANISH. For students who have had Spanish 1-2 or its equivalent (two years in high school). Students who have had three years usually enter Spanish 4. Grammar is reviewed. Reading is from Spanish and South American litera­ ture with emphasis on increasing the student’s vocabulary and his ability to discuss his reading in oral and written Spanish. 5-6. INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH LITERA TU RE. Representative texts of modem Spanish and Latin American writers. Con­ ducted in Spanish with frequent written work in Spanish. 11. ADVANCED COMPOSITION AND DICTION. For majors and others who wish an advanced course in which the emphasis is not primarily literary. An effort is made to correct faulty pronunciation and to improve self expression in the language both oral and written. 12. LA NOVELA ESPAÑOLA D E L SIGLO XIX. Outstanding novelists from Fernán Caballero to Blasco Ibafiez. 13. E L PERÍODO ROMÁNTICO. Plays, poems and novels of major Spanish writers of the first half of the nineteenth century. 14. LA NOVELA HISPANONAMERIGANA. Representative novelists from Mármol in Argentina to Revueltas in Mexico. 15-16. LAS OBRAS D E CERVANTES. Novelas ejemplares. The Quixote. (A year course giving a thorough study of Cervantes. The first semester may stand alone.) 17. LA POESIA HISPANOAMERICANA. Some precursors of Modernism; Modernism; contemporaries. 18. SPECIAL TOPICS FO R SENIOR MAJORS. Readings selected to fit the needs of seniors and to supplement their selection of courses. Not designed to prepare for any specific type of comprehensive examination, but to give an opportunity in the senior year for the student to see his courses in perspective and to see possible relationships to work in other fields. Seminars LA NOVELA HISPANOAMERICANA. LA NOVELA ESPAÑOLA D E L SIGLO XIX. LAS OBRAS D E CERVANTES. E L PERÍODO ROMÁNTICO. F ootnote: While the titles of seminars in Spanish correspond to the titles of courses, honors students read more extensively both in the texts and critical work. The work of a seminar corresponds to that of two courses. 146 Russian Studies The Russian Studies program, inaugurated in the fall of the 1949 at Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore Colleges, has been made possible by a grant of $105,000 from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. As a part of this program, Swarthmore will offer courses in the Russian language and in Russian history in 1949-50. In addition, it is hoped that at least one course exclusively devoted to the political and economic institutions of the U. S. S. R. will be offered in 1950-51. Courses in this group cannot themselves comprise a major subject. Courses in the Russian language may be used to fulfill the college s language require­ ment. Courses in Russian history and in Russian political and economic institu­ tions may be counted toward a major or minor in the departments offering them. (These courses are listed under their appropriate departments.) R ussian L anguage 1-2 ELEM ENTARY RUSSIAN. Miss Lamkert. Full Course This course deals with the fundamentals of the Russian language, both written and spoken. Grammar, simple Russian prose and oral practice. 3. IN TERM EDIA TE RUSSIAN. Miss Lamkert. H alf Course Grammar review and composition. Reading in texts of average difficulty. 4. IN TERM EDIA TE RUSSIAN. Miss Lamkert. H alf Course A continuation of course 3. Literary and cultural material is included in the readings. History 14. RUSSIA. Mr. von Laue. H alf Course The history of modern Russia. For sophomores, juniors and seniors. The course begins with the reign of Peter and gives half its time to the period since the Revolution. It may be taken only after History 1-2. 147 Zoology Professob: R obert K. E nders, Chairman Associate Professors: W alter J. Scott Neal A. W eber Assistant Professors: L aunce J. F lemister J ae L. L ittrell Norman A. Meinkoth I nstructor: Sarah C . F lemister Through its elementary course the Department of Zoology introduces the student to the fundamental properties of protoplasm and the systematic classifica­ tion of animals with particular emphasis on the structural features as related to habitat and mode of life. Following this broad review of the animal kingdom, the material is taken up in two different ways: first, specific aspects of the broad subjects are treated in a comparative manner as in Anatomy and Physiology; second, broader aspects of a specific subject are treated as in Entomology, Parasitology and Embryology. The structural and functional consideration is extended to include problems of interdependence of animals in the structure and function of an animal society and the influence of physical, chemical and biological factors in the survival of that society. R equirements for M ajors and M inors Students in course with a major in Zoology should complete during four years the following: two courses in chemistry, one course in physics, one course in mathematics and two courses in a modern language (German preferred, although two courses in French will be acceptable), and four courses in Zoology. Genetics or advanced botany may be substituted for one advanced zoology course. The student should complete in the first two years the required chemistry, physics, mathematics, language, and three half courses in Biology and Zoology. The departmental requirements of two courses in chemistry and one in physics constitute a minor for Zoology majors. Students in course with a minor in Zoology must complete six half courses in Biology and Zoology. 1-2. GENERAL BIOLOGY. Mr. Enders, Mrs. Flemister, Mr. Livingston. Full Course An introduction to the study of living things. A consideration of the prop­ erties of protoplasm and the structure of the cell; a brief survey of living forms both plant and animal. The methods by which animals and plants maintain themselves, grow and reproduce, and a discussion of the mechan­ ism of heredity. Some time will be devoted to the interrelationships of plants and animals in communities, and the place of man in the whole structure. Evidence for and against theories of evolution will be discussed. Two lectures and one discussion period, one three-hour laboratory per week. 148 11. COMPARATIVE VERTEBRA TE ANATOMY. Mr. Meinkoth, Mr. Weber. H alf Course This course normally follows General Biology. It deals with the comparative and unique aspects of the anatomy of the integument, skeleton, muscular, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory and nervous systems of the various vertebrate types. Classification, phylogeny and adaptive radiation are considered with stress placed on anatomical adaptations to the various habitats. The protochordates, lamprey, dogfish, necturus and cat are studied as representative forms in the laboratory. The course has three lecture and two laboratory meetings per week. This course is among those required by medical schools. 12. ELEM ENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. Mr. Scott. H alf Course A consideration of the physiology of muscle, nerve, circulation, respiration, central nervous system, special senses and digestion; the treatment is designed to give a broad understanding of the mechanism of the vertebrate body. In the laboratory standard experiments on living tissue are performed. Two lectures, one conference and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite: 1-2 General Biology. 51. HISTOLOGY. Miss Littrell. H alf Course This course consists of a detailed study of the microscopic structure of vertebrate tissues, together with the functions of such tissues. In the labor­ atory the student examines both prepared and living material, and becomes familiar with the principles of microtechniques. Three lectures and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisites: 1-2 General Biology. 52. EMBRYOLOGY. Miss Littrell. H alf Course A study of development of vertebrate anatomy. The lectures are concerned with an investigation of the events which precede development, an analysis of the development processes, and a brief survey of the contributions of the field of experimental embryology. Laboratory periods are devoted to the embryology of the frog, chick and pig. Three lectures and two labor­ atory periods per week. Prerequisites: 1-2 General Biology. 53. ENTOMOLOGY. Mr. Weber. H alf Course The study of insects and their relatives, their morphological and physiolog­ ical adaptations and their effect on man. Each student will prepare a study collection from field trips. 54. BIOLOGY O F PARASITISM. Mr. Meinkoth. H alf Course A consideration of parasitology with reference to evolution and adaptation to the parasitic habit. Surveys are made of parasites in native animals. Classification, life cycles and epidemiology are reviewed. Prerequisites: 11 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and junior standing. 55. FIELD , ZOOLOGY. Mr. Weber. H alf Course Emphasis is on the living animals as they occur in nature, their systematics, relationships to the environment, habits and distribution. Most of the work will be done on field trips. 149 56. IN VERTEBRA TE ZOOLOGY. Mr. Meinkoth. H alf Course A course designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental morphology, classification, phylogeny and special problems of the invertebrate phyla. Three lectures and two laboratories per week. Occasional field trips. Prerequisite: 11 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. 57. COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. Mr. Flemister. H alf Course A course of lectures and laboratory experiments treating functional processes from the standpoint of adaptation of the animal to its environment. These processes in representative animals are compared in order to follow their elaboration from the more general to the more specialized. Two lectures, one conference and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisites: Comparative Anatomy and Organic Chemistry. Offered in Fall term. 58. PHYSIOLOGICAL ECOLOGY. Mr. Flemister. H alf Course A course of lectures, discussions and laboratory experiments concerning the physiological adaptations of representative animals to environmental stress. Requirements and availability of optimum conditions of temperature, oxygen, foodstuffs and the maintenance of ionic independence are critically appraised. More than half of the laboratory work is done in the field. Two lectures, one conference and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite: 57 Comparative Physiology. Offered Spring term of even years. 59. NEURO-ANATOMY. Mr. Scott. H alf Course This course is planned to give an account of the structure and something of the functioning of the central nervous system of man. In the discussions special attention is given where possible to consideration of the comparative features of the evolution of the central nervous system. One laboratory period and one three-hour conference per week. Prerequisites: Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. 61. BIOLOGY O F TH E V ERTEBRA TES. Mr. Enders. H alf Course A course designed to integrate the student’s knowledge in abstract sciences with living animals, both captive and wild. Field work is especially stressed during the warmer months. Open to zoology senior majors only. 63-64. SPECIAL TOPICS. Staff. Full or H alf Course For advanced students. Open to those who, on account of fitness, have arranged a program of special work in the department. Honors W ork A student with a major in zoology and a minor in chemistry, or a minor in chemistry and physics must complete in the first two years the following: three half courses in zoology (including 1 -2 ), two courses in chemistry, one course in mathematics (11 and 12 required for advanced chemistry and physics) and two courses in German (preferred) or French. Honors students majoring in zoology normally take four seminars in zoology, with the remaining seminars usually in botany, chemistry, physics, mathematics and psychology. 150 Prerequisites for students in the honors curriculum with a minor in zoology consists of three half courses in biology and zoology ( including 1-2). In addition, seminars in physiology require one course in physics and chemistry through organic chemistry. Sem inars: The following seminars prepare students for examinations for a degree with Honors. BIOLOGY O F PARASITISM. Mr. Meinkoth. An intensified version of course 54 with emphasis on individual student projects, and an acquaintance with both the classic problems and the cur­ rent literature dealing with the phenomenon of parasitism. CYTOLOGY. Miss Littrell. A study of the structure and function of the cell. Living material will be examined and the modern microscopical techniques employed in the laboratory. EMBRYOLOGY. Mr. Enders or Miss Littrell. An analysis of reproduction and development. The laboratory work includes individual projects by the students, a study of developmental anatomy of the chick and pig, and the observation of living material under normal and experimental conditions. PHYSIOLOGY (for Zoology Majors). Mr. Flemister. An intensive consideration of the physical and chemical phenomena under­ lying the function of animals. A comparative approach is maintained in order to consider the progression from more general to the more specialized adjustments, acclimatizations and adaptations of animals to physical, chem­ ical and biological stresses in the environment. The terminal portion of the laboratory program is devoted to the pursuit of original, independent work by the student. Prerequisites for this seminar are courses in Comparative Anatomy and Organic Chemistry. One afternoon of discussion and one full day in the laboratory per week. Offered in the Fall term. PHYSIOLOGY (for non-Zoology Majors). Mr. Flemister. A general consideration of the functional processes in animals with emphasis placed on mammals and other vertebrates. The aspects of adaptation of the animal to environmental stress are treated in such a way as to serve the individual student’s area of concentration. A portion of the laboratory program is devoted to original, independent investigation on a specific problem of interest to the student. In preparation an introductory course in Zoology is desirable. One afternoon of discussion and one full day in the laboratory per week. Offered in the Spring term of alternate years. SPECIAL TOPICS. The Staff. Open to students who, having satisfied all requirements, desire further work in the department. Frequently this will include acting as junior assist­ ants in the research of staff members. 151 REFERENCE SECTION A directory of the students and faculty of Swarthmore College may be obtained by writing to the Registrar. Visiting Honors Examiners — May 1949 BO TAN Y: D r . Philip R. W hite , Institute for Cancer Research. C H E M IST R Y : Professor E rnst B erliner , Bryn Mawr College; Professor E dward H aenisch, Villanova College. ECO N O M ICS: Professor E m ile D espres, Williams College; Pro­ fessor F ritz M achlup, Johns Hopkins University; D r . R obert B. W arren, The Institute for Advanced Study. E N G IN E E R IN G : Professor W alter J ohnson, Princeton University; Professor R oy F. L insenmeyer, Swarthmore College; Professor W illiam E. W ood, Swarthmore College. E N G L ISH : Professor W allace A. B acon, Northwestern University; Professor C arlos B aker, Princeton University; Professor R ob­ ert E. Spiller , University of Pennsylvania. F IN E A R TS: Professor Helmut von E rffa , Rutgers University. H ISTO R Y: Professor J. B. B rebner, Columbia University; Professor J ohn L. L a M onte, University of Pennsylvania; Professor E lting E. M orison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Professor Henry L. R oberts, Columbia University; Professor F red V. C ahill, J r ., Yale University. M A TH EM A TIC S ir ASTRONOM Y: Professor H ans R ademacher, University of Pennsylvania; Professor J an S chilt, Rutherford Observatory, Columbia University; Professor A. W. T ucker, Princeton University. PHILO SO PHY: Professor Maurice M andelbaum, Dartmouth Col­ lege; P rofessor E rnest Nagel, Columbia University; Professor L edger W ood, Princeton University. PH YSICS: Professor F ranzo H. C rawford, Williams College; Pro­ fessor W illiam F. S tephens, University of Pennsylvania. P O L IT IC A L S C IE N C E : Professor F red V. C ahill, J r ., Yale Uni­ versity; D ean J ohn H. F erguson, T he N ew School for Social Research; D r . G. B ernard Noble, Department of State. PSYCH O LO G Y: Professor T amara D embo , T he N ew School for Social Research; D r . E ugenia H anfmann, Harvard University; Professor R obert W. L eeper , University of Oregon; D r . Helen B lock L ewis , T h e New School for Social Research; Professor F illmore S anford, H averford College; Professor H einz W erner, Clark University. 154 RO M ANCE LA N G U A G ES: Professor C arlos C laveria, University of Pennsylvania; Professor W ilbur M. F rohock, Columbia Uni­ versity. ZOOLOGY: Professor D avid W. B ishop, University of Massachu­ setts; Professor George L. Graham, School of Veterinary M edi­ cine, University of Pennsylvania; Professor F rederick H, M cCutcheon, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Degrees Conferred January 30, 1949 B achelor of Arts In the Division of the Humanities M argaret “R obert Gilbert H aney (H is­ M acL aren (Psychology) tory) R obert W a r ren J ea n M ic h e n e r N ic h o l so n Hillegass (English) (English) T homas L ouise V ictor Jr. E dward B urns Shaw, J r . (Eng­ H o u lber g Paul Victor W ilson (Philos­ H odges, lish) (Psychology) N o rm a n L lo yd ophy) (Spanish) In the Division of the Social Sciences “D onald Gluck Oyler (Political George Allen B arnwell (Po­ Science) litical Science) R ichard C h a r l e s B r a d f ie l d B odine Philip M organ D rury Schoepperle R obert J ules R ossheim (E c o ­ (E c o ­ nomics ) nomics ) D ouglas R obert Spitz D onald J ay G ordon (Political (H is­ tory) Science) W illiam J ames Hbrsch (E c o ­ “Andrew W arren W eil (Politi­ cal Science) nomics ) Ann W insor K illough (E c o ­ “L awrence Ash Yearsley (E c o ­ nomics) nomics) As of June Klein ( Economics) (History) 6, 1948. 155 In the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences J oseph C arlyle C harlotte D’Annunzio L ouise G arceau (Mathematics & Astronomy). (Psychology) George D udley, J r . George (M athe­ R ichardson L ederer (M athematics) matics ) B achelor of Science In the Division of Engineering Gerald E rnest Achtermann M urray Grieve Charles J ohn Hesner (E le c­ Albertso n trical Engineering) (Civil Engineering) N orman W illiam B aker (Civil W illiam M cK ay M oore (E le c­ trical Engineering) cal Engineering) E dward Allen B urroughs, J r . (Civil Engineering) R obert T. C olyer (Mechanical Engineering) W alter C osinuke (Mechanical Engineering) F remont, J r . (Mechanical Engineering) 6, Arnold I rving K rell (Electri­ cal Engineering) chanical Engineering) J ohn B rierley B lose (Electri­ * As of June Arthur L incoln K aplan ( Elec­ trical Engineering) Engineering) R obert B urke B enham (M e­ R obert F rank Rex I nglis Gary, J r . (Electrical Engineering) (Mechanical Engineering) 1948. 156 Charles L ewis Starbuck (M e­ chanical Engineering) Henry E dward T em ple (M e­ chanical Engineering) D avid R utter W ork (Mechani­ cal Engineering) Degrees Conferred June 6, 1949 B achelor of Arts In the Division of Humanities M ary R obert Martin Amussen (Eng­ lish) J ean M arion Ashmead (H igh B unting F allin (Psy­ chology) M ary J ean F inch (History) R uth F riedenthal (Psychology) D avid C. Grier ( H igh Honors— H onors—F rench) J ames Kendall B lake (English) E dmund Addison B owles (Music) R obert B rentano (Highest H on­ English) Sara M argaret Gwynn (E n g ­ ors—History) lish) J oann B roadhurst (History) D oris J eanette C ampbell ( Eng­ lish) W alter L eo C arel (Honors— R achel D iana T hies Hare (Psy­ chology) Charles Allan Herndon, J r . ( English) Psychology) Alice Heyroth (History) L ester C alloway H unt, J ane M orfoot Chapman (E n g ­ lish) J ohn Holt Claney (English) Alice B roadus Clifford (Psy­ J r. (H istory) Athalia C r a w fo rd J amison (English) chology) J ohn S tewart J ohnson (Honors H arriet R. C ohen (Honors—Psy­ chology ) F orrest Starr C ompton (E n g ­ lish) Charles M axmillian C onver (H istory) L loyd R utherford Craighill, —English) E va F rieda K och (H igh Honors —Romance Languages) E lizabeth Albright K schinka (English) E leanor M aie L acy (Honors— Psychology) J r . (Philosophy) Nancy Claire C roft (English) J anet Crum (Psychology) J oan L ynne D avis (H igh Honors —Spanish) W alter S. R. D ickinson, J r . (H igh Honors—English) Selma J ane E ble (Psychology) B arbara E dith L ea (English) J oan L e V ino (Fine Arts) J ohn H alsey L irio (French) Susan Mehrer L urie (H igh Hon­ ors—Psychology) D orothy 157 (History) L ouise M cC loskey Gene E lton M cC ormick (H on­ ors—English) O r v il l e G eo r g e M cM illan (English) W illiam H. M atchett (Highest H onors—English) Sara-Page Merritt (Psychology) E llen H ope M eyer (Honors— English) B arbara H olly M uller (L atin ) J ames Akin Naismith (English) B arbara Ann Nelson (Germ an) Pamela M adeleine Norris (Eng­ lish) • ogy) M aralyn R ose O rbison (E n g ­ lish) T homas F ranz Alfred Plaut (H igh Honors—Psychology) J ohn Marshall Pratt (English) D avid C oleman R edding (E n g ­ lish) L aura Marie Gabrielle Staub (High Honors—English) Ann Stewart (English) George Austin T est (English) George F ranklin T ownes (Ger­ man) C atherine T ruman Underhill (Spanish) L awrence W eiskrantz ( Highest H onors—Psychology) M argaret Spencer W hite (F rench) R uth M arie W ilcox (Psychol- G w en d o ly n R eppert (English) G ordon H lnsey R owe, J r . (H on­ J oan U ppjngton W illiams (Psy­ chology) Andrea W olf (History) J ulia M ay W olf (English) K athryn L oretta W olfe (Eng­ lish) J udith Charmian W olfson (P sychology) Sarah Cadwallader W ood (F rench) ors—Philosophy) In the Division of the Social Sciences E lizabeth Ann Alderfer (Psy­ chology) R obert Nelson Alfandre (H is­ tory) R olf O tto Amann (Econom ics) W illiam D aughety Amis (Psy­ chology) D avid E verett Armington ( H igh D avid Cromwell B eardslee ( Highest Honors—Psychology ) B arbara Anne B eebe (H igh Honors—Economics ) R oger B irdsell, Jp. (Honors— History) R obert C harles B leke (Psy­ chology) T heodore R alph B romwell Honors—Political Science) W inston Sherman B ailey (E c o ­ ( Honors—History ) M iles J anney B rown (Econom ­ nomics Stephen F rancis B arker (H ig h ­ ics) Priscilla B uck (Econom ics) est Honors—Philosophy) 158 W illiam W aldo H ayes, J r . E dwin M onroe B ush, J r . (E c o ­ (Philosophy) J ohn H erbert Hoskins (Political Science) Henry P aul H ouser (Honors— History) M an K yu H yun (Political Science) B rooks J ackson (History) Herbert K aiser (Honors— History) Lois L ael Kelly (Political Science) J ohn I rving Kennedy (H igh Honors—Philosophy) J oyce B aldwin K idder (Highest Honors—History) nomics ) D avid Mark Chalmers ( H igh Honors—History) J ohn Horner C hapman (E c o ­ nomics ) George L i -Seng Chen ( HonorsHistory) R obert A. C hristie ( Honors— History) E dward M ansfield Clark (E c o ­ nomics) Ann T hacher C larke (H igh Honors—Philosophy) W illiam Anderson C larke, J r . (Econom ics) Samuel H amilton D ay, J r . M orton C owling K imball (H igh H onors-Political Science) (H istory) Herbert H erman D ecker R ichard W illiam Kirschner (Political Science) (H ighHonors—Political Science) J ames M organ D olliver ( H igh J ohn L add (H igh Honors— Honors—Political Science) Political Science) C orinne J ennifer E dwards B etty J o L arsh (Psychology) George W illiam L loyd (History) W illiam B uth E ldredge (Econom ics) (Honors—Political Science) J oan E llwood ( Honors — Economics) R ichard P ancoast L ongaker (Political Science) T homas B ayard M cC abe, J r . R ichard W hittaker E verett (Econom ics) R obert L eslie M cCoy, J r . (Econom ics) M ichael J ohn F abrikant ( Honors—Economics) (Political Science) J oyce F avorite ( Honors— History) R obert F orster ( H igh Honors— History) W illiam J ames M cM illan (H ighest Honors—History) F rank Arnold M iller (Honors— History) B lair Alexander M offett (Political Science) Herbert H alsey F rost (Econom ics) W illiam A. H aas (Econom ics) J ames Arthur Mumper (Political Science) 159 E dwin George Nicholson W arren Clarke Skipp (History) W illiam J ohn Spangler (H istory) M ary C ushing Niles ( H igh (History) Honors—Political Science) R ichard Arthur S pierling R obert H enry Parks (History) (Econom ics) Gavin P. Spofford E dward B etts Perkins (Econom ics) ( Econom ics) D avid S. P ollen (Political Science) Chalmers C lark Stroup, J r . (H istory) Alan B utler T homas, J r . C olgate Selden Prentice ( H igh Honors—Political Science) (Econom ics) Paul B arton T rescott (Highest R uth L ouise Pretzat H onors—History) ( Econom ics) L isbeth R osa W ertheimer F remont Goeffert R edfield (H igh Honors—Psychology) ( Econom ics) W illiam Henry W ill Alan L ee R einstein (H igh (Political Science) Honors—Political Science) E dward R ivlin (Political Science) K ay I ris R opp (History) T heodore P aul W right, J r . (HighHonors—Political Science) Hersch L ieb Zitt (History) W illiam M arkham Selden (Political Science) In the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences B arbara L eigh Aeschltman R ichard W endell C onner (Zoology) (M athematics) W alter E dwin Ahrens Arden F . C ordray (Mathematics) E dwin W alter D ennison (Zoology) J anet L owe Anderson ( Mathematics) (Zoology) D aniel Paul D etwiler (Physics) J ane de V ries (Zoology) J oanne E llen D onovan D aniel Newson B eshers ( Honors—Mathematics) R obert K. B issell (Psychology) J ohn W ells B race ( Mathematics) (Zoology) J acques R obert J oussot D ubien (Chemistry) K atherine B urt (M athematics) Charles Meigs B ush (Zoology) George W illiam C arow (M athematics) E rnst E pstein (Chemistry) H ans E. J ohn F eigl (Biology) R ichard S tuart Green (H igh Honors—Zoology) 160 Louis Nathan R ashin (H igh H onors—Philosophy) J eannette L ouise H aas ( Mathematics) W alter W oodward S anville E ric Gustav H einemann ( H igh ( H onors—Physics) Honors—Psychology) R ichard Henry H offman K athleen Morris Scott ( Mathematics) (Zoology) Alfred Curtis Hunting J oel L awrence Siner (Honors— ( H onors—Physics) Zoology) R uth R ebecca Struik (H igh W ilmer Atkinson J enkins, II ( H igh Honors—Chemistry) Honors—Mathematics) Gloria L ane (Zoology) W alter Hess L eser ( H igh J oyce C onover Sutherland Honors—Mathematics) C harles E arl T aylor, J r . (Zoology) C arl Ansell L evinson ( H igh (Zoology) R obert Hugh T aylor, J r . Honors—Physics) W illiam L ewis L ighten ( Mathematics) M argaret Ann T homson (H igh Honors—Physics) Anne D illard M cL aren (Zoology) Samuel J udah T odes (Chemistry) Paul Christoph M angelsdorf, (Psychology) Gertrude E lizabeth Urey J r . (H igh Honors—Mathematics) M arjorie L ouise Merwin (H igh Honors—Mathematics) Heinz V alttn (Zoology) K ai-Chung M aurice W an ( Mathematics) J ohn L ogan Need ( H igh Honors—Physics) (Zoology) R obert Zane Norman (Honors— L ee Grant W entling, J r . Mathematics) ( Mathematics) D ean Peabody (H igh Honors— B etty L ee W hite Psychology) ( Mathematics) J ordan B ernard R abin (Honors— D ouwe B usey Y ntema (Physics) Mathematics) B achelor of Science In the Division of Engineering R obert Otis B rown (Mechanical J ohn W yman F iske (Electrical Engineering) Engineering) W illiam L indsay C ornog, J r . B uckley R. G arrett (Civil (Civil Engineering) Herbert Shalom D ordick Engineering J ane M asson Gross (Electrical (Electrical Engineering) Engineering) 161 T homas Gilbert Nichols H oward S othoron G illiams (Electrical Engineering) (Civil Engineering) W illiam H unter, J r . (Mechanical Engineering) W illiam B ates J ameson (Civil Engineering) C hristian H arald Pedersen (Mechanical Engineering) H oward Y. Pennell (Electrical Engineering) T homas R obinson S aunders Clem Myron K ashmar (Mechanical Engineering) (Electrical Engineering) D avid Purdy S chofield (Civil Philip Nessen Kniskern Engineering) ( Electrical Engineering) W illiam C harles S chweikle R oy F rederick Knudsen (Mechanical Engineering) (Electrical Engineering) J ackson T aylor (Civil J ohn B rampton K oelle Engineering) (Electrical Engineering) L ars O. Ulfsparre (Electrical F rederick W illiam L ehman Engineering) (Mechanical Engineering) F rank J ohn L udemann T homas Peter V ilushis (Electrical Engineering) Stephen Mucha (Mechanical Engineering) R ichard W are W alkling C arl Gerhard Mueller D a vid K. W it h e f o r d (C iv il (Electrical Engineering) (Electrical Engineering) Engineering) (Mechanical Engineering) L eo George W oerner, J r . (H on­ Albert T homas M ukri ors—Electrical Engineering) (Mechanical Engineering) M a st e r of Arts Shirley H eckheimer H einemann Alexander W eisz (Psychology) (Psychology) 162 Geographical Distribution of Students 1949-1950 Pennsylvania.................. New York ......... New Jersey ......... Massachusetts ..................................... Illinois ................................................... Maryland.............................................. Connecticut........ District of Columbia ......... California .............. Indiana ........... M ichigan.......... Virginia ............... F lorid a................. West Virginia ..... Wisconsin ..... Missouri .............. D elaw are............. Minnesota ............. Colorado ............... North Carolina..... New Hampshire........ Iowa ................... Washington........ Kentucky.............. Nebraska.............. South Dakota ....... Alabama ................ Georgia ............... Louisiana............ Maine .............. Rhode Island .......... Tennessee ......... Vermont ............ South Carolina ....... Montana ............... Oregon .............. New Mexico ................. Oklahoma ................. ......... Germany ........................ 49 40 35 C h in a.......................... England ... Netherlands Australia .... 15 Ja p a n ......... Venezuela ..................... Ita ly .......... Kenya ........ Lebanon ................... Netherlands West Indies ..... Palestine ...... Puerto Rico ... Syria ....................... Wales .............. A Total of U. S. students ....... Grand Total .............. 163 Total of others .............. 7 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42 Bibliography of Swarthmore College 1939rl949 Aydelotte, F rank Breaking the Academic Lockstep; the Development of Honors Work in American Colleges and Universities, N. Y., Harper, 1944. 183 p. B lanshahd, B rand Two Swarthmore Presidents. F rien ds In telligen cer, v. 97, p. 671-73, 687-89. Oct. 19-26, 1940. C arter, B oyd G. Swarthmore under Frank Aydelotte. A ssociation o f A m erican C olleges B u lle­ tin. v. 28, p. 316-19. May 1942. E nion, R uth C. The Intellectual Incubation of a Quaker College, 1868-1903. A Critical Appraisal of the Educational Philosophy of Swarthmore College. Swarth­ more, Pa. 1944. 89 p. Thesis (B .A .) Typewritten. F ishman, H. M. P-Bina studies with Uncle Sam; Chinese Naval Students at Swarthmore. T ravel, v. 84, p. 18-19. March 1945. Gager, C harles S. Theatres, Gardens and Horticulture. S cien ce, v. 95, p. 635-39. June 26, 1942. G oing C oncern. Time. v. 35, p. 42-43. March 4, 1940. M cI ntosh, M ark, Compiler. Sixty-five Years of Athletics at Swarthmore College, 1875-1939. Swarthmore, Pa., 1939. Typewritten. Nason, J ohn W. Cooperation between Haverford, Bryn Mawr and Swarthmore. H averford R eview , v. 1, p. 4-7. Autumn 1941. Nicholson, Arnold W . People’s Garden. Saturday E vening Post. v. 217, p. 26-27. April 14, 1945. Palmer , Samuel C. Convolvulus wallichiana at Swarthmore. R hodora. v. 47, Nov, 1945. 164 Shaw, Charles B. Library Cooperation between Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore. H averford R eview , v. 1, p. 24-26. Summer 1942. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE The Inauguration of John William Nason as President of Swarthmore College, October 26, 1940. In B u lletin o f Sw arthm ore C olleg e, v. 38, no. 5- First Month 1941. 63 p. S warthmore College F aculty Adventure in Education: Swarthmore College under Frank Aydelotte. N. Y Macmillan, 1941. 236 p. W alton, J ean B. Recent Changes in Group Activities Program at Swarthmore College. Journal o f th e N ational A ssociation o f D eans o f W om en, v. 6, p. 164-65. June 1943. W ister , J ohn C. The Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foundation: a Ten Year Historv: Januray 1, 1930 to December 31, 1939. In B ulletin o f Sw arthm ore C ollege. v. 37, no. 5. Sixth Month 1940. 89 p. 165 Index Absence from Classes, 60 Absence from Collection, 61 Absence from Examination, 62 Academic Requirements, committee on, 62 Addams, Jane, Peace Collection ( See Swarthmore College Peace Collec­ tion) Administrative Officers, 20-22 Admissions Procedure, 28-31 Application Dates, 31 Scholastic Aptitude and Achieve­ ment Tests, 30, 31 School Subjects- Recommended, 29-30 Advanced Degrees, 64-65 Advanced Standing, 30 Advisers, 48 Alumnae Scholarship, 35 Alumni Field, 172 Alumni Office, 48 Arthur Hoyt Scott Auditorium, 172 Arthur Hoyt Scott Horticultural Foun­ dation, 44 Astronomical Observatories, 41, 118, 172 Astronomy, Courses in, 118 Atkinson (Barclay G .) Scholarship, 39 Atkinson (Rebecca M .) Scholarship, 39 Attendance at Classes and Collection, 60 Automobiles, Regulations concerning, 63 Awards and Prizes, 66-67 Bachelor of Arts Degree, 63 Bachelor of Science Degree, 63 Baker, (George F . ) Scholarships, 33 Beardsley Hall, 172 Benjamin West House, 45, 172 Benjamin W est Society, 45 Bibliography of Swarthmore, 1930-1948, 164-165 Biddle Memorial Library, Honorary Curators of, 22 Board of Managers, Committees of, 9 Board of Managers, Members of, 8 Bond Memorial, 172 Book Bill, 32 Botany, Courses in, 68, 69 B uildings, 172 Activities and Class Lodges Astronomical Observatories Bartol Research Foundation Bassett House Beardsley Hall Benjamin West House Biddle Memorial Library Bond Memorial Chemisby, Hall of Faculty Residences Field House Hall Gymnasium Hicks Hall Isaac H. Clothier Memorial Library Building Martin (Edward) Biological Laboratory Meeting House Palmer Hall Pittenger Hall Parrish Hall Roberts Hall Scott (Arthur Hoyt) Outdoor Auditorium Somerville Hall ( Gymnasium Women) Sproul Observatory Students’ Observatory Swimming Pools Thomas House Trotter Hall Wharton Hall Woolman House Worth Hall Bunting (E llaFrances) Extemporam Speaking Contest, 66 Calendar, College, 5 Index Calendar, Lunar, 4 Catherwood Fellowship, 67 Chemistry, Courses in, 73-77 Chi Omega Scholarship, 39 Churches, 46 Classical Scholarships, 38 Class Lodges, Women’s, 172 Class of 1913 Loan Fund, 40 Class of 1915 Scholarship Fund, 37 Class of 1916 Loan Fund, 40 Classics, Courses in, 78-81 Clothier (Isaac H .) Memorial, 172 Collection, 46 Collection Attendance, Regulation con­ cerning, 61 College Community, 24, 45-49 College Entrance Examinations, 30-31 College Jobs, 33 Committees of the Board of Managers, 9 Committees of the Faculty, 19 Comprehensive Examinations, 53, 56, 64 Conditions, 61 Cooper (Sarah Kaighn) Scholarship, 35 Cooper (William J.) Foundation, 43, 44 Cooperation with Neighboring Institu­ tions, 24, 147 Corporation, Officers of, 8 Course Advisers, 48, 53 Courses of I nstruction, 69-151 Botany, 70-72 Chemistry, 73-77 Classics, 78-81 Economics, 82-84 Engineering, 85-97 Civil, 88-90 Electrical, 91-95 Mechanical, 95-97 English Literature, 98-102 Fine Arts, 103-105 German, 106-108 History, 109-113 Mathematics and Astronomy, 114- 120 Music, 121-122 Philosophy and Religion, 123-127 Physical Education for Men, 128 Physical Education for Women, 129-130 Physics, 131-132 Political Science, 133-135 Psychology and Education, 136-141 Romance Languages, 142-146 Russian Studies, 147 Zoology, 148-151 Crane Prize, 66 Curators of Biddle Memorial Library, 22 Cutting (Bronson M .) Collection, 45 D egrees , 63-65 Advanced Engineering Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Master of Arts Master of Science Degrees Conferred, 155-162 Dining Room, 46 Directions for Correspondence, 2 Directions for Reaching the College, 24 Divisions and Departments, 18 Dormitories, 45-46 Dorsey (W illiam) Scholarship, 39 Economics, Courses in, 82-84 Education, Courses in, 140 Education, Physical, 128-130 Educational Program, 24, 28, 49-69 Ellsler (George) Scholarship, 39 Emeritus Professors, 10 Engineering, Courses in, 85-97 Engineering, Degrees in, 64, 65, 86 English Literature, Courses in, 98-102 Entrance Requirements, 28-31 Examination Regulations, 62 Examinations, College Board, 30, 31 168 Index Exclusion from College, 63 Expenses, 32 Extra and Prescribed Work, 62 Extra-Curricular Activities, 50 Faculty, Members of, 10-17 Faculty Regulations, 60-63 Fees (Tuition, Residence, etc.). 32 Fellowships, 67, 68 Ferguson (Donald Renwick), Scholar­ ship, 34 Field House, 172 Fine Arts, Courses in, 103-105 Foreign Language Requirements, 55 Foreign Students, 163 Fox (George) Award, 67 Fraternity Lodges, Men’s 172 French, Courses in, 142-144 Friends’ College Scholarships, 40 Friends Historical Library, 42-43 Friends Meeting, 46 Fry (Elizabeth) Award, 67 Geographical Distribution of Students, 163 German Language and Literature, Courses in, 106-108 Gillingham (Joseph E .) Fund, 39 Grades, 61-62 Graduation, Requirements for, 63-64 Grants-in-aid, 33 Greek Language and Literature, Courses in, 78-79 Hayes (John Russell) Poetry Prizes, 67 Health, Care of Student, 46-47 Hicks Hall, 172 Hillborn ( Rachel W .) Scholarship, 37 History, Courses in, 109-113 Honors W ork, 56-59 Admission to, 59 Combinations of Majors and Min­ ors, 58-59 Examinations, 53, 57-58, 64 Examiners, 57, 154-155 General Statement, 56-58 Offered in: Astronomy, 119-120 Botany, 72 Chemistry, 77 Classics, 80-81 Economics, 84 Engineering, 88, 94-95 English Literature, 101-102 Fine Arts, 105 French, 144 German, 108 Greek, 81 History, 112, 113 Latin, 80-81 Mathematics, 116-117 Music, 122 Philosophy, 126-127 Physics, 132 Political Science, 135 Psychology, 140-141 Spanish, 146 Zoology, 150-151 Housing, 24, 45 Infirmaries, 47 Italian, Courses in, 145 Ivins, ( Aaron B .) Scholarships, 34 Ivy Medal, 66 Jane Addams Peace Collection ( See Swarthmore College Peace Collection) Johnson (George K. and Sallie K.) Fund, 36 Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarship Fund, 36 Kovalenko (Jessie Stevenson) Scholar­ ship, 36 Latin Language and Literature, Courses in, 79 Leedom (Hannah A.) Fellowship, 68 169 Index Leedom (Thomas L .) Scholarship, 39 L ibraries , 42-43, 172 Biddle Memorial, 42 College, 42 Friends Historical, 42-43 Lilly (Scott B .) Scholarship, 34 Lippincott (Joshua) Fellowship, 68 Lippincott (Sarah E .) Scholarship, 39 Loans to Students, 33-40-41 Location of the College, 24 Lockwood (John) Memorial Fellow­ ship, 68 Longstreth (Mary T .) Scholarship, 36 Lucretia Mott Fellowship, 68 Managers, Board of, 7, 8 Map of College Grounds, 172-173 Martin (Edward) Biological Labora­ tory, 172 Mary Lyon School Property, 45, 46 Mathematics, Courses in, 114-118 McCabe Engineering Award, 66 Meeting House, 46 Men’s Executive Committee, 49 Miller (James E .) Scholarship, 38 Miller (John A.) Loan Fund, 41 Moon, Owen, Fund for Public Speak­ ing, 67 Morrell (L ois) Poetry Award, 67 Mott (Lucretia) Fellowship, 66 Music, Courses in, 108 Newton (A. Edward) Library Prize, Oak Leak Medal, 66 Observatories, Astronomical, 118 Open Scholarships for Men, 34 Open Scholarships for Women, 35 Paiste (Harriet) Fund, 36 Palmer Hall, 45, 172 Parrish Hall, 45, 172 Pearson (Paul M .) Loan Fund, 41 66 Perkins (T . H. Dudley) Memorial Scholarship, 34-35 Philosophy, Courses in, 123-127 Physical Education for Men, 128 Physical Education for Women, 129, 130 Physical Education Requirements, 128130 Physics, Courses in, 131-132 Pittenger Hall, 45, 172 Plan of College Grounds, 172 Policies of Swarthmore College, 25, 28 Political Science, Courses in, 133-135 Pre-Medical Program, 60 Presser Music Scholarships, 39 Preston (Mary Coates) Scholarship Fund, 36 Prizes, 66-67 Program of StudV, 52-60 For Freshmen and Sophomores, 53-55 For Juniors and Seniors, 55-59 Honors Work, .56-59 Pre-Medical Program, 60 Work in Courses, 55 Psychology, Courses in, 136-141 Public Speaking Prizes, 66 Reeves (Mark E .) Scholarship, 39 Religion, Courses in, 125, 126 Religious Life, 46 Requirements for Admission, 28-31 Requirements for Graduation, 63-64 Work of First Two Years, 53-55 Work of Last Two Years, 55-59 Residence, Regulations concerning, 30, 62-64 Roberts Hall, 46, 172 Romance Languages, Courses in, 142146 Russian Studies, Courses in, 147 Scholarships, List of, 33-40 Index Scholastic Aptitude Test, 30, 31 Scott (Arthur Hoyt) Auditorium, 172 Scott (Arthur Hoyt) Horticultural Foun­ dation, 44 Serrill (William G. and Mary N .) Scholarship, 35 Shoemaker (Annie) Scholarship, 35-36 Sicard (Katherine B .) Prize, 66 Sigma Xi Fellowship, 68 Social Committee, 49 Somerville Committee, 49 Spanish, Courses in, 145-146 Sproul (M ary) Scholarship, 39 Sproul Observatory, 118, 172 Squier (Helen) Scholarship, 39 States, Summary of Students by, 163 Student Aid, 33 Student Council, 49 Student’s Handbook, 50 Sullivan (Joseph T .) Scholarship, 39 Summer School Work, 62 Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 43 Swarthmore - College Student Loan Fund, 41 Swimming Pools, 172 Taylor (Jonathan K.) Scholarship, 38 Thome (Phebe Anna) Fund, 38 Trotter Hall, 150 Tuition and Other Fees, 32 Tuition Plan, 33 Tyson (Martha E .) Fellowship, 68 Underhill (Daniel) Scholarship, 37 Underhill ( Samuel J. ) Scholarship, 34 Vocational Office, 47 West, Benjamin, Society, 45 Westbury Quarterly Meeting Scholar­ ship, 38 Wharton Hall, 45, 172 Wharton (Deborah F. Scholarship, 39 White Open Scholarships for Women, 35 Willets (Samuel) Fund, 39 William J. Cooper Foundation, 43, 44 Williams (Ellis D .) Fund, 41 Williamson (I. V .) Scholarships, 40 Wilson (Edward Clarkson) Scholarship, 37 Women’s Student Government Associa­ tion, 48 Wood (M ary) Fund, 37 Woodnutt (Thomas) Scholarship, 39 Woolman House, 45-172 Worth Hall, 45-172 Zoology, Courses in, 148-151 171 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 W harton H all Sproul Observatory H all Gymnasium Parrish H all H ockey F ield Tennis Courts Beardsley H all Science H all Som erville Gymnasium C ollege Library and B iddle M em orial Library T he H all o f Chemistry Students’ Observatory T he Benjamin W est H ouse T he M eeting H ouse Faculty H ouses T he P residents H ouse Swarthm ore F ield Alumni F ield Pow er Plant Em ployees’ Dormitory T he Swimming Pools W hittier H ouse B ook and K ey H ouse H icks H all T he R ailroad Station P hi K appa Psi Fraternity L odge D elta Upsilon Fraternity L odge P hi Sigma Kappa Fraternity Lodge 29 K appa Sigma Fraternity L odge 30 W orth Dormitory 31 W oolman H ouse 32 P hi D elta T beta Fraternity Lodge 33 Bond M em orial and W omen’s Class and A ctivities Lodges 34 'Bartol Foundation Laboratory 33 C lothier M em orial 36 Arthur H oyt Scott Audi­ torium 37 Employees’ Houses 38 F ield House 39 Palm er, Pittenger and Roberts H alls 40 Edward Martin B iological Laboratory 41 Bassett H ouse ,S > ’ is o 123 15 m <22 *12 AT 21 16 jPfcan ct the Grounds of KJiûüPÎàmoro (Jottege sfcvle •SPo Ä e ä