BULLETIN OF SWARTHMORE COLLEGE CATALO GU E OF SWARTHMORE C O L L E G E SWARTHMORE, PA. Volume X X X V I I , No. 2 Tenth Month, IÇ3Ç SW ARTHMORE COLLEGE B u l l e t in CATALO GU E NUM BER S E V E N T Y -F IR S T Y E A R 1 9 3 9 -1 9 4 0 SWARTHMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Volume X X X V II Number 2 Tenth Month, 1939 Entered at the Post-Office at Swarthmore, Pa., as second-class matter. 1. Wharton Hall 2 Sprout Observatory 3 Hall Gymnasium 4 Parrish Hall 5 Hockey Field 6 Tennis Courts 7 Beardsley Hall 8 Science Hall _ 9 Somerville Gymnasium 10 College Library and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Lodge 33 Bond Memorial and 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Friends Historical Library The Hall of Chemistry Students’ Observatory The Benjamin West 41 House The Meeting House Faculty Houses The Presidents House Swarthmore Field Alumni Field Povier Plant Employeet Dormitory The Swimming Pools Whittier House Book and Key House Hicks Hall The Railroad Station Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Lodge Delta Upsilon Fraternity Lodge Phi Sigma- Kappa Fraternity Lodge Kappa Sigma Fraternity Lodge Worth Dormitory Woolman House Womeits Class and Activities Lodges Bartol Foundation Laboratory Clothier Memorial Amphitheatre Employees’ Houses Field House Senior Dormitory Edward Martin Biological Laboratory Bassett House Advanced Standing ................................................................................. 47 D egrees .................................................................................................................... 4 8 Bachelor of Arts ....................................................................................... 48 Bachelor of Science ................................................................................. 48 Master of Arts ............... ........................................................................ 48 Master of Science ..................................................................................... 48 Advanced Engineering Degrees ................. .......................................... 48 R equirements for G raduation ......................................................................... 49 Program of the First T w o Years ......................................................... 49 Program of the Last Tw o Years in General Courses ..................... 5° Course Advisers ....................................................................................... 5° Honors Work ....................... ..................... ................................ 51 Combinations of Majors and Minors ........................................... 52 Procedure for Admission to Honors Work ................................ S3 External Examiners, May, 1939 ..................................................... 54 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 7 PAGE C ooperation with N earby I nstitutions .............................. F aculty R egulations ........................................................................................... Attendance at Classes and Collection ..................................................... G rades ............................................................................................................. Conditions ........................................................................................................ Examinations ................................................................................................... Summer School W ork ............................................................................ Health .......................... Regulation A gainst Maintenance of Automobiles ................................. M iscellaneous R egulations ........................................................ Room Choosing ............................................................................................... Opening and Closing of Dormitories ....................................................... Exclusion from College ............................................................................... E xpenses .......... ............. .......................................................................................... V ocational Service .......................... C ourses of I nstruction ....................................................................................... Botany ................................................................................................................ Chemistry .......................................................................................................... Classics .............................................................................................................. Economics .......................................................................................................... Engineering ..................................................................................................... Engineering, C ivil .............................................................................. Engineering, Electrical .......................................................................... Engineering, Mechanical ............................................................................. English ............................................................................................. Fine A rts .......................................................................................................... German Language and Literature ...................................................... History ............................................................ . . . ............................................ Mathematics and Astronomy ..................................................................... M usic .......................................................... Philosophy and Religion ............................................................................... Physical Education for Men ....................................................................... Physical Education for Women ................................................................. Physics .............................................................................................................. Political Science .............................................. Psychology and Education .................... Romance Languages ..................................................................................... Zoology .............................................................................................................. Students, 1939-40 ................................................................................................. G eographical D istribution of Students ....................................................... H olders of F ellowships ..................................................................................... Hannah A . Leedom Fellowship ................................................................. Joshua Lippincott Fellowship ..................................................................... John Lockwood Memorial Fellowship ..................................................... Lucretia Mott Fellowship ........................................................................... Sigma X i Research Fellowship ............ M artha E. Tyson Fellowship ................ H olders of the I v y M edal ............................................................................... H olders of the O a k L eaf M edal ................................................................... H olders of the M c C abe E ngineering A ward ............................................. D egrees C onferred in 1939 ............................................................................... I ndex .................................. 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 60 61 61 64 67 71 74 77 So 82 84 88 89 93 97 103 104 107 109 in 113 116 120 123 126 143 144 144 146 150 152 155 156 158 159 159 160 163 8 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN T H E C O R P O R A T IO N C harles F. J enkins , President, 23a South Seventh Street, Philadelphia. H oward C ooper Johnson, Vice-President, 801 Market Street, Philadelphia. H etty L ippincott M iller , Secretary, Riverton, N. J. J. A rcher T urner , Treasurer, Swarthmore, Pa. BOARD OF M ANAGERS Emeritus C aroline H. W orth, Coatesville, Pa. P hilip M. Sharples, 220 Orange Grove Avenue, South Pasadena, Cal. R obert H. W alker , 914 Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md. Term expires Twelfth Month, 1939 L u c y B iddle L ewis, Lansdowne, Pa. I saac H. C lothier, J r., 801 Market Street, Philadelphia. B arclay W hite , 22 N. 36th Street, Philadelphia. D avid B. R ushmore, University Club, 1 W. 54th St., New York. R alph J. B aker , 989 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass. E leanor Stabler C larke , Crumwald Farm, Wallingford, Pa. C laude C. Smith , Baltimore Pike, Swarthmore, Pa. T homas B. M c C abe , 607 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. Term expires Twelfth Month, 1940 C harles F. J enkins , 232 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia. T . Stockton M atthews, South and Redwood Streets, Baltimore, Md. M ary L ippincott G riscom, 314 East Central Avenue, Moorestown, N. J. A da G raham C lem ent , Meeting House Road, Jenkintown, Pa. L ydia F oulke T aylor , 23 Summit Avenue, Larchmont, N. Y. E dith W ilson J ackson , 317 North Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. J. A rcher T urner , 801 Harvard Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. E lisabeth H allowell B artlett , 1922 Mt. Royal Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Term expires Twelfth Month, 1941 H oward C ooper Johnson, 801 Market Street, Philadelphia. H etty L ippincott M iller , Riverton, N. J. E lsie P almer B rown , 1622 Twenty-ninth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. H enry C. T urner , 420 Lexington Avenue, New York. R obert E. L am b , 843 North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia. P hebe U nderhill Seam an , Jericho, N. Y . R uth P otter A shton , 409 Elm Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. N icholas K elley , 70 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Term expires Twelfth Month, 1942 R obert P y le , W est Grove, Pa. E dward B. T em ple , Swarthmore, Pa. C lement M. B iddle, P. O. B ox 743, Church Street Station, New York. E dward M. B assett, 1608 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. E lizabeth W orth Spa cem a n , Hill Farm, Coatesville, Pa. H ugh F. D enworth , 21 i Elm Avenue, Swarthmore, Pa. H adassah M oore L eeds, 1025 Westview Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. I sabel Jenkins B ooth, 400 Delaware Street, New Castle, Del. COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD C O M M IT T E E S O F T H E BO A R D The President is ex-Officio a Member of Every Committee Executive H enry C. T urner H oward C ooper Johnson L u cy B iddle L ewis M ary L ippincott G riscom I saac H. C lothier, J r. R obert E. L amb J. A rcher T urner R obert P yle A da G raham C lement B arclay W hite L ydia F oulke T aylor E dward M. B assett C harles F. J enkins E leanor Stabler C larke E dith W ilson J ackson C laude C. Smith Finance and Audit Edward B. T emple C lement M. B iddle R alph J. B aker C laude C. Smith H ugh F. D enworth Instruction and Libraries L u cy B iddle L ewis Robert P yle H etty L ippincott M iller H enry C. T urner H adassah P hebe U nderhill Seaman E dith W ilson J ackson E dward M. B assett R uth P otter A shton M oore L eeds Building and Property Robert E. L amb Robert P yle M ary L ippincott G riscom T homas C lement M. B iddle E dward M . B assett B arclay W hite B. M c C abe Trusts C harles F. J enkins H oward C ooper J ohnson Isaac H. C lothier, J r. T . Stockton M atthews J. A rcher T urner H ugh F. D enworth Observatory D avid B. R ushmore C lement M . B iddle B arclay W hite E lsie P almer B rown P otter A shton R uth Household M ary L ippincott G riscom Lydia F oulke T aylor A da G raham C lement I sabel E lizabeth W . Spacem an E leanor Stabler C larke E lisabeth H allowell B artlett J enkins B ooth Nominating For a Term of One Year A da G raham C lement R obert P yle For a Term of Tvoo Years E leanor Stabler C larke H enry C. T urner For a Term of Three Years M ary L ippincott G riscom C laude C. S mith 9 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN IO THE FACULTY F rank A ydelotte, President.......................................................324 Cedar Lane B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Harvard University; B.Litt., Uni­ versity of Oxford; D.Litt., University of Pittsburgh, Oberlin; L.H.D., University of Pennsylvania; LL.D., Allegheny College, Yale Uni­ versity, Indiana University; D.C.L., University of Oxford. F rances B. B lanshard , Dean of Women................................ 513 Ogden Ave. B.A., Smith College; M.A., Columbia University. H arold E dwin B alme Speight , Dean of the College................. 603 Elm Ave. M.A., University of Aberdeen and Dartmouth College. E verett L. H u n t , Dean of Men and Professor of English---- 604 Elm Ave. B.A., Huron College; M.A., University of Chicago; D.Litt., Huron College. John A nthony M iller , Director of Sprout Observatory and Professor of Astronomy, Emeritus..........Kershaw and Turner Roads, Wallingford B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Leland Stanford Junior University; Ph.D., University of Chicago; LL.D., Indiana University. • W illiam I saac H ull , Professor Emeritus of History and International Relations............. .................................................... .........504 Walnut Lane B.A. and Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; F.R.H.S. Jesse H erman H olmes, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy.............................. 636 Manchester Ave., Moylan B.S., University of Nebraska; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. I sabelle B ronk , Professor Emeritus of French Language and Literature Strath Haven Inn Ph.B., Illinois Wesleyan University; Ph.D., University of Chicago. G ellert A llem an , Professor Emeritus of Chemistry........................................ Providence Road, Wallingford B.S., Pennsylvania College; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University; Sc.D., Gettysburg. John R ussell H ayes , Librarian Emeritus of Friends Historical L ibrary.... Embreeville B.A., Swarthmore College; B.A., Harvard University; LL.B., Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania. H arold C larke G oddard, Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor of English................................................................................3 Whittier Place B.A., Amherst College; M.A. and Ph.D., Columbia University. R obert C larkson B rooks, Joseph Wharton Professor of Political Science 410 Swarthmore Ave. B.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., Cornell University; Dr. rer.pol., University of Berne. C lara P rice N ewport, Professor Emeritus of German Language and Literature .............................................................. 317 North Chester Rd. B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. H enrietta J osephine M eeteer, Professor Emeritus of Greek and L a tin .... 59 W . 71st St., New York City B.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. A lfred M ansfield B rooks, Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts..................... Gloucester, Mass. B.A. and M.A., Harvard University; M.Al, Indiana University. •Deceased. THE FACULTY II Sam uel C opeland P almer , Professor of Botany and Acting Director of Athletics....................................... ...............................43 5 Riverview Ave. B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. H enry Jermain M aude C reighton, Edmund Allen Professor of Chemistry 515 Elm Ave. B.A. and M.A., Dalhousie University; M.Sc., University of Birming­ ham; D.Sc., Das eidgenössische Polytechnikum, Zürich. Ethel H ampson B rewster, Professor of Greek and Latin..........West House B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Penn­ sylvania. A rnold D resden, Edward H. Magill Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy ........................................................................... 606 Elm Ave. M.S. arid Ph.D., University of Chicago. Ross W. M arriott, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy......................... zi3 Lafayette Ave. B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania. C harles B. Sh aw , Librarian.....................................................3 ^Vhittie^ Place B.A. and M.A., Clark University. B rand B lanshard , Professor of Philosophy............................ 513 Ogden Ave. B.A., University of Michigan; M.A., Columbia University; B.Sc., University of Oxford; Ph.D., Harvard University. L. R. Shero, Professor of Greek................................... 651 N. Chester Road B.A., Haverford College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. W inthrop R. W right, Morris L. Clothier Professor of Physics................. 4 Whittier Place B.A. and Ph.D., University of Michigan. H erbert F. F raser, Professor of Economics.......................Wallingford Hills M.A., University of Aberdeen; F.R.Econ.S. Scott B. L illy , Professor of Civil Engineering.........................600 Elm A ve. B.S., Michigan State College ; C.E., Cornell University. P hilip M arshall H icks, Professor of English............................ 525 Elm Ave. B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College ; Ph.D., University of Penn­ sylvania. F rederick J. M anning , Isaac H. Clothier Professor of History................. ... *15 Roberts Road, Bryn Mawr B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University. • • C lair W ilcox, Professor of Economics................................ 510 Ogden Ave. B.S., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ohio State University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. E dward H. C ox, Professor of Chemistry................................ 8 Whittier Place B.S., Earlham College; M.A., Harvard University; Sc.D., University of Geneva. R obert E rnest Spiller , Professor of English.........................6 Whittier Place B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. E dith P hilips , Susan IV. Lippincott Professor of French._1 Whittier Place B.A., Goucher College; Docteur de l’Université de Paris. ••Part-time leave. 12 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN W olfgang K ohler, Professor of Psychology.........................401 Walnut Lane Dr.phil., University of Berlin. L aurence I rving, Professor of Biology. . . ........... ......................60a Elm Ave. B.A., Bowdoin College; M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Leland Stanford Junior University. W alter S ilz , Professor of German....................................Wallingford Hills B.A., M.A., and Ph.D., Harvard University. C harles G arrett T hatcher , Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 613 Ogden Ave. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.E., Cornell University. John H imes P itm an , Associate Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy 328 Vassar Ave. B.A. and M.A., Swarthmore College. JH einrich B rinkm ann , Associate Professor of Mathematics......................... 512 N. Chester Road B.A., Leland Stanford Junior University; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. M ary A lbertson, Associate Professor of History............... 405 Walnut Lane B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Bryn M awr College. *M ilan W . G arrett, Associate Prof essor of Physics. .336 N. Princeton Ave. B.A. and M.A., Leland Stanford Junior University; B.A. and D.Phil., University of Oxford. T royer Steele A nderson, Associate Professor of H istory...a Whittier Place B.A., Dartmouth College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A., Harvard University; D.Phil., University of Oxford. H oward M alcolm J enkins , Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering 612 Ogden Ave. B.A. and E.E., Swarthmore College. • A lfred J. Sw a n n , Associate Professor and Director of Music....................... 21 Oberlin Ave. B.A. and M.A., University of Oxford. •L éon W encelius , Associate Professor of Trench............... 121 College Ave. D. ès L., University of Paris; L.Th., University of Strasbourg; Th.D., Union Theological Seminary. R obert B. M ac L eod, Associate Professor of Psychology and Education........ 8B Whittier Place B.A. and M.A., McGill University; Ph.D., Columbia University. P eter van de K am p , Associate Professor of Astronomy and Director of Sproul Observatory......................................Yale and Swarthmore Aves. B.S. and M.S., University of Utrecht; Ph.D., University of California; Dr.phil., University of Groningen. ••R obert K . E nders, Associate Professor of Zoology................. 311 Elm A ve. B.A. and Ph.D., University of Michigan. D uncan G raham F oster, Associate Professor of Chemistry......................... 302 N. Chester Road B.A. and M.A., Harvard University; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University. •Absent on leave, 1939-40. fAbsent on leave, first semester. ••Part-time leave. THE FACULTY 13 § A ndrew Simpson , Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering............... College Campus B.A., Swarthmore College; M.S., Cornell University. K arl R euning , Assistant Professor of German................... 47 Amherst Ave. Dr.phil., University of Giessen. T ownsend Scudder, 3RD, Assistant Professor of English.......... 205 Elm A ve. B.A. and Ph.D., Yale University. W alter J. Scott, Assistant Professor of Zoology..................... 102 Park A ve. Ph.B., Lafayette College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. L ydia B aer, Assistant Professor of German.. . .Brookside Road, Wallingford B.A., Oberlin College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. *J. R oland P ennock , Assistant Professor of Political Science.. 521 Elm A ve. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., Harvard University. R obert D u n n , Assistant Professor of Physical Education for M en................. d o t ' 1 it • H Swarthmore Apartments B.S., Temple University. r V irginia R ath , Assistant Professor of Physical Education for Women........ 139 Rutgers Ave. B.A., Hollins College; M.A., Columbia University. :|:John W . N ason, Assistant Professor of Philosophy..........530 Walnut Lane B.A., Carleton College; B.A., University of Oxford; M.A., Harvard University. • • P atrick M urph y M alin , Assistant Professor of Economics......................... i> o it • id . . 221 N. Princeton Ave. B.S., University of Pennsylvania. M arcel J. B run , Assistant Professor of French.........................607 Elm A ve. Lie. es L., University of Strasbourg; B. en Th., Montpellier; S.T.Dr., Union Seminary. G eorge B. T hom , Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering............. Blackthorn Road, Wallingford M.E., M.S., M.A., Lehigh University. W alter B. K eighton, J r., Assistant Professor of Chemistry......................... 311 Cedar Lane B.A., Swarthmore College; Ph.D., Princeton University. F rank R alph K ills , Assistant Professor of Zoology.. .406 Haverford Place B.S., College of Wooster; M.S. and Ph.D., University of Chicago. ^Elizabeth C ox W right, Assistant Professor of English................... Moylan B.A., Wellesley College;. M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Sam uel T . C arpenter , Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering................... B.C.E., C.E., and M.S., Ohio State University. 22^ Ave. H arold M. M arch , Assistant Professor of French.....................West House B.A., Princeton University; Ph.D., Yale University. M aurice M andelbaum , Assistant Professor of Philosophy__ 513 Elm Ave. B.A. and M.A., Dartmouth College; Ph.D., Yale University, j E dwin B. N ew m an , Assistant Professor of Psychology. .17 S. Chester Road B.A. and M.A., University of Kansas; Ph.D., Harvard University. L uzern G. L ivingston, Assistant Professor of Botany..........339 Park Ave. B.S., Lawrence College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. §Absent on leave. ^Absent on leave, second semester. ••Part-time leave. 14 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN M ercedes C. I ribas, Instructor in Spanish. .126 W alsh Rd., Gladstone Manor M.A., University of Pennsylvania. G eorge A. B ourdelais, Instructor in Engineering..............Wallingford Hills F redric S. K lees, Instructor in English......................................Wharton Hall B.A., Bowdoin College. E thel St ilz , Instructor in Fine Arts........................................... Parrish Hall Ph.B., University of Chicago; M.A., Columbia University. M a y E. P arry, Instructor in Physical Education for Women....................... 541 Pelham Road, Mt. Airy B.A., Swarthmore College; B.S., Temple University. A very F. B lake , Instructor in Physical Education for M en.......................... 49 Amherst Ave. O rren M ohler, Instructor in Astronomy............................ 511 Walnut Lane B.A., Michigan Normal College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Michigan. R uth M c C lung J ones, Instructor in Botany and Zoology.............................. Bobbin Mill Road, Media B.A., Swarthmore College. John D. M c C rumm , Instructor in Electrical Engineering............................ Riverview Farms, Riverview Road B.S. and M.S., University of Colorado. E. J. F aulkner , Instructor in Physical Education for M en.......................... 235 Dickinson Ave. F rances R einhold, Instructor in Political Science............. Bassett Dormitory B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of Penn­ sylvania. *C. B rooke W orth, Instructor in Zoology....................................602 Elm Ave. B.A., Swarthmore College; M.D., University of Pennsylvania. R ichard B. B randt, Instructor in Philosophy............... 302 N. Chester Road B.A., Denison University; B.A., University of Cambridge; Ph.D., Yale University. tALiCE A. G ates, Instructor in Physical Education for Women..Base Valley B.A., Wellesley College. N orris J ones, Instructor in Scientific Dra at more than three hundred points in this country and abroad. A list of these places w ill be published about M arch 1, 1940. Requests that the examinations be held at particular points should be transmitted to the Executive Secretary of the College Entrance E x­ amination Board not later than February 1, 1940. Detailed definitions of the requirements in all examination sub­ jects are given in a circular of information published annually about December 1. Upon request to the Secretary of the College Entrance Examination Board a single copy of this document w ill be sent to any teacher without charge. In general, there w ill be a charge of thirty cents, which may be remitted in postage. Information regarding these examinations may be obtained from, and applications should be made to, the Secretary of the College Entrance Examination Board, 431 W est 117th Street, N ew York, N . Y . Blank forms for this purpose w ill be mailed by the Secretary of the Board to any teacher or candidate upon request by mail. T h e Scholastic Aptitude T est may be taken upon the completion of the school course or at the end of the third year of secondary school work. Each candidate desiring to take this test, even though he is to take no other examination, must file with the Secretary of the Board the usual application for examination. Every candidate who registers for the test w ill receive a practice booklet containing a specimen test with blank spaces to be filled in by the candidate. In order to secure admission to the test, the candidate must present not only his ticket of admission but also this booklet with the spaces filled in as requested. I f the Scholastic Aptitude T est is taken in connection with other examinations, no additional fee is required; if taken alone, the fee is $10. 46 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN S c h o l a r s h ip E x a m in a t i o n s a n d E a r l y E x a m in a t i o n s for A d m is s io n t o B e H eld o n A p r il 13, 1940 T h e College Entrance Examination Board w ill hold examinations at approximately 150 places in the United States on A p ril 13, I 94°> for applicants for scholarships and for admission to college. A list of these places and a detailed announcement regarding the A p ril series of examinations w ill be ready for distribution on October 1. Every candidate is required to file an application w ith the Execu­ tive Secretary of the College Entrance Examination Board, 431 W est 117th Street, N ew Y ork, N . Y ., not later than M arch 23, 1940. A candidate who takes the examinations either for admission to col­ lege or in order to qualify for a scholarship should secure the blank form from the college. In order to facilitate the making of arrange­ ments for the proper conduct of the examinations, it is desired that all applications be filed as early as possible. T h e examination fee of ten dollars should accompany the application and should be re­ mitted by postal order, express order, or draft on N ew Y o rk to the order of the College Entrance Examination Board. Applications for examination w ill be accepted after M arch 23, 1940, when it is possible to arrange for the examination of the can­ didates concerned, but only upon payment of five dollars in addition to the regular fee. W hen a candidate has failed to obtain the required blank form of application, the regular examination fee w ill be accepted if it arrive not later than M arch 23, 1940, and if it be accompanied by a memorandum with the name and address of the candidate, the center at which he w ill report for examination, the college to which his report is to be sent, and the series of examinations (admission or scholarship) he wishes to take. N o candidate w ill be admitted to a test late, that is, after the test has begun. Each candidate who is registered for the Scholastic Aptitude T e st w ill receive a booklet containing a specimen test with blank spaces to be filled in by the candidate. In order to secure ad­ mission to the test, the candidate must present not only his ticket of admission but also the sheet with the spaces filled in as requested. Inasmuch as no special preparation w ill be needed for this series of examinations, detailed information regarding them, with the excep­ tion of the practice booklet for the Scholastic Aptitude Test, w ill not be distributed to candidates. T h e College Entrance Examination Board w ill report to the in­ Advan ced St A n d î ^ g 4? stitution indicated on the candidate’s application the results of his examinations. Candidates should not expect to receive from the Board reports upon their examinations. A D V A N C E D S T A N D IN G For favorable consideration, applicants for advanced standing must have had a high scholastic record in the institution from which they wish to transfer, and must present full credentials for both college and preparatory work and a letter of honorable dismissal. A s a gen­ eral rule, students are not admitted to advanced standing later than the beginning of the Sophomore year. Applications of women applicants must be filed by January I. 48 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN DEGREES BACHELOR OF ARTS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE T h e degrees of Bachelor of A rts and Bachelor of Science are con­ ferred upon students who have met the requirements for graduation as stated on pages 49 ff. and 74 ffMASTER OF ARTS MASTER OF SCIENCE I. T h e degrees of M aster of A rts and M aster of Science may be conferred upon graduates of Swarthmore College or of other institu­ tions of satisfactory standing who spend at least a year in residence at this College, pursuing a course of study approved by the faculty. Each candidate for the M aster’s degree must prepare a satisfactory thesis on a subject assigned by the professor in charge of the major subject, and must pass a final oral examination before a committee of the faculty. In recent years the policy of the faculty has been op­ posed to accepting candidates for the M aster’s degree. ADVANCED ENGINEERING DEGREES T h e advanced degrees of Mechanical Engineer ( M .E .) , Electrical Engineer (E .E .), and C ivil Engineer ( C .E .), may be obtained by graduates who have received their Bachelor’s degree in Engineering upon the fulfilling of the requirements given below : 1. T h e candidate must have been engaged in engineering work for five years since receiving his first degree. 2. H e must have had charge of engineering work and must be in a position of responsibility and trust at the time of application. 3. H e must make application and submit an outline of the thesis he expects to present, one full year before the advanced degree is to be conferred. 4. T h e thesis must be submitted for approval one calendar month before the time of granting the degree. 5. Every candidate shall pay a registration fee of $5 and an addi­ tional fee of $20 when the degree is conferred. PROGRAM OF THE FIRST TWO YEARS 49 R E Q U IR E M E N T S F O R G R A D U A T IO N Swarthmore College offers: ( i ) General Courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of A rts or to the degree of Bachelor of Science. T h e latter is given only in the Division of Engineering. A student in General Courses normally carries four courses each year and must obtain a minimum average of C in sixteen courses in order to qualify for graduation. (2) Honors W o rk leading to the same degrees with Honors. (See p. 51 for description of Honors W o rk and p. 52 for conditions under which students in Honors W o rk qualify for the degree.) T h e work of the first two years for all students is in General Courses. (See below.) D uring the last tw o years qualified students may read for Honors. Four years of resident study are normally required for the completion of the w ork leading to the Bachelor’s degree. Subjects of instruction are classified according to departments, and the departments are grouped into four divisions*: the Division of the Humanities, the Division of the Social Sciences, the Division of Mathematics and the N atural Sciences, and the Division of Engineering. In addition to scholastic requirements for graduation, all students are required to meet certain standards of participation in Physical Education as set forth in the statement of that department (see pp. 107, 109) and for attendance at the Collection exercises of the C o l­ lege (see p. 24). - PROGRAM OF THE FIRST TWO YEARS T h e general requirements for the first two years are the same for all students except those in the Division of Engineering (see pp. 74 ff.) and are as follows: (a) T h e minimum language requirements as outlined below; (b) one fu ll course in two of the three Divisions: Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics and the Natural Sciences. T h e minimum language requirements are: Each student w ill pursue one foreign language to a point equivalent to the completion of Course 2. Achievement in this course or its *For grouping of departments see page 17. SO SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN equivalent w ill be measured by a test given in September as an aid to placement, and in January and June at the regular examination periods. A ll students w ill be required to pass this test in the language which they are offering toward completing the requirement. T h e standard for admission to Course 2 is such as might reasonably be expected from a student who has had two years’ preparation in the language; the standard for completion or equivalence in Course 2 is such as might be expected from a student who has had four years’ preparation in the language. T h e foreign language requirement should normally be met by the end of the Sophomore year. D uring his first two years the student should plan his major and minor subjects in order to take courses which may be prerequisites for later work. H e should study departmental statements (pp. 61 ff.) and consult the Deans and departmental course advisers to this end. By the end of the first tw o years the student must have completed eight full courses, including the above requirements. PROGRAM OF THE LAST TWO YEARS IN GENERAL COURSES T h e work of the last two years in General Courses must include a major, one related minor, and electives; in Honors, the w ork con­ sists of a major and tw o related minors; in both cases majors and minors must fall in the same Division. A t the end of the Sophomore year, a student’s choice of his major and minor subjects must be approved by the departments concerned. Each student in General Courses offers for graduation at least four full courses or their equivalent in his major subject and at least three full courses or their equivalent in his minor subject. T h e completion of sixteen full courses, with a minimum average of C (see p. 56), normally constitutes the course requirement for a degree in General Courses. A student may carry extra work after the Freshman year with the approval of his course adviser and of the Committee on Prescribed and E xtra W ork, provided that his record in the previous year has been satisfactory. In addition to completing his courses, the student at the end of his Senior year must pass a comprehensive examination in his major subject, set by the faculty of the major department. COURSE ADVISERS T h e course advisers of Freshmen and Sophomores are the Dean of M en and the Dean of W om en, in cooperation with the Chairmen of Departments in which the students are enrolled as M ajors. For HONORS WORK 51 Juniors and Seniors the advisers are the Chairmen of their M ajor Departments. HONORS WORK Students who have shown themselves capable of higher than aver­ age intellectual achievement are permitted to read for the bachelor’s degree w ith honors during their last two college years. T h e theory underlying honors w ork was outlined by President Aydelotte in his inaugural address at Swarthmore College on October 22, 1921, as follow s: “ W e are educating more students up to a fair average than any other country in the world, but we are wastefully allowing the capacity of the average to prevent us from bringing our best up to the standards they could reach. O u r most important task at the present is to check this waste. T h e method of doing it seems clear: to give to those students who are really interested in the intellectual life harder and more independent work than could profitably be given to those whose devotion to matters of the intellect is less keen, to demand of the former, in the course of their four years’ work, a standard of attainment for the A .B . degree distinctly higher than we require of them at present. . . . W ith these abler students it would be possible to allovy them to specialize more because their own alertness of mind would of itself be sufficient to widen their intellectual range and give them that acquaintance with other studies necessary for a liberal point o f view. . . . O u r examinations should be less frequent and more comprehensive, and the task of the student should be to prepare himself for these tests through his own reading and through the instruction offered by the college.” Honors W o rk is offered in each of the four divisions of the College. (See page 17.) It comprises a complete course of study in itself. A student who reads for honors is relieved entirely from ordinary class or course requirements. H e devotes half of his time during the last two years to the subject of his major interest and divides the re­ mainder between tw o related subjects which must fall within the same division. Exceptions to this distribution of time are occasion­ ally granted by the divisions concerned. Exceptions which involve a cross-divisional combination of subjects must be approved by the Instruction Committee of the Faculty. Small groups of students meet their instructors in weekly confer­ 52 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN ences, known as seminar meetings. It is customary for students to pre­ sent frequent papers at seminars, although the methods of stimulating discussion vary greatly. In scientific subjects additional time is spent in the laboratory. T h e w ork is so planned that a student takes two seminars each semester, making a total of eight seminars during his last two years. T h e length of the weekly seminar meeting varies from a minimum of two hours, according to the amount o f discussion pro­ voked by the topics presented. Departments may permit their major students to prepare a thesis in lieu of one seminar. N o examinations or grades are given from semester to semester.* A t the end of the Senior year honors students take written and oral examinations given by examiners from other institutions.! Upon the recommendation of these examiners, candidates are awarded the bachelor’s degree with honors, high honors, or highest honors. In the case of a candidate whose work is not, in the opinion of the examiners, of sufficiently high quality for honors, his examination papers shall be returned to the division concerned. T h e Chairman of the division shall form a committee of the candidate’s instructors who w ill examine the papers as a substitute for the comprehensive examination required for a degree in course, and shall determine on the basis of these papers and their knowledge of a candidate’s past work whether or not he is entitled to a degree in course. Students admitted to honors w ork who prove unable to meet the requirements or who for other reasons return to regular classes may receive proportional course credit for the work they have done while reading for honors. Regulations governing possible combinations of major and minor subjects in the four divisions appear below. Lists of seminars offered in preparation for examinations follow departmental statements of general courses. C O M B IN A T IO N S O F M A JO R S A N D M IN O R S DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIES M ajo r subjects include English, French, German, Greek, His­ tory, Latin, Philosophy and Psychology: related minor subjects in­ clude those already listed, and Fine A rts. A t least half of the stu­ *It is customary for honors students to take practice examinations at the end of the Junior year over the work covered thus far. These papers are read by the instructor concerned and are used as a basis for advice and guidance for the work of the Senior year. fFor list of examiners in May, 1939, see page 34. ADMISSION TO HONORS WORK 53 dent’s time w ill probably be devoted to his major subject, the re­ mainder being divided between two related subjects within the division. DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES M ajo r and minor subjects include Economics, History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Political Science. Students in this division may devote half their time to their major subject, dividing the remainder equally between two related subjects; or they may do an equal amount of work in two departments (one of which is to be designated as the major department) and spend a quarter of their time on another sub­ ject. DIVISION OF MATHEMATICS AND THE NATURAL SCIENCES M ajo r subjects include Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Z o o lo gy; related minor subjects include the subjects listed, and Astronomy and Philosophy. A t least half of the student’s time will probably be devoted to his major subject, with the remainder divided between two other related subjects within the division. DIVISION OF ENGINEERING M ajo r subjects for honors work in this division include C ivil E n­ gineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering; a minor may be taken in either or both of the engineering departments in which the student does not have his major, or in Chemistry, M ath ­ ematics, Physics or Economics. A t least one-half of the student’s time w ill be devoted to his major in engineering. T h e degree granted is the B.S. in Engineering. T h e final examination w ill include papers on the fundamentals of the three professional departments of engineering, four papers on the seminars of the senior year, and one or two additional papers based upon the course which the student has taken, the number of the papers and their subjects to be determined by the faculty of the division. (See pp. 74-83-) P R O C E D U R E F O R A D M IS S IO N T O H O N O R S W O R K A candidate for admission to an honors division must file his ap­ plication in the spring of his Sophomore year with the chairman of his major departments, and must indicate the particular combination 54 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN / V of related subjects on which he wishes to be examined for his degree. H is acceptance by the division depends in part upon the quality of his previous work as indicated by the grades he has received but mainly upon his seeming capacity for assuming the responsibility of honors work. T h e names of successful candidates are announced later in the spring. T h e major department w ill then arrange, in consultation with the student, a definite program of subjects to constitute the field of knowledge on which he w ill be examined at the end of his senior year. T h a t department is responsible for drawing up the original plan of his work, for supervising his choice of seminars in all departments and for keeping in touch with his progress from semester to semester. T h e division is responsible for approval of the student’s original pro­ gram and for any subsequent changes in that program. Proposals for combinations of subjects or departments not provided for in the divisional arrangements must be submitted by the division to the In­ struction Committee of the Faculty for final approval. E X T E R N A L E X A M I N E R S , M A Y , 1939 Chairman of the Divisions of the Humanities and the Social Sciences: Professor H oyt H . Hudson, Princeton University. DIVISION OF THE HUMANITIES Classics: P r o f e s so r H a r r iso n B. A sh , University of Pennsylvania P r o f e s so r L. A r n o l d P o s t , Haverford College English: P r o f e s so r M a t t h e w W. B l a c k , University of Pennsylvania D r . C l a r a M a r b u r g K i r k , Stelton, New Jersey P r o f e s so r H o w a r d L o w r y , Wooster College Fine Arts: P r o f e s so r J o s e p h C . S l o a n e , J r ., B ryn M a w r C ollege French: P r o f e s so r J e a n -A l b e r t B e d e , Columbia University German: P r o f e s so r E d w in C. R oedder, College of the City of New York History: D r . A l ic e B e a r d w o o d , Philadelphia P r o f e s so r P a u l W. B r u t o n , University of Pennsylvania L a w P r o f e sso r J o s e p h in e F is h e r , B ry n M a w r College P r o f e s so r H. D o n a ld so n J o r d a n , C la rk University P r o f e s so r W a l t e r C. L a n g s a m , Union College Philosophy: P r o f e s so r C l if f o r d L . B a r r e t t , Princeton University P r o f e s so r G r a c e A. d e L a g u n a , Bryn Mawr College P r o f e s so r G eo r g e T h o m a s , University o f North Carolina Psychology: P r o f e s so r C a r r o l l C. P r a t t , Rutgers University P r o f e s so r D o n a l d W. M a c K in n o n , Bryn Mawr College School COOPERATION WITH NEARBY INSTITUTIONS 55 DIVISION OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics: D r . C o r w in D. E d w a r d s , Department of Justice, Washington, P r o f e s so r F r a n k D. G r a h a m , Princeton University P r o f e s so r J a m es G . S m ith , Princeton University P r o f e s so r C ol sto n E. W a r n e , Amherst College D. C . History: D r . A l ic e B e a r d w o o d , Philadelphia P r o f e s so r P a u l W . B r u t o n , University of Pennsylvania P r o f e s so r J o s e p h in e F is h e r , Bryn Mawr College P r o f e s so r H. D o n a l d so n J o r d a n , Clark University P r o f e s so r W a l t e r C. L a n g s a m , Union College Law School Philosophy: P r o f e s so r C l if f o r d L . B a r r e ttt Princeton University P r o f e s so r G r a c e A. d e L a g u n a , Bryn Mawr College P r o f e s so r G e o r g e T h om as , University of North Carolina Political Science: P r o f e sso r P h il l ip s B r a d l e y , Queens College P r o f e s so r R o g e r H. W e l l s , Bryn Mawr College P r o f e s so r A r t h u r T. W h it a k e r , University of Pennsylvania Psychology: P r o f e s so r C a r r o l l C . P r a t t , Rutgers University P r o f e s so r D o n a l d W. M a c K in n o n , Bryn Mawr College Botany: DIVISION OF MATHEMATICS AND THE NATURAL SCIENCES P r o f e s so r E dm un d W. S in n o t t , Barnard College D r . A n n a R. W h it in g , University o f Pennsylvania Chemistry: P r o f e s so r A r t h u r J. H i l l , Yale University P r o f e s so r V ic t o r K . L a M e r , Columbia University P r o f e s so r C h a r l e s P . S m y t h e , Princeton University Mathematics and Astronomy: P r o f e s so r P r o f e s so r Physics: P r o f e s so r C. G. L a t im e r , University of Kentucky B. W. S it t e r l e y , Wesleyan University L. A. D u B r id g e , University of Rochester Psychology: P r o f e s so r C a r r o l l C. P r a t t , Rutgers University P r o f e s so r D o n a l d W. M a c K in n o n , Bryn Mawr College ZoSlogy: W. B r o n k , Eldridge R. Johnson Foundation for Research in Medical Physics, Philadelphia A. B. H o w e l l , Johns Hopkins Medical School D. H. T e n n e n t , Bryn Mawr College D r . D etlev P r o f e s so r P r o f e s so r DIVISION OF ENGINEERING Civil Engineering: P r o f e s so r T. D. Electrical Engineering: P r o f e s so r I r v e n M ylrea, University of Delaware A. T r a v is , University of Pennsylvania Mechanical Engineering: P r o f e s so r M. C. S t u a r t , Lehigh University COOPERATION WITH NEARBY INSTITUTIONS Since 1933, Swarthmore College and three nearby institutions— the University of Pennsylvania, Bryn M aw r College, and Haverford College— have been developing a cooperative plan which involves some sharing of libraries and occasional interchange of instructors and students. B y special arrangement students at Swarthmore may enroll for work in one of the other three institutions. 56 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN FACULTY REGULATIONS ATTENDANCE AT CLASSES AND COLLECTION Members of the Faculty w ill hold students responsible for regular attendance at classes. T h e last meeting before vacation and the first meeting after vaca­ tion in each course must be attended. T h e minimum penalty for violation of this rule is probation: for absence at Thanksgiving, pro­ bation until the end of the semester; for absence at Christmas, pro­ bation until spring vacation; for absence at W ashington’s Birthday, probation until M ay i ; and for absence at spring vacation, probation for the rest of the year. T h e exact definition of probation in individual cases is left to the Deans with the understanding that it shall include attendance at all classes without cuts. Absences from Collection are acted upon by the Collection Com­ mittee of the Faculty, which may give excuses for non-attendance by day students under certain conditions. A ll students are allowed two absences from Collection each semester. GRADES Instructors report to the D ean’s office at intervals during the year upon the w ork of students in Courses. Informal reports during the semester take the form of comments on unsatisfactory work. A t the end of each semester formal grades are given in each course under the letter system, by which A means excellent w ork; B means good w ork; C means fair w o rk ; D means poor work, and E shows failure. W signifies withdrawn and Cond. signifies conditioned in the course. Reports are sent to parents and to students at the end of each semester. F or graduation in General Courses, a C average is required; for graduation in Honors work, the recommendation of the external exam­ iners. (See p. 5 1.) CONDITIONS T h e mark “ conditioned” indicates either ( 1 ) that a student has done unsatisfactory w ork in the first half of a course, but by creditable work during the second half may earn a passing grade for the full course, and thereby remove his condition; (2 ) that a student’s work is incomplete in respect to specific assignments or examinations, but otherwise satisfactory; when he completes it, he w ill remove his con­ dition. Students should immediately ascertain from the instructor HEALTH 57 concerned the exact terms upon which a condition may be removed. Members of the graduating class must make up all outstanding conditions and deficiencies by the end of the first semester of the Senior year, and no student whose record is not then clear shall be considered a candidate for graduation in that year. A ll conditions must normally be made up in the semester immedi­ ately following that in which the work reported as conditioned was done, and as early in the semester as possible; by special permission of the instructor the time for making up the condition may be ex­ tended to the second semester following. A n y condition not made up within a year from the time it is imposed shall thereafter have the effect upon the records of an E , i. e., complete failure, which cannot be made up. EXAMINATIONS A n y student who is absent from an examination, announcement of which was made in advance, shall be given an examination at another hour only by special arrangement with the instructor in charge of the course. N o examination in absentia shall be permitted. T h is rule shall be interpreted to mean that instructors shall give examinations only at the college and under direct departmental supervision. SUMMER SCHOOL WORK Students desiring to transfer credit from a summer school are re­ quired to obtain the endorsement of the chairman of the department concerned before entering upon the work, and after completing the work are required to pass an examination set by the Swarthmore de­ partment. HEALTH A ll accepted applicants for admission must present a certificate of successful vaccination. Students suffering from a communicable disease or from illness which makes it necessary for them to re­ main in bed must stay in the infirmaries for the period of their illness. A b s e n c e f r o m C l a s s e s .— W hen illness necessitates absence from classes the student should report at once to the nurses or to the college physicians. Students have the opportunity to select their own physicians. 5§ SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN T h e college physicians are available at their office hours for advice on matters of health. N o charge is made for their service during office hours. REGULATION AGAINST MAINTENANCE OF AUTOMOBILES AT SWARTHMORE B y action of the Faculty, approved by the Board of Managers, un­ dergraduates are forbidden to maintain automobiles at the College or in the Borough of Swarthmore. T h e regulation is as follow s: Resident students are not allowed to keep automobiles on the cam­ pus or in the Borough of Swarthmore. T h e rule prohibits equally the keeping of automobiles owned by students and those owned by other persons but placed in the custody or control of students. D ay students may use cars in commuting to college. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may obtain permission from one of the Deans to keep an automobile in the Borough for a limited time. Parents and students must realize that this regulation w ill be strictly enforced; students who do not observe it w ill be asked to withdraw from College. MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS A ll men students except Freshmen choose their rooms in order determined by lot. A ll Freshmen, both men and women, are assigned to rooms in order of date of application for admission. Upper class women have a preferential system carried out by a committee of students and members of the administrative staff. In September, students are not admitted to the dormitories before the day preceding registration except by special permission in advance from the Deans. T h e College dining-room is closed during the Christmas and spring recesses. T h e College dormitories are closed during the Christmas recess. Students leaving property in any College building during the summer recess do so at their own risk. A l l Freshmen must leave the College immediately after their last examination in the spring in order that their rooms may be used by Commencement visitors. EXPENSES 59 EXCLUSION FROM COLLEGE T h e College reserves the right to exclude at any time students whose conduct or academic standing it regards as undesirable, and without assigning any further reason therefor; in such cases the fees due or which may have been paid in advance to the College w ill not be refunded or remitted, in whole or in part, and neither the College nor any of its officers shall be under any liability whatsoever for such exclusion. EXPENSES T h e charge for tuition is $400.00 a year, payable in advance. N o reduction of the tuition charge can be made on account of absence, illness, dismissal during the year, or for any other reason whatsoever, and no refunding w ill be made on account of any such causes. T h e charge for board and residence is $500, of which at least half is payable in advance. T h e remainder is due on the first of January. If any student for any reason whatsoever shall withdraw or be with­ drawn from College, no portion of the payment for room-rent shall be refunded or remitted. A deposit of $50 is required of each student, payable with the regr ular September bill, to cover incidental bills including books, laundry, telephone and room breakage. W hen this deposit has been exhausted a new deposit w ill be required immediately. A ny unused balance w ill be returned at the end of each year. A fee of $25 per semester is charged all students, to cover labora­ tories, athletics, social activities, dramatics, debate, class dues, and postoffice boxes. T h is is payable with the regular semester bills. Bills for the first payment are mailed before the opening of the College year, and bills for the second payment are mailed before the first of January following. Payments shall be made by check or draft to the order of S W A R T H M O R E C O L L E G E . Every student is responsible for prompt payment when due. In case bills for the first semester are not paid by November 1, and bills for the second semester by M arch 1, students owing such bills may be excluded from all college exercises. T h e funds used in paying for scholarships are derived from the income of the endowment fund, and are received from time to time during the year. Students receiving these benefits w ill have the amount deducted from their bill due on January first. Should the 6o SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN amount of the scholarship exceed the amount of the January bill it w ill be deducted from the bill for the entire year, the balance becom­ ing due in September. Special students who enroll for less than the prescribed number of courses w ill be charged $50 per half course. T h e expenses of a student at Swarthmore, beyond the payments made directly to the College, vary according to the individual. Budgets reported by present students show that total expenditures for tuition, board, books, clothing, and recreation are approximately $1,200 for the academic year. V O C A T I O N A L S E R V IC E T h e Alum ni Secretary and an Assistant to the Dean of W omen provide information on vocations and arrange conferences to assist students in their choice of a career. Assistance is also rendered in putting graduates in touch with opportunities for employment. COURSES O F IN ST R U C T IO N 6l COU RSES O F IN S T R U C T IO N BOTANY P rofessor: Sam u el C opeland P almer , Chairman A ssistant P rofessor: L uzern G . L ivingston I nstructors: R uth M c C lung J ones N orris Jones G eneral C ourses 1. Biology. Mr. Livingston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kille, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Scott. Full course. This introductory course is designed to present the fundamental aspects of biology. Wherever possible, principles will be illustrated by both plants and animals with par­ ticular reference to their interdependence and interrelationships. The topics for consideration during the first semester (Mr. Livingston, Mr. Jones) include: protoplasm, the cell, struc­ ture and function in the higher plant and a brief survey of the plant kingdom. The topics in the second semester (Mr. Kille, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Scott) include: principles of vertebrate structure and physiology, embryology, genetics, a comparative study of a few inverte­ brate phyla, ecology and evolution. The course is a prerequisite for advanced courses in botany and zoology. Three lectures or conferences and one laboratory period per week. 2. Plant Physiology. Mr. Livingston. Half courseyfirst semester. A course with laboratory work designed to give the student an insight into the funda­ mentals of plant function. 2b. Survey of the Plant Kingdom. Mr. Livingston. Half course, second semester. A comparative study of the structure and life habits of the Thallophytes, Bryophytes, and Tracheophytes (exclusive of the Angiosperms). Particular attention will be given to current concepts of evolutionary relationships from the standpoints of both comparative morphology and paleobotanical evidence. 3. Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics. Mr. Palmer. Full course. The theories of evolution and closely related subjects. The fundamental principles of genetics. The application of the principles of genetics to eugenics. 4. Taxonomy. Mr. Palmer. Half course, second semester. A course devoted to a study of the horticultural as well as native species and varieties of the campus and woods. A large number of species are available for comparison. 5. Microscopic Anatomy of Plants. Mrs. Jones. Half course, second semester• A course open to biology majors to introduce the technique of normal plant tissue prepara­ tion and the fundamentals of plant microscopic anatomy. Ó2 SW A R TH M O R E COLLEGE B U L L E T IN 6. Cytology. Mrs. Jones. Half course, second semester. An advanced course including a study of both cytoplasmic and nuclear structures. Pre­ requisite either Botany 5 or Zoology (Histology). 7. Scientific Drawing. Mr. Jones. Full course. An elementary course in freehand drawing and painting for those who wish to learn the proper methods of graphic representation of biological forms. 8. Advanced Scientific Drawing. Mr. Jones. Full course. Special problems in biological illustrating. Prerequisite Botany 6. 9. Plant Pathology. Mr. Livingston. Half course, second semester. A course designed to give the student an insight into the fundamental principles of the study of plant diseases. 10. Geology. Mr. Palmer and Mr. Jones. Half course, second semester. A lecture course in general geology designed to acquaint the student with the forces at work fashioning the earth into its present form. Some time given to the study of historical geology, with special reference to the problem of evolution. 11. Plant Ecology. Mr. Palmer and Mr. Livingston. Half course. Lectures and field work; closely related to course in Taxonomy. 12. Special Topics. Mr. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, and Mr. Livingston. Half course. Open to Seniors who wish to do special advanced work. Hours to be arranged with the instructor. Numerous libraries, museums and parks in and around Philadelphia offer unusual opportunities to students to carry on investigations in the botanical sciences. H onors W ork Prerequisites. T h e following regular courses, or their equivalents, are required for admission to Honors w ork in Botany: General Botany, General Zoology, General Inorganic Chemistry. Honors Seminars are offered preparing students for examination papers in : 1. Botanical History: A study of the development of biology from an historical standpoint with special reference to botany. 2. Organic Evolution: An examination of the most important theories of present and past with a study of types to illustrate. 3. Plant Physiology: A study of the most important of plant functions such as Osmosis, Photosynthesis, transpiration, translocation, digestion, Enzyme action, etc. COURSES OF IN ST R U C T IO N 63 4. Genetics: A study of the structure and development of the cell-theories of inheritance, Mendelism, Eugenics, etc. j. Plant Distribution: Studies involving problems in distribution of plants including soil relations, desert areas, water relations, etc., and their economic importance. 6. Taxonomy: A close study of the classification and distribution of the most important of our plant families with field work. A history of the development of classification systems will be included. 7. Cytology: A detailed study of plant and animal tissues and cells from the point of view of morphology and function. 8. Bacteriology: A course designed to give the student an intelligent understanding of the chief principles of disease, immunity, serums, etc., and methods of laboratory technique. 9. Plant Pathology: A course designed to give the student an insight into the fundamental principles of the study of plant diseases. 64 SW A R TH M O R E COLLEGE B U L L E T IN C H E M IS T R Y P rofessors: H. J ermain C reighton, Chairman E dward H. C ox A ssociate P rofessor: D uncan G . F oster A ssistant P rofessor: W alter B. K eighton, Jr. I nstructor : Sam uel R. A spinall G eneral C ourses 1. Inorganic Chemistry. Mr. Creighton and Mr. Keighton. Full course. Lectures, demonstrations, written exercises, individual laboratory practice and weekly conferences on the general principles of inorganic chemistry. This course is primarily for students majoring in chemistry and the other sciences and is a prerequisitefor Chemistry 2. It consists of two lectures, one four-hour laboratory period and a one-hour conference weekly. Text-books: Hildebrand, Principles of Chemistry; Bray and Latimer, A Course in General Chemistry, 2. Analytical Chemistry. Mr. Foster. Full course. First semester: Qualitative analysis. The theory and practice of the detection of the commoner chemical elements. Text-book, Hammett, Solutions of Electrolytes. Second semester: Quantitative analysis: The principles and practice of volumetric analy­ sis. Text-book, Talbot, Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Reference-book, Fales, Inorganic Quantitative Analysis. One lecture, one recitation or conference and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequi­ site, Chemistry I. 4. Analytical Chemistry. Mr. Foster. Full course. Offered every other year alternately with Chemistry $. A laboratory course in the principles of gravimetric analysis, organic and gas analysis. Text-books, Talbot, Quantitative Chemical Analysis; Gattermann, Praxis des Organischen Chemikers; reference-books, Treadwell-Hall, Analytical Chemistry and Fales, Inorganic Quantitative Analysis. Nine hours’ laboratory work with conferences when necessary, to be arranged at the beginning of the course. (Given in /939-40.) 5. Physical Chemistry. Mr. Keighton. Full course. Offered alternateyears. Two hours of conference and lectures and one four-hour laboratory period weekly. The lectures and conferences include elementary chemical thermo-dynamics; equilibria and chemical kinetics; the physical properties of gases, liquids, and crystals; the properties of solutions; elementary electrochemistry; colloids; and the structure of matter. In the labora­ tory students determine molecular weights; measure such properties as surface tension, vapor pressure, and viscosity of pure liquids; investigate the rates of chemical reactions; make observations on the behavior of solutions; and acquaint themselves with the use of the refractometer, the polarimeter, and other physical-chemical apparatus. Books recom­ mended: Rodebush, An Introductory Course in Physical Chemistry; Daniels, Mathews, and Williams, Experimental Physical Chemistry; Mack and France, Laboratory Manual of Elementary Physical Chemistry. Prerequisites, Chemistry 1 and a course in General Physics. This course is offered to Juniors and Seniors and alternates with Chemistry 4. (Given in 1940-41.) 6. Organic Chemistry. Mr. Aspinall. Half course, first semester. Lectures, demonstrations, written exercises, and laboratory work. Two lectures, one COURSES O F IN ST R U C T IO N 65 conference, and one four-hour laboratory period a week. In the laboratory, the students carry out reactions and syntheses of various organic compounds, as given in Adams and Johnson, Laboratory Experiments in Organic Chemistry. The lectures follow such texts as Conant, Organic Chemistry (revised edition) and cover both the aliphatic and aromatic series. The course is designed for students majoring in zoology and pre-medical work. Prerequisite— Chemistry 1. 6a. Organic Chemistry. Mr. Aspinall. Half course, second semester. This course is a continuation of course 6. In the laboratory, the students carry out some of the more difficult preparations as given in Adams and Johnson, Gilman, Organic Syntheses, and other laboratory manuals. In the lectures the aliphatic and aromatic series are reviewed from an advanced point of view, and follow such texts as Conant, Chemistry of Organic Compounds; Schmidt-Rule, Organic Chemistry, and current review articles. This course is designed for students majoring in chemistry and for pre-medical students who desire more organic chemistry. Prerequisite— Chemistry 6. H onors W ork The Department offers the following Honors Seminars: 1. Analytical Chemistry. Mr. Foster. First semester. A laboratory seminar designed to give the student as thorough a groundwork in the principles and practice of quantitative analytical chemistry as the time will allow. Approxi­ mately eighteen hours a week are spent in the laboratory under the guidance, but not the supervision of the instructor, carrying out examples of gravimetric, organic, combustion and gas analytical methods. 2. Physical Chemistry. Mr. Creighton and Mr. Keighton. Both semesters. Weekly seminar and laboratory. The work of the seminar includes the study of the states of aggregation of matter, elementary principles of thermodynamics, the relation between physical properties and molecular structure, equilibrium, the theory of solutions, electro­ chemistry and colloid chemistry. One day per week is spent in the laboratory. 3. Advanced Physical Chemistry. Mr. Creighton and Mr. Keighton. Second semester. Weekly seminar and laboratory. The work of the seminar includes the study of thermo­ dynamics, the activity concept and activity coefficients, the Debye-Hückel theory of strong electrolytes, and chemical kinetics including photochemistry and acid-base catalysis. One day per week is spent in the laboratory. 4. Organic Chemistry. Mr. Cox and Mr. Aspinall. Second semester. Conferences and laboratory work. A five hour conference and an eight hour laboratory period once a week. The ground work tor the conferences is taken from such texts as, Conant, Reid, Schmidt-Rule, and is covered in three months. For the remaining time, students prepare written papers for discussion on reaction mechanisms and advanced topics. In the laboratory, students prepare various organic compounds as given in Adams and Johnson, Laboratory Experiments in Organic Chemistry. 66 SW A R TH M O R E COLLEGE B U L L E T IN 5. Organic Chemistry. Mr. Cox and Mr. Aspinall. First semester. For students of Zoology-Physiology. The conferences and laboratory follow those given in Honors 4 except that the biological aspects of organic chemistry are stressed. In addition to organic texts and manuals students consult Mathews, Bordansky, Hawk-Bergheim. Comprehensive papers are prepared on carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. 6. Advanced Organic Chemistry. Mr. Cox. Second semester. A continuation of Honors 4 Students write 15 weekly comprehensive papers on advanced topics. These papers are gathered from Reviews, Monographs and original English, French, and German articles. In the laboratory students prepare more difficult organic compounds. Students are given a short sight reading in scientific French and German. R e q u ir e m e n t s fo r M a j o r a n d M in o r Students majoring in chemistry follow a course of study leading to the degree of A .B . T h is degree may be taken either in general courses or with Honors. In either case there must be completed, dur­ ing the first two years the follow ing: T w o courses in chemistry, two courses in mathematics, one course in physics, and two courses in German (or their equivalent). In the junior and senior years, students in general courses are re­ quired to complete courses 4, 5 and 6 in the department of chemistry and to complete the requirements in their minor subject. For students who have been accepted for Honors w ork there are offered Honors seminars preparing them for examination papers in: 1. Analytical Chemistry, 2. Physical Chemistry, 3. Advanced Physical Chemistry, 4. O rganic Chemistry, 5. Advanced O rganic Chemistry. A t the end of their senior year, Honors students majoring in chemistry take ( 1 ) not less than four nor more than five examination papers in Chemistry ; (2) one paper in Physics; (3 ) and the remaining papers in topics selected from the following : Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Physi­ ology. F or admission to minor Honors work in chemistry, one fu ll course in chemistry is a prerequisite. Students intending to prepare for the medical profession w ill find it to their advantage to take as many as possible of the following courses in chemistry: Nos. 1, 2, 5>6. COURSES O F IN ST R U C T IO N 67 CLASSICS P rofessors: E. H. B rewster, Chairman L. R. Shero GREEK G eneral C ourses 1. Elementary Greek. Mr. Shero. Full course. Study of the essentials of Greek grammar and reading of easy selections from Greek literature, with collateral study of various aspects of Greek civilization. 2. Intermediate Greek. Mr. Shero. Full course. Selections from Homer and from Herodotus, Plato’s Apology, and a tragedy are read. Students planning to read for honors will be permitted to do some of the reading for this course in Latin, if it is impossible for them to take Latin 4. 3. Greek Survey. Mr. Shero. Full course. A survey of Greek literature with reading of some of the masterpieces of prose and of poetry of the classical period. 4. Advanced Greek Reading. Mr. Shero. Full course. (1Omitted in 1939-40.) The reading done in this course is determined by the interests and needs of the members of the class. 5. The History of Greece. Mr. Shero. Half course¡first semester. A study of Greek civilization in its most significant aspects to the time of the Hellenistic ^Kingdoms, preceded by a brief survey of the Oriental civilizations by which the Greeks were influenced. Special attention is given to the 6th and 5th centuries b . c . 6. Greek Literature in English. Mr. Shero. Half courseysecond semester. Study in English translation of some of the masterpieces of Greek literature (the Homeric epics, several of the dramas, Plato’s Republic, etc.) and of important texts in the special fields of interest of the various members of the class; part of the reading is individually assigned in accordance with the student’s own particular requirements. No knowledge of Greek is required. 7. Greek Life and Thought. Mr. Shero. Half course, second semester, (iOmitted in 1939-40. A general survey of those aspects of Greek civilization which have had special significance for the modern world, with detailed study of some of the masterpieces of Greek art and of Greek literature (in translation). 8. Introduction to Classical Archaeology. Miss Brewster, Mr. Shero. Half course¡first semester. {Omitted in 1939-40.) A study of the methods of archaeological investigation, with a survey of the development of Greek and Roman architecture, sculpture, painting, ceramics, numismatics, and townplanning. Special attention is given to the early Greek period. 68 SW A R TH M O R E COLLEGE B U L L E T IN LA T IN G eneral C ourses 1. Sub-Freshman Latin. Full course. ( American Constitutional L aw . Topics of Final Examinations : Seminars are offered preparing stu­ dents for honors examinations as follows : r. Political Theory. Mr. Pennock, Mr. Leavelle. A study of the nature of the state, of forms of government, and of the dynamics of political development, with special reference to the theories set forth by writers on these subjects from Plato to the present. 2. Political Institutions of the United States. Mr. Brooks. Second semester. General framework of American government, national, state and local, particular atten­ tion being given to Congress, the Presidency, political parties and public opinion. 3. Contemporary Democracies and Dictatorships. Mr. Brooks. First semester. A detailed study of the principal forms of government of each type, the theories on which they rest and the economic and social conditions that form their background. 4. Problems in Government and Administration. Mr. Pennock, Mr. Leavelle. A detailed study of major problems of government, particularly on the administrative side, and especially as they manifest themselves in this country. Topics studied include: public budgeting and financial control, administrative legislation and adjudication, govern­ mental reorganization, administrative areas, governmental corporations, and problems of public service personnel administration. 6. International Law and Organization. Miss Reinhold. First semester. Principles of law operative among members of the "community of nations state s jurisdiction over land, air, water, citizens, aliens; state’s immunities and obligations; rules of land, sea, and air warfare; rights and responsibilities of neutrals. Also a study of inter­ national organizations— the League of Nations, The Hague Tribunal, the World Court, the International Labor Office, and the Pan-American Union. 7. Thesis. Mr. Brooks, Mr. Pennock and Miss Reinhold. Approval of the instructor immediately concerned must be secured at the beginning of the student’s Junior year. n6 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN P S Y C H O L O G Y A N D E D U C A T IO N A ssociate P rofessor: R obert B. M ac L eod, Chairman P rofessor: W olfgang K ohler A ssistant P rofessor: E dwin B. N ewman I nstructor : K arl D uncker L ecturers : G ertrude G ilmore L afore J ames M ulhern L auren H. Smith R esearch A ssociates: H ans W allach M ary H enle H. A . W itkin G eneral C ourses i. Introduction to Psychology. Mr. MacLeod, Mr. Newman. Full course. A study of the structure and organization of the mental life of the normal, human, adult. Not open to Freshmen. 2. Experimental Psychology. Mr. Köhler, Mr. Newman. Half course, each semester, A laboratory course on problems in human psychology. Prerequisite, Course i. 3. Animal Behavior. Mr. Köhler. Half course¡first semester. A presentation of those facts in animal psychology which contribute to our present knowledge of general psychology. Prerequisite, Course 1. 4. Social Psychology. Mr. Duncker. Half course, second semester, A psychological study of relationships between individual and individual and between group and individual. Prerequisite, Course 1. 5. Systematic Psychology. Mr. Köhler. Half course, second semester. Prerequisite, Course 1. 6. Advanced Experimental Psychology. Mr. MacLeod, Mr. Newman. Half course%each semester. Prerequisite, Courses 1 and 2. 7. Educational Psychology. Mr. Duncker. Half courseysecond semester, {Omitted in 1939-40.) Problems of learning, intelligence and motivation; special problems related to methods of teaching. Prerequisite, Course 1. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION II7 8. Child Psychology. Mrs. Lafore. Half course, second semester. Lectures on the intellectual, social and emotional development of the pre-school child, supplemented by observation in a nursery school. Prerequisite, Course I. 9. Human Motivation. Mr. Duncker. Half course,first semester. Prerequisite, Course 1. 10. Psychological Tests and Measurements. Mrs. Lafore. Half course,first semester. 11. Psychological Tutorial. The Staff. Half course, second semester. Supervised reading in fields that have not been adequately covered in courses. Open only to seniors majoring in psychology. C ourses in E ducation 12. Historical Introduction to Education. Mr. Mulhern. Full course. (Offered in 1940-41.) A survey of the evolution of educational institutions from primitive to modern times, emphasizing the interdependence of educational institutions and economic, social, reli­ gious and political institutions at various stages of civilization. Either semester may be taken as a half course. 13. Philosophy of Education. Mr. Mulhern. Full course. (Offered in ¡939-40.) An inductive determination of those fundamental principles of education in a demo­ cratic society which proceed from our knowledge of the nature of man, the nature of society, and the fundamental social theories of the state; the study of the bearing of these principles on the most important problems of the present day. 14. Mental Hygiene. Dr. Smith. One hour per week throughout the year. Open to all students. No college credit is given for this course, but it will count for two hours’ credit toward the teacher’s certificate. R e q u ir e m e n t s f o r W o r k i n C o u r s e Students intending to elect psychology as major subject are advised to take a course in philosophy and a course in biological or physical science, preferably during the Freshman year, and to acquire a read­ ing knowledge of German. M ajo r students in course are expected to take Introduction to Psychology, Experimental Psychology and the equivalent of tw o and one-half further courses in psychology. M inor students are expected to take Introduction to Psychology and the equivalent of two further full courses in psychology. Courses in edu­ cation w ill not be credited toward a major or minor in psychology. Education alone may not be elected as a major or minor subject, n8 SWARTH MORE COLLEGE BULLETIN and not more than two fu ll courses in education w ill be accepted for credit toward the bachelor’s degree. T h e Pennsylvania requirements for the certification of secondary school teachers include 21 hours of psychology and education. W ith the exception of 6 hours of practice teaching, which must be taken elsewhere, Swarthmore students may fulfil these requirements by taking Introduction to Psychology ( i ) , Educational Psychology (7), and Historical Introduction to Educa­ tion ( 12) , together with three further half courses in the department chosen from the following: M ental Hygiene ( 1 4 ) , Child Psychology (8), and Philosophy of Education ( 1 3 ). H onors W ork Prerequisites: Introduction to Psychology ( 1 ) is the normal pre­ requisite for all honors work. T h is may be waived, however, in cases of candidates who have done advanced w ork in zoology and physiology, and who propose to concentrate in the field of physiological psychology. A ll major students are advised to take introductory w ork in zoology or physics and in philosophy, and to acquire a reading knowledge of German. Honors seminars: x. Perception. Mr. Köhler, Mr. MacLeod. Deals systematically and experimentally with problems in the field of perception, no attempt being made to cover the whole field in any one semester; open to all qualified honors students, but especially recommended for students of the natural sciences and of philosophy. 2. Learning. Mr. Duncker, Mr. Köhler, Mr. Newman. The experimental study of memory and learning,' both with a view to finding optimal conditions of motivation, the nature and arrangement of material, temporal relations and the like, as well as formulating hypotheses about the nature of the learning process; open to all qualified honors students. 3. Human and Animal Development. Mr. Köhler, Mr. Newman. A comparative study of psychological processes in animals, children and primitive people, supplemented by laboratory experiments; open to all qualified honors students. 4. The Individual in Society. Mr. Duncker, Mr. Köhler, Mr. MacLeod. The relationship between man and his society, approached from the points of view of social psychology, sociology and cultural anthropology; open to all qualified honors students, but especially designed for students of the social sciences. 5. Motivation. Mr. Duncker, Mr. MacLeod. A systematic and experimental approach to the dynamics of behavior, based on material drawn both from the laboratory and from the clinic; open to all qualified honors students, but of particular interest to students of ethics and of the social sciences. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION II9 6. Language and Thinking. Mr. MacLeod. The psychological bases of communication, with special reference to the origin and development of language, the nature of linguistic symbolism, the disorders of linguistic behavior, creative imagination, and rational and irrational thinking; open to all qualified honors students, but especially designed for students of literature, and recommended in conjunction with the seminar on Linguistics. 7. Psychophysiology. Mr. Newman. An introductory study, roughly parallel to Psychology 1, designed for selected students in the natural sciences who have been unable to take the regular course. With permission, this seminar may be offered as a fourth seminar in zoology. 8. Thesis. May be presented as a substitute for one seminar, provided the student is doing major work in psychology with four seminars, and provided some member of the department is willing to undertake the direction of the thesis. 120 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN RO M AN CE LANGUAGES P rofessor: E dith P hilips, Chairman A ssociate P rofessor: »L éon W encelius A ssistant P rofessors: M arcel B run H arold M arch I nstructors: M ercedes C. I ribas M arian M onaco P art -time I nstructor : Sylvia G elmi -F orest FREN CH i. Elementary French. Miss Philips. Full course. For students who begin French in college. Equivalent of two years* secondary school preparation. aa. Reading, Grammar and Composition. Members of the department. Half course, each semester. Prerequisite, French I or two years’ secondary school preparation and a placement test. ab. Reading, Grammar and Composition. Continued. Members of the depart­ ment. Half course, each semester. Prerequisite, French aa or three years’ secondary school preparation and a placement test. 3a. Introduction to French Literature. Members of the department. Half course, each semester. Prerequisite, French ab or four years’ secondary school preparation and a placement test. Representative texts of modern French prose writers. Conducted in French with frequent written reports in French. 3b. Introduction to French Literature. Members of the department. Half course, each semester. Prerequisite, French 3a. Representative texts from the French theater from the classical period through the nineteenth century. 4. Le Roman et le Theatre Romantique. Mr. March. Full course, may be divided. (Not given in 1939-40.) Prerequisite, French 3. 5. La Littérature du dix-neuvième siècle. Mr. March. Full course, may be divided. 6. La Pensée Française au dix-huitième siècle. Mr. March. Full course, may be divided. 7. Formation du Classicisme français. Mr. Brun. Full course, may be divided. (Not given in 1939-40.) *On leave of absence, 1939-40. 121 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 8. La Renaissance en France. Miss Monaco. Full course, may be divided. 9. La Poésie du dix-neuvième siècle. Mr. Brun. Half course. 10. Advanced Composition. Mr. Brun. Half course. 11. Stylistique. Mr. Brun. Half course. SPANISH 1. Elementary Spanish. Miss Iribas. Full course. A course aimed to give a knowledge of the essentials of Spanish grammar, the ability to read ordinary Spanish with ease, and some practice in conversation. Tests: (a) Hills and Ford, Spanish Grammarfor College; (b) Castills, Lecturas Introductorias; (c) Tales of Spanish America. 2. Second-year Spanish. Miss Iribas. Full course. Reading, grammar and composition; reading of six modern novels and plays and con­ versation based on texts. 3. Introduction to Spanish Literature. Miss Iribas. Full course. Collateral reading and reports in Spanish. IT A LIA N 1. Elementary Italian. Mrs. Gelmi-Forest. Full course. A course aimed to give the student ability to read ordinary Italian with ease, and to write and speak simple Italian. 2. Second-year Italian. Mrs. Gelmi-Forest. Full course. Grammar review and composition. Readings from Dante’s Inferno. 3. Introduction to Modern Italian Literature. Full course. Representative texts of Modern Italian writers. A ll students offering French or Spanish for entrance take a place­ ment test. T h e results of this test, taken into consideration with the number of years of preparation, determine the student’s assignment to Course 2 or Course 3. T h e department does not offer a major in Spanish or Italian. 122 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN H onors W o r k French may be offered as a major or minor subject in the division of the Humanities. Prerequisites for majors: French 3> Latin I, or its equivalent, History of Europe or H istory of France, History of Philosophy or Introduction to Philosophy. M ajors are expected to speak French with sufficient fluency to conduct a discussion in French with the examiner in the oral ex­ amination. Some indulgence is shown by the examiners to minors in respect to their spoken French, although all seminars are con­ ducted in French. Seminars are offered as follows: 1. La Renaissance en France. Miss Monaco. Rabelais, Calvin, Montaigne, Ronsard. 2. Le Théâtre classique. Mr. Scherer. Corneille, Racine, Molière. j. Les prosateurs classiques. Mr. Brun. Descartes, Pascal and other prose writers considered from the point of view of literature. 4. La Pensée française, au dix-huitième siècle. Miss Philips. Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau. 5. La Poésie lyrique au dix-neuvième siècle. Mr. March. The Romantic, Parnassian and Symbolist movements. Modern tendencies. 6. Le Roman français depuis Flaubert. Mr. March. Realism, naturalism, modern tendencies. T h e seminars in French are planned with reference to the choices of the students and the convenience of the department, and the semester in which they are given varies from year to year. M ajors are urged to elect four seminars which cover the four modern cen­ turies. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 123 ZOOLOGY P rofessor: L aurence I rving, Chairman A ssociate P rofessor: **R obert K . E nders A ssistant P rofessors: F rank R. K ille W alter J. Scott I nstructors: R uth M c C lung J ones ♦ C. B rooke W orth R esearch A ssociates: E dgar C. B lack Stuart W . G rinnell A ssistant : V irginia Safford G eneral C ourses 1. Biology. Mr. Livingston, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kille, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Scott. Full course. This introductory course is designed to present the fundamental aspects of biology. Wherever possible, principles will be illustrated by both plants and animals with particular reference to their interdependence and interrelationships. The topics for consideration during the first semester (Mr. Livingston, Mr. Jones) include: protoplasm, the cell, structure and function in the higher plant and a brief survey of the plant kingdom. The topics in the second semester (Mr. Kille, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Scott) include: principles of vertebrate struc­ ture and physiology, embryology, genetics, a comparative study of a few invertebrate phyla, ecology and evolution. The course is a prerequisite for advanced courses in botany and zoology. Three lectures or conferences and one laboratory period per week. 2. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy. Mr. Enders. Half course, first semester. A course of lectures, laboratory conferences and dissection presented from the com­ parative viewpoint. Dissection of several vertebrate types including the monkey is under­ taken. Two lectures, two laboratory periods per week with occasional conferences. Prerequisite, i. 3. Elementary Physiology. Mr. Scott. Half courseyfirst semester. A consideration of the physiology of muscle, nerve, circulation, respiration, central nervous system, special senses, and digestion; the treatment is designed to give a broad understanding of the mechanism of the vertebrate body. In the laboratory standard experiments on living tissue are performed. Two lectures, one conference, and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisite, 1. 4. Embryology. Mr. Kille. Half course, first semester. A study of the developmental processes in vertebrates. Laboratory periods are devoted to the developmental anatomy of amphioxus, frog, chick, and pig. Experimental analysis of development is introduced in the lectures and conferences. Two lectures or conferences and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite, 1. ♦ Absent on leave, 1939-40. ♦ ♦ Part-time leave. 124 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN 5. Invertebrate Zoology. Mr. Kille. Half course,first semester in alternate years. (Offered in 1940-41.) A comparative study of the invertebrates exclusive of protozoa and insects. Special attention is given to the topics of regeneration, analysis of development, and invertebrate hormones. The living material used in the laboratory is collected by the class during field studies of marine, fresh water and land habitats. ^ One laboratory period and one three-hour discussion period per week with additional field trips. Prerequisite, 1. 6. Microscopic Anatomy. Mrs. Jones. Half course, second semester, in alternate years. (Suffered in 1940-41.) This course is concerned Vith the microscopic structure of vertebrates and invertebrate animals. Whenever possible the tissues are examined in the living condition. The student makes enough preparations to familiarize himself with the principal methods of modern microtechnique. Two lectures and two laboratory periods per week. Prerequisite, 1. 7. Mammalian Physiology. Mr. Scott. Half course, second semester, in alternate years. 0Offered in 1939~40-) A laboratory course of experiments illustrating the more important features of the cir­ culatory, respiratory and nervous systems. Two lectures, one conference, and one laboratory period per week. Prerequisites, 1, 2, 3. 8. Special Topics. The staff. For advanced students. Open only to those who have secured the consent of the de­ partment. R e q u ir e m e n t s f o r W o r k i n C o u r s e Students in general course must complete during their four years the follow ing: T w o courses in chemistry, one course in mathematics, one course in physics, two courses in German (or their equivalent), four courses in zoology. Genetics (Botany Department) or botany may be offered as one advanced zoology course. W ith permission of the department a second course in physics, a second course in mathematics or a third course in chemistry may be substituted for the fourth course in zoology providing such a course is not being offered as part of the minor requirement. T h e departmental requirements of two courses in chemistry and one in physics constitute a minor for zoology majors. H onors W o r k Students who plan to enter Honors w ork as majors in zoology should complete during their first tw o years: one and one-half courses in zoology ( i , 2 ), one course in chemistry ( 1 ) , one course in mathematics (1, 2 ) , one course in physics ( 1 ) , two courses in German (1, 2) or their equivalent. F or admission to minor Honors w ork Zoology 1 is a prerequisite. In addition seminars in Physiology require one course in physics and two courses in chemistry. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 125 Additional preparation in chemistry is desirable (2, 6 ). Further work in mathematics is recommended for those who have ability in the subject ( 1 1 , 12 ). T h e additional courses in chemistry and math­ ematics are necessary for taking seminars in those departments. Honors students usually select four seminars in zoology and four seminars divided between two other subjects within the Division. Genetics or Psychology for Pre-medical Students may be offered in place of one seminar in zoology. Honors seminars offered: Comparative Anatomy. Mr. Enders. Second semester. Comparative anatomy of the Chordates. The types used for dissection vary to meet the needs of each group. Embryology. Mr. Kille. Second semester. The nature of the germ cells, experimental analysis of development and reproduction, and the developmental anatomy of vertebrates with laboratory emphasis on the chick and the pig. Microscopic Anatomy. Mrs. Jones. First semester, A study of the minute structure of animals by the examination of living cells and tissues, and by the analysis of prepared slides, most of these slides are prepared by the student who thus acquires a working knowledge of microscopical technique. Neurology. Mr. Scott. First semester. A preliminary consideration of the evolution of the nervous system is followed by a detailed study of the anatomy of the human brain with special emphasis upon the internal structure and its physiological implications. Frequent reference is made to corresponding features of the brains of lower vertebrates. Physiology I. Mr. Irving. ■' First semester. General and comparative physiology, considering the action of muscles and nerves, the penetration and distribution of dissolved substances through the animal and the composition of animals. Physiology II. Mr. Irving. Second semester. Respiration, considering the utilization of oxygen and the production of carbon dioxide, their transport and exchange with the atmosphere. W o rk at summer biological stations may be substituted for certain seminars and courses, permitting more choice in the student’s college program. T h e attention of the student preparing for the medical profession is directed to the admission requirements of the medical school which he plans to attend. 126 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN S T U D E N T S , 1939-40 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Name Major Subject Address A bbott, J ackson M iles, ’43 A ckerman , E ugene , ’41 A ckerman , R obert A llen , ’43 A dams, A rthur K inney , ’42 A dams, H arold A rmstrong, '40 A damson, W illiam C olbert, '40 A dler, J ohn C raige, ’43 A lbritton, R ogers G arland , ’43 A lburger, D avid E., ’42 A lexander, E lliot R itchie , J r., ’41 A lford, N ewell G ilder, J r., ’40 A nderson, C laude E llery , Jr., ’41 A ngell, R ichard B radshaw , '40 A ppleton , F rank W irt, J r., ’41 A ppleton , R uth , ’43 A rdis, G ertrude L ouise, ’43 A sinof, E liot T ager, ’4° A tkinson , E dward H aviland , ’43 Physics, Chemistry, English, Engineering, Pol. Science, Economics, Zoology, Chemistry, History, Economics, Daylesford, Pa. 285 Garfield Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 404 Yale Ave., Morton, Pa. 231 Little Falls St., Falls Church, Va. 5355 Webster St., Philadelphia, Pa. 810 West 21st St., Wilmington, Del. 245 E. Highland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 518 Cumberland Ave., Chevy Chase, Md 350 Meadow Lane, Merion, Pa. 702 E. Marks St., Orlando, Fla. 314 S. Homewood Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Balboa Heights, Canal Zone Scarsdale Manor Apts., Scarsdale, N. Y. 30 Rockridge Road, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 35 Taber Ave., Providence, R. I. 717 Alexander Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. 37 Lismore Road, Lawrence, N. Y. 210 S. Washington Ave., Moorestown, A ustin , H enry E xu m , ’40 A ustin , R obert Y ork, ’40 Botany, Economics, 224 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1313 Park Ave., Rochester, N. Y. B aar , D oris R uprecht , ’40 B ainton , O live M ae , ’43 B aldwin , D eW itt C lain , ’43 B allou , M ary B arbara , ’41 B a n y , I rene D orothy, ’43 B arbano , D oris E stelle, ’42 B arbour, E leanor K atharine , ’40 B aron, Stan ley , ’43 B artleson, J anet M arie , ’43 B arto, R obert E dwin , ’41 B arton , E leanor B rowning, ’40 Chemistry, 642 Cherry St., Winnetka, 111. Amity Road, Woodbridge, Conn. 12 West 55th St., New York, N. Y. Demarest, N. J. 47 W . Stratford Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. 229 Edgewood Terrace, S. Orange, N. J n o S. Fairmount Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 2 Horatio St., New York, N. Y . 105 N. Road, Lindamere, Wilmington, Del Elizabethville, Pa. 3610 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, D. C. R. F. D. 2, Phoenixville, Pa. 315 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 629 Haydock Lane, Haverford, Pa. Plymouth Apartments, Media, Pa. 4207 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mountain Lakes, N. J. 50 Woodland Road, Bloomfield, N. J. 405 St. Marks Ave., Westfield, N. J. 101 Sylvan Ave., Rutledge, Pa. Zoology, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Engineering, Zoology, Zoology, N. J. B arton, R osetta C laire , ’43 B assett, E dward M orris, ’43 B azett , H azel , ’41 B eare, R obert L ivingston, Special B ebie, M argaret L illian , ’43 B eck , C harles W endell, ’42 B eers, Stephen L ee, ’43 B elcher, M argaret L ouise, ’43 B ell , C harles R obert, Special Psychology, English, English, Psychology, Zoology, Fine A rts, Chemistry, Engineering, English, English, Engineering, History, English, Zoology, STUDENTS Ben jam in , C raig L yon , ’43 Bennett , A lden Stanley , ’40 Bennett , I sabel B radshaw , ’42 Beury , F ran k G ould, ’42 Beyer, M orten Sternoff , ’43 Bigelow, J ohn L owrie, ’42 B inger, B arbara A n n , ’40 B irdsall, C atherine Sherwood, ’40 Blankenhorn , M artha J ane , ’41 Blankenhorn , M ary M argaret, ’43 Blanshard, R ufus A nderson, ’43 Board, F rancis A rmstrong, ’43 Zoology, Economics, History, Pol. Science, Economics, History, English, Zoology, Zoology, Boggs, M ildred V irginia , ’42 Boileau , M ary O rbison, ’42 Bolgiano, C harlotte M arie , ’41 Bond, G eorge C line , ’42 Booher, E dward B air , ’40 Boving, B ent G iede, ’41 History, French, English, Economics, Pol. Science, Zoology, Bowditch, B enson A lvord, ’41 Bowen, B etty M organ, ’42 Botany, Bower, E dward Seymour , ’42 Bowker, M iles W esley , ’40 Bowman , L ois B arbara , ’42 Braden, C harles G oetzm an , ’40 Bradfield, J ennie D ixon, ’42 Bragdon, L illian E lizabeth , ’42 Brauer, W erner, ’40 Brearley, M argery C., ’41 Brennan , N atalie , ’42 Brewster, A thena B eatrice, ’43 Broomell, A rthur W illiams , J r., Economics, Engineering, Psychology, Economics, Mathematics, English, Zoology, Zoology, French, Zoology, ’43 Broomell, M ary L ois, ’40 Broun, H eywood H ale , ’40 Brown, C ornelia W ootton, ’40 Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, F rances M ary , ’41 J ean C ameron , ’42 John D aniel , ’43 P almer , ’41 R uth F rances, ’42 V irginia Spottswood, ’42 Brownell, R uth M ichael , ’43 Bu ckm an , F ranklin P reston, ’41 B urger, V irginia , ’40 French, English, Psychology, English, English, Economics, English, English, English, English, Economics, Mathematics, 127 1070 Eggert Road, Eggertsville, N. Y. 33 Fairmount St., Portland, Me. 397 Ridge Ave., Kingston, Pa. 120 Taplow Road, Baltimore, Md. Spring Hill Farm, McLean, Va. 179 N. Laurel St., Hazleton, Pa. Broadway, Tarrytown, N. Y . 904 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, 111. 6 Rural Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 6 Rural Lane, Cincinnati, Ohio 2 Grace Court, Brooklyn, N. Y. 4836 Conduit Road, N. W., Washington, D. C. Woodstock, N. Y . 617 Zollinger Way, Merion, Pa. 408 Baltimore Ave., Towson, Md. 27 College Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. 411 N. Main St., Greensburg, Pa. 221 Rock Creek Church Road, N. W., Washington, D. C. 32 College Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 3526 Albemarle St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 3603 Quesada St., Washington, D. C. 209 Hillcrest Ave., Morristown, N. J. 6432 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. 354 N. El Molino Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 1855 Meridian Ave., Miami Beach, Fla. 985 Kipling Road, Elizabeth, N. J. 687 W . 204th St., New York, N. Y. 57 Princeton Ave., Princeton, N. J. 70 E. 270th St., Cleveland, Ohio 223 Dickinson Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1338 Park Ridge Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 1338 Park Ridge Place, Cincinnati, Ohio R. F. D. 1, Stamford, Conn. 148 Dickerman Road, Newton Highlands, Mass. 335 King’s Highway, Swedesboro, N. J. 34 Union Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y. 393 Ridgefield Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. 271 E. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, Conn. 150 Melrose St., Providence, R. I. 148 Dickerman Road, Newton Highlands, Mass. 89 Ledge Road, Burlington, Vt. George School, Pa. 2971 Brighton Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 128 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN C ahall , R obert J ennings, ’41 C aldwell, M art J ane , ’40 C a m m ack , W inifred J ean , ’43 C a m p , W illiam P errine, ’40 C anedy , C harles L ivermore, ’41 C apehart , M art T ownsend, ’42 C apron , W illiam M osher, ’42 C arpenter , C harles E verlyn , ’42 C arpenter , J anet L ouise, ’42 C arr, R ichard A shton, ’42 C avert, M ary R uth , ’41 Pol. Science, Zoology, English, English, Pol. Science, English, Economics, Engineering, Engineering, History, English, C avin , F rancis E dward, ’41 C h apm an , J ohn W illiam , ’43 C harles, R uth M ae , ’43 C hasins, E dward A rthur , ’41 C h eyney , J u lia , ’42 C lark , J ean , ’41 C lark , R uth F ontaine , ’43 C larke , J osephine T hacher , ’41 C leaver, H olstein D e H aven , J r., Economics, Philosophy, English, Pol. Science, Botany, French, Psychology, History, Gambier, Ohio Walden Woods, Cos Cob, Conn. 26 Chester St., Mount Vernon, N. Y. i i Edge Hill Road, Abington, Pa. 7110 Oxford Road, Baltimore, Md. Round Hill Road, Greenwich, Conn. 41 Bradford Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J, 3517 Hamilton St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3108 Green St., Harrisburg, Pa. 304 Taplow Road, Baltimore, Md. 1 Glen Washington Road, Bronxville, N. Y. 1628 21st St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 242 Rounds St., New Bedford, Mass. 7720 87th Street, Glendale, N. Y. 315 E. 68th St., New York, N. Y . Serpentine Lane, Wyncote, Pa. 54 Prescott Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. 18 Burbury Lane, Great Neck, N. Y. 529 W . m th St., New York, N. Y . Zoology, Economics, 933 Bellevue Ave., Trenton, N. J. 39 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. Engineering, Philosophy, Chemistry, Zoology, Economics, Wallingford, Pa. 46 Prospect St., Madison, N. J. 139 Franklin Ave., Morton, Pa. Wormsloe, Isle of Hope, Savannah, Ga. 5805 S. Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. 22 Homesdale Road, Bronxville, N. Y. 416 S. Cook Ave., Trenton, N. J. 2 Carstensen Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. 129 Meadbrook Road, Garden City, N. Y. 242 Culver Road, Rochester, N. Y. 4871 Jefferson St., Bellaire, Ohio R. F. D. 2, Winchester, Ind. 22276 Parnell Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio 267 Clark St., Westfield, N. J. 2109 N. 33rd St., Philadelphia, Pa. 5 Midland Gardens Apts., Bronxville, N. Y. 614 Wilson St., Chester, Pa. 142 Calton Road, New Rochelle, N. Y. 23 E. Parkway Ave., Chester, Pa. 58 Spirea Drive, Dayton, Ohio Bent Road, Bowling Green, Media, Pa. 65 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. 1650 Harvard St., Washington, D. C. 151 Livingston St., New Haven, Conn. ’4* C leavinger , M artha B earb, ’41 C levenger, L lew ellyn M orris, 3rd, ’40 C linch y , E verett R oss, Jr., ’41 C lymer , H oward Y oung , ’42 C oerr, F rederica, ’43 C offman , R a y H arold, ’40 C olegrove, R eed L eighton, ’43 C oleman , R obert E llsworth , ’43 C ollet , J oan M ary , ’43 C onnors, H elen M arie , ’43 C ook, E lizabeth E., ’42 C ooper, D avid B yron , ’41 C ope, Stanton E., ’42 C orey, J une L ouise, ’43 C orke, Lois E lizabeth , ’41 C ornfeld, H elen E., ’42 C orya , P atricia , ’42 C osinuke , J ohn A lexander, ’41 C ourant , E rnst D avid, ’40 C ourtenay , A nne M arion, ’43 C owden, D avid S., ’42 Cox, A lfred D avies, J r., ’40 C oyle , D onal K ennedy , ’43 C rosby, H elen P ratt , ’40 C rothers, C harles H enry , ’40 Engineering, History, Psychology, Pol. Science, Zoology, Psychology, Mathematics, History, Engineering, Physics, French, English, Economics, Zoology, Psychology, Botany, STUDENTS C rowell, D orothy W alworth , ’42 C rowley, John C rane , ’41 C ryer, C harles P ickett , ’43 C unningham , Su zan n e , ’40 C upitt , D orothy Ju n e , ’40 C urry , N orma V irginia, ’43 C urtin , D avid Y arrow , ’43 C urtis, J eanne H ath aw ay , ’42 C ushing , J ean , ’43 C uster, T homas G oodwin, ’40 English, Economics, Engineering, English, English, Chemistry, Psychology, Chemistry, D arbishire, E lizabeth St . John , ’43 D arlington , C harles L eR oy , ’42 D avis, A nne Sh aw , ’41 D avis, E dwin , ’43 D ecker, L ois P atricia , ’42 D ecker, R obert L add, ’43 D egutis, A nthony J oseph, ’41 D eL aney , G eorge F rederick, ’43 D elaplaine , J ohn W atson, ’41 D el V ecchio, J ane K atherine , ’43 D emond, W illiam B radford, ’43 D erenberg, G abriele C harlotte, ’41 DeV ilbiss, J anet , Special D ewald , P aul A dolph , ’42 D eweese, B arbara A nne , ’40 D ickeson, A nne E lizabeth , ’42 D ietz , R owland E rnest, ’42 D ietz , W illiam H arry, ’42 Donchian , V irginia C hristine, ’43 D onnelly , F rederick Stockham , JR-, ’41 French, Chemistry, English, Zoology, English, Economics, Engineering, Chemistry, Engineering, Zoology, Astronomy, English, French, Pol. Science, Economics, Douglass, W alter L andon, J r., ’42 Physics, Zoology, D owdell, C arol P. B., ’43 English, D river, A nna H., ’41 Economics, D rury , P hilip M organ, ’43 D rury , R ichard B oone, ’41 D uffus , N airne L ouise, ’43 D ugan , John L eslie, Jr., ’43 D u ncan , R oderick M artin , 43 D u n lap , R alph I rvin , Jr., ’40 D u n n , R obert Stafford, ’43 D unning , M ary E lizabeth , ’40 D urkee , E leanor E lizabeth , ’43 D urkee , I sabel Sides, ’41 Engineering, Botany, Engineering, Economics, Chemistry, English, Mathematics, English, 129 Douglas Road, Chappaqua, N. Y. 152 Colton Ave., Redwood City, Calif. 273 Highland Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. 45 Park Road, Maplewood, N. J. 205 Sylvania Place, Westfield, N. J. 262 Briar Hill Lane, Woodbury, N. J. Webster Springs, W . Va. 8 Franklin Place, Summit, N. J. 38 Randolph Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Avon Old Farms, Avon, Conn. Beech Point, Stanford, Ky. 422 Chambers Ave., Camden, N. J. 555 Highland Drive, Indianapolis, Ind. 312 N. 54th St., Omaha, Nebr. 748 Vallamont Drive, Williamsport, Pa. 505 Linden Place, Cranford, N. J. 818 Morton Ave., Chester, Pa. 601 W . Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. 106 Cornell Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 4000 18th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 58 Riddell St., Greenfield, Mass. 633 Walnut Lane, Haverford, Pa. 312 Berkley Road, Merion, Pa. 277 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. 1727 Pepper Ave., Lincoln, Nebr. 171 7th St., Salem, N. J. 1445 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, Ohio 2805 Monroe St., Wilmington, Del. 3900 Greystone Ave., New York, N. Y. 219 Tunbridge Road, Baltimore, Md. 144 Hempstead St., New London, Conn. Mountain View Road, Trenton, N. J. 7929 Park Ave., Elkins Park, Pa. 5025 Wisconsin Ave., N. W., Washing­ ton, D. C. 5020 Wisconsin Ave., N. W., Washing­ ton, D. C. 227 King’s Highway, Westport, Conn. 8355 Cadwalader Ave., Elkins Park, Pa. 2871 Audubon Terrace, N. W., Washing­ ton, D. C. 1338 Mound Ave., Jacksonville, 111. 702 Broadway, Normal, 111. Westtown, Pa. 236 E. Commerce St., Bridgeton, N. J. 236 E. Commerce St., Bridgeton, N. J. 130 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN E arll , E lizabeth E ustace , ’41 Psychology, E ast, F ae E theldra, ’40 E astwick , M artha M c I lvain , ’40 E berle, C harles A lbert, ’40 E berle, G. R ichard, ’41 E dwards, M arian Ione , ’40 E lias, B arbara , ’42 E lias , Josephine, ’40 E liot, J ohan W ijnbladh , ’43 E llis, M ary D oan , ’40 E mbree, C atherine D a y , ’41 E nglehart, H arry B randenburg, English, History, English, Pol. Science, Economics, ’43 E nglish, D oris L ouise, ’40 E nion , R ichard A llen , ' ’41 E rdman , F rancis H ickok , ’41 E rdman , W illiam J ames , ’43 E rnst, D orothy J essie, ’42 E strin , A nne E ugenie , ’43 E vans , E leanor G reer, ’40 E vans , T homas P assmore, ’42 E vans , W illiam , Jr., ’43 F airbanks , A usten C rocker, ’43 F aison, W illiam A lexander, ’42 >F arrell, J ohn R aymond , ’43 F eddeman, A nne C onard, ’43 F elton , John B iddle, ’43 F ergus, J ohn C orwin , ’43 F erguson, J ohn B en jam in , Jr., ’41 F erriss, J ean E lizabeth , ’42 F indley , T homas W agner, ’42 Fine A rts, Zoology, History, English, Engineering, English, Engineering, Engineering, Zoology, English, Psychology, Engineering, Zoology, Zoology, Engineering, Pol. Science, Economics, English, English, Chemistry, F inley , W illiam G raham , ’43 F landers, N a n cy , ’40 F oley , A drian M aurice , Jr., ’43 F oster, R obert W ilson, ’40 F oust, W illiam O rbison, ’43 F ranck , R uth A nnette , ’41 F rank , H ans R ichard, ’43 F raser, H erbert W ard, ’43 F rey , M artha A nne , ’43 F riend, Sidney , Jr., ’43 F rorer, J anet A nn , ’43 F rost, R oger A la n , ’42 F rye, R obert M iles, ’41 F udakowski, G eorge C asimir , ’43 F udakowski, T homas I gnace , ’42 Mathematics, Engineering, Economics, Engineering, Psychology, Chemistry, Economics, History, Economics, Economics, Engineering, English, 5045 Reno Road, N. W ., Washington, D. C. 4338 Forest Lane, Washington, D. C. 2310 Kenoak Road, Baltimore, Md. 105 E. Durham St., Philadelphia, Pa. 105 E. Durham St., Philadelphia, Pa. Coraopolis Heights, Coraopolis, Pa. 448 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. Oregon Road, Armonk, N. Y . 768 Foxdale Avenue, Winnetka, 111. W est G rove, Pa. 4901 Ellis A ve., Chicago, 111. 31 W . Ridge Road, G ary, Ind. 96 Park Ave., Wortendyke, N. J. 8 P arkw ay A ve., Chester, Pa. 417 W . Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 417 W . Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 102 71st St., Brooklyn, N. Y . 9 Prospect Park W est, Brooklyn, N. Y . 324 Brookline Blvd., Brookline, Pa. S. Pennsylvania A ve., Avondale, Pa. 1422 Ridley A ve., Chester, Pa. H arvard, Mass. Chestnut St., Chester, Pa. Pomfret Apts., Carlisle, Pa. 717 K erlin St., Chester, Pa: 109 E. T abo r Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 3901 Connecticut A ve., Washington, D. C. 6419 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 33 Washington Square, New York, N. Y. Student Health Service, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 805 E. W illow G rove A ve., Philadelphia, Pa. Springfield, Vt. 50 Arlington A ve., Caldwell, N. J. 215 W . High St., Monticello, 111. 46 W . Tulpehocken St., Philadelphia, Pa. 70 Aviem ore D rive, New Rochelle, N. Y . 48 John St., Ilion, N. Y . W allingford, Pa. 45 Cambridge Road, Scarsdale, N. Y . 681 W . 231st St., New York, N. Y . W eldin Road, Wilmington, Del. 33 Massachusetts Blvd., Bellerose, N. Y . 64 Hansbury A ve., Newark, N. J. Indian Chase Drive, Greenwich, Conn. Indian Chase Drive, Greenwich, Conn. STUDENTS G anister , D aniel Joseph, ’43 G arbeil, D olores C laire , ’43 G arwood, J ustine , ’40 G awthrop, E lizabeth A nne , ’43 G eddes, W illiam W orth, ’41 G elatt , R oland B ernard, ’41 G emberling , A rthur R aymond , ’41 G emberling , C harles A llen , ’40 G erry, K athryn E lizabeth , ’42 G erstley, E laine B acharach , ’41 G illette , E lizabeth M a n n , ’42 G ilruth , J ane , ’40 G ithens, John H orace, Jr., ’43 G len n , E lizabeth B owm an , .’43 G lossbrenner, E m ily L ouise, ’43 G oldenweiser, John A lexander, ’43 Economics, English, English, Economics, English, Botany, Zoology, English, Pol. Science, English, Philosophy, Zoology, English, Zoology, English, G oldstein, V ivian R ose, ’43 G oldwater, D aniel L eon, ’43 Engineering, G oodman, L ester, ’42 G oodman, T heodore W ynkoop , ’43 Pol. Science, G oodrich, J anet C arter, ’43 Economics, G oodwin, C laribel, ’40 Psychology, G ould, B arbara , ’41 Psychology, G ravdahl, L illian E dith , ’43 G raves, E lizabeth K irkpatrick , ’40 G rawols, M artha E llen , ’43 G reen , E dward F airchild, ’40 English, English, Economics, G reen , E leanor M ayo , ’42 G reen , H orace, ’42 G reen , L ois A ngell, ’43 G reenfield, E dna R u th , ’43 G reenhill , I ra J., ’43 G riest, E linor P reston, ’43 G riffin , John K ennedy , ’42 G riscom, M ary L ippincott , ’42 G riswold, H ope, ’40 G u lick , C larence Sw ift , ’41 Zoology, Economics, History, H aight , M argaret W orrall, ’43 H aines, E lizabeth C., ’43 H all , R obert D onald , ’40 H amer , C harles E dward, ’43 H and , J ane Spencer , ’43 H andler, J ean H., ’40 H a n n a y , N orman B ruce , ’42 H a n n u m , E dward E llis, ’41 Economics, Economics, English, Psychology, Pol. Science, Engineering, Zoology, Philosophy, Chemistry, Engineering, 131 64 Forest Road, Springfield, Pa. 627 S. 63rd St., Philadelphia, Pa. R. F. D. 3, Media, Pa. Sharpley School Road, Wilmington, Del. 21 Greenacres Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y. 5000 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111. 65 W . Main St., Woodstown, N. J. 65 W. Main St., Woodstown, N. J. Siesta1 Courts, Weslaco, Texas 4 Surrey Road, Melrose Park, Pa. 303 Little Falls St., Falls Church, Va. 7206 Euclid Ave., Chicago, 111. 6507 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 3201 Front St., Harrisburg, Pa. R. R. 12, Indianapolis, Ind. 5914 Cedar Parkway, Chevy Chase, Md. 800 West End Ave., New York, N. Y. 2701 Grand Concourse, New York, N. Y. 31 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. 124 W. Sixth Ave., Roselle, N. J. 11 E. 31st St., New York, N. Y. 338 Eighth Ave., LaGrange, 111. 251 Tarrington Ave., North Tarrytown, N. Y. 7224 Hazel Ave., Upper Darby, Pa. 420 Melrose Ave., Winter Park, Fla. 2312 Ewing Ave., Evanston, 111. 2473 Queenston Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio 407 New Broadway, Brooklawn, N. J. 1 E. Jefferson St., Media, Pa. 70 Cleveland St., Holyoke, Mass. 6501 N. 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 46 W . 83rd St., New York, N. Y. 90 E. Church St., Washington, N. J. 2102 Timlin Road, Portsmouth, Ohio 314 E. Central Ave., Moorestown, N. J. 2957 Eaton Road, Cleveland, Ohio 14 Sussex Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. 8 Evans St., Franklin, N. J. 49 Federal St., Boston, Mass. George School, Pa. 123 Ardmore Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. I Holmecrest Road, Jenkintown, Pa. i i Warren Place, Montclair, N. J. 240 Bushneil Ave., San Antonio, Texas 18 Oberlin Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 132 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN H arding, P eggy, ’40 H argreaves, A nn , ’40 H arman , A lice Spier, ’43 H arman , A rthur , ’41 H arper, E dith L ewis, ’40 H arrison, V erna , ’43 H art, J ohn L imond, ’42 H art , N an cy E llen , ’42 H artman , A rthur C arman , J r., ’40 H averstick , H arry H oyt , J r., ’40 H aviland , E sther U nderhill, ’42 H eacock , E dward L ancaster , ’43 H echt , R obert C., ’43 H egner, F rancis A rnold, J r., ’41 H eilm an , M arlin G rant , ’41 H eine , I lse, ’40 H einem ann , J ean , ’43 H enderson, E dith G uild , ’42 H enderson, E dward D rewry , ’40 H enle , G u y , ’41 H enle , P eter, ’40 *■ H erzberg, H elene , ’41 H ill , E rnest H ampshire , J r., ’41 H ill , J oanna , ’41 H oadley, D avid A rthur , ’43 H off, D agny , ’40 H ofm ann , C harlotte M arie , ’42 H olbrook, M arjorie E lizabeth , ’42 H olbrook, M ary L ouise, ’41 H ollingsworth, I rene E lizabeth , ’43 H omans , A lan , ’40 H osbach , L ois J ane , ’43 H ough, J ohn , ’40 H oward, H elen L ouise, ’41 H oward, John M artin , ’42 H owell , Sam T emple , ’40 H owes, E sther G reeley , ’40 H ubbell , D orothy P eters, ’40 H udson, R ichard C arroll, ’43 H uganir , W illiam L eonard, ’42 H uh n , John R ahue , III, ’40 H u ll , G eorge I rving, ’40 Psychology, Psychology, Pol. Science, Philosophy, Economics, Zoology, Engineering, Economics, Greek, Pol. Science, Economics, History, Economics, Psychology, Chemistry, Economics, Zoology, English, Economics, Mathematics, History, Botany, Engineering, English, English, Zoology, Economics, Zoology, Pol. Science, Psychology, Engineering, History, Zoology, Chemistry, English, Economics, Pol. Science, English, H unter , J ames R obert, ’43 Chemistry, H unter , John M erlin , ’43 Economics, H untington , A nna Slocum , ’43 H urst, E lizabeth Saltonstall , ’40 Psychology, 58 Orlin Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 11 W . 14th St., New York, N. Y. 440 W. 24th St., New York, N. Y. 338 White Horse Pike, Oaklyn, N. J. 5037 Hazel Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Mulhocaway Farm, Clinton, N. J. 5101 39th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 35 Middlefield Drive, W. Hartford, Conn. 133 E. Roland Road, Chester, Pa. R. D. 6, Lancaster, Pa. 14 Martling Ave., Pleasantville, N. Y. County Line Road, Hatboro, Pa. 1603 Ruscomb St., Philadelphia, Pa. 513 Hill St., Sewickley, Pa. 1025 Carlisle St., Tarentum, Pa. 8208 Greenfell Ave., Kew Gardens, N. Y. 42 S. Halifax Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla. 2 Scott St., Cambridge, Mass. 801 Ninth Ave., S. W., Rochester, Minn. Hartsdale Road, Hartsdale, N. Y. Hartsdale Road, Hartsdale, N. Y. 227 S. Blake Road, Norfolk, Va. 95 E. ist North St., Salt Lake City, Utah Rose Hill Farm, Richmond, Ind. 4921 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, 111. 32 High St., Turners Falls, Mass. 4340 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 9 Beach St., Maplewood, N. J. 25 W . Kirke St., Chevy Chase, Md. 223 S. East Ave., Oak Park, 111. 1824 Wilton Rd., Cleveland Heights, Ohio 1700 Asbury Ave., Ocean City, N. J. Ellwood City, Pa. 514 W. 114th St., New York, N. Y. 505 E. Jefferson St., Media, Pa. 78 E. Main St., Oyster Bay, N. Y. 44 State Road, Media, Pa. 69 First St., Garden City, N. Y. 4332 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. R. D. 2, Norristown, Pa. 105 E. Stiles Ave., Collingswood, N. J. 2080 Kerwood Ave., W . Los Angeles, Calif. Tingchow, near Peiping, China 608 Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, 111. 38 Killdeer Road, Hamden, Conn. 1068 Kensington Ave., Plainfield, N. J. STUDENTS 133 I ngersoll, R aymond C rary, ’40 I sgrig, W alter E rling , ’40 Engineering, Eoi. Science, 380 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1547 Upper Parkway South, Wauwatosa, Wis. J ackson , E lizabeth H arwell, ’41 Pol. Science, 421 King George Ave., S. W., Roanoke, Va. 43 Duck Pond Road, Glen Cove, N. Y. 16608 Aldersyde Drive, Shaker Heights, Ohio 603 N. San Francisco St., Flagstaff, Ariz. 3648 Greystone Ave., New York, N. Y. 241 Allen Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 4113 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. 217 Springside Ave., Pittsfield, Mass. 44 Abernethy Drive, Trenton, N. J. Casilla 327, Santiago, Chile. 301 E. Wharton Ave., Glenside, Pa. 4115 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. 204 Avon Road, Narberth, Pa. Hotel Glaslyn-Chatham, Atlantic City, N. J. 400 Strathmore Road, Brookline, Pa. 227 Haverford Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 214 Rutledge Ave., Rutledge, Pa. Stanwich Road, Greenwich, Conn. 6324 N. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3417 Northampton St., N. W., Washing­ ton, D. C. J ackson , J a y W illits, ’40 Jackson , J ean W itt , ’40 Economics, Economics, J akle , E dward A loysius, ’40 J a y , J ohn E lliott , ’43 J enkins , G w en , ’41 Johnson, B ates, ’42 Johnson, C arl F., ’40 Johnson, D onald E., ’40 J ohnson, D orothy M arion, ’43 Johnson, E thel M a y , ’42 Johnson, G aar W illiams , ’43. Johnson, M argaret Z el, ’41 Jones, A nne C omfort, ’42 History, Chemistry, History, Economics, History, Engineering, Jones, F rances S m iley , ’43 Jones, H. W alter , Jr., ’43 J ones, J ohn L auer , J r., ’41 Jones, R obert P a u l , ’43 J ones, W illiam R obinson, ’42 J udson, C harles M orrill, ’40 History, Zoology, Engineering, Engineering, Engineering, Chemistry, K alb , J ohn W arren , ’40 K arlow , Serge P eter, ’41 K au fm an n , J ohn H eiden, ’40 K eeler, K atherine B urton , ’42 K ehler, J ames G rant , J r., ’40 K ehoe, K athleen , ’43 K ellock , J ane , ’40 K elly , J ohn F rank , ’42 K ennedy , D oris, ’41 K ent , C onstance R yder, ’42 K ettner , F red, ’42 K iess, M argaret F lorence, ’41 Engineering, History, Economics, English, Zoology, English, Psychology, Engineering, Mathematics, Zoology, Economics, Mathematics, K irn , H enrietta G romme , ’41 K istler, W illiam H enry , ’43 K lyce , D orothy, ’43 K n app , L aura Sherman , ’40 K nier, H ilda R achel , ’43 K nott , R uth G illmore , ’41 K nud -H ansen , J ames A. F., ’41 K nud -H ansen , J ohn L, ’41 History, Mathematics, Zoology, History, Chemistry, English, Pol. Science, Zoology, Pol. Science, Botany,. English, 6403 Bradley Ave., Parma, Ohio 201 W , 54th St., New York, N. Y. 418 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. 252 Boulevard, Scarsdale, N. Y. 121 E. 2nd St., Mt. Carmel, Pa. 345 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Rosemont, Pa. 5 S. Church Lane, Fernwood, Pa. 1837 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 20 Brighton Road, Springfield, Ohio 1001 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. 2928 Brandywine St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 320 E. Main St., Lancaster, Ohio 333 Woodlawn Ave., Glenside, Pa. 4 Bushcliff Road, Winchester, Mass. Farmingdale, N. Y. Wilbrae Farm, Downingtown, Pa. R. F. D., Georgetown, Conn. 17 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, V. I. 17 Kongens Gade, St. Thomas, V. I. 134 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN K rom, E dwin H ermance , Jr., ’42 K uechle , J ohn D aniel , ’41 K uechle , M ary A n n , ’43 K uh , P eter G reenbaum , ’43 K u h n , A nna M argaret, ’42 English, Engineering, French, Economics, German, L acy , C reighton B outelle , ’41 Pol. Science, L add, A nthony T hornton, ’43 Zoology, L amson , B arbara A lice , ’43 L and , H ans A lexander , ’43 L anger, R uth E sther, ’43 Chemistry, L angsdale, L oran B onsall , ’41 Economics, L angston, D ouglas H., ’40 Economics, L aporte, M arguerite A ugusta , ’43 Zoology, L ashly , J ean E llen , ’40 English, L ax , Stephen G irard, ’41 Pol. Science, L eader, H enry B., ’42 Pol. Science, Botany, L eber, A lwin M., ’40 L eeper, M argaret F rasier, ’40 Mathematics, L ees, E velyn Spencer , ’40 Psychology, L eich , J ohn F oster, ’42 Pol. Science, L eidesdorf, H elen , ’43 L eimbach , H erbert John , J r., ’43 L eopold, P atricia E laine , ’41 L etts, E lizabeth J ean , ’42 L evander, R ena L ois, ’43 L ewis, A lbert H arry , ’42 L ieberman , W illiam Slattery , ’43 L incoln , A nne R eynolds, ’43 L indley , Sarah R uth , ’42 L indsley, K atherine M errill, ’40 L ipm an , J ames O lmstead , ’40 L loyd, Sherman C oxe, J r., ’40 L oeb, V irgil, Jr., ’42 L ogan, I sabel A nn , ’42 L ohman , L aurence , ’42 L ohr, F reeman W ilburn , ’42 L ord, M arion, ’43 L orenz , P hilip B oalt , ’41 L othrop, Joan P atricia , ’42 Low, M artin L aurent , ’40 L uckie , Sam u el B lair , III, ’42 L y m a n , F rank L ewis, J r., ’43 L yon , L aura Lou, ’42 L yons , A lm a V irginia , ’42 M c A lister, D alton C live , ’42 M c C ain , M argaret M ary , ’43 M c C one, H enry E dgar, ’40 Engineering, Pol. Science, English, Economics, English, Psychology, Zoology, Engineering, Zoology, English, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry, History, Economics, Engineering, Chemistry, English, Pol. Science, History, History, 117 910 910 134 547 Malba Drive, Malba, N. Y. Adams St., Wausau, Wis. Adams St., Wausau, Wis. Ravine Drive, Highland Park, 111. W . Olney Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 450 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 25 East 83rd St., New York, N. Y . 422 W. Broad St., Bethlehem, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. 56 Browne St., Brookline, Mass. 2402 Allendale Road, Baltimore, Md. 145 Hicks St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 430 E. 86th St., New York, N. Y . 20 Windemere Place, St. Louis, Mo. 6609 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Route 2, York, Pa. West Nyack, N. Y. 35 Sellers Ave., Upper Darby, Pa. 143 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1119 S. E. Riverside Drive, Evansville, Ind. 550 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 215 Ridgemeade Road, Baltimore, Md. iio Simpson Road, Ardmore, Pa. Irving Ave., Bridgeton, N. J. 541 E. 78th St., New York, N. Y . 1185 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 133 8th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 303 Summit Ave., Wayne, Pa. 5201 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 600 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Livingston, N. J. 736 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1402 Gilpin Ave., Wilmington, Del. 727 Radcliffe Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Candler, N. Car. 224 Lawrence St., Mount Vernon, N. Y . 64 Ely Place, East Orange, N. J. 424 Woodland Ave., Wayne, Pa. 2320 Ridgeway Road, Dayton, Ohio 24 Coolidge Hill Road, Cambridge, Mass. Compton Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 391 Girard Ave., East Aurora, N. Y . 113 Penarth Road, Bala-Cynwyd, Pa. 47 Gorham St., Canandaigua, N. Y. 4305 Marble Hall Road, Baltimore, Md. 917 W . Wildwood Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. 513 Birch St., Boonton, N. J. 425 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. STUDENTS M c C onnell , B ruce B., ’42 M c C ord, M artha B rooks, ’40 M cC ormack , R obert M., ’40 M c C ormick, H omer B arker , Jr., ’43 M c G urk , M art A nne , ’43 M c M ullen , J ean , ’41 M cN eill , E dward A llen , ’41 M ac D onald, E lizabeth J ean , ’40 M ac D onald, M ary D olores, ’43 M ac P h ail , W illiam C urtis, ’41 M acomber, M argaret A ., ’42 M act , D orothy, ’40 Economics, History, Zoology, Engineering, Mathematics, Pol. Science, Pol. Science, Zoology, English, English, Zoology, Psychology, M aguire, J ean C aldwell, ’40 Chemistry, M ahler , H enry R alph , ’43 Engineering, M aier, R obert V endig, ’43 M alcolm , E lizabeth G arthwaite , ’4* M andelbaum , B arbara J ane , ’40 M an ley , L enore, ’43 M anning , C aroline W oods, ’42 M arcley , B erton P axon , ’41 M arshall, A nn P ennock , ’40 M arshall, J ohn F orbes, ’41 M arshall, R obert B ruce , J r., ’41 M artin , C harles C opeland , ’42 M assey, R uth L y l e , ’41 M aw h in n ey , T homas A ndrew, ’40 M axwell , H azel E llen , ’42 M ayer , M . V irginia , ’40 M ayfield , R ichard H everin, ’43 M ays , E m ily C arr, ’42 M eenan , D avid B owker, ’43 M egonigal, W illiam Shain , J r., ’43 M elville , E dith Jane , ’41 M ennig , John B ernhard, ’42 M erritt, J ean W endy , ’41 M ifflin , C harles F leming R., ’40 M ifflin , W alker L y l e , Jr., ’40 M iller , G lenn E arle, ’41 M iller , John A nthony , ’41 M iller , M arcia J ean , ’42 M ills , M arjorie R uth , ’43 M ills, S arah D orothy, ’41 M ills, V ictor M oore, ’41 M ills, W illiam H arold, ’43 M ilne , M ary L ydia , ’42 M itchell, B etty L ou , ’40 M oody, W ilberta C artland , ’43 Economics, English, English, Psychology, Economics, English, Physics, Zoology, Chemistry, English, English, Zoology, English, Engineering, Economics, English, Pol. Science, Pol. Science, English, English, History, Engineering, History, Zoology; History, Psychology, Mathematics, Trench, Economics, Chemistry, 135 1221 Wakeling St., Philadelphia, Pa. 401 Chestnut Lane, Wayne, Pa. 2104 N. 6th St., Sheboygan, Wis. 236 W. Garfield St., Norwood, Pa. 1775 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 626 Jaccard Place, Joplin, Mo. 19 W. Walnut Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Lingnan University, Canton, China 205 Dartmouth Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 7 Rebeau Drive, Larchmont, N. Y. Central Village, Westport, Mass. Hotel Winslow, 45 E. 55th St., New York, N. Y. 7015 Boyer St., Philadelphia, Pa. 45 Pinehurst Ave., New York, N. Y . 375 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. 56 Salter Place, Maplewood, N. J. 1301 N. State St., Chicago, 111. 7 Baily Road, Lansdowne, Pa. 90 Hillcrest Terrace, Meriden, Conn. 35 Clark St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1517 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. 373 Bleecker St., New York, N. Y . 229 N. Heights Ave., Youngstown, Ohio 926 Buchanan Ave., Lancaster, Pa. 6441 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 203 N. Forklanding Rd., Maple Shade, N. J. 3824 Waldo Ave., New York, N. Y. 120 St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 104 Sycamore St., Chevy Chase, Md. Glencoe, Md. 119 E. 22nd St., Chester, Pa. 903 E. 20th St., Chester, Pa. 3459 Midvale Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 733 W. Delavan Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 30 Merritt Road, Farmingdale, N. Y. 2 N. State St., Dover, Del. 2 N. State St., Dover, Del. 6 Bartol Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. 411 Thayer Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 6949 W averly St., Bethesda, Md. 5046 Oberlin Blvd., Cincinnati, Ohio 314 Bryn M awr Ave., Cynwyd, Pa. 322 Claremont Ave., Montclair, N. J. 492 Engle St., Englewood, N. J. 11 Greenough Place, Newport, R. I. 630 University Place, Swarthmore, Pa. Lakeview Drive, Concord, N. H. 136 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN M oore, E dwin T homas, ’43 Engineering, M oore, M ary , ’43 English, M oore, M innie T hompson, ’40 History, M orehead, B arbara H aviland , ’41 English, M organ, M argaret A nne , ’43 English, M orris, P eter A ndrew, ’43 Mathematics, M orrison, P eter R eed, ’40 Zoology, M oses, R ichard P hillips , ’40 English, M oyer, M argaret J ean , ’43 M ukerji , D han G opal, II, ’40 Pol. Science, M urch , E lizabeth R obinson, ’41 Psychology, M urray , P a u l C ooper, ’41 English, M ustin , G ilbert B arclay , J r., ’43 Engineering, M yers, John K lahr , ’40 Economics, M yers, P hilip , ’43 Engineering, M yerscough, M ary A nn , ’43 Pol. Science, French, History, Mathematics, Chemistry, 131 W . Miner St., West Chester, Pa. 44 W . 77th St., New York, N. Y. 1630 Plaza Place, Atlantic City, N. J. 410 Lodges Lane, Elkins Park, Pa. 31 Warren W ay, Watertown, Conn. 142 Vassar St., Rochester, N. Y. 1735 Lamont St., Washington, D. C. 130 Stelle Aye., Plainfield, N. J. 138 Copley Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 335 E. 73nd St., New York, N. Y . Hilltop Manor, Wilmington, Del. R. F. D. 1, Vienna, Va. Herford Place, Lansdowne, Pa. 803 Liberty St., Clarion, Pa. j Maryland Aye., Towson, Md. 510 W. Mistletoe Ave., San Antonio, Tex. N elson, D orothea P ennington , ’40 N ewborg, B arbara C arol, ’41 N ewton , F rances M a y , ’41 N icholson, K athleen V., ’43 N oble, M ary E lizabeth , ’43 N oehren, B eatrice C aroline , ’41 N orris, B etty , ’43 N orthup, E lizabeth V aughan , ’43 N orthup, J ane B radley , ’41 English, Zoology, Psychology, Pol. Science, 3419 Stettinius Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 175 W . 72nd St., New York, N. Y. Portion Road, Lake Ronkonkoma, N. Y. 318 Ellis Ave., Wheaton, 111. 103 N. 8th St., Allentown, Pa. 88 Morris Ave., Buffalo, N. Y . 34 Donellan Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. 2114 Abbotsford Ave., Duluth, Minn. 2114 Abbotsford Ave., Duluth, Minn. O lesen , D onald G iddings, ’43 O liver, D avid R obert, ’41 O sland -H ill , M arie , ’40 O sm un , H elen E dith , ’41 O strander, T heda W ilder, ’40 Pol. Science, Economics, German, Psychology, Psychology, U. S. Quarantine Station, Rosebank, N. Y. Beverly Road, Burlington, N. J. Garden Cottage, Beaconsfield, England 733 Clarendon Road, Narberth, Pa. 4154 Lark St., San Diego, Calif. P age, L auram a , ’43 Psychology, P aine , R ichmond , ’41 Zoology, P ainter , M ary Smalbridge, ’42 P a pzian , P a u l , ’43 Economics, P arker , M ary A n n , ’41 Pol. Science, P arrish, D orothy, ’43 P arsons, J acqueline M ary , ’40 English, P axson, M ary H., ’40 English, P earce, D aniel M artin , ’43 Engineering, P ease, R ichard B urnett , ’41 Physics, P easlee, D orothy W addington, ’42 History, P eirce, E lizabeth G ile , ’43 English, P elz , D onald C ampbell , ’42 P emberton , J ohn deJarnette , J r., 2434 Lincoln St., Evanston, 111. 6401 Beechwood Drive, Chevy Chase, Md. 4817 Fremont Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. 1420 Dean St., Schenectady, N. Y. 1218 Campbell Ave., S. W., Roanoke, Va. 72 Washington St., Newport, R. I. Flora Dale, Pa. 524 Hamilton St., Norristown, Pa. Sparks, Md. 1719 Becker St., Schenectady, N. Y . Clarksboro, N. J. 146 Everit St., New Haven, Conn. 18 Mt. Joy Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y. ’40 P endleton , P hilip C oleman , ’43 P ennrich , C arl H enry , ’42 Pol. Science, Pol. Science, Engineering, 930 Eighth St., S. W., Rochester, Minn. Bryn Athyn, Pa. 2 rue Kindermans, Brussels, Belgium STUDENTS 137 P erlzweig , Judith M argaret, ’41 P ettit , C harles A lbert, ’43 P ierce, R uth H., ’40 P ike , A nne H ollingsworth , ’42 P ike , J ane S medley , ’43 P irnie, M organ, ’41 P latt , B etsy , ’40 P oole, C arroll F ahnestock , ’43 P oole, R obert W atson , ’40 P opkins , P a u l B urton, ’43 P ost, A rthur W illis , ’40 P otter, D avid H ays , ’43 P otts, J ames W ebb, ’41 P owers, Sam uel R alph , J r., ’41 P ribram , O tto E., ’40 Greek, Chemistry, Zoology, Zoology, P rice, C elia R ogers, ’40 P rice, E th el V an R oden, ’40 P rice, W illiam T udor, Jr., ’43 PULVERMAN, MARY WALTER, ’41 P urdy , A dalyn F rances, ’40 P urdy, T homas E llison, ’43 French, English, Zoology, Economics, French, Economics, Durham, N. Car. Arden, Del. 125 Columbus Drive, Tenafly, N. J. Woodward Ave., Moylan, Pa. Woodward Ave., Moylan, Pa. 34 Tanglewylde Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. 45 Maywood Drive, Danville, 111. 1409 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del. 1409 Delaware Ave., Wilmington, Del. 424 Church Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 250 Park Ave., Westbury, N. Y. 40 Bush Ave., Greenwich, Conn. Andotta Lane, Conshohocken, Fa. 88 Morningside Drive, New York, N. Y. Prague XII, Kapernikova 63, Czechoslovakia New Hope, Pa. 3946 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 1209 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. 21 Hedge Place, Kingston, Pa. 96 Sherman St., Hartford, Conn. 96 Sherman St., Hartford, Conn. Q uadow , J acqueline M arie , ’42 English, 1338 26th St., N., St. Petersburg, Fla. Pol. Science, Zoology, Economics, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, Pol. Science, Zoology, Zoology, Pol. Science, R adford, Joseph, J r., ’43 R aff , M orton Spencer , ’43 Mathematics, R akestraw , D orothy K inkade , ’41 Chemistry, R amsey , E lizabeth A n n , ’42 Latin, R amsey , H arold A rthur , ’41 Engineering, R andall, M argaret E lizabeth , ’42 Pol. Science, R aymond , Sam uel M., ’41 R ayner , P earce T yler , ’41 R edheffer, J oe, ’40 R eed, F red T hornton, ’41 R eed, J ohn D avid, ’41 R eeside, C orinna , ’43 R eid, J ames W illiam , ’43 R eid, John W alling , ’40 R eid, M arjorie R am say , ’41 R eitinger, R obert H uston , ’43 R eller, W illiam H arris, ’40 R euning , E rnst G unther , ’40 R euss, E dward H ilary , 3RD, ’42 R eynolds, Shirley -A n n , ’43 R heams , C harles John B., ’42 R ice , C harles Stix , ’40 R ice, M ary A ydelotte , ’42 Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Chemistry, Psychology, French, Economics, English, English, Pol. Science, Economics, Physics, Economics, Economics, Chemistry, Pol. Science, History, 144 Cuyler Ave., Trenton, N. J. 245 Cedar Ave., Highland Park, 111. 1064 Maplecliff Drivé, Lakewood, Ohio 620 E. Willow Grove Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 726 Shawnee Ave., Big Stone Gap, Va. Hudson View Gardens, W. 183rd St., New York, N. Y. 410 Haverford Place, Swarthmore, Pa. 3502 30th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 257 E. Delaware Place, Chicago, 111. 12 Lafayette Road, Carney’s Point, N. J. Far Country, Norwich, Conn. 5 Luttrell Ave., Hyattsville, Md. 296 Morris Ave., Inwood, N. Y. 622 Woodcrest Ave., Ardmore, Pa. 3315 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. 657 Shadowlawn Drive, Westfield, N. J. 76 S. 14th St., Richmond, Ind. 47 Amherst Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 261 Sycamore Ave., Merion, Pa. 75 Valentine St., New Bedford, Mass. 90 E. Strafford Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. 6447 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Black Mountain, N. Car. 138 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN R ichards, F rederick H oward, ’43 R ichards, H enry R eineke , ’43 R ichards, W illiam H enry , ’43 R ichardson, J ane Strode, ’41 R ichardson, R u th A nne , ’41 R ickm an , L u cy , ’41 R iemer , Joseph W . T rickett , ’43 R iker, B arbara H arrison, ’43 R iley , D avid W aegar, ’43 R ingo, E lizabeth F a y , ’43 R ittenhouse , J ane A delaide, ’40 R itter, W illiam D avid, ’41 R ittm an , E leanor A nne , ’43 R obb, J anice E lizabeth , ’42 R obbins, L ewis M orrell, ’40 R oberts, J ean , ’43 R oberts, R uth B u ck , ’41 R obinson, A lice E vans , ’41 R obinson, J ean , ’43 R obinson, J ohn M ark , ’40 , R obinson, R yland A lbert, ’43 R obson, A lbert N orvin, ’40 R oelofs, M ary M oore, ’40 R ogers, F rances E lizabeth , ’40 R ogers, W illiam H orace, ’41 R omig, R hoads, ’43 Zoology, Economics, Engineering, Philosophy, Botany, Economics, History, Chemistry, Chemistry, French, Chemistry, Latin, Economics, English, English, Economics, Engineering, History, Philosophy, English, Chemistry, English, R osenblum , A lek M orton, J r., ’41 Zoology, Ross, M ichael , ’40 Economics, R owand , R obert E llwood, ’42 Engineering, R owe, P hilip C lyde , ’43 Economics, R oy, J oseph A lbert, ’40 Engineering, R usk , M argaret A n n , ’40 English, R ydholm , M arion E dith, ’40 German, R. F. D. 4, West Chester, Pa. 3820 Albemarle Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. 20 W. Windemere Ter., Lansdowne, Pa. 311 Lafayette Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Trevose Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 11 Kent Terrace, London, N. W . 1, Eng. 155 Sycamore Road, Upper Darby, Pa. • Morris Plains, N. J. 71 Church Street, Winchester, Mass. Montreal, Wis. 6 College Lane, Haverford, Pa. 116 Lewis Ave., East Lansdowne, Pa. 5705 Solway St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 317 Broxton Road, Baltimore, Md. Riverton Road, Riverton, N. J. West Bridgewater, Mass. Rankin Ave., Basking Ridge, N. J. 885 8th Ave., S., St. Petersburg, Fla. 435 Stellar Ave., Pelham Manor, N. Y. 411 College Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 3215 Highland Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. Mohansic Park, Yorktown Heights, N. Y. East Aurora, N. Y. 928 Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr, Pa. 58 Park Place, Geneva, N. Y. Washington Lane and Wyncote Road, Jenkintown, Pa. 265 Gypsy Lane, Youngstown, Ohio 2424 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. 732 Yale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 419 Steward Ave., Jackson, Mich. 84 W ing Road, Acushnet, Mass. 445 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. 2706 Wadsworth Road, Shaker Heights, Ohio Sabini , J ohn A nthony , ’42 S alomon , G eorge G erhard, ’40 S anderson, J ohn P hilip , Jr., ’40 Sanford, T heodore, ’43 Satterthwaite , A n n , ’43 Satterthwaite , H enry F letcher , English, Classics, Pol. Science, Pol. Science, Pol. Science, 143 Freeman Street, Boston, Mass. 203 College Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 58 Westland Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Bath, N. Y. 825 Stan dish Ave., Westfield, N. J. Sautter , C arl C hristian , J r., ’42 SCHECHTER, ANNE CLAIRE, ’40 Scheuer , J ames H aas , ’42 Sch m u ck , Schuyler F airgrieve von , ’43 SCHOENBROD, JAMES T ., ’43 Scott, W alter J., ’41 Chemistry, Pol. Science, Pol. Science, 4 Green Ave., Lawrenceville, N. J. 129 Maplewood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 562 Sixth St., Vedado, Habana, Cuba 115 Central Park West, New York, N. Y. History, Chemistry, Physics, Lawrence, L. I., N. Y. 120 Broadway, New York, N. Y . 104 Park Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. STUDENTS Sears, F rances G rigsby, ’43 Selligman , L u cy , ’43 Sengstack , D avid K ells, ’43 Setlow , R ichard B urton , ’41 Seward, M argot, ’42 Shaw , R obert J., ’41 Shean , J ames W esley, ’43 Shero, F rances, ’41 Shero, L u c y A drienne, ’41 Shilcock , J ames T homas, ’40 Mathematics, Pol. Science, Pol. Science, Physics, English, Economics, Mathematics, Psychology, Psychology, Economics, Shoemaker , M argaret J ack , ’43 Shor, D orothy H ath aw ay , ’43 Siefkin , M artha E leanor, ’43 Sills, M ary L ouise, ’43 Simson , J erome, ’41 Sinnott , M ildred Sh aw , ’42 Sites, V irginia L awson , ’40 Skallerup , W alter T horwald, Mathematics, Mathematics, Pol. Science, Zoology, Botany, Economics, Jr-. ’4 2 ^ Economics, Mathematics, Slater , M orton L incoln , ’41 Slocum , W illiam W anton , Jr., ’43 Economics, Economics, S mith , D orothy J oy , ’43 Mathematics, Smith , E llsworth C hurch , ’43 English, Smith , G ene R oberts, ’42 Economics, Smith , F. G ordon, ’40 French, Smith , M ary -M ead, ’43 Smith , M organ G arsed, ’40 Smith , R ichard O w en , ’41 Smith , R obb V an Sittert, ’41 Sm ith , R ogers, J., ’42 Smith , T homas E dwin , ’43 S mith , W illiam W imer, ’40 S nyder, A rthur F. F., ’40 S nyder , P a u l H eston H all , ’40 Spangler , R uth L ydia , ’43 Sparks, R uth M atthews , ’43 Speers, A . D avid M., ’41 Spencer , H elen M argaret, ’42 Spencer , R obert W hite , ’42 Spin k , L ilian C onstance , ’43 Spivey , J ames R undle , ’42 Sprague , B. Sheldon, ’42 Starbard, V era, ’41 Starling , T homas A lfred, ’43 Steelm an , H erbert Stan ley , Jr., ’41 Steer, J ohn W ilmer , ’41 Engineering, Pol. Science, Zoology, Zoology, Chemistry, Economics, Economics, Economics, Chemistry, Philosophy, Chemistry, Engineering, Chemistry, Pol. Science, Economics, English, Economics, 139 1927 Potomac St., Toledo, Ohio 1416 Willow Ave., Louisville, Ky. 131 W . Third Ave., Roselle, N. J. 1420 Grand Concourse, New York, N. Y. 262 Kingsley Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. S Whittier Place, Swarthmore, Pa. 4861 14th Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. 651 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 651 N. Chester Road, Swarthmore, Pa. Cloverly and Cheltena Aves., Jenkintown, Pa. 510 Riverview Road, Swarthmore, Pa. 451 W . 21st St., New York, N. Y. 660 Valley St., Glencoe, 111. 109 Kensington Road, Bronxville, N. Y. 3576 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 445 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. 233 Grove Road, South Orange, N. J. 6567 N. Woodstock St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1487 President St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Farmington, Mich. 122 W . Franklin St., Ephrata, Pa. 82-16 Lefferts Blvd., Kew Gardens, N. Y. Baltimore Pike, Swarthmore, Pa. 911 18th Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn. 3635 Ingomar Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. Avondale Road, Wallingford, Pa. Baltimore, Pike, Swarthmore, Pa. 314 Augusta Ave., DeKalb, 111. 4712 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 1603 Larmon Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 517 Harrison St., Ridley Park, Pa. 401 Swarthmore Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 401 Swarthmore Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 71 Brewster Road, Scarsdale, N. Y . Fiddler’s Green, Bolton, Mass. 1708 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Great Northern Hotel, Chicago, 111. Wallingford, Pa. 468 Gerhard St., Philadelphia, Pa. Westtown, Pa. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. 342 Hillcrest Road, Ridgewood, N. J. 10 W . Providence Road, Aldan, Pa. 106 Holmecrest Road, Jenkintown, Pa. 140 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. 140 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN Steeves, M art , ’42 Stern , R ichard Stephen , ’42 Sterne , B etty E ising, ’43 Sterne , B arbara , ’41 Stetson, J ohn B atterson, ’42 Steuber , F rederick W alter , ’41 Stevens, P hyllis , ’40 Stewart , M ary , ’43 Stix , D onald , ’41 Sturdevant , M ary E llen , ’40 Swartley , C ynth ia M oyer, ’42 Swett , M artha , ’43 Sw ift , H ewson H oyt , ’42 Sylvester, E milie C onsuelo, ’42 Pol. Science, Psychology, History, English, Economics, Chemistry, Pol. Science, English, Pol. Science, Pol. Science, Zoology, Zoology, French, Lucas Point, Old Greenwich, Conn. Rose Tree Road, Media, Pa. 114 E. 84th St., New York, N. Y. Wilton, Conn. 1002 Prospect Ave., Melrose Park, Pa. 405 Morton Ave., Ridley Park, Pa. 708 W. 47th St., Kansas City, Mo. 178 Pleasant Ave., Hamburg, N. Y. Underhill Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Perrysburg Road, Logansport, Ind. 916 E. Rittenhouse St., Philadelphia, Pa. 714 Franklin Ave., River Forest, 111. 99 Claremont Ave., New York, N. Y. n o r E. Tulpehocken St., Philadelphia, Pa. T achau , C harles B randeis, ’43 T ait , P hyllis A n n , ’42 T anguy , C harles R ead, ’43 T appan , E lise G ail , ’41 T arr, M artha M adeleine , ’42 T aylor , K atharine P age, ’43 T aylor , R obert B urns, J r., ’41 T aylor , T homas O sgood, ’43 T ebbetts, M argaret I melda , ’40 T emple , E dward B rinton , II, ’40 T hatcher , A lbert G arrett, ’41 T homas, A rmstrong, Special T homas, R andal H oward, ’43 T homson, D onald G ardner, ’40 T homson, John Seabury , ’43 T horn, E lisabeth A nn , ’43 T horp, A rthur G eorge, II, ’43 T illyard , Stephen , ’42 English, English, Economics, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics, Latin, Engineering, Astronomy, Mathematics, Psychology, Pol. Science, History, Engineering, French, T itelman , J a y R ichard, ’42 T odd, M arjorie C lara , ’41 T omlinson , H elen M argaret, ’41 T ompkins , H oward E dward, ’42 T ompkins , R exford E merson, ’40 T rautm an , W illiam D ean , ’42 Pol. Science, Psychology, Zoology, Physics, Economics, Chemistry, T rudel, A llen R obert, '43 T urner , D orothy E lizabeth , ’41 T urner, D orothy J ean , ’4 t Engineering, Psychology, French, Route 6, Louisville, Ky. 5415 Overbrook Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 5801 Roland Ave., Baltimore, Md. 301 Northfield Place, Baltimore, Md. 182 Western Way, Princeton, N. J. 2706 Virginia St., Berkeley, Calif. 627 Noble St., Norristown, Pa. 3905 Jocelyn St., Washington, D. C. 137 Collins Road, Waban, Mass. 1005 Cattell St., Easton, Pa. 613 Ogden Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 1605 Bolton St., Baltimore, Md. 301 E. Durham St., Philadelphia, Pa. 430 William St., East Orange, N. J. 105 Hilton Ave., Garden City, N. Y. 102 E. Ferry Road, Morrisville, Pa. Westtown, Pa. Merton House, Queen’s Road, Cambridge, England 3510 Oneida Ave., Altoona, Pa. 6941 Perrysville Ave., Ben Avon, Pa. 114 Yale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 6701 Colonial Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1684 W . 14th St., Erie, Pa. 2584 Fenwick Road, University Heights, Ohio 1019 Greenmount Road, Haddonfield, N.J. 1137 Phoenix Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. 2600 Payne St., Evanston, III. U llm a n , D avid U lrich , ’43 U nderwood, C aroline D owdell, Engineering, 213 Harvard Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Economics, Linden Lane, Wallingford, Pa. 41 English, 0 STUDENTS V alentine , B arbara H ope, ’43 V an D e M ark , R obert L ewis, ’4a V an K leeck , M artha L ouise, ’42 V an N am e , F rederick W arren, ’43 V an Sickle , C aroline E lizabeth , Pol. Science, Engineering, English, Physics, ’43 V an W aters, Sarah A n n , ’43 V awter , W illiam A rthur , III, ’42 Pol. Science, V erlie, E m il J oseph, J r., ’41 Pol. Science, V ogt, J ane E., ’4a Chemistry, V otaw , T heresa M arie , ’43 W aksm an , B yron H alsted, ’40 Zoology, W alter , R obert I rving, ’41 Chemistry, W ampler , E lizabeth J ean , ’43 W arburton , Sam u el W oodward, ’40 Engineering, W arren, J ane R itchie , ’43 W atters, L ouise, ’40 English, W a y , D avid Spencer , ’43 Engineering, W ebb, A nne C aroline , ’43 W ebster, D orothy L ancaster , ’40 English, W edeman , M iles G eorge, ’43 Economics, W eintraub , M ary C artun , ’42 W eltmer , D onald K essler, ’40 Economics, W enar , C harles, ’43 English, W ensink , C arolyn E lizabeth , ’43 W escott, H ope H ammond , ’41 English, W est, M ary L oockerman , ’41 English, W heaton , R obert G arth , ’43 Engineering, W heeler, D orothy J ane , ’41 Zoology, W hipple , B arbara , ’43 English, W hipple , D avid C ollins, ’43 Engineering, W hitcombs , Joanne E agar, ’43 W hite , B enjam in W ard, ’4a Economics, W hite , E lizabeth Su e , ’43 English, W hiteford, J oseph Silver, ’43 Chemistry, W hiteman , M argaret G raham , ’41 French, W hitford, A nn E lizabeth , ’42 Mathematics, W h itney , A nne M arie , ’42 Mathematics, W ight, M iriam H ollister, ’40 W ilbur , R uth E lizabeth , ’41 W illard, Sa l l y A lexander , ’43 W illiams , C arey , ’41 W illiams , E llen L ewis, ’41 W illiams , J ean Schuyler , ’43 W indle, A nne M oore, ’42 W inne , B arbara J ean , ’41 W irth , A nne P farr, ’43 English, English, Economics, French, Philosophy, English, I AI 285 Central Park West, New York, N. Y . 1900 South Ave., Rochester, N. Y . ¡ 2930 Northern Blvd., Manhasset, N. Y. 3 Tanglewylde Ave., Bronxville, N. Y . 16 Buckingham St., Springfield, Mass. Framingham, Mass. Benton Harbor, Mich. 1421 State St., Alton, 111. 18 Stratford Place, Binghamton, N. Y. 1535 Kingsbury Place, Scranton, Pa. 35 Walter Ave., New Brunswick, N. J. 200 Lathrop St., Lansing, Mich. 334 Lake Ave., Highland Park, 111. 433 Pine Crest Road, Springfield, Pa. 199 Barrington St., Rochester, N. Y . 33 W . Church St., Bethlehem, Pa. 164 S. Main St., Woodstown, N. J. 280 Jefferson Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. 126 Parker St., Newton Centre, Mass. 738 Mason Ave., Drexel Hill, Pa. 113 N. Raleigh Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. 314 Vassar Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Bay St. Louis, Miss. 7736 Rogers Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis. 710 Potomac Ave., Buffalo, N. Y . 3 Davis Road, Pt. Washington, N. Y . 1042 S. Linden Ave., Alliance, Ohio 4455 Tibbett Ave., New York, N. Y. 320 Westminster Road, Rochester, N. Y. 25 Cushman Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. 3108 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, N. Y. 4629 Hunt Ave., Chevy Chase, Md. Ringwood Homesteads, Ringwood, N. J. rot W . Leland St., Chevy Chase, Md. Swarthmore Apts., Swarthmore, Pa. 441 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 40 Westminster Road, W . Hempstead, N. Y. Dalton, Mass. 1300 Ethel Ave., Lakewood, Ohio 61 Walworth Ave., Scarsdale, N. Y. Rusk, Texas 133 Rutgers Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 880 N. Evans St., Pottstown, Pa. Dellwyn, West Chester, Pa. 1394 Dean St., Schenectady, N. Y . G ulf Farms, Elyria, Ohio 142 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN W itter, B arbara L ois, ’40 W oehling , J ean L ouise, ’40 W olf, E thel , ’41 W olf, R uth , ’42 W olfe, L awrence C lark , ’40 W olfe, L indsay H arper, ’42 W olff , A line L ouise, ’42 W olff , M arion, Special W ood, P hilip E merson, ’41 W oodcock, Joan L ouise, ’40 W oodruff, M argaret, ’43 W oodward, J. D onald , J r., ’43 W oodward, W illiam M ackey , ’43 W right, G eorge A ., Jr., ’41 W right, R ichard, ’43 W y m a n , ¡Margaret, ’40 W yn n e , M ildred E lizabeth , ’43 Chemistry, Zoology, Economics, Physics, English, Botany, 24 Kingsley Road, Rochester, N. Y. R. F. D. 2, Norristown, Pa. 47 Sunshine Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 47 Sunshine Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 410 Walnut Road, Ben Avon, Pa. 410 Walnut Road, Ben Avon, Pa. 167 Beach 144th St., Neponsit, N. Y. 242 W. Horter St., Philadelphia, Pa. 40 Grammercy Park, New York, N. Y. 64 Barrow St, New York, N. Y. 814 Main St., Manchester, Conn. 106 W . Broadway, Salem, N. J. 42 E. Madison Ave., Collingswood, N. J. 26 E. Stiles Ave., Collingswood, N. J. 5762 Harper Ave., Chicago, 111. 3612 Newark St., Washington, D. C. 11 Princeton Road, Cynwyd, Pa. Y earsley, E leanor, ’40 Y oung , R obert L ivingston, ’43 Fine Arts, Mathematics, 577 Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, Pa. 33 Central Ave., St. George, N. Y. Z entmyer , H elen N eff , ’40 Z immerman , G eorge L andis, ’41 Z immermann , M ary J ane , ’43 Z ipfel , R obert N eil, ’42 French, Chemistry, English, History, Marbern Road, Hagerstown, Md. 207 State St., Harrisburg, Pa. 2 Surrey Road, Melrose Park, Pa. Oradell Manor, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Psychology, English, History, English, History, Engineering, English, Astronomy, History, Psychology, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS 143 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS 1939-40 Pennsylvania .............................. 226 New York ........................................................................................................ 152 New Jersey ..................................................................................................... 82 Ohio ...........................................................................................; .................. 34 Illinois ............................................................................................................... 31 Maryland ......................................................................................................... 28 Connecticut ........................................................*.............................................. 26 Massachusetts.................................................................................................... 26 District of Columbia ...................................................................................... 22 Indiana ......................................................................... .................. f. .............. i j Delaware ......................................................................................................... 12 Virginia ............................................................................................................. 8 Minnesota ......................................................................................................... 7 California ......................................................................................................... 6 Florida ............................................................................................................... 6 Missouri ........................................................................................................... 6 Wisconsin ......................................................................................................... 6 Michigan ........................................................................................................... 4 Rhode Island .................................................................................................... 4 Texas ................................................................................................................. 4 England ............................................................................................................. 3 Kentucky ........................................................................................................... 3 North Carolina ................................................................................................ 3 China ................................................................................................................. 2 Nebraska .............................................................................. 2 Tennessee ......................................................................................................... 2 V erm ont............................................................................................................. 2 Virgin Islands .................................................................................................. 2 Arizona1 .......................................................................................................... 1 Belgium ............................................................................. .............. .......... . . . 1 Canal Zone ....................................................................................................... 1 Chile ................................................................................................................... 1 Cuba ................................................................................................................... 1 Czechoslovakia .................................................................................................. 1 Georgia ............................................................................................................. 1 Maine ................................................................................................................. 1 Mississippi ....................................................................................................... 1 New Hampshire .............................................................................................. 1 Utah .................................................................................... ; ............................ 1 West Virginia .................................................................................................. 1 T otal 736 144 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN HOLDERS OF THE HANNAH A. LEEDOM FELLOWSHIP 1913-14. A rthur P ercival T anberg, B.A., 1910; M.A., 1913; Ph.D., Columbia Uni­ versity, 1915. Director, E. I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Experimental Station, Wilmington, Del. I9*4*ISB.A., 1909; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1910; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1915. Professor of German Literature, University of Chicago. 1915- 16. H arold S. R oberts, B.A., 191*; M.A., Princeton University, 1915; Student at the University of Wisconsin, 1915-17. Teacher of French and Spanish, St. Paul’s School, Garden City, N. Y . A rcher T aylor , 1916- 17. H annah B. (S teele ) P ettit , B.A., 1909; M.A., 191a; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 19x9. Astronomer. 1917- 18. J ames M onaghan , Jr., B.A., 1913; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1918. 19x8-19. C harlotte (B rewster) J ordan, B.L., 1882; M.L., 1886; studied in Madrid. Translator and writer. 1919- 20. P a u l M. C u ncannon , B.A., 1913; M.A., Princeton University, 1920; Ph.D., Ibid., 1925. Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Michi­ gan. 1920- 21. W illiam C hristie M acL eod, B.A., 1914; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1924. Assistant Professor of Finance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. 1921- 22. L eon M. P earson, B.A., 1920; M.A., Harvard University, 1922. Teacher, Oral English, Haverford School, Haverford, Pa., 1924-1934. Journalist 1922- 23. W. R alph G awthrop, B.A., 1918; M.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1924. Patent Lawyer, du Pont Ammonia Co. 1923- 24. W illard S. E lsbree, B.A., 1922; M.A., Columbia University, 1924; Ph.D., Ibid., 1928. Assistant Professor of Education, Teachers’ College, Columbia University. Studied abroad, 1930-31. 1924- 25. W alter A bell , B.A., 1920; M.A., 1924. Studied in France. Professor of Art, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. HOLDERS OF FELLOWSHIPS US 1926- 27. M argaret (P it k in ) B ainbridge, B.A., 1925; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1928. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, Swarthmore College, 19*8-33. 1927- 28. A udrey Sh aw (B ond) A leistore, B.A., 1926; M .A., University of Chicago, 1928. Assistant, Department of Romance Languages, Northwestern Uni­ versity. 1928- 29. Sam u el R obert M. R eynolds, B.A., 19*7; M.A., 1928; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1931; Fellow, National Research Council, 1931-32, Car­ negie Institution, Baltimore, Md. Instructor in Physiology, Medical School, Western Reserve University, 1932-33. Assistant Professor of Physiology, Long Island College of Medicine, 1933-. Guggenheim Fellow, 1937-38. 1929- 30. E dward Sellers, B.A., 1928. Studied at Brown University, 1929-30. Actuarial Clerk, Guardian Life Insurance Co. 1930- 31. E lizabeth (H orm ann ) Strodach, B.A., 1927; M .A., University of Penn­ sylvania, February, 1930. 1931- 32. H elen Stafford, B.A., 1930; M.A., Bryn Mawr, 1931; Ph.D., Ibid., 1935 ; Holder of Bryn M awr European Fellowship, 1932-33; Teacher at the Ethel Walker School, Simsbury, Connecticut. 1932- 33. R ogers M c V augh , B.A., 1931; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1935. In­ structor in Botany, University of Georgia. (Special Fellowship awarded only for 193233.) Ph.D., Princeton University, 1935. H ym a n D iamond , B.A., 1931. 1933- 34. F rank E lmer F ischer, B.A., 1933 ; M.A., Princeton University, 1935. 1934- 35R aymond M. I mmerwahr , B.A., 1934; M.A., Northwestern University, 1935. (Held by Alternate, Anna Janney DeArmond, B.A., 1932; M.A., Colum­ bia University, 1934. Studied at Bryn Mawr College, 1934-35- Teach­ ing, Women’s College, Newark, N. J.) 1935- 36. M artha W illard, B.A., 1935; M.A., Columbia University, 1936. 1936- 37. D orothy K och, B.A., 1935. Studied at Yale University. 1937- 38. K atherine L ever, B.A., 1936. Studying at Bryn Mawr College. 1938- 39. R ichard J ames Storr, B.A., 1937. Studying at Johns Hopkins University. 1939- 40. E lizabeth L ane , B.A., 1935. Studying at Yale University. 146 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN H O LD ERS O F T H E JO SH U A L IP P IN C O T T F E L L O W S H IP 1893- 94. T homas A tkinson J enkins , B.A., 1887; Ph.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1888; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1894; Litt.D., Swarthmore Col­ lege, 192a; Professor of the History of the French Language, University of Chicago. Retired. Deceased. B enjam in F ranklin B attin , A .B., 1892; studied in Berlin; Ph.D., Jena, 1900. Deceased. 1894- 95. D avid B arker R ushmore, B.S., 1894; M.E., Cornell University, 1895; C.E., Swarthmore, 1897; Sc.D., 1923. Member of Board of Managers, Swarth­ more College. Consulting Engineer. 1895- 96. H oward W hite , J r., B.S., 1895; M.S., University of Michigan, 1896; C.E., Swarthmore, 1900. Deceased. 1896-97; 1897-98. John W . G regg, B.L., 1894; A.M., Cornell University, 1898; LL.B., George Washington University, 1905. Lawyer. Retired. 1898-99. E llwood C om lt P arry , B.L., 1897; studied in Berlin; M .L., Swarthmore, 1900; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1903. Professor of German and French, Central High School, Philadelphia. 1899-1900; 1900-01. John E dwin W ells, B.L., 1896; M .L., 1899; A .M ., Columbia, 1900; Ph.D., Yale University, 1915. Head of the Department of English, Connecticut College for Women. 1901- 02. M ary G ray L eiper, B.L., 1899; studied in Berlin. Deceased. 1902- 03. B ird T homas B aldwin , B.S., 1900; A.M., Harvard University, 1903; Ph.D., Ibid., 1905. Deceased. 1903-04. A lbert C ook M yers, B.L., 1898; M.L., 1901; Litt.D., Franklin and Marshall College, 1932; studied at the Universities of Wisconsin and Harvard. Historical Writer. 1904-05. M arion V irginia (P eirce ) F rank , B.A., Swarthmore, 1903; M.A., Univer­ sity of Chicago, 1904; studied in Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sorbonne, and Collège de France in Paris, and in the Libraries of Madrid. Deceased. HOLDERS OF FELLOWSHIPS 147 1905-06. L bwis F ussbll, B.S., 1902; M.S., 1903; E.E. and Ph.D., University of Wiscon­ sin, 1907. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Swarthmore College. De­ ceased. 1906-07. Louis N ewton R obinson, B.A., 1905; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1911; studied at the Universities of Halle and Berlin, 1906-07; Fellow in Cornell University, 1907-08. Director, with Russell Sage Foundation, 1922-25. Chairman, Pennsylvania Commission on Penal Affairs. Member of Board of Trustees, Eastern State Penitentiary. 1907- 08. Sam uel C opeland P almer , B.A., 1895; M.A., 1907; M.A., Harvard Univer­ sity, 1909; Ph.D., Ibid., 191a. Studied abroad 1927-28. Professor of Botany, Swarthmore College. 1908- 09. M ary E liza (N orth ) C henoweth , B.A., 1907; M.A., 1910; studied at Ox­ ford University. 1909- 10. M ary T albot (J a n n e y ) C oxe, B.A., 1906; studied at the University of Ber- . lin. 1910- n . Sam u el C opeland P almer , B.A., 1895; M.A., 1907; M.A., Harvard Uni­ versity, 1909; Ph.D., Ibid., 191a. Studied abroad 1927-28. Professor of Botany, Swarthmore College. 1911- 12. John H imes P itm an , B.A., 1910; M.A., 1911; studied at the University of California. Associate Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Swarth­ more College. 1912- 13. I ola K a y E astburn , B.L., 1897; M .A., University of Pennsylvania, 1907; Ph.D., Ibid., 1913; Professor of German, Brenau College, Gainesville, Ga., 1925-33. Head of Modem Language Department, Stetson University, DeLand, Fla., 1935-. I 9, 3’I4E dwin A ngell C ottrell, B.A., 1907; M.A., Harvard University, 1913. Executive Head of Department of Political Science and Chairman of School of Social Sciences, Leland Stanford Junior University. 1914- 15. F rederick M yerle Simons, Jr., B.A., 1909; M.A., 1912; studied at the University of Chicago. Deceased. 1915- 16. F rank H. G riffin , B.S., 1910; M.A., Columbia University, 1916. Manager and Director, The Viscose Company, Marcus Hook, Pa. 148 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN 1916- X7. R aymond T . B ye , B.A., 1914; M.A., Harvard University, 1915; Ph.D., Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania, 1918. Professor of Economics, University of Penn­ sylvania. 1917- 18. Ch ar les J. D arlington , B.A., 1915; M.A., i 9r6. Chief Supervisor of Semi- Works Operative Organic Chemistry D ept, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. 1918- 19. ®RCHARD> I9i«; M.A., Harvard University, 1920; Ph.D., Ibid., 1923. Professor, Economic Geography, School of Business, Columbia University. X919-20. P a u l F leming G em m ill , B.A., ; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, x92 5* Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania. 19 17 x920-21. Joseph E vans Sands, B.A., 1917; M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1921. Physician. 1921- 22. D etlev W u l f B ronk , B.A., 1920; Sc.D., 1937; M.S., University of Michigan, M M P“ *^*> loia., 1925. Johnson Professor of Biophysics and Director of the Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine. Professor of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania; Graduate School of Medicine. 1922- 23. D avid M athias D ennison , B.A., i 92r; M.A., University of Michigan, 1922; Ph.D., Ibid., 1924. International Education Board Fellow, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1924-27. Associate Professor of Physics, University of Michigan. 1923- 24W illiam M orse B laisdell, B.A., 1921; M.A., University of Pennsylvania 1926; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1932. Studied in Paris. Instruc­ tor in Economics, Swarthmore College, 1928-29. Research Fellow of the Institute of Economics of the Brookings Institution, Washington, D. C., *929-3x- Professor of Business Administration, Temple University! Senior Analyst with Securities and Exchange Commission, Washing­ ton, D. C. & 1924- 25. K atharine D enworth , B.A., 1914; M.A., Columbia University, 1921; P hD Ibid., 1927. President, Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Mass. 1925- 26. G eorge P assmore H ayes , B.A., 19x8; M.A., Harvard University, 1920; Ph.D Ibid., 1927. Head of Department of English, Agnes Scott College, Decatur,’ Ga. ’ 1926- 27. M arvin Y ard B urr, B.A., 1925; M.A., Columbia University, 1927: Ph.D Ibid., 1930. Deceased. HOLDERS OF FELLOWSHIPS 1927- 149 28. D orothy F lorence ( T roy ) Y oung , B.A., 1926; M.A., Columbia University, 1928. Instructor in English, Swarthmore College, 1928-29. 1928- 29. D orothea A. (K ern ) D evereux, B.A., 1927; M.A., 1928. Studied at the Uni­ versity of Chicago. 1929- 30. E lizabeth (H orm ann ) Strodach, B.A., 1927; M.A., University of Penn­ sylvania, February, 1930. 1930- 31. T homas M. B rown , B.A., 1929; M.D., Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1933- Physician. Research, Rockefeller Hospital. W inona (von A m m on ) M ac C almont , B.A., 1929; M.S., University of Penn­ sylvania, 1930. Associate in Physiology and Instructor in Pharmacology, Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania. 1931- 32. M argaret G urney , B.A., 1930; M.A., Brown University, 1931; Ph.D., Ibid., * 9341 932- 33James A. M ichener , B.A., 1929; studied at the University of Aberdeen, 1931- 33. Teaching in Experimental School, State College of Education, Greeley, Colo. 1933- 34H elen Stafford, B.A., 1930; B.A., Bryn Mawr College, 1931; Ph.D., Ibid., 1935. Holder of Bryn M awr European Fellowship, 1932-33; Teacher at the Ethel Walker School, Simsbury, Connecticut. 1934- 35. R uth (C ook ) Stilson , B.A., 1933; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1934; studying at Radcliffe College. W illiam E aton , B.A., 1932. (Special Fellowship awarded only for 1934-35.) Ph.D., Yale University, 1935. Physicist, Eastman Kodak Company. 1935- 36. W ill T . Jones, B.A., 1931; B.Litt., Oxford University, 1933. Studying at Princeton University. 1936- 37. H arold B. Steinberg, B.A., 1936. Studied at Yale Law School. 1937- 38. K eith C halmers, B.A., 1937. Studying at Yale University. 1938- 39. I rving Schwartz , B.A., 1937. Student, Harvard University. 1939- 40. R oland C. B all , J r., B.A., 1939. Yale University. ISO SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN H O L D E R S O F T H E JO H N L O C K W O O D M E M O R IA L F E L L O W S H IP 19x0-11. Edwin C arleton M ac D owell , B.A., 1909; M.S., Harvard University, 1911; Sc.D., Ibid., 1912. Investigator in Biology, Cold Spring Harbor. 1911- 12. H enry F erris P rice, B.A., 1906; University of Pennsylvania, 1913; Ph.D., Ibid., 1915. Professor of Mathematics, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon. 1912- 13. W alter F rank R ittm an , B.A., 1908; M.A., 1909; M.E., 1911; Ch.E., 1917; Ph.D., Columbia University, 19x4. Consulting Chemical Engineer, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Professor of Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology. Consulting Engineer. X913-14. H elen P rice , B.A., 1907; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1915. Head of Latin and Greek Department, Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C. X9I4' I5. H elen H eed, B.A., 1905; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1915. Studied at Oxford University, 1925-26. Head of Department of English, High School, Pleasantville, N. Y. 19x5-16. F rances D arlington , B.A., 1896; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1916. Teacher. 19x6-17. R achel K night, B.L., 1898; M.A., 1909; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1919. Deceased. 1917- 18. R alph L inton , B.A., 19x5; A.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1916; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1925. Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University. 1918- 19. W alter H arrison M ohr, B.A., 1914; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1921; Ph.D., Ibid., February, 1931. Teacher of History, George School. 1919- 20. E sther E. B aldwin , B.A., 1909; M.A., Columbia University, 1913. Teacher of French and English, South Philadelphia High School. 1920- 21. G eorge P assmore H ayes , B.A., 1918; M.A., Harvard University, 1920; Ph.D., Ibid., 1927. Acting Professor of English, Robert College, Constantinople, 1921-25. Professor of English, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Ga. Head of Department HOLDERS OF FELLOWSHIPS I5 I 1921-22. F rank W hitson F etter, B.A., 1920; M.A., Princeton University, 1922; A.M., Harvard University, 1924; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1926. Assistant Professor of Economics, Princeton University, 1927-1934; Associate Pro­ fessor of Economics, Haverford College; Guggenheim Fellow, 1937-3*1922- 23. M argaret (P owell ) A itken , B.A., 1919; M.A., 1921. 1923- 24. W alter H alsey A bell , B.A., 1920; M.A., 1924; Professor of Art, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. 1924- 25. E dgar Z. P almer , B.A., 1919; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1928. Associate Professor in Economics, College of Commerce, University of Kentucky. 1925- 26. E m m a T . R. (W illiams ) V yssotsky , B.A., 1916; Ph.D., Radcliffe College 1929. Studied at University of Chicago, 1925-26. Studied at Harvard University Observatory, 1927-29. Research Fellow, Leander-McCormick Observatory. Instructor in Astronomy, University of Virginia. 1926- 27. M argaret L yle (W alton ) M a yall , B.A., 1925; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1928. Astronomer, Harvard Observatory. 1927- 28. A lice P. G arwood, B.A., 1913. “ Certificate of Play Production,” Department of Drama, School of Fine Arts, Yale University, 1928. Dramatic Director. 1928- 29. J ames R oland P ennock , B.A., 1927; M.A., Harvard University, 1928; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1932. Assistant Professor in Political Science, Swarthmore College. 1929- 30. W alter B. K eighton, Jr., B.A., 1923; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1933. Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Swarthmore College. 1930-31. C. L a w r e n c e H a i n e s , B.S., 1928. Studied at Johns Hopkins University, 193°1933; Research Fellow, University of Colorado. 1931-3*. K atharine Smedley , B.A., 1930; M.A., University of North Carolina, 1932. Assistant Dean, George School. 152 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN *93* ' 33R ichard A bell , A.B., 1926; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1930; Ph.D., Ibid., 1934. Instructor in Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. 1933- 34. T homas Seal C hambers, B.A., 1931; M.A., Harvard University, 1933. Junior Prize Fellow, Harvard University, since 1933. (Held by Alternate, L ewis F ussell, J r, B .S , 1931; M .S, Massachusetts In­ stitute of Technology, 1932; Sc.D, Ibid., 1938. 1934- 35R ichard E. P assmore, B.A., 1933; studied at Columbia University. 1935- 36- C harles C oale P rice, III, B.A., 1934» Ph.D., Harvard University, 1936. Research Assistant in Chemistry at the University of Illinois. 1936- 37. M ildred M axfield , B.A., 1931. Studied at Radcliffe. Instructor of French, Milwaukee-Downer College. *937-38W illiam Scott, B.A., 1937. Studying at the University of Michigan. 1938- 39- G eorge C ooper, B.A., 1938. Studying at University of London. 1939- 40. Instructor, Swarthmore College. University of Pennsylvania. J ohn S eybold, B.A., 1936. Studying at H O LD E R S O F T H E L U C R E T IA M O T T F E L L O W S H IP 1893-96. H elen B right (S m ith ) B rinton , B.A., 1893; studied at Oxford University; A.M., Swarthmore, 1899. 1896- 97. M ary Stone M c D owell , B.A., 1896; studied at Oxford University; M.A., Columbia University, 1903. Teacher, Lincoln High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1897- 98. Sarah (B ancroft ) C lark , B .S, 1897; studied at Newnham College, Cam­ bridge. 1898- 99. Edna H arriet R ichards, B.L., 1898; studied in Berlin; A .M , Columbia Uni­ versity, 1904. Fellow and Instructor, University of Wisconsin, 1921-22. Teacher of German in High School, Youngstown, Ohio. 1899-1900. M a ry E lizabeth Seam an , B .A , 1899; studied at Newnham College, Cam­ bridge ; A.M., Adelphia College, 1903. Deceased. HOLDERS OF FELLOWSHIPS 1900- 153 OI. A nna G illingham , B.A., 1900; B.A., Radcliffe College, 1901; M.A., Colum­ bia University, 1910. Psychologist, Punahon School, Honolulu, T . H. 1901- oa. L illian W inifred (R ogers) I llmer , B.A., 1901; studied in Berlin. 1902- 03. M argaret H ood ( T aylor ) (S immons ) T aylor , B.L., 190a; studied at Berlin University. 1903- 04. A nnie R oss, A .B., 1903; Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1904. Chairman of Modern Language Department, High School, Flushing, L. I., N. Y . 1904- 05. C harlotte R itzem a B ogart, B.A., 1904; M.A., Columbia University, 1905. 1905- 06. E lizabeth H all , B.A., 1905; M.A., Columbia University, 1906. Teacher of English, Media High School. 1906- 07. B ertha C aroline P eirce, B.A., 1906; M.A., Cornell University, 1907; Head of Department of Latin and Greek, Beaver College, Jenkintown, Pa. 1907- 08. J eannette (C urtis ) C ons, B.A., 1907; M.A., 1909; studied at the University of Berlin. 1908- 09. E lizabeth Sikes (J ames ) N orton, B.A., 1908; studied at the University of Berlin; A.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1912; Ph.D., Ibid., 1914. 1909-10. H elen H arriet P orterfield, B.A., 1909; studied at the University of Chi­ cago. 1910-xi. Jean H amilton (W alker ) C reighton, B.A., 1910; studied at the Univer- sity of Chicago. 191X-12. A n n a H eydt , B.A., 1911; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1912. Teacher of Latin and French, State Teachers’ College, Kutztown, Pa. 1912-13. C aroline H allowell (S medley ) C olburn , B.A., 1912; M.A., 1918; studied at the University of California. 1913- 14. E sther (M idler) Simberg, B.A., 1913; M.A., Columbia University, 1929; studied at the University of Berlin. Social Worker. 1914- 15. M arie Safford (B ender) D arlington , B.A., 1914; M.A., University of Chicago, 1916. Deceased. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN 154 X9IJ-I6. R eba M ahan (C a m p ) H odge, B.A., 1915; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1916. 1916- 17. A nna M. M ichener , B.A., 1916; M .A., Columbia University, 1917; Ph.D. Ibid., 1921; Economic Research. 1917- 18. H ilda A. (L a n g ) D enworth , B.A., 1917; studied at the University of Wis­ consin; A.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1931. 1918- 19. E dith W . (M endenhall ) H ayes , B.A., 1918; M.A., Columbia University, 1919. 1919- 20. G ladys A manda R eichard, B.A., 1919; M.A., Columbia University, 1920; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1925» Research Fellow in Anthropology, University of California, 1922-23; Holder of John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship for 1926-27; studied in Hamburg. Assistant Professor An­ thropology, Barnard College, Columbia University. 1920- 31. H enrietta A lbert S mith , B .A., 1920. (Resigned.) 1921- 22. A line M athieson (W oodrow) R obertson, B.A., 1921; studied at the Uni­ versity of Glasgow. H enrietta Ida 1922- 23. (K eller ) H owell , B.A., 1922; M .A ., Radcliffe College, X9»31923- 24. G ertrude M a l z , B.A., 1923; M.A., University of Wisconsin, 1924; Ph.D., Ibid., 1928; studied at American School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1929-30. Instructor in Greek and Latin, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va. 1924- 25. G ertrude P aula ( K n a pp ) Stoughton, B.A., 1924; studied at Somerville Col­ lege, Oxford. Studied at University of Chicago, 1935-36. 1925- 26. M argaret (P it k in ) B ainbridge, B.A., 1925; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1928. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, Swarthmore College, 1928-33. 1926- 27. A lice C arolyn (P axson ) B rainerd, B.A., 1926; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1928. 1927- 28. C ecils (B rochereux ) J arvis, B.A., 1927; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1928. Teaching French, Haverford School. HOLDERS OF FELLOWSHIPS 155 X928-39. G ertrude (S anders) F riedman , B.A., 1928; Ph.D., University of Pennsyl­ vania, 1933. 1929-30. M argaret (W orth ) C rowther, B.A., 1939; Law Student, Yale University, 1929-30. 1930-31. E leanor F lexner , B.A., 1930; studied at Somerville College, Oxford. 1931- 32. B eatrice F. (B each ) M acL eod, B.A., 1931; M.A., Yale Dramatic School, 1934. Director of Dramatics, Swarthmore College. 1932- 33. F rances R einhold, B.A., 1932; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1936; Ph.D., Ibid., 1937. Assistant in Political Science, Swarthmore College. (Held by joint alternates: Edna N. P usey , B.A., 1932; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1933. Teacher of French and Social Studies, Avondale, Pa. E leanor Y . P uset , B.A., 1932; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1933. Teacher of French, Haddonfield, N. J.) 1933- 34R uth E rnestine (C ook ) Stilson , B.A., 1933; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1934; studying at Radcliffe College. 1934*35- . . f V irginia H all Sutton , B.A., 1934; studied at the University of Chicago. 1935- 36. E lizabeth L ane , M.A., 1935; studied at Columbia University. 1936- 37. K atherine L ever, B.A., 1936. Studied at Bryn Mawr College. 1937- 38. M ina W aterman , B.A., 1937. Studied at the University of Chicago. 1938- 39. M ary K atherine H eald , B.A., 1938. Studied at University of Michigan. 1939- 40. M ary H oagland, B.A., 1939. Studying at Ohio State University. S IG M A X I F E L L O W S H IP 1934-35H elen L ouise (W est ) C utting , B.A., 1932; M.A., Mt. Holyoke College, 1934; Ph.D., University of California, 1936. Holder of Teaching Fellow­ ship in Chemistry at the University of California, 1935-36- Head of Departments of Chemistry and Physics, San Francisco College for Women, 1936-37. Instructor in Chemistry, New Jersey College for Women. 1936-37. Stephen M ac N eille , B.A., 1933; Pb.D., 1937, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Physicist, Eastman Kodak Company. 1939-40. G eorge E lmer F orsythe, B.A., 1937; Brown University, Graduate Assistant. 156 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN H O L D E R S O F T H E M A R T H A E. T Y S O N F E L L O W S H IP X9 I4 -IJ. H elen P rice, B.A., 1907; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1915. Head of Latin and Greek Department, Meredith College, Raleigh, N. C. 1915- 16. A nne Shoemaker (H aines ) M artin , B.A., 191a; M.A., University of W is­ consin, 1916. 1916- 17. K atherine P rocter (G reen ) V incent , B.A., 1907; M.A., Columbia Uni- versity, 1917. Teacher of Latin in Newton High School, New York, N. Y. 1917- 18. C h am otte (B rewster) Jordan, BX., 1882; MX., 1886; studied in Madrid. Iranslator and writer. 1918- 19. E dna A nna T yson , B.A., 1909; M.A., Columbia University, 1919. Teacher of English in High School, Newark, N. J. 19x9-20. D orothea (G illette ) M urray , B .A ., 1914; M .A., Columbia University, X9 2 0 . X92O-2Z. B eulah (D arungton ) P ratt , B.A., 1890; M.A., Teachers’ College, Colum- bia University, 1922. 1921-22. R hoda A. L ippincott , B.A., i 9I7; M.A., Columbia University, i 9aa. Teacher of French, Morristown, N. J., High School. 1922-23. G race C ochran , B.A., 1917; Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1930, Student, Cer­ tificat d Aptitude d’ enseigner le français à l’étranger, Sorbonne, France, 1922. Assistant Professor of Romance Languages, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. M ildred E. (W illard ) F ry , B.A., 1920; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1924. C aroline J J 1924- 25. E. M yrick , B.A., 1914; M.A., Radcliffe College, 1916. 1925- 26. H elen E. (H owarth ) L ewis, B.A., 1920; M.A., Smith College, 1926. Research Associate, Harvard University Observatory. Research, Physics Labora­ tory, American Optical Co. HOLDERS OF FEL L O W S H IP S 157 1926- 27. D orothy (P la c k ) P ucta , B .A ., 19 11; M .A., University o f Pennsylvania, 1927. 1927- 28. E m m a T . R. (W illiam s ) V yssotsky , B.A., 1916; Ph.D., Radcliffe College, 1929. Student, Harvard University Observatory, 1927-29. Research Fel­ low, Leander-McCormiclt Observatory. Instructor in Astronomy, Uni­ versity of Virginia. 1928- 29. E dna J ean (P rosser) "W ebster, B.A., 1926; M.A., University of Wisconsin, 1929. 1929- 30. G ertrude M a lz , B.A., 1923; M.A., University of Wisconsin, 1924; Ph.D., Ibid., 1928. Studied at the American School of Classical Studies, Athens, 1929-30. Instructor in Greek and Latin, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va. 1930-31. 1924; M.A., Swarthmore College, 1931. Teaching Latin in the Swedesboro High School. M ary E lizabeth Sh in n , B.A., 1931-32. G ertrude (G ilmore ) L afore, B.A., 1928; M.A., Columbia University, 1932. Teaching at Bennington College, 1932-34. Lecturer in Education, Swarthmore College, 1936— . 1933- 34Josephine E lliotte W ilson, B.A., 1915; M.A., Teachers’ College, Columbia University, 1934. Instructor of English, State Teachers’ College, West Chester, Pa. 1933-36D orothy E. C. D itter, B.A., 1930; studied at the University of Pennsyl­ vania, 1935-37. Assistant, Department of History, University of Penn­ sylvania. 1937-38. M ary F airbanks , B.A., 1934; studied at Columbia University. United States Housing Authority, Washington, D. C. 158 SW A RTH M O RE COLLEGE B U L L E T IN H O LD ER S O F T H E IV Y M E D A L * 1898. A n n a B elle E isenhower, B.A., 1899; A.B., Radcliffe College, 1900; A.M., Ibid., 1907. 1899. M art G . L eiper, B.L., 1899. Deceased. 1900. M ary S. H aviland , B.L., 1900; B.A., Radcliffe College, 1901. Deceased. 1901. G eorge A. Seaman , B.A., 1901. Deceased. 1902. E lliott R ichardson, B.S., 1902; C.E., 1905. 1903. Sam u el T . Stewart , B.A., 1903. 1904. H alliday R. J ackson, B.A., 1904; M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 19331905. Louis N. R obinson, B.A., 1905; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1911. 1906. T . H. D udley P erkins, B.A., 1906. Deceased. 1907. A mos J. P easlee, B.A., 1907; LL.B., Columbia University, 1911. 1908. H erman P ritchard, B.S., 1908; M.A., 1911. 1909. W alter F. R ittm an , B.A., 1908; M.A.; 1909; M.E., 1911; Ch.E., I9I7 > Ph.D., Columbia University, 1914. 1910. J ohn E. J ohnson, B.S., 1910. 1911. Joseph H. W illits, B.A., 1911; M.A., 1912; LL.D., 1937; Ph.D., Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania, 1916. 1912. H erman E lliott W ells, B.S., 1912. 1913. H enry L ee M essner, B.A., 1913. 1914. A lbert R oy O gden, B.A., 1914. Deceased. 1915. T homas B ayard M c C abe, B.A., 1915. 1916. H ugh Frederick D enworth, B.A., 1916; M.A., University of Penn­ sylvania, 1918. 1917. W illiam W est T omlinson , B.A., 1917. 1918. F rederick Stockham D onnelly , B.A., 1918. Deceased. 1919. C harles M a n l y H owell , B.A., 1919. 1920. D etlev W u lf B ronk, A.B., 1920; Sc.D., 1937; M.S., University of Michigan, 1922; Ph.D., Ibid., 1926. 1921. A lan C. V alentine , B.A., 1921; LL.D., 19375 M.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1922. Rhodes Scholar, B.A. (Honors), Oxford University, 1925. M.A., Oxford, 1929. 1922. R ichard W illiam Slocum , B.A., 19225 LL.B., H arvard University, 1925. 1923. A rthur Joy R awson, B.A., 1923; M.E., 1930. 1924. R ichmond P earson M iller , B.A., 1924. 1925. M arvin Y ard B urr, B.A., 1925; M.A., Columbia University, 1927; Ph.D., Ibid., 1930. Deceased. 1926. R ichard M elville P erdew, B.A., 1926. 1927. J ames R oland P ennock , B.A., 1927; M.A., Harvard University, 1928; Ph.D., 1932. 1928. D ouglass W innett O rr, B.A., 1928; M.B. and M.S., Northwestern University Medical School, 1934. 1929. T homas M cP herson B rown, B.A., 1929; M.D., 1933, Johns Hopkins Medical School. *The term s o f th e award o f this m edal are found on p. 40 . AWARDS 159 1930. R ichard M organ K ain , B.A., 1930; A.M ., University of Chicago, 1931; Ph.D., 1934. 1931. Sam u el M ahon , B.A., 1931. 193a. E dwin Scott L utton , B.A., 193a; Ph.D., Yale University, 1935. 1933. F ranklin P orter, B.A., 1933; M.A., University of Chicago. 1934. F rank C. P ierson, B.A., 1934. 1935. V an D usen K ennedy , B.A., 1935. 1936. J ames F ranklin M c C ormack , B.A., 1936. 1937. D orwin C artwright, B.A., 1937. 1938. K ermit G ordon, B.A., 1938. 1939. R ichard E. L ippincott, B.A., 1939. H OLDERS O F T H E O AK LEAF M EDAL* 192a. B arbara (M a n le y ) P hilips , B.A., 1922. 1933. I sabelle Sh aw (F ussell ) E wing , B.A., 1923. 1924. G ertrude P aula (K n a pp ) Stoughton, B.A., 1924. 1925. I nez V ictoria (C oulter ) R ussell, B.A., 1925. 1926. L ydia W illiams (R oberts) D u n h am , B.A., 1926. 1927. K atherine Josephine (S nyder ) SassU, B.A., 1927. 1928. M argaret (S omerville) M c I nerney , B.A., 1928. 1929. H elen C aroline (R obison) B ishop, B.A., 1929. 1930. E lizabeth ( Y ard ) A rmson, B.A., 1930. 1931. C aroline A lberta (J ackson ) R ushmore, B.A., 1931. 1932. F lorence E lizabeth (W illiams ) P otts, B.A., 1932. 1933. B abette (S chiller ) Spiegal, B.A., 1933. 1934. R uth E leanor (K ew ley ) D onahower, B.A., 1934. 1935. E lizabeth M ary B lair , B.A., 1935. 1936. L orraine (P atterson ) B radbury, B.A., 1936. 1937. I sabel H olly R oss, B.A., 1937. 1938. V irginia H adley V awter , B.A., 1938. 1939. M arion d e K a y R ous, B.A., 1939. H O L D E R S O F T H E M cC A B E E N G IN E E R IN G A W A R D f 1936. R obert S. Schairer, B.S., 1936; Ph.D., California Institute of Tech­ nology, 1939. 1937. B enjam in C ooper, B.S., 1937. 1938. G eoffrey K eller, B.S., 1938. 1939. John W atts R oberts, B.S., 1939. ♦ The terms of the award of this medal are found on p. 40. fThe terms of this award are found on p. 40. i6o SW A R TH M O R E COLLEGE B U L L E T IN D E G R E E S C O N F E R R E D I N J U N E , 1939 BACHELOR OF AR TS IN T H E HONORS COURSE In the Division of the Humanities R oland C onkle B all , J r. K enneth R andall M eader (‘with Highest Honors) C harles W allis E dmunds, J r. (with Honors) M ary K ing G rinnell (with High Honors) M ark G ross (with High Honors) D oris H erold (with High Honors) A ndré H ubbard (with Honors) P eter K aufm ann M argaret (with Honors) M arion de K a y R ous (with Highest Honors) M ary W ebb R y a n (with High Honors) M ary Solis-C ohen (with Honors) A nne E xton Stone (with Honors) A nn C raig Sutton (with High Honors) (with Highest Honors) A lden T odd (with Honors) H azen K ing J oan W oollcott (with Honors) (with High Honors) In the Division of ti e Social Sciences R aymond C adwallader A lbertson E dmund Jones (with High Honors) (with Honors) H erman C harles K rattenmaker M argaret E lizabeth B aker (with Honors) (with High Honors) R ichard E wing L ippincott J ames H orton B lackm an (with High Honors) (with High Honors) E dward Southard L ittle L ewis C rowder B ose (with Honors) (with High Honors) K laus B raun (with High Honors) Sa lly M c C lelland (with Honors) M argaret C hase (with High Honors) Y oko M atsuoka E ugene C lark (with High Honors) (with High Honors) G retchen K och C ollier D avid M c N eil O lds (with High Honors) (with Highest Honors) R ichard A lbert D im pfl (with Honors) W illiam H oggatt P rice E dward L aurence D obbins (with Highest Honors) (with Honors) R obert B ruce R ockwood H ans S kabo E richsen (with High Honors) (with High Honors) E lvin R ittenhouse Souder R alph H art F isher (with Honors) (with Honors) M ary L illian G oodwin A rthur L essner Sw iit , 3rd (with High Honors) (with Honors) R obert M usselwhite G oshorn (with High Honors) M argaret E leanor H unter (with High Honors) Stewart T horn (with Highest Honors) J ames M orrison W ilson, J r. (with High Honors) F lorence H ickcox Y a jd (with Honors) DEGREES CO N FERRED I N 19 39 161 In the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences Joan P ascal (with Honors) (with High Honors) P auline A lden R amsdell (with Honors) A nn E lizabeth D ouglas (with Honors) J ane Shohl (with Honors) B arbara Stearns (with Honors) B arbara J ean E ntenberg (with Highest Honors) H elen R awson Steel (with Honors) B eatrice L aura H art (with Honors) D ale L inton H erndon (with Honors) F rederick C arl Strong, 3rd (with High Honors) M ary A deline H oagland (with High Honors) J ohn C unningham T homas (with Highest Honors) H elen P almer Jones (with Honors) R obert W olf (wit; High Honors) R obert H ervey J ermain C reighton BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN T H E HONORS COURSE In the Division of Engineering Louis F ussell C offin , Jr. (with Honors) J ohn C. D utton (with Honors) BACHELOR OF ARTS IN T H E GENERAL COURSE With the Major in Botany E lizabeth A nn H arrington R achel L a F etra M artenet M . A lice R ickey With the Major in Chemistry R aymond R ichards H arris R obert H arvey M orris N athan L ewis Smith , Jr. G ary W hite With the Major in Economics John R obert B rown W illiam C urtiss C ampbell (as of the Class of 1937) E dward G raham C aruthers W illiam H oward D oriss M ildred G ee M ary J ane H astings W illiam A shby Ju m p , Jr. P aula E thel L ouise K altenbach B ainbridge M orse L arkin R obert G eorge L einroth, II L eland Stanford M ac P h ail , J r. J ane W ard M artin P atricia W ard Schock G ertrude C aroline Shero K eith S immer ER SWARTHE With the Major in English Josephine L ouise A lexander M arjorie B ays E va E lizabeth B oss C harles A dams C aldwell (as of the Class of 1938) D e W itt Sanger D avidson J ean K nox D avis E leanor M arie J ohnson J ane Sproul K laer (as of the Class of 1938) Sa lly L indsay G eorge B rinton L ykens , Jr. E dward M artin M orningstar J essie E loise P etty N an cy B ockius Scott R obertson Sillars J ean C arter Slack D onald D avid Smith E lise E m m a Stone A lina E lizabeth T atman 162 SW A R TH M O R E COLLEGE B U L L E T IN G race-M art T homas Sarah G ilpin U nderhill G retchen L ouise W atson G ordon Spencer W atts J ames Shandor Z inner With the Major in Fine Arts R uth Harriet A ckerman W ilhelmine P aquet V irginia W oodworth M orse Janet D orothy W ilson With th Major in French M argaret R uth C heesman M ary I sabel James F ern M arjorie C ook H elen P orter C harlotte D ean D oris R oberson Shotwell K atherine Jeanne G ibson M arjory U nderdown M ary L ydia W hitford A lexander Illmer With the 1la ] or in Mathematics G ertrude E laine M aginniss With the Major in Philosophy E lizabeth Irene M ichael With the Major in Political Science W illem E liza B oom R obert D udley N eale, Jr. P aul H. B uchanan , Jr. James Simon Ottenberg Samuel A tkins E pstein P hilip L ouis Stein D avid H arman E dward Hallowell W orth, Jr. W ellington D owning Jones, Jr. John F isher W right With the Major in Psychology C harles R obert B ell E va M arie L adenburg M ary C atherine B owers M argaret T rimble With the Major in Zoology Joseph C hrystal B ender G eorge Robert F ornwalt L awrence C arey C raig W illiam T oliver L ivingston, II Samuel L ukens C resson B arbara Shaw B ruce Roberts V alentine BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN T H E GENERAL COURSE With the Major in Civil engineering W illiam D oerr P atterson John W atts Roberts Robert B eatty P eelle John B urwell W arrington With the Major in Electrical Engineering R ichard B enjamin M ason With the Major in Mechanical Engineering V incent Saull B oyer O live G raham H endricks W hitney C ollins G ordon P. T apley Robert B ell W alker IN D E X Absences from Examination, 57 Administrative Officers, 18 A d m i s s i o n , R e q u i r e m e n t s f o r , 43 Scholastic Aptitude Test, 43 Subject Requirements, 44 Admission to Honors Work, 53 Advanced Standing, 47 Alumnae Scholarship, 37 Alumni Field, 23 Alumni Scholarships, 37 American Student Union, 26 Arthur Hoyt Scott Foundation, 24, 29 Arts and Crafts, 25 Astronomical Observatories, 22, 23 Astronomy and Mathematics, Courses in, 97 Athletic Associations, 26 A t h l e t i c F i e l d s , 23 Alumni Field, 23 Cunningham Field, 23 Swarthmore Field, 23 Atkinson Scholarship, Barclay G., 32 Atkinson Scholarship, Rebecca M., 32 Attendance at Classes and Collection, 56 Automobiles, Regulation Against, 58 Awards, 40 Bachelor of Arts Degree, 48 Bachelor of Science Degree, 48 Bartol Foundation Building, 24 Bassett Dormitory, 22 Beardsley Hall, 23 Benjamin West House, 24 Benjamin West Society, 28 B oard of M an ager s, 8 Officers and Committees, 9 Bond Memorial, 24 Botany, Geology, Courses in, 61 B u il d in g s a n d G r o u n d s, 2 1 Alumni Field, 23 Astronomical Observatories, 22} 23 Bartol Foundation Building, 24 Bassett Dormitory, 22 Beardsley Hall, 23 Benjamin West House, 24 Bond Memorial, 24 Chemistry, Hall of, 22 Cunningham Field, 23 Dormitories for Men, 22 Field House, 23 Hall Gymnasium (for Men),23 Hicks Hall, 23 Buildings and Grounds— Continued Isaac H. Clothier Memorial, 21 Library Building, 23 Martin, Edward, Biological Labora­ tory, 22 Meeting House, 24 Parrish Hall, 21 Scott, Arthur Hoyt, Horticultural Foundation, 24, 29 Somerville Hall (Gymnasium for Women), 23 Sproul Observatory, 22 Students* Observatory, 23 Swarthmore Field, 23 Swimming Pools, 23 Trotter Hall, 22 Wharton Hall, 22 Woolman House, 22 Worth Hall, 22 Bulletin, Swarthmore College, 25 Bunting, Ella Frances, Extemporaneous Speaking Contest, 41 C alen d ar, C ollege, 4 Lunar, 3 Camera Club, 2 7 Cercle Français, 25 Certificate, Admission by, 43 Chemistry Club, 25 Chemistry, Courses in, 64 Chemistry, Hall of, 22 Chorus, Mixed, 26 Class of 1 9 1 3 Loan Fund, 4 2 Class Scholarships, 3 2 Classical Club, 25 Classics, Courses in, 6 7 Clothier Memorial, 21 Collection, 24 Collection Attendance, 56 College Entrance Examination Board, 4 3 45 College Publications, 25 Committees of the Board of Managers, 9 Committees of the Faculty, 20 Comprehensive Examinations, 50 Conditions, 56 Contents, Table of, 6 Cooper, Sarah Kaighn, Scholarship, 32 Cooper, William J., Foundation, 28 Cooperation with Nearby Institutions, 55 Corporation, 8 Course Advisers, 50 164 SW A RTH M O RE COLLEGE B U L L E T IN C o u r s e s o r I n s t r u c t io n : Botany, 61 Chemistry, 64 Classics, 67 Economics, 71 Engineering, 74 Civil, 77 Electrical, 80 Mechanical, 82 English, 84 Fine Arts, 88 German, 89 History, 93 Mathematics and Astronomy, 97 Music, 103 Philosophy and Religion, 104 Physical Education for Men, 107 Physical Education for Women, 109 Physics, h i Political Science, 113 Psychology and Education, 116 Romance Languages, 120 Zoology, 123 Cunningham Field, 23 Curators of Biddle Memorial Library, 20 Cutting, Bronson M., Collection, 28 Debate Board, 27 Prizes, 27 Definition of Entrance Requirements, 43 Entrance Requirements, 43 Examination Regulations, 57 Examinations, College Board, 43-45 Exclusion from College, 59 Expenses, 59 Faculty, 10 Faculty Regulations, 56 Fees, Tuition, Laboratory, etc., 59 F e l l o w s h i p s a n d S c h o l a r s h i p s , 31 Hannah A. Leedom, 31 Holders of Fellowships, 144 John Lockwood Memorial, 31 Joshua Lippincott Fellowship, 31 Lucretia Mott Fellowship, 31 Martha E. Tyson, 32 Open Scholarships for Men, 35 Open Scholarships for Women, 36 Scholarships, List of, 31 Sigma Xi Research Fellowship, 31 T. H. Dudley Perkins Memorial, 33 Working Scholarships, 39 Field House, 23 Fine Arts, Courses in, 88 Foreign Language Requirements, 49-50 Fox, George, Award, 41 French, Courses in, 120 Friends Historical Library, 23, 30 Friends Meeting, 24 Fry, Elizabeth, Award, 41 D eg r ees , 48 Advanced Engineering, 48 Bachelor of Arts, 48 Bachelor of Science, 48 Master of Arts, 48 Master of Science, 48 Degrees Conferred in 1939, 160 Delta Upsilon Prize, 41 Divisions and Departments, 17 D orm itories , 21 Bassett Dormitory, 22 Dormitories for Men, 22 Parrish Hall, 21 Wharton Hall, 22 Woolman House, 22 Worth Hall, 22 Dorsey Scholarship, William, 32 Economics, Courses in, 71 Education, Physical, 107, 109 Engineering, Courses in, 74 Engineering, Degrees in, 48 Engineering, Division of, 17, 49, 53 Engineering Shops, 23 Engineers* Club, 25 English, Courses in, 84 General Courses, 50 Geographical Distribution of Students, 143 German Club, 25 German Language and Literature, Courses in, 89 Gillingham, Joseph E., Fund, 33 Glee Club, College, 26 Grades, System of, 56 Graduation, Requirements for, 49 Greek Language and Literature, Courses in, 67 Halcyon, The, 26 Hall Gymnasium, 23 Hayes, John Russell, Poetry Prizes, 41 Health Regulations, 57 Hicks Hall, 23 History, Courses in, 93 Honorary Scholarship Societies, 27 H o n o r s W o r k , 51 Admission to, 53 Combinations of Majors and Minors, 52 Examiners, 1939, 54 General Statement, 51 165 IN D EX Honors Work— Continued Offered by the Departments of: Botany, 62 Chemistry, 65 Classics, 69 Economics, 72 Engineering, Civil, 79 Electrical, 81 Mechanical, 83 English, 85 Fine Arts, 88 French, 122 German, 91 History, 94 Mathematics and Astronomy, 100 Philosophy, 105 Physics, h i Political Science, 115 Psychology, 118 Zoology, 124 Humanities, Division of, 17, 49, 52 Italian, Courses in, 121 Ivins, Aaron B., Scholarship, 39 Ivy Medal, 40 Holders of, 158 Johnson Fund, George K. and Sallie K., 33 Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarship Fund, 33 Laboratory Workshop (Drama), 26 Lapham Scholarship, Anson, 32 Latin Language and Literature, Courses in, 68 Leedom Fellowship, Hannah A., 31 Holders of, 144 Leedom Scholarship, Thomas L., 32 L i b r a r i e s , 23, 29 Friends Historical, 23, 30 Library Building, 23 Lippincott Fellowship, The Joshua, 31 Holders of, 146 Lippincott Scholarship, Sarah E., 32 Little Theatre Club, 26 Loans, 41 Location and Foundation of the College, 21 Lockwood Memorial Fellowship, John, 31 Holders of, 150 Maintenance of Automobiles, 58 Major Subjects, 49, 52 M a n a g e r s, B oard of, 8 Officers and Committees, 9 Map of College Grounds, Facing Page 2 Martin, Edward, Biological Labora­ tory, 22 Master of Arts Degree, 48 Master of Science Degree, 48 Mathematics and Astronomy, Courses, 97 Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Di­ vision of, 17, 49, 53 McCabe Engineering Award, 40 Holders of, 159 Meeting House, 24 Miller, James E., Scholarship, 33 Miller, John A., Loan Fund, 41 Minor Subjects, 49, 52 Mott Fellowship, Lucretia, 31 Holders of, 152 Music, 163 Musical Clubs, 26 Newton, A. Edward, Library Prize, 40 Oak Leaf Medal, 40 Holders of, 159 Observatories, Astronomical, 22, 23 Open Scholarships for Men, 35 Open Scholarships for Women, 36 Orchestra, College, 26 Outing Club, 26 Paiste Fund, Harriet, 33 Parrish Hall, 21 Perkins, T. H. Dudley, Memorial Schol­ arship, 33 Phi Beta Kappa, 27 Philosophy and Religion, Courses in, 104 Philosophy Club, 25 Phoenix, The, 26 Physical Education for Men, 107 Physical Education for Women, 109 Physical Education Requirements, 49 Physics, Courses in, 111 Political Science, Courses in, 113 Portfolio, 26 Potter Scholarship, William Plumer, 33 Pre-Medical Work, 125 Press Board, 26 Preston Scholarship Fund, Mary Coates, 34 Psychology and Education, Courses in, 116 P u b l i c a t i o n s , C o l l e g e , 25 Bulletin, Swarthmore College, 25 Radio Club, 27 Reeves Scholarship, Mark E., 32 R e g u l a t io n s Faculty, 56 Miscellaneous, 58 166 SW A RTH M O RE COLLEGE B U L L E T IN Religion and Philosophy, Courses in, 104 Religious Exercises, 24 Requirement of Vaccination, 57 Requirements for Admission, 43 Requirements for Graduation, 49 Work of First Two Years, 49 Work of Last Two Years, 50 Romance Languages, Courses in, 120 Scholarship Examinations, 46 Scholarships, List of, 31 Scholastic Aptitude Test, 35, 36, 43-45 Scott, Arthur Hoyt, Foundation, 24, 29 Serrill Scholarship, Wm. G. and Mary N., 34 Shoemaker Scholarship, Annie, 34 Sicard, Katharine B., Prize, 41 Sigma Tau, 27 Sigma Xi, 27 Sigma Xi Fellowship, 31 Holders of, 155 Sketch Club, 27 Social Sciences, Division of, 17, 49, 53 Somerville Forum, 25 Somerville Hall (Gymnasium for Wom­ en), 23 Spanish, Courses in, 121 Special Awards, 40 Sproul Observatory, 22 Squier Scholarship, Helen E. W., 3 5 States, Summary of Students by, 143 Students, 1939-40, 126 Students’ Observatory, 23 S t u d e n t A c t i v i t i e s , 25 American Student Union, 26 Arts and Crafts, 25, 27 Athletic Associations, 26 Camera Club, 27 Cercle Français, 25 Chemistry Club, 25 Classical Club, 25 College Press Board, 26 Debate Board, 27 Engineers* Club, 25 German Club, 25 Student Activities— Continued Little Theatre Club, 26 Musical Clubs, 26 Philosophy Club, 25 Publications, Student, 26 Radio Club, 27 Sketch Club, 27 Somerville Forum, 25 Subject Requirements, 44 Sullivan Scholarship, Joseph T., 32 Summer School Work, 57 Swarthmore Field, 23 Swimming Pools, 23 Taylor Scholarship, Jonathan K., 37 Thorne Fund, Phebe Anna, 37 Trotter Hall, 22 Tuition and Other Fees, 59 Tyson Fellowship, The Martha E., 32 Holders of, 156 1939-40, Summary by States, 143 Underhill Scholarship, Samuel J., 32 U n d er g r ad u ate Stu d en ts, 12 6 Vocational Service, 60 Westbury Quarterly Meeting Scholar­ ship, 37 Wharton Hall, 22 Wharton Scholarship, Deborah F., 32 Willets Funds, Samuel, 37 Williams, Ellis D., Fund, 42 Williamson, I. V., Scholarships, 38 Wilson, Edward Clarkson, Scholarship, 39 Wood Fund, Mary, 39 Woodnut Scholarship, Thomas, 32 Woolman House, 22 Working Scholarships, 39 Worth Hall, 22 Zoology, Courses in, 123 The Bulletin is published quarterly by Swarthmore College, from the College Office, Swarthmore, Pa. Entered as mail matter of the second-class, in accordance with pro­ vision of the Act of Congress of July 16, 1S94. FRANKLIN PRINTING CO. PHILADELPHIA