Swarthmore College CATALOGUE 1897-98 ma QQ367 721 Author: Swarthmore college. Title: Catalogue Class .: LD518S .03 V.39 Ace .no .: 11 4203 * Hw O W ^ - - In 1-1 o Z ^ wS O z <: z ^< m S Twenty-Ninth Annual Catalogue OF Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pa. 1897-98. PHILADELPHIA : FRANKLIN PRINTING COMPANY 516-51S MINOR STREET, 1897. Contents. The Caikndar, 3 The Corporation, 4 Board of Managers, Officers and CommiUees, . • 4 6 • ... The Faculty, ... Certificate, fo r ... 26 Higher 27 27 Classes, Partial . Officers ok Instruction, Admission by Examinations Courses of Study, ... Courses of Instruction. 28 30 8 Biology, Chemistry, 9 Drawing and Painting, . 31 • • . 32 History of Art, Engineering and List ok Students. Mechanic Arts, Senior Class, Junior Class, 1 Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, 12 >2 14 .... Unclassified Students, 15 16 Summary, . • J^ • English Language and Litera- 36 ture, French Language and Literature, ^^ • German Language and Litera- 40 ture, iN(f)iT, T>YDiA H. Hall, Isaac oii-, H. Ci.oihier. Building and Property. Edward H. 0(;den, Emmor Roiseris, Edmund Wkbsjer, Daniel Underhill, Jane P. Downing, Howard W. Rachel W. Hii.lhorn, Museum and Mary Eli Lippincoti , Robert M. Janney. Laboratories. Mary Willets, Edward Martin. C. Clothier, M. Lamb, Friends' Historical Library. Lydia H. Hall, Edward Stabler, Isaac H. Clothier, Rebecca Jr., Trusts, Longstreth. Endowments, and Scholarships. Edward H. Ogden, Edmund Webster, Emmor Roberts, Susan W. Lippincott, Rebecca C. Longstreth, John Trustees Isaac H. Clothier, C. ot T. Willeis. Endowed Professorships. Edward H. Ogdex, Emmor Roberts. Library. Lydia H. Hall, Rachel W. Hillborn, Edward Stabler. Jr., John T. Willets. Secretary, Faculty/' 1897-98. CHARLES De GARMO, , President. ELIZABETH POWELL BOND. Dean. Prof. EDWARD H. M AGILE. ARTHUR BEARDSLEY. WILLIAM HYDE APPLETON. Prof. SUSAN SuPT. Prof. WILLIAM WILLIAM Prof. FERRIS W. PRICE. Prof. GEORGE Prof. Prof. J. CUNNINGHAM. J. C. A. HALL.f DAY. HOADLEY. SPENCER TROTTER. ESTHER T. MOORE. Prof. MARIE A. K. HOADLEY. Prof. WILLIAM I. HULL. Prof. '' By-Laws —" The President, Dean, and such of the resident Professors and others as be elected by the Board, shall constitute the Faculty. They may shall hold regular meetings, arrange the course of study, determine the qualifications for admission and for graduation, decide upon rulci of order, and determine all questions pertaining to the discipline or instruction, subject to the ap- proval of the Executive Committee, to f On whom leave of absence for the year. they shall report monthly." Officers of Instruction/' CHARLES De GARMO, Ph.D., President, and I'lofessor of Philosophy. ELIZABETH POWELL BOND, A.M., Dean. EDWARD H. MAGILL, A.M., LL.D., Professor of the French Language and Literature. ARTHUR BEARDSLEY, L V. Williamson C.E., Ph.D., Professor of Engineering, and Director of the Workshop.s. WILLL\M HYDE APPLETON, A.M., LL.B., Ph.D., Professor of Greek and of Early English. SUSAN J. CUNNINGHAM, Edward H. Magill Sc.D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. WILLIAM CATHCART DAY, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. SPENCER TROTTER, M.D., Professor of Biology and Geology. GEORGE A. HOADLEY, C.E., A.M., Professor of Physics. FERRIS W. PRICE, A.M., Isaac H. Clothier Professor of the Latin MARIE A. K. HOADLEY, Professor of the WILLIAM I. Literature. Ph.D., Joseph Wharton Professor of History and Arranged Literature. A.M., German Language and HULL, Language and Political Economy. with the exception of the President and Dean, in the order of appointment, as and other Instructors. Professors, Assistant Professors, SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 20 MYRTIE FURMAN, E. M.O., Assistant Professor in charge of Elocution. JOHN RUSSELL HAYES, A.B., LL.B., Assistant Professor of English. BEATRICE MAGILL, Instructor in J. K. Drawing and Painting. SHELL, M.D., Director of Physical Training for the EMILY HUNT, G. Young Men. M.D., Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene to the JOSEPH BAYLEY, Jr., Shop Assistant in Engineering, HENRY GUMMERE, V. Young Women. Practice. A.M., Assistant in Mathematics. MARY V. MITCHELL GREEN, Director of Physical Training for the WILLIAM H. ADEY, M.D., Young Women. C.E., Assistant in Engineering, Field Practice and Drawing. RACHEL LLOYD HUTCHINSON, Assistant in ESTHER T. Department of Physical Training. MOORE, A.B., .Secretary to the President, SARAH M. Librarian. NOWELL, and Registrar. Students. This' signifies that the student is taking all the work of the Senior Cla«s, but has yet some to pass before being regularly admitted to it. examinations SENIOR CLASS. Name. Residence. Course. Charles T. Brown Hiram D. Campbeli Arts Eva Letters . Science E. Foster' A. Virginia Gillespie . . . West Chester, Pa. . . . . . . Lancaster, Pa. . . Allegheny, Pa. Letters Ironton, Ohio. Mabel Harris Letters Etna, N. H. Engineering Pine, Col. Jonathan Y. Higginson Mt. Ephraim, X. Mary S. Howell Arts Somerton, Pa. Rachel Knight Letters Letters Baltimore, Md. Edith Lamb Svvarthmore, Pa. Caroline A. Lukens .... Letters ' . . William B. Miller Albert C. Myers Edna M. Nicholl Arthur L. Patton S. Edna Pownali Eva T. Rengier Edna H. Richards Arthur C. Smedley Levi S. Taylor Frederic L. Thomas .... ' Abner p. Way F. . . . . . . ... . Letters . . Science Science J. . . . . . Kennett Square, Pa. Scotch Plains, N. L Panola, 111. Christiana, Pa. . . . Lancaster, Pa. Salem, Ohio. . . Willistown Inn, Pa. . . Philomont, Va. Engineering .\shton, Md. Science ... . . . Science .... . . Letters ' . Letters Letters ' . Engineering Media, Pa. Letters ' Wilson Alice Witbeck Frederic . . . . . Swarthmore, Pa. Engineering Jersey Shore, Pa. Letters . . Belvidere. 111. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 12 junior class. Name. Mary Course. G. Ball Richard J. Bond Levis M. Booth .... Anna Bradbury .... John P. Broomell Ella L. Cass Calvin F. Crowell Augusta C. Edel Anna B. Eisenhower Edith Flitcraft .... . . . . . . . . Mabel C. Gillespie . Gilbert L. Hall M. Katharine Lackey . Mary G. Leiper Jane E. Linvill . . . . . . . S. Moore . . . Science Arts Irregular . . . . . . . Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters . . . Letters . Letters . . Moorestown, N. Woodstown, N. Brentwood, N. Y. . . Philadelphia, Pa. Riverton, N. Philadelphia, Pa. Letters . Letters . Arts . Letters Engineering Tyrone, Pa. . . Arts . . Letters . . . . . . . . . . . Atlantic City, N. Mickleton, N. . . . . . . . . Brooklyn, N. Y. . New Hope, . . . . . . . . . . Pa. Abrams, Pa. Glen Cove, N. Y. Engineering Darby, Pa. Letters . . Glen Cove, N. Y. class. . Irregular . . Science . . Arts . . . J. . Residence. Course. Armstrong Benjamin Bachrach Lucy Bancroft George L. Bean J. Philadelphia, Pa. Letters . J. Wallingford, Pa. . . J. Atlantic City, N. Science . J. Allegheny, Pa. . Name. E. Md. Norristown, Pa. . . Baltimore, Swarthmore, Pa. Arts Arts Chester, Pa. Richmond, Ind. . Arts Letters J. Svvarthmore, Pa. Irregular sophomore Mary . . . Elizabeth E. Willits . Letters . . . . . . . . . Letters . . . . . . Marshall Pancoast Mary E. Seaman .... Ely J. Smith George B. Stevens Benjamin A. Thomas Emily R. Underbill J. Serrill Verlenden . Engineering Upper Darby, Pa. . Annie Lodge ..... Horace W. McFetridge Helen . . .... .... Alice Lippincott Letters . . Residence. Merchantville, N. . . Lansdowne, Pa. . . . . Decatur, III. Wilmington, Del Engineering Philadelphia, Pa. J. swAKTHMokK ((nA.v.c.y Kckidence. (Jotirsc. I-UCKKIIA S. Bl,ANkKNHt;i< . J'liiladelphia, I'a. Irri\[^iil(rr ROHF.KI' L. Bkowniiei.ii, W. Cakifk Emii.y . Fl,f)KKNCE K. ClIklSTV Jknnie Cokek John W. Coles Caroline F. Comly J. Roberts Cox Paul Darlinoton Georce K. Evans Roger J5. Farquhar, Helen M. Fogg . . . . . Irregular . Science . . Letters . . Arts George M. Lamb, Jr Anna H. Lippincott Walter H. Lippincott J. . McDowell . Annie Parrish Katharine Pfeiffek . Margery Pyle . N. Y. Canada. Hartsvillc, S. C. . J, Philadeljjhia, Pa. Engineering Baltimore, Md. . . . . Science Hubbard Mae Myers Letters . . l',iiffalo, Evgincrring Camden, N. . J . Plooinfield, . A. Davis Jackson M. Lukens . . . Edmund A. Harvey Anna K. Hiries Emima Irrrgttlar . Joseph C. Haines Lillian Irregular . . Jessie . . Gillin(;hai\i F^DwiN D. J.rtlrrs , . Anna Philaciel])hia, Pa. . . . Darling, Pa. Moorestown, N. . . Rockville, J. Md. . . Philadeljjhia, Pa. . . . Topeka, Kansas. . . Letters . . Arts . Irregular . . . . Science . . . Science . . . Science . . . Letters . . . Irregular . Letters . . . . . . . . Arts . Letters . Letters . . . Letters . . . Mickleton, N. J. Brandywine Summit, New O.xford, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Nine Points, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Riverton, N. J. Riverton, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. New York. N. Y. Kennett Square, Pa. Woodbury, N. J. Camden, N. J. London Grove, Pa. . Arts . Lrregular . . Lrregular . . Letters . . Mooresto^vn, N. William H. Thatcher . Science . . Wilmington, Del. Ethel Thompson Albert T. Verlenden . Letters . . . Lrregular E. Helen J. . . Speakman Alford Stabler Elizabeth P. T. Sullivan . . . . . Wilmington, Del. Baltimore, Baltimore, Darbv. Pa. Md. Md. J. Pa. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 14 FRESHMAN Name. CLASS. Course. - Residence. Scienct: M. Ida Alley Emily M. Atkinson .... Arfs Lettcts Sl'san E. Atkinson Irrcgu/ar Rose E. Bachrach Irtrgula/Sara C. Baylis Engineering B. Franklin Bean, Jr. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . Clothier Sara A. Colson Sara Roxy Corlies Helen A. Cranston .... .... May p. V-Dee Edward Downing .... . Seienee . . . . . Media, Pa. Newport, Del. Letters . . Media, Pa. Letters . . . . . Moorestown, N. . New Letters . . . . . . . . letters Letters . Letters . . . Arts Hawke Arts Hess Hicks Letters . . . . . . . Letters . Reading, Pa. Jenkintown, Pa. . Jackson . Arts . . J. Lancaster, Pa. Media, Pa. Nine Points, Pa. Engineei-ing . Piedmont, Ala. Piedmont, Ala. Camden, N. . Knickeri!()CKER Phoenixville, Pa. Moorestown, N. Avondale, Pa. . E. Flushing, N. Y. . . Otley Toronto, Ohio. . Letters . J. York, N. Y. Engineering Fox Chase, Pa. Letters Amy W. East Norwich, N. Y. Savannah, Ga. . Howard B. Wynnevvood, Pa. Woodstown, N. J. . Lenore Houston Anna Media, Pa. . Irregular 4rts L. R. . Irregular . John K. Harper Caroline L. Hawke Mary Cornwall, N. Y. Letters Seienee Gilbert T. Walter Gilryson Elizabeth L. Gii.linc;ham Ethel Griest Sara S. Haines William Pawling, Pa. . Letters F. 111. . May K. Flannery May Francy F. . . Lrregular Mary . Irregular Viola Eckstein Deborah Ferrier Gertrude Decatur, Floral Park, N. Y. Engineering; Swarthmore, Pa. Arts Lydla. B. J. Earlington, Ky. Engineering Marietta, Pa. Cheyney B. ^ Engineering Morton, Pa. Letters Ho\VARD N. Cassel Paschall H. Chapman Fanny . . . Harry N. Benkert A. Mary Brown La Grangeville, N. McVeytown, Pa. New Lenox, 111. J. SVVAK rilMORK Mahki- ('. VV. Jean M. Thomas Kkf/i'^chmak r,ATlMKr< I-kiicii 15 CnlllSr. Niiiiie. AuiiKKV Ol.l,K(.i;. < , . . K. Lkih ikooi' Mary VV. 1,ipimnc()Tt Warnkr Love ... . . . Richard Peters Garfield Purdv George Satterthwaite G. Arthur Seaman Ira Smedley .... T. Arthur Smith Chester J. Tyson Ada Unuerhill . Helen D. Walker Anna Wildman . . . . . /.fih'rs . [. Mc)()resto\vn, N. J. Philadelphia. Pa. Irrci^ular (,'ollins, . Irrci^ular Hockessin, Del. . . J'a. . . Lancaster, Pa. . . Kennett . . Landenberg, Pa. f,elfers Arts . Scinare, Pa. , Letters . Engineeriih^ Philadel[)hia, Pa. Yorktown Heights, N. Y. . Letters . Engineering Jenkintown, Pa. . Arts . Etigineering Uwchlan. Pa. . . . . . Williamsport, Pa. Engineering Philadelphia, Pa. . Irregular . . Science . . Philadelphia, Pa. Arts . . . Irregular . Arts . . . . . . Md. Head, N. Y. (;ien . . Baltimore, . . . . . . . Riverlon. N. . Science . M. Florence Wvnn York, N. V. Rcadinpc. Pa. . . . Pa. . . Wilson .... William E. Wolverton George S. Worth New . F.nginecriiii!; . Edi'i'h Gertrude Wright I']iii^iiuiriii:^ . J. . Alts . . . . . . William M. Maule Frank M. McVauoh Edna M. Miller Georgia C. Myers Evelyn S. Nivin [rrc\:;i(lar . J. Alice M. Lukens l'liilaK.'\ A TKICK Mac.ii.l, InslrKctor. Drawing and Painting means of culture, course of Freehand Aside from its intrinsic value as a of close observation, and is courses, especially to those of It flowers, etc., and a and the History of Painting, qualified to work in it. It is open is it to all. leads to habits a very important adjunct to the other Engineering and Science. drawing from objects and consists of still-lite, Painting. casts, and painting tVom series of lectureson Practical Perspective A Sketch Class is open to the students held one afternoon a week for out-door sketching in the Spring and Autumn, and during the Winter-time sketches are li^ht made and shade. in the studio from casts and still-life, in color and SWARTIIMORE COLLEGE. 32 As the teaching in this department marked out course for each class : is altogether individual, suited and not to the special needs of each student, class work, there is but every student must pass the no fol- lowing graded course: Drawing from geometrical objects; cast, details of figure still-life; cast of ornament; head, or figure. cast, ; may After a sufficient training in drawing the student painting (either in water-color, oil, or pastel) still life, pass to flowers, and out-door sketching. History of Art. JUNIOR Class — {^Elective'), tzvo periods a ivcek. Art. — Early Painting. Rennaisance — Later Second Semester Senior Class. — {Elective) two periods a Semester: — Flemish and Dutch Art. Germany, Spain, and France. Second Semester: — Art First Semester Italian : : iveek. First in The The subjects course is given in alternate years. students are required to present written sketches upon the under consideration and to visit the different art exhibitions held in Philadelphia during each season. and Mechanic Arts. Eno'ineering: o o Arthur Beardsley, Professor- William H. Adey, This department students who is ; Joseph Bayley, Assistant, Field Jr., Assistant, Shop Work: Work and Drawing. intended to give a good preparation to those are expecting to become either Civil or Mechanical Engineers, or to engage in any of the several specialties of engineering practice. graduates will office, The and exercises are so arranged studies be prepared works, or amount of such field, in practice, that the in the subordinate positions, and, after a fair to become immediately to design useful and take charge of important works. The location of the College is most favorable for residence and td O M > "^ O O w ?d o o swARTiiMOKi; f;(>i.i,i':(;E. 33 of the counlry with ready access to Phila- sliuly, coinbiniiin ihc^ (|iiict delphia and the many and permitting freiiiicnt visits to inchistrial in\|)ort;int manufactiiiing cities in its vicinity, and engineering works of every kind. The ments, deijartmenl transits, is levels, familiar with their use field well provided with the necessary and draughtingrooni, carefully planned practice of the engineer. a course in the struction is instru- Included in the to illustrate the actual work of this department is which regular and systematic inthoroughly-equipped workshops, and by skilled Mechanic given in field and each student is made and management by ])ractical exercises in the plane-table, etc., Arts, in instructors in the use of tools and machinery, and in methods anrl processes. The Draughiing-Rootns are open for and furnished with and warmed, and are large, well-lighted, adjustable tables, models, etc., are well ventilated work during the greater part of the day. The Engineering Laboratory Q.ow\2\n% a ten-horse power vertical steam engine and boiler, an Olsen's testing-machine, arranged for tensile, compressive, and transverse tests, steam-engine indicators, apparatus for hydraulic and steam-engine experiments, and other and appliances. It includes, also, several shops, in which the student becomes familiar with the nature and ])roperties of the materials of construction (iron, wood, brass, etc.) employed by the engineer, and with the process of working them into the desired form for their intended uses. valuable instruments of The Machine Shop contains an excellent and complete assortment including 4 screw-cutting engine lathes, 3 speed lathes tools, (simple and back geared), an iron planer, a complete universal milling machine, a set of milling cutters adapted for general purposes and for making other cutters, a shaper, a twist-drill grinder, 2 u|)right drills, an emery grinder, a mill grinder, a grindstone, 16 vises (plain and swivel), 14 lathe chucks (combination, independent, scroll, and drill), a milling machine chuck, a rotary planer chuck, planer centres, a set of Bett's standard gauges, surface plates (Brown & Sharpe), sets of twist drills, reamers, mandrels, screw-plates, taps and dies, lathe centre grinder, a complete set of steam-fitters' tools, with pipe, vise, ratchet drill, etc., 3 together with the many necessary small tools, hammers, SWARTIIMORE COLLEGE. •34 •chisels, files, etc. Additions are constantly being made to this collec- by manufacture in the shops or by furnished by a 10x24 Corliss steam engine and tion as they are needed, either Power purchase. is a 60-horse power return tubular boiler, the former proved indicator, and the determining its fitted with an im- with the necessary attachments for latter efficiency, etc. The Wood- Working Shop contains 18 benches with vises and tools, a grindstone, and 8 wood-turning lathes. sets of wood-working The Smith Shop contains smith tools, bench, and forges, 10 anvils, 7 and sets of black- vise. The Foundry contains a brass furnace, moulders' benches, a variety of patterns, The in and of moulders' full sets tools. somewhat from year to year, but general, are represented by the following arrangement of the details of the course vary studies FRESHMAN English CLASS. — English Literature, Nineteenth Century Authors of England and America, Roman Lectures on the Greek and Practice Literatures; Description, in Orations, and Narrative Writing. Mathematics — Algebra, Geometry, and Plane Trigonometry, completed. Chemistry — Experimental and metals ; Lectures ; General Elementary Chemistry of non-metals Special Exercises in Laboratory Practice on topics selected with Work, the object of stimulating intelligent experimentation; Analytical tative and Draughting ing ; quali- quantitative. — Elements of Drawing ; Use of Instruments ; Tinting, Shading, Grain- Representation of Earthwork, Masonry, and Materials of Construction ; Special Plane Geometric Problems, Projections, Lettering. Shop Work — Wood-working and Pattern-making, Blacksmithing, Foundry, Prac- tice. SOPHOMORE Mathematics Chemistry Physics — Conic Sections — Qualitative ; CLASS. Differential Calculus. Analysis. — Analytical Mechanics, Liquids, Gases, and Sound, Lectures, Recitations, and Laboratory Work. Draughting — Structure and Machine Drawing Geometry, Point, Right Line, and Plane tering. ; ; Shades and Shadows ; Descriptive Tangencies and Intersections ; Let- SWAKIIIMORK Shop Work — Vise Work, turning in and l)rass scraping, cliijipitif;, filin^^, iron COI.r,EGE. reaming fittin^j, ta[)piii((, ; hand use of macliine tools, lathe-work, turning, boring, ; screw cutting, drilling, planing, milling, polishing, etc. ; lectures on machine and materials of construction. tools Ele('T1VF.s 35 — Krench, (Icrman, Elocution shop work. (See Junior ; shop work.) Cla.ss, JUNIOR CLASS. — Integral Calculus. Mathkmatics Physics — Heat, Magnetism, Engineering Electricity, and Light, Lectures, Recitations, and Lab- Work. oratory — Sur7ie Surveying. — Theory and practice of road, railroad, and canal surveying and engineering. Striictures — Building materials ; stability of structures superstructures; bridges, cranes, roofs, etc. Applied .Mecluinics ; graphical — Practical hydraulics : ; foundations and statics. practical pneumatics ; general theory of machines; theory of prime movers, steam engines, turbines, etc.; measurement of power. MechiU!is?ii—'Pnnc\\)\t<, of mechanism, of machine design, and of the transmission of power; construction and use of tools. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 36 — files Draughting Stereotoniy struclure and machine drawing plans, proand sections of road surveys; working drawings; designs and investiga; ; tions. Practical tests Electives Exercises —In the field, engineering laboratory, and shops of building materials and of machinery —Physics— Applied electricity; ; preparation of graduating thesis. running, and management under different loads lighting in both direct dynamos and motors; theory of care, application of the current to ; and alternating systems. and inspection of Visits to neighboring electrical plants. Chemistry as —Technical analysis of may be arranged Geology iron, steel, etc. — industrial chemistry with the Professor of Chemistry. — Lectures and practical field-work. — Early English. Elocution. English History — History, Constitution, and Civil Government of the United States. Mathematics and AstronoDiy vanced mathematics and three The Degree conferred in at the — Eight elective courses are offered in ad- astronomy. completion of the course is Bachelor of Science in Engineering. English Language and Literature. William H. Appleton, Anglo-Saxon and Early John Russell Hayes, English. Myrtie E. Furman, Elocntion and Oratory. The course in English. English Literature extends through three vears, by recitations and lectures. During this time Language is studied in connection with the Literature The particufrom the Anglo-Saxon period down to the present day. instruction being given the English lar feature of the course is the critical reading in the class-room of representa; ive authors, such as Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, Peculiarities of style and language Pope, Wordsworth, Tennyson. are looked allusions up, and every effort made for a considered, are thorough comprehension of the work studied in its relations to the compared with those of in hand. The history of the time, his contemporaries. By pected that the student will be enabled, from his author's and his this course own life is works are it is ex- observation, to s form an intelligent authors of So WAR III MORE c(ji,i.E(;i;, estimate of the style and merits of the great l'!)nglish literature. far as practicable, the Composition, and in work in I>iterature, in Klocution and C)ratory subjects for essays are largely suggested by the in Elocution is ;i7 and Oratory the study, Rhetoric and The co-ordinated. is work in Literature, and as literature, of the literature read considered fundamental to an intelligent oral expression. The a. courses offered are as follows: Literature. Fre.shman Year. — Lamb, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Ten- nyson, Browning, Arnold, Whittier, Emerson. The aim discipline and here, as throughout the course, spiritual insight, literary values. no less towards intellectual Portions of other authors are read, and a short his- survey of the Greek and the torical is than towards an appreciation of Roman order to illustrate the debt of English literature is given, in literature to the earlier great literatures. Sophomore The history of — The work of the year Ye.'\r. is largely Shakespeare. Elizabethan literature, Marlowe's Echuard II and Hamlet, The and selections from Herbert, Herrick, Dryden, Pope, Gray, Cowper, and Burns. parts of TiDiibiirlaini' ; Shakespeare's Tempest, and other selected plays — Ricluird II, Milton's poems ; ; Anglo-Saxon; Sweet's Primer, First Semester JUNIOR Year. Cynewulf's Elene, Lectures on the Anglo-Saxon period. Second Semester : : Chaucer, Spenser (Faery Queene) reading of minor contemporary authors by students ; ; Outside Lectures on the Transition and Middle English periods, and on the Development of the English Language. The above Junior courses are elective for Seniors. In addition to the required class work there tional reading suggested for such members as selves of the opportunity offered for conference /'. is and personal advice. Rhetoric and Composition. This course is required of all in all classes addi- choose to avail them- regular students. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 38 Freshman Year. — Practice in and clear logical expression of simple thought. Sophomore Year. — The study of the of versification. art Text- book, Corson's "Primer of English Verse. " Practice in narrative composition. Text-book, Brewster's " Specimens of Prose Narration." Junior Yfar. tion " higher style and artistic " Specimens of Prose Descrip- ])ractice of and Perry's "Selections from Burke." Senior Year. c. — Study and Text-books, Baldwin's expression. Elocution Inasmuch —The preparation of graduating and Oratory. as natural and effective speech is one of the most potent factors for success in life, the subjects of Elocution been combined, and the student own thought course nation, is as well as the to stimulate to a and arouse the effective expression the student is theses. is is and Oratory have given practice in expressing his thought of an author. The aim in this broader mental grasp, cultivate the imagi- sensibilities, the theory accepted being that a result of vivid mental impressions. Hence given exercises whereby he learns to utilize his experi- ences, to vivify his thought, and thus be able to enter into the spirit make it a part of himself. body being the medium through which of the literature read and to A sound and flexible soul must express itself, due attention is the given to physical training, voice culture, and enunciation. The course and Oratory extends through four years. and recitation of typical orations connection with the work required under Rhetoric and Composiin " reading the Merchant of Venice " and "Julius of tion, the critical with and description of the characters of imaginative study Caesar," Second the dramas voice culture, enunciation, physical training. in Elocution First year, original work, reading, year, original etc., work continued, extemporaneous speech, voice culture, continued, the critical reading of "Twelfth Night" and other Third and fourth years, the work continued more fundamentally. During the college year there are several contests in oratory and declamation, open to all students, which stimulate oratorical zeal. standard selections. swARTiiMr)Rr, The members effort A to make is fhar- in this department a required of the literature some extent a course to is work the study careful course the that in which they receive instruction. made is stimulus to thought. read, so .'><> of the Senior Class give a Shakespeare evening acter, in preparation for Every roi.i.r/;!-:. Hnglish in literature. Frencli Lcini^iuigc and Literature. KinvARD H. The objective points MA(;n,i,, Prcfessvr. the study of the French language will be in wide and extensive reading, making the student familiar as the as many as possible of the best works in French end a minimum of grammar will be required, and time will allow with as To literature. this While the rapid reading at sight encouraged early in the course. classical authors of the seventeenth much of tion, as century will receive careful atten- the literature of the present generation as practicable will be introduced into the course. name necessary to from year all It is is found not possible nor the various works used, as they will be changed to year, as circumstances and the condition of classes seem to require. Course pronouns Time, one I. and regular verbs auxiliaries common ; Preparatory Super's Series," Vol. I, year. ; French Grammar forms of irregular verbs inflections of general principles of syntax. ; French Reader — nouns, adjectives, and articles, Magill's ; '< Modern French Dictees. Course II. Time, one year. French Grammar reviewed and continued; Magill's " Modern French Series," Vols. II and III; varied selections (entire) from modern French writers ; Dictees Conversations. Course eucte ; Time, one III. Les Precieuses Ridicules; entire ; Horace and ; Poly- Moliere's Misanthrope and Dictees : selections Lectures on French Conversation and Correspondence. Course IV. in ; Victor Hugo's Hernani, and from modern French writers Literature dence Corneille's year. Racine's Britannicus and Esther French Time, one year. ; Conversation and Correspon- Dictees, Essays, Critiques ; varied selected works SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 40 and nineteenth centuries; Lec- (entire) of authors of the eighteenth on French Literature. tures Course V. Time, one year. Course IV, but the aMthors used in considered as equivalent year fifth may take both, Courses IV and work. to be similar to will It is to be Course IV, and that students who desire a and V This course class will be different. may count that either will as a fourth year's be given in alternate years. German Language and Literature. M.\RIE A. K. HoADLEY, Professor. — Firs r Year. Joynes-Meissner's German Grammar, Part I Grimm's Mdrcheii (twelve selections) Eichendorff's Ai/s dem Leben eines Taugenichf s (chapters VII and VIII, omitted) Buchheim's ; ; Elementary Geniian Prose Composition, Part Tell (first Year. — Joynes-Meissner's Wilhelm 7>// (completed) of Riehl's Prose ; Schiller's Wilhelm three acts). Second Schiller's I Ciiltiirgeschichtliche Novellen (Parts II and III) Composition Grammar' (continued) Freytag's Die Journalisten ; ; one Buchheim's Elementary ; ; ; German ballads and lyrics (seven to be memorized). Third Year, reise ; — Prose Composition. Private reading ture ; Schiller, Wallenstein(td.. Carruth) Goethe, Ipliigenia auf Tauris ; Buchheim's : Nevinson's Heine, Harz- : A dz'a need Germafi German literature. History of German Litera- Lectures on the history of Selection from Scherer's ffe of Schiller. — Fourth Year. Schiller, Historische Skizzen ; Freytag, Doktor Aus dem Staat Eriederichs des Grossen ; Buchheim's Advanced German Prose Composition (Part II) Goethe, Egmont, Dichtiing und IVahrheit (Knabenjahre). Lectures on Goethe. Private Luther, ; reading : Simes' Life of Goethe. P'iFTH Year. von Berlichingen. von ing Scheffel, : — Goethe, Dichtitngicnd IVahrheit Lectures on Faust ; (selections); Gotz Buchheim's Deutsche Lyrik Ekkehard ; German prose composition. Taylor's Studies in Francke's .Social Eorces in German German Literature Literature. ; ; Private read- extracts from Kuno p o X H W HP K svvAKTiiMokF, f;(>i,i,i-:(;K. 41 Greek. VVli.l.rAM Students I. who Ai'i'LKloN, /'rofrssor. 11. present the usual College requisition in Oreek (see page 25) will be recpiired to continue the study for two years, with the privilege of electing following scheme thereafter, in it accordance with the : Freshman Year {Re(iiiireii). — Poetry — Homer: The Iliad or Odyssey (Selections). Prose — The Greek Thucydides and Herodotus Historians: (Selections). — Sophomore Year {Required^. Poetr}One ])lay of each. — Greek 'I'ragedy : A's- chylus, Sophocles. Prose — Plato's (A study of Apology and Crito, Xenophon's Memr)rabilia. Socrates.) — — Poetry Euripides: Several Junior Year (^Elective). Prose Demosthenes: The Oration on the Crown. — Senior Year Prose (^Elective). — Plato's plays. — Poetry — Aristophanes, Lyric Dialogues. Modern Greek. Readings poets. in Vin- cent and Dickson's Hand-Book, with colloquial exercises. Lectures on the History of Greek Literature. Note. All the classes have exercises in Greek Composition with — much practice in sight-reading. II. will Students who present no Greek at the admission examinations be required, in order to graduate with the degree of A. B., to take the language for the entire four years as follows — : Freshman Year. White's Beginner's Greek Book Anabasis, Book I Greek Testament. ; Xenophon's ; Sophomore Year. Plato's Apology and — Xenophon's Anabasis, Books — Junior Year. Homer: The Iliad or Odyssey Greek Historians (Selections). Senior Year. — Greek Drama: ern Greek, Lectures on Note. II, III, W \ Crito. Two Pla\s. (six books). Greek Prcse, Mod- Greek Literature. — Greek Composition and sight-reading in all the classes. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 42 History and Political Economy. William L Hull, Professor. The group of studies included within Economics, Political and Social Science this — is department — History, designed to furnish in- formation necessary for intelligent citizenship, and to provide a preliminary training for" those who intend to engage law, journalism, business, or the public service. in the practice of Instruction is given by means of lectures, recitations, and oral and written reports by the In the upper classes each student is restudents on assigned topics. quired to make an independent and detailed study of some assigned For this purpose the library contains a good or chosen subject. working collection of public documents and reports, both Federal and State, in addition to standard treatises. The following courses are offered : HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. — The Ancient Orient. Greece. Rome. Sophomore Year. — Middle Ages. Renaissance. Reformation. the Junior Year. — England. French Revolution. Europe Freshman Year. in Nineteenth Century. Senior Year. —United States History and Civil Government. Protection and Free Trade. ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. Junior Year. and Bimetallism. — Elements of Economics. — Socialism. Money Pauperism and Senior Year. Social Problems of To-day Intemperance, Houses, Punishment, Tenement Crime and Charity, Settlements, Salvation Army. College Classes, Defective ; Latin. Ferris W. Price, Professor. Freshman Class. — Horace, Odes; position, based on Cicero's Letters; Cicero, Letters; Latin Mythology. Com- SWARTHMORK COLLEGE. Soi'HOMORK Class. I, — and Epistles /A;rar,^, Satires XXI, XXII; History of Latin 43 ; Livy, books and study of lectures Literature, from the most important authors. illustrative i)assagcs — Early Latin; P/aii/iis, Trinummus; Terence, Junior Hymns and other late Latin. Phormio Cicero, De Sencctute Class. ; ; Senior Class. — Selections three satires; venal, Tacitus, from devoted to a comprehensive study of sive selections from all Lucretius and The Agricola. Catullus; Ju- semester second is with reading of exten- Virgil, of his works, but with especial attention to the Georgics and y^^neid VII-XII. Sight-reading and other collateral work throughout the course. A Classical Club, to which all meet monthly during the present students of Latin are invited, will year. Mathematics. Susan J. Cunningham, Freshman Class. — Professor (i) Solid Plane Trigonometry (Loney). Required Sophomore Class. Science Smith) courses, ; and in in V. Gummf.re, Assistant. Geometry and Fisher); (Phillips in all courses. Smith) ; Chapters XIX-XXXII, Engineering course. — Course elective Henry Required (2) Treatise on Algebra (C. with omissions. : (2) above, required in Arts and course; Conic Sections (C. Letters Differential Calculus (Byerly), required in Engineering course. Junior Class. ical — Byerly's Integral Calculus; Chauvenet's Spher- Trigonometry. ELECTIVE COLTRSES. 1. etry ; Modern Pure Geometry. An advanced course in pure geomHarmonic Ranges and Pencils, the theories of subjects treated : Involution, Perspective, Similar Figures, Reciprocation, Inversion, etc. 2. Higher Algebra, beginning with the Theory of Eijuations (Burnside and Panton) and continuing with Invarients, 3. etc. Plane Analytic Geometry, including Higher Plane Curves; SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 44 the course will be a continuation of Conic Sections and on Clebsch-Lindemann's Geometric. 4. Solid Analytic Geometry (Charles Smith). 5. Curve Tracing. 6. Differential Equations. 7. Trigonometric Series, Spherical Harmonics, 8. Elementary Quarternions (Kelland and Tait). ASTRONOMY 1. will be based etc. (Byerly). (ELECTIVE). Young's General Astronomy. 2. Chauvenet's Spherical and Practical Astronomy. 3. Theoretical Astronomy (Orbit Determination). Pedagogics. Presidknt The work in De Garmo. department consists of a fundamental study, this of the growing mind of the child, first, cies, interests, and methods of growth natural capacities, tenden- its then of the choice and co- ; ordination of studies, together with the best methods of teaching them may ; and, finally, of the methods whereby the character of the child best be developed through school discipline works of Herbart and his successors are and instruction. The thoroughly studied. Philosophy. Presidknt De Garmo. SENIOR CLASS. Psychology. tion paid to the — First Semester i^rocesses : James's Psychology. Special atten- of knowledge, feeling, and volition from the standpoint of modern physiological psychology. Essays based upon a study of the nervous system, together with extensive reference to the standard literature of the various topics selected. In connection with this work a course in experimental psychol- ogy is given, investigating the sensation as an element of perception, the after-effects of stimuli through their action upon sense organs and o 1— o > swAKiiiMoKi'; 45 (:f)i.i,i-x;F-:. nervous system, the i)roblem of association, and that of Among ii.\>\icr<:c\)[\())). the topics treated the following are prominent Quality, intensity, and feeling-tone of sensations ; relation of the sensation to the physical objects or stimuli of the environment; and other structures of relation of the sensations to the sense organs the body contrast, fatigue, ; successive after-image, memory image, memory; factors of sensations ciation as contrast, simultaneous physiological and psychical asso- form the ]ierception of a single to object extended in space; apperceptive complication in perception; of the sensation to past experience, to idea groups, and the relation the perceiving Perception, is self. Prof. Witmer's manual, Exl>erimcntal Course on followed. History of Philosophy. and Modern Philosophy History of Philosophy, especial — Second Semester : The history of Ancient taught in alternate years. is from Thales to Leibnitz, reference to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle The from Descartes to the present. First course, inclusive, ; ethical bearings with second course, of each promi- nent system are dwelt upon. Physical Training. FOR YOUNG MEN. Dr. The system J. K. Shf.li.. of Physical Training tion of each student, carefully noting is based on a thorough examina- all defects of development and functional weakness, and the ratio existing between the tested strength and the muscularity, and on these data formulating a course of exercises such as will meet the requirement of each individual, so as to produce an evenly developed and healthy organism. The young men are required to give three hours each week for carrying out the prescription of the Director. The sports of foot-ball, fit and athletics are under the and only those who are physically base-ball direct supervision of the Director, are allowed actively to compete; great care be kept within proper limits, so dents' attention or energy. as is taken that the games not to take too much of the stu- SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 46 FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Dr. Mary Mitchell Green. V. Rachel Lloyd Hutchinson, A careful examination and tion, to the Assistant. made of each is student's physical condi- the exercises to suit individual needs are assigned according Swedish system. Tennis, golf, and other out-door exercises are provided for the young Avomen. Phy SICS. George A. Hoadley, Tlic Physical Laboratory '\% 2\x^2.diy Professor. provided with apparatus for determinations in the mechanics of solids and fluids, in heat, sound, and magnetism as also with a large amount for Most of this has been selected with care from lecture experiments. the best American and foreign makers, but some is of home manuThe co-operation of the Engineering Department and the facture. light, electricity, ; increasing skill of our students enable us now make each to larger proportion for regular use in the Laboratory. afford students It is year a our aim to continued opportunities for instruction in the princi- ples of construction of ordinary and special apparatus. running dynamos and for other purposes struction begins in course as follows the Sophomore near at hand. is year, Power The for in- and extends through the : FOR STUDENTS IN ARTS AND LETTERS. Sophomore Class. — General Physics. — This the investigation of the general laws of Physics course consists of and the consideration of their jjractical application. The work of the course accompanied by experimental is done by lectures and recitations, verification of the laws discussed, and extends over the entire year. Junior Class. in — During the Junior year the course Heat, Magnetism, Electricity, and Light. is an elective SWAKIIIMORK FOR STUDENTS IN 'I'his (OIA.KCK. Sl.IF.NCK 47 AND KNOINEEKINO. course occupies two consecutive years, requiring two periods per week in the Sophomore year and four in the Junior. It is in- tended to be pre-eminently a practical course, consisting largely of laboratory work, in the investigation and verification of the laws of Physics. work will cover the toj^ics treated in Ganot's some other text-book of equal rank, and will be supplemented by lectures on the various branches of the subject. The recitation Physics, or The division of the work Sophomore Class. is as follows : — Applied Mechanics and Dynamics. Gases, Liquids, and Sound. Junior Class. Senior Class. This is — Heat, Magnetism, — Applied Electricity, and Light. Electricity. an elective of eight periods per week, counting as four. Tn this the Junior work in Magnetism and Electricity is supplemented by the practical study of their application to the telephone, telegraph, electric light, motor, transmission of power, etc. dynamo, Work well as in in the manufacture and use of these various appliances, as the measurement of the by text-book work reading and by in electrical current, Thompson's Dynamo class discussion of is accompanied Electric Machinery, and current electrical journals. Visits to the electrical plants of the neighboring villages and cities are made at convenient times, for the purpose of studying the machinery in actual use. General Remarks on the Courses of Study. In arranging the courses of study, while recognizing the fact that the best domain of human knowledge must confine endeavored not are best is so vast that he his attention chiefly to to lose sight of the equally equipped for work in who would succeed some chosen important field, we have fact that those any particular department who have the most extended view of the realm of learning as a whole. To secure in a measure both these results, minor courses in of the subjects of the curriculum are required of all; while the many more SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 48 extended courses and inclination each subjeet are taken only by those whose taste in that particular direction. lie in we have developed In pursuing this policy for several years, distinct lines of study. which are course. essential to The the logical and natural development of the courses are as follows : THE COURSE The four In each of them are required those subjects IN ARTS. characteristic feature of this course is the study of Classical Antiquity, including the language and literature of the Greeks and Romans, with history. their art, philosophy, religion, Combined with this and political and social Modern Languages, courses in are Mathematics, and Science, with some elective subjects. While this course affords that broad culture which should be the foundation of any subsequent career, Law may be made it to afford special preparation for or Journalism by including electives in History Economy, or may it be shaped in and Political by the direction of Medicine choosing electives in Biology and Chemistry. This course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. THE COURSE This course who do not take all is IN LETTERS. arranged to provide a liberal education for those wish to pursue the study of the ancient languages, nor to the science required in the Science Course. Its leading amount of English, French, and German, and It includes the amount of Matheof History and Political Science. mathics usually prescribed in a college course, with a fair amount of This course Science, and some elective subjects, including Latin. features are a liberal leads to the degree of Bachelor of Letters. THE COURSE The IN SCIENCE. characteristic feature of this course is more extended instruc- tion in science than in the preceding courses, together with a fair amount of Mathematics and Modern Language study, including EngThe instruction in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology is of a two- lish. fold character ; first, systematic treatment in experimental lectures secondly, practical work in the laboratories. Thus the student ; ac- familiarity, a (luires SWARIMMOKK COIJ.KCJK. not only with the 49 more important facts and fundamental i)rincipleH of those sciences, but also with the correct methods of work, so quent higher work to the that his course in may form a foundation for subse- any department of science. This course leads degree of Bachelor of Science. \\\V. This course which is COLRSE IN ENGINEERING. offers, in its various studies and exercises, a training believed to be well adai)ted to the needs of Civil and of Mechanical Engineers, as well as of the large class who are to be con- cerned with the material interests of the country, with manufacturing, with industrial pursuits, or with any of the allied to Engineering. in the mathematical, It embraces physical, liberal many other occupations and technical instruction and graphical sciences, and applications, in practical field engineering, in the arts of design their and construction, and in the use of tools, materials, and machinery, and in processes. in Engineering. The course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science The Course in Arts. REQUIRED STUDIES. Greek, 2 or 4 years; Latin, 3 years; Mathematics, History of Philosophy, y'^ year; i Economics, I !4 I years; History, man, I Biology, year; to 2 years ; I to 2 years; I to 2 years; Latin, l year ; yi, years; History, year; I year; (TWO REQUIRED). COURSF. ELECTIVES Physics, i^ Psychology, >^ year; year; Elocution, 2 years; Composition, 4 years. Biology, Chemistry, or Physics, English, i Chemistry, to 2 years; Mathematics, l 1 Economics, year; French, I to 2 years ; ^ to Ger- to 2 years. OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Logic Pedagogy Drawing and Painting Astronomy Government Mineralogy; Geology; Mathematics; Elocution; Botany; Zoology; Physiology. Civil ; ; ; ; ; Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. FIRST SEMESTER. SECOND SEMESTER. PERIODS. Greek, 4 Greek, Latin, 4 Latin, Mathematics, 4 Mathematics, Biology or History 4 Biology or History, PERIODS. 4 4 • . . 4 4 Elocution and Composition. Sophomore Year. Greek, 4 Greek, Latin, 4 Latin Mathematics, 4 Elective, 4 • 4 4 History, Physics, History, Physics, French, or German. .,} French, or German .} Elocution and Composition. Junior Year, Greek, 4 Latin, 4 4 Economics, Greek, i Latin, 1 I Elective, Elective 4 Composition. Elective, I 4 4 4 4 Senior Year. Greek 4 Greek, 4 Psychology, 4 Philosophy, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Composition. 4 Elective, (50) The Course Letters. in RKc.iUIKKO STi;iJIKS. and (German, 6 years; Krencli iioinics. History, 2 years year; I and Philosophy, year i ; ; Mathernatics, I year English, 3 years Kcoi year; Psychology ; ; Biology, Ciiemistry, or Physics, Klociilion, 2 years 4 years. C'ornijosition, ; COUKSK KI.ECTIVKS (TWO KKVUIRKO). Chemistry, History, i 1 year; Biology, English, to 2 years; i 1 year; Economics, to 2 years; Physics, I to 2 years ; Mathematics, i to 2 years l year; I-atin, ; i to 4 years. OI'ICN SKMK.STER Government; Astronomy; Mineralogy Geology Mathematics ; ; KI.ICCTI VKS. Drawing and Fainting; Civil ; Elocution ; Botany ; Pedagogy; Logic; Zoology ; Physiology. Distribution of Studies. Freshman Yea FIRST SKMESTER. PERIODS. 4 SECOND SEMESTER. French or German, Mathematics, 4 Mathematics, 4 English, 4 4 English, 4 4 French or German, ...... Biology, History, or Latin, .... ! I'ERloDS. 4 .... Biology, History, or Latin, Elocution. Sophomore Year. French or German 4 French or German, 4 English, 4 English, 4 Elective, 4 History, Physics, French, German, or Latin, ) Elective, 4 j History, Physics, French, | German, or J Latin, 1 • Elocution. junior Year. French and German, 8 Economics, 4 English 4 Elective, 4 i I 1 French and German 8 Economics 4 English, 4 Elective, 4 Senior Year. French and German, 8 French and German 8 Psychology 4 Philosophy, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, Elective, ..... .... Elective, 4 Composition. 4 4. (51) The Course Science. in REQUIRED STUDIES. French or German, 3 years years; ; Chemistry, 2 years; Biology, 2 years; Physics, 2 Mathematics,!^ years; Psychology and Philosophy,! year; Elocution, 2 years; composition, 4 years. COURSE ELECTIVES (TWO REQUIRED). Chemistry, i to 2 years years ; Economics, years ; Mathematics, I Biology, ; to 2 years year ! History, ; i Physics, ; years to 2 i year ; English, French or German, ; i to 2 i to 2 to 2 years. I OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Astronomy Government Mineralogy Geology Mathematics Civil ; ; ; ; Drawing and Painting ; Elocution ; Botany ; ; Pedagogy Zoology ; ; Logic ; Physiology. Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. FIRST SEMESTER. SECOND SEMESTER. PERIODS. PERIODS. French or German, 4 French or German, 4 Chemistry, 4 Chemistry, Biology, 4 Biology, 4 4 4 Mathematics, Mathematics, 4 Elocution and Composition. Sophomore Year. French or German, ....... 4 French or German, Mathematics, 4 Elective, 4 4 4 4 Biology, 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry, Physics, | Chemistry, 4 4 . i Physics Elocution and Composition. Junior Year. French or German, 4 French or German, Physics, 4 Physics, Biology 4 Elective, 8 Biology, 1 • Elective, • 4 4 4 8 Composition. ' Senior Year. Psychology, 4 Philosophy, Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 8 Elective Elective, ..." Elective, Composition (52) 4 4 4 S The Course in Engineering. RKQUIRED STUDIES. 1 Draughting, 3 years; Mathematics, 2^ years; Chemistry, 2 years; Knglish, Mechanics and Physics, 2 years Engineering, 'I hcory, year shop work, 3 years ; ; ; 2 years ; Engineering, Applications, 2 years. COURSE EI-KCTIVES. Sanitary Science, year; English, I ]'i year; Krencli or (ierman, year; Astronomy, OPEN SEMESTER Civil Astronomy Government Geology Mathematics ; Mineralogy ; ; i year; Electrical Physics, i year. i EI.KCTIVES. Drawing and Painting ; ; Elocution ; Botany Pedagogy ; Zoology ; ; Logic ; ; Physiology. Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. FIRST SEMESTER. Draughting and Shop Work, . PERIODS. SECOND SEMESTER. VKRIODS. Draughting and Shop Work, 10=4 10=4 . Mathematics, 7 Mathematics, 7 Chemistry, 4 Chemistry, 4 English, 4 English, 4 Sophomore Year. Draughting and Shop Work, . 10^4 Mathematics, 4 Mechanics, 4 Chemistry, 4 2 Elective, 1 i t I Descriptive Geometry, etc., . .10^4 4 Mathematics, 4 Physics, Chemistry, . . • 4 " 2 Elective, Junior Year. Engineering, Theory, Engineering, Practice, 8 Engineering, Theory, 8 6=2 Engineering, Practice, 6=2 Physics, 6 Mathematics, 4 Physics, 6 Electives, 4 | Senior Year. Engineering, Theory, Engineering, Practice, 8 .... 10^4 1 | 8 Engineering, Theory Engineering, Practice, .... 10=4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Elective. 4 Graduation and Deo^rees. , As a condition of graduation, each student must submit to the Faculty a -satisfactory Oration or Essay, which he must be prepared to deliver in public, .if required to The do so. Deo^ree of Bachelor. The degrees of Bachelor of Arts, of Letters, and of Science are conferred on the completion of the corresponding courses. The Degree All candidates M. S.) for of Master. the Master's Degree (A. M., M. L., and must have taken the Bachelor's Degree are required to at this College. They pursue a course of study at Swarthmore, or else- where, under the direction of the Faculty, and to pass examination in the same. whole time year ; other work, the in Application should years. the College at work can accomplish a non-resident candidates, for gaged Graduates residing to the who and devoting their amount in one the same time en- sufficient are at course must occupy not less than two be made directly to the Faculty, and should state the subject or subjects in which the applicants wish to present themselves. Work will then be assigned to them by the Faculty. The Examinations and will for the Degrees will be both oral and written, be conducted by a Committee of the Faculty, upon whose report the Faculty will decide the Degree. An extended assigned, will in all iitness of the candidate for bearing upon some part of the work cases be required. The Degree The Degree upon the thesis, of Civil Engineer. of C. E. will be conferred upon Bachelors of Sci- ence of the Engineering Department who shall have been engaged for not less than three years, in successful professional practice, in posi- and who shall present an acceptable thesis upon a subject pertaining to some branch of engineering. Application for this Degree must be made and the thesis presented at least The thesis should be bound in three months before Commencement. a substantial manner for preservation in the library. tions of responsibility, (54) > Pi w o Officers of the Alumni Association INCORPOKATEIt I 882. President. Ellen H. E. Price, Swarthmore, Pa. '74, Vice-Presidents. Walter Roberts, '90, Harriet Cox McDowell, Arthur S, Cochran, '86, Philadelphia, Pa. '87, New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary. Esther T. Moore, Swarthmore, Pa. '73, Treasurer. William J- Hall, Swarthmore, Pa. '78, Board of Directors. William H. Ridgway, '75, Gerrit E. H. Weaver, '82, Abby W. Miller, '79, Howard White, Jr., '95, George L. Pennock, '83, Sarah Hall Stirling, '84, Coatesville, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington. Del. Earlington, Ky. Lansdowne. Pa. . Philadelphia, Pa. (55) Graduates. Class of 1873. Sarah H. (Acton) Hii.lard, A.B., Helen (Magili.) White, A.B., (Ph.D., sity, Salem, N.J. Boston UniverBerlin, Ger. 1877), Elizabeth C. (Miller) Holcomb, A.B., Esther T. Moore, A.B., *MariaC. (Pierce) Green, Lowndes Taylor, A.B., Pearl River, N. Y. Swarthmore, Pa. A.B., 1877. West Chester, Pa. Class of 1874. Ellen H. (Evans) Price), A.M., 1884, Amy W. (Hall) Hickman, A.B., *Alfred T. Haviland, B.S., Mary (Hibbard) Thatcher, A. B., Swarthmore, Pa. Herman Hoopes, C.E., 1879, Ferris W. Price, A.M., 1887, Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth S. West Chester, Pa. 1874. Wilmington, Del. Swarthmore, Pa. (Woolston) Collins, A. B., Swarthmore, Pa. Class of 1875. John B. Booth, A.B., Helen (Comly) White, A.B., Franklin H. Corlies, B.S., ^Herbert G. Dow, A.B. (and Harvard, Elizabeth (Hanes) Taylor, A.B., Edith R. (Hooper) Roberts, A.B., Barton Hoopes, Jr., B.S., Pittsburg, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. '. . . . . Philadelphia, Pa. 1878. 1877), Woodstown, N. J. Titusville, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. *Olwer Jr., B.S., 1879. J. B.S., Waynesville, N. C. Keese, Reece Lewis, Howard W. Lippincott, A.B., Martha (McIlvain) Eastwick, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., John K. Richards, A.B. (and Harvard, William H. Ridgway, C.E., 1879, Ironton, Ohio. 1877), Coatesville, Pa. Class of 1876. Frank L. Bassett, B.S. (D.D.S., Phila. Dental *Deceased. (50) College, Swarthmore, Pa. 1878), SWARTIIMOKK COLLEGE. Arthur W. I'ikadi.ky Francks (Ijnion) ( Pliila., LoNGsiRKTil) McClurk. JAME.S T. Clevelarul, A.I?., Siiaki'I.ks, Medical College, El.r/.AHK.TH L. 57 West Chester, 1886), I'>()YI), Haverford, A.l!., I'hiladeliihia, I'a. and B.S.R., Sorhonne, I'aris, I'rance. Paris, 1877), Philadelphia, McIntirk, A.}}., 1880, Isaac G. Smedley, P.S. (M.D., Hahnemann Medical Col(1'rice) I'a. Philadelphia, Pa. lege, 1879), Herbert W. Smyth, A.H. (and Harvard, 1878, Ph.D., Bryn Gcittingen, 1884), Mary I'a. I'a. rhila(lel[)hia, I'a. B.S., Emma (McIlvain) Cooi-er, A.B., Edwin Muchki.i., Jr., A.H. (H.I,. Lucy R. fJliio. A.m., i8Si (M.lX, Wonian'.s Mawr College, Pa. Wii.mts, A.M., i88i (M.D., Woman's Medical ColNorrLstown, Pa. lege, Phila., 1881), Worth, Wii.i.iAM P. Coatesvdle, Pa. B.S., Class of 1877. Joseph Bunting, B.S. (LL.B., Univ. of Corson, A.B., I". Norman Pa., 1880), . . Eudora Magill, Philadelphia, Pa. Norristown, Pa. B. Swarthmore, Pa. A.B., Chicago, Jesse R. Norton, A.B. (and Harvard, 1879), Carroll R. Williams, A.M., 1S82 (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., III. Philadelphia, Pa. 1880) M. Fi.oRENCK VeatM-VN, A.M., 1897, Norway, Pa. Class of 1878. Caroline Mayhell E. P. (Burr) Hall, A.B., Swarthmore, Pa. (Davis) Foster, A.B., Howard Dawson, Providence, R. A.M., 1882, Tacy a. (Gleim) Dunning, A.B., William J. Hall, B.S., Mary P. (Hallowell) Hough, A.M., i88i (M.D., Woman's Medical College, Phila., 1881), Charles A. Hawkins, A.B., William Penn Holcomb, M.L., 1882 (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1886), Rerecca S. E. (Jackson) Edward Martin, J. Swarthmore, Pa. Ambler, Pa. York, Pa. Pearl River, X. V. Phila., 1881), Monaghan, Llewellyn H. Johnson, Francis Los Angeles, Cal. (Hunt) White, A.M., 1881 (M.D., Woman's Medical College, Anna I. Boston, Mass. B.L., B.S., A.M., 1882 (M.D., Univ. of Palmer, B.S., Lansdowne, Pa. West Chester, Pa. Orange, N. J. Pa., 18S3), Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. V. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 58 Israel Roberts, B.S., *\ViLLiAM Seaman, C.E., 1884, C. Harry Shokmaker, Camden, N. J. 1892. Philadelphia, Pa. B.S., Class of 1879. Isaac R. Coi.es, C.E., 1880, Glen Cove, N. V. William P. Fender, A. B., WiLLLVM Lea Ferris, A.B., Williamspoit, Pa. Joseph Fitch, A.B., Ruth Anna Forsythe, A.B., Elizabeth (Furnas) Bogardus, B.L., P. Lesley HorrER, A.B., Marie Antoinette (Kemp) Hoadley, A.M., 1892, Elisha E. Lippincott, B.S., *Samuel Craig McComb, C.E., 1882, Charles R. Miller, B.L. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1881), Josephine (White) Breckens, A.B., Abby W. (Woodnutt) Miller, B.L., New San Francisco, . Cal. York, N, Y. Media, Pa. New . . York, N. Y. Havre de Grace, Md. Swarthmore College. Gallitzin, Pa. 1891. . Wilmington, Del. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Wilmington, Del. Class of 1880. Anna E. Constable, A.B., Arthur Coleman Dawson, Camden, N. J. Lake Forest, 111. B.L., 1882, Florence (Hall) Philips, A.B., Myra T. Hillman, A.B., Emily L. (Hough) Savidge, A.B. (and Wilmington, Del. Washington, D, C. Univ. of Minn., Boise City, Idaho. 1881), Edward H. Reiser, M.S., 1881 (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Bryn Univ., 1884), Georgine (Kurtz) Muhlenberg, A.B., Albert R. Lawton, A.M., 1885, Robert J. Marcher, B.S., Thomas L. Moore, A.B., Ellen S. (Preston) Griest, A.B., John Turton, B.S., Fannie (Willets) Lowthorp, A.B. Henry S. Wood, New . . York, N. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. Millersville, Pa. New York, N. Y. Trenton, N. J. San Francisco, Class of (Ph.D., College, Pa, Richmond, Va. C.E., 1883, Martha Bunting, B.L. Mawr Reading, Pa. 1 Cal. 88 1. Bryn Mawr College, 1895), Philadelphia, Pa. William Canby, Jr., B.L, Charles B. Doron, B.L., St. Paul, Mary Philadelphia, Pa. J. Minn. Rochester, N. Y. Elliott, B.L., * Deceased. SWA KM MORE COIJ.KGI-:. I Emma K iur, '/J Ilhan, li.I,., EircKNE Paui.in, Jk., I'a. Hoisc City, Iflaho. <;ki .... Swarlhmoie, I'a. Madi.son, Wis. Riverton, N. J. Cinnaminson, N. Wli.r.iAM D. Lii'PiNCOiT, B.S., J. *Wri.i,ARi) L. Maris, M.S., 1892 (B.S., Univ. of Midi., M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1895), McConnki.l, H.S., Frances E. Ottlky, A.B., Au.stin, 'lexas. *Mary D. Pai.mkr, A.B., Mary E. Panixmst, B.L., Washington, James W. Ponder, A.B., Wilmington, Del. 1891 Robert 1895. ; Philadelphia, Pa. S. 1892. Ellis B. Ridgway, B.S., Walter Roberts, F. . . . Philadelphia, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Moorestown, N. J. San Antonio, Texas. A.B., (Soper) Pancoast, B.S., R. Barclay Spicer, A.B., William E. Sweet, A.B. Alice W. Titus, M.L., 1892, Mary H. White, A.B., Cincinnati, Ohio. Denver, Col. Swarthmore College. Lansdowne, Pa. Class of 1 89 1. Emily Atkinson, A.B., Cosmei.ia J. (Brown) Hughes, B.L Louis P. Clark, B.S., Moorestown, N. Hannah H. Clothiek, Wynnewood, Isaac O. Harper, Philadelphia, Pa. B.S., 1892, Spring Brook, N. Y. Baltimore, B.S., New Dora Lewis, Media, Pa. , S. B.L., Lippincott, A.B., Locust Valley, N. Y. York, N. Y. 1891. West Harry Kansas McDonald, B. Katharine Chester, Pa. City, Mo. Sandy Spring, Md. B.S., Sarah T. Moore, B.l A. Mitchell Palmer, A.B., Ellen (Passmore) Pyle, B.L., Marianna (Smith) Rawson, B.L., William C. Sproul, B.S., Edward Md. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chf.ster p. Martindale, B.L., L. Pa. Boston, Mass. Esther (Haviland) Cornell, B.L., Eliza G. Holmes, A.B. John W. Hutchinson, Jr., B.S., *LucY J. Lincoln, Va. B.L., Eva M. (Daniels) Capen, Eliza R. Hampton, A.B., C. Coatesville, Pa. A. B. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1893), Richard C. Sellers, B.S., Frances B. (Smith) Herr, Mary ]). Stroudsburg, Pa. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. Chester, Pa. Temple, B.S., L. Tyler, B.S., Lansdowne, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Deceased. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 64 Frances M. Whitk, Edward Atlantic City, N. B.L., J. Washington, D. C. C. -Wilson, B.S., M. Lilian (Yarnall) Dk Cou, A.B., Trenton, N. J. Class of 1892. M. Ellen (Atkinson) Jenkins, B.L., M. Rosamond (Baker) Haines, A.B., Benjamin F. Battin, A.B., Chicago, losEPHiNE Beistle, A.B., Swarthmore Pa. Mary Broomell, B. L., Frederic N. Carr, A.B., Howard N. Eavenson, C.E., Henry H. Garrett, B.S., Howard B. Green, B.S., Charles Hart, B.S Annie Hillborn, B.L., George School, Pa. E. Mary Va. Penn Grove, N. J. Swarthmore, Pa. Chicago, New 111. York, N. Y. Colorado Springs, Col. B.S., Colorado Springs, Col. Jr., B.L., Darlington, B.L., Md. Wallingford, Pa. George School, Pa. Md. Baltimore, E. Stebbins, B.L., Walker, B.S., William E. Walter, B.S., Florence N. Wolverton, A.B., Mary L. Wolverton. A.B., Joseph W. Doylestown, Pa. Charles B. Ketcham, A.B., 1893, Phebe H. (Ketcham) McAllister, Bernard S. McIlvain, John F. Murray, B.S., Ellen Pyle, A.B., Md. Philadelphia, Pa. A. Jenkins, B.S., Henry McAllister, Baltimore, Charleston, Scottdale, Pa. 1897, , Edward 111. Swarthmore, Pa. - J. . . . Pittsburg, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Vancouver, Wash. Vancouver, Wash. Class of 1893.Jane Atkinson, A.B., George H. Brooke, B. S., Francis E. Broomell, B.S., John L. Carver, B.L., Joseph T. Freeman, B.S., Dora Holicong, Pa. University of Pa. . . . Rochester, N. Y. A. Gilbert, A.B., B. 111. Media, Pa. Chester, Pa. New Charles S. Hallowell, B.S., ^Clement Lodge, B.S., Lorena B. Matlack, A.B., Carlie McClure, A.B., Omar Chicago, . York, N. Y. 1895. .... West Chester, Pa. Girard, Pa. Pancoast, B.S. (M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, 1897), Jesse H. Reinhardt, B.S., ' . * Deceased Salem, N. Md. J. swAR'i'iiMoKi'; P:siiikk Iv Sriri.R, Media, i;.I,., JumusStaai!, A.U., John H.SrKTSoN, IJ.S. (M. n.,Me(l. Fkancks B. Stevknson, A. 15., (Jkokgk FI. 05 (()\.i.\:()V.. New ( :iii. Col., I'liila., 1896), I.ansdale, Pa. Kelton, Del. .Strout, A.B., . New . NcwYork.N, E. Newi.in Y. Kennett Sf|uare, I K. WiLi.ETs, York, N. Y. Chappaqua, N. Y. EsTHEU H. Sutton, B.L., llKNRY C. TuRNKK, H.S., Car K K H. Way, III.., l.ii.A I'a. York, N. V. I'a. Roslyn, N. Y. li.I,., New Wii.i.iAM.s, B.S., Ellkn (Williams) Battin, 1'..S Gknkvikvk S. Zane, A.B., 1894, S. Hope, Pa. George School, Pa. West Chester. Pa. , Class of I 894. Mai;el Ai.k.xandkr, B.L., Philadelphia, Anna P>uckingham, Pa. Atkinson, A.B., Lydia BiDDLE, B.L., Edwin P. Bond, A.B., Bertha L. Broomell, B.S., Emma S. I.ansdowne, Pa. Boston, Mass. Jenkintown, Pa. (Chamisers) White, A. S. Atlantic City, N. B., P^LiZABETH CoNROW, A.B., Ithaca, N. Y. Herman Conrow, C.E., Altha T. Coons, B.S., Hetty L. Cox, B.L., New 1897, Joseph C. Emley, B.S., Frederic H. Gawthrop, John W. Gregg, B.L., George Mary B.S., . Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, . Md. Cornell University. G. Griest, B.S., New York, N. Y. West Chester, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. R. Hillborn, A.B., Baltimore, S. Marion D. Perkins, A.B., Margaret D. Pfahler, B.S., Daa'ID B. Rushmore (M.E., Cornell Md. Philadelphia, Pa. B. (Janvier) Swarthmore, Pa. Baltimore, Baltimore, Md. Md. Trenton, N. J. Moorestown, N. . J. Philadelphia, Pa. Univ., 1895), C.E., Montreal, Can. 1897, (Sargent) Walter, A.B Philip Sellers, C.E., 1S97, Cornelia J. Siuholvker, 15. L., Caroline Edward York, N. Y. Baltimore, . Hutchinson, B.S. Pugh, B.L., Harriet M. Kent, A.B., Helen P. Lamb, B.L., M. Elizabeth Lamb, B.L., Owen Moon, Jr., B.S., Mary J. Washington, D. C. A. Hayes, A.B., Helen Helen I'a. Wallingford, Pa. P. A. Staab, A,B., Swarthmore, Pa. , , • • . . New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa, SWARTIIMORE COLI.ECE. 66 Mary W. Titus, Old Westbury, N. V. li. I Helen (Train) Tannehili,, B S., 1895. McConnellsville, Ohio. . Daniel Underiiill, Jh., B S., Mary Underhill, M.S., 1895, Allen K. White, B.S., Stuart Wilder, B S., John M. Willls, B.S., Jericho, N. Y. Mary Easton, Langhome, S. Harry Young, P. J. Chestoa, Tenn. Williamson School, Pa. E. Yeo, B.S., *SusANNA Pa. Atlantic City, N. Yeo, B.L., Md. 1895. Morton, Pa. B.S., Class of 1895. P'rank C. Andrews, B.S., Elizabeth M. Baily, B.S., William S. Barker, B.S., Harry E. Bean, B.S., Hildegard Brooks, B.S., Frances W. (Cheairs) Manning, Walter Clothier, B.L., Woodstown, N. J. Norristown, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Newburg, N. Y. B.L., ... . Trenton, N. J. Wynnewood, . May Pa. Gifford, B.L., Anna R. H. Harrison, B.L., Mary B. (Hollingshead) Hancock, A.B., May's Landing, N. Emma Chappaqua, N. Y. Hutchinson, B.L., Roland G. Kent, A.B., B.L., John A. Lafore, B.S., C. Irvine Leiper, B.S., 1896, Egbert P. Lincoln, B.S., S. Xenia, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pa. Ardmore, Pa. 1896, Philadelphia, Pa. Wallingford, Pa. Naples, N. Y. BliRTHA LiPPiNCOTT, B.L,, Riverton, N. J. Edgar Lippincott, Riverton, N. J. B.S., Moorestown, N. Joseph R. Lippincott, A. B., Elizabeth B. Miller, A.B., Charles S. Moore, B.L., Samuel C. Palmer, A.B., Lydia M. Parry, A.B., Alfred E. Pfahler, B.S., M. Elizabeth Pownall, B.L., *Frank L. Price, A.B., Moorestown, N. Jane C. Hainesport, N. Christiana, Pa. 1896. Swarthmore, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. B.L., Helen B. Smith, A. B., G. Edmund Strattan, B.S., William H. Wanzer, A.B., Emma A. (Wasley) Snyder, J. Philadelphia, Pa. Scott, B.S., Shaw, J. Swarthmore, Pa. . Arthur H. J. Media, Pa. Media, Pa. Altoona, Pa. Hurstville, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. B.L., * Peceased, J. swAirriiMoui'', coi.i.i'XJK. 07 Ky. IIovvARi) Wiiii'i:, (k., H.S., lOarlington, Ai.icK Syosset, N. Y. Wii.ii 1'. IS, A.P. Vaknam,, Ai.iiKRi' T. (jeorge School, Pa. H.I,., Class of 1896. Mary 15artkam, S. William I. Lkoi'oli) W. Mellik London CJrovc, Omaha, Neb. A.\'>., Battin, A.B., Dover, N. Bii'-RWiRTii, B.S J. Bloomington, E. Bishop, B.L., I'a. 111. Aliikrt L. Buffington, A.B., RLsing Sun, Md. Carolien H. Chambers, Charles Chandler, B.S Unionville, Pa. William B. B.L., Biishnell, 111. Goldgulch, Cal. Chai'IN, B.S., Isaac H. Clothier, Jr., A.B Darlington, A.B., AiDA T. Evans, B.L., Wynnewood, P'rancf.s Glen George B. Ferrier, Jr., E. Harper Firth, B.S., Moorestown, N. Malvern, Pa. B.S., Swarthmore, C. John.son, B.L., New C. a. York, N. Y. Rising Sun, Md. Rising Sun, Md. Washington, D. C. Rockford, ; Charles Kaighn, B.S., Philip S. Knauer, A.B., 1 Cornwall, Pa. , Mary Mary J. East Wiliiston, N. Y. Sylvester S. Garrett, B.S., T. Russell Gleim, B.S., Ellen Gunton, A.B., Hallie H. Haines, B.L., Violette T. Haines, A.B. Charles G. Hodge, B.L., k)LENE M. Hollenshead, A.B., Howard Pa. MilLs, Pa. . . . . 111. Philadelphia, Pa. S. McAlester, Ind. Ter. Providence, R. McAllister. A.B. , S. McDowell, A.B., Arabella E. Moore, B.L., William J. Morrison, B.S., I. Colorado Springs, Col. Locust Valley, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Trenton, N. J. Percival Parrish, B.L., N. Wii.mer Plummer, B.S Charles A. Schooley, B.S., Yarmouth, Ont. Mary Shoemaker, B.L., J. Chauncey Shortlidge, A.B., Lauretta T. Smedley, A.B., A. Ella Spicer, A.B., Albert H. Taylor, B.S., Franklin D. Walton, B.L., John E. Wells, B.L., Hanson Z. Wilson, B.S. Cinnaminson, N. Keturah Easton, T. , E. Yeo, B.S., Newport, R. Frederick, I. Md. J. Harvard, University. Chappaqua, N. V. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. London Grove, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Port Jervis, N. Y. Md. SWARTIIMORE COLLEGE. (J8 Class of 1897. Sarah Banckoi Frkdkric Mary E. 1). t, Cambridge, Eng. B.S., Bari!KR, B.S., Bartleson, B.L., Reuben G. Bennett, University of Chicago. . Thurlow, Pa. . Locust Valley, N. V. B.S., FR.4.NK G. Blair, B.S., Buffalo, Grace A. Brosius, B.L., Thomas Cahall, B.L., Lancaster, Pa. Daisy R. Corson, B.S., Jared W. Darlington, B.S., Walter C. De Garmo, B.S., Gerry B. Dudley, A.B., lOLA K. Eastburn, B.L., Norristown, Pa. N. Y. University of Penna. Darling, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Ashmore, 111. Cambridge, Eng. Jessie D. Ellis, B.L., Philadelphia, Pa. George Gleim, Jr., B.S., Marietta Hicks, B.L., Clarence B. Hoadlk.y, B.S., Edith H. John, B.L., Cornwall, Pa. Frederic S. Larison, A.B., Nellie Lodge, B.S., Robert E. Manley, B.S., Walker Matteson, A. B., Laura C. Miller, A.B., Herbert L. Noxon, B.S., Ellwood C. Parry, B.L., Robert Pyle, A.B., Samuel Riddle, B.S. Miriam Sener,B.L., Bertha J. Smith, B.L., Marshall P. Sullivan, Henrietta F. Wanzer, Channing Way, A.B., Howard Lydia p. Westbury Media, Pa. ' . . . Philadelphia, Pa. Roslyn, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Ingersoll, Canada. Locust Valley, N. Y. Swarthmore College. Media, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Lincoln, Va. B.L., Moorestown, N. A.B., Livingston, N. Y. West Webster, B.S., Williams, B.L., , Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. J. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. J. Joseph A. Willis, B.S. Station, N. Swarthmore, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. • . Jenkintown, Pa. Honorary Degrees Conferred. William Hyde Arpi.KroN, vard, 1869; Acting President and I'li.D. (A.E., Harvard, 1864; A.M., LL.B., Har- President of Swarthmore College, 1889-189I}, Professor of Greek and of Early English. Susan J. Cunnin<;ham, Sc.D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. 1889. Arthur Beardsley, Ph.D. (C. E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1867), Professor of Engineering and Director of Mechanic Arts. Isaac Sharpi.es.s, LL.D. (B.S., Harvard, 1873; Sc.D., Univ of Pa., 1883), President of Haverford College. 1890. Olivia Rodham, A.B. (Assistant Librarian and Instructor in Botany, iSSi- 1S88). 1897. Elizabeii! Powell Boxd, A.M., Dean. (69) , Committee on Trusts, Endowments, and Scholarships. EDWARD OGDEN, H. 314 Vine EMMOR Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ROBERTS, Fellowship, N. J. EDMUND WEBSTER, 1 1 56 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SUSAN W. LIPPINCOTT, Cinnaminson, N. REBECCA C. J. LONGSTRETH, Secretary. Sharon Hill, Pa. JOHN T. WILLETS, 303 Pearl Street, (70) New York, N. Y.