Swarthmore College CATALOGUE 1896-97 : SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 3 Author: Swarthmore college . Title: Catalogue Class .: 3WARTHM0REAHA LD5186 .03 V.28 Ace .no 114302 . 17^7 DD3fi7 7EDD 8 z 2 O z < z i-J ^:? Twenty- Eighth Annual Catalogue OF College Swarthmore Swarthmore, Pa. 1896-97. rHILADELPHIA : FRANKLIN PRINTING COMPANY. 516-518 MINOR STREET, 1896. 8 Contents. The Calendar, 3 The Corporation, 4 Board of Managers, Officers and Committees, 6 ... Courses of Instruction. 8 Biology, Chemistry, 9 Drawing and Painting, 27 29 History of Art, Senior Class, Junior Class, 11 Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, 12 11 14 . . .15 . 16 Summar}', General Information. Buildings and Grounds, Principal College Building, Science Hall, Astronomical Observatory, Other Buildings, . .17 .17 . . Libraries, Friends' Historical Library, . Reading- Room, Literary Societies, Gymnasiums, ture, • • • 35 French Language and Litera38 ture, German Language and Litera- ture, 39 Greek, 40 History and Political Economy, 41 Latin, Physical Culture, Physics, " 42 42 43 .43 44 . 45 General Remarks on Courses of Study. Arrangement 46 of of Courses Study. Religious Exercises, 20 Commencement and The Household, Vacations, 20 21 Expenses. For Resident Students, For Day Students, ... 21 21 22 22 22 23 Payments, Fellowships, Scholarships, Pecuniary Aid, Course in Arts, Course in Letters, Course in Science, Course in Engineering, 49 $0 5^ ... Introductory, 23 Time and Conditions of Admission, Examinations, 1897, Fall Examinations, 1897, ... Requirenients for Admission, . . 24 24 24 24 52 Graduation and Degrees. Degree of Bachelor, Degree of Master, Degree of Civil Engineer, . . 53 53 53 Officers of the Alumni Association, Examinations for Admission. Summer 32 18 18 General Regulations. 31 Mechanic Arts, 1 19 19 19 19 .31 . English Language and Litera- Mathematics, Pedagogics, Philosophy, 17 . . ....... Engineering and List of Students. Unclassified Students, . . 4 ... The Faculty, Officers of Instruction, Admission by Certificate, ... 25 Examinations for Higher Classes, 26 Partial Courses of Study, 26 54 List of Graduates, Honorary Degrees Conferred, 55 . 67 Committee on Trusts, Endow68 ments, AND Scholarships, . Calendar. i896-'97. Third-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Ninth Month, 15th, Third-day, New " Ninth Month, i6th, Fourth-day, Examinations " Ninth Month, 17th, Fifth-day, Old Students " Ninth Month, i8th, Sixth- day. " Eleventh Month, 30th, Second-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers, " Twelfth Month, ist, Third-day, Annual Meeting of the " Twelfth Month, 1st, Third-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Twelfth Month, 23d, Fourth-day, Second-day, 1896. Ninth Month, 15th, 1897. First Month, 4th, " First Month, 5th, " Third-day, Students arrive. for Admission. return. Regular Exercises begin. Stockholders, Winter Recess begins. Students return. Regular Exercises begin. First Seventh-day, First Semester ends. " Month, 30th, Second Month, ist, Second-day, " Third Month, 9th, Third day, " Third Month, 27th, Seventh-day, Spring Recess begins. " Fourth Month, 5th, Second-day, Students return. " Fourth Month, 23d, Sixth-day, Graduating Essays due from Senior Class. Second Semester begins. Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Fifth Month, " Fifth Month, 24th, Second-day, .Senior Examinations begin. Second-day, Senior Examinations completed, and the " " Fifth Month, Second-day, Sixth Month, 4th, Sixth-day, " Sixth Month, 5th, Seventh-day, " 17th, results 31st, announced. Final Examinations begin. I Examinations for Admission. I Sixth Month, 7th, Second-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. •" Sixth Month, 7th, Second-day, Class-Day Exercises. " Sixth Month, 8th, Third-day, Commencement. " Ninth Month, 21st. Third-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. *' Ninth Month, 21st, Third-day, New " Ninth Month, 22d, Fourth-day, Examinations Students arrive. for Admission begin, and old Students return. " Ninth Month, 2 ;d, Fifth-dav, Examinations for Admission completed, " Twelfth Month, 6th, Second-day, and Regular Exercises begin. Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Twelfth Month, 7th, Third-day, Annual Meeting of the " Twelfth Month, 7th, Third-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Twelfth Month, 22d, Fourth-day, 1898. First Month, 3d. '• First l^lonth, 4lh, Stockholders. Winter Recess begins. Second-day, Students return. Third day. Resular Exercises begin. Corporation. OFFICERS. Clerks. ROBERT M. JANNEY, 112 Drexel Building, Philadelphia. ABBY W. MILLAR, 1203 Delaware Avenue, Wilmington. Treasurer. ROBERT BIDDLE, , 507 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Board of Managers. Term John T. Willets, 303 Pearl Street, New expires Twelfth Month, iSgy. Jane York. Charles M. Biddle, 507 Commerce Street, Philadelphia Daniel Underhill, ]ericho, L. Emmor Roberts, Fellowship, N. Sarah H. Powell, 324 West sSth Elizabeth West I. J. Downing, P. 1613 Race Street, Philadelphia. B. Street, New York. Passmore, Chester, Pa. Joanna Logan ^V. Lippincott, Station, Philajielphia. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Term expires Twelfth Monfh, j8g8. Fannie W. Lowthorp, Isaac H. Clothier, Trenton, N. 8th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. James A'. Watson, 1156 718 Franklin Street, Philadelphia. Rebecca Annie Shoemaker, Terjii expires Twelftii 335 J. W. jNI. Pa. Jackson, iSth Street, New York. Swarthmore, Pa. Wilson M. Powell, 324 \V. 5Slh Street, New Term ED^YARD Martin, York. 415 S. Jericho, L. T. Edward Stabler, Eli ^L Lami;, Baltimore, Bancroft, \Vilmington, Del. Md. ]. Jr., 3 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Hannah H. Woodnutt, 1 Lippincott, Cinnaminson, N. D., Catharine Underhill. Street, Philadelphia. St.. i\L 15th Street, Philadelphia. expires Twelfth Month, igoo. Edward H. Ogden, U'. Clothier, Rachel W. Hilleorn, Swarthmore, Pa. Susan C. William "Lydia H. Hall, C. J. Longstreth, Wynnewood, Box 1332, Philadelphia. ^Iarv Willets, Emma C. Month, i8gg. Mary Joseph ^^'HARTON, 1432 McCulloh Street, Philadelphia. Sharon Hill, Delaware Co., Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. 314 Yine Broad Riverton, N. 436 Drexel Building, Philadelphia. Manasquan, N. S. Emma McIlvain Cooper, Herman Hoopes, P. O. J. Edmund Webster, 816 Arch Howard W. Street, Philadelphia. Lippincott, 613 Drexel Building, Philadelphia. and Committees of the Board. Officers President. JOSEPH WHARTON. Secretary. HERMAN HOOPES. Auditors. Herman Hooped John T. Willets. Executive. Emmor Roberts, Mary Isaac H. Clothier, Jane P. Downing, Susan W. Lippincott, Emma McIlvain Cooper, Hannah H. AVoodnutt, Daniel Underhill, Edward H. Ogden, Robert M. Janney, Willets, Ed.mund Webster, Mary Howard W. Elizabeth Lippincott, C. Clothier, B. Passmore, Abby W. Miller. Eli M. Lamb, Ex- Officio, Herman Hoopes. Finance. Charles M. Biddlk. James V. Watson, Edward H. Ogden. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Instruction. Annie Shoemaker, Emmor Roberts, Mary Willets, Susan W. Lippincott, Lydia H. Hall, William M. Jackson, Fannie W. Lowthorp, Rachel W. Hillborn, Edward Martin, Howard W. Lippincott, Isaac H. Clothier. Building and Property. Edward H. Ogden, Emmor Roberts, Daniel Underhill, Jane P. Downing, Edmund Webster, Rachel W. Hillborn, Howard W. Lippincott, Robert M. Janney. Museum and Mary C. Clothier, Eli M. Lamb, Laboratories. Mary Willets, Edward INIartin. Friends' Historical Library. Lydia H. Hall, Isaac H. Clothier, Edward Rebecca Stabler, Jr., Trusts, C. Longstreth. Endowments, and Scholarships. Edward H. Ogden, Daniel Underhill, Edmund Webster, Emmor Roberts, Susan W. Lippincott, Rebecca C. Longstreth, Trustees of Enciowed Professorships. Isaac H. Clothier, Edward H. Ogden, Emmor Roberts. Library. Lydia H. Hall, \\\ Hillborn, Rachel Edward Stabler, Jr., John T. Willets. Secrefa/y. Faculty.'' 1896-97. CHARLES De GARMO, President. ELIZABETH POWELL BOND, Dean. Prof. Prof. Prof. EDWARD H. MAGILL. ARTHUR BEARDSLEY. WTLLL\^I HYDE APPLETON. SuPT. SUSAN J. CUNNINGHAM. WILLIAM J. HALL. Prof. WILLIAM Prof. FERRIS W. PRICE. Prof. GEORGE Prof. C. A. DAY. HOADLEY. SPENCER TRO ITER. ESTHER T. MOORE. Prof. MARIE A. KEMP HOADLEY. Prof. Prof. — WILLIAM I. HULL. * By- Laws "The President, Dean, and such of the resident Professors and others as maybe elected by the Board, shall constitute the Faculty. They shall hold regular meetings, arrange the course of study, determine the qualifications for admission and for graduation, decide upoa rules of order, and determine ail questions pertaining to the discipline or instruction, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, to whom they shall report monthly." Officers of Instruction/ CHARLES DeGARMO, President, Ph.D., and Professor of Philosophy. ELIZABETH POWELL BOND. Dean. EDWARD H. MAGILL, A.M., Professor of the French ARTHUR BEARDSLEY, L LL.D., Language and Literature. C.E., Ph.D., V. Williamson Professor of Engineering, and Director of the Worl-cshops. WILLLAM HYDE APPLETON, A.M., LL.B., Ph.D., Professor of Greek and of Early English. SUSAN CUNNLXGHAM, J. Edward H. Sc.D., Magill Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. WILLLAM CATHCART DAY, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry. SPENCER TROTTER, M.D., Professor of Biology and Geolog}'. GEORGE A. HOADLEY, C.E., A.M., Professor of Physics. FERRIS W. PRICE, A.M., Isaac MARIE H. Clothier Professor of A. KEMP HOADLEY, Professor of the WILLIAM I. Literature. A.M., German Language and HULL, Language and the Latin Literature. Ph.D., Joseph \Yharton Professor of History and Political Economy. * Arranged with the exception of the President and Dean, in the order of appointment, as Professors, Assistant Professors, and other Instructors. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 10 MYRTIE FURMAN, E. M.O., Assistant Professor in charge of Elocution. J. RUSSELL HAYES, A.B., LL.B., Assistant Professor of English. BEATRICE MAGILL, Instructor in J. K. Drawing and Painting. SHELL, M.D., Director of Physical Culture for the EMILY HUNT, G. Young Men. M.D., Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene to the JOSEPH BAYLEY, Jr., Assistant in Engineering, HENRY GUMMERE, V. Young Women. Shop Practice. A.M., Assistant in Mathematics. MARY MITCHELL GREEN, V. Director of Physical Culture for the WILLIAM H. ADEY, M.D., Young Women. C.E., Assistant in Engineering, Field Practice and Drawing. RACHEL HUTCHINSON, L. Assistant in Department of Physical Culture. ESTHER MOORE, T. A.B., Secretary to the President, and Registrar. SARAH M. NOWELL, Librarian. Students. SENIOR CLASS. Name. Residence. Course. Sarah Bancroft Mary E. Bartleson Reuben G. Bennett Science .... Grace A. Brosius Thomas Cahall Tared W. Darlington Walter C. De Garmo lOLA K. Eastburn . . . . . . . , Edith H. Johns Nellie Lodge Walker Matteson Laura C. Miller Herbert L. Noxon Ellwood C. Parry Robert Pyle Samuel Riddle Miriam Sener Bertha J. Smith . . 'Science . . Letters . . Letters . . Chester, Pa. Freeport, Ohio. Lancaster, Pa. Frederica, Del. Engineering Swarthmore, Pa. ... . Letters Engineering Darling, Pa. Jessie D. Ellis Marietta Hicks ... Clarence B. Hoadley Wilmington, Del. . . .... Union, Del. Letters . . Letters . . Letters . . Science . Philadelphia, Pa. . Westbury Station, N. Y. Swarthmore, Pa. Letters . . Media, Pa. Science . . Philadelphia, Pa. Arjs . . . Roslyn, N. Y. At-ts . . . New York, N. Y. Engineering IngersoU, Canada. Letters Arts . . . Wyncote, Pa. . . London GroYe, Pa. Engineering Media, Pa. Channinc; Way Lydia p. Williams Lancaster. Pa. Letters . . Letters . . Arts . Letters Lincoln, Va. . . West Chester, Pa. . . Philadelphia, Pa. junior class. Name. . . Charles T. Brown Hiram D. Campbell . Daisy R. Corson Residence. Course. Frederic D. Barber Frank G. Blair . . . . Science . . Gardner, . . . . Science . . Mt. Yernon, . . . . . . West Chester, Pa . Ironton, Ohio. . . Norristown, Pa. . . . . . . . . . Arts . Science Science 111. 111. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 12 Name. Gerry B. Course. Dudley LuCRETiA M. Gaskill Henry A. GA^VTHROP Ada Residence. Irregular .... .... V. Gillespie George Gleim, Jr Jonathan Y. Higginson Jesse W. Jeffries Edith Lamb Frederic S. Larison Caroline A. Lukens Ashmore, . IIL Swarthmore, Pa. Letters . . Scietice . . Wilmington, Del. Letters . . Allegheny, Pa. Engineering Cornwall, Pa. . . .... .... .... .... Engineering Pine, Col. Irregular . Chester, Pa. Letters . Baltimore, Irregular . Stanford, Irregular . . Md. 111. Swarthmore, Pa. Robert E. Manley Engineering Philadelphia, Pa. William B. Miller Ejigineering Media, Pa. Albert C. Myers Letters Kennett Square, Pa. Arthur L. Patton Irregular Panola, 111. Margery Pyle London Grove, Pa. Arts Eva T. Rangier Letters Lancaster, Pa. Marshall P. Sullivan Letters Moorestown, N. J. Levi S. Taylor Science Philomont, Va. Frederic L. Thomas .... Engineering Ashton, Md. . . . . . . . . . . . • . Guy . . . T. Viskniskki Lrregular Henrietta M. Wanzer Joseph A. Willis Frederic F. Wilson Alice Witbeck . . . Arts . Irregular .... ...... Name. . Carmi, . Hurstville, N. Y. . Fowling Creek, Md. Letters . . Belvidere, 111. class. Residence. Course. .... 111. Engineering Jersey Shore, Pa. sophomore Susan W. Atkinson Bird T. Baldwin Mary G. Ball Richard J. Bond Levis M. Booth John P. Broomell Pauline Broomell Ella L. Cass Helen M. Catlin Calvin F. Crowell . Arts . Lrregular . . Letters . . Holicong, Pa. Marshalton, Pa. Merchantville, N. Engineering Upper Darby, Pa. Science . . . Baltimore, Lrregular . Christiana, Pa. Letters . Swarthmore, Pa. . Lexington, Mass. . Moorestown, N. . . Lrregular .... Chester, Pa. . A/-ts Science . Md. ^. J. . SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Name. Course. AuGU.STA C. Edel B. Eisenhower Edith Flitcraft Eva E. Foster .... Mabel C. Gilf.espie Mabel Harris Anna Residence. Ii-regular Swarlhmore, Pa. Arts Norrjslown, Pa. . Arts Woodstown, N. ...... Letters Lancaster, Pa. .... Letters Alleghen}^, Pa. Letters Irregular Etna, N. H. Westbury Station, N. Pemberton, N. J. Letters Philadelphia. Pa. Emily Hicks Lyman B. Hollingshead Anna C. Holmes Mary S. Howell Mary E. Hutchinson Lrregular . . Rachel Knight Margaret Kyle M. Katharine Lackey Clarence K. La Motte . . . J. Mary 13 , . . . . . J. Arts Mt. Ephraim, N. Lrregular New Letters Sonierton, Pa. Letters Grinnell, Iowa. Letters Atlantic City, N. J. Wilmington, Del. Irregular G. Leiper Letters Wallingford, Pa. Jane E. Linvill Annie Lodge Letters Philadelphia, Pa. Helen Lillian S. J. Science Marshall McDowell .... . . . Horace W. McFetridge Helen S. Moore .... Edna M. Nicholl Marshall Pancoast .... Mary W. Pierce S. Edna Pownall .... . . . Philadelphia, Pa. Arts . Arts . Trenton, N. New J. York, N. Y. L€tters Philadelphia, Pa. Letters May's Landing, N. Letters Scotch Plains, N. Letters Mickleton, N. Irregular Washington, D. C. Letters Christiana, Pa. Letters Christiana, Pa. Science Dyerstown, Pa. Mary E. Seaman Arthur C. Smedley Arts Letters . . Willistown Inn, Pa. Science . New Hope, , Pa. Tyrone. Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. , . . Salem, Ohio. Brooklyn, N. Y. . Ely J. Smith Letters Georce B. Stevens .... Engineer Marion A. Stutzbach Letters Benjamin A. Thomas .... Arts Georgiana Titus Letters Albert T. Verlinden Irregular . f. T- J. Lydia RAKESTRA^v Edward Y. Rich Edna H. Richards .... J- York, N. Y. , King of Prussia. Pa. Old AVestbury, N. , Darby, Pa, Y Y SVVARTHMORE COLLEGE. 14 Name. y. Serrill Verlinden Emma B. Wallace Georgiana Walter Louis S. Abner Joseph Course. . . . Residence. Engineeruig Darby, Pa. . Woodstown, N. . Christiana, Pa. Irregular . Altoona, Pa. Science . Swarthmore, Pa. Science .... Walton Way E. Way p. . Irregular . Irregular . J. Kennett Square, Pa. Howard J. Webster .... Irregular Philadelphia, Pa. Abraham U. Whitson Engineermg Westbury Station, Irres:ular Oak Park, 111. Amy M. Young . . , . N. Y. . FRESHMEN Name. CLASS. Residence. Course. Armstrong .... Irregular Benjamin Bachrach .... Science Annie E. Baldwin Letters Arts Lucy Bancroft Mary C. Bell Irregular Lucretia S. Blankenburg Irre_i;ular Letters Anna Bradbury Mary . . A. . Lansdowne, . . Decatur, . . Patterson, N. Y. . . Wilmington, Del. E. . . . Mary Brown Letters . . . . Engineering Robert L. Brownfield. Jr. Letters Emily W. Carter Irregular Florence E. Christy Irregular Lydia B. Clothier Irregular Jennie Coker Engineering John W. Coles Lester Collins .Science Science Paul Darlington Leslie C. Derrick Science Science George B. Evans Science Roger B. Farquhar, Jr. Letters Roland B. Flitcraft, Arts Anna Gillingham Lucy C. Grumbine Letters Gilbert L. Hall Arts Engineeri^ig John K. Harper Edmund A. Harvey .... Arts . . . . . . . . . . . Pa. 111. Bayside, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Richmond, Ind. Cornwall, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. . Belmont, N. Y. . Bloomfield, Canada. . Wynnewood, . Hartsville, S. C. Camden, N. Pa. J. . . Moorestown, N. . . Darling, Pa. . . Moorestown, N. J. . . Moorestown, N. J. . . Rockville, Md. . . Oak 111. . . Topeka, Kansas. Park, J. . . Titusville, Pa. . . . Brentwood, N. Y. . . . Fox Chase, Pa. Brandywine Summit, Pa. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Name. 15 Residence. Course. New York, M. Elizabeth Haviland JNIary R. Hicks Anna K. Hines Irregular Irregular . New Edwin D. Hubbard Edna R. Johnston Irregular . Philadelphia, Pa. . . . . . -George M. Lamb, Jr. Mabel W. Latimer Alice Lippincott Anna H. Lippincott Walter H. Lippincott Rebecca E. Lloyd WiLLARD S. MeARS Edna M. Miller . E. Mae Myers . , Letters . . . . Connellsville, Pa. . . Baltimore, Letters . . Wilmington, Del. . . Riverton, N. J. Letters . . Riverton, N. J. Riverton, N. J. . . Irregular Letters Irregular . Thatcher Ethel Thompson J. Chester J. Tyson Emily R. Underhill Antoinette F. Wegert . Elizabeth E. Willets Edith M. Wilson . William . Lancaster. Pa. Letters . . Kennett Square, Pa. Mabel . Wolyerton WooD^YARD F. . . . Irregular Letters . AYondale, Pa. . Camden, N. . Rochester, N. Y. . J. Ghent, N. Y. Engineering Chester, Pa. Irregular . Avondale, Pa. Irregular . Wilmington, Del. Science . . Baltimore, Md. Science . . Moorestown, N. J. Wilmington, Del. Letters . . Baltimore, Science . . Baltimore, Letters . . Glenhead, N. Y. Letters . . . Letters E. Wilmington, Del. . Letters AVilliam H. Purcellville, Va. Letters Letters T. Sulliyan Md. Letters Katharine Pfeiffer Bertha H. Phillips Mabel A. Ponvell John Roach .... Emily P.' Shelmire Elizabeth P. Speakma E. Alford Stabler Helen O-xford, Pa. Science Irregular . N. Y. AYondale, Pa. Letters Elizabeth W. Parrish . . Arts . Md. Md. Saginaw, Mich. . . Glen Cove, N. Y. . . Bloomfield, Canada. Irregular Letters . . . Swarthmore, Pa. . West Chester, Pa. unclassified students. Residence. Howard N. Cassel Norman C. Dunn Marietta, Pa. Salem, N. J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 16 Name. Residence Ernest A. Gill Ethel Griest Lenore Houston Edgar L. Victor I. Baltimore, Md. Reading, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Meyer Meyer St. George, Bermuda. St. George, Bermuda, SUMMARY. Seniors 23 29 . Juniors Sophomores Freshmen 56 Unclassified 7 57 Total 172 y|fcf«i» o I m I ^f mil ( I « « * ^^ ' fs §:-f"^> t [1 «= General Information. Buildings and Grounds. Swarthniore College was founded in 1864 by members of the reli- gious Society of Friends, to provide the children of the Society and others with opportunities for higher education under guarded care. AVith this object in view, a property of two hundred and forty acres was secured, ten miles from Philadelphia, on the Central Division of the Philadelphia, Wilmington &: Baltimore Railroad. It is ac- by trains from the Broad Street Station twenty-four times daily. About half the land is used for farming purposes, providing milk and vegetables for the College; the remainder is devoted to lawn and pleasure grounds. Crum Creek, which forms the western boundary of the property, affords facilities for boating, bathing, and cessible The portion of the grounds bordering the stream is of great The building site is high, securing perfect drainage and pure air and commanding "a fine view of the surrounding country for many miles. skating. picturesque beauty. The Principal feet long. College Building It consists is a massive stone structure 34S of a central building, five stories high, contain- ing public rooms, such as lecture-rooms, museum, library, reading- rooms, parlors, dining-hall, this building high. etc. from the two wings. The ground floors are Fire-proof compartments separate The latter are each four stories devoted to lecture and recitation rooms ; the remaining floors in the east wing contain the dormitories of the young women, and in the west wing those of the young men. A number of the instructors reside in the same building with the students, and the relations between them are such that there is comparative freedom from the dangers and temptations ordinarily incident to college life. The buildings are heated throughout by steam, lighted by gas, and thoroughly ventilated. The Science Hall is constructed of stone, in the most durable manner, and was planned with special reference to the work of stu2 (17) SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 13 dents in Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry. 162 feet, and a depth of 64 It The basement feet. boiler rooms, the blacksmith shop, has a frontage of contains engine and and the foundry of the engineering department, the electrical laboratory, and store-rooms. On the first machine shop and engineering lecture-room, the engineer ing laboratory, and the chemical and physical laboratories, and on the second floor are the draughting-rooms, the wood-working shop, and floor are the and physical lecture-rooms. The Astronomical Observatory is especially arranged for purposes The plan embraces a central building supporting the of instruction. dome and two wings. There are four rooms a transit-room, in the chemical : which is placed an instrument of three-inch aperture, also the mean- time clock ; a pier-room, at present utilized as a sidereal-clock a work-room in which is room ; placed a small library of reference books, the chronograph and chronometer equatorial of six-inch aperture. ; and the dome, containing the In connection with this latter instru- and a spectroscope. The transit and by Warner & Swasey, of Cleveland, O., and the spectroscope by Brashear, of Allegheny, Pa. The equipment Connected with the observatory is the Signal is ample for class-work. Service Station of the State Weather Bureau, fully provided with the necessary meteorological and other apparatus. ment there is a micrometer equatorial were constructed Other Buildings are a meeting-house, the President's house, the West house (birthplace of Benjamin West, now used as a professor's house), the house of the Professor of Astronomy, the Farmer's house and commodious farm-buildings, the laundry and bakery, the boilerhouse, containing the sectional boilers for heating and cooking purposes, and the gymnasium for young women. All these buildings are constructed of stone. Libraries and Reading-Room. The Libraries of the College volumes, as follows collectively contain 17,601 The General Library, ii>979 Literary Societies' Libraries, 3>38o Friends' Historical Library, 2,242 Members bound : of the Senior Class are permitted, under proper regu- SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 19 lations, to consult the Philadelphia Library, containing 145,000 volumes, and the Mercantile Library, containing 150^000 volumes, as and technical well as the valuable special The General Library delphia. The Librarian students in consulting the Library and in aid will libraries in the city of Phila- at all times accessible to students. is arranging courses of reading. Anson Lapham, Friends^ Historical Library, founded by the late of Skaneateles, N. Y., consists of a valuable collection of Friends' books, photographs of representative Friends, and manuscripts relat- ing to the Society and Custodian, accessible to is hoped is is, upon application .to the stored in a fire-proof apartment, and others that Friends deem will books and other material it a secure place in in their possession which of interest in connection with the history of the Society. Such to deposit may be and persons interested in the doctrines and his- This collection tory of Friends. and it which history, its all contributions, as well as additional funds for its growth and mainte- nance, are solicited, and should be addressed to "Friends' Historical Library," or to "Arthur Beardsley, The Reading-Room is Curator, Swarthmore, Pa." supplied with the leading literary and and the prominent newspapers of the principal cities. by the students. There are two for young men and one for young Avomen. These hold regular meetings for the reading of essays, etc., and for practice in debate. Their Libraries, under their own management, contain over three thousand volumes and are accessible to all students. scientific journals Literary Societies are maintained The Gymnasiums. The Gymnasium apparatus Through the efforts of friends a separate and equipped are in young men according the separate full set of Somerville their for the Literary Society and young women has been built The exercises young men and young to classes for the all. from hofne a physician'' s certificate make it dangerous for them to take pat i bring if there is any cause that ^vould in the exercises required. supplied with a the system of Dr. Sargent. under the Swedish system. are required of Students are requested is to gymnasium for exercise conducted women, and for the exercising for SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 20 The extensive and beautiful grounds connected with the College^ invite to out-door exercise, On the highest and which encouraged by the authorities. is campus a space has been driest part of the pared for athletic games, Avith a quarter-mile cinder pre- running track, and' a well-graded field for foot-ball and base-ball, whilst the surrounding. country offers facilities for cross-country running. General Regulations. Religious Exercises. trine that religion is —While care is taken, to inculcate the doc- a matter of practical daily life, and is not con- fined to the observance of set forms or the promulgation of religious tenets, the regular assembling for religious purposes On is carefully ob- morning a religious meeting is held, attended by students, teachers, members of the household, and Friends of the The meeting is preceded by First-day school exerneighborhood. served. First-day of the recitation of passages of Scripture prepared cises, consisting by members of the The Scripture. different classes, and the reading of a portion oT daily exercises are opened by a general meeting for reading selected portions of Scripture or other suitable books, and for imparting such moral lessons as circumstances seem to require,, followed by a period of silence before entering upon the duties of theday. The its use, use of tobacco being strictly prohibited, those addicted unless prepared to renounce it to- entirely, should not apply for admission. — Commencement and Vacation. The College year begins on the Third-day of Ninth month, and closes with Commencement day, which occurs on the second Third-day of Sixth month. third Students are not admitted for a period lege year ; but, when vacancies exist, they less may than the current Colenter at any time dur- ing the year. summer vacation Besides the days at the close Third month. there will be a recess of about ten of the Twelfth month, and one of one week in the (See Calendar.) Students are permitted to remain at the College, under care, dur- ing the recesses, but not during the summer vacation. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. The Household. 21 . In the organization of this College unusual care has been extended to the personal comforts and the social interests of the students. This department is in charge of the Dean, with able assistants. She has and health of the young women, communicate freely with her in regard to also special oversight of the conduct and parents are desired to the welfare of their daughters. The several departments of the household are charge of the following "diate Mary P. Eves, under the imme- : Matron of Central Building. Rachel B. Townsend, Housekeeper. Sarah D. Coale, Matron of West Wing. Rachel A. Hicklin, Matron of East Wing. Ellen Roberts, Director of Laundry. Expenses. The is cost of Board and Tuition is $450 per payable in advance, and $200 on the first year, of which $250 of First month. For Day Students, the price is ^200 per year, of which $100 is payable in advance, and the remainder on the first of First month. The day A students take lunch with the resident students. deposit of five dollars is recjuired by each male student to any expense incurred by injury to property. The unexpended balance will be returned at the end of the year. Students purchase their own books, which the College will furnish -defray They also buy their own stationery, drawing implements, and certain tools and materials used in the workshops, and pay at a reasonable rate for laundry work done at the at the lowest obtainable rates. College. Students taking laboratory courses will $\o beginning of the course at the The unexpended balance used. to make a deposit of cover the expense of the material will be returned at the end of the •course. In case of i/lness, no extra charge is made unless a physician be employed. The above sary expenses. figures may be depended upon as covering all neces- SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 22 Payments. Payments are to be made by check Robert Biddle, or draft to the order of Treasurer, No. 507 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Fellowships, Scholarships, and Pecuniary Aid. FELLOWSHIPS. The Joshua Lippincott Fellowship, founded by Howard W.. Lippincott, A. B., of the Class of 1875, in consists of a fund yielding an memory of his father^ income of $450 per year, which is- granted annually by the Faculty, with the concurrence of the Instruction Committee, to a graduate of this College engaged in advanced study under the direction or with the approval of the Faculty. The Lucretia Mott Fellowship, founded by the Somerville- its members, income of ^525, and is awarded each year by a Committee of the Faculty selected by the Society, to a young womani graduate of that year, for the purpose of pursuing advanced study at some other institution approved by this Committee. Literary Society and sustained by the contributions of yields an annual scholarships. pays 1. The Westbury Quarterly Meeting, all charges for board and tuition and is N. Y., Scholarshipawarded annually by a. Committee of the Quarterly Meeting. 2. The Rebecca M. Atkinson and the Barclay Scholarships pay all charges for board and tuition G. Atkinson. and are awarded, annually by the Board of Managers of the College. 3. uals, There are nine other similar Scholarships owned by individ- each entitling the holder to board and tuition at the College, and awarded by the owner. 4. Freshmen Honor Scholarships. — For the year 1897-98- ten honor Scholarships of the value of ^200 each for resident, and ^100 each for non-resident students have been established. One of . SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. may be awarded to a candidate the following named schools these Scholarships Class by each of 23 for' the Freshman : Friends' Central School, Philadelphia, Pa. Friends' Seminary, New Friends' Friends' Md. Wilmington, Del. Friends' School, Friends' York, N. Y. Baltimore, High School, Moorestown, N. High School, Academy, J. Locust Valley, L. L Friends' Select School, Washington, D. C. Abington Friends' School, Jenkintown, Pa. George School, Chappapua Mountain Newtown, Pa. Chappaqua, N. \ Institute, PECUNIARY AID. The Committee on Endowments, and Scholarships holds income of which is used to aid deserving Trusts, in trust certain funds, the and needy students who are pursuing their studies at this College. Full information as to the condition and amount of such pecuniary aid may be had on application to Rebecca C. Longstreth, Secj-etary, Sharon Hill, Pa. Examinations for Admission. Introductory. The studies ret^uired for a Degree extend over four years. requirements for generally can meet. study, Owing and the absence of all accomplished in four years is to the enforcement of regular hours ordinary avocations of versities. life, lor opportunity for dissipation, the amount and is believed to afford a suffiand general culture for the the study of any of the learned proadvanced degrees in the higher uni- large, cient preparation in classics, science, fessions, The admission are intended to be such as Friends' schools for or as candidates for . SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 24 Time and Conditions To secure places, application early as possible by admission should be made as for letter to the President. applicants must All of Admission. good coming from another submit satisfactory testimonials of character from their last teachers, and students college must present certificates of honorable dismissal. The examinations for admission may be taken either in the sum- iner at the close of the college year, or in the fall. See Calendar for the dates. Students are also admitted at any time during the year, and are charged for the unexpired time until the close of the year. Requirements Admission for All candidates for admission to the amined in the following subjects — Freshman Class be ex- will : — 1 Mathematics. Arithmetic. Entire. Algebra.— To Permutations and Combinations (Charles .Smith's Elementary Algebra Geometry. in 1897-8. is in a book of High-School grade. suggested.) —The whole of Plane Geometry. English Grammar and Composition. Candidates are expected to be familiar with Milton's 3. English Literature. L' Allegro, II Penseroso, Comus and Lycidas, Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice and Midsummer Night's Dream, Longfellow's Evangeline, Macaulay's Essay on Milton, Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration, Irving's Tales of a Traveler, George Eliot's Silas Marner, and Scott's Woodstock. The candidate will be required to write a short composition upon a subject taken from some one of the above-named works. 2. — — History. A thorough preparation in the outlines of the History of the United and in either the History of England or in General History. The amount required in each subject is equivalent to what is contained in the following textbooks Johnston's History of the United States, Gardiner's School History of Eng4. States, : land, Myers's General History. 5. Geography. — The general Physical, facts of Descriptive, and Political Geography, especially of the United States and Europe. In addition to the above, candidates will be examined as follows (i) For Latin. — : the Classical Course in Cresar, Gallic War, four books ; Virgil's .Eneid, six hooks ; Cicero, seven orations (including those against Catiline); Latin Grammar, the essentials; SWARTIIMORE COLLEGE. particularly paradigms and elementary syntax ; Latin 25 Composition, the accurate translation into Latin of easy sentences involving words iand constructions met in Cicero's first commonly oration against Catiline. — Greek. Greek Grammar (Goodwin's recommended) elementary Greek ComHomer ^Three books of the Xenophon Four books of the Anabasis position Iliad ; — ; — ; General History of Greece to the death of Alexander. ; For candidates who pass a Sophomore {lective after the satisfactory examination in the above, Greek will be year. Candidates for the Classical Course who present no Greek will be required to pursue the study during the entire four years o{ college — a class for beginners being Freshman year. French or German. -Candidates for the Classical Course offering no Greek required to present the minimum amount of either French or German, as pre- formed in the — are scribed in the Literary Course under Options. (2) man, For the Literary Course, in Latin, or in French, or in as follows Latin. Ger- : —As required entrance the Classical Course. — Elements of French Grammar; Super's Preparatory French Reader; for to French. "varied selections French (entire) dictees. ; Series, or equivalents ; Volumes I, II, and HI of Magill's Modern Racine's Athalie, and Moliere's Bourgeois Gentil- hofmne, or equivalents; Prose Composition. — German. Joynes-Meissner's German Grammar, Part I, or equivalent Grimm's Maerchen (twelve selections) Eichendorff's Taugeuiclits, omitting chapters VII and VIII; Buchheim's Elementajy German Prose Composition, Parts I and II; I'Vilhebn Tell and Die Journalisten or llermaiin and Dorothea ; Ballads and Lyrics ; ; be memorized). (six to Options. Equivalents will be accepted. — Candidates not prepared to offer the maximum amount of Latin, French, or German will be permitted to substitute a smaller amount of any two of the "three languages, as follows •or equivalents. French easy at sight. German (3) French : Latin — Four books — Elements of Ger/zia/i of Csesar and six French Grammar and the — Elements of German Grammar books of Virgil, ability to and the read easy ability to read at sight. For the Engineering Course, in Latin, French, or German, as above. (4) For the Science Course, in Latin, French, or German, as •above. Admission by Certificate. Graduates of Friends' Schools whose courses of study are cient to prepare students for the the Certificate of the Principal. Freshman Class will suffi- be admitted on SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 26 Graduates of any High School which, in the judgment of the Faculty and Instruction Committee, adequately taught, and which is conforms substantially to the courses of study recommended by the Committee of Ten of the National Educational Association, admitted to the Freshman Class on will be certificate of the Principal. Graduates of other schools which in the judgment of the Faculty and Instruction Committee conform to the above requirements, will be admitted on the certificate of the Principal. Blank Forms of application and certificates will be sent, on application, to the Principals of the fill above schools, who are requested to out and return them together with a circular or catalogue of the school. Students admitted by certificate are admitted on trial, and the Faculty reserves the right to change their classification or to decline if found not properly Also, permits to send students on certificates may be withdrawn to continue their connection with the College prepared to do the work. from any school when it is found that it does not send students- properly prepared. Pupils from these Schools intending to enter the College should apply by letter for places as soon as convenient after the completion of their preparation. They should present themselves at the College on Fifth-day, Ninth month 23d, 1897. who wish to have students admitted recommendation, should correspond with the President con- Principals of other schools on their cerning each case. Examinatiofifor Higher Classes. — Candidates for classes than the Freshman Class must pass satisfactorily in pursued by the lower class or classes ; all higher the subjects and students coming from other and must show colleges must present letters of honorable dismissal, that they have pursued courses of study equivalent to those taken by the classes they wish to enter. — A limited number of teachers and Partial Courses of Study. fair education and of sufficiently mature age who other persons of may wish to improve themselves in particular studies will be received without examination, and allowed to elect, classes, all in any of the regular such work as they can pursue to advantage. cases correspond with the President in advance. They should in Courses of Instruction. ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. For required and elective studies, and the number of exercises per week, in eacli^,. see pages 49-52. Biology. Spencer Trotter, The purpose of biological studies Professor. is to train students in the right methods of thinking and the interpretation of the facts and problems continually presented to them by natural objects. Lectures, demonstrations, and text-books are employed in con- The nection with laboratory work. course is required of all Science students. The Course is arranged as follows Freshman Class. : - — Required of Science Students. —Elements of Biology (Animals and Plants). Text-books. tical — Trotter's "Abstract of Zoology ;" Colton's " Prac- Zoology;" Gray's "Botany." — Morphology and Physiology of a high form of Text-books. — Mivart, "The Cat;" Huxley & Youman, Junior Class. animal. "Physiology;" Foster Senior Class. ography Martin (elective). & l^ Langley, "Practical Physiology." — Vertebrate Huxley, Morphology. "Anatomy Geology and Physi- of Vertebrated Animals." Moule, Hand-books of Vert. -Dissection. Independent JVork. biological subject. — Preparation and writing of a The time for work to thesis on some be arranged with the Pro- fessor. (27) SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. :28 The Museum. The Museum of the College the specimens from teaching collection, and strictly a is cases are in constant use in its laboratories in Natural History; it is growing the lectures and steadily, but always in the direction of rendering more perfect the means of illustrating the different departments of Natural History, making it interesting they It 1. may be in their way. includes the following collections and •double cases, by its opaque models of the various systems of The founder, occupies four large consists of exceedingly choice cabinet specimens of •crystallized minerals, characteristic rocks 2. : TYiQ Joseph Leidy Collection of Minerals, the result of thirty discriminative collecting years' and with no intention of a collection of curiosities or miscellaneous articles, however and ores, and transparent and crystallization. Collection of Comparative (9 j^/if^/f?^)' consists of a large series Henry Ward's of partial and complete skeletons, prepared at Prof. Natural History Establishment in Rochester, N. Y., and illustrating the structure and framework of backboned animals. 3. The Wilcox and Farnum Collectioji of Birds comprises double cases of stuffed specimens of native and foreign all the 4. •cases specimens visiting Nearly this State are represented. The Frederick Kohl Ethnological of four large birds. Collection Indian implements, weapons, clothing, consists of two mostly from etc., Alaska. 5. The Parker C. F. Collection of Shells cases of choice typical land, fresh-water, is made up and marine of six large shells. These by the Curator from the extensive collection of the late C. F. Parker, and render further additions to this branch needless. The founder of this collection was for many specimens were all selected years the Curator in charge of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 6. The Robert 7?. Corson Collection of Stalactites, Stalagmites, and Helictites represents the celebrated Luray Caverns, and illustrates the limestone formations which render these caverns the second in magnificence in the world. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. The 7. 29" Eckfeldt Herbariutn consists of over two thousand plants.. iHustrating the flora of Pennsylvania. In addition to the above, there is a large and constantly increas- ing collection of stuffed and alcoholic specimens of vertebrates and invertebrates (including the U. S. Fish lection, ) Commission Educational Colon of dissected specimens for demonstration in the lectures Physiology and Hygiene, glass and papier-mache models of invertebrates besides and of special points some three hundred in vegetable classified and animal morphology, diagrams and finely colored. charts illustratins: everv branch of natural historv. Chemistry. William The C. Day, Professor. course of instruction in this subject extends over a period of four years, and aims to impart a thorough understanding of the most and principles of the science, while special attention is essential facts given to the cultivation of systematic habits of manipulation, so that, besides possessing value as part of a liberal education, dation for such pursuits in life as Those who may desire it forms a foun- require this knowledge. to continue their work beyond the limits of the regular course will have suitable work assigned them, and will find every facility for carrying it on. The Chemical Laboratory occupies rooms in Science Hall. It includes a room for work in General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis, one for Quantitative Analysis, and a basement room for Assaying and ^Metallurgy. Near to these are store-rooms, a balanceroom, and a lecture-room. The Laboratory tables are covered with glazed vided. tiles; fume-closets, The suction for filtration, water and gas are pro- lecture-room, with a seating capacity of one hundred, is- furnished with water, gas, fume-closets, and abundant apparatus for lecture purposes. For lecture lection of the metals posited by set Hugh and illustration, there is their salts, Foulke). an excellent col- and a cabinet of minerals (de- In addition to these there is a complete of typical preprations for use in the course in Organic Chemistry, Chemical Library. — In all cases students are encouraged in the habit of consulting for themselves the best authorities ; and in a room . SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 30 near to the Laboratory there •on Chemistry and ; will be found a number of standard works numerous other works on technical besides, there are analytical subjects, current chemical journals, complete including some sets of the latter. Text-Books. —As the student advances in the course the follow- ing text-books are used itative Analysis," " Elementary Chemistry," Remsen : Medicus " Introduction ; pounds of Carbon," Remsen; Fresenius; "Theoretical to the ; " Qual- Study of the Com- ''Quantitative Chemical Analysis," Remsen. Chemistry," Special works in technical analysis are used as required. Freshman Class. — — General Lectures i^Experimeritaf) a. Ele- mentary Chemistry (non-metals and metals), with examinations. Special exercises on topics selected with b. Laboratory Work. — the object of stimulating intelligent experimentation. Sophomore Class. — a. Lectures. — Theoretical Chemistry, fol- lowed by Qualitative Analysis. b. Work. Laboratory — Qualitative, followed by Quantitative Chemical Analysis. Junior Class. — a. Lectures. — Chemistry of the compounds of carbon. b. Laboratory Work. — Quantitative Analysis, followed by a num- ber of exercises in important, typical, organic transformations. Senior Class. laboratory work. — The A course during this year consists largely of few special subjects are given to each student, with the understanding that he ical is to fulfill the practical and theoret- requirements of these subjects in a complete, exhaustive, and scholarly manner. Such work will involve the study of technical works and a number of the current chemical journals. Meetings will occasionally be held for the consideration of important researches, as they appear from time to time in the journals. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 31 DrawinQ- and PaintinQ-. Beatrice Magill, A Instructor. course of Freehand Drawing and Aside from its of close observation, and Painting means of intrinsic value as a culture, open is it to all. leads to habits a very important adjunct to the other is and Science. casts, and painting from of lectures on Practical Perspective courses, especially to those of Engineering It consist of drawing from objects and still-life, flowers, etc., and and a series A the History of Painting. work qualified to in is Sketch Class is open to the students held one afternoon a week for out-door Spring and Autumn, and during the Winter-time sketching in the sketches are made light It it. in the studio from casts and still-life, in color and and shade. Freshman Class.— Drawing from ornament, Sophomore Class. ing from geometrical objects ; cast, still- life. —Drawing from cast, details of figure. Paint- still-life. Junior Class. still-life, flowers, Senior Class. still-life, flowers, — Drawing from cast, details of figure. Painting, out-door sketching. — Drawing from cast, head or figure. Paintings, out-daor sketching. History of Art. Junior Class. First Semester : — {^Elective), two periods a week. — History of — History of Art Italian Art, the Renaissance. Second Semester : in Germany, England, and Spain. Senior Class. First Semester: {^Elective'), — History of Art — Grecian Second Semester The — two periods a week. in France; Modern Art. Art. : students are required to present written sketches upon the subjects under consideration and to visit the different art exhibitions held in Philadelphia during each season. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 32 Engineering and Mechanic Arts. Arthur Beardsley, Professor: Joseph William H. Adey, This department who students is Bayley, Assistant, Field Jr., Assistant, Work ;- Shop Work and Drawing. intended to give a good preparation to those are expecting to become either Civil or Mechanical Engineers, or to engage in any of the several specialties of engineering The practice. will studies and exercises are so arranged that the graduates be prepared to become immediately useful in the subordinate positions, and, after a field, in tice, to fair office, works, or amount of such prac- design and take change of important works. The location of the College is most favorable for residence and combining the quiet of the country with ready access to Philadelphia and the many important manufacturing cities in its vicinity, study, and permitting frequent visits to industrial and engineering works of every kind. The department ments, transits, is levels, well provided with the necessary field instruplane-table, and each student etc., is made and management by practical exercises in the and draughting-room, carefully planned to illustrate the actual familiar with their use field practice of the engineer. Included in the work of this department is a course in the Mechanic Arts, in which regular and systematic instruction is given in thoroughly-equipped workshops, and by skilled and machinery, and instructors in the use of tools in methods and processes. The Draughting- Rooms are large, well-lighted, and furnished with adjustable tables, models, etc., are well ventilated and warmed, and are open for work during the greater part of the day. The Engitieering Laboratory contains a ten-horse power vertical steam engine and boiler, an Olsen's testing-machine, arranged for tensile, compressive, and transverse apparatus for hydraulic and tests, a steam-engine indicator, steam-engine experiments, and other valuable instruments and appliances. It includes, also, several shops, which the students become familiar with the nature and properties of the materials of construction (iron, wood, brass, etc.), employed by the engineer, and with the process of working them into the in desired form for their intended uses. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 33 The Machine Shop contains an excellent and complete assortment of including tools, 4 screw-cutting engine lathes, 3 speed lathes (simple and back geared), an iron planer, a complete universal milling machine, a of milling cutters adapted for general purposes and for set making other cutters, a shaper, a twist-drill grinder, an emery grinder, a mill grinder, a grindstone, 16 upright 2 drills, and vises (plain and swivel), 14 lathe chucks (combination, independent, scroll, drill), a milling machine chuck, a rotary planer chuck, planer centres, a of Bett's standard gauges, surface plates (Brown twist drills, reamers, mandrels, screw-plates, taps & and set Sharpe), sets of dies, lathe centre grinder, a complete set of steam-fitters' tools, with pipe vise, ratchet together with the drill, etc., chisels, files, etc. many necessary small tools, hammers, Additions are constantly being made to by manufacture this collec- or by Power is furnished by a 10x24 Corliss steam engine and a 60-horse power return tubular boiler, the former fitted with an improved indicator, and the latter with the necessary attachments for tion as they are needed, either in the shops purchase. determining efficiency, etc. its The Wood- Working Slwp contains 18 benches with vises and sets of wood-working tools, a grindstone, and 8 wood-turning lathes. The Smith Shop contains smith tools, bench, and 7 forges, 10 anvils, and sets of black- vise. The Foundry contains a brass- furnace, moulders' and full sets of moulders' tools. benches, a variety of patterns, The in studies somewhat from year to year, but by the following arrangement of the details of the course vary general, are represented : FRESHMAN English CLASS. — English Literature, Nineteenth Century Authors of England and America, Lectures on the Greek and Roman Literatures; Practice in Description, Orations, and Narrative Writing. —Algebra, Geometry, and Plane Trigonometry, completed. — Experimental Lectures General Elementary Chemistry of non-metals Mathematics Chemistry ; and metals ; Special Exercises in Laboratory Practice on topics selected with the object of stimulating intelligent experimentation tative and quantitative. ; Analytical Work, quali- SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 34 Draughting — Elements of Drawing ; Use of Instruments Tinting, Shading, Grain- ; ing; Representation of Earthwork, Masonry, and Materials of Construction ; Special Plane Geometric Problems, Projections, Lettering. Shop Work —'Wood- working and Pattern-making, Blacksmithing, Foundry, Prac- tice. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Mathematics Conic Sections Differential Chemistry Qualitative Analysis. Calculus. — ; — Physics — Analytical Mechanics, Liquids, Gases, and Sound, Lectures, Recitations and Laboratory Work. Draughting Structure and Machine Drawing Shades and Shadows Descriptive Geometry, Point, Right Line, and Plane Tangencies and Intersections; Let- — ; ; ; tering. Shop Work — Vise Work, chipping, turning in brass and iron ; filing, scraping, fitting, tapping, reaming ; hand use of machine tools, lathe-work, turning, boring, screw-cutting, drilling, planing, milling, polishing, etc. ; on machine lectures and materials of construction. Electives French, German, Elocution shop work. (See Junior tools — ; Class, shop work.) JUNIOR CLASS. Mathematics Physics — Integral Calculus. — Heat, Magnetism, Electricity, and Light, Lectures, Recitations, and Lab- oratory work. Engineering — Surveying surveying; —Theory, adjustment, and use of topographical, leveling; field trigonometrical, instruments; farm and hydrographic surveys. Applied Mechanics and —Friction and other elasticity of materials of construction resistances; stresses; strength strength of beams, columns, shafts. ; Laboratory practice. DraugJiting — Shades, shadows, and perspective Mechanism machinery and — : topographical, structure, working drawings finished drawings. visits to and sketches of special Principles of mechanism and machine drawing ; ; ; structures. Practical Exercises — In field work ; in general engineering laboratory and building materials, the setting up, testing, and management of steam engines, boilers, and machinery shop work. Electives Physics Practical electricity, including the theory and practice of elecpractice, including the testing of metals ; — trical — measurements. Chemistry — Technical analysis of iron, steel, etc., as arranged with the Professor of Chemistry. — Construction of a project, steam engine, dynamo, lathe, mechanism or piece of machinery. For this purpose the drautrhting-rooms and shops are available at all convenient times, and the professors and instructors accessible for advice and assistance. Shcp Work or other special — ; SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 35 SENIOR CLASS. Engineering — Line Surveying —Theory and practice of road, railroad, and canal surveying and engineering. Structures —Building materials superstructures stability of structures ; bridges, cranes, roofs, etc. ; Applied Mechanics theory of machines ; foundations and ; graphical statics. — Practical hydraulics; practical pneumatics; general theory of prime movers, steam engines, turbines, etc. ; measurement of power. MecIianisDi transmission of — Principles power Draughting mechanism, of machine design, and of the of construction and use of tools. ; — Stereotomy ; and machine drawing plans, proworking drawings designs and investiga- structure and sections of road surveys files ; ; ; tions. Practical Exercises— \ti the tests field, engineering laboratory, and shops; and of machinery; of building materials preparation of graduating thesis. Electives —Physics—Applied dynamos and motors; theory of electricity; management under running, and different loads : and alternating systems. lighting in both direct care, application of the current to Visits to and inspection of neighboring electrical plants. Chemistry . as —Technical analysis of may be arranged —Lectures and —Early English. — industrial chemistry practical field-work. Geology English History iron, steel, etc. with the Professor of Chemistry. — Elocution. Constitution, History, and Civil Government of the United States. Mathematics and Astronomy vanced mathematics and three The Degree conferred — Eight in at the elective courses are offered in ad- astronomy. completion of the course is Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Enoflish Lano^uaoe and William H. Appleton, Early J. English. Russell Hayes, English. Myrtie The Literature. E. FurmaN, Elocution and Oratory. course in English Literature extends through four years, instruction being given by the English Language is recitations and lectures. During this time studied in connection with the Literature SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 36 from the Anglo-Saxon period down of the course lar feature The to the present day. particu- the critical reading in the class-room of is representative authors, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Pope, Wordsworth, Tennyson. comprehension of the work its and language are con- Peculiarities of style sidered, allusions are looked up, and every effort The in hand. and relation to the history of the time, made author's his for a life is thorough studied in works are compared By this course it is expected that the student will be enabled, from his own observation, to form an intelligent estimate of the style and merits of the great authors of Engwith those of his contemporaries. lish Literature. So far as practicable, the work in Literature, Composition, and in Elocution and Oratory is and Oratory the study, in Rhetoric co-ordinated. by the work subjects for essays are largely suggested in Elocution is in Literature, and The and as literature, of the literature read considered fundamental to an intelligent oral expression. The courses offered are as follows a. Literature. Freshman Year. : — The nineteenth century authors of England and America. A few authors are selected for more exhaustive study, with the design of making the work in literature contribute toward intellectual discipline and spiritual insight, literary values. no than toward an appreciation of less Portions of other authors are read, and a short his- torical survey of the Greek and the Roman literatures is given, in order to illustrate the debt of English literature to the earlier great literatures. — Sopho:more Year. The work of the year is largely Shakespeare and Milton, with readings, however, of other authors (prose and poetry). Junior Year. and — First Selections), Lectures Semester: Anglo-Saxon (Sweet's Primer on the development of English. Second Semester Chaucer, Spenser outside reading of minor contemporary authors by students. Lectures on the transition and : Middle English periods. This course is elective for Seniors. ; " SWARTH-MORE COLLEGE. 37 In addition to the required class work there members tional reading suggested for such and personal advice. selves of the opportunity offered for conference b. Rhetoric This course and Composition. required of is in all classes addi- is choose to avail them- as Freshman Year. regular students. all — Practice in description, orations, and narra- tive writing. Sophomore Year. —The principles and practice of versification. Text-book, Corson's "Primer of English Verse." Junior Year. — Advanced — the Rhetoric study of style and Text-books, Genung's "Practical Elements of Rhetoric authorship. and "Handbook of Rhetorical Analysis." Senior Year. c. and Elocution Inasmuch — Graduating Oratory. and as natural factors for success in essays. life, effective speech been combined, and the student is The aim own in this course stimulate to a broader mental grasp, cultivate the imagination, and arouse the expression is one of the most potent and Oratory have given practice in expressing his thought as well as the thought of- an author. is to is the subjects of Elocution is sensibilities, the a result of vivid theory accepted being that effective mental impressions. given exercises whereby he learns his thought, and thus be able read and to make A sound and soul must express it Hence the student to utilize his experiences, to vivify to enter into the spirit of the literature a part of himself. flexible itself, body being the due attention is medium through which the given to physical training, voice culture, and enunciation. The course in Elocution and Oratory extends through four years. First year, original work, reading, and recitation of typical orations in connection with the work required under Rhetoric and Composition, the critical reading of the " ^Merchant of Venice " and "Julius Ccesar," Avith imag native study and description of the characters of the dramas, Second year, original voice culture, enunciation, physical training. work continued, extemporaneous speech, voice culture, etc., con- SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 38 tinued, the critical reading of Third and fourth selections. "Twelfth Night " and other standard work continued more funda- years, the mentally. During the college year there are several contests in oratory and The all students, which stimulate oratorical zeal. declamation, open to members of the Senior Class give a Shakespeare evening in character^ in preparation for Every which they receive instruction. made effort is A thought. stimulus to course the read, so that to make work the careful study to is is in this department a required of the literature some extent a course in English- literature. French Language and Literature. Edward H. Magill, Professoi-. objective points in the study of the French language will The wide and extensive reading, making the student many time will allow with as To literature. this works in French as possible of the best end a minimum of grammar will be required, and While the rapid reading at sight encouraged early in the course. classical authors of the seventeenth tion, as much century will receive careful atten- of the literature of the present generation as practicable will be introduced into the course. nor necessary to name classes Course Super's ; is is found not possible as circumstances and the condition of to require. Time, one year. I. regular verbs and auxiliaries pronouns It the various works used, as they will be all changed from year to year, seem be familiar as the as common irregular verbs Preparatory Series," Vol. Course I, ; French Grammar forms of ; articles, — inflections of nouns, adjectives, and general principles of syntax. French Reader; Magill's "Modern French- Dictees. II. French Grammar reviewed and Time, one year. "Modern French Series," Vols. II and III; continued; Magill's varied selections (entire) from modern French writers ; Dictees ;. Conversations. Course III. Time, one year. Corneille's Horace and Poly- ; SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. eucte ; Racine's Britannicus and Esther Les Precieuses Ridicules entire Moliere's Misanthrope and Dictees ; ; and selections Lectures on French Conversation and Correspondence. ; Course IV. in ; Victor Hugo's Hernani, from modern French writers Literature dence ; 39 French Conversation and Correspon- Time, one year. varied selected works and nineteenth centuries; Lec- Dictees, Essays, Critiques ; (entire) of authors of the eighteenth ; on French Literature. tures Course V. This course Time, one year. Course IV, but the authors used in be similar to will be different. class will year fifth may German V Schiller, — will as a fourth year's be given in alternate years. A. Kemp Hoadley, Miirchcn Wilhelm Tell (begun) ; Professor. German Grammar Joynes-Meissner's Grimm's from be desire a Lano^uag^e and Literature. Marie First Year. selections may count take both, and that either work. Courses IV and It is to who considered as equivalent to Course IV, and that students ; (Part I); Taugenichts Eichendorff, Buchheim's Elementary Prose Com- position (Part I). Second Year. ued) ; —Joynes-Meissner's German Grammar Wilhelm Tell (completed) Schiller, ; (contin- Freytag, Die Journal- Hermann and Dorothea; Buchheim's Elementary German Prose Composition (Parts 11 and III) German ballads and isten ; Goethe, ; lyrics. Third Year. reise ; — Prose Composition Private reading ture ; Schiller, lVallenstein(ed. Carruth) Goethe, Iphigenia anf Taiiris : ; lectures ; ; Heine, ZTfxrs- Buchheim's Advanced German on the history of German literature. selection from Scherer's History of Gei-man Litera- Nevinson's Life of Schiller. Fourth Year. — Goethe, Egmo?it ; Schiller, Historische Skizzen ; Doktor Licthcr, A us dem Staat Ericderichs des Grossen Buchheim's Advanced German Prose Composition (Part II) Goethe, Freytag, ; Dichtung und Wahrheit (Knabenjahre) vate reading : Simes' Life of Goethe. ; lectures on Goethe. Pri- ; SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 40 — Goethe, Dichtimgiind Waht'heit Fifth Year. von Berlichingen von ing Scheffel, lectures ; on Faust; {?,t\tc\xQXi'i); Gotz Buchheim's Deutsche Lyrik Ekkehard ; German prose composition. Private readGerman Literature ; extracts from Kuno Taylor's Studies in : German Francke's Social Forces in Literature. Greek. William H. Appleeon, who Students I. present the usual College requisition in Greek (see page 25) will be required with the privilege of electing following scheme Professor. continue the study for two years, to thereafter, in it accordance with the : Freshman Year (^Required'). — Poetry — Homer: The Iliad or Odyssey (Selections). Prose —The Greek Historians : and Herodotus Thucydides (Selections). Sophomore Year {Required). One chylus, Sophocles. Prose — (A study of Plato's — Poetry — Greek Tragedy: ^^s- play of each. Apology and Crito, Xenophon's Memorabilia. Socrates.) — — Several Poetry Euripides Junior Year {Elective'). Prose Demosthenes: The Oration on the Crown. — Senior Year {Elective). Prose — Plato's : — Poetry — Aristophanes, Lyric poets. Dialogues. Modern Greek. Readings cent and Dickson's Hand-Book, with colloquial exercises. on the History of Greek Note. much in Vin- Lectures Literature. classes have exercises in Greek Composition with practice in sight-reading. \\. will — All the plays. Students who present no Greek at the admission examinations be required, in order to graduate with the degree of A. B., to take the language for the entire four years as follows Freshman Year. Anabasis, Book I ; : —White's Beginner's Greek Book Greek Testament. ; Xenophon's SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Sophomore Year. Plato's Apology and — Xenophon's Anabasis, Books II, IV III, ; Crito. — Homer: The JUNIOR Year. Greek Historians (Selections). Senior Year. 41 — Greek Drama Iliad or : Two Odyssey plays. (six books). Greek Prose, Mod- ern Greek, Lectures on Greek Literature. Xote. — Greek Composition and sight-reading in all the classes. History and Political Economy. William L Hull, The group Economics, Professor. of studies included within this department Political and Social Science — is — History, designed to furnish in- formation necessary for intelligent citizenship, and to provide a preliminary training for those who intend to engage in the practice of law, journalism, business, or the public service. Instruction is given by means of lectures, recitations, and oral and written reports by the students on assigned topics. In the upper classes each student is required to make an independent and detailed study of some assigned or chosen subject. For this purpose the library contains a good working collection of public documents and reports, both Federal and State, in addition to standard treatises. The following courses are offered : HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. — — Freshman Year. The Ancient Orient. Greece. Rome. Sophomore Year. Middle Ages. Renaissance. Reformation. — England. Senior Year. — United JiTNiOR Year. French Revolution. Europe in the Nineteenth Century. States History and Civil Government. Protection and Free Trade. ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. Junior Year. and Banking. — Elements of Economics. Socialism. Money SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 42 Senior Year. — Primitive Culture and the Philosophy o{ His- Sociology. tory. To-day Social Problems of Punishment, Intemperance, Pauperism and Charity, Crime and : Women and Children, Tenement Houses, University and College Settlements. Latin. Ferris W. Price, Freshman Composition ; Class. — Horace, Pi-ofessor. Odes; Cicero's — I, Latin Letters; Mythology. Sophomore Class. Horace, Satires and Epistles Livy, Books XXI, and XXII History of Latin Literature, lectures and study ; ; of characteristic passages from the most important authors. Junior Class. Trinummus ; —Allen's Terence, Remnants of Early Latin Plautus, Phormio Cicero, De Senectute Hymns and ; ; ; other late Latin. Senior Class. three satires ; — Selections Tacitus, Agricola ixoxsx Lucretius and Catullus Virgil, ; ; Juvenaly Georgics, and ^Eneid (Books VII-XII). Sight-reading throughout the course. A Classical Club, to which all meet monthly during the present students of Latin are invited, will year. Mathematics. Susan J. Cunningham, Freshman Class. Professor — Charles ments of Geometry (Halsted) Sophomore Class. Differential Calculus Junior Class. ical Trigonometry. ; ; ; Henry V. Gummere, Asshlant. Smith's Treatise on Algebra ; Ele- Plane Trigonometry (Loney). — Halsted's Geometry, finished ; Byerly's Charles Smith's Conic Sections. — Byerly's Integral Calculus; Chauvenet's Spher- o C/J M > H O < SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 43 ELECTIVE COURSES. 1. etry Modern Pure Geometry. An advanced course Harmonic Ranges and Pencils, subjects treated ; : in pure geom- the theories of Involution, Perspective, Similar Figures, Reciprocation, Inversion, etc. 2. Higher Algebra, beginning with the Theory of Equations (Burnside and Panton) and continuing with Invariants, etc. Curves 3. Plane Analytic Geometry, including Higher Plane ; the course will be a c-ntinuatiun of Conic Sections and will be based on Clebsch-Lindemann's Geometric. 4. Solid Analytic Geometry (Charles Smith). 5. Curve Tracing. 6. Differential Equations. 7. Trigonometric 8. Elementary Quarternions (Kelland and Tait). Series, Spherical Harmonics, etc. (Byerly). ASTRONOMY (ELECTIVE). 2. Young's General Astronomy. Chauvenet's Spherical and Practical Astronomy, 3. Theoretical Astronomy (Orbit Determination). 1. Pedagogics. President The work first, De Garmo. of a fundamental in this department consists of the growing mind of the child, dencies, interests, and methods of growth its ; study, natural capacities, ten- then of the choice and co-ordination of studies, together with the best methods of teaching them; and, finally, of the methods whereby the character of the child may best be developed through school discipline The works of Herbart and and instruction. his successors are thoroughly studied. Philosophy. President De Garmo. SENIOR CLASS. Psychology. — First Semester : James's attention paid to the processes of knowledge, Psychology. feeling, and Special volition SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 44 from the standpoint of modern physiological psychology. based upon a study of the nervous system, together with Essays extensive reference to the standard literature of the various topics selected. History of Philosophy. and Modern Philosophy — Second Semester The history of Ancient First course, from Thales to Leibnitz, inclusive, with History of Philosophy, and Aristotle especial reference to Socrates, Plato, from Descartes : taught in alternate years. is The to the present. ; second course, ethical bearings of each promi- nent system are dwelt upon. Physical Culture. FOR YOUNG MEN. Dr. The system of J. K. Shell. Physical Culture is tion of each student, carefully noting based on a thorough examina- all defects of development, and functional weakness, and the ratio existing between the tested strength and and on these data formulating a course of the muscularity, cises such as will meet the requirement of each individual, so exeras to produce an evenly developed and healthy organism. The young men are required to give three hours each week for carrying out the prescription of the Director. The fit and athletics are under the and only those who are physically great care is taken that the games sports of foot-ball, base-ball, direct supervision of the Director, are allowed actively to be kept within proper compete limits, ; so as not to take too much of the students' attention or energy. FOR YOUNG WOMEN. Dr. A tion, V. Mitchell Green. Rachel L. Hutchinson, careful examination is made and the to the Mary Assistant. of each student's physical condi- exercises to suit individual needs are assigned according Swedish system. Tennis, golf, and other out-door exercises are provided for the young women. 1 *r' m':(: .: r--; -^ -~ ^' '' " ^IM'''''tlmi^ '^"-^* ^f^^miAj^-§ 'M^iB* : SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 45 Physics. George A. Hoadley, The Physical Laboratory is Professor. already provided with apparatus for determinations in the mechanics of solids and fluids, in heat, sound, and magnetism; as" also with a large amount for lecture experiments. Most of this has been selected with care trom the best American and foreign makers, but some is of home manuand the co-operation of the Engineering Department and the facture light, electricity, ; increasing skill now of our students enable us to make each year larger proportion for regular use in the Laboratory. a our aim to It is afford students continued opportunities for instruction in the principles of construction of ordinary and special running dynamos and for other purposes struction begins in the Sophomore is year, apparatus. near at hand. Power for The in- and extends through the course as follows FOR STUDENTS IN ARTS AND LETTERS. Sophomore Class. — General Physics. — This the investigation of the general laws of Physics course consists ot~ and the considera- tion of their practical application. The work of the course accompanied by experimental is done by lectures and recitations, verification of the laws discussed, and extends over the entire year. — Junior Class. During the Junior year the course Magnetism, Electricity, and Light. is an elective in Heat, FOR students IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. This course occupies two consecutive years, requiring two periods per week in the Sophomore year and four in the Junior. It is in- tended to be pre-eminently a practical course, consisting largely of laboratory work, in the investigation and verification of the laws of Physics. The work will cover the topics treated in Ganot's. some other text-book of equal rank, and will be supple- recitation Physics, or mented by lectures on the various branches of the subject. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 46 The division of the Sophomore Class. work is as follows : —Applied Mechanics and Dynamics. Gases, Liquids, and Sound. — Heat, Magnetism, Class. — Applied Junior Class. Senior This is Electricity, and Light. Electricity. an elective of eight periods per week, counting as In this the Junior work in Magnetism and Electricity is four. supplemented by the practical study of their application to the telephone, telegraph, dynamo, electric light, motor, transmission of power, etc Work in the manufacture and use of these various appliances, as well as in the measurement of the electrical current, is accompanied by text-book work in Thompson's Dynamo Electric Machinery, and by the reading and class discussion of current electrical journals. Visits to the electrical plants of the neighboring villages and cities are made at convenient times, for the purpose of studying the machinery in actual use. General Remarks on the Courses of Study. In arranging the courses of study, while recognizing the fact that the domain of human knowledge is so vast that he best must confine his attention chiefly to who would succeed field, we have some chosen endeavored not to lose sight of the equally important are best equipped for work in fact that those any particular department who have the most extended view of the realm of learning as a whole. To secure in a measure both these results, minor courses of the subjects of the curriculum are required of all ; in many while the more extended courses in each subject are taken only by those whose and inclination lie in In pursuing this policy for several years, distinct lines of study. which are course. essential The we have developed four In each of them are required those subjects to the logical and natural development of the courses are as follows: THE COURSE The taste that particular direction. IN ARTS. characteristic feature of this course is the study of Classical Antiquity, including the language and literature of the Greeks and SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 47 Romans, with their art, philosophy, religion, and political and social Combined with this are courses in Modern Languages, history. While this Mathematics, and Science, with some elective subjects. course affords that broad culture which should be the foundation of any subsequent for Law career, or Journalism Economy, or it may be made by including may be shaped it in choosing electives in Biology and to the degree o{ to afford special preparation electives in History and Political the direction of Medicine by Chemistry. This course leads Bachelor of Arts. THE COURSE This course arranged to provide a liberal education for those is who do not wish IN LETTERS. to pursue the study of the ancient languages, to take all the science required in the Science Course. Its nor leading amount of English, French, and German, and It includes the amount of Mathematics usually prescribed in a college course, with a fair amount of This course Science, and some elective subjects, including Latin. features are a liberal of History and Political Science. leads to the degree of Bachelor of Letters. THE COURSE The IX SCIENCE. characteristic feature of this course is more extended in- struction in science than in the preceding courses, together with a fair amount of Mathematics and Modern Language study, including The instruction in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology is of a English. twofold character tures ; ; first, systematic treatment in experimental lec- Thus the student more important facts and secondly, practical work in the laboratories. acquires a familiarity, not only with the fundamental principles of those sciences, but also with the correct methods of work, so that his course may form a foundation for subseThis course leads quent higher work in any department of science. to the degree of Bachelor of Science. THE COURSE This course offers, in its IN ENGINEERING. various studies and exercises, a training which is believed to be well adapted to the needs of Civil and of Mechanical Engineers, as well as of the large class who are to be con- SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 48 cerned with the material interests of the country, with manufacturing,, with industrial pursuits, or with any of the many other occupations allied to Engineering. in the It embraces liberal and technical instruction mathematical, physical, and graphical sciences, and their applications, in practical field engineering, in the arts of design construction, and in the use of tools, materials, and machinery, in processes. ifi and and This course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science Ens:ineerins:. The Course Arts. in REQUIRED STUDIES. Greek, 2 or 4 years; Latin, 3 years; Mathematics, l^ years; History, i year; Biology, Chemistrj', or Physics, l year; Economics, year; Psychology, J< year; ^ History of Philosophy, ^'-^ year; Elocution, 2 years; Composition, 4 years. COURSE ELECTIVES (TWO REQUIRED). Physics, I year; l]4 years; History, man, I to 2 years ; Biology, to 2 years; i to 2 years; 1 Latin, 1 year ; English, i Chemistry, i Mathematics, i Economics, year; to 2 years; French, i to 2 years l^ ; to Ger- to 2 years. OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Civil Government; Mineralogy ; Geology ; Astronomy; Drawing and Painting; Pedagogy; Lo^ic; Mathematics Elocution Botany Zoology Physiology. ; ; ; ; Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. FIRST SEMESTER. PERIODS. SECOND SEMESTER. PERIODS. | Greek 4 Greek, 4 Latin, 4 4 Latin, Mathematics, 4 4 4 Biology or History, 4 Mathematics, Biology or History, Elocution and Composition. Sophomore Year. Greek, 4 Greek, 4 Latin, 4 Latin, Mathematics, 4 Elective, 4 4 History, Physics, "> j French, or German, / | History, Physics, French, or German, 1 J Elocution and Composition. Junior Year. Greek, 4 Latin, 4 Economics, 4 Elective Greek, | 4 Latin, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 \ 4 Composition. Senior Year. Greek, 4 Psychology, 4 Elective, 4 4 Elective, j : | I Greek, 4 Philosophy, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Composition. ^ (49; ;; The Course in Letters. REQUIRED STUDIES. i^ French and German, 6 years; Mathematics, nomics, year I ; History, 2 years and Philosophy, i years; English, 3 years Biology, Chemistry, or Physics, ; I year ; Eco- Psychology ; year; Elocution, 2 years; Composition, 4 years. COURSE ELECTIVES (TWO REQUIRED). Chemistry, History, l to i year 2 years Biology, ; English, ; i to 2 years to 2 years i ; ; Physics, year i Mathematics, I Economics, ; to 2 years I year Latin, ; I to 4 years. OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Civil Government Mineralogy ; Geology ; ; Astronomy ; Mathematics ; Drawing and Painting Elocution ; Botany ; Pedagogy ; Zoology ; Logic ; Physiology. Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. FIRST SEMESTER. SECOND SEMESTER. PERIODS. French or German, 4 French or German, Mathematics, 4 Mathematics, English .... Biology, History, or Latin, 4 English, 4 Biology, History, or Latin, PERIODS. 4 4 4 4 .... Elocution. Sophomore Year. French or German, Mathematics, . English, History, Physics, French, . . 4 French or German, 4 English, 4 Elective, 4 -4 . 4 . History, Physics, French, ") German, German, or Latin. or Latin, |^ I Elocution. French and German, Economics, English, ... Elective, . Junior Year. French ... 8 and German, 4 Economics, 4 English, 4 Elective, ... 8 .4 4 4 Senior Year. French and German, 8 French and German, Psychology, 4 Philosophy, Elective, 4 Elective, . . . . Elective, 4 Composition. Elective, o^ (50) kfV / The Course Science. in REQUIRED STUDIES. French or German, Biology, 2 years; Physics, 2 3 years; Chemistry, 2 years years; Mathematics, lyC years; Psychology and Philosophy, i year; Elocution, 2 ; years; Composition, 4 years. COURSE EI.ECTIVES (two required). Chemistry, I to 2 years; years; Economics, i years; Mathematics, Biology, to 2 years; I I History, year; i to Physics, 2 I year; English, years; French or German, to 2 I i to 2 to 2 years. OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Government Astronomy Drawing and Painting Pedagogy Logic Mineralogy; Geology; Mathematics; Elocution; Botany; Zoology; Physiology. Civil ; ; ; ; ; Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. ITRST SEMESTER. SECOND SEMESTER. PERIODS. PERIODS. French or German, 4 French or German, 4 Chemistry, 4 Chemistry, 4 Biology, 4 Biology, 4 Mathematics, 4 Mathematics, 4 Elocution and Composition. Sophomore Year. German, 4 French or German 4 'Chemistry, 4 Chemistry, Physics, 4 Physics, 4 4 Mathematics, 4 Elective, 4 Biology, 2 Biology, 2 I'rench or . . Elocution and Composition. Junior Year. French German, German, 4 French Physics, 4 Physics, 4 Biology, 4 15iology 4 Elective 8 Elective 8 or or 4 Composition. Senior Year. Psychology, ...•••.... 4 Philosophy, Elective, 4 P'lective, 4 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 8 Elective , 1885), . . Tuxedo Y. Park, N. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Philip.sburg, Pa. New York, N. Y. 1891. 1884), .... Portland, Ore. Class of 1882. William Llewellyn BANER,A.B.(M.D.,Columbia,i885), New York, N. Y, Edith B. Blackwell, A.B. (M.D., Woman's Med. Col., N. Y. Inf., New 1891), Charlotte E. (Brewster) Jordan, M.L., William Butler, Jr., A.B., C. Herbert Cochran, A.B., Bertha (Cooper) Brewer, B.L., P. 1886, . . . Philadelphia, Pa. Narco.sse, Fla. Philadelphia, Pa. Fannie Foulke, A.B., Mary Bryn Mawr, Pa. E. Gale, A.M., 1891, *Sarah S. 1886. (Green) Pierce, A.B., Margaret E. (Hallo well) Powell, Elizabeth E. Hart, B.L. A.B. Lansdowne, Pa. , 1891. Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Haslam, B.L., Elizabeth M. Ogden, B.L. Charles Palmer, A.M., 1885, West Chester, 1883. Cleveland, Ohio. New York, N. Y. 1884), A.M., Philadelphia, Pa. 1886, E. (Wilson) Edgar M. Pa. Chester, Pa. *George C. Phillips, B.S., Horace L. Rossiter, A.B., Charles B. Turton, B.S., Gerrit E. H. Weaver, A.B. (and Harvard, Emily York, N. Y. Newark, Del. West Chester, Pa. Lawton, A.M., Zavitz, A.B., . New 1885, York, N. Y. Coldstream, Ontario,Can_ ,* Class of 1883. Charles A. Bunting, B.S., *John L. Cochran, B.S., Edgar Conrow, B.L Lydia S. (Green) Hawkins, Florence N. Hanes, A.B., Alice W. Jackson, A.B. William A. Kissam, Steelton, Pa. 1885. Moorestown, N. J. Media, Pa. A.B., Woodstown, N. . , . . Little JR-, B.S. ''Deceased. J. Swarthmore, Pa. Neck, N. Y. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Bertha yt) (.NLvilackj Rue, B.L., . GuiON Miller, A.M., 1888, S. DcFFiELU Mitchell, A.B. (LL. Edward A. Pennock, A.B., George L. Pennock, B.S., Charles S. Pyle, B.S., Helen C. Pyle) Bunting, B.L., Frederk K A. Seaman, Jr., B.S., Annie E. (Tylor) Miller, M.L., B., Univ. of Pa.), . . . Verree, E. Emma (Weki!) Prick, A.B., J. Pittsburg, Pa. Boston, Mass. Lansdowne, Pa. Rising Sun, Md. Steelton, Pa, ( James Camden, N. Washington, D. C. Madison, N. J- Washington, D. C. 1S88, Philadelphia, Pa. B.L., r)verbrool<, Pa. Class of 1884. Horace Dilworth, li.S., Philadelphia, Pa. Germantown, Pa. Rebecca M. (Downing) Bullock, B.L., Waynesville, Ohio. John D. Furnas, B.S., Philadelphia, Pa. Sarah L. (Hall) Stirling, A.B. Philadelphia, Pa. Henry J. Hancock, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1886), Salt Lake City, Utah. Edwin H.wtland, Jr., B.S., 1885, Hughesville, Va. Mary E. Hughes, A.B., Laura H. .Satterthwaite, A.B. (M.D., Women's Medical L. , . . . Trenton, N. College, Phila., 1888), Frederick Mary J. Taylor, J. Helena, Mont. B.S., WiLLiTS, A.B. Syosset, N. Y. - Class of 1885. Minnie F. Baker, A.B. Washington, D. C. , Abigail Evans, A.B., Cinnaminson, N. Moore, A.B., Mary D. (Pr.att) Rhodes, New Frederic P. Bowdle, A.B., J. York, N. Y. S. Dak. Class of 1886. Emma S. New (Bones) Stone, B.L., Arthur S. Cochran, B.S., George J. Freedley.B.S., Helen G. Johnson, A.B., Ella (Merrick) Tomlinson, Edgar M. Smedley, B.S., Richmond, Va. Muncy, Pa. Brownsburg, Pa. A.B., Media, Pa. Rowland J. Spencer, B.L., Martha M. (Watson) Sutphen, A.M., 1891, C. Percy WiLLCOX, B.S. (Ph. B., Yale Univ., 1887 Univ. of Pa., 1891), Brighton, N. Westtown, Pa. Salem, Ore. Holland, Mich. ; LL.B., Philadelphia, Pa. Y. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. ^50 Class of 1887. Alicp: T. (Battin) Lewis, A.B., Harriet J. (Cox) McDowell, Horace Darlington, B.S., Media, Pa. New B.S., Harry Anna B. Goodwin, B.S M. (Jenkins) Webster, Thomas York, N. Y. Darling, Pa. Bordentown, N. J. Mankato, Minn. A.B., A.Jenkins, A.B. (Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1888 ; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1894), Frederick K. Lane, B.S., Nashville, Tenu. I.INDA B. Palmer, A.M., 1893, Horace Roberts, A.B. West Eliz.abeth B. Smedley, A.M., 1896, ^Elizabeth B. (Smith) Wilson, A.B., Malvern, Pa. "William G. Underwood, Philadelphia, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Chester, Pa. Fellowship, N. , Lincoln, B.S., J. \'a. Class of 1888. Alice M. Atkinson, A.B. (and Cornell Thomas Brown, Univ., 1889), . Portland, Ore. . Washington, D. C. B.S., *Frank Cawley, C.E., 1891, 1896. Jessie L. Colson, B.S., Sadie M. (Conrow) Hutchinson, A.B. William L. Dudley, B.S., Rohert p. Ervien, B.S., E. Lawrence Joyeuse L. , Clayton, N. Hayes, Swaithmore, Pa. B.S. , Swarthmore, Pa. B.S. (M.D., Hahn. Med. Col., Phila., Philadelphia, Pa. 189I) B.S., • Russell Hayes, A.B. (and Harvard, 1889 ; ... Ilarrisburg, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 18931 C. (Lippincott) Miller, A.B., Marshall, Jr., B.S., AVilliam S. Marshall, B.S. (Ph.D., Riverton, N. J. London Grove, E^LLis P. Pancoast, Paul, Minn. Swarthmore, Pa. Miller, A.B., T. Montgomery Lightfoot, M.S., 1890 (Ph.D., Univ. of P. (Jones) C. St. LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1892), Aaron M. Denver, Col. "\Valtek Hancock, Pa., York, N. Y. (Fullerton) Sweet, A.B. (and Cornell Univ., Sharples Hall, Hetty - Philadelphia, Pa. -Alice Hall, A.B., Martha J. New Fell, B.S., Emma (Gawthrop) J. J. N. Plainfield, 1889), P. Daretown, N. Leipsic, 1892), . . . Pa. Madison, WHs. San Antonio, Texas. B.S., Jessie Pylk, A.B. (and Cornell Univ., 1889), London Grove, J. Rhoads, B.S., Katherine M. Rider, B.L. Bordentown, N. Joseph Brooklyn, N. Y. •Deceased. Pa. J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. William H. Seaman, B.S., Amelia Skillin, A. B., Carroll H. SuDi.ER, A. B., Charlotte M: Way, B. S. (A.B., Leland Annie E. Willits, A.B., Esther M. (Willits) Fell, B.L., Frank P. (jj Glen Cove, N. V. . New Stanford, Jr., Univ.j, New Conn. Milford, Chicago, Til. York, N. Y. Syosset, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilson, A.B., In Europe. Class of 1889. Justin K. Anderson, B.S., Breading, Alexander New G. Cummins, Jr., A. B., A. Dill, B.S. (and Mass. Inst. Tech., 1S91), Howard Horace . . . W. Va. York, N. Y. Indianapolis, Ind. Forman, Jr., B.S., New York, N. Y. Ellis M. Harvey, B.S. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1893), .... Media, Pa. Clara Haydock, B.L., Boston, Mass. J. Carroll Haves, A.B. land Harvard, 1S90, LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1893), West Chester, Pa. B. Julia Hicks, B. Brooklyn, N. Y. S., Mary Kirk, A.B., Margaret J. (Laurie) Seaman, George A. Masters, B.S., Alice S. Palmer, Washington, D. C. Glen Cove, N. Y. A.B., Philadelphia, Pa. West West A.B., Louella (Passmore) Hayes, Frederick B. Pyle, B.S., Ralph Stone, A.B., A.B., Washington, D. C. Grand Rapids, Mich_ Elsie D. Stonek, B.L., Willis W. Yail, Je.nnie F. B.S., Columbia, Pa. ' . Waddington, Chester, Pa. Chester, Pa. Quakertown, N. . M.S., 1892 Salem, N. J. T- Class of 1890. Alvan W. Atkinson, A.B. (M.D., Hahneman Medical College, Phila., 1893), Trenton, N. J. Sara H. Atkinson, A.B. George H. Bartram, B.S., Holicong, Pa. Martha M. Biddle, B.L., Emma J. Broomell, B.S. (and Riverton, N. , Morris L. Clothier, B.S Beulah W. Darlington, Edward Darlington, Lenape, Pa. Univ. of Mich., 1893), ]. Baltimore, Md. Wynnewood, Pa. West Chester, Pa. , A.B., Chaddsford, Pa. B.S., George Ellsler, A.B. Caroline R. Gaston, A.M., 1895, John C. Gifford, B.S., 1893, Ahby M. Hall, A.B. (and Cornell Univ., Clara A. (Hughes) Marshall, A.B., Samuel R. Lippincott, B.S., .... New Brunswick, N.J- , Philadelphia, Pa. 1893), May's Landing, N.J. Swarthmore, Pa. Madison, Wis. Riverton, N. J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 4J2 William D. Lippincott, -*WiLL\RD Cinnaminson, N. B.S., 1895. 1891) HoBERT S. Frances McCoNNKLL, E. Philadelphia, Pa. B.S., Ottley, A.B., Austin, Texas. -5^Mary D. Palmer, A. B., Mary 1892. E. Pancoast, B.L., Marple, Pa. James W. Ponder, A.B., Ellis B. Ridgway, B.S., Walter Roberts, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Richard C. Sellers, B.S., Frances B. (Smith) Herr, A.B. Wilmington, Del. Coatesville, Pa. Pa., 1893), F. (Soper) Pancoast, . . . Philadelphia, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Moorestown, N. , Mary J. L. Maris, M.S., 1892 (B.S., Univ. of Mich., J. San Antonio, Texas. B.S., R. Barclay Spicer, A.B., Cincinnati, Ohio. William E. Sweet, A.B., Alice W. Titus, M.L., 1892, Mary H. White, A.B., Denver, Col. Old Westbury, N. Y. Lansdowne, Pa. Class of Emily Atkinson, 89 1. Moorestown, N. Cosmelia J. (Brown) Hughes, B.L., Louis P. Clark, B.S., Hannah H. Clothier, B.L., lEvA M. (Daniels) Capen, B.S., 1892, Eliza R. Hampton, A.B., Isaac O. Harper, B.S., Esther Haviland, B.L., Eliza G. Holmes, A.B., John W. Hutchinson, Jr., B.S., Dora 1 A.B., J. Lincoln, Va. Philadelphia, Pa. Wynnewood, . Pa. Boston, Mass. Spring Brook, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Brooklyn, N. Y. Moorestown, N. New J. York, N. Y. Media, Pa. Lewis, B.L., -=^Lucy S. Lippincott, A.B., 1891. Chester West Chester, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. Sandy Spring, Md. P. Harry L. Sarah T. Martindale, McDonald, B.L., B.S., . Moore, B.L., A. Mitchell Palmer, A.B., Ellen (Passmowe) Pyle.B.L., Marianna (Smith) Rawson, B.L., William C. Sproul, B.S., Edward B. Stroudsburg, Pa. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. Chester, Pa. Temple, B.S., L. Tyler, B.S., Frances M. White, B.L., Edward C. Wn.soN, B.S., M. Lilian (Yarnai.l) De Cou, A.B., Katharine * Deceased. Lansdowne, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic City, N. J. Washington, D. C. Trenton, N. J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 63 Class of 1892. M. Ellen (Atkinson) Jenkins, B.L., M. Rosamond (B.^ker) Haines, A.B., Benjamin F. Battin, A.B., Chicago, JOSEPHI.VE Beistle, A.B., Swarthmore, Pa. Mary E. Broomell, B.L., Frederic N. _Carr, B.L., Howard N. Eavenson, B.S., Henry H. Garrett, B.S., Howard B. Green, B.S., Charles Hart, B.S., Annie Hillborn, B.L., Locust Valley, N. Y. Edward Va. . Philadelphia, Pa. Penn Grove, N. J. Pittsburg, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Chicago, . B.S., New 111. York, N. Y. Colorado Springs, Col. Colorado Springs, Col. Md. Darlington, B.L., Wallingford, Pa. E. Stkbiuns, B.L., Walker, B.S., William E. Walter, B.S., Florence N. Woi.verton, A.B., Mary L. Wolverton, A.B., Joseph W. Philadelphia, Pa. Jr., B.L., Bernard S. McIlvain, John F. Murray, B.S. Ellen Pyle, A.B., Pa. Charleston, Charles B. Ketcham, A.B., 1893, Pheke H. (Ketcham) McAllister, Mary Newtown, A. Jenkins, B.S., Henry McAllister, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Newtown, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburg, Pa. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Class of 1893. Jane Atkinson, A.B., Georce H. Brooke, B.S. Francis E. Broomell, B.S., John L. Carver, B.L., JosEi-H T. Freeman, B.S., Rochester, N. Y. Dora Chester, Pa. Ilolicong, Pa. University of Pa. , Chicago, 111. Media, Pa. A. Gilbert, A.B., New Charles S. Hallowell, B.S., *Clement Lodge, B.S., Lorena B. Matlack, A.B., Carlie McClure, A.B., Girard, Pa. Omar Johns Hopkins Univ. B. Pancoast, West Chester, B.S., Jesse H. Reinhakdt, B.S., Julius Staab, A Salem, N. New B., John B. Stetson, B.S. (M.D., Med. Esther E. Spicer, B.L., Frances B. Stevenson, A.B., York, N. Y. 1895. J. York, N. Y. Chi. Col., Phila., 1896), Lansdale, Pa. Media, Pa. Feltoii, Del. * Deceased. Pa. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 64 George H. Strout, Esther H. Sutton, Henry C. Turner, Carrie B. Way, A.B., Boston, Mass. . Chappaqua, N. Y. York, N. Y. B.L., New B.S., Kennett Square, Pa. B.L., LiLA K. WiLLETS. B.L., E. Newlin Williams, B.S., S. Ellen (Williams) Battin, B.S., Genevieve S. Zane, A.B., 1894, Roslyn, N. Y. New Hope, Pa. Newtown, Pa. West Chester, Pa. Class of 1894. Mabel Alexander, B.L., Anna S. Atkinson, A.B., Lydia Biddle, B.L., Edwin P. Bond, A.B., Bertha L. Broomell, Emma Philadelphia, Pa. Buckingham, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. • Philadelphia, Pa. Jenkintown, Pa. B.S., (Chambers) White, A. B., Elizabeth Conrow, A.B., S. . Atlantic City, N. J. . Cornell University. Herman Conrow, B.S., Altha T. Coons, B.S., Hetty L. Cox, B.L., Joseph C. Emley, B.S., Frederic H. Gawthrop, John W. Gregg, B.L., George G. Griest, B.S., Mary Brockton, Mass. Swarthmore, Pa. Oxford, Eng. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, B.S., Md. Cornell University. Hartford, Conn. . West A. Hayes, A.B., Chester, Pa. Helen R. Hillborn, A.B., Helen S. Hutchinson, B.S., Swarthmore, Pa. Mary Philadelphia, Pa. B. (Janvier) Baltimore, Pugh, B.L., Harriet M. Kent, A.B., Helen P. Lamb, B.L., Baltimore, M. Elizabeth Lamb, Baltimore, Owen Moon, Swarthmore, Pa. B.L., Cornell Univ., 1895), . Paul, Minn. Swarthmore, Pa. B.L., Edward A. Staab, A.B., Mary W.Titus, B.L., . . Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Old Westbury, N. V. Helen (Train) Tannehill, Daniel Underhill, Jr., Mary Underhill, M.S., Allen K. White, B.S., Montreal, Can. St. . Shoemaker, J. Philadelphia, Pa. P. J. J. Moorestown, N. Sargent, A.B., Philip Sellers, B.S., Cornelia Md. Md. Trenton, N. Jr., B.S., Marion D.Perkins, A. B., Margaret D. Pfahler, B.S., David B. Rushmore, B.S. (M.E., Caroline Md. B.S., 1895, B.S., 1895, McConnelsville, Ohio-Jericho, N. Y. Langhorne, Pa. Atlantic City, N. J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Stuart Wilder, John M. Wilms, Mary ' Qf^ Tenn. B.S., Johnson B.S., Williamson School, Pa. Yeo, B.S., S. Yeo, B.L., P. Young, B..S., E. City, Easton, Md. • *SusANNA 1S95. Harry Morton, Pa. Class of 1895. Fkank C. Andrews, B.S., Cornell L'niv. Elizabeth M. Baily. B.S., William S. Barker, B.S., Harry E. Bean, B.S., Hildegard Brooks, B.S., Frances W. (Cheairs) Manning, B.L., Walter Clothier, B.L., May Gifford, B.L., Anna R. H. Harrison, B.L., Mary B. Hollingshead, A.B., Emma S. Hutchinson, B.L., Roland G. Kent, A.B., B.L., 1896, John A. Lafore, B.S C. Irvine Leiper, B.S., 1896, Norristown, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Newburg, N. Y. Trenton, N. • J. Chappaqua, N. Y. Wilmington, Del. Naples, N. Y. - Riverton, N. J. Riverton, N. J. Moorestown, N. J. Media, Pa. Moorestown, N. T. Swarthmore, Pa. Hainesport, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Christiana, Pa. 1896. Swarthmore, Pa. C. Shaw, B.L., Helen B. vSmith, A.B., G. Edmund Strattan, B.S., William H. Wanzer, A.B., Williamsport, Pa. Media, Pa. Altoona, Pa. llmstville, N. Y. Emma A. Wasley, B.L., Howard White, Jr., B.S., Shenandoah, Pa. Earlington, Ky. Willits, A.B Yarnall, Pemberton, N. Philadelphia, Pa. Jane T. . Wallingford, Pa. *Frank L. Price, A.B., Arthur H. Scott, B.S. Albert • ... Charles S. Moore, B.L., Samuel C. Palmer, A.B., Lydia M. Parry, A.B., Alfred E. Pfahler, B.S., M. Elizabeth Pownall, B.L., P. 1. Xenia, Ohio. Joseph R. Lippincott, A. B.; Elizabeth B. Miller, A.B., Alice Pa. May's Landing, N. , Egbert P. Lincoln, B. S., Bertha Lippincott, B.L Edgar Lippincott, B S., J. Wynnewood, Newtown Square, Pa. Woodstown, N. B.L., » Deceased. J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 66 Class of 1896. Mary S. Bartram, A.B., William L Battin, A.B., Leopold W. Bierwirth, B.S., Mellie E. Bishop, B.L., Albert L. Buffington, A.B., Carolien H. Chambers, Charles Chandler, William B. Chapin, Isaac H. Clothier, J. B.L., Unionville, Pa. Bushnell, B.S., Goldgulch, Cal. Glen A.B., Garrett, 111. Wynnewood, Jr., A. B., Aida T. Evans, B.L., George B. Ferrier, Jr., E. Harper Firth, B.S., S. Dover, N. Monmouth, Ore. Rising Sun, Md. B.S., Frances Darlington, Sylvester London Grove, ?a. Armour Inst., Chicago. Pa. Mills, Pa. Malvern, Pa. Moorestown, N. B.S., Swarthmore, Pa. B.S., T. Russell Gleim, B.S., Cornwall, Pa. Ellen Gunton, A.B., Hallie H. Haines, B.L., New Violette T. Haines, A.B., Charles G. Hodge, B.L., Iolene M. Hollenshead, A.B., Rising Sun, Howard York, N. Y. Rising Sun, Md. Md. Washington, D. C. Swarthmore, Pa. , Johnson, B.L., Charles Kaighn, B.S., Philip S. Knauer, A.B., Mary C. McAllister, A.B., Philadelphia, Pa. Mary Qxford, Eng. C. McDowell, A.B., Arabella E. Moore, B.L., William J. Morrison, B.S., Mary S. Shoemaker, B.L., J. Chauncey Shortlidge, A.B., Lauretta T. Smedley, A.B., A. Ella Spicer, A.B., Albert H. Taylor, B.S., Franklin D. Walton, B.L., John E. Wells, B.L., Hanson Z. Wilson, B.S., T. Keturah E. Yeo, B.S. McAlester, Ind. Ter. Warwick, Pa. Colorado Springs, Col. S. Fercival Parrish, B.L., N. WiLMER Plummer, B.S., Charles A. Schooley, B.S., J. East Williston, N. Y. ...... Philadelphia, Pa. Trenton, N. Newport, R. Frederick, J. I. Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Philomont, Va. Locust Valley, N. Y. Chappaqua, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. London Grove, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Port Jervis, N. Y. Easton, Md. Honorary Degrees Conferred. William Hyde Appleton, Ph.D., (A.B., Harvard, 1864 ; A.M., LL.B., Har- vard, 1869), Professor of Greek and of English Literature. Susan J. Cunningham, Sc.D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. 1889. Arthur Beardsley, Ph.D., (C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1S67), Professor of Engineering and Director of Mechanic Arts, Isaac Sharpless, LL-.D., (B.S., Harvard, 1873; Sc.D., Univ. of Pa., 1S83), President of Haverford College. 1890. Olivia Rodham, A.B., late Assistant Librarian and Instructor in Botany. (67) Committee on Trusts, Endowments, and Scholarships. EDWARD H. OGDEN, 314 Vine EMMOR Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ROBERTS, Fellowship, N. J. DANIEL UNDERHILL, Jericho, L. I. EDMUND WEBSTER, 1 156 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SUSAN W. LIPPINCOTT, Cinnaminson, N. REBECCA C. LONGSTRETH, Sharon Hill, Pa. (68) J. Secretary.