Swarthmore College CATALOGUE 1 893 -'94. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE 3 17T7 DD3fl7 717 o w Pi o Qi en = 5 " Twenty- Fifth Annual Catalogue OF Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pa. 1893-94. PHILADELPHIA : FRANKLIN PRINTING COMPANY, 516-518 MINOR STREET. 1894. Contents. The Calendar, The Corporation, 3 4 Board of Managers, Officers and Committees, 4 ... The Faculty, 6 8 Officers of Instruction, .... 9 List of Students. Partial Courses of Study, ... .30 Biology, The jSIuseum, 31 Chemistry, Dravt-ing 32 ... and Painting, History of Art, Senior Class, 12 Junior Class, 13 Sophomore Class, Freshman Class, 14 English Composition, 15 English Language and Litera- .... Sub-Collegiate Class, Summary, Mechanic Arts, 35 . , Astronomical Observatory, . ^8 38 40 ,19 Greek, . . ture ture, Other Buildings, . French, 19 Hall, . 17 German Language and ... Principal College Building, Science and Engineering 34 34 17 General Information. Buildings and Grounds, 29 Courses of Instruction. 20 20 20 20 Litera- 41 42 History and Political Science, . 43 Latin, 45 Logic, Mathematics, 45 45 .21 Pedagogics, 46 Reading- Room, 21 Philosophy, 47 Literary Societies, 21 Physical Culture, Gymnasium, 21 Physics, 47 48 Libraries and Reading- Room, Friends' Historical Library, . . General Regulations. Political 22 Religious Exercises, 22 Leave of Absence, .... Use of Tobacco, 23 Commencement and Vacations, 23 The Household, Economy and OF Study, Arrangement 51 .... 24 of Courses 24 Course in Letters, Fellowships and Pecuniary Aid, 24 Course in Science, Payments, ^ Introductory. Time and Conditions of . 26 ... 26 Examinations, 1894, Fall Examinations, 1894, Requirements for Admission, . Classes, 26 Examina28 tions, for 54 55 ... 56 Graduation and Degrees. Ad25 Examinations .53 Course in Engineering, mission, of Study. Course in Arts, vs^ithout 49 50 General Remarks on Courses 24 Admission ... Reading and Speaking, 23 Expenses. For Resident Students, For Day Students, Summer Social Science, Higher Degree of Bachelor, Degree of Master Degree of Civil Engineer, . . .57 . . 57 57 Officers of the Alumni Association, List of Graduates, 29 . 58 59 Flonorary Degrees Conferred, 68 Calendar. 1893-94. l893- Ninth Month, 19th, Third-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Ninth Month, 19th, Third-day, New " Ninth Month, 20th, Fourth- day. Examinations for " Ninth Month, 21st, Fifth-day, Old Students return. Ninth Month, 22d, Sixth-day, *' Students arrive. Admission. " Eleventh Month, 29th, Fourth-day, Regular Exercises begin. Thanksgiving Recess begins. " " Twelfth Month, 4th, Second-day, Students return. Month, 4th, Second-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. « Twelfth Month, 5th, Third-day, Atmual Meeting of the " Twelfth Month, 5th, Third-day, " Twelfth Month, 22d, Sixth-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. Winter Recess begins. Third-day, Students return. Tv. elfth 1894. First Month, 2d, " " First Month, 3d, Stockholders. Regular Exercises begin. Seventh-day, First Semester ends. Second-day, Second Semester begins. Fourth-day, " Second Month, 3d, Second Month, 4th, Third Month, 13th, Third-day, " Third Month, 24th, Seventh-day, Spring Recess begins. " Fourth Month, 2d, Second-day, Students return. " Fourth Month, 27th, Sixth-day. " Fifth Month, 14th, Second-day, Graduating Essays due from Senior Class. Engineering Field-work begins. Continues " Fifth Month, Second-day, Senior Examinations begin. " Fifth Month, 28th, Second-day, Senior Examinations completed, and the Sixth Month, 4th, Second-day, Final Examinations begin. Sixth Month, 8th, Sixth Month, 9th, Sixth-day, ^ J Seventh- day, " Sixth Month, nth, Second-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Sixth Month, nth, Second-day, Class-Day Exercises. " Meeting of the Board of Managers. four weeks. 21st, results '' *' " , ) > .^ . announced. ^ . Examinations . for Admission. j " Sixth Month, 12th, Third-day, Commencement. " Ninth Month, l8th, Third-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Ninth Month, i8th, Third-day, New " Ninth Month, 19th, Fourth-day, Examinations for " Ninth Month, 20th, Fifth-Day, Examinations for Sixth-day, and Old Students return. Regular Exercises begm. Students arrive. Admission begin. Admission completed, " Ninth Month, " Eleventh Month, 28th, Fourth-day, " Twelfth Month, 3d, Second-day, Regular Exercises begin 8.30 a. m. " Twelfth Month, 3d, Second-day, Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Twelfth Month, 4th, Thitd-day, " Twelfth Month, 4th, Third-day, Annual Meeting of the Stockholders^ Meeting of the Board of Managers. " Twelfth Month, Sixth-day, Winter Recess begins. Fourth-day, Students return. Fifth-day, Regular Exercises begin. 21st, 1895. First Month, 2d, " First Month, 3d, 21st, Thanksgiving Recess begins at noon. Corporation. OFFICERS. Clerks. GEORGE W. HANCOCK, 737 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. FANNIE WILLETS LOWTHORP, Trenton, N. J. Treasurer. ROBERT BIDDLE, 507 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Board of Managers. Term expires Twelfth Month, i8g4. Sophia U. Willets, Isaac H. Clothier, 8th and Market Sts., Philadelphia. 718 Franklin Street, Philadelphia, 436 Drexel Building, Philadelphia. I156 S. 1. Broad Riverton, N. Rebecca Annie Shoemaker, St., L Street, Philadelphia. Emma McIlvain Cooper, Herman Hoopes, 112 Carpenter Manhasset, Edmund Webster, James V. Watson, Germantown. Sharon C. J. Longstreth, Hill, Delaware Co., Pa. Terms expires Twefth Month, i8g^. Mary Joseph Wharton, P. O. Box 1332, Philadelphia. Mary Willets, Manasquan P. C, N. J. Lydia H. Hall, Swarthmore, Pa. Wilson M. Powell, 324 W. 58th Street, New York. C. Clothier, Wynnewood, Pa. William M. Jackson, 335 West i8th Street, New Rachel W. Hillborn, York. Swarthmore, Pa. Edward Martin, M. 415 S. D., 15th Street, Philadelphia. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Term expires Twelfth Edward H. Ogden, 314 Vine Jericho, L. 1432 McCulloh St., Baltimore, Md. Lansdowne, Pa. Cinnaminson, N, 1816 Arch J. New expires Jane York. Street, Philadelphia. hor: rthmore lege le: aiogue <^n . fl Latin, Elective, History, Physics, ^ French, or German, f 4 4 4 , French, or German, -i ^ j" Elocution and Composition. Junior Year. Greek 4 4 4 4 Latin, Economics, Elective, Greek, 4 4 4 4 Latin, Elective, Elective, Composition. Senior Year. Greek, 4 Greek, Psychology, 4 Philosophy, Elective, 4 4 Elective, Elective, . 4 4 4 4 Elective, Composition. (53) The Course Letters. in REQUIRED STUDIES. French or German, 4 years ; Mathematics, nomics, 1 year; History, and Philosophy, I year; Elocution, 2 years I i ^ years ; English, 3 years ; Ecoi year; Psychology year; Biology, Chemistry, or Physics, ; Composition, 4 years. COURSE ELECTIVES (TWO REQUIRED). Chemistry, History, 4 I I year ; Biology, to 2 years; English, i I Economics, to 2 years; Physics, l year; i year; to 2 years; Mathematics, I to 2 years; Latin, I to years. OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Civil Government ; Astronomy Drawing and Painting ; ; Pedagogy ; Logic Mineralogy; Geology; Mathematics; Elocution; Botany; Zoology; Physiology. Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. FIRST SEMESTER. French or German, .,,,... Mathematics, English, Biology, History, or Latin, SECOND SEMESTER. PERIODS. .... 4 French or German, 4 Mathematics, 4 4 English, Biology, History, or Latin, PERIODS. .... 4 4 4 4 Elocution. Sophomore Year. French or German, 4 4 4 Mathematics, English, History, Physics, French, German, or Latin, French or German, English, ....... . Elective, History, Physics, French, "» German, J 4 4 4 \ or Latin, Elocution. Junior Year. French or German, 4 4 4 4 Economies, English, Elective, French or German Economics, English, Elective, 4 4 4 4 Senior Year. French or German, Psychology, Elective, ' Elective, 4 4 4 4 French or German, Philosophy, Elective, Elective, Composition. (54) 4 4 4 4 The Course in Science. REQUIRED STUDIES. French or German, 3 years years; Mathematics,!^ years Composition, 4 years. ; ; Chemistry, 2 years Biology, 2 years ; years; Psychology and Philosophy, i ; Physics, 2 year; Elocution, 2 COURSE ELECTIVES (tWO REQUIRED). Chemistry, years ; I Economics, 2 years; Biology, to i years; Mathematics, to 2 years I History, ; year; Physics, I i to 2 years ; I year; English, to 2 i French or German, i to 2 to 2 years. OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Civil Government ; Astronomy Drawing and Painting ; ; Pedagogy ; Logic Mineralogy; Geology; Mathematics; Elocution; Botany; Zoology; Physiology. Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year, FIRST SEMESTER. French or German, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, SECOND SEMESTER. French or German, 4 Chemistry, 4 Biology, 4 Mathematics, 4 Elocution and Composition. PERIODS. ....... PERIODS. 4 4 4 4 Sophomore Year. French or German, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, ....... 4 4 4 4 French or German, 4 Chemistry, Physics, 4 4 Elective, 4 Elocution and Composition. Junior Year. French or German, 4 4 French or German, Physics, Biology, 4 Biology, Elective, 4 Elective, 4 4 4 4 Physics, Composition. Senior Year. Psychology, 4 Philosophy, ^ Elective, 4 Elective, 4 Elective, 4 4 Elective, Elective, 4. Elective, 4 Composition. (55) The Course in Engineering. REQUIRED STUDIES. Draughting, 3 years Mathematics, 2% years Chemistry, 2 years English, i year; shop work, 3 years; Mechanics and Physics, 2 years; Engineering, Theory, 2 years ; Engineering, Applications, 2 years. ; ; ; COURSE ELECTIVES. Sanitary Science, j^ year; French or German, year; English, i year; Astronomy, i year. i year; Electrical Physics, 1 OPEN SEMESTER ELECTIVES. Drawing and Painting Pedagogy Logic Mineralogy; Geology; Mathematics; Elocution; Botany; Zoology; Physiology. Government Civil ; Astronomy ; ; ; * Distribution of Studies. Freshman Year. FIRST SEMESTER. PERIODS. 9=3 Draughting, SECOND SEMESTER. Shop Work, PERIODS. 9=3 Mathematics, 7 Mathematics, 7 Chemistry, 4 4 Chemistry, 4 4 English, . English, Sophomore Year. Shop Work, 9=3 Mathematics, Mechanics, Chemistry, Electives, Descriptive Geometry, etc . , . 9=3 4 4 Mathematics, 4 4 Chemistry, 4 4 4 Electives, 4 Physics, Junior Year. Engineering, Theory, Engineering, Practice, 6 .... 12=4 6 Engineering, Theory, Engineering, Practice, .... 12^4 Physics, 6 Physics, 6 Mathematics, 4 Electives, 4 Senior Year. Engineering, Theory, Engineering, Practice, Elective, . • . . .... 8 Engineering, Theory, 12=4 Engineering, Practice, . . 4 4 Elective, (56) Elective, Elective, 8 .... 12^4 4 4 Graduation and Degrees. As a condition of graduation, each student must submit to the Faculty a satisfactory Oration or Essay, which he must be prepared to deliver in public, if required to do so. The Degree The Degrees of Bachelor of of Bachelor. Arts, of Letters, and of Science are conferred on the completion of the corresponding courses. The Degree of Master. Candidates for the Master's Degree (A. M., M. L., and M. S.) are required to pursue a course of study at Swarthmore, or elsewhere, under the direction of the Faculty, and to pass examination in the same. Persons residing at the College and devoting their whole time to the work can accomplish a year ; for non-resident candidates, in other who sufficient work, the course must occupy not Application should be made amount in one are at the same time engaged less than two, years. directly to the Faculty, and should state which the applicants wish to present themWork will then be assigned to them by the Faculty. selves. The Examinations for the Degrees will be both oral and written, and will be conducted by a Committee of the Faculty, upon whose report the Faculty will decide upon the fitness of the candidate for An extended thesis, bearing upon some part of the work the Degree. the subject or subjects in assigned, will in all cases be required. The Degree The Degree of of Civil Engineer. C. E. will be conferred who upon Bachelors of Science have been engaged for not less than three years, in successful professional practice, in positions of responsibility, and who shall present an acceptable thesis upon a subject pertaining to Engineering. Application for this Degree must be made, of the Engineering Department and the thesis presented at least three shall months before commencement. (57) Alumni Officers of the INCORPORATED I Association. 882, President. W. Llewellyn Baner, '82, . . . New York, N. Y. Vice-Presidents. William H. Ridgway, Florence Hall, '80, '75, . . . Coatesville, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Hetty Lippincott Miller, '88, . Riverton, N. J. Secretary. Esther T. Moore, Swarthmore College, Pa. '73 Treasurer. William J. Hall, Swarthmore College, Pa. '78, Recorder. Herman HooPES, 436 Drexel Building, '74, Board of Directors. P. Lesley Hopper, '79, . . . . . Isaac G. Smedley, '76, Alice W. Titus, '90, Ferris W. Price, '74, Morris L. Clothier, 90, Mary E. Broomell, '92, (58) Havre de Grace, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Old Westbury, N. Y. Swarthmore, Pa. .... . . . . Wynnewood, Pa. Jenkintown, Pa. Phila., Pa. Graduates. Class of 1873. Sarah H. (Acton) Hillard, A.B Helen (Magill) White, A.B. (Ph.D., Boston Salem, N. , J. University, St. . iSyj), Petersburg, Russia. Swarthmore, Pa. Elizabeth C. (Miller) Holcomb, A.B., Esther T. Moore. A.B., *Maria C. (Pierce) Green, A.B., Lowndes Taylor, A.B., Swarthmore College, Ps i877- West Chester, Pa. Class of 1874. Swarthmore, Pa. Ellen H. (Evans) Price, A.M., 1884, Amy W. (Hall) Hickman, A.B., *Alfred T. Haviland, B.S., Mary (Hibbard) Thatcher, A.B., Herman Hoopes, W^est Chester, Pa. 1874. Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. C.E., 1879, Swarthmore, Pa. Ferris W. Price, A.M., 1887, Elizabeth S. (Woolston) Collins, Swarthmore, Pa. A.B., Class of 1875. : Booth, A.B., Helen (Comly) White, A.B., Franklin H. Corlies, B.S., John B. . *Herbert G. Dow, A. Pittsburgh, Pa. . Lansdowne, Pa. . . Philadelphia, Pa. • . B. (and Harvard, 1877), .... Edith R. (Hooper) Roberts, Barton Hoopes, Jr., B.S., *Oliver Keese, J. Reece Lewis, 1878. Woodstown, N. Lizzie (Hanes) Taylor, A.B., J. Titusville, Pa. A.B., • Philadelphia, Pa. Jr., B.S., 1879. B.S., Waynesville, N. C. Howard W. Lippincott, A.B., Martha (McIlvain) Eastwick, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., John K. Richards, A.B. (and Harvard, William H. Ridgway, C.E., 1879, 1877), Ironton, Ohio. Coatesville, Pa. Class of 1876. Frank L. Bassett, B.S. (D.D.S., Phila. Dental College, Swarthmore, Pa. jg_g\ * Deceased. (59) SWART HMORE COLLEGE. go Arthur W. Bradley, Chicago, A.B., Frances (Linton) Sharples, A.M., 1881 (M.D., Women's West Medical College, Phila., 1886), 111. Chester, Pa. Haverford College, Elizabeth L. (Longstreth) Boyd, A.B., Philadelphia, Pa. James T. McClure, B.S., Riverton, N. J. Emma (McIlvain) Cooper, A.B., Edwin Mitchell, Jr., A.B. (B.L. and B.S.R., Sorbonne, Paris, New 1877), Lucy R. (Price) McIntyre, A.B. (1880), Isaac G. Smedley, B.S. (M.D., Hahnemann Medical York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Col- Philadelphia, Pa. lege, 1879), Herbert W. Smith, A.B. (and Harvard, 1878; Ph.D., Bryn Gottingen, 1884), Mary Pa, Mawr College, Pa. Willits, A.M., 1881 (M.D., Women's Medical ColPhiladelphia, Pa. lege, Phila., 1881), William P. Worth, Coatesville, Pa. B.S., Class of 1877. Joseph T. Bunting, B.S. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., 1880), . Philadelphia, Pa. . Norristown, Pa. Norman B. Corson. A.B., Eudora Magill, A.B., Jesse R. Washington, D. C. Norton, A.B. (and Harvard, 1879), ..;... Chicago, 111. (LL.B., Univ. of Pa., Carroll R. Williams, A.M., 1882 Philadelphia, Pa. 1880'), Norway, Pa. Florence M. Yeatman, A.B., Class of 1878. Caroline E. (Burr) Hall, Maybell Howard Swarthmore, Pa. A.B., Providence, R. Davis, A.B., Dawson, A.M., 1882, p. Tacy a. (Gleim) Dunning, A.B., William J. Hall, B.S., Mary P.(Hallowell) Hough, A.M., Medical College, I. Boston, Mass. Wash. Swarthmore College, Pa, Seattle, 1881 (M.D.,Women's Ambler, Pa. Phila., 1881), York, Pa. Charles A. Hawkins, A.B., William Penn Holcomb, M.L., 1882 (Ph.D., Johns Hop- Swarthmore College, Pa. kins Univ., 1886), (Hunt) White, A.M., 1881 (M.D., Women's Lansdowne, Pa. Medical College, Phila., 1881) West Chester, Pa. Anna E. (Jackson) Monaghan, B.L Rebecca S. Llewellyn H. Johnson, Edward Martin, B.S., . . . . Francis J. Palmer, B.S., Israel Roberts, B.S., Orange, N. , A.M., 1882 (M.D., Univ. of J. Pa., 1883), Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. • Camden, N. J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 61 .1892. *WiLLiAM Seaman, C.E., 1884, C. Harry Shoemaker, B.S., Philadelphia, Pa. Class of 1879. Glen Cove, N. Y. Isaac R. Coles, C.E., 18S0, William P. Fender, A.B., ....•• William Lea Ferris, A.B. Williamsport, Pa. Aspen, Col. New Joseph Fitch, A.B., Ruth Anna Forsythe, A.B., Elizabeth (Furnas) Bogardus, B.L., P. New ElishaE. Lippincott, B.S., *Samuel Craig McCoMB, C.E., York, N. Y. Havre de Grace, Md. Swarthmore College, Pa. Lesley Hopper, A.B., MarieAntoinetteKemp, A.M., York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. 1892, Gallitzin, Pa. ^.1891. 1882, Charles R. Miller, B.L. (LL. B., Univ. of Josephine White Breckens, A.B., Abigail M. (Woodnutt) Miller, B.L., Pa., 1881), . Wilmington, Del. . Cheyenne, Wyoming. Wilmington, Del. Class of 1880. Anna E. Constable, A.B., Arthur Cxjleman Dawson, Camden, N. Chicago, B.L., 1882, J. 111. Swarthmore, Pa. Florence Hall, A.B Washington, D.C. Myra T. HiLLMAN, A.B., Emily L. (Hough) Savidge, A.B. (and Univ. of Minn., , Boise City, Idaho. jgg,') Edward H. Keiser, M.S., 1881 (Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Bryn Univ., 1884), Georgine (Kurtz) Muhlenberg, Albert R. Lawton, A.M., 1885, Robert J. Marcher, B.S., Thomas L. Moore, A.B., Mawr College, Pa. Reading, Pa. A.B., New York, N. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. Richmond, Va. Ellen S. (Preston) Griest, A.B., John Turton, B.S., Fannie (Willets) Lowthorp, A.B., Cedarville, Va. HenryS.Wood, San Francisco, New C.E., 1883, Class of Martha Bunting, York, N. Y. Trenton, N. 1 J. Cal. 88 1. Philadelphia, Pa. B. L., St. Paul, William Canby, Jr., B.L Charles B. Doron, B.L '• Minn. Rochester, N. Y. Mary J. Elliott, B.L., Emma Kirk, B.L Philadelphia, Pa. Gertrude B. Magill, A.B., Boise City, Idaho. Bryn Mawr, Pa. * Deceased. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 62 Eugene Paulin, Jr., A.B. (and Bloomfield, N. Harvard, 1883), Martha E. (Rhinoehl) Osborn, A.B., Edward C. Rushmore, B.S. (M.D., Columbia, Henry B. Seaman, C.E., 1884, Charles E. Sharpless, C.E., 1884, Alvin T. Shoemaker, B.L., * I. Byron Thomas, B.S., Ernest F. Tucker, A.B. (M.D., Harvard, M. Philadelphia, Pa. 1885), . . Tuxedo Park, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Phillipsburg, Pa. New York, N. Y. 1891. 1884), .... Portland, Ore. Class of 1882. William Llewellyn Baner, A.B, (M.D., Columbia, New 1885), Edtth B. Blackwell, A.B., Charlotte E. (Brewsti^r) Jordan, M.L., William Butler, Jr., A.B., C. Herbert Cochran, A.B., Bertha (Cooper) Brewer, B.L., P. Fannie Foulke, A.B., Mary York, N. Y. El Mora, N. 1886, .... J. Philadelphia, Pa. West Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Rochester, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Laconia, N. H. E. Gale, A.M., 1891, * Sarah S. (Green) Pierce, A.B. Margaret E. (Hallowell) Powell, 1886. , A.B., Lansdowne, Pa. * Elizabeth E. Hart, B.L., 1891. Elizabeth Haslam, B.L., Elizabeth M. Ogden, B.L., Charles Palmer, A.M., 1885, Philadelphia, Pa. * George C. Phillips, Horace West 1883. B.S., Cleveland, O. L. Rossiter, A.B., Charles B. Turton, B.S., Gerrit E. H. Weaver, A.B, (and Harvard, New Philadelphia, Pa. E. (Wilson) Edgar M. York, N. Y. 1884), A. M., 1886, Emily Chester, Pa. Chester, Pa. Lawton, A.M., 1885, New York, N. Y, Coldstream,Ontario, Can. Zavitz, A.B., Class of 1883. Charles A. Bunting, B.S., * John L. Cochran, B.S. Edgar Conrow, B.L., Lydia S. (Green) Hawkins, Florence N. Hanes, A.B., Steelton, Pa. 1885. , Moorestown, N. J. Media, Pa. A.B., Woodstown, N. J. Alice W. Jackson, A.B., Media, Pa. William A, Kissam, Jr., B.S. Bertha (Matlack) Rue, B.L., Little Guion Miller, A.M., Washington, D, C. Neck, N. Y, Camden, N. 1888, * Deceased, J. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. DUFFIELD Mitchell, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. A. Pennock, A.B., r,EORGE L. Pennock, B.S., Charles S. Pyle, B.S., Helen C. (Pyle) Bunting, B.L., Frederick A. Seaman, Jr., B.S., Annie E. (Taylor) Miller, M.L., 1888, James E. Verree, B.L., Emma (Webb) Price, A.B., S. of Pa.,) . 63 Pittsburgh, Pa. . Edward Lansdowne, Pa. Rising Sun, Md. Steelton, Pa. Madison, N. • . . Chatham, Pa. J. Washington, D. C. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Class of 1884. Horace Dilworth, L. Locust Valley, N. Y. B.S., Germantown, Pa. Rebecca M. (Downing) Bullock, B.L., John D. Furnas, B.S., Sarah L. (Hall) Stirling, A.B., Henry Waynesville, Ohio. Philadelphia. Pa. Hancock, A.B. (LL.B., Univ. Edwin Haviland, Jr., B.S., 1885, Mary E. Hughes, A.B. of Pa., 1886), Laura H. Satterthwaite, A.B. Women's Medical J. . . . Philadelphia, Pa. . Salt • (M.D., Mary J. Taylor, J. Helena, Mont. B.S., Wilmington, Del. Willits, A.B., Class of 1885. Baker, A.B., .Abigail Evans, A.B., Frederick P. Moore, A.B., Mary D. (Pratt) Rhodes, A.B., Minnie City, Utah. Trenton, N. College, Phila., 1888) Frederick Lake Hughesville, Va. , F. . . Washington, D. C. • Cinnaminson, N. . New ". . Bowdle, . J. York, N. Y. S. Dak. Class of 1886. Emma S. Arthur S. Rowland J. Spencer, B.L., Martha M. Watson, A.M., Percy Willcox, Brighton, N. Y. Westtown, Pa. Cochran, B.S Freedley, B.S., George J. Helen G. Johnson, A.B., Ella (Merrick) Tomlinson, Edgar M. Smedley, B.S., C. New (Bones) Stone, B.L., • • . . Richmond, Va. Muncy, Pa. . , Wrightstown, Pa. A.B., Media, Pa. Salem, Ore. Trenton, N. 1891, B.S. (Ph. B., Yale Univ., 1887 ; J. LL.B., Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Pa., 1891), Class of 1887. Alice T. (Battin) Lewis, A.B., Harriet J. (Cox) McDowell, B.S., Media, Pa. New York, N, Y. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. g4 Horace Darlington, B. Darling, Pa. S., Harry B. Goodwin, B.S., Anna M. (Jenkins) Webster, Thomas Bordentown, N. A. Jenkins, A.B. (Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1888), . Johns Hopkins Univ. . Lancaster, Pa. Frederick K. Lane, B.S., Linda B. Palmer, A.M., 1893, Horace Roberts, William G. West A.B., Underwood, Chester, Pa. Fellowship, N. , Elizabeth B. Smedley, A.B., Elizabeth B. (Smith) Wilson, J. Mankato, Minn. A.B., J. Malvern, Pa. Lincoln, Va. A.B., Elizabeth City, N. C. B.S., Class of 1888. Alice M. Atkinson, A.B. (and Cornell Univ., 1889), Thomas Brown, Frank Cawley, . Philadelphia, Pa. . Washington, D. C. B.S., Montreal, Can. C.E., 1891, Jessie L. Colson, B.S., Daretown, N. Sadie M. Conrow, A.B., Cinnaminson, N. William L. Dudley, B.S., Robert P. Ervien, B.S., New E. Lawrence Fell, J. York, N. Y. Clayton, N. B.S., J. M. Philadelphia, Pa. . JoYEUSE L. (Fullerton) Sweet, A.B. (and Cornell Univ., Denver, Col. 1889), Emma (Gawthrop) Hayes, B.S., . . Swarthmore College, . Alice Hall, A.B., P. Sharples Hall, B.S. (M.D., Hahn. Med. Swarthmore, Pa. Col., Phila., Philadelphia, Pa. i8gi)j Walter Hancock, J. Minneapolis, Minn. B.S., Russell Hayes, A.B. (and Harvard, 1889; LL.B., Swarthmore College. Univ. of Pa., 1892), Harrisburg, Pa. Martha P. (Jones) Miller, A.B. T. Montgomery Lightfoot, M.S., 1890, Hetty C. (Lippincott) Miller, A.B., Marshall, Jr., B.S., William S. Marshall, B.S. (Ph.D., Ellis Aaron Philadelphia, Pa. Riverton, N. C. Pancoast, J. London Grove, Pa. P. Leipsic, 1892), . . Madison, Wis. San Antonio, Texas. B.S., Jessie Pyle, A.B. (and Cornell Univ., 1889), London Grove, Rhoads, B.S., Katherine M. Rider, B.L., William H. Seaman, B.S., Bellefonte, Pa. Joseph Pa. J. Amelia Skillin, A.B., Carroll H. Sudler, A.B., Charlotte M. Way, B.S., Annie E. Willits, A.B., Esther M. (Willits) Fell, Frank P. Wilson, A.B., Brooklyn, N. Y. Glen Cove, N. Y. New Milford, Conn. Philadelphia, Pa. Leland Stanford,Jr.,Univ. Syosset, B.L., N. Y.. Philadelphia, Pa. Locust Valley, N. Y. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 65 Class of 1889. Justin K. Anderson, B.S., Breeden, Va. Alexander Columbia College. Howard Horace G. Cummings, Jr., A.B., A. Dill, B.S. (and Mass. Inst. Tech., 1891), Forman, Jr., B.S., Ellis M. Harvey, B.S. (M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1893), Clara Haydock, B.L., A.B. (and Harvard, 1890), J. Carroll Hayes, B. . Julia Hicks, B.S., Mary Kirk, A.B., . . . . S. Indianapolis, Ind. . Coeburn, Va. . . University of Penna., Pa. New York, N. Y. University of Penna., Pa. Old Westbury, N. Y. r New Margaret J. Laurie, A.B. George A. Masters, B.S., Alice . • . York, N. Y. Jericho, , N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Palmer, A.B., West Chester, LOUELLA Passmore, A.B., Frederick B. Pyle, B.S. Ralph Stone, A.B , Pa. Oxford, Pa. . . Washington, D. C. . Grand Rapids, Mich. , Elsie D. Stoner, B.L., Willis W. Vail, B.S. Jennie F. Waddington, M.S., 1892, Cohimbia, Pa. '. , . . . Nuttallburg, Salem, N. W. Va. J. Class of 1890. Alvan W. Atkinson, A.B., Trenton, N. Sara H. Atkinson, A.B., George H. Bartram, B.S.', Martha M. Biddle, . B.L., J. Samuel R. Lippincott, B.S., William D. Lippincott, B.S., WiLLARD L. Maris, M.S. 1892, (B.S., Robert S. McConnell, B.S., Frances Ottley, A.B * Mary D. Palmer, A.B. Mary E. Pancoast, B.L., James W. Ponder, A.B., Milltown, Pa. Riverton, N. Broomell, B.S. (and Univ. of Mich., 1893), Morris L. Clothier, B.S., Beulah W. Darlington, A.B., Edward Darlington, B.S., George Ellsler, A.B., Caroline R. Gaston, A.B., JohnC. GiFFORD, B.S. (1S93), Abby M. Hall, A.B. (and Cornell Univ., 1893), Clara A. Hughes, A.B., EMiMA J. Holicong, Pa. J. Locust Valley, N. Y. Wynnewood, Pa. West Chester, Pa. Media, Pa. Vanderbilt University. Philadelphia, Pa. Swarthmore College. Swarthmore College. Lima, Ohio. Cinnaminson, N. J. Cinnaminson, N. J. Univ. of Mich., 1892), Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. E. Austin, Texas. 1892. , Marple, Pa. • * Deceased. Wilmington, Del. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. QQ Ellis B. Ridgway, B.S., Roberts, A.B. (M.D., Univ. of Walter Coatesville, Pa. Pa., 1893), . . . Richard C. Sellers, B.S., Fannie B. Smith, A.B., Mary F. Swarthmore, Pa. Moorestown, N. Soper, B.S., R. Barclay Spicer, William E. Sweet, Philadelphia, Pa. Jersey City, N. , N. A.B., Plainfield, A.B., Denver, Col. Alice W. Titus, M.L., 1892, Mary H. White, A.B., ^ . . . . J. J. J. Old Westbury, N. Y. Lansdowne, Pa. Class of 1891. Emily Atkinson, A.B., Cosmelia J. Brown, B.L., Louis P. Clark, B.S., Moorestown, N. Haverford College, Pa. , Hannah H. Clothier, B.L., Eva M. Daniels, B.S., 1892, .• Wynnewood, • Horsham, Pa. Isaac O. Harper, B.S., Baltimore, Esther Haviland, B.L., S. Chester New B.S., Martindale, Pa. York, N. Y. Media, Pa. LipPiNCOTT, A.B, P. Va. Md. Langhome, Eliza G. Holmes, A.B., John W. Hutchinson, Jr., Dora Lewis, B.L., Pa. W. Charleston, Eliza R. Hampton, A.B., ^LucY J. Lincoln, Va. 1891. Oxford, Pa. B.L., Harry L. McDonald, B.S., Sarah T. Moore, B.L., A. Mitchell Palmer, A.B., Ellen (Passmore) Pyle, B.L., Marianna (Smith) Rawson, B.L., William C. Sproul, B.S., Kansas Edward Ward, Pa. City, Mo. Sandy Spring, Md. Stroudsburg, Pa. Washington, D. C. New York, N. Y. Chester, Pa. Temple, B.S., L. Tyler, B.S., Frances M. White, B.L., Edward C. Wilson, B.S., M. Lilian Yarnall, A.B., B. Katharine Philadelphia, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. New . York, N. Y. Chester, Pa. Class of 1892. TVI. Buckingham, Pa. JA. Philadelphia, Pa. Josephine Beistle, A.B., Berlin, Germany. Germantown, Pa. Mary Jenkintown, Pa. Ellen Atkinson, B.L., Rosamond Baker, A.B., Benjamin F. Battin, A.B., E. Broomell, B.L., * Deceased. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 07 Charleston, Frederic N. Carr, B.L., Howard N. Eavenson, B.S., Henry H. Garrett, B.S., Howard B. Green, B.S., Charles Hart, B.S., Annie Hillborn, B.L. Edward Va. Philadelphia, Pa. Pedricktown, Pa. Doylestown, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Chicago, A. Jenkins, B.S., New Charles B. Ketcham, A.B., 1893, Phebe H. Ketcham, B.S., Henry McAllister, Jr., B.L., Bernard S. McIlvain, B.L John F. Murray, B.S., Ellen Pyle, A.B., Mary W. Coeburn, Va. 111. York, N. Y. Jericho, N. Y. Colorado Springs, Col. Darlington, Md. Wallingford, Pa. London Grove, Md. . Pa. Baltimore, E. Stebbins, B.L., New Walker, B.S., J. William E. Walter, B.S., Florence N. Wolverton, A.B., Mary L. Wolverton, A.B., Joseph Centreville, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. , . . . Quakertown, N. Quakertown, N. J. J. Class of 1893. Jane Atkinson, A.B., George H. Brooke, B.S., Francis E. Bromell, B.S., John L. Carver, B.L., Joseph T. Freeman, B.S., . Dora . Holicong, Pa. University of Pa. Chicago, - • 111. Media, Pa. Rochester, N. Y. A. Gilbert, A.B., Chester, Pa. Charles S. Hallowell, B.S., Clement Lodge, B.S., LoRENA B. Matlack, A.B., Carlie McClure, A.B., Denver, Col. Omar B. Jesse H. Pancoast, B.S., Reinhardt, B.S., Julius Staab, A.B., John B. Stetson, B.S., Esther E. Spicer, B.L., Frances B. Stevenson, A.B., George H. Strout, A.B., Esther H. Sutton, B.L., Henry C. Turner, B. S., Carrie B. Way, B.L., LiLA K. Willets, B.L., E. Newlin Williams, B.S., S. Ellen Williams, B.S., Paulsboro, N. West J. Chester, Pa. Girard, Pa. Johns Hopkins Univ. Salem, N. J. Harvard Univ. Med.-Chir. Col., Phila. Baltimore, Md. Felton, Del. West Newton, Mass. Chappaqua, N. Y. Betterton, Md. Kennett Square, Pa. Roslyn, N. Y. New Hope, Pa. Locust Valley, N. Y. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 68 Honorary Degrees Conferred. I William Hyde Appletox, Ph.D. vard, 1869), Professor of Susan J. (A.B., Harvard, 1864; A.M., LL.B., Greek and of .English Cunningham, Har- Literature. Sc.D., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy. 1889. Arthur Beardsley, Professor of Engineering Ph.D. (C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic and Director of Mechanic Isaac Sharpless, LL.D. Harvard, 1873 (B.S., Institute, 1867) Arts. ! Sc.D., Univ. of Pa., il President of Haverford College. 1890. Olivia Rodham, A.B., late Assistant Librarian and Instructor in Botany. Committee on Trusts, Endowments, and Scholarships. EDWARD H. OGDEN, 314 Vine EMMOR Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ROBERTS, Fellowship, N. J. DANIEL UNDERBILL, Jericho, L. I. EDMUND WEBSTER, 1 CLEMENT 156 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. M. BIDDLE, Treasurer, 631 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. REBECCA C. LONGSTRETH, Sharon Hill, Pa. Secretary,