nrLnxinnxin,.jxrLnjuiruTJinJTJxriJLnJTJiJxrLp SWARTHMORE COLLEGE, 1886-87. riruuuuuu'\ru-ux^i^l^L^u^su^i^L^suuuuuuux^u\nJ^J^^^ I . I> I Ttl I— 00 t— ( M (N I CO CO •^BQ q;9 lO o 03 "^ C30 ^ .d 1> Tt< -H 00 o 4^ -£1 4:1 ^ P4 ICOqasCD iva q?9 •x^a H19 OS CD CO d d •Xb(i q^i , •^«a q;^ (>J . CO o t- * C-l OS CD CO . 10 (M OS CD IC^ •Xb(i pg •-f^a PS •jiva ?sx 00 00 •ifBa V2 'T™; •IH /-> {^ -0 fl •S 43 PI si d o o J^ t^-^T-HQO Vi . -^ T-H -»^ eS «=< d iS 00 10 I •^^cr 11*9 OS . LO hia, Pa. Arthur W. Bradley, A.B Frances Linton, A.M., 1881 (M.D. Women's Medical College, PhiladeljAia, Pa. Phila., 1886) Bassett, B.S. (D.D.S. Phila. Dental College, 1878) Frank L. Elizabeth L. (Longstreth) Boyd, . . Philadelphia, Pa. A.B James T. McClure, B.S Philadelphia, Pa. Emma Mcllvain, A.B Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin Mitchell, Jr., A.B. (B.L. and B.S.R., Sorbonne, Paris, iVew) Yoi-k, 1877) Lucy R. Isaac G. Smedley, B.S. (M.D. Herbert W. Smyth, A.B. N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. (Price) Maclntire, A.B. (1880) Hahnemann Medical College, 1879) Philadelphia, Pa. (Harvard, 1878, Ph.D., Gottingen, Johns Hopkins Univ., Bait., Md. 1884) * Deceased. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. Mary Willits, 53 A.M., 1881 (M.D. Women's Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Phila., 1881) Coatesville, "William P. Worth, B.S CLASS OF 1877, Joseph T. Bunting, B.S. (LL.B. University of Penna., 1880) Norman B. Corson, Philadelphia, Pa. . . Norristown, Pa. A.B West Bridgewater, Mass. Eudora Magll!, A.B Jesse R. Norton, Pa. Ironton, Ohio. A.B Carroll R. Williams, A.M., 1882 (LL.B. University of Pa., 1880). Philadelphia, Pa. Florence M. Yeatman, Nonoay, Pa. A.B CLASS OF Caroline E. Burr, 1878. Gennantoion, Pa. A.B Maybell P. Davis, A.B Howard Dawson, A.M., 1882 Newtonville, Mass. Tacy A. Gleim, A.B William J. Hall, B.S Fort Collins, Col. Mary P. Hallowell, Boston, Mass. Siuarthuore College, Pa. A.M., 1881 (Women's Medical College, I>avis Grove, Pa. Phila., 18S1) Charles A. Hawkins, Fmvn A.B Grove, Pa. William Penn Holcomb, M.L. (Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1886). Swarthmore College, Pa. Rebecca S. Hunt, A.M., 1881 (M.D. Women's Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Phila., 1881) West Chester, Pa. E. (Jackson) Monaghan, B.L Orange, N. J. Llewellyn H. Johnson, B.S Edward Martin, A.M., 1882 (M.D. University of Penna., 1883). Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. Francis J. Palmer, B.S Anna . Israel Roberts, B.S Camden, N. William Seaman, C.E., 1884 C. Harry Shoemaker, B.S Wilmington, Del. J. Philadelijhia, Pa, CLASS OF 1879. Isaac R. Coles, C.E., 1880 Brooklyn, N. Y. A.B William Lea Ferris, A.B Joseph Fitch, A.B Ruth Anna Forsyth, A.B Philadelphia, Pa. AVilliam P. Fender, Wilmington, Del. New York, N. Y. Moorestown, N. J. Elizabeth (Furnas) Bogardus, B.L New A.B Marie A. Kemp, A.B Havre de Grace, Md. P. Lesley Hopper, Harrishurg, Pa. Long Brunch, N. J. Downingtown, Pa. Elisha E. Lippincott, B.S Samuel Craig McComb, Charles R. .Miller, C.E., 1882 B.L. (LL.B. University of Penna., 1881) CLASS OF E. Constable, A.B . . Wilmington, Del. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Josephine (White) Breckens, A.B Abigail M. (Woodnutt) Miller, B.L Anna York, N. Y. Wilmington, Del. 1880. Philadcljyhia, Pa. Arthur Colman Daw.son, B.L., 1882 Beloil, Wis. Florence Hall, A.B Philadelphia, Pa. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. 54 Myra Washington, B.C. T. Hillman, A.B Emily L. (Hough) Savidge, A.B. (and Univ. of Minn., 1881). Kearney, Neh. Edward H. Reiser, M.S., 1881 (Ph.D. Johns Hopkins Univ., Bnjn Mawr College, Pa. 1884) Georgine (Kurtz) Muhlenberg, A.B Reading, Pa. Albert R. Lawton, A.M., 1885 SwartJimore College, Pa. Robert J. Marcher, B.S High Bridge, N. Y. Thomas L. Moore, A.B Sandy Spring, Md. . Ellen S. (Preston) Griest, A.B Lancaster, Pa. John Turton, B.S Nexo York, N. Y. Fannie A. Willets, A.B Henry S. Wood, C.E., 1883 Trenton, CLASS OF i88i. Martha Bunting, B.L William Canby, Jr., B.L Charles B. Doron, B.L Mary J. Elliott, B.L Emma Kirk, B.L Gertrude B. Magill, A.B Eugene Paulin, Jr., A.B. (and Harvard, 1883) Martha E. (Rhinoehl) Osbourn, A.B Sharon Hill, Pu. Baltimore, Md. Elsah, III. Philadelphia, Pa. Bryn Maior, Pa. West Bridgewater, Mass. Bloomfield, N. M. Philadelphia, Pa. New Edward C. Rushmore, B.S Henry B. Seaman, C.E., 1884 York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Charles E. Sharpless, C.E., 1884 . Media, Pa, Neio York, N. Y. Alvin T. Shoemaker, B.L J. N'. J. Youngstoion, 0. Byron Thomas, B.S Cheyney, Pa. New Ernest P. Tucker, A.B. (M.D. Harvard, 1884) CLASS OF York, N. Y. 1882. William Llewellyn Baner, A.B Neio York, N. Y. Edith B. Blackwell, A.B El Mora, N. J. Swiftioater, Pa. West Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Camden, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Laconia, N. H. ' Charlotte E. Brewster, M.L., 1886 AVilliam Butler, Jr., C. A.B Herbert Cochran, A.B Bertha Cooper, B.L A.B A.B P. Fannie Foulke, Mary E. Gale, Sarah S. (Green) Pierce, A.B.* Margaret E. Hallowell, A.B Elizabeth E. Hart, B.L Lansdowne, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Haslam, B.L Parry, N. J. Elizabeth 1886. M. Ogden, B.L West Chester, Pa. Charles Palmer, A.M., 1884 Sandy Spring, Md. George 1883. C. Phillips, B.S.* Horace L. Rossiter, A.B Girard, Pa. Charles B. Turton, B.S New Gerrit E. H. Weaver (A.B. Harvard, 1884), A.M., 1886 .... York, N. Y. Harvard College, Mass. Swarthmore Emily E. Wilson, A.M., 1885 Edgar M. Zavitz, A.B College, Pa. Coldstream, Ont., Can. * Deceased. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE. CLASS OF 55 1883. Sharon Hill, Pa. Folhj Mais, Va. Cinnaminson, N. J. Media, Pa. Woodstoion, N. J. Charles A. Bunting, B.S John L. Cochran, B.S Edgar Conrow, B.L Lydia S. Green, A.B A.B W. Jackson, A.B Florence N. Hanes, Alice Germantoivn, Pa. Neck, H. Y. Camden, N. J. Washington, D. C. West Chester, Pa. London Grove, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. West Grove, Pa. "William A. Kissam, Jr., B.S Little Bertha Matlock, B.L Guion Miller, A.B A.B Edward A. Pennock, A.B S. Duffield Mitchell, George L. Pennock, B.S Charles Helen S. Pyle, C. Pyle, B.S. B.L Wilmington, Del. Frederick A. Seaman, Jr., Madison, N. B.S J. Media, Pa. Annie E. Tylor, B.L James E. Verree, B.L Emma Webb, A.B Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. CLASS OF 1884. Horace L. Dilworth, B.S Rebecca M. Downing, B.L John D. Furnas, B.S Sarah L. Hall, A.B Henry J. Hancock, A.B. (LL.B. University of Penna., 1886) Millville, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Waynesville, Ohio. Locust Valley, N. Y. . . Philadelphia, Pa. N. Edwin Haviland, Jr., B.S., 1885 Mary E. Hughes, A.B Laura H. Satterthwait, A.B Plainfield, Frederic J. Taylor, B.S Minneap)olis, Minn. Mary Willits, Philadelphia, Pa. A.B Philadelphia, Pa. CLASS OF 1885. Washington, D. Minnie F. Baker, A.B Abigail Evans, A.B Frederic P. Moore, Mary D. Pratt, S. New A.B A.B Bones, B.L Arthur D. Cochran, B.S George .J. FreeJley, B.S Helen G. Johnson, A.B A.B Edgar M. Smedley, B.S Rowland J. Spencer, B.L Martha M. Watson, A.B Ella Merrick, C. Percy Willcox, B.S C. Baltimore, Md. York, N. Y. West Chester, Pa. CLASS OF Emma J. Philadelphia, Pa. 1886. New Brighton, N. Y. Westtown, Pa. Richmond, Va. Muncy, Pa. Moorestoion, N. J. Media, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Lexington, Ky. Yale College, New Haven, Conn. GriidniitcH and otlier formor members of the College are requested to send their present addresses occiipiitiotiM t) tho LrBiiAiiiAN at tlio College, and to Icecp him informed of any changes in the same a8 they occur, that the list may be kept correct. and ; SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY 56 SCHOOL. THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. This school is intended to prepare students for the Freshman Class in the College, or to furnish a good practical education to those desiring a shorter course. Instruction is given in Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry; in Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry', Natural History, and Physical Geography; in Eeading and Speaking; in Geography and History; in the English, French, German, and Latin Languages; and in Manual Training. In the subject last mentioned, there are two lines of instruction, one in Drawing, including penmanshijD, and the other a course in Shop-practice. The Drawing consists of: 1. Free-hand drawing, designed to educate the sense of form and proportion; to teach the eye to observe accurately, and to train the hand to delineate rapidly the forms of existing objects, or of ideal ones. 2. Mechanical Drawing, including the use of instruments and materials, the construction of geometrical problems, and the study of projections, plans, elevations, sections, intersections, and developments. The Shop-work consists of courses of instruction in carpentry and joineiy, wood-carving, wood-turning, and pattern making in forging, drawing out, upsetting, bending, punching, and welding iron and steel in making and tempering tools in moulding and casting All the exei'cises are purely in plaster, type-metal, brass, and iron. educational; no attempt being made to teach a trade. The Mechanical Drawing and Shop-practice are elective, and ; ; pupils taking ; them must German The English Language also elect either Latin, French, or other pupils take two of those languages. and the remaining studies are required of all. expected that parents will not ask to have the course modified, except in the case of the few whose health will not admit of their doing the full amount of work prescribed. Pupils preparing for the College course in Arts, should take the Latin with French or German; those preparing for the course in Letters, are permitted in the last year of the course to substitute It is SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. German 57 for the Latin as preparation for the course in Science, pupils take any two of the electives offered but for the Engineering course, pi-eparation should be made in Mechanical Drawing and Shop; may ; The course practice. and Sophomore in metal-working, pursued by the Freshman with the shop-work offered in this Classes, forms school a regularly graded course in that subject. (See Course in Engineering, images 42-43.) Members of the First and Second Classes, who are over 18 years of age. may attend the College lectures on Pedagogics. Those who expect to teach the following year may substitute, for a part of the regular work, a thorough review of Arithmetic and the other ele- mentary branches usually included in the examination of teachers for the public schools. In arranging the course of study, we have had in view a complete and harmonious organization of all Friends' schools throughout the country and it is hoped that committees and teachers of these schools will unite with us in securing this very important end. In all Friends' schools whose grade is so adjusted that certain classes, in the judgment of the Faculty, correspond with ours, students who complete the course of study in any class will be admitted to the class in this school, corresponding with the next higher in their own, without re-examination, on presenting certificates to that effect from ; the Principals of their respective schools. 4* 58 SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. INSTRUCTORS. EUGENE PAULIN, Superinte7xdent of Disci2jline of ihe boys* SAMUEL GREEN, S. A.M., and Instructor in French. M.S., Physics. ESTHER MOORE, T, A.B., In charge of Study Room. SUSAN W. GILLAM, Reading and Sjyeaknig. MINNIE BLAKIE, S. Writing, Spelling, and, English. ALBERT LAWTON, R. German EMILY and. WILSON, E. A.M., French. A.M., Mathematics. BEATRICE MAGILL, Drawing and Painting. FERRIS W. PRICE, A.B., Latin and English. ALBERT PALMER, G. Ph.D., Che77iistry. WILLIAM PENN HOLCOMB, Ph.D., History and- Civil Government. BENJAMIN SMITH, A.M., History and Geography. EDGAR L. BROTHER, Metal Working. MILTON BANCROFT, H. Industrial Drawing. FREDERICK A. CHOUTEAU, Wood-xcorhing and Foundery Practice. MARY J. MURPHY, Teacher of Gymnastics. * The Discipline of the girls is in charge of the Matron of the College. — : SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. 59 CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION, Application for admission should be made in writing to the President of the College, and should in all cases be accompanied by a testimonial of good character from the pupil's last teacher. Examinations for admission and classification will be held on Fourth- and Fifth-days, the 14th and 15th of ISTinth month, 1887. Candidates must present themselves on the afternoon of Ninth month 13th, 1887. The pupils of this school are divided into three classes, Second, and Third. pupil in Third-da}^, must be For admission First, to the Third, or lowest class, the at least fourteen years of age, and must be prepared the following subjects Arithmetic. — The Fundamental Eules Common and Decimal ; Denominate Numbers ; Percentage and Interest. English. The Parts of Speech Analysis, and Parsing of Simple Sentences the use of Capitals and Spelling. Geography. Desci-ijDtive and Political Geography of all countries, especiall}- of North America. History. The History of the United States as found in the Fractions ; — ; ; — — school histories. named on page 24, will not be examined, recommended by the Principals of those Pupils from the schools but will be schools. A classified as written statement in regard to scholarship, from the pupil's last teacher, will, in Pupils who they are deficient in is in all cases, receive some of the other special instruction until It all due consideration. are well prepared in Arithmetic will be received they are subjects. fitted to They if will receive regularly enter the class. advised, however, that pupils, before coming, be well prepared the subjects. EXPENSES. The charges for board and tuition and other expenses are found on pages 20-21. ; SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY 60 SCHOOL. COURSE OF STUDY. THIRD CLASS. Arithmetic. — Percentage Ratio and Proportion ; and applications; its Involution and Evolution ; Partnership; Progressions. — Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Fractions. Composition Essential Principles of the English. — Practice Algebra. Simple Equations ; in ; G-rammar; Analysis of Sentences; Selections from Whittier and Irving. Latin. —Leighton's Latin Lessons; Bennett's Easy Latin Stories. — History of the United States. —Eeview of Descriptive and Political Geography. Reading. — Practice in Reading and Declaiming before the Spelling. — Selected Woi-ds Dictation Exercises Correction History. Geography. class. ; of misspelled words in — — in all ; written exercises. Writing. The Spencerian System. Dra'wing. Free-hand Object Drawing and Perspective. Physical Culture. Exercises in the Gymnasium, as prescribed each case by the Dii^ector. — SECOND CLASS. Mathematics. —Algebra to Quadratics; Geometry, Books I., IL, and III. — — English. Composition; Grammar; Selections from Longfellow and Hawthorne. History. History of England. Geography. Physical Geography. — — Chemistry. Lectures. Reading. Practice in Reading and Declaiming Spelling. words in all — —Selected words written exercises. ; Dictations ; before the class. Correction of misspelled ; SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. 61 — The Spencerian System. — Free-hand Object Drawing and Perspective. Physical Culture. — Exercises the G-ymnasium, as prescribed Writing. Drawing. in in each case by the Director. Elective Studies, (Two must be 1. Latin. — chosen.) Reading: Csesar, Gallic War, two books a. ; Virgil's -^neid, one book. b. Grammar c. Composition : Irregular Verbs : ; syntax of the Allen's Latin Composition cases. and work based on the Latin read. French. — Magill and Paulin's First Lessons in French French Eeader. 3. Manual Training. Wood- working (8 4); Industrial Drawing, with instruments and free-hand. Pupils electing Manual Training omit the prescribed drawing above. 2. Magill's = — FIRST CLASS. Mathematics. metic ; — Geometry through Book V. Algebra through Quadratic ; Eeview Equations of one of Arith- unknown quantity. English. —Ehetoric and Composition; a brief outline of the Selections from Bryant and Lowell. history of English Literature ; — History and Civil Government. Smith's Smaller Greece and Macy's Our Government. Natural History. Lectures on Physiology and Hygiene. Physics. Lectures and Recitations. — Astronomy. — —Descriptive Astronomy, with jjractice in finding the constellations and the principal stars. Reading. Spelling. — Practice in Reading and Declaiming before the — Selected words and Dictation Exei-cises; Correction class. of misspelled words in all written exercises of the class. — The Spencerian System. Drawing. — Free-hand Object Drawing and Perspective. Physical Culture. — Exercises in the Gymnasium, as prescribed Writing. for each individual by the Director. ; SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY 62 SCHOOL. Elective Studies. (Two must be 1. Latin. — a. Reading: b. Grammar: Uses c. Composition : chosen.) Yirgil's, ^JEneid, five books. of the moods. Allen's Latin Composition and work based on the Latin read. d. Supplementary Study : Classical Geography and Classical My- thology. — Magill's Grammar and Eeader. — Grammar and Practice in Writing Exercises Ballads and easy Prose. Manual Training. — Forging, and Foundery Practice Pupils (8 = 3); Industrial Drawing, Mechanical and Free-hand. 2. French. 3. German. 4. electing etc., Manual Training may omit the drawing prescribed above. SWARTHMORE PREPARATORF SCHOOL. 63 PERIODS OF RECITATIONS PER WEEK. table shows the number of exercises per week for except for the periods being forty-five minutes each spelling, in which three periods of fifteen minutes each count as one: The following eacli class, ; SECOND. THIRD. STUDIES. Mathematics . . . Latin FIRST. , , Historj' English Eeading and Speaking p , Spelling Greography Physiology Writing P5 Drawing .... Chemistry Physics and Astronomy 4 or 5 Latin t> ! 4 French German Manual Trainino- . 25 25 27 PERCENTAGE OF TIME OCCUPIED. English .... 21.8 per cent. French 18.0 " History 15.4 Mathematics Writing & Drawing 12.8 12.8 Manual Training " Science Latin . . . * " . . 10.2 per cent. 10.2 . . 5.1 Geography 5.1 German 5.1 Of theso subjects the pupil muBt elect two. " SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY 64 SCHOOL. PUPILS IN PREPARATORY SCHOOL. FIRST CLASS. Henry Bancroft Philadelphia, Pa. Helen P. Barnard Sarah I. Black Harry L. Boggs George Bones Joseph Bringhurst Doe Pun, Pa. Lucy C. Millsboro', Pel. Charleston, W. Va. New N. York, Y. Marshallton, Pel. Brinton Christiana, Pa. Elizabeth Chadwick Quaker M. Jennie Chandler Philadelphia, Pa. Louis P. Clark Elizabeth A. Cornett Grant Dibert George Dilworth Genevieve Elder Elva Gregg Philadelphia, Pa. Phoenixville, • Philadelphia, Pa. Santa Fe, N. M. Spring Brook, N. Y. New Jacoby York, N. Lincoln University, Pa. Media, Pa. Media, Pa. Eiverton, Marshall Trenton, N. J. N. J. Jessie W. Masters Howard W. Middleton, Jr H. Graham Millar William A. Mode Wyoming, 0. Modena, Pa. D, Herbert Pike Meredosia, III. Meredosia, 111. . J. Frederick Pike Edwin S. Potter Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Annie M. Kent Dora Lewis Lena M. Lewis Nora H. Lippincott S. Pa. Pilworih, Montana. Hampton A. Hays Margaret Y. Johnstown, Pa. Eliza E. Clifford S. W. Johnstown, Pa. Clai-ence Griffin Jesse St., . • Philadelpjhia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. » SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY Paul Potter Sarah M. Pi-eston Isaac C. Eogers Ada P. Sager SCHOOL. 65 Toledo, 0. Darlington, Md. Moorestoivn, J. i\^. I/enape, Pa. Marcus W. Saxman Latrohe, Pa. Josephine TV. Scott Arthur Seligman Philadelphia, Pa. Santa Fe, N. M. Santa Fe, N. M. Minnie Seligman Matilda H. Slocum Andrew . . . San F. Stevens Antonio, Texas. Philadelphia, Pa. Frederick S. Stimson Evangeline Yuil William E. Whitson Susan E. Wilkins Eichard M. Willis Edward C. Wilson M. Lilian Yarnall Chicago, III. Quakertoivn, W. J. Westbury Station, N. Y. Lumberton, N. J. Galveston, Texas. Bloomfield, Ontario, Can. Ward, Pa. IRREGULAR. M, Eosamond Baker Hannah H. Clothier Alice E. Mary Easton, N. Y. Wynnewood, Pa. N. Y. New York, N. Y. Mann Colden, E. Phillips Laura Spear Elizabeth H. West Wihningtoyi, Del. King of Prussia, Pa. SECOND CLASS. Bruce Axtell Edward T. Betts William A. Christy J. Eussell Cornell Walter Dalton Sarah C. DcIIaven Stanley M. Dickinson Santa Fe, N. M. Buffalo, N. Y. Bloomfield,0'ntario,Gan. Holland, Pa. Philadelpjhia, Pa. Westtoivn, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio. Frank E. Dill Richmond, Ind. Albert B. En body Mauch Francis S. Garrett Etta M. Gilbreath Chunk, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Fort Buford, Da. SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY 66 Harvey Harvey William C. E. Hazard John Columbus, S. C. Thomas SCHOOL. JSf. Buffalo, JV. Y. Richard Hendrickson Franklin E. Hobson John H. Hubbs M. Franklin Jackson Marietta R. Kirk S. Clarence Lemmon Florence W. Matthews Washington, D. C. Philadelphia, Pa. Doylestown, Pa. Jericho, iV. Y. Glenolden, Pa. Honeybrook, Pa. Philopolis, McCrea McDonald Md. Charles R. Menovo, Pa. Henry Kansas L. J. Columbus, W. J. E. Gabriel Middleton City, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. Spencer Miller Oakdale, Pa. Henry E. Nelson Edward M. Philips Brooklyn, N. Y. Arthur Prentiss JVew York, N. Y. Mary R. Price Henry F. Randolph Elmo T. Rice Johnstown, Pa. Faulkland, Del. Towson, Md. Lansdowne, Pa. Medford, N. J. Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Jericho, N. Y. Mt. Holly, N. J. Svjarthmore, Pa. Lansdale, Pa. Muskegon, Mich. Village Green, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Emma H. Rogers Albert Saunders James Seaman Hannah T. Shreve Marian W. Sloan John B. Stetson Thomas Herman Turnbull, Jr R. Tyson William Wagner William H. Wilson James N. Wood St. Joseph, Mo. Washington, D. C. THIRD CLASS. Managua, Nicaragua. Constantine Cuadra Mahlon H. Dickinson M. Alverda Fowler West Grove, Pa. Elizabeth City, N. Preston B. Jones Coatesville, Lillian . M. Keteham Mt. Xisco, Pa. iV". Y. C. SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. 67 Alberto Lagrave Mexico. ^lary P. Lardner Lansdale, Pa. 3Ieta Lardner Lansdale; Fa. Eobert C. lEanning Margaret O. llillar Joseph M. Pugh Thomas Eoss Moina ]M. Sandford Sarah Shaw Trenton, JSf. Wyoming, J. Ohio. Port Deposit, Md. Orleans. La. New St. Joseph, . La. Pittsburg, Pa. Edward Sloan Swarthmore, Pa. Arthur Staab Santa Fe, N. M. Santa Fe, N. M. Julius Staab Albert M. Stiles Halbert L. Stone Clarence M. Thompson Volcano. West Va. Mt. Pleasant, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Frank W. Tyler Bidgely, Md. ' SWARTHMORE PREPARATORY SCHOOL. 68 SUMMARY. 54 42 First Class Second Class Third Class 21 117 Total SUMMARY BY STATES. Pennsylvania 49 New Tork 15 IsTew Jersey 10 Maryland New Mexico Delaware Ohio 6 6 . : 5 4 3 Illinois Canada District of 2 Columbia 2 Louisiana Missouri 2 Texas 2 West Yirginia Dakota 2 Indiana 1 Mexico Michigan 1 Montana 1 Nicaragua 1 North Carolina 1 Whole number 2 1 1 Total in Preparatory School 117 Total in College 123 240 CONINlIT'rKK Trusts, Endowments, and Scholarships, Joseph Wharton, P. O. Box 1332, Philadelphia, Pa. Daniel Underhill, Jericho, L. Edward H, Oqden, 314 Vine John I. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. T. Willets, 303 Pearl Street, New York City, N. Y. M. Fisher Longstreth, Secretary and Treasurer, Sharon Hill, Delaware County, Pa.