The Garnet Letter npp >- HOMECOMING DAY SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 17th (see back cover) October. 195/ Volume XVI Number 1 The Garnet Letter Volume XVI No. 1 OCTOBER 1951 Published by the Alumni Office of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. EDITORS Joseph B. Shane ’ 25, vice-president; Kath­ ryn Bassett ’ 35, alumni office; George A. Test ’49, publicity director. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICERS William F. Lee ’ 33, president; Herbert L. Brown ’ 16, vice-president for men; Virginia Brown Greer ’ 26, vice-president for women; Inez Coulter Russell ’ 25, secretary. ADVISORY BOARD Robert H. Wilson ’ 31, Chairman; Robert J. Cadigan ’ 34, Morris M. Lee, ^Jr. ’ 29, Isabel Logan Lyon ’42, Frederick C. Selby ’44. THE COVER Our cover shows a contingent of the football team arriving at the Swarthmore railroad station. M ore complete details on the prospects for the fall sports season, including foot­ ball, can be found on page 4. Philadelphia — Luncheons— 12 :30 P. M., University Club October 16 November 13 (joint meeting with Haverford) January 15, 1952 Westchester County (N .Y .)— Organizational Meeting — November 9th Place and time to be announced Long Island — Annual Fall Meeting — October 26th Manhasset Hall, 20 Locust Street, Manhasset, 7:30 P. M. North Jersey — Early November— Date, time and place to be announced. MEET THE FACULTY— Wednesday, October 24, 1951, 6:45 P. M., College Dining Room , Dinner $1.50. Professors Enders, Cox and Elmore of the biological and physical sciences department will lead a discussion of "H ow , Why, and What We Are Teaching.” Second in a series sponsored by the Public Relations Committee for alumni and^ friends of the college. Bring husbands or wives for a good dinner and an intriduction to Swarthmore college science departments. CRYSANTHEMUM SHOW— November 9, 10, 11 Lamb-Miller Field House, Swarthmore College SWARTHMORE ON TE LEV IS ION— Thursday, October 18, 7 :00 -7 :3 0 P. M ., W C A U -T V . College scenes and talent. COO PER LECTURES PUBLISHED ALUMNI FUND REPORT The space devoted in this issue to the Report of the 1951 Alumni Fund has been paid for by the Fund Office. This enables the G a r n e t L e t t e r to remain within its budget, and at the same time saves the college the costs o f publishing a separate Fund Raising Report. BALTIMORE CLUB SALE The metal tray and waste basket set with the picture of Parrish Hall on it is still being offered for sale by the Swarthmore Club of Baltimore. They make an attractive set for a den or library or they can be obtained as single items alone. The charge is $4.00 each pp. or $8.00 a set pp. Checks for each pur­ chase should be made payable to the Swarthmore Club of Baltimore and the checks may be sent to Mrs. Richard Post, 308 Broxton Road, Baltimore 12, Maryland. The sets will make handsome Christmas gifts to some alumni friends. The 1950-51 ^William J. Cooper Foundation lectures, “ National Security and Civil Liberties, has recently been published by the University of Pennsylvania Press under the title, Civil Liberties Under Attack. Lecturers for the series included Henry Steele Commager, Professor of History at Columbia University; Robert K. Carr, Professor of Law and Political Science at Dartmouth College; Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Professor at Harvard University; Walter Gellhorn, Professor of Law at Columbia University; Curtis Bok, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia; and James P. Baxter, III, President of Williams College. Swarthmore’s own Professor Clair Wilcox edited and wrote a foreword for the volume which is a record of one of the most timely of the Cooper lectures. WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP REQUIREMENTS CHANGED For the information of all interested alumnae the terms of the Lucretia Mott and Martha E.^ Tyson Fellowships have been modified to take cognizance of changing conditions on campus. The major change in the Lucretia Mott Fellowship is that a thesis is no longer required of each applicant. A seminar paper or a term paper will now fulfill that requirement. The Martha E. Tyson Fellowship is now open to undergraduates who plan to teach on the elementary or secondary levels, as well as to those women who are already experienced teachers. Details may be obtained from the Dean of Women, Swarthmore College. UNIVERSITY WOMEN GIVE 25 FELLOWSHIPS The American Association of University Women announces 25 fellowships to young women who have completed two years’ residence work for the Ph.D. degree or have already received the degree. Awards include money for study abroad, research or writing. Write Secretary, Committee on Fellowship Awards A.A.U.W ., 1634 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. NEW RECORD FOR ALUMNI FUND Sw arthm ore’ s 1951 Cooley) was second. A lu m n i F u n d e n d e d The class with the successfully on June 30 greatest increase in per­ and exceeded its goal cent of participation of $90,000. This, in a was 1926— with E. Dillyear of world confusion, wyn Parrish as agent. bespeaks the support of In second place in this an active alumni. respect was the Class of Total contributions 1897 (Robert Pyle). amounted to $90,574.42, Development Program which was higher than Our yearly Alumni any o f th e p r e v io u s Fund is the keystone of yearly campaigns. M ore­ Swarthmore’s continu­ over the number of con­ ous and permanent De­ tributors was also the velopment Program, as highest in Alumni Fund discussed at some length history. In all, 2975 in the 1950 fund-raising loyal and f a i t h f u l report. Swarthmoreans m ade The D evelopm en t gifts— this being better Program is a blueprint than one out of every for building that is three living persons who Chairman Isaac G. Darlington, ’07, New Alumni Association President never completed. It in­ ever attended SwarthWilliam F. Lee, ’ 33, College Vice-President Joseph B. Shane, ’ 25, and retiring cludes funds from vari­ Association President Jack B. Thompson, ’ 27, photographed at campaign’s end. more. ous sources. In addi­ tion to the unrestricted As com p a red with annual giving program, a total of the 1950 Alumni Fund, which was The Class of 1915 led all others in $35,373 was given by alumni and itself a record breaker, the 1951 Fund amount subscribed to the Alumni designated for special purposes. Non­ was $16,290.39 greater and had 170 Fund — a total of $3789. Earl A. alumni parents contributed $10,504 more donors. Hunter was its class agent. The Class for scolars'hips. This part of the pro­ The success o f the Alumni Fund is of 1914 was a close second in this due to the faithful support of Swarthgram was administered by a parents’ category — its agent, Edwin Randall more by its alumni and to the energy Murch, reporting $3675. committee under the direction of and hard work o f the Alumni Fund Senator Ralph E. Flanders. Various By number of donors, the Class of Committee' which has been led with research grants totaled $75,000 and 1949 was the leader with a total of continuing zeal for the past three other friends of Swarthmore contrib­ 151, its agent being Chalmers C. years by its chairman, Isaac G. Dar­ uted $18,000 for various designated Stroup, Jr. The Class of 1950 (James lington ’07. In particular, a fine job I. Reilly) was second. purposes. All of these gifts, including was done by the corps of class agents Based upon percentage of class the Annual Alumni Fund, amounted who devoted their time and energy members contributing, the Class of to $229,319.37. to telling the Alumni Fund story to 1906 (Emma Jane Wilson Shoe­ The importance to Swarthmore of their classmates in all college genera­ maker) was first-place winner, and all these sources cannot be mini­ tions. the Class of 1907 (Helen Ridgway mized, but it is the consistent gene- LEADERS A M O N G CLASS AGENTS FOR ALUMNI FUND SWARTHMORE COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT FUND Summary Report — June 30, 1951 No. OF D onors 2975 18 166 32 8 3199 A mount S u b s c r ib e d Alumni Fund ................................... ..............................................$ 90,574.42 Alumni Gifts for Special Purposes............ .............................. 35,373.00 Non-Alumni Parents’ Gifts for Scholarships............................. 10,504.00 Other Friends of Swarthmore..................................................... 18,183.53 Research G r a n ts ......................................................... .....>. .. . 74,684.42 Total 1950-1951 ................... .,$229,319.37 THE DEVELOPMENT FUND EXCUTIVE COMMITTEE John S. Clement ’08 Chairman Development Fund rosity, year after year, o f faithful alumni and the enthusiastic support of the new alumni added to the ranks that helps make this program an un­ qualified success. It is this sort of cooperation that makes Swarthmore what it is, the kind of a college we are happy to support, so that it will continue to be at the forefront of American education. Committee Reports At its last meeting the Executive Committee o f the Development Fund received reports not only from the Alumni Fund and Parents’ C om ­ mittees but also from the Bequests and Public Relations Committees. The committees for the Science Foun­ dation and W omen’s Dormitory did not function during the year, although fund solicitation by the college ad­ ministration continued. The Public Relations Committee under the chairmanship of Boyd T. Barnard T 7 and composed of Board, Alumni and Faculty members has carefully planned a program which includes alumni, students, parents, community, Society of Friends, schools, industries and foundations. The Committee on Bequests headed by Claude C. Smith ’ 14 has done much to familiarize alumni and friends o f the needs o f the college. Three thousand brochures entitled “ Assuring Swarthmore’s Future” were distributed to trust officers and bank presidents throughout the country. Alumni attorneys were informed of 2 John S. Clement ’08 General Chairman Boyd T. Barnard T 7 Richard C. Bond ’31 Isaac G. Darlington ’07 Hilda Lang Denworth T 7 Mabel Sullivan D ’Olier ’07 Priscilla Goodwyn Griffin TO Howard Cooper Johnson ’96 Thomas B. M cCabe T 5 John W . Nason Joseph B. Shape ’25 Philip T. Sharpies TO Richard W . Slocum ’22 Claude C. Smith T4 Jack B. Thompson ’£7 Barclay White ’06 Edward H. Worth ’02 COMMITTEE ON BEQUESTS Claude C. Smith T4, Chairman George B. Clothier ’26, Wayland H. Elsbree ’21 less Halsted T 8 Eldredge M. Hiller ’30 A. Sidney Johnson, Jr. ’27 Howard Cooper Johnson ’96 Nicholas Kelley William Fiss Lee, ’33 William Poole ’30 Ellis B. Ridgway, Jr. ’34 Joseph B. Shane ’25 Theodore W iding ’28 Charles Alfred Zinn ’25 THE ALUMNI FUND COMMITTEE Isaac G. Darlington ’07 Chairman Lester Asplundh ’23 Jeptha J. Carrell ’45 Anna Oppenlander Eberle T 3 Priscilla Goodwyn Griffin TO Edward Mahler ’50 William J. Reilly T8 Richard O. Smith ’41 Shaler Stidham ’29 Jack B. Thompson ’27 Sidney L. Wickenhaver ’37 Louise Stubbs Williams ’34 Helen Gawthrop Worth T8 PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Boyd T. Barnard T7, Chairman Richard C. Bond ’31 William H. Ward T5 Robert H. Wilson ’31 George J. Becker J. Roland Pennock ’27 Parents’ Committee listed on page 29 the work of this committee and of the importance of bequests, large or small, to the collège. During the past year increasing numbers of bequests or trusts indicate a growing interest in providing for Swarthmore College. Provisions have been made for differ­ ent purposes, outright gifts, general endowment, scholarships, etc. Be­ quests or trusts may be made provid­ ing income for life for the donor, or for others, the remainder ultimately to be received by the college. A sug­ gested form of bequest is : “ I give and bequeath to Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, $ ...........” (I f it is desired that the fund or in­ come therefrom be devoted to any particular use, it may be specified.) The college announces with pleas­ ure that John S. Clement ’08 has accepted the chairmanship of the De­ velopment Program for the coming year. Isaac G. Darlington, Claude C. Smith, and Boyd T. Barnard will all continue in their present capacities. See pages 22-29 for a recapitu­ lation of gifts by class and the lists of donors during 1950-1951. The Garnet Letter INTRODUCING THE CLASS OF 7955 A new class of 245 Freshmen is now getting settled on the campus as the Swarthmore Class of 1955. Altogether, than o j there were . more , _. 1100 applications for admission to this year’s class. The sharp decline in en­ rollments, particularly o f men which was anticipated as a result of the Korean situation did not materialize at Swarthmore. College enrollments have dropped only about 9 % gener­ ally, but there was no drop whatever in the number of men seeking admis­ sion to Swarthmore. College enrollments have dropped only about 5 % in colleges generally, and there was no drop whatever in the number of men seeking admission to Swarthmore. Selection of this year’s freshmen was even a more difficult and trying task than usual because, for the first time, prospective students were not required to indicate to the College Entrance Examination Board their preference as to colleges. Thus it was impossible for the admissions com ­ mittee to distinguish between the ap­ plications of those whose first prefer­ ence was Swarthmore and of those who were filing “ insurance” applica­ tions as protection in case of rejection by the school , of their first choice. There is a growing practice among prospective students to make multiple applications so that a higher percent­ age of acceptances of applications is necessary before the freshman class is filled. Alumni Children Preferred The Class o f 1955 consists of 115 women and 130 men. O f these, there are 17 sons and daughters of Alumni, and 18 members of the Society of Friends. It is the college’s policy to give preference to applicants from both of these groups who meet the requirements and as a matter of fact 22 children of Alumni were actually accepted by the Admissions Com­ mittee for this year’ s class. However, 9 of these, after filing applications and being notified of their acceptance, ad­ vised the college that they planned to enroll elsewhere. A total of 55% o f the new freshmen come from public schools in the U. S. 41% come from private schools, and 4% are foreign students. About one in every four freshmen will receive October, 1951 Swarthmoreans whose sons and daughters are members of the new Freshman Class are: M ARY W ILSON M ILAM ’ 17, son John, Millbrook (N. Y .) School. ALLEN i MYERS ’ 18, soh Henry Allen, Hagerstown (M d ,) High School. EDW ARD E. BARTLESON ’ 21, daughter Ann, Millburn H. S., Short Hills, N. J. ELLEN HAYES SCHULTZ ' ’ 22, daughter Sonia, George School. ELIZABETH STAMFORD SHARPLESS ’ 26 and PAUL SHARPLESS ’ 22 (deceased), son Paul, Swarthmore High School. ALBERT W. PRESTON ’ 23, twin sons Albert W., Jr. and Thomas Arthur, Crafton (Pa.) High School. ISABEL JONES ROSENBERRY ’ 26, daughter Phoebe, West Chester High School. RUSSELL ROBERT HARRIS ’ 27, son Russell Robert, Jr., Haddonfield Memorial High School. K ATH AR IN E SNYDER SASSE ’ 27, daughter Katharine, Tucson (Ariz.) High School. ESTHER F IL T E R MALLONEE ’ 28, daughter Esther, Park School, Baltimore. W ILM ER KRUSEN GALLAGHER ’ 29, son Wilmer, Friends School, Baltimore. PAUL M. JAMES ’ 29, son Paul, Jr., Friends Central, Phila. V IR G IN IA ST R A TTO N COR­ NELL ’ 30 and JULIEN D. C O R ­ NELL ’ 30, son Martin, Fieldston School, New York City. M ERID A GREY W O R TH ’ 30 and C. BROOKE W O R TH ’ 31, daughter Valerie, Bishop Cotton Girls’ School, Mysore, India. JANET PARRY CU LIN ’ 34, daughter Barbara, George School. FLORENCE KOH N ABRAHAMS ’ 31, son Roger David, Cheltenham ( Pa.) High School. GLADYS CISNEY TRISM EN ’ 25, daughter Maude D., Rollins Col­ lege. Maude will do special work at Swarthmore in music. scholarship aid of one kind or another— all of it going to outstand­ ing and desirable students who could not attend Swarthmore without such financial aid. Jerry Goodman, from the town of Swarthmore, is the ’celloist. Jerry played first ’celloist in the Pennsyl­ vania All-State Orchestra,' won the Music League competition, and dur­ ing the past summer was a member of a string quartet which included Pierre Monteux, nationally known conduc­ tor. Tim Coss, of Washington, D. C., was National Indoor Boys’ Double Champion and is ranked number two outdoors. During the summer Tim played in scholastic and junior tour­ naments in the East and Middlewest. Freshman Clinton Fink, Lakewood, Ohio, is the first Scott Lilly scholar. This scholarship, endowed by Jacob T. Schless T4, is in honor o f the for­ mer distinguished Professor of Engi­ neering. Foreign Students Swarthmore continues to maintain its cosmopolitan atmosphere with the usual contingent of foreign students. There are students from such distant places as Jordan, Germany, Nigeria, Japan, France, Israel and Yugoslavia. The Swarthmore Student Service Fund made it possible for Gleb Demjanenko, a native of Yugoslavia, to enter Swarthmore. Gleb was a forced laborer in Germany at the age of 14 but he escaped to the U. S. occupied zone of Germany shortly before VE Day where he has since completed his education. He plans to study chem­ istry. From Japan, under the sponsorship of the Institute of International Edu­ cation, a government sponsored proj­ ect for the re-education of Japanese students, comes Shozo Kadota. Shozo was educated in American language schools in Japan and worked for the G H Q , Far Eastern Command in Tokyo. From the same Friends school in Jordan which produced Ali A1 Yasir, Swarthmore soccer star of the Class of 1951, come Farouk Barakat and Constantine Ingleksis. First Swarthmore student from the new country of Israel is David Hattis. David’s father is a graduate of North­ western University and a certified public accountant in Haifa. Other Freshmen Scholarship Winners Other members of the Class of 1955 include a concert ’celloist and a rank­ ing junior tennis player. G eorge F. B a k e r S c h o l a r s h i p s : Henry Joseph Bode, Rumford, R. I. (St. George’s School, Middletown, 3 Class of ’55 Cont. R . I.) President Civic Club; var­ sity football and wrestling. William Henry Bruce, Glen Head, L. I., N. Y. (Roslyn HS, Roslyn Heights, N. Y .) President of Gen­ eral organization; varsity basketball and football. Carl Kermeen Fristrom, Chicago, 111. (Francis W. Parker School, Chi­ cago.) President of student govern­ ment; co-captain of football team. Frank Arne Sieverts, Thiensville, Wise. (Shorewood HS, Shorewood, Wise.) President of senior class. O pen S c h o l a r s h ip s : Jane Boetcher, Baltimore, M d. (East­ ern H S.) Feature editor o f school paper; poetry published in national magazines; class officer. Lee Dranja Campbell, Tulsa, Okla­ homa (Central H S .). Vice-presi­ dent of student council; school dele­ gate to Tulsa Interschool Council; National Thespians Soc. Sarah Lewis Curtis, Seattle Washing­ ton (Helen Bush School). Editor of school paper; chamber music group and school chorus; with two student friends composed and pro­ duced a short opera based on the story, The Little Prince. Martin Heidenhain David, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Ann Arbor HS) National H onor Society. Michael Stanley Dukakis, Chestnut Hill, Mass. (Brookline HS, Brook­ line, Mass.) Varsity cross-country, tennis, basketball; president o f stu­ dent council; Eagle Scout. Paul Marshall James, Jr., Philadel­ phia, Pa. (Friends Central School, Philadelphia) Class president all four years; letters in football, bas­ ketball and baseball. Anthony Burgess Mason, Baltimore, M d. (Frederick Douglass HS) President of senior class; track team. William Howard Yag, LaGrange, 111. (Lyons Township HS, LaGrange) President o f junior and senior class; president o f science clu b; member o f football team. T . H. D u d l e y P e r k i n s Sc h o l a r s h ip : Robert Bernard Bechtel, Pottstown, Pa. (The Hill School, Pottstown) Dramatics club, gun and rifle club; cum laude society. S c o t t B. L i l l y S c h o l a r s h i p : Clinton Frederick Fink, Lakewood, Ohio (Lakewood H S ). Track team; student council; National Honor Society. 4 FALL SPORTS ROUND-UP Seven of the eleven varsity teams which Swarthmore College put into the sports arena last year compiled records of .500 or better. Recapitulation: Won Baseball . ...................... Basketball ..................... Cross C o u n t r y ............. Football .......................... G o l f ................................ Lacrosse ....................... S o c c e r ............................ Swimming ................ T e n n is ............................ Track ............................ Wrestling (Tied 2) .... . 8 10 4 1 1 7 6 6 8 3 0 Lost 5 7 2 6 8 3 2 3 4 4 6 Football on the Rebound With fourteen lettermen and •a number o f experienced non-lettermen returning, Coach Lew Elverson hopes for a better than average season this fall. These men will provide the depth-in-position that was perhaps the outstanding reason for last sea­ son’s poor showing. In several games, Swarthmore scored first, led at half­ time, only to lose because exhausted and unrelieved men could not stem the tide. The Garnet will use a single wing system exclusively this season. Last year the team used the “ T ” and the single-wing, but the material this year seems to indicate that the exclu­ sive use o f the latter will be more, successful. Captain o f this year’s team and mainstay of the line is Bob Asplundh of Bryn Athyn, son o f Les Asplundh ’ 23. Bob is a senior. Bob Howell, son of Charles “ Cap” Howell T9, is also a member o f this year’s squad. H e is a junior, a letterman and another bulwark in the line. Among the freshman out for the football team are the sons o f Paul M . James ’ 29 and Mary Wilson Milam T7. Paul James, Jr., was a standout athlete and student at Friends Central and John Milam was a varsity lineman for three years at Millbrook. He also won letters in baseball and track. Other freshmen prospects include Scott Cooper from North Park Academy in Chicago where he was 1950 AllConference center (2nd team) and Henry Bode, Jr., open scholar from St. George’s School in Rhode Island. Soccer Prospects The 1951 soccer team faces two problems in replacing offensive spark­ plug, Ali A1 Yasir, who was graduated, and defensive ace, All-American goalie Roger Pott, who departed to the military service. Coach Bob Dunn has eight lettermen and six ex-JV hooters with whom he hopes to replace these two outstanding players. Sons o f alumni are among those expected once more to give standout performances. Steve Clark, captain and halfback (son of Allen G. Clark ’ 22 and Cornelia Coy Clark ’ 23), Art Lewis (son o f Anne Gault Lewis ’ 22) and George Place (son of G. W. Place ’ 21) are all seniors with much soccer experience. Place may well step into Ali A1 Yasir’s role o f offensive playmaker. Among the candidates for the important spot o f goalie is another son of an alumnus, Orville Wright, Jr., son of Orville Wright ’ 30. Freshmen talent for the soccer team includes Frank Martin from Haverford School, who was an outstanding Interac player; James White, AllIllinois State selection, and Harold Kipp, Shadyside Prep, Pittsburgh, All-Interstate prep school star. ’ j ; 1 | Cross Country Cross-country this fall also has its problems. Gone are some of the veterans from last season although Captain Avery Harrington, a consis­ tent point winner, and three other lettermen will be back to bolster the team. ] | j Hockey The most promising o f all the fall sports is women’s hockey. Virtually all the team that compiled a record last year of 3 wins, 2 ties and 2 losses is back, including All-College centerhalf, Cornelia' Wheeler. The team faces a seven-game schedule. Letter winners from last year who are returning and who are daughters of alumni are Sue Slaugh (daughter o f Frances Wills ’ 21) and Sally Rich­ ards (daughter of Peirce L. Richards ’ 27 and Lily Tily Richards ’ 29). Dagmar Strandberg (daughter of Anna Sjostrom Strandberg ’ 25) is also a member o f the team. One o f the freshmen candidates for a position is Esther Mallonee, daughter of Esther Felter Mallonee ’ 28. The Garnet Letter ] j ¡1 ! FA C U LT Y ON LEAVE It has been said that a college is as strong as its faculty. If the demand from outside agencies to secure Swarthmore professors and the grant­ ing of fellowships is any indication of strength then our faculty is good. The college has a well-established policy of sabbatical leaves. It believes strongly that vital teaching depends upon the growth of its teachers. Naturally any institution is proud when members o f its staff are invited by industries, government agencies, or foundations to conduct or contribute to important research. The college has cooperated in such requests since in the long run the students in the classroom will themselves benefit from the experiences of the professors through enriched teaching. During this academic year one will find members of the faculty in dis­ tant and sometimes remote places throughout the world. Jenkins in Korea One o f these is Howard Jenkins ’ 20, chairman of the department of Elec­ trical Engineering. His work during the year will take him to various air bases in this country, to Tokyo and to Korea. He is part of “ Operation Analysis,” a civilian group of scientists doing non-laboratory planning re­ search. Also on that side of the world is Willis Weatherford o f the Economics department. In conjunction with the Point Four economic aid program of the State Department, Mr. Weather­ ford is directing a project of the American Friends Service Committee, locating and setting them up “ tech­ nical assistance units” in India. This work takes a number of different forms. It may mean moving villages out o f areas to be flooded by irriga­ tion projects and setting up elsewhere. Demonstration o f better methods of agriculture, o f storing and handling food are also part o f his work. Prob­ lems in public health are dealt with and small scale industries may be started. Originally Mr. Weatherford’s leave was only for last spring, but an exten­ sion for the fall semester has been granted. This will permit him to work in Pakistan in addition to India, and to stop in southern Italy on the return trip this winter. October, 1951 Garrett Works for Army Negotiations are well under way with the Office o f Ordnance R e­ search, U. S. Army, to finance a proj­ ect suggested by Prof. Milan W. Garrett of the Physics department who will be on leave this year. He plans to continue and to extend some recent theoretical research of his, leading to new and better designs of coils for producing and measuring magnetic fields. This is the result of considerable refinement of what was previously known and thought pos­ sible in this phase of physics. Such coils have a number of important applications in present-day experi­ mental research, particularly nuclear research, in degaussing of ships, and in the construction of precise instru­ ments for measuring magnetic fields. Prof. Garrett’s work at the moment is confined to theory and design. Moore to Travel The Edward W. Hazen Foundation in New Haven has asked Registrar John M. Moore to make a study of typical programs of general education in schools in various sections of the country. General education is the attempt to break down the sharp lines o f division between areas of knowl­ edge known in the colleges and uni­ versities as departments, say, of his­ tory or psychology. Moore will try to find out especially what kind and how FORD FOUNDATION GRANTS Grants from the Ford Founda­ tion Fund for the Advancement of Education have been awarded to two Swarthmore teachers. They are James A. Field, Jr., as­ sistant professor of history and Erna F. Schneider, instructor in philosophy. Prof. Field will use his grant to work on a book on Anglo-American relations. Miss Schneider, who is interested in the philosophy of science, will study on the campus with her grant. She will do advanced work with the physics and mathematics departments. Only Swarthmore — o f all the colleges in the Philadelphia area — was fortunate enough to have two members of its faculty awarded Ford grants. much emphasis is put upon the teach­ ing of religious ideas and values. Professor Wolfgang Köhler of the Psychology department will use his leave to continue work on a research project carried on with the facilities and his colleagues at the University of Chicago. With a grant from the Com­ monwealth Fund he will conduct psy­ chological and physiological experi­ mentation trying to find out how the brain operates. Prof. Köhler feels that the present theory of brain action by which electrical impulses are car­ ried through the nerves is inadequate. His work will attempt to formulate an alternate theory to the one at present generally accepted. Honorary Degree to Kohler Incidentally, Prof. Köhler was one of three outstanding scientists in the country who were awarded honorary degrees of Doctor of Science at the June convocation of the University of Chicago. Working on a part-time basis has enabled Professor Clair Wilcox o f the economics department to serve as a member of President Truman’s fiveman Materials Policy Commission in Washington. This commission has made a study of the problem of the supply in basic raw materials for the next 25 years. Professor Wilcox’s own work had to do with the prospects of the supply of iron and steel in the free world. Other leaves have been granted to Professor Reuning of the German de­ partment who will continue his work in semantic studies, and to Professor Wallach, of the Psychology depart­ ment, who will teach and conduct the experimental psychology laboratory at the New School for Social Research in New York City. Professor Edward' A. Cox, chair­ man of the department of chemistry, will be on leave the second semester on a Fulbright Fellowship. He will be attached to the faculty o f science at the University of Monpelier, France. Tw o professors have been granted extensions of their present leaves. One is Frederick B. Tolies, librarian of the Friends Historical Library and association professor of history, who has a three-year extension which he will spend on the research staff of the Huntington Library in California. The other is Dr. Neal Weber of the department of Zoology. Dr. Weber Continued, on page 7 5 # IN TRIBUTE TO CHARLES FRANCIS JENKINS 1865-1951 The following brief memorial to Swarth­ more’s Charles Francis Jenkins was written for the G a r n e t L e t t e r by Richmond P. Miller, alumnus o f the Class. of 1924. Miller is Field Secretary of the Phila­ delphia Yearly M eeting of Friends. He also was the author of the article on Charles Francis Jenkins which appeared in the Friends Intelligencer July 14, 1951. * * In 1944 he was named by the Gover­ nor as chairman of the William Penn Tercentenary Committee which made Penn’s anniversary one of the great occasions in the history of the Com­ monwealth. At his death he was the president of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Swarthmore College was always high among the multitudinous inter­ ests of his versatile life. T o the Col­ lege he gave the Howard M . Jenkins professorship of Quaker History and Research, in memory of his father. Swarthmore, Haverford and Pennsyl­ vania all honored themselves by con­ ferring academic honors upon him. * The death of Charles Francis Jen­ kins on Seventh month 2nd, 1951, at the age of eighty-five brought to a conclusion a distinguished period of forty-seven years as a member of the Board of Managers. Only one other member o f the Board of Managers of Swarthmore College gave a longer term of service to the College. (Isaac Hallowell Clothier was a Manager from 1873 until his death in 1921.) As a relatively young Friend,'Charles Francis Jenkins was elected a Man­ ager in 1904, became Vice-president in 1920, and President in 1933. When he retired in 1944 as Chairman o f the Board and President of the Corpora­ tion he became an Emeritus Manager so that for well over half of his life­ time he gave generously o f his energy, wisdom, and resources to Swarthmore College. For thirty-eight o f his forty years as an active Board member he was chairman o f the Trusts Committee. His fellow members on his resignation recorded their consensus that “ much of the success of the investment pro­ gram of the College has been due first to' his judgment and experience and second to his unswerving devotion to the details connected with the opera­ tion of the committee.” culture and a charming personality with strongly guarded Friendly prin­ ciples, a person o f extraordinary ver­ satility, o f literary, historical and scientific interests, a public benefactor and a warm, private friend.” Shortly after it was founded by his uncle, Wilmer Atkinson, he became associated with the Farm Journal. As editor, publisher, and chairman of the board, he guided it into the largest farm magazine circulation in the world. That was his vocation in life. But by no means was it his only call­ ing, for everything to which he turned his mind and heart and energy be­ came a dominating interest and con­ cern for him and all those about him. Nason Pays Tribute Intelligencer Board Member At the memorial Meeting for W or­ ship held for him at his home and hemlock arboretum “ Far Country” in Germantown, Philadelphia, President John W. Nason was among those who spoke in tribute to him. “ Business­ man, horticulturist, historian, biog­ rapher, poet, Charles Francis Jenkins was a man of many interests and great breadth of culture. Deeply concerned with education and devoted to Swarthmore College, he was himself a proof of the fact that one need not go to college to be* highly educated. Those who had the privilege o f know­ ing him will always cherish the mem­ ory of a man who combined an urbane For forty years he was one of the most active members of the board of managers o f the Friends Intelligencer and its treasurer. For forty-two years he was Clerk of Green Street Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. For forty-seven years he was the President o f the Buck Hill Falls corporation and the beloved patriarch of the whole community. When the American Friends Service Committee was founded he was its first treasurer and served for thirteen years. He helped to found the Ozone golf club and the Friends Social Union which did so much to bring all Friends in Philadelphia closer to organic union. 6 Penn Gives Degree Charles F. Jenkins When he was presented for the honorary degree of doctor o f laws at the University of Pennsylvania his citation read: “ In your busy life as publisher and director of important enterprises of trust, you have found time to serve as faithfully the interest of educational and charitable institu­ tions, often as an officer. As an author, your writings have been well received, both by the public and by the historians, who seek but the truth. A member o f the Society o f Friends, the Inner Light has illumined your life. Trust is your reward, wisdom your companion, and the truth your heart’s desire.” Last year Maria Cope Jenkins and Charles Francis Jenkins commemo­ rated the 60th anniversary o f their marriage together. Their surviving children are Algernon Sidney Jenkins, Isabel Jenkins Booth T6, and Edward Cope Jenkins ’ 27. Four brothers and sisters survive: Anna Jenkins Webster ’87, Edward Atkinson Jenkins ’92, Arthur Hugh Jenkins ’01, and Flor­ ence Jenkins. There are twelve grandchildren and eleven great-grand­ children. This life merits a full-length biog­ raphy and some day it will be written. Swarthmore has lost another of its loyal friends and servants. “ A good life hath its number of days: but a good name endureth forever. . . . Let us now praise famous men. . . . The Lord hath wrought in them great glory.” Richmond P. Miller ’ 24 The Garnet Letter DANIEL UNDERHILL DIES the members of the Underhill family. Tw o were members of the Committee which solicited subscriptions for the founding of the college. Six, includ­ ing Daniel Underhill, have been members of the Board of Managers. The death of such a tolerant, wise and kindly man is a loss not only to the college but to the world at large. It provides the occasion for express­ ing the deep appreciation owed by the college to him and to a family so prominent in its history. SW AIN MEMORIAL BOOK NOW IN COLLEGE LIBRARY Daniel Underhill The death of Daniel Underhill on July 1st at his home in Jericho, New York, inevitably saddens those who knew him. Daniel Underhill was a graduate of the college in the class of 1894, and a former member o f the Board of Managers. By profession a lawyer and banker, he was a partner in the law firm of Underhill and Foster. He served for years as presi­ dent, and at the time of his death, was chairman of the Bank of Hicksville in Long Island. He was also associated in various capacities with a number of other banks. Mr. Underhill was an active mem­ ber of the Society of Friends, and secretary of the Jericho Meeting. An active alumnus of Swarthmore Col­ lege, he served as a Member o f the Board from 1899 to 1909 and from 1912 until 1939. A letter from his wife, Bertha Underhill, states that next to his home, he loved Swarth­ more best. T o this end he gave a scholarship, - awarded annually, in memory o f his grandfather, a member of the first Board of Managers. His classmates will remember him as President of the senior class during the first semester and as commence­ ment speaker. He held membership in Delta Epsilon fraternity, the Del­ phic Literary Society and the M an­ dolin Club. He was an enthusiastic mountain climber and a member of various Alpine clubs. Swarthmore College owes much to October, 1951 When Joseph Swain retired from the presidency of Swarthmore College thirty years ago, he was presented with a volume of reminiscent and laudatory letters. The idea for the volume came from his fellow admin­ istrator and warm admirer, Dean William Alexander. The book has been recently acquired by the college library. The letters are in a beautiful mo­ rocco binding which bears in gold lettering the legend: “ O f what should a man be proud if not of his friends.” Among them are many from college and university presidents of an earlier era: to pick a random half-dozen, Aley of Maine, Bryan of Indiana, Coffman of Minnesota, Jessup of Iowa, Thompson of Ohio State and Wilbur of Leland Stanford. There are many from a bygone generation of Swarthmore teachers including: Wil­ liam Hyde Appleton, G. F. Blessing, Elizabeth Powell Bond, Isabelle Bronk, R. C. Brooks, Harold Goddard, George A. Hoadley, Jesse H. Holmes, William I. Hull, Henrietta Josephine Meeteer, John A. Miller, Paul M. Pearson and Spencer Trotter. From distinguished alumni there are, as ex­ amples, letters of Bird T. Baldwin, Morris L. Clothier, Howard Cooper Johnson, Governor William B. Sproul and Henry Turner. Joseph Swain became president of Swarthmore in 1902 and served until 1921. He died, six years after retire­ ment, one month short of his seven­ tieth birthday. The letters comprise a varied and fascinating revelation of the accom­ plishments and personality of an early outstanding builder of the Swarth­ more of today. SWARTHMORE AND SCIENCE If you ever find yourself in the midst of a big college vs. small college discussion sometime, here are some -handy statistics for the battle. A recent study by two Wesleyan professors, H. B. Goodrich and R. H. Knapp, published in both Scientific American and Science, indicates that small liberal arts colleges produce more of the nation’s scientists than the large universities and that Swarth­ more College is on the list of those which are most productive. Based on a study of classes graduating in the decade between 1924-34, 30 of every 1000 of our men graduates have earned their Ph.D.’s in science and are listed in the American M en of Science. Another interesting fact brought out by the survey is the dominant position of Middle Western and West­ ern schools. Only eight institutions in the New England and Middle At­ lantic states were listed among the first fifty in the country. These are Massachusetts State, Haverford, Clark, Johns Hopkins, Wesleyan, Swarthmore, Rochester, and Lebanon Valley. Knapp and Goodrich felt their findings showed “ the very large and rather unexpected contributions made By small liberal arts colleges to the training of American scientists.” They concluded, “ The future of the scien­ tific profession would be affected by any policy that neglected their well­ being.” Faculty on Leave Continued from page 5 will continue his work in establishing a zoology department at the Univer­ sity of Iraq in Baghdad. Leaves have been granted to four other professors who plan to write books. Frederic Klees (second semes­ ter leave), plans a novel with Penn­ sylvania Dutch background for M ac­ Millan. Prof. Roland Pennock (first semester), will collaborate with Prof. Cook of Johns Hopkins on a textbook, Introduction to Political Science. Dr. Solomon Asch (second semester), plans a psychology textbook to be published next year by Prentice Hall. Prof. Theodore von Laue o f the his­ tory department, with a senior fellow­ ship at the, Institute of Russian Studies at Columbia University, is writing a study of Count Witte. 7 NEW TERM BRINGS CAMPUS CHANGES The start pf the new college year finds a number of additions and im­ provements to the grounds and build­ ings at college — although from outward appearances the beautiful campus may seem unchanged. Deep underground there is a new $12,000 high-pressure water main which gives the entire college added fire protection. It runs from Chester Road, near the entrance to the library road, up across the campus to the east end of Parrish, then turns and runs past Beardsley Hall, terminating at Whittier drive near the baseball field. Most o f last college year the campus was scarred by the trench dug for the line, but this has now dis­ appeared. In Parrish Hall, where hundreds of co-eds have trod bare wooden and cork-covered floors, the corridors now have a new look. Some 12,000 square feet o f new, attractive brown and tan asphalt tile has been laid over the dormitory hallways. Walking through them is now a quiet, pleasant experi­ ence, and all the baths and North W ing have received the same treat­ ment. Parrish, too, has been equipped with a new and modern fire alarm system. Women’s Pool Closed The women’s swimming pool in the Somerville gymnasium has been closed, although its 75,000 gallons of water are being retained as a reservoir for fire protection. T w o injuries sustained by women divers last year led to a thorough study o f the women’s pool by Red Cross experts at the request of the Board of Managers. It was decided the pool facilities were not as ade­ quate as was desirable, even though it has been used for many years with­ out serious mishaps. Reconstruction of the pool would have cost nearly as much as building a new one — and could not be guar­ anteed against leaks. As an economy measure, therefore, it was concluded to use the pool in the Hall gymnasium for both men’s and women’s swim­ ming. The old handball court in the Hall gym has been converted into a women’s dressing room, completely equipped including electric hair­ 8 dryers. These will also be available to visiting football players who will use the place as a locker room on Saturday afternoons this fall. The walls o f the pool have been given a glistening white coat of paint, and the balcony overlooking the pool has been removed and only one small window now overlooks the pool. A new convector-type heating system has been installed, which is the pride and joy of Superintendent Harry W ood. Army at Mary Lyon Parts o f three of the college-owned buildings o f the old Mary Lyon School on Harvard Avenue are now occupied as a U. S. Army anti-aircraft artillery command headquarters. Its motor pool will be located at the foot of the Mary Lyon hill on Yale Avenue, behind Strath Haven Inn. Soldiers attached to the outfit are an LIGHTNING STRIKES CLOTHIER During a crashing thunderstorm this summer, lightning struck the southwest corner o f the top of the tower of Clothier Memorial. A 300-pound stone was knocked loose and fell, burying itself in the ground near the steps leading toward the fraternity houses. No damage except for one juniper bush which sustained a few broken branches. everyday sight around the lower campus and in the village of Swarthmore. Pennsylvania State College con­ tinues to occupy Mary Lyon Building No. 3 — while the rest of the build­ ings are used by faculty and men undergraduates. All three of the former Prep School Buildings on Chester R oad are serv­ ing this year as women’s dormitories. Since 1947, Roberts Hall, the cor­ ner building of the group, has been a dormitory for married students, most­ ly veterans, and their families. It has been extensively redecorated over the summer. Woolman House, the French House, was suddenly, a week before students arrived, converted into a dormitory for men. Unlike the conversion at Roberts Hall, which involved remov­ ing kitchen equipment and complete redecoration, Woolman needed little overhauling. The new Morris L. Clothier fields are now ready for football games with a beautiful green turf, but it will be impractical for the team to play there this year. National defense programs and lack of funds make it impossible for the college to obtain metal needed for grandstands so the football team will have to use Alumni Field and the old stands this year. This will not cause complications since it is not possible to begin the planned building program at this time. The Garnet Letter SENIOR ALUMNI 1878 to and including 1894 Chairman: Dora A. Gilbert ’93 Charles Palmer ’ 82 Elizabeth Hallowell Hoadley ’ 83 Charles Sumner Pyle ’ 83 (Deceased) Jane P. Rushmore ’ 83 Abigail Evans ’ 85 Nathan Hunt Conrow ’ 86 Charles C. Miller ’ 86 Emma Bones Stone ’ 86 Josephine Hannah Tilton ’ 86 Lynda Belle Palmer Jones ’ 87 Frederick K. Lane ’ 87 Alice Baltin Lewis ’ 87 Harriett Cox McDowell ’ 87 Mary Clothier Slade, ’ 87 Anna Jenkins Webster ’ 87 Joseph Haines Dickinson ’88 Sarah Conrow Hutchinson ’88 Hetty Lippincott Miller ’88 Alice Hall Paxson ’ 88 William H. Seaman ’ 88 Carroll H. Sudler ’88 Joyeuse Fullerton Sweet ’88 Ralph Stone ’ 89 Willis Wilson Vail ’ 89 (Deceased) Caroline Gaston Barber ’90 (Deceased) Mary White Bartram ’ 90 Martha Mcllvain Biddle ’ 90 Mary Wilkinson Coles ’ 90 Mary Cadwallader Donnally ’ 90 Helen Willets Dutcher ’ 90 Eloise Mayham Hulley ’90 Edwin Lewis Palmer ’90 Phebe Post Willis ’ 90 Josephine F. Ancona ’ 91 Emily Atkinson ’91 Elizabeth Holmes Bennett ’91 Samuel Steer Bond ’ 91 James Sutton Coale ’91 Mary Phillips Hewlett ’ 91 Hannah Clothier Hull ’ 91 Samuel Bird Kirk ’ 91 Emma Magruder ’ 91 Katharine Tyler Mehaffey ’ 91 Evangeline Vail Snyder ’ 91 Frederick Edward Stone ’91 Mary Elizabeth Thomas ’ 91 Frances M. White ’ 91 fHoward Nicholas Eavenson ’92 Mary Elizabeth Stebbins Ellis ’ 92 Ellen Pyle Groff ’ 92 M. Rosamond Baker Haines ’ 92 Edward A. Jenkins ’ 92 Ellen Atkinson Jenkins ’92 Ralph Lewis ’ 92 Susan Van Trump Mace ’92 Henry McAllister ’ 92 Anne Hillbom Philips ’92 Bertha Rolfe Rolfe ’ 92 Florence N. Wolverton ’ 92 Alice Paul Darling ’93 Dora A. Gilbert ’93 Martha Andrews Lippincott ’93 Emilie Garrett Pollard ’ 93 Joseph Meredith Pugh ’ 93 Clarence William Smith ’ 93 Esther H. Sutton ’ 93 Henry Chandlee Turner ’ 93 Eliza Keese Willets ’ 93 Emily Atkinson Ellis ’ 94 Frederick H. Gawthrop ’ 94 Mary Hayes Gawthrop ’ 94 Harry Isaac Haines ’ 94 Helen Lamb Hull ’94 M. Elizabeth Lamb ’91 Caroline Biddle Lippincott, ’94 Caroline Sargent Silloway ’94 Margaret Pfahler Thomas ’ 94 fDaniel Underhill, Jr., ’ 94 (Deceased) Mary Underhill ’94 Allen Kirby White ’ 94 Emma Chambers White ’ 94 John M. Willis ’94 Alberta Wilson ’94 CLASS OF 1895 Chairman: Samuel C. Palmer Frank Colson Andrews Benjamin Bamum Clara D. Beardsley Helen Smith Brinton George Earl Cook 22 ALUMNI CONTRIBUTORS To Swarthmore College 1950-1951 Unless specifically designated, alumni in the following lists have given to the Alumni Fund. Some alumni have given for special and designated purposes only. Their names are marked with an asterisk (*) and their gifts have not been counted in the Alumni Fund. Other •alumni have made an unrestricted gift fo the Alumni Fund and a gift for special purposes. Their names are indicated with a dagger (f). For amounts given by class see page 29. Thomas Smith Donohugh Mary Hollingshead Hancock Jane Shaw Hepburn John Armand Lafore (Deceased) Callender Irvine Leiper Charles S. Moore Herbert C. Mode Joel Nelson Morris Elizabeth Miller Nevin Arietta Cutler Palmer Samuel ,C. Palmer Bertha Lippincott Parrish Henry C. Parrish Lydia M. Parry Edwin L. Stickney Charles Doughty White CLASS OF 1896 Chairman: Albert L. Buffington Mary Story Bartram ■¡Clement M. Biddle Jane Groot Brann Albert L. Buffington Bouic, Louis Clark Isaac Hallowell Clothier, Jr. Frances Darlington Lauretta Smedley Dutton Thomas Russel Gleim “ Howard Cooper Johnson Marian White Little Mary Stone McDowell fPercival Parrish Maude Gridley Peterson Carolien Chambers Philips Nathan Wilmer Plummer fEdith Wilder Scott Mary McAllister Taylor CLASS OF 1897 Chairman: « Robert Pyle (Deceased) Edith Kenderdine Andrews R. Grant Bennett Grace Anna Brosius Biddle Thomas Cahall Grace Stevenson Chapman Gerry B. Dudley, M.D. Marietta Hicks Edith Heywood John Frederic S. Larison Jessie Ellis Peirce Robert Pyle (Deceased) Miriam Sener Marshall Phillips Sullivan Channing Way CLASS OF 1898 Chairman: Ida Palmer Stabler S. Edna Pownall Buffington Lydia Rakestraw Bushong Helen M. Catlin Edith Lamb Johnson Marion Nicholl Rawson Ely J. Smith Ida Palmer Stabler Georgiana Titus Abner Pugh Way, M.D. CLASS OF 1899 Chairman: Gilbert L. Hall John P. Broomell Gilbert L. Hall Eleanor Cass Holmes Pauline Broomell Humpton Emily R. Underhill Jane Linvill W ay Mary Morrison Webster CLASS OF 1900 Chairman: William H. Thatcher Florence Christy Anglin Katharine Pfeiffer Dodd Roger B. Farquhar, Jr. John Krause Harper Caroline Comly Harris Edmund Alban Harvey Alice Brown Hume Edith Wilson Jackson Willard Saulsbury Mears Emily Shelmire Passmore Margery Pyle Katharine Brooke Stone William H. Thatcher James V. Watson Elma Lewis Harper Millo McCain Kehew Anna W òlff Miller Sarah W ood Passmore Louise Fahnestock Poole Agnes Hallowell Sibbald Edith West Terry William West Wilson Elva Ash Yearsley CLASS OF 1901 Chairman: Arthur H. Jenkins Anonymous (2) Harry Newton Benkert Emily Atkinson Carpenter, Jr. Sara Haines Fell Percival Morris Fogg Walter Gilkyson Elizabeth L. Gillingham Mary Lippincott Griscom Winifred Rogers Illmer Arthur H. Jenkins Sara Baylis Johnson Martha W. Moore Anna Howard Price James Garfield Purdy Ira Smedley Ethel Griest Snyder Deborah Ferrier Strattan William C. Tyson Mary Pauline Valentine-Dee Mary Richards Webster Evelyn Nivin Whiteman Sarah Wescott Woodward CLASS OF 1905 Chairman: Herbert S. Thatcher Edith Powell Borden-Smith Ethel Close Broomell F. Bramwell Geddes Hamilton H. Gilkyson, Jr. Helen Heed Philip Marshall Hicks Elsie Phebe Hoyt William H. Linton ■¡"Edmund G. Robinson Louis N. Robinson Lydia Foulke Taylor Herbert S. Thatcher Helen Carré Turner CLASS OF 1902 Chairmen: Elliott Richardson Helen Eastwick Harper Elizabeth Newlin Baker Edith S. Coale Helen Rogers Evans Helen Eastwick Harper Edson S. Harris John Howard Hopkins Margaretta W . Lamb Alice R. Linvill Thomas Stockton Matthews Raymond Mowers Anna Waters Palmer Frances Preston Elliott Richardson Helen W. Speakman Alice Post Tabor William W. Turner Edward Hallowell Worth George S. Worth CLASS OF 1903 Chairman: Hallie Hulbert Douglas William J. Clothier Hallie Hulbert Douglas J. Horace Ervien Howard S. Evans Margaret Gleim William Evans Hannum Mabel Elizabeth Hollinshead Elizabeth Booth Lamb ■¡■Robert E. Lamb Lulu VonRamdohr Palmenberg Norman S. Passmore Elizabeth Sutton Percy William E. Roberts Samuel T. Stewart Maude Rice Stuckert Asa P. W ay Nora Stabler Worth CLASS OF 1904 Chairman: William West Wilson Thomas Christy Bell Floyd H. Bradley Louise Bartlett Coale Anna L. Curtis Albert N. Garrett Alice Sullivan Gregory Frederic Erie Griest Maurice Griest CLASS OF 1906 Chairman: Emma Jane W . Shoemaker Gertrude Mason Adams Alice Maris Baird Marie Sabsovich Barrell John Kennard Bosee Hazel Dillistin Bradley Anna Dripps Bramble Mary Gertrude Bricker Arthur Williams Broomell G. Lupton Broomell Grace G. Broomell William B. Cocks Laura Strode Coleman Mary Janney Coxe William Diebold Grace Mickle Dumall Andrew Maurice Eastwick Elma Laura Haines A. Edna Hamilton Jane R. Harper Grace Schwenk Hay Emilie Hill Rachel Robinson Jones Philip Edward Lamb Emilia Schoenemann LeRoy Ellen B. Lewis Mary Washburn Lippincott S. Blair Luckie, Jr. Emily C. McKee Rosalie Faltermayer Murtagh George S. Nobles Edward P. Palmer Esther Eisenhower Palmer John Walter Passmore Bertha Caroline Peirce Elizabeth Johnson Pyle Robert L. Ryder Emma Jane W . Shoemaker Lemuel David Smith, M.D. Lillian Rosenbluth Solomon Richard Cassin Thatcher Mabel Vernon William Cooper Walker Caroline Washburn Wells Barclay White Edith Lewis White CLASS' OF 1907 Chairman: Helen Ridgway Cooley Martha Lippincott Andrews Lillian Pike Appleton J. Clarence Atkinson Ralph Jackson Baker Newlin Trainer Booth (Deceased) Anna Pettit Broomell Mary North Chenoweth Jeannette Curtis Cons Helen Ridgeway Cooley Edwin Angeli Cottrell Louise Homer Cottrell Isaac Garrett Darlington Francis W. D ’Olier Mabel C. S. D ’ Olier Edith Manson Douglass Pauline M. Dumall Mary Hoopes Ewart Elizabeth Allen Gemberling Clementine Hulburt Gibson Edwin P. Jones Joseph Walter Keller Benjamin S. Kline, M.D. Joseph Sherwood Knight Marjorie Matthews Lamb Elizabeth Roberts Lippincott Edith Spencer Malott Phoebe Stradling Matthews John Edmund McCauley Edith Power Paxson Amos S; Peaslee Jean Scott Peoples Helen Price Edith Gibbs Reeder Elizabeth Verlenden Rockey Hazel Caldwell Rowlands Mary Verlenden CLASS OF 1908 Chairman: Leonard C. Ashton Leonard C. Ashton John Stokes Clement Ida Virginia Craythorn Helen Baker Eastwood Alice Worth Geddes Katharine Griest Jacob Kenneth Hoffman Simeon Van Trump Jester Eleanor Janney Johns Anna Dotger Kirby Florence Stapler Lippincott Elisabeth James Norton Edith Mather Page Susanna Haines Parry Herman Pritchard Frances Richardson Walter F. Rittman Nathan Lewis Smith Clifford H. Vernon Helen Wintringham Williams Mildred Bentley Wilson Katharine W olff CLASS OF 1909 Chairman: Jean Williamson Roberts Anonymous Caroline Atkinson Alford Newell G. Alford Dorothy L. Ashton, M.D. Esther Elizabeth Baldwin Ethel Brown Butler Edward Houser Cavin Lee Elbert Coble Louis Fuss ell Coffin Edith Roberts Cook Edith Barde Eachus Arthur Moses Eastburn Emma Hartpence Garrison Edna Sterner Hammond Russell Cowles Hoadley Marian Leedom Hoskins Robert D. Hoyt Anna Fussell Hughes (Deceased) Helen Dillistin Johnson Murat Louis Johnson Emma Regina Kleefeld Emily Bird Knapp Walter Wright Krider E. Carleton MacDowell Edith Taylor Muir Beulah Haines Parry Anna Armstrong Pike Elizabeth Ann Burton Ramsey Frank B. Ridgway Jean Williamson Roberts Harold Earl Roy, D.D.S. William G. Shemeley, Jr., M.D. Thomas D. Smedley Edith Taylor Smith Helen Stelwagon Frank Brinton Strode Walter Cyrus Strunk Mary Alice Taylor George H. Van Cott Mary Truman Welsh Mabel Hancock Wilkinson CLASS OF 1910 Chairman: Miriam Hines Thatcher fEllie Simons Bassett H. Lawrence Beecher Christopher Bockius George Cadwallader Corson Alma Daniels The Garnet Letter Anna Griscom Elkinton Edward W . Fell Walter Sherman Garrison, M.D., (Deceased) Beulah Reece Green Frank H. Griffin Priscilla Goodwyn Griffin William L. Jenkins Marion Thornton Justice Virginia D. Keeney Bertha Hepworth Mortimer Ethel Mary Albertson Post Anna Campbell Rittman Marie Sellers Philip Triest Sharpies Esther Barnes Shepherd Susan Smedley Annie Pollitt Smith Arthur P. Tanberg Miriam Hines Thatcher Sara Kirk Turner Margery Cornell Wintringer Pauline Fay Wright I. N. Earl Wynn CLASS OF 1911 Chairman: Joseph H. Willits Marion Watters Babcock Therese Spackman Barclay Laura Boram Bloom Louisa Harvey Bohn Adele Hammond Bowers Edna Carpenter Mabelle Whitehead Carpenter Margaret Hamed Clark Raymond K. Denworth Leila Enders Dickson Gwendolen Evans Gladys Coker Fort Elizabeth Hutchinson Fussell Margaret Broomell Gatchell Anna Heydt Edith Baker Hunt Alfred Roberts Jamison Jeannette Mather Lord Edna Passmore Lukens Sara T. Marshall Elizabeth White McCarthy Gertrude Hoopes McCarthy Glen Earle Miller Harry L. Miller Susannah Gregg Oblinger Jane Hoag Pierce Ruth Verlenden Poley Anna Allen Pratt Arthur S. Robinson Elizabeth Price Robinson Angeline Power Thatcher Florence Smedley Vernon Joseph H. Willits Ruth Sharp Willits Elizabeth Cadwallader W ood CLASS OF 1912 Chairman: Laurence P. Sharpies Mildred Hoadley Ainsworth Elisabeth Hallowell Bartlett Mary Ramsey Bassett Alice Masten Beecher Alice Bolton Biggerstaff Edith C. Bunting J. Augustus Cadwallader Caroline Smedley Colburn Charles Aaron Collins Helen Marr Cook Charles S. Doan Sallie McSparran Durkee Charles A. Eberle tAmy Baker Ferguson Salome Corle Flint Vashti Louise Garey (Deceased) John Ernest Hartman tWilliam K. Hoyt ‘ Horace C. Jenkins Victor Hugo Lane, Jr. Helen Blanton Levy Lydia Green Mitchell Richard H. Murfit Helen Pressey Anne Haslett Price William W ebb Price Walter Arnold Reinhard Dorothy Strode Richardson Ruth Ayers Rinek Eleanor A. Rittenhouse Byron T. Roberts i' Benjamin Satterthwaite, Jr. Austin A. Scott Laurence Price Sharpies Charles Alfred Smith Mary Osgood Taylor Thomas R. Taylor October, 1951 Charles G. Thatcher Edith F. Tracey Evalynn H. Walker Lena Garey Winslow CLASS OF 1913 Chairman: Elizabeth B. Oliver Albert Brewer Baker Martha Williams Bittle W . Mark Bittle Mary F. Blackburn Marie Jacobs Breeding Philip Jackson Carpenter Mary A. Cordingley Roswitha Kudlich Davis Juanita May Downes David Tully Dunning Anna Oppenlander Eberle Blanche H. Gibson William Henry Gillman, Jr. Elizabeth Keller Gordon Marguerite Hallowell Charlotte Jacobs Harrington Mary Welsh Hartman Folger B. Howell Alden Bliss Jones, M.D. William V. Kerns Louise Marie Lawton Ethel Bates Mitchell James Monaghan Grace Greene Musser Earl A. Oakley Elizabeth Biggins Oliver Earle Stanton Philips Benjamin H. Pollock Helen McConaghy Rogers Elizabeth Jackson Shaffner J. Russell Snyder Newton Edward Tarble Harry Coleman Tily, II Elizabeth Phillips Turner James Stephens Van Syckel Letitia McHose Wolverton Anna Worrell Katharine L. Wray CLASS OF 1914 Chairman: Edwin Randall Murch Beulah Elliott Atkinson Anna Spackman Ayers Marion E. Baker Constance L. Ball May Haines Bell Edith Sharpless Blackburn Gibson Bradfield Harper Vaughan Bressler Howard M. Buckman Laura Parry Cadwallader Louise K. Clement Katharine M. Denworth Elizabeth Morton Dunning Walter H. Eagan W . Earle Gatchell John Horace Githens, D.D.S. Elizabeth M. Hause Katharine F. Herrmann Margaret KerrEleanore A. Lewis Lela Alice Lynam James B. McGovern Joel Miller Melick, M.D. Edwin Randall Murch Marion A. Praed Jacob T. Schless Claude C. Smith Sara Webster Smith William Oglesby Soyars Anna P. K. Stapler Alice Bucher Tanberg Gertrude W ood Thatcher Florence Miller Tinney Ruth Marshall Trimble Marjorie Caldwell Underwood Caroline Shoemaker Waters Edith Williams Way Martha Speakman W ood William A. Worth CLASS OF 1915 Chairman: Earl A. Hunter Sarah Sheppard Beckett William Martz Beury Aram Boyajian Marian Simons Brown Ethel Harvey Buckman John Stokes Carswell Charles Joseph Darlington , Bertha Elizabeth Delaplaine Lillie Elizabeth Flinn Dorothy Fahnestock Ford James Robert Frorer Ethel Shoemaker Green Margaret Milne Gunner Ethel Burnett Hastings Jean Yerkes Henry Reba Camp Hodge Rebecca W ebb Holmes Earl A, Hunter Sara Appleby Hutchins Esther M. Jenkins Auguste Jellinghaus Knaur Margaret McIntosh Linton Ralph Linton Mary Swisher Loucks fThomas B. McCabe William W. Matson Elinor Robinson Murch Martha L. Pancoast Helen Farley Price Rachael Elizabeth Roberts John Allyn Rogers, V.M.D. Vera Walton Schrader Rena Rothner Seidel Anna Miller Smith Helen Bemhouse Smith Lewis Herbert Tily Alexander V. Tisdale fWilliam H. Ward Josephine E. Wilson CLASS OF 1916 Chairman: Sewell W. Hodge Helen Spiller Adams Lavinia Reed Armstrong H. Dorothy Atkinson Thomas Lees Bartleson Isabel Jenkins Booth S. Jervis Brinton, M.D. Herbert Lawyer Brown Mary Harvey Bum Hyman Harry Cohen George Fox Corse Helen C. Culin Ellsworth F. Curtin Elsie Geiger Danenhower Fred Condon Dennis Alice Bryan Dorsey L. Hyatt Eby Elizabeth Shoemaker Fawcett Harold J. Gawthrop Elsie Lea Gebhardtsbauer Louise Schriefer Handy Sewell W . Hodge Alice Van Horn Hunter Elizabeth Kurtz Hutchison Sarah Rose Hutchison Lilian Kerns Johnston Ruth Lumis LaBaw Charity Bell Hampson Martin James B. Melick Lewis W. Mendelson Anna M. Michener Agnes Trowbridge Nesbit John Ewing Orchard Isabel Waters Paine Elizabeth Strode Passmore Horace Mitchell Perry P. Carl Shrode Katherine W . Simons Evelyn Miller Slifer Ruth Stephenson, M.D. Lewis Leland Tanguy Edith Satterthwaite Thom Edwin A. Tomlinson Eliza Ulrich Ullman D. Herbert Way Marie S. Weeks Earl H. Weltz Harriet E. Worrell CLASS OF 1917 Chairman: William A. Clarke Boyd T. Barnard Helen Ickes Bartleson Minnie Gould Beury Walter Swan Blake Helen Daniels Bloomsburg Charles Grannis Bonner Richard Lloyd Burdsall William Anderson Clarke Florence Kennedy Corse Helen Inglis Cramp, D.D.S. Mary Atkinson Crookston Esther Helen Culver Clark W. Davis fEllen Watson Delaplaine Hilda Lang Denworth Ruth Craighead Gawthrop Louis Maurice Glick Marion Frances Jackson Florence Tice Knauss Adolph Kom Walter Berlinger Lang Rebecca Conrow Lippincott, D.O. James C. Lukens Samuel Conrad Lukens Hester Levis Mackey William R. Moore, Jr. Margaret Allen Morgan Julia Young Murray Clarence G. Myers Ethel Whittier Pohlig William T. Pohlig Norman G. Shidle Lester Burton Shoemaker Mary Gawthrop Shoemaker William M. Shoemaker, Jr. (Deceased) Clementine Smith Smith Harold L. Smith Walter Eugene Smith Elizabeth Worth Spackman Sarah Lucretia Strong William W. Tomlinson Harriet Keen Turner Frances Baker Walton Katharine Grau Williams Helen Coles Wood CLASS OF 1918 Chairman: William J. Reilly Robert S. Blau David Monroe Bodine, Jr. G. Warren Bryan Eleanor Stabler Clarke Geraldine M. Coy Margaretta Cope Curtin Catharine Wright Donnelly Emily Buckman Dowdell Marion Gratz Famum Mary Thatcher Fitts Esther Nichols -Hall Jess Halsted Edith Mendenhall Hayes George Passmore Hayes Herbert W . Jackson Elizabeth Andrews Jenks Esther Holmes Jones Mary Virginia Kingsbury Mary Lyndell Lukens Allen L Myers Rachael Place Newton Katherine Price Olin Dorothy Johnson Orchard Helen Darlington Patton Helen Gaskill Rathje Clara Atlee Read William J. Reilly Elizabeth Miller Ritschard Ethelwyn Bower Shidle Helen Gawthrop Worth CLASS OF 1919 Chairman: Charles H. Yardley Norris C. Barnard Helen Miller Beck Frances Williams Browin Janet McPherson Brown Allison Griscom Comog William Lindsay Comog Mary Ingraham Crosley Marcus P. Dowdell John P. Ferris Elizabeth Watson Gardy Virginia Adams Goehring Doris Gilbert Gordon Russell Conwell Gourley Charles Manley Howell Jessie Louise Lewis C. Raymond Michener Isabel Briggs Myers Jacob Nevyas Dorothy Young Ogden John M. Ogden Harry A. Olin Esther Taylor O’ Neill Nora Wain Osland-Hill Mary Griest Paul Drew Pearspn Allin H. Pierce Helen Biddle Porter Gladys A. Reichard Eleanor Runk Reppert Phebe Underhill Seaman Melanie Dolman Seymour Elizabeth Stotsenburg Elinor Stout Sundt Dorothy Thomas Talbot Helen C. Toerring Marian Ware Walkling Josephine Griffiths Weber Margaret Wilson Wheelock Charles H. Yardley CLASS OF 1920 Chairmen: Thomas L. Eagan Lena Clark Eagan John Gilbert Albertson Letitia McNeel Arant Elizabeth Jones Barnard Edwin Monroe Bush Ida Meigs Bush Gladys Hammond Christin George Conahey, Jr. Dorothy Paxon Curtiss Lena Clark Eagan Thomas Leggett Eagan David B. Fell Doris Hays Fenton Frank W. Fetter Alfred Tench Francis Mildred Williard Fry Virginia Wilcox Gilbert Clifford R. Gillam Cornelia Stabler Gillam Charlotte Bunting Green David Davis Griscom C. Waldo Haldeman, Jr. Ervin L. Hall William Waldo Hayes Paul Mitchell Hess. William W. Hewett Beatrice Whiteside Hood Jesse G. Johnson Helen V. Macartney Viola Conner Martin Charlotte Goette McCurdy Charles Neff Mary Campbell Ogden Samuel Robinson Ogden, Jr. Hope Richardson Roberts Isabel Jacobs Ruth Charlotte Moore Sitterly Henrietta Albert Smith Mary Donovan Stuart Helen Martin Taylor Marguerite Drew Vedeler Ralph Erdman Wilson Ruth Rodenboh Wright Clarence Howard Yoder CLASS OF 1921 Chairman: George B. Jackson Elizabeth F. Barth Edward Evans Bartleson William Blaisdell Helen Rogers Brinkerhoff George L. Burnett Paul W. Chandler Charlesanna B. Coles, D.O. Leon H. Collins, M.D. John Frederick Conway David Mathias Dennison Clara K. Dewees Miriam Jenkins Elsbree Wayland Hoyt Elsbree Elsie A. Fisher Lee Weiss Frank Miriam Baily Gilpin Henrietta Stewart Gonzalez Mary Dotterer Harbison Virginia Packard Hart William Y. Irwin, Jr. George Bement Jackson John Wm. Klopp, M.D. Ruth Woodward Klopp Elizabeth Knabe Charles Plummer Larkin, Jr. Marjorie Kistler Larkin Emily Hallauer Lower Charles Wildey Lukens Albert C. Mammel Grace Wilson Miller Grace Edna Moore Donald S. Morgan Carlisle Morse, M.D. Charlotte Speakman Oviatt Paula Pagelow George William Place Roberta Gilmore Poland George A. Powell Joseph J. Pugh Henry S. Ruth, M.D. Mary Frescoln Sangree Frances Miller Scott Elizabeth Justice Shortlidge Helen Knight Warren George Malcolm West Gladys Newton West John J. White, Jr. Edith Evans Wiese J. Frederic Wiese 23 CLASS OF 1922 Chairman: Benjamin E. Groff Anonymous J. Gamer Anthony Margaret Culin Adams Edith Silver Anderson A. Laurence Baxter Ernest Mason Bliss William B. Brosius Marian Satterthwaite Carnovsky Charlotte Stevens Chrisman William R. Cisney Helen Homer Cutler Elizabeth Sellers Elsbree Willard S. Elsbree Carl J. Geiges Helen Thorne Griscom Benjamin E. Groff Avery Draper Harrington Ethel Hinds Higginson Frank H. Jackson Jeanette Dell Jones F, Norton Landon Anne Gault Lewis William Sproul Lewis Dorothy Josephine Little Robin Breuninger Lukens Augustine Musante Edna Ruth Newton Pum Koo Park, M.D. William Joseph Pownall Jean Knowlps Reymond Loise Ryan Seeley Harry McKinley Sellers Eleanor Anna Shinn Richard William Slocum John Leech Stainton Elsie Smith Thompson Hannah Mary Darlington Trescott Katherine Briegel Vanderbilt, M.D. William Pettit Ware CLASS OF 1923 Chairman: Wallace R. Linton Lester Asplundh W . Hamilton Aulenbach Albert Edmund Baker Marjorie Onderdonk Battin Dorothy Clendenning Benner Evelyn Arnold Braun Anna Roberts Brosius Howard Bertram Brunner Cornelia Coy Clark J. Edward Clyde Margaret V. Doty Katharine Hayes Durand Louis Robert Enslin Isabelle Fussell Ewing John C. Fretz Samuel B. Gaumer Alfred B. Gundlack Ned Sherry Hankins Ralf Lee Hartwell Eleanore Boyd Holcombe Susan Mason Kendall Lawrence Bosler Lewis William A. Limberger, M.D. Wallace Ross Linton Alice Hoagland MacNair Gertrude Malz Helen Osier McKendree Lillian Perkins Metcalf Emily Strong Mills Ann Johnson Moore George Myrick, Jr. Ruth Tanguy Oliver Elizabeth C. Palmer William H. Paxson Kathryn Pflaum Albert W . Preston, Jr. Arthur J. Rawson Margaret Byrd Rawson Henry D. Rentschler, M.D. Sara Bitler Reynolds Elsie Brown Roberts Helen Parrott Roberts Alban E. Rogers Waltgr Andrew Schulz Kathryn Cleckner Skinkle C. Norman Stabler Boyd McMurtrie Trescott Henry C. Turner, Jr. Roselynd Atherholt W ood CLASS OF 1924 . Chairman: Guy W . Davis Lewis S. Ayars Robert P. Bodine Ruth Eleanor Bonner 24 Nella Arnold Buckman Herbert Eyres Cliff Samuel L. Cornish Guy W . Davis Annette Engell Davison Esther Fisher Duryee Raymond F. Farringer Mary Melvin Frodi Eleanor Carmichael Gallagher Edward Atkinson Green Allan K. Grim Janet Krall Groff Lois Vanderkleed Haws Robert C. Hubbs Margaret Jessen Mary Hobson Jones Latelle McKee LaFollette, Jr. Luther Lloyd Linderman Helep Beach McCarty H. Merle Mulloy Louise Davis Mulloy Frederick Allen Musselman Thomas Sumner Oliver Roger S. Russell Charles Jacob Seltzer, Jr. Dorothy Evans Seltzer Mary Elizabeth Shinn Nellie Henderson Stadler Esther Briegel Stehle Thomas Thomson Taylor C. Margaret Kennedy Thompson J. Howard Thompson James Charles Tily Gladys Cisney Trismen C. Leonard W ilcox Albert James Williams, Jr. Holland Williamson, M.D. Mildrpd Fawcett Wilson Catherine Fitzhugh W ood Edwin Lawrence Worstall Chester G. A. Zucker CLASS OF 1925 Chairman: Helen M. Williamson * Anonymous H. Dickson Ash Mahlon Ashford Elizabeth Biddle Ayars Margaret Pitkin Bainbridge Isaac Lucius Battin Alan James Blau Jean Marsh Brownfield Benjamin R. Burdsall Robert H. Burdsall Anna T. Burr Alice Reddie Callaghan Louise Campion William B. Cudlip Margaret Hopkins DeVeer Marie Futer Eiland Elizabeth Lukens Elliott Charles M. Fairbanks Agnes Gowing Ferrell Elizabeth Pollard Fetter Helen Kressley Flinn Catherine Cudlip Garvey Lloyd Goman Ruth Steiner Griggs Charles B. Grove David K. Hemmerley W. Carlton Henderson Lydia T. Hicks Charles Broomell Humpton Helen Yamall Jackson Virginia Griffiths Keen Lester Stuart Knapp, M.D. Jean C. Lawrence Marjorie Lapham Lewis Charles Henry Limberger Margaret Walton Mayall Beatrice Clugston Moore Helen G. Moore Helen Ritter Murphy Dorothy Liberton Nash Mary Virginia Parkhurst Helen Lippincott Parrish May Elizabeth Parry Mary Lees Paschall Margaret W ay Pickett George Plowman Margaret Koegel Robart Hilda Grace Ruch, M.D. Inez Coulter Russell Joseph Brooks Shane May Josephine Smith Katherine Cornell Stainton Alfred K. Stidham Muriel Thomas Stromberg Anna Engle Taylor William Roger Test Carl H. Voss Eleanor Bonner W ebb Helen M. Williamson Walter K. Woolman, Jr. Marjorie Voelker Worstall C. Alfred Zinn CLASS OF 1926 Chairman: E. Dillwyn Parrish Richard G. AbeU, M.D. Florence Kennedy Bagley Hazen Virgil Baird Edith Nicely Bodine Elizabeth Bartleson Booth Margaret Hershey Boyd Carol Paxson Brainerd George Ball Clothier William C. Coles, Jr. Anna Smith De Santo John S. Donal, Jr. Robert E. Eiche Marjorie Macadam Ellis Eugene Gedney Mary Althouse Goman Mildred Lucile Gordner Robert Whitmore Graham Virginia Brown Greer Dorothy Merrill Gulick Leonard M. Hanan Hanson Haines Hodge Arnold T. Hutcheson Estelle Liggett-Hickey Jarden Louise Merritt Kennedy Marretta Powell King Beatrice A. Lamb Clara Eleanor Leech Elizabeth Burton Levering J. Edward Lippincott Thomas David Luckenbill Richard Owens Ludebuehl Harry Lewis Lundy Mabel Engle McMurtrie Harold E. Mertz Orrick Metcalfe David C. Meyer Lucius D. Mills Bertha White Nason Carroll Edwards Ogden William Frederick Ogden Rogers Palmer E. Dillywn Parrish Katherine Turner Parsons William C. Perkins, Jr. George Palmer Pilgrim Cornelia Chapman Pittenger Frances’ Spence Plate William B. Plate Mary Passmore Plowman Florence Meade Puzon Milton D. Reinhardson G. Raymond Rettew Ruth Ennis Sawyer Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Jr. Elizabeth Stamford Sharpless Florence Creer Shepard Frank Maxwell Shuster Elizabeth White Smith Joseph Smith, Jr. George William Spangler Murray Kemp Spillman, M.D. Margaret Stewart Stevenson Ellen Bryan Swartzlander John H. Swope Grace Virginia Thoenen Richard F. Thompson Marjorie Mode Tily Frederick S. Townley Benjamin W . Wasser Jean Prosser Webster Katharine Carl Whitney CLASS OF 1927 Chairman: A. Sidney Johnson, Jr, R. Esther Howard Allen John U. Ayres Rebecca Marsh Baker Elizabeth Winchester Barnhardt John W . Barry Sarah Pratt Brock William Turner Clack Robert B. Clothier Ruth McCauley Clyde Jean Mayer Conway Marcia Perry Cook Margaret Brann Cooper Ruth Elizabeth Cornell Dorothea Kern Devereux Johanna Zuydhoek Dickie Anne Stetzer Fliedner Esther White Gilbert Jessie Hoffman Gilmore Margaret Jameson Gowdy Elizabeth McCloy Hathaway Mary J. Homaday Harold R. Hutcheson Edward Cope Jenkins A. Sidney Johnson, Jr. Margaret Witsil Johnson Nolan L. Kaltreider, M.D. Louise Parkhurst Krug Helen Rush Kurtz Robert W . Lafore Edward F. Lang Robert F. Lee Leah Shreiner Leeds Robert L. Lindahl John H. Lippincott, Jr. Howard T. McCone Richard H. McFeely George W . McKeag Helen Woodward Manges Anna R. Meloney Anna Williams Metcalfe Minter Holmes Norton Samuel Copeland Palmer, Jr. J. Roland Pennock Helen F. Fletcher Putney Thomas K. Rathmell, M.D. Frederick L. Redefer Samuel R. M. Reynolds Peirce L. Richards, Jr. Charles E. Rickards Alice Jenkinson Ripley Watson Birdsall Rulon, Jr. Katharine Snyder Sasse Helen Dukes Scott Robert Weir Sedam James Heffner Sellers Rev. William H. Sill Sarah Percy Rogers Simms Walter O. Simon Horace H. Smith Ruth Service Stidham Erma Goldsmith Strauss Walter S. Studdiford Theodore K. Suckow Laurence J. Test Elizabeth McCabe Thieme Jack B. Thompson Lois Thompson Thompson Stephen B. Tily William Preston Tollinger Mary E. Meyer Tolman Rebecca Hathaway Torreson Virginia Melick Turner Catharine Cocks Vail T. George Van Hart Frances McCafferty White Marion Brown Wiles Carolyn Hearne Williams Norman H. Winde Elizabeth Dilworth Woodward CLASS OF 1928 Chairman: Edna Shoemaker Mallen Arthur Gorham Baker, M.D. Olive Deane Baker Elizabeth Vaughan Berry Harold Silver Berry Ellis G. Bishop Anne Philips Blake Avery F. Blake Vanleer I. Bond Marian Pratt Burdick Vincent Gilpin Bush Elizabeth Van Brakle Coffin James H. Colket John J. Coughlin Walter F. Denkhaus Emma Peaslee Engle Caroline Lippincott Forman Thomas H. L. Foster William A. Gowdy George A. Hay Florence Edna Griffiths Holms trom Margaret DeLaney Johnston Edna Rattey Jones Ruth E. Kern Gertrude Gilmore Lafore Richard Lippincott Marguerite Lukens Holbrook Mann MacNeille William Cameron McCook Margaret Somerville M clnemey Esther Shallcross Magee Caroline Biddle Malm Edna Shoemaker Mallen Isabelle Bennett Monroe Thomas Moore, Jr. Theodore E. Nickles, Jr. Mary Sullivan Patterson Malcolm B. Petrikin Alice E. Foilwell Pratt Anne Kennedy Rapport Winifred Rumble Reynolds Dorothy Brown Rickards Hilah Rounds Robert L. Silber Frances Dowdy Simon Newlin R. Smith Theodore Smithers Anna Willis Stein Nell Rubins Thompson Charles E. Tilton Phyllis Harper Townley Raymond A. Townley Selden Y. Trimble, Jr. Mary Elizabeth Hopper Tucker Ann Thompson Wainwright Robert K. Whitten Theodore Widing Esther Wilson Widing Walter Herbert Wilson Gertrude Jolls Winde Mary Miller Livezy Wolferth, M.D. Frances Ramsey Worth Charlotte Salmon Wright CLASS OF 1929 Chairman: Howard J. W ood Bradley C. Algeo, Jr. Alice Hutchinson Ayres Sara Ferris Baker Caroline Robison Bishop Alice Entrekin Brown Thomas M. Brown, M.D. Jane Griest Browne Joseph Calhoun Mary Roberts Calhoun Eleanor Powell Case William Cresson Cheeseman Marion Harris Churchill O. Hammond Coles Horace F. Darlington, M.D. Robert Gates Dawes Howard M. Drake Sophie Stem Friendly Wilmer Krusen Gallagher, M.D. Constance Sarah Gaskill Howard Thomas Hallowell, Jr. Malcolm Hodge Margaret Walton Jensen George Hay Kain, Jr. Morris M. Lee, Jr. Arthur F. Magill Eleanor’ Burch Martin Frank H. Martin, Jr. Elizabeth Clack McCaul Horace B. McGuire Elizabeth Ogden McLain W ill McLain, III James A. Michener Agnes Hood Miller Theodore R. Miller, M.D. Florence Miller Morris Walter A. Muir Elinor Brecht Neumann Bertha Hull Paxson Fred J. Powell William M. Rice Lily Tily Richards Gertrude Paxson Seibert Walter R. Seibert Marion Bonner Smith Marion Collins Smith Harold Edward Snyder Harold Elam Snyder Donovan B. Spangler Shaler Stidham Elizabeth Thompson Van Hart Carolyn Forstner Wardle Roberta Boak Wasser Frederick G. Weigand Fisher White Josiah White Howard J. W ood CLASS OF 1930 Chairman: Harry Heward, Jr. Francis C. Alden Jean Fahringer Biddle Ruth Jackson Boone William A. Boone Howard F. Brown Josephine Steckel Burchett Henry B. Coles, Jr. Virginia Stratton Cornell Julien Davies Cornell _ Pauline Calhoun Darlington Franklin Camell Eden Edgar I. Emerson Dorothy Ditter Gondos The Garnet Letter Josephine Tremain Gould Margaret Gurney Alice Casey Hay Harry Heward, Jr. Howard C. Johnson, Jr. Louise Yerkes Kain Richard M. Kain Ada Fuller Keefer Frances Eaton Kraaymes Cecilia Garrigues Kuehner Malcolm R. Longshore Catharine Emhardt McCook Mildred Underwood McHenry Mary Temple Newman Marian Hamming Nicely Thomas S. Nicely Catharine Hatfield Olmsted Henry L. Parrish Edward M. Passmore Nancy Deane Passmore William Poole Frederick C. Schreiber, D.D.S. Theodora Abbott Schreiber Anna Rickards Sensenig Paul C. Smith Helen G. Stafford Helen Cecile Bessemer Stollnitz Joseph T. Sullivan, II Henry G. Swain Ralph W. Tipping Howard Haines Turner Harold E. WagnerSarah Brecht Wert Stanley I. Winde John Sharpless Worth Merida Grey Worth Eleanor Jenkins Zendt CLASS OF 1931 Chairman: Joseph L. Atkinson Kathryn Kerlin Albertson Anonymous Joseph L. Atkinson Clifford C. Baker, M.D. William Ingram Battin, Jr. Marguerite Emma Baur Clement M. Biddle, Jr. William Blum, Jr. Jean Harvey Bodman Richard C. Bond James Henry Booser Elizabeth Reeves Bossart John Morgan Brecht, M.D. Janet Walton Burke Irwin G. Burton Amanda Hurlock Chaffee ' Frank Sharp Christian, Jr. Martha W ood Christian Louise Fisher Cleaver William H. Cleveland, Jr. Garret Edward Conklin Ralph L. Connor John M. Cookenbach John D. Corbit, Jr., M.D. Margaret Orr Curtis Carl K. Dellmuth Hyman J. Diamond Robert H. Douglas Elizabeth Woodman Eckert Margaret Brinton Ellingsworth Helen Lafore Forstall Margaret Dewees Foster Helen Booth Goldsborough Henry C. Hadley Joseph Harlan William Miles Harvey Mary Alma Hull Hoy Esther Seaman Jackson Lawrence E. Jewett David C. Jillson William T. Jones Thomas S. Keefer, Jr. Nox McCain Kehew Robert H. Lamey Anna Ridgway Lang tBarbara Pearson Lange Thomas Willets Lapham Mary Palmer Lichtenberg J. Gordon Lippincott Janet Evans Lyon Samuel Mahon Gwendolyn Norton Mandelbaum William S. McCune, M.D. Rev. Donald K. McGarrah Elizabeth Maxfield Miller Florence V. Miller Margaret Zabriskie Nichols Edward Lee Noyes Margaret Davis Palmer October, 1951 Samuel Jackson Parker Rutherford T. Phillips Jean Hodge Pitcher David Lukens Price Elizabeth Newcomb Rayner. Ellen Femon Reisner W. Lois Hall Roberts Caroline Jackson Rushmore Leon A. Rushmore, Jr. Amelia Emhardt Sands Eleanor Martindale Scattergood Roy David Simon John P. Skinner Ruth Calwell Snyder Jane Michener Spangler Marjorie M. Starbard David Walter Stickney Douglas A. Sunderland Esther Dudley Swem Robert Louis Testwuide Margaret Williams Thompson Donald C. Turner Joseph H. Walter, Jr. Merritt S. Webster Howard Carter Westwood Miriam Nickel White Houston Wilson Raymond H. Wilson, Jr. Robert H. Wilson Barbara Briggs Winde Natalie Harper W ood Charles Brooke Worth CLASS OF 1932 Chairman: Ruth Cline Wright Dorothy Slee Algeo William R Allstetter Hilda Loram Bailey Ann Chapman Booth Katherine Ravi Booth Nora Ravi Booth Elizabeth Spaulding Calvert Katharine Warren Coles Edmund Dawes Anna Janney DeArmond Winston M. Dudley William W . Eaton Helena Salmon Fisher Frances Reinhold Fussell Dorothy Ogle Graham Robert Ernest Hadeler Morris L. Hicks Florence Arnold Hoadley Charles Howland Hunt Louise G. Isfort Edward J. Johns James Russell Jones Clark Kerr Jonathan H. Kistler Max Kohn Edna Pusey Legg Davis L. Lewis, Jr. Edith Bowman Lippincott Marian Pierce Love Benjamin Ludlow, Jr. Edwin Scott Lutton Virginia Melchior Lutton Jean Walton Noyes Helen West Nutting Deidre Dann Opdyke William Harry Perloff, M.D. Mary Fisher Plumb Ray L. Potter Florence Williams Potts S. John Pyle Kathleen C. Quinn Bartram H. Schaffner, M.D. J. Thomas Starling William I. Stieglitz Helen Gates Taylor Monroe Vans ant Priscilla Miller Weed Carolyn Jones Williams CLASS OF 1933 Chairman: William F. Lee Willis C. Armstrong H. Bradford Arnold John M. C. Betts Barbara Batt Bond Maradel Geuting Burton William G. Calvert Elizabeth Scattergood Carson Aldyth Longshore Claibom Hunter Corbett Jeannette Marr Corbett Emily Howland Darling Margaret Ball Dellmuth Henry F. Donahower Elizabeth Falconer Charlotte Kimball Gilbert Lewis M. Gill Benjamin Greespan, M.D. Walter William Herrmann Ada Clement Jones William Henry Kain Barbara Crosse Kellogg Jessie Brown Kimmel Loretta Mercer LaClair William F. Lee Katherine Rowe Lentz Eugenie Harshbarger Lewis Frances Passmore Pike H. Lloyd Pike Louise Hiller Poole Arabel Jaquette Porter Franklin Porter Nina Volkmar Powell Homer R. Reese Mary Tomlinson Rives H. Jane Ashby Rolandelly Jane Sicher Rosenthal Robert V. Schembs . Howard D. Sipler Jane Moore Smith Ellen Lamb Snodgrass Olive Adams Sonen Babette Schiller Spiegel Winifred Scales Stearns Willis J. Stetson Paul J. Strayer Grace Snyder Stuart Howard S. Turner Marjorie Mohan Turville Daniel S. Volkmar Edith Jackson Walter Elizabeth Stammelbach Welfling Weldon W.- Welfling Constance Draper Welsh Alla Tomashevsky Wright CLASS OF 1934 Chairman: J. Stokes Clement, Jr. John Abrams Elinor Clapp Arguimbau Abigail Dewing Avery Elizabeth Geddes Baker Walter Trainer Baker, Jr. Donald W. Baxter Nina Bowers Beecham John S. Brod Margaret Arnold Brown Robert M. Browning Robert J. Cadigan Helen Mansfield Carroll Lucile Montgomery Churchill John Stokes Clement, Jr. Margaret Anderson Crowley Elizabeth Seaman Dawes Edwina Embree Devereux Ruth Kewley Donahower Sarah Dunning Dorothy Coleman Engler Janet Snedden Finch Frederic Barron Freeman Lucinda Thomas Hafkenschiel Virginia Sutton Harrington Lee E. Holt Joan Wells Hopwood Raymond Max Immerwahr Edward Lovett Jackson James F. Kelly Calvin T. Klopp, M.D. Mabel Clement Lee Robert F. Lewine Jane Parrott Macgill Lloyd T. Macgill, Jr. Clifford E. Maser Anne Bowly Maxfield Benjamin McLain Elinor Robinson Pennock James Alfred Perkins Frank C. Pierson Alice Burton Potter Elizabeth Carver Preston Charles C. Price, III Lorraine Marshall Pyle Renato A. Ricca, M.D. Ellis B. Ridgway, Jr. George Schairer Pauline Mary Tarbox Schairer Grace Biddle Schembs William W. Simons Dorothy Lightfoot Thomas Elizabeth Blessing Van Kirk Walter A. Vela Louise Stubbs Williams Ned B. Williams, D.D.S. CLASS OF 1935 Chairman: Elizabeth Thomson Shulman Florence Holt Arbuthnot Caroline Hales Bailey Kathryn Bassett Elizabeth Lane Beardsley Clarence D. Bell Rosemary Cowden Cadigan Mary Schorer Cake Dorothy Glenn Clement Elizabeth Blair Cochran Marcia Hadzsits Crawford David E. Davis Shirley Davis Galen W ood Ewing Cynthia Wentworth Hannum Edson S. Harris, Jr. Kenneth W. Hechler Theodore Herman H. Kimble Hicks E. Frederick Koster, M.D. Robert B. Lewis Doris Sonnebom Lippincott Kate Walker McCrumm Dino E. P. McCurdy Margaret Peters Mathews Robert Carl Mitterling, M.D. Elizabeth Hodges Murphy Caroline Dunham Naylor John H. Nixon Michael S. Paulson Marguerite Tamblyn Pierson Frances Burhop Pottberg Emma Michael Reynolds Gilbert W. Roberts Thalia Jean Hammer Schultz Elizabeth Thomson Shulman David J. Somers Leslie Underhill Stonebraker Sue Thomas Turner Howard S. Vernon Jean Brosius Walton Elizabeth Reller Warrick William Penn Worth CLASS OF 1937 Chairmen: Ward S. Fowler, M.D. Joan Kelley Fowler Anonymous Walter S. Barclay John Newlin Beck Katharine White Beecher Margaret Anne Parton Britter Elizabeth Dobson Broomell G. Lupton Broomell, Jr. James E. Buckingham Barbara Weiss Cartwright Philip Dorwin Cartwright Arnold F. Clark James H. Clarke Thomas M. Clement Benjamin Cooper Isabel Benkert Daly Janet Hart Diebold William Diebold, Jr. Marion Ellis Downs Marion Best Drake Mary Phillips Engle Ruth Shoemaker Flaccus George E. Forsythe Joan Kelley Fowler Ward Scott Fowler Margaret Louise Germann Grace Eckman Gilbert Wesley R. Goddard Jos. H. Hafkenschiel, Jr., M.D. Mason Haire A. Thomas Hallowell Marguerite Cotsworth Hammann Richard Heavenrich Alma Biele Helbing Kate Meyer Herman Barbara Lesher Hughes Samuel I. Kalkstein CLASS OF 1936 John Justice Kim Wayne L. Lees ,* Chairman W . Sherman Garrison, Jr., M.D. W. Allen Longshore, Jr., M.D. Edward Arthur Macy Betty Dennis Milner Virginia Smith Andrew James A. Murphy Winifred Johnson Baker Hazel Burritt Oehler Frank H. Blumenthal T. H. Dudley Perkins, Jr. Lorraine Patterson Bradbury Eleanor Russell Pratt William C. Bradbury William C. H. Prentice Jane Clough Bremer Donald H. Purcell Mary McCarty Bye Olva Faust Quick Carolyn Keyes Cadwallader Adele Mills Riley T. Sidney Cadwallader, II Edwin Phillips Rome Eleanor Gies Coes Elizabeth Rowland Margery McKay Cridland Allan H. Salm Philip D. Croll Eugene Morton Schaffran Ruth Strattan Cummins Irving S. Schwartz Emily P. Dodge Erwin F. Shrader J. Earle Edwards, Jr. Frances Reed Simons Alice Robinson Erb, M.D. Anne Brooke Smith Meredith L.’ Evons Manning Amison Smith Clavton Locuson Barbara Brooks Smoyer Farraday, Jr. C. Arthur Spaulding, Jr., M.D. Tames Archie Finley, Jr. W. Sherman Garrison, Jr., M.D. Thomas F. Spencer Helen Solis-Ciohen Spigel Charles R. Gemer Patty Morris Stabler Helen Malone Glass Frances Dering Stewart Robert K. Greenfield Richard J. Storr Franklin J. Gutchess Margaret Cupitt Struble Virginia Alleman Hartswick Josephine Peters Terrell Joan Keller Hertzberg Isabel Wilde Thomson Elizabeth Emmel Ives Nancy Mann Van Dervoort Frank Krutzke Marjorie Kleine Vela Dorothy Hoyt Mollin Ann Elizabeth Whitcraft Henry H. Newell Emily Whitman Charlotte Jones Newman Sidney L. Wickenhaver Paul B. Oehmann Frederick J. Wiest, Jr. Catherine Bays Parrish Jean Dithridge Wohlsen John Henry W ood, Jr. Lawrence L. Parrish Richard Merritt Worth Priscilla Johnson Patton Muriel Eckes Zacharias Jean Bredin Perkins Helen Shilcock Post CLASS OF 1938 Richard Post Chairman: Jane McCord Potts Virginia Newkirk Weltmer Mary Elma White Price Alfred Frank Ash Jean Robertson Jane Klaer Aspinall Robert S. Schairer Ellen Schock Bishop David H. Scull Alan Bloch Mary Tonkin Smith George D. Braden Elizabeth Krider Snowden John H. Breckenridge Harold B. Steinberg Miriam Booth Breckenridge Christine Robinson Taylor Lois Wright Brown William D. Taylor Harriet Dana Carroll Margaret M. Tilton William Carroll Ruth Murray Tobey George C. Carson Robert C. Turner Elizabeth Willits Cocks Onnolee Gates Vogdes Carl C. Colket Louise Coates Watkins Elizabeth Stubbs Cooper William P. W ood Elise Hagedorn Cristol Mary Elizabeth Dumm Elizabeth Coffin Wright Jane Reuter Duvall Emily Carpenter Wright 25 Charles F. Eames Marjorie Van Deusen Edwards Alice Femsler Elbert Eleanor H. Ferguson Jean Tompkins Fort Ann Lapham Frazer E. Wayne Frazer Elizabeth Brosius Garrison Kermit Gordon Vartan Hartunian Charles D. Hendley Margaret Deknatel Hinman Catharine M. Hitchcock R. Murray Hoffman, Jr. Elizabeth Bittle Johns Charlotte Weaver Jones Barbara Wetzel Kaspar Peter D. Kaspar Geoffrey Keller Nathan S. Kline, M.D. Mary Jane Miller Koster Henry E. B. Kurtz Laurence Davis Lafore Eugene M. Lang Margaret Bill Lewis Clare Heilman Loventhal Jane Hamilton MacPhail James A Malcolm, Jr. Ruth Feely Merrill Elizabeth W ebb Mims Georgette Moyer Most William L. Nute, Jr., M.D. Margaret Davenport Nutt Nathalie Irvine O’Connell Peter F. Oesper Elizabeth Henszey Owers Mary Herrick Porter Clarence H. Rosenbaum Katharine Scherman Rosin Anne Tracy Rossmoore Dorothy Sutton Shaffer Mary McDermott. Shideler Eric L. Simmons William F. Smith, II Hugo Sonnenschein, Jr. Jean Weltmer Stetson Elizabeth Watson Stiles Eleanor Joyce Stone Virginia Vawter Storr Marian Snyder Ware Elizabeth Biggerstaff Wathen Elizabeth Linvill Way Gertrude S. Weaver Virginia Newkirk Weltmer Katharine Richardson White Elizabeth Hay Wiest Deborah O. Wing Elizabeth Matz Wire Cyrus Foss W ood Richard B. Wray CLASS OF 1939 Chairman: John C. Thomas Raymond C. Albertson Anonymous Charlotte Dean Appleton Ruth Ritter Appleton Charles Robert Bell Elise Stone Bell Mary James Bell Joseph C. Bender James Horton Blackman William E. Boam Mary C. Bowers Vincent S. Boyer Nicholas K. Braun Janet Hill Coerr Louis F. Coffin, Jr. Sally McClelland Cox Richard A. Dimpfl Hans S. Erichsen Ralph Hart Fisher George R. Fomwalt, M.D. Alexandra Illmer Forsythe Jean Davis Gibb Katherine Gibson Gilbert Gretchen Collier Gmelin Mary Grinnell Gordon Elizabeth Taylor Goshom Robert M. Goshom Mary Hoagland Gruen Dale Linton Herndon Elizabeth Michael Hopkins Gretchen Watson Hughes Margaret Cheeseman Huselton Edmund Jones Margaret Chase Judd Elizabeth Goodrich Kalkstein Joan Pascal Karasik Peter Kaufmann Mary Solis-Cohen Keller Robert G. Leinroth Edward S. Little Wm. T. Livingston II, M.D. 26 Peter H. Lombard, Jr. Doris Herold Lund Leland S. MacPhail, Jr. Janet Wilson Malcolm Ruth Ackerman Maximowicz Eva Ladenburg Mayer Anne Stone Mcllvain David McIntyre Edward M. Momingstar Sarah Underhill Nafe Eleanor Johnson Painter William D. Patterson Gertrude Maginniss Peelle Robert B. Peelle Margaret W ood Post Ann Douglass Salomon Mary Ryan Seagrave Frederick M. Shaffer Jane Shohl, M.D. Jean C. Slack Margaret Trimble Smith Nathan L. Smith, Jr. Barbara Steams Clio Bames Stearns Mary Whitford Streit Margaret King Stroop John C. Thomas Stewart Thom Bruce R. Valentine, M.D. Robert Bell Walker John B. Warrington Virginia Morse Wells James Morrison Wilson, Jr. Edward H. Worth, Jr. James S. Zinner CLASS OF 1940 Chairman: Frederick Gordon Smith William C. Adamson, M.D. Newell G. Alford, Jr. Richard B. Angell Ilse Heine Baum Catherine S. Birdsall Edward B. Booher Francis E. Broomell Katherine Lindsley Camp William P. Camp, M.D. Martha Eastwick Carroll Ray Harold Coffman Jeanne Cotten Alfred D. Cox, Jr. Marian Edwards Cox Hope Griswold Curfman Barbara Deweese Day Ralph I. Dunlap, Jr. Charles A. Eberle, Jr. Mary Broomell Eberle Dorothy Hubbell Gemmill Claribel Goodwin Elizabeth K. Graves Robert D. Hall Laura Knapp Harper Marion S. Hayden Peter Henle Theda Ostrander Henle Esther Greeley Howes Walter Erling Is grig Donald E. Johnson Adalyn Purdy Jones Charles M. Judson Mary Ellis Kahler James G. Kehler, Jr., M.D. Barbara Mandelbaum Kirchheimer Frances Rogers Langdon Margaret F. Leeper Evelyn Spencer Lees Helen Crosby Lewy Martin L. Low Jane Gilruth McCarthy Robert M. McCormack, M.D. Edith Harper Marshall Walker L. Mifflin, Jr. Celia Price Patterson Doris Baar Poole Robert W . Poole Arthur W . Post William H. Reller Charles Stix Rice Mary W ood Ricksecker Jane Adelaide Rittenhouse Lewis M. Robbins Martha McCord Robinson Albert N. Robson, Jr. George G. Salomon Jane Kellock Setlow Eleanor Barbour Smith Frederick Gordon Smith Dorothy Cupitt Thompson Rexford Emerson Tompkins Virginia Mayer Valentine Marion Rydholm Van Brunt Dorothy Webster Van Denburgh Byron H. Waksman, M.D. Samuel W. Warburton Louis Watters Donald K. Weltmer Margaret Rusk White Margaret Wyman CLASS OF 1941 Chairman: John B. Ferguson Eugene Ackerman Vera starbard Adkins Claude Ellery Anderson, Jr. Frank W. Appleton, Jr. darbara danou Barbara Gouid Beddall Bent G. Boving, M.D. Ethel W olf Boyer Josephine Clarke Braden June Andrus Bryner F. Preston Buckman Robert J. Gahali Francis Edward Cavin Edward Arthur Cliasms E. Ross Clinchy, Jr. David Byron Cooper Lois E. Corke John C. Crowley Anthony Joseph Degutis Elizabeth Turner Dehn John W . Delaplaine Gabriele C. Derenberg Frederick S. Donnelly, Jr. George Richard Eberle Richard A. Enion Barbara Morehead Ferguson John B. Ferguson, Jr. Helen Howard Fomwalt, M.D. Hazel Bazett Froscher Elaine Gerstley Fuld Sarah Mills Garbart William Worth Geddes Arthur R. Gemberling, V.M.D. Helen Tomlinson Gibson Dorothy Rakestraw Gould Margaret Johnson Hall Edward E. Hannum Ruth Knott Hapgood Francis A. Hegner, Jr. M. Grant Heilman Guy Henle Mary West Hower Eleanor Jones Ingersoll Mary Pulverman Judson Serge Peter Karlow John I. F. Knud-Hansen, M.D. Creighton B. Lacy Loran B. Langsdale Stephen G. Lax Elizabeth Murch Livingston Philip Boalt Lorenz William Curtis MacPhail Martha Cleavinger McCaskie Ruth Whitson Marsh John F. Marshall Robert B. Marshall, Jr., M.D. Ruth L. Massey Joanna Hill Mikesell Ann Driver Miller Glenn Earle Miller, Jr. John A. Miller Elizabeth Malcolm Murray Jane Wheeler Norman, M.D. Helen Osmun Parker Tean Clark Pfahl Samuel M. Raymond, Jr. Fred T. Reed Marjorie R. Reid Jane S. Richardson J. Mark Robinson William H. Rogers, Jr. Alex M. Rosenblum, Jr., M.D. Jane Blankenhom Schieve, M.D. Richard B. Setlow Anne Davis Shullenberger Marjorie Todd Simonds Alice Robinson Smith Beatrice Noehren Smith Richard Owen Smith A. David McK. Speers Herbert Stanley Steelman, Jr. F. Walter Steuber, Jr. Ruth Wilbur Stickney Donald Stix Ruth Richardson Sutton Helene Herzberg Suydam Edith Jane Melville Taylor Robert B. Taylor, Jr. Albert G. Thatcher Caroline D. Underwood Ruth Franck Van Collie Elizabeth Earll Verlie Joseph Verlie, Jr. Isabel Durkee Warner Jane Northrop White Barbara Jean Winne CLASS OF 1942 Chairmen: Charles C. Martin Anne Jones Martin Arthur K. Adams Eleanors Green Akina, M.D. Janice Robb Anderson Constance Kent Barnett G. Wendell Beck Aline W olff Benjamin George C. Bond Margot Seward Botsford Edward S. Bower Virginia Brown Bushnell Margaret Morgan Capron William M. Capron Janet L. Carpenter Mary Griscom Colegrove Ann Whitford Comstock Stanton E. Cope, M.D. Charles L. Darlington Paul A. Dewald Margaret Shoemaker Dietz Rowland E. Dietz William Harry Dietz Margaret Macomber Douglas Sarah Lindley Ehrich Thomas P. Evans Mary Weintraub Felsten Thomas W . Findley Roger Alan Frost Niels Haugaard, M.D. Edith G. Henderson Kathleen Oliver Huff William L. Huganir Martha VanKleeck Knoke Edwin H. Krom Anna Margaret Kuhn Henry B. Leader Jean Ferriss Leich John Foster Leich Albert Harry Lewis Helen Spencer Lynch Laura Louise Lyon Jennie Bradfield McBean Bruce B. McConnell Doris Barbano McConnell Gene Smith McCulloch Katherine Keeler Mace Caroline Woods Manning Anne Jones Martin Charles C. Martin Margaret Jean Moyer Gilbert B. Mustin, Jr. Lois Decker O’ Neill Ruth W olf Page Donald C. Pelz Anne Hollingsworth Pike, M.D. Mary Boileau Ramsey Robert E. Rowand, M.D. Walter T. Skallerup, Jr. Rogers J. Smith, M.D. Robert W . Spencer Charles F. Spitzer Madeline Tarn Sweeting Elizabeth Peirce Swift W . Dean Trautman Elizabeth Letts Wesley Jeanne Curtis Whitesell Anne M. Whitney Lindsay Harper W olfe Cynthia Swartley Zimmer, M.D. CLASS OF 1943 Chairman: Janet Bartleson Mochel Rogers Garland Albritton Anonymous Edward Haviland Atkinson Richard F. Bames Edward M. Bassett, Jr. Nicholas Andrew Reldecos Rufus A. Blanshard Winifred Cammack Bond Jane Hand Bonthron Carol Dowdell Brumbaugh William Richard Busing Joan Collet Butler Janet Goodrich Chapman John W . Chapman, Jr. Reed L. Colegrove Elisabeth Thom Coleman Robert Ellsworth Coleman Charles P. Cryer James G. Deane Anna Huntington Deming Betty Gawthrop Donnelly Orville Wright Donnelly John Leslie Dugan, Jr. William J. Erdman, II John Biddle Felton Constance Spink Fleming George C. Ford Margaret McCain Ford Herbert W . Fraser Daniel Joseph Ganister Margaret Woodruff Glenn Ruth Clark Griffin Wendell A. Haberem Kathryn Detreux Halpem Wilberta Moody Hardy Theresa Votaw Harman Edna Greenfield Harris Joan White Harrison Robert C. Hecht Virginia Curry Hille Patricia Cotton Isbrandtsen Olwen Morffydcl Jones Margaret Haight Kelly Ann Sätterthwaite Killen Ruth Langer Koffsky Eleanor Durkee Leach Herbert J. Leimbach, Jr. Rena Levander Diana Dodge Lewars Lawrence Eldon Lindley, Jr. Beatrice Brewster Linton Jean Robinson Loeb Frank L. Lyman, Jr., M.D. Irene Bany Magaziner Robert V. Maier Richard H. Mayfield Janet Ann McCloskey Joan Johnson McKinley Elizabeth Darbishire McNeill Gertrude Wright McPherson Anne Feddeman Mickey Janet Bartleson Mochel Peter A. Morris Virginia Donchian Murray Donald G. Olesen Vivian Goldstein Olum Paul S. Ousley Jane Smedley Pike Laurama Page Pixton Corinna Reeside Jean Cushing Reed James William Reid Joan Roberts Reller Philip C. Rowe Barbara Whipple Schilling Jane Stem Schultz Felice Klau Shea Jane Felix Smedley June Corey Smith Ruth Spangler Smith Helen Leidesdorf Sonnebom Pierre Defrance Streit Charles B. Tachau Charles Reed Tanguy Janet Frorer Taylor Thomas Osgood Taylor Erika Teutsch Randal H. Thomas Dorothy Shor Thompson John S. Thomson Margaret Bebie Thomson Elizabeth Ringo Tobin Carolyn Wensink Ullman David U. Ullman Miles George Wedeman Barclay White, Jr. Lois Walton White Jean Schuyler Williams Robert James Williams, III Mildred Elizabeth Wynne CLASS OF 1944 Chairman: Fred C. Selby, Jr. John C. Adler Robert K. Andrews Anonymous (2) Anne Miller Ayer Edward French Babbott Robert J. Beck Harry C. Boardman, Jr. Ruth Morgan Boudinot Rose Anderson Boving Margaret Keeler Bowen Stephen P. Bredin Amy Green Brown Sue Mellett Chasins Virginia Vernon Chennell Edward Winslow Cöuncill Arthur M. Dannenberg, Jr. Esther Ridpath Delaplaine Margaret Dougherty Donnelly Catharine Taylor Eckfeldt Robert L. Ehrmann Ruth Charles Enion Martha Fuchs Ferger Barbara Mott Ford Phyllis Lohr Frost Joseph R. Gemberling John H. Githens, Jr., M.D. Edith Ann Graef A. Paule Hare, Jr. George A. Heise Kala Rosenthal Herlands The Garnet Letter Louise Zimmerman Hieatt Louise Williams Hoffman George T. Inouye William Y. Inouye Faith Neumann Jansen Jane Reppert Jenks Elizabeth Gibson Jensen John M. Johnson Edward M. Jones Faye Stewart Jose Victor R. Jose Robert Waldo King, Jr. Doris Morrell Leader Nancy Morgan Leavelle William F. McNagny Marjorie Mills Frank H. Mustin Phyllis Ann Nelson Frederick H. Ohrenschall Doris Ellen Parker Ann Elizabeth Pike Robert E, Rath Ruth Shepard Richards Betty Southgate Rogers Elizabeth Paine Sawyer Fred C. Selby, Jr. Barbara Bair Shull Eleanor Preston Small Ernest K. Smith, Jr. Ralph R. Sonnenschein, M.D. Robert N. Stauffer William Nelson Stecher, M.D. Elizabeth Hoisington Stewart Patricia Lum Taylor Jane Cox Vonnegut Gordon P. Walker Arthur W . Whitcomb David H. Winne Gladys W oolford Winter CLASS OF 1945 Chairman: Janet McCombs Baldwin Jane Ludemann Andrews Lucy Axelbank Janet McCombs Baldwin Bernhard A. Bang Christel Duffy Bartleson Jean P. Blanchard Charles J. Booth Tracy W. Brown Catharine MacDonald Burkhart Richard C. Burrowes Jonathan F. Bushnell Penelope Warren Caccavo Malcolm Campbell Jeptha J. Carrell Barbara Taylor Crawford Margaret McCulloch da Cunha Paul E. Dicker Phyllis Ann Groff Eastbum Ellen Williams Färber Robert K. Finley, Jr., M.D. Elizabeth Allen Galt Ann T. Geddes Doris Carr Gilbert Mary Jane Gray, M.D. Walter R. Guild Mary Stewart Hafer Dorothy Lucking Hagerty Mary Katharine Strong Hammond Margrete Jespersen Hartman Charles E. Hewins Barbara Raymond Hough Paul V. C. Hough Margaret Chadwell Howe Barton L. Jenks, Jr. Barbara Anne Johnson Verdenal Hoag Johnson Sarah Ruth Kain Audrey Lord Kemp James H. Krick Margaret Portis Kuhns Ann Millis Leavenworth Frederick A. Lehman Jane Plummer Leimbach Lisbeth Crowell Lieberman Harry E. McCloskey Pope B. Mclntire Evelyn Granat Maier Allen Shan Mariner, M.D. Margaret Eleanor Marsball Glover B. Mayfield John B. Mennig John B. Mochel Alice Ritchie Navin Jane Martin Newcomer Gilman M. Ostrander Janet Locke Page Elizabeth Oliver Palmer Richard L. Perry, M.D. Winnifred Poland Pierce Henrietta Pyle October, 1951 Frederick H. Richards, M.D. Marion King Schlefer Thomas R. Scott Ursula Marsh Scott Harriet Sisk Margaret Slocum Ethel Farley Spackman Barbara Schinnerer Tovey Warren Uchimoto Marjorie W. Way Jane Baras Wehncke Eleanor Hicks Werenfels Daniel H. Wingerd Nancy Edwards Wingerd Nancy F. Kent Ziebur CLASS OF 1946 Chairman: Cornelia Clarke Schmidt Judith S. Braude Balderston Constance Batchelder Betita Martinez Berman Marjory Colwell Boardman Jean Kistler Bornholm Joan J. Brewster Frederika Nelson Brooks Jean Gibson Burrowes Anne Gale Colton Bushnell Scot Butler Evelyn Cameron Patricia F. Frank Carey Sylvia Ward Carr Valerie Wiles Christopher Elinor L. Jones Clapp Virginia T. Cobb Mary Frohman Cohen Sally MacLellan Councill Joseph Ward Cramer Carroll I. Crawford Ruth I. Smith Creech Mary McClain Ebersole Ida Curtis Ennenga, John H. Ferger Barbara Gawthrop Joan Seidel Gross Marie L. Cooley Haabestad 'Susan E. Harwig Nancy Smith Hayden Nancy Randall Heckman Richard L. Heckman Rosemary Accola Hewitt Verne Hoar, Jr. Dorothy Willenbrucher Imlay Elizabeth Landon Jacobs Herbert Warren Jacobs Kathe Solis-Cohen Jacoby Mary Louise Keay Phyllis Kinkead Kelley Grace Elizabeth Kemp H. Eranklin Knipp Paul John Kopsch, M.D. Ellen Funke Koser Albert Lengyel Louise Yoder Lindley Samuel M. Loescher Ernest W . Luther Pierson Scott McLean Joan Buesching McNagny Abraham W . Martin Patricia Montenyohl Alice Emily Mustin Janet Stanley Mustin Mary Lou Dutton Mustin Katharine Hill Ostrander Edward H. Page John E. Pixton, Jr. Marianne Frey Potter Marilyn Peelle Rath Katherine W olfe Rice Annette H. Richards Anna Coombs Rohrer Nancy Grace Roman James H. Scheuer Walter A. Scheiber Cornelia Clarke Schmidt Robert Lloyd Segal, M.D. Charles E. Seiler, Jr. Dayrell McClure Spence Virginia Staman Carol Dragstedt Stauffer Hildreth H. Strode Lennard T. Swanson, D.D.S. Dorothy Bowman Trippel Margot B. Williams Norman J. Winston, M.D. Milton A. Wohl, M.D. Lawrence W . Yearke CLASS OF 1947 Chairman: C. Russell DeBurlo, Jr. A. Howard Albertson, Jr. Kenneth Allebach Frank Root Ayer Janet Hotson Baker Robert G. Bartle Thomas L. Bartleson, Jr. Howard C. Bowman Kenneth Taylor Brown John Cairns, Jr. Demaris Affleck Carrell Barbara Norfleet Cohn Dorothy Dana Curtin Anna Torrey Davis C. Russell DeBurlo, Jr. Robert Ladd Decker Byron Stauffer Ebersole Lucretia Gottlieb Floor Robert Fleming Gemmill Clifford Riggs Gillam, Jr. Mildred W ebb Gillam Robert G. Hayden David Lewis Hewitt Jane Topping Hoar James Robert Hunter Eleanor Ward Inouye Miyoko Inouye Calvin Lewis Kaiser Cliff H. Keho Donald E. Kelley William N. Kinnard, Jr. Elizabeth Schauffler Lyman Richard W. Lyman Beatrice Dale Shoup Mayer Mary Jane Gehres McCormick Roy Wright Menninger, M.D. Marjorie D. Moerschner James H. Nash Charles E. Newitt H. Edmund Peelle, Jr. Carroll F. Poole Marjorie L. Jeanne Potter Henry R. Richards Marilyn Joan Rosen Alan Leigh Rossbach Mary Lowens Rowe Howard Morley Sachar W. Marshall Schmidt Patricia Marie Schneider Patricia Sevringhaus William Charles Sieck Catherine Jane Smith Donald Willits Smith David Barclay Spence George Joseph Strauss Carolyn Lincoln Taylor Gloria Clement Townsend E. Wolfgang Treuenfels Elisabeth Chase Trimmer Elizabeth C. Crawford Uhlman Nancy Eberle Valtin Mary Ellen Yardley CLASS OF 1948 Chairman: Harriet Glueck Gales Edith G. Bayer Adams Anonymous (2) Betty Elaine Bassett Charles Lemon Bestor Helen Elizabeth Blankenagel Richard Roy Blough John I. Brooks Carolyn James Bryan Clifford M. Bryant Richard N. Chambers (Deceased) Janet MacLellan Clark Margaret Van B. Cole Joanna Meyer Cooper Richard E. Cordray Virginia Butts Cryer Irving Eugene Dayton Sue Hiett McEldowney Dean Ann Caywood Meckes Detwiler Iris Miroy Dibner Peter Dodge Barbara Jean Babcock Dolliver Philip Keller Evans Wendy Hackett Everett William H. Frederick, Jr. Edward L. Frost Lois Ledwith Frost Harriet Ann Glueck Gales Edward Lawrence Galligan Isabel Brown Galligan Alice Higley Gilbert Philip Louis Gilbert Michael A. Glucksman Dorothy F. Gotwald Simon Philip Goudsmit Erling Henry Haabestad, Jr. Marian V. Ham Barbara Darrow Hays Samuel Pfrimmer Hays Helen McDowell Hill John E. Houtman Nancy Twitchell Hunter Richard M. Hurd Peter W . Kaiser Grisella Chrystie Hall Kerr Robert Garlin Kuller Esther Hallett Leeds Dorothy Seiler Longaker Mary Burnside Mangelsdorf John Brooks McCrory Rüth Monk Myers Jane Blair Nash Francis Tim Nicholson Garland Brace Overton, IH John Glenn Parrish, Jr. Elizabeth Thurman Powell Carolien Hayes Powers William M. Pye, Jr. Edward Byrd RawSon Nancy Bumholz Rawson Robert Louis Roemer Amy Roosevelt Carolie Roundy Edward Lehman Ruhe Marge Pearlman Scheuer Walter Scheuer Marjory Clough Schweriner Richard W . Schweriner Edwin C. Sevringhaus Jane Jones Smith Gavin P. Spofford Roland P. Stratton, Jr. Beth Ash Strode Dorothy Louise Swerdlove Harriet Inglesby Thomas May Logan Thomson Laura Clare Johnson Townes John Morris Trimmer Betty Mack Twarog Eloise Schlichting Twombly Richard C. Unger Rolf Valtin Robert Howard Vernon Ruth Vogt Eleanor Wickes Waldrop John Calely Wentz , Robert VanDuyne Whitman Sue Grau Williams CLASS OF 1949 Chairman! Chalmers C. Stroup, Jr. Barbara L. Aeschliman Murray G. Albertson Rolf Otto Amann Robert M. Amussen David E. Armington Winston S. Bailey Norman William Baker Robert Burke Benham Daniel N. Beshers Roger Birdsell, Jr. Robert K. Bissell Charles Bradfield Bodine Rocco Louis Bonavita Brigitte Frankel Bowman Joann Broadhurst Theodore R. Bromwell Virginia Stem Brown Charles M. Bush Doris Jeanette Campbell George W. Carow Edward M. Clark William A. Clark, Jr. A. Thacher Clarke Alice B. Clifford Forrest S. Compton Charles M. Conver Arden Fish Cordray William L. Cornog, Jr. Jane Gross Corson Gloria Lane Cushing Zlata Demerec Dayton Edwin W. Dennison Daniel P. Detwiler Jane deVries Walter S. R. Dickinson, Jr. James M. Dolliver Herbert S. Dordick Selma Jane Eble Ernst Epstein Richard W. Everett Michael J. Fabrikant Joyce Favorite John W. Fiske Robert B. Frear Ruth Friedenthal Alice Heyroth Gifford Howard S. Gilliams Morton J. Gollub Donald Jay Gordon Richard S. Green Rachel Thies Hare Eric G. Heinemann Mary Lee Schell Herndon Charles John Hesner Robert Warren Hillegass William James Hirsch Norman Lloyd Houlberg William N. Hunter, Jr. William Bates Jameson Wilmer A. Jenkins, 2nd Herbert Kaiser Clem M. Kashmar John I. Kennedy Joyce B. Kidder Morton C. Kimball Richard W. Kirschner Philip N. Kniskem Roy F. Knudsen John B. Koelle Arnold I. Krell Elizabeth A. Kschinka John Ladd Barbara E. Lea Walter H. Leser Joan LeVino Betty Jo Larsh Lewis Lloyd William Lewis Susan M. Lurie Lichten William L. Lichten George Wm. Lloyd Richard P. Longaker Frank J. Ludemann William H. Matchett Margaret Louise MacLaren Ruth Wilcox Mahler Paul C. Mangelsdorf, Jr. Thomas B. McCabe, Jr. William J. McMillan Sara-Page Merritt Marjorie Louise Merwin Frank A. Miller Stephen Mucha Carl G. Mueller Barbara Holly Muller James A. Mumper Albert Thomas Murri John Logan Need Barbara Ann Nelson Thomas G. Nichols Jean Michener Nicholson Mary Cushing Niles Robert Z. Norman Maralyn R. Orbison Barbara A. Beebe Parrish Christian H. Pedersen Edward B. Perkins Jean Marion Ashmead Perkins Thomas F. A. Plaut Colgate S. Prentice David C. Redding Fremont G. Redfield Alan Lee Reinstein Edward Rivlin Kay Iris Ropp Robert J. Rossheim Gordon H. Rowe, Jr. Thomas R. Saunders William C. Schweilde Kathleen M. Scott William M. Seiden Joel L. Siner William J. Spangler Richard A. Spierling Douglas R. Spitz Chalmers C. Stroup, Jr. Edith Williams Swallow Charles E. Taylor, Jr. Jackson Taylor R. Hugh Taylor, Jr. Joan Ellwood Thomas Margaret Ann Thomson George F. Townes Paul B. Trescott Ruth Louise Pretzat Trescott Charlotte Garceau Treuenfels Catherine T. Underhill Laura Reppert Unger Heinz Valtin Paul W. T. Van der Veur Richard W . Walkling Lawrence Weiskrantz Kathleen Blau Weisman Lisbeth R. Wertheimer Betty Lee White Margaret S. White William H. Will Joan U. Williams „ David K. Wifheford David Rutter Work Theodore P. Wright, Jr. Douwe B. Yntema CLASS OF 1950 Chairman: James I. Reilly John Walberg Anderson Anonymous E. Boyd Asplundh Elizabeth M. Ayer Arpine Levoniaii Baghdoyan Patricia Ann Ballagh Samuel Richard Barol 27 William T. Battin Frank Andrew Beldecos Esther Jones Bissell William H. Boyce, 2nd William E. Bradley Philip W . Brickner Dorothy Jane Brodie Janet L. Rentschler Brooks Richard C. Brown Robert B. Brown James G. Carson E. Joseph Chamy Bolling Byrd Clarke Elizabeth B. Clum Richard R. Curtin Richard T. Cushing Edith Thatcher DeBurlo Laura Buck Dennison Priscilla Peirce deVeer John A. deVeer Roy M. Dickinson David H. Doehlert Janet Hostetter Doehlert W . Bruce Douglas Margery Robie Downey William W . Downey, Jr. Mary Janet Dunn Elsa Victoria Ebeling A. Ross Eckler Patricia Ann Edwards Alice Hay Enders Allen C. Enders Frank P. Felton, III James A. Fligg, Jr. Nancy Abbott Foster Heloise Albritton Frame Andrew Frank Christopher Fried John W. Frommer, Jr. Bernard A. Fusaro William W. Gifford John L. Giles Marjorie C. Bertoletti Giles Hope Sieck Gilliams Jean Abbott Goertner John F. Goertner Dona Carrington Goudsmit Jeffery W . Griest Anne Rogers Gruenberg Gwendolyn L. Hamilton Lucille Anne Handwerk Marion June Harkness Robert E. Harris Margaret Hench Rudolf Ernest Hirsch Louis N. Howard Edwin J. Kacprzyk Dorothy Morrow Kennedy Iris Costikyan Kinnard Joséphine S. Krimsky George Adrian Kuyper, Jr. , Patricia Anne Lackey Stuart C. Lane Elliot R. Lang John K. Lawrence Louis E. Levy Shifra Levy James P. Lewis Robert G. McBride Thomas E. McCarthy Glenna Marie Bovee McKnight James T. McKnight John H. McLagan Edward Mahler Richard G. Mason Ruth Hope Merson Orrick Metcalfe, Jr. Clayton L. Miller Sidney H. Mitchell Gordon C. Mochel J. Thomas Montgomery Shirley May Bryan Mucha Peter B. Murray Katashi Oita Marcia E. Olds Gerard K. O’Neill Sylvia Turlington O’Neill Myra Joan Pfau Polly Pinsker John Piper Carol Amster Rivlin Gertrude G. Joch Robinson T. Thacher Robinson Hermann Roether Ralph L. Roy Robert E. Sanders Andrew Segal J. Buckley Shane Georgianna Burch Shepard Charles D. Smith Richard N. Smith Frank Solomon, Jr. Marion W. Sonnenfeld Dirk J. Spruyt L. Janney Stabler, Jr. Carol H. Stein Alden Stevenson Alice Gayley Stone William F. Strauss R. W ood Tate Georgeann C. Thomas Robert K. Thomas Mary Jane Hooper Thompson Jane Totah Edgar Allen Van Deusen Diane Evans Vernon Alice Phair Walkling Dorothy E. Watt William Deering Webster James W . Weston Anthony Lee W olfe Marianne Leas W olfe Charles W . W ood Stephen A. Zellerbach CLASS OF 1953 Gertrude M. Brenken Ann D. Kesten Walter John Szramiak Francis B. Walton CLASS OF 1951 Diane Duke Amussen Roberta M. Grower Carey Helen Leeds Cushman Christine Meyers Jameson Joy Sundgaard Kaiser Sarah Hyslop Spofford SPECIAL AND HONORARY Ruth Potter Ashton Brand Blanshard Janet Bourne Edward Cratsley Hadassah Moore Leeds John W. Nason L. Benjamin Palmer, Treas. Swarthmore Tennis Club Luis Sierra Franklin Willard Smith Harriet M. Welsh Eleanor Goddard Worthen CLASS OF 1952 Morel Baquie Jones Robert L. Sumner, Jr. Mary Avery Witten CLASS OF 1954 Walter B. Christman NAVY Joseph T. Labrum, Jr. Morgan L. Miller Charles C. Timm PREP Laura Beardsley James Bonner, Jr. (Deceased) E. Hibberd Lawrence Beatrice Magill Robinson ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE SWARTHMORE COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Non-Alumni Parents Mrs. Ivan Rupert Adams Dr. & Mrs. Errett C. Albritton Mr. Arthur T. Alike Mrs. Rose S. Allen Mr. Samuel J. Arsht Mr. Ernest E. Ash Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Ayer Mr. & Mrs. John Gordon Baquie Dr. & Mrs. Jules Bebie Dr. & Mrs. Aaron Bell Mrs. Helen Chrystal Bender Mr. Oscar G. Bender Mr. Stanley T. Bennett Mrs. Mamie B. Blumenthal Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brauch Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Breckenridge Mrs. Marie H. Briehl Mr. & Mrs. Edgar S. Brightman Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Burgess Mr. and Mrs. George Calingaert Mr. Samuel M. Carver Rev. & Mrs. J. Russell Chandler Mrs. Russell Chapman Mr. Peter Chomiak Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Cliffe Mr. & Mrs. J. Marshall Cole Mr. Charles E. Coleman Mr. George R. Cooley Mr. James W. Corey Dr. Morris Cornfeld Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Craighill Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Dana Mr. Paul Gray Davis Mr. & Mrs. Willard L. Dayton Mr. Benedict S. Deinard Mr. Dean Dinwoodey Mr. Arthur Donow Mrs. William B. Ebeling Mr. Herbert B. Ehrmann Dr. & Mrs. Stephan Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Esmerian Dr. & Mrs. James M. Faulkner Dr. Jacob Fine The Honorable Ralph E. Flanders Dr. Paul Frank Mr. Joseph J. Gabel Mr. John N. Garver Mr. Cyrus Stokes Gentry Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Glucksman Mrs. I. Cyrus Gordon Dr. Ferenc Grossman Dr. Luther Gulick Mr. & Mrs. Wilder H. Haines Mr. & Mrs. John A. Heavenrich Mrs. Atcheson L. Hench Dr. Francis F. Heyroth Mr. Ralph C. Hill Mr. G. G. Holbrook Mr. & Mrs. Saburo Inouye Mr. Edward Jahoda Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jameson Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Johnson, Jr. Dr. Julian Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Jones Mr. & Mrs. George Kahlenberg Mrs. Arthur E. Keay Mr. Charles F. Kellers Mr. Clarence B. Kenney Mr. Howard Langdon King Mr. Louis K. Kislik Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Klaber Dr. Joseph Krimsky Mr. W. Scott Lane Mr. Harry Lankenau Mr. W. H. Larsh Mr. & Mrs. Morris M. Lee Dr. Isaac Levine Dr. & Mrs. Abram Levy Dr. & Mrs. Harry H. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Lionel F. Levy Mrs. Marion C. Lewis Mr. John C. Litt Dr. Edwin P. Longaker Dr. Harry Joseph Lowen Mrs. Bertha Mack Mr. Harold J. Manson Mr. & Mrs. Henri L. Marindin The Hon. & Mrs. Albert B. Maris Mr. Wesley C. Martin Cmdr. & Mrs. Josiah Merritt Mr. Adolph Millman Mr. Frank R. Morey Dr. John L. Mott Mr. Vitalis Nachmias Dr. Fritz Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Obermayer Dr. William J. Palanky Rev. & Mrs. Arthur E. Paterson Mr. & Mrs. Harold C. Pedersen Mrs. Margaret H. Peele The Honorable Adrian Pelt Mr. Paul L. Penfield Mrs. James L. Pennock Mr. & Mrs. Milo Perkins Dr. Dryden L. Phelps Mrs. Henry A. Piper Mr. & Mrs. Louis L. Popky Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Potthoff Mr. Charles Mason Powell Mr. Edward J. Poynton Dr. Hiram Randall Mr. Henry Rau, Jr. Dr. I. S. Ravdin Mr. Frederic W. Reuter Dr. Jonathan E. Rhoads Mrs. Hugh F. Ringo Mr. Benjamin Rivlin Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Max Rosen Mr. Lawrence B. Rossbach Mrs. Joseph Scattergood Dr. & Mrs. A. B. Schwartz Mr. D. L. Sears Mr. & Mrs. Charles Segal Dr. & Mrs. Elmer L. Sevringhaus Dr. A. Maxwell Sharpe Mrs. S. W. Singer Mrs. Augusta Slesinger Mr. William W. Slocum Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Snyder Mrs. William Soherr Dr. & Mrs. Merrill C. 'Sosman Mr. George F. Spaulding Mr. S. Stem Mr. & Mrs. John R. Stoltze Mr. Mead W . Stone Mrs. William E. Sturgeon Mr. Paul C. Tapley Mr. John Thies Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Thimann Dr. Eugene L. Thomas Mrs. Frances G.. Thompson Mr. John W. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. VanDeusen Mrs. Max Victor Dr. Selman A. Waksman Dr. Jacob Walker Mr. Samuel O. Warburton Mr. Carl W. Waterson Mr. Philip D. Wesson Mr. & Mrs. Leonard R. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Whitman Mrs. H. L. Winer Dr. Asher Winkelstein Mr. L. E. Winkler Mr. & Mrs, Harry A. Winne Dr. G. I. Winston Dr. Florence Clothier Wislocki Mrs. Howard J. W ood, Sr. Dr. Philip D. Woodbridge Mr. & Mrs. Theodore P. Wright Mr. Theodore O. Yntema Mr. Robert H. Youman Mrs. Arthur M. Young Dr. Frederick A. Zucker Foundations and Corporations Catherwood Foundation Creth and Sullivan Grant Foundation Harper Brothers Presser Foundation Research Corporation Scott Paper Company Friends of Swarthmore American Veterans’ Committee Anonymous (2) Dr. & Mrs. Frank Aydelotte Mr. Homer D. Babbidge, Jr. The Honorable Curtis Bok 28 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence E. Clewell Miss Frances Dickinson (Deceased) Mr, Frank P. Felton (Deceased) Mrs. Charles E. Hirst Mr. Charles F. Jenkins (Deceased) Mrs. Alma Bennett Jones (Deceased) Mary W . Lippincott (Deceased) Mr. David B. Rushmore (Deceased) Mrs. Philip C. Snow Miss Mary Laura Sproul (Deceased) Swarthmore Alumnae Club of Phila. Dr. Robert M. Walker Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Whittlesey Mr. John C. Wister The Garnet Letter RECAPITULATION OF ALUMNI GIFTS BY CLASS June 30, 1951 THE PARENTS’ COMMITTEE FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Chairman The Honorable Ralph E. Flanders, The United States Senate, M. Fred Cartoun, Chairman of the Board, Longines-Wittnauer Watch Company Frank B. Cliffe, Treasurer H. J. Heinz Company George R. Cooley, Investment Banker Albany, New York Dorothy Canfield Fisher, Author Arlington, Vermont Cyrus S. Gentry, Attorney Pleasantville, New York Malcolm M. Hargraves, M.D. Rochester, Minnesota Lionel F. Levy, Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania John L. Mott, Director * International House, New York City Sterling North, Literary Editor New York W orld Telegram Adrian Pelt United Nations Commissioner in Libya Milo Perkins, Management Consultant Washington, D. C. Harry Scherman, President Book-of-the-Month Club, Inc. New York City Charles Segal, Attorney New York City George F. Spaulding, Vice-Pres. The Northern Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois John R. Stoltze, President Maple Island Farms Saint Paul, Minnesota Clarence K. Streit, President Federal Union, Inc. Washington, D. C. Edgar Turlington, Attorney Peaslee and Turlington Washington, D. C. Professor Harold C. Urey Institute for Nuclear Studies, Chicago, Illinois L. E. Winkler, President Rock Island Refining Corp., Indianapolis, Indiana Florence Clothier Wislocki, M.D. Milton, Massachusetts C lass No. OF D onors % P a r t ic i PATION A lu m n i F und T otal C o n ­ t r ib u t io n s 1878 through 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 83 21 17 14 9 7 14 34.15 ' 47.72 39.53 41.17 21.95 28.00 32.55 $10,880.00 757.00 3,103.00 1,175.00 390.00 201.00 425.00 $13,880.00 757.00 6,837.00 1,175.00 390.00 201.00 425.00 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 23 18 17 17 13 45 36 21 41 28 53.48 32.14 36.95 41.46 24.52 60.81 54.54 39.62 43.61 36.84 764.00 2,992.00 1,268.00 558.00 1,145.00 2,193.00 3,200.00 1,514.00 1,208.00 2,585,00 764.00 2,992.00 1,313.00 558.00 13,645.00 2,193.00 3,200.00 1,514.00 1,208.00 2,685.00 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 35 41 38 39 39 47 45 30 39 43 35.00 45.05 32.20 33.05 35.45 43.11 36.58 25.42 30.70 36.13 1,496.00 1,690.00 1,965.00 3,675.00 3,789.00 1,689.00 3,030.00 1,943.50 1,980.50 519.00 1,496.00 2,315.00 1,965.00 3,675.00 18,914.00 1,689.00 3,036.00 1,943.50 1,980.50 519.00 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 49 39 49 44 60 72 79 62 56 50 24.74 20.74 32.02 25.58 38.96 42.85 43.88 36.04 35.44 33.78 883.50 1,675.00 1,782.50 1,039.00 1,708.50 1,175.50 1,706.00 1,317.00 1,643.00 1,012.00 883.50 1,675.00 1,782.50 1,039.00 1,881.50 1,175.50 1,706.00 1,317.00 1,643.00 1,012.00 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 91 46 54 56 42 56 78 77 76 70 50.27 26.74 29.67 29.47 26.92 33.13 38.61 36.15 40.21 31.11 1,631.51 868.50 1,341.50 1,142.50 463.00 946.50 1,196.00 1*087.75 1,114.50 629.00 1,646.51 868.50 1,341.50 1,142.50 463.00 946.50 1,196.00 1,087.75 1,114.50 629.00 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 96 50.52 39.53 34.84 34.48 29.41 32.09 29.32 33.71 43.14 34.38 736.41 730.50 2,085.00 891.48 695.50 736.50 504.50 975.45 841.10 955.50 736.41 730.50 2,085.00 94L50 695.50 736.50 504.50 975.45 841.10 955.50 68 100 70 75 78 61 88 151 131 x-51 x-52 x-53 x-54 6 3 3 1 15.00 25.00 16.20 1.00 15.00 25.00 16.20 1.00 Special Honorary Prep Navy 9 2 4 3 481.00 115.00 257.00 14.50 481.00 115.00 257.00 14.50 $90,574.42 $125,947.42 TOTAL 2,975 36.00 29 October, 1951 H O M E C O M IN G D A Y November 17, 1951 P R O G R A M 2 :0 0 P. M . FOOTBALL GAM E S w a r th m o r e vs. H a v e r f o r d T ic k e t s : by $ 2 .4 0 in c lu d in g ta x. s e n d in g a d d re sse d order, s ta m p e d T ic k e ts m a y b e o b t a in e d a c c o m p a n ie d by ch eck e n v e lo p e th e A t h le t ic S w a r th m o r e C o lle g e . to and se lf- O ffic e , C h e c k s s h o u ld b e m a d e p a y a b le to S w a r th m o r e C o lle g e . T h e r e w ill b e a lim ite d re se rv e d se ctio n . 4 :0 0 P. M . A L U M N I T E A in B o n d M e m o r ia l 5 :3 0 to D IN N E R 6 :3 0 P. M . IN COLLEGE D IN IN G ROOM A lt h o u g h n o s p e cia l d in n e r is p la n n e d y o u a re c o r d ia lly in v ite d to e a t at c o lle g e . C o s t $ 1 .0 0 . I f y o u p la n t o stay f o r d in n e r p le a s e m a k e re se rv a tio n s t h r o u g h th e A lu m n i O ffic e . 7 :4 5 P. M . HAM BURG 1 6 th ). 9 :0 0 P. M . SHOW (A ls o F r id a y e v e n in g , N o v e m b e r T ic k e ts a v a ila b le at th e d o o r . ALU M N I DANCE in P a rrish The Swarthmore-Haverford soccer game will be played Friday, November 16th, at Haverford. Tim e: 2: 30 P . M.