arshaling in change ■ ... A fte r a tenure dating back rou gh ly to th e b ig bang, Paul C. M an gelsdorf Jr. ’49, the M orris L. C loth ier P ro fes s o r Emeritus o f Physics, hands o v e r th e staff o f o ffic e as th e C o llege’s m arshal to C onstance Cain H ungerford p rio r to C om m encem en t in June. H ungerford, p ro fessor o f art history, n o w takes on th e duties o f marshal, w h ich include organizing and leading th e p rocession s and cerem on ies for C om m encem ent, Baccalaureate, and presidential inaugurations. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN • A U G U S T 1994 4 In the Beginning It seems natural to assume that there was a beginning, a tim e when tim e began. Physicist John M ather ’68 and his team o f NASA scientists set out to explore that beginning and found remnants o f the prim eval explosion that created the universe. By Jeffrey Lott 10 W ild B easts w ith W onderful Tales Take a chest o f cardboard, old curtains, and other materials, m ix in hundreds o f children, letM arya Ursin 71 stir in her talents as a dancer and mime, and you have the m agical world o f Mystic Paper Beasts, creating stories from myths around the world. Photographs b y Deng-Jeng Lee Editor: Jeffrey Lott Associate Editor: Rebecca Aim Assistant Editor: Kate Downing Class Notes Editor: Nancy Lehman ’87 Desktop Publishing: Audree Penner Designer: Bob Wood Editor Emerita: Maralyn Orbison Gillespie ’49 Associate Vice President for External Affairs Barbara Haddad Ryan ’59 Cover: Cosmologist John Mather ’68 has spent 20 years studying the origin of the universe. Story on page 4. Photograph by Bruce Reedy ’ 68. P r in te d in U .S.A o n R e c y c le d P a p e r The Swarthmore College Bulletin ( ISSN 0888-2126), o f which this is volum e XCI, num ber 6, is published in September, Decem ber, January, February, May, and August by Swarthmore College, 500 Col­ 14 And in the C e nte r Ring... Entrepreneur M ickey Herbert ’67, founder o f one o f Am erica s first HMOs, indulges in colorful outrageousness to help raise funds for the two dozen events surrounding the annual Bamum Festival in Bridgeport, Conn. O ldP.T. would have been proud. By Bill Kent 18 M iracle As he left to cover South A frica ’s first all-race elections for National Public Radio, M ichael Fields ’69 had doubts that the event would ever take place. A month later he witnessed the peaceful transition from white-minority rule to democracy. By Michael R e id s ’69 64 S ta yin g P ow er A fter 82 years and m ore than 90,000 plates o f about 1,500 star systems, Sproul Observatory and Wulff D. Heintz, current professor o f astronomy, have closed the book on the College’s program o f photographic observations o f the heavens. By Jeffrey Lott 2 Letters lege A venue, Swarthmore P A 190811397. Telephone (6 1 0 ) 328-8401. E-mail Second class 22 The College postage paid at Swarthmore P A and 30 Class Notes additional mailing offices. Permit No. 0530-620. Postmaster: Send address changes to Swarthmore College Bul­ letin, 500 College Avenue, Swarthmore P A 19081-1397. Text b y Rebecca A im 29 Alum ni Digest 37 Deaths 58 Recent Books b y Alum ni ■ he last time w e ran a story about scientific research on the origin of life on Earth ( “Strewn From the Stars,” August 1991) w e got a long letter from Leonard Willinger ’58 saying that w e had missed the Biblical boat. For sev­ eral months after w e published his criticism, the Rev. Willinger and I conducted a lively personal correspondence about science and religion, ending in a philosophical impasse that each of us had to accept. We couldn’t agree on The Beginning— or much of any­ thing else— but the chance to sharpen and defend our views was a w elcom e challenge. Cosmologist John Mather ’68 is investigating the origin of the universe from a purely scientific perspective ( “In the Beginning,” page 4). He asserts that it is not the work of science to either prove or disprove the existence of God. Finding a spiritual force behind the big bang is “way beyond m y capabilities,” says Mather. Yet because his ground­ breaking research encroaches on a realm of thought once exclusively occupied by religion, he is often asked the God question. I wonder what might happen if scientists like John Mather were able to develop a perfectly under­ standable, absolutely irrefutable explanation of the origin of the universe. Would the weight of their evidence and the beauty of their logic convince us that som e knowable physical or chemical process gave us the Earth, the stars, and our awareness of them? Will the human mind ever be able to discover the workings of a universe in which w e are but specks of barely conscious dust? Since Galileo’s time, science has enlarged our knowledge and challenged our beliefs. The 20th century creation story known as the big bang is the latest in a long line of creation stories that stretch back to the dawn of human thought— except that it may turn out to be empirically “true.” If it is accepted as such, cosm ol­ ogy itself could be elevated to the status of religion, with Coperni­ cus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and Hubble as its saints— and sci­ entists like John Mather as its reluctant priests. Perhaps that’s already happened. The legacy of 400 years of scientific thought has made me skeptical about anything that can’t be supported by experiment or observation. I’m not a literalist about Genesis, but I constantly hedge. For me, the non-rationality of the Bible’s creation story doesn’t necessarily rule out a spiritual force behind the universe. Despite all the evidence, I can’t think of m y relationship to the stars as a strictly physical process. There are days when I often find m ore solace in myths than facts. — J.L. 2 L E î1 ,T What Fun! What Memories! To the Editor: With graduation gloriously behind us, I have had time to read cover to cover (a first for me as we get six different alumni magazines) the latest Swarthmore College Bulletin. What fun! What memories! What f a superb job you did in covering four very complicated years and tur­ bulent times for all of us. The vari­ ety of articles was truly reflective of the many faces of Swarthmore’s accomplished alumni. ! As a member of Courtney Smith’s family, I was deeply moved by the Stapletons’ article [“The Challenge of Change” ] and now look quite differently at this man I hardly knew. It touched some deep feelings I forgot were there, and I look forward to their book coming out soon. Courtney’s granddaughter Emily Smith [’94] and grandson Eliot Ingram [’94] looked wonderful walk- ' ing out of the Scott Outdoor Auditorium on May 30 with diplomas in hand. I know he was watching. PEGGY SMITH (Mrs. Courtney Smith Jr.) ' Philadelphia h( Pi at th tii th nf M w> & he m th he Ne M N< T( sc “F at ci pi [F n« th Pressing Browne on Vietnam fo To the Editor: Oi The four Chinese businessmen be whose executions Malcolm Browne ot ’52 witnessed [“Blood, Ink, and bl T ears,” May 1994 Bulletin ]— howevin er guilty they themselves may have of been of profiteering— were sacrifi[ wi cial lambs offered up by Air Vice ' he Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky to divert attention from himself and the many oj other Saigon generals and governm ment officials who were among the th most corrupt and successful rackefo teers and profiteers in Vietnam, yet qi Browne’s recounting of the execuA tions makes no mention of this. la Moreover, “the street-corner exevt cution” of the suspected Viet Cong cl guerrilla by Col. Nguyen Ngoc Loan w, took place in the midst of the Tet in offensive of 1968 and had nothing - er whatever to do with Ky cracking the ot whip and wanting the world to fo know, as Browne asserts. Indeed, ( Pc Loan was not Ky’s police chief and interior minister, but rather General s he Nguyen Van Thieu’s, Thieu having sp supplanted Ky as South Vietnam’s SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN TiT E R S id to at- lat f turi! of th’s e ¡e lifI It 9 head of government in 1967. And all this from the pen of a Pulitzer Prize-winning senior writer at The New York Times, the best of the best in his profession. The next time you pick up a paper or flip on the radio or watch the six o’clock news, you might ponder that. WILLIAM D. EHRHART 73 Philadelphia Malcolm Browne responds: “Loan was Ky’s adjutant and police chief before Thieu became president, and he continued in that role. ( I was myself once arrested by Loan during the Ky era.) Mr. Ehrhart seems to have little use for the Afnerican press. Neither did Loan, Ky, or Thieu. ” MOVE a Cult, Not a Pressure Group ily To the Editor: I wonder if I might comment ilk- ' somewhat belatedly on the article to“Fighting Words,” describing Associ­ ate Professor Robin Wagner-Pacifici’s book on the City of PhiladelITH phia’s handling of the MOVE crisis Jr.) ’ [February 1994 Bulletin]. Dr. Waghia ' ner-Pacifici apparently begins with the assumption that MOVE was a I form of protest or pressure group. On the contrary, it was a cult. Its behavior, including the use of ae obscene language, foul odors, and blaring loudspeakers, was not :vintended to communicate but to /e offend, thereby enforcing cohesion I within the group by arousing the 1 hostility of those outside it. The article quotes the actual (as iny opposed to the officially reported) message shouted into a bullhorn by e the police commissioner when his eforce surrounded MOVE’S headst quarters: “Attention MOVE, this is America. You have to abide by the laws of the United States.” In my ceview this message was admirably l clear and correct. Unfortunately, it n was delivered years too late. The impotence of the bureaucracy in - enforcing health, sanitation, and he other laws and regulations that exist for the common good had already ( passively validated MOVE’S tactics. 1 t Obviously, the assault on the al '' house was a disaster in every re­ spect. There was a monstrous failPlease turn to page 28 l AUGUST 1994 rehistoric humans had cave paint­ should com e your way/Who doesn’t share your jo y today/The hell with ings, ancient Egyptians had tomb hieroglyphics, and this spring Swarth’em.” And ph ilosophical m eanderings: more students had a wall of Pearson Hall to record their thoughts— uh well, “May those who love us, love us. And those who don’t, may God turn their make that graffiti. Just weeks before the Franklin Mint hearts. If he doesn’t turn their hearts, Credit Union office in Pearson Hall was may he turn their ankles, so we’ll know them by their limping.” to undergo major renovations, teller The wall contained various works of Anna Feeny put out a basket of colored art, floral arrangements, vines, frogs, markers and encouraged students to and even a Chinese dragon. A bald write or draw their thoughts on the office walls before they were demol­ stick figure w earing a tulip shirt is ished. Someone labeled it “The Wall of pulling a string through its head and Angst.” out each ear. Future art his­ torians might decipher this If College archivists were as c le a rly in d ica tin g the to p re serv e the w all, how wealth of brain mass of the would researchers decipher cam pus n atives. A n oth er these glyphs in 1,000 years? cartoon character with three S ociologists w ould first delve into the deep thoughts strands of hair and big ears proclaims in a bubble near ex pressed on the w all its head, “W onder why I’m through famous quotations happy? I’ll be done soon. such as “Hacia La V ictoria Siempre— ‘Che’ Guevara.” Or, Yeh right. I wish.” T h ere’s juxtaposed d irectly below also a magic marker scoreboard that scores a gam e that, the thought-provoking, “Suckin’ on chili dogs outside betw een the Realists and Idealists. In each of the 10 the T a stee F reeze— John innings, the Idealists receive ‘Cougar’ Mellencamp.” zero points, while the Real­ And lest one ever question ists score anyw here from Swarthmore’s commitment to m ulticulturalism , one has zero to four. The final score: only to translate messages in Idealists-17; Realists-0. Go figure. the script of Swahili ( “I’ll see The wall contained some you later”), Russian ( “Good thou gh ts that even grea t luck to good people— those paleon tologists (le t alone w ho can read and cannot cu rren t a d m in istra to rs) read this inscription. Anka”), would be hard pressed to fig­ German ( “Always sing a song ure out: “Oops! Sorry! My in you r heart. Evil p eo p le karma ran o v er your d og­ don ’t have songs” ), urban ma” ; “May Godspeed bless street lingo ( “Nuff respec due the feet of your holy camel”; tu yuh wall”), Greek ( “Greek “Peace, Love, and Hamsters.” Islands and dry bread”), and Finally, there are numerFrench ( “ Swat: Em brassez ous referen ces to classes mon derrière”). There’s even graffiti for the mathe­ and exams being over. There are the matically inclined. OK, kids, put your counters: “ 17 more days and I’m outta here, Praise God,” wrote a student high thinking caps on: above a coat rack. “Only 5 more days 13q + q + 2 (3 q ) _ 9 and I’m done. I am envious of all the 2 Math wizard Don Shimamoto, associ­ rest of you who are having fun.” “Good­ ate professor and chair of the Mathe­ bye Swat: It’s been four LONG years.” matics Dept., calculated the answer And there are those who express a more laid-back attitude toward finals. and chuckled for a good 20 seconds before declaring, “The answer is lOq. I “I am NOT stressed!” w rote one stu­ dent, using a thick marker to stress the think it’s som eon e’s w ay of saying word not. “W elcom e to thesis hell,” ‘Thank you.’” Archaeologists might conclude that wrote another. “Stress is a good thing ... re a lly !” And this last calm ing the student body has a flair for the poetic, such as in this sweet verse: thought: “ N ow the inm ates are in “Share a joke/Hum a song/Pass some charge of the asylum.— Finals ’94 ” — Audree Penner sp ec ia l jo y along/And if som eon e B P 0 S T 1 N G s ■ The Cosmic Background Explorer satellite made “the discovery o f the century, if not o f a ll time. ” And John M ather ’68 gets a lot o f the credit. 0, By Jeffrey Lott | sk I sc fn th 4 AL SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN eeting John Mather ’ 68, you’d n e v e r guess that his w ork has r e v o lu t io n iz e d ou r knowledge of the early universe. His unpretentious office at NASA’s God­ dard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., could be the lair of any busy pro­ fessor. Books and papers cover every available shelf and surface. A black­ board lists u pcom in g w ritin g p ro j­ ects— papers due, presentations, a book. Tw o computer screens glow on a government-issue desk, and the gray metal chairs look a mite uncomfort­ able, especially for the plainspoken 6foot-5-inch physicist. On the windowsill behind him sits a shiny foot-high model of the project that has been his life for the past 20 years, the Cosmic Background Explor­ er (COBE) satellite. In the scientific community, it’s what sets John Math­ er apart from the crowd. Cradling the m odel in his hands, Mather m od estly refers to the p io ­ neering sp a c ec ra ft as “ our e x p e ri­ ment.” Launched into Earth orbit in 1989, th e COBE m ea su red and mapped the faint microwave radiation left o v er from the origin of the uni­ verse. And though Mather w ill only say cautiously that “the COBE results are consistent with the theory of cos­ mic in fla tio n ,” p h y s ic is t S tep h en Hawking has described the COBE find­ ings as “the discovery of the century, if not of all time.” “All time” is a pretty big order, but in a w ay it’s m ore than h yperbole. Because that’s what John Mather and his colleagues are really exploring— all time, right back to the beginning. It seem s natural to assum e that there was a beginning, a tim e when time began, that the physical universe has not always existed as w e know it today. Human beings seem to have embraced this assumption all along. The Bible starts with a creation story, and religion and m yth from nearly every culture have sought to explain the mysteries of the physical world. In this century astronomers, physi­ cists, and mathematicians have given us a different idea of the beginning— a M Opposite: A microwave map o f the whole sky from the COBE satellite shows largescale variations in the initial radiation from the big bang that are the “seeds” of the stars and galaxies o f today. AUGUST 1994 radiation (CMBR) could be the key to understanding— even p rovin g — the big bang theory. In the nearly 30 years since Penzias and Wilson, there have been numerous attempts to study and measure it, but so far M ather’s has clearly been the most successful. The big bang story begins in the 1920s with the discovery by astron­ omer Edwin Hubble that the universe is expanding. Hubble found that the galaxies are rushing away from each other at terrific speed and that the far­ osmologists ask how w e got here thest away (and thus the oldest) are from then. Th is c o n fla tio n o f receding the fastest. space ( “h ere”) and tim e ( “then”) is One implication of Hubble’s discov­ not accidental. In the scientific cre­ ery was obviou s: If the u niverse is ation story, space and time are inex­ expanding, it has to be expanding from something. If you pressed the tricable. When we look out into space, w e’re looking back in time. W e see the Universe Rewind Button on your cos­ sun as it was about eight minutes ago, mic VCR, the galaxies w ould hurtle back tow ard each other. Space and and light from the next nearest star is time would shrink to a single point, to th e b e g in n in g , and w ith in th is infinitesimal point would be found all of the matter in the universe. Hit Play and bang! here it com es again— or rather, here w e come. “At first it was very hard for many p e o p le to a c c e p t th at th is g re a t expansion could have happened at all,” says Mather. “But scientifically there are only a few choices. Either th ere was an origin at a particular tim e or th ere w a sn ’t. And if th ere wasn’t, then we would want to explain that too.” Even A lb e r t Ein stein w as m ade uncomfortable by Hubble’s discovery. about four years old when it falls on our eyes. On a clear dark night, w e E in stein ’ s th e o r ie s had fa v o re d a can look back thousands of years, but m ore stable universe, but it becam e a p paren t that c o sm ic eq u ilib riu m that’s nowhere near the beginning. With great telescopes w e can see a would require a balance of forces that could not be stable. Says Mather, “It lot farther. Instruments like the Hale at Mount Palom ar and the H ubble w ould be like standing a pencil on end.” And not on the eraser, either. Space Telescope w ere built to look to But h ow can w e know that this th e v e r y e d g e o f v is ib le tim e and explosion actually took place? sp ace— som e 15 b illion light years “Hot bod ies like the Sun radiate away. Yet even they can’t see back to m ost o f th eir e n erg y at v e r y sh ort the v e ry beginning. Th at’s because the oldest remnant of tim e d oesn ’t w a v e le n g th s ,” e x p la in s M a th er. “ Som ething as hot as the big bang glow like a galaxy; it just hums very must have been filled with an enor­ faintly like radio static in the cosmic mous am ount o f ra d ia tio n .” In the distance. 1940s Russian-born physicist George It’s a signal first identified by Bell Laboratories researchers Arno Pen- G am ow and his c o lle a g u e s R alph zias and Robert W ilson in 1965, the Alpher and Robert Herman had pro­ posed that some of the radiation from y ea r John M ather was a freshm an physics m ajor at Swarthm ore. Cos­ the primeval explosion might still be out there. m ologists knew right away that this “I think it might have been possible faint cosm ic m icrow ave background sc ien tific cre a tio n s to r y b ased on their methods of theory, observation, and proof. Th ese scientists, known c o lle c tiv e ly as co sm olog ists, h ave m erged astronom ical evid en ce and theoretical physics into the big bang theory, a creation story whose power is derived more from logic than mys­ tery. Now, in the minds of many, the research led by John Mather has just about rem o v ed the w o rd “th e o r y ” from the big bang. C T h e oldest remnant of time doesn’t glow like a galaxy; it just hums faintly like radio static in the cosmic distance. 5 to find this radiation at that tim e,” speculates Mather, “but no serious efforts w ere m ade.” Nearly 20 years passed b e fo r e Pen zias and W ilson made their N obel Prize-w inning dis­ covery. What they found (while trying to turn a primitive satellite communi­ ca tio n s antenna in to a ra d io te le ­ scope) was a distinct m icrowave sig­ ned that seemed to come from every­ w here. It bathed the universe in all directions and it seem ed remarkably co n s ta n t w h e r e v e r su b s e q u e n t researchers pointed their sensors. y the time John Mather received a Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1974, the big bang theory was w idely accepted. But th ere w ere som e serious ques­ tions, like: Is the CMBR truly an arti­ fact of the origin of the universe, or m ight this e n erg y h ave co m e from something that happened later? The COBE instrument for w hich M ather was the principal investigator sought to answer this crucial question. His idea since graduate school had been to compare the spectrum of the background radiation to what’s called a “blackbody” spectrum— a theoreti­ cal benchmark for all cosmic radiation worked out by Max Planck in the last years of the 19th century. M ather’s ingenious, liquid helium-cooled detec­ tor aboard the COBE made 10 months’ worth of measurements and showed that the CMBR spectrum was exactly on the p re d ic te d cu rve. Th ou gh it didn’t make headlines, the first public announcem ent o f th ese findings in January 1990 caused an audience of m ore than 1,000 norm ally skeptical astronomers to burst into applause. Interpreting these data, Mather is a bit less cautious: “W e can now say that the big bang was com pleted in the first instant, that no other energy was released from other sources after the origin a l e v e n t,” he w ro te . “W e th in k that th e u n iv e rs e r e a lly did expand from a hot and dense earlier condition.” Another crucial big bang question B Top: A computer-generated map o f one million galaxies shows how they are organized in huge strands. Cosmologists have now traced this structure to just 300,000 years after the big bang. Bottom: John Mather, with a model o f the COBE satellite in the background. was: How could billions of stars and galaxies have evolved from a primeval explosion that seemed to be unvary­ ing in every direction? If the radiation and matter from the early universe were exactly the same ev ery w h ere (is o tr o p ic is the w ord used by physicists), how could matter have begu n to clu m p t o g e th e r to make stars and galaxies? The forces that pushed early atom s into huge galactic structures should be appar­ ent in v a r ia tio n s in th e CMBR (anisotropy, it’s called). Otherwise, the first atoms (m ostly hydrogen and h eliu m ) w o u ld h a v e ju st kep t on expanding their separate ways forev­ er. But the CMBR seemed to be per­ fectly smooth; no one had been able to find any lumps— uijtil the COBE. O ne o f th e s a t e llite ’ s cro w n in g achievem ents was to find and map that anisotropy— the seeds of the uni­ verse. T h e announcem ent of these findings in April 1992 made worldwide headlines. T h e COBE sh ow ed that abou t 300,000 y e a rs a fte r th e b ig bang, the universe already show ed enough variation in tem perature to account for the formation of the huge clusters of galaxies that populate it today. (For more on the COBE experi­ ments, see page 8.) o n s id e rin g th e su ccess o f the COBE, it’s ironic that John Mather once vow ed never to try another cos­ m ology experiment. He had tried to measure the CMBR as a graduate stu­ dent, but by the time he left Berkeley, his complicated experiment involving detectors on a high-altitude balloon was still incom plete. Frustrated, he was moving on to a radio astronomy post in New York, saying that cosmol­ ogy experiments w ere “too hard and give only a few numbers.” But he ch an ged his m ind w hen NASA called for satellite proposals in late 1974. He remembers the genesis of the COBE project in characteristi­ cally spare terms: “W e pulled a little team together and wrote a little piece of paper that said, ‘H ere’s our idea and w e’re pretty good at what w e do, so why don’t you talk to us?”’ He says he never expected much to happen, but “ after a cou p le of years, NASA said it was a good enough idea that we should study it some more.” In 1976 M ather m oved to NASA/ C AUGUST 1994 Goddard to head a group of six scien­ tists charged with designing, building, and launching the COBE. In addition to Mather, the initial group included Sam Guilds of the Jet Propulsion Lab, M ic h a el H auser o f NASA, G e o rg e Sm oot of the U n iversity of California-Berkeley, Ray Weiss of MIT, and Dave Wilkinson of Princeton. (Coinci­ dentally, Wilkinson, an early investiga­ to r of the CMBR, had been on e of Mather’s Honors examiners at Swarthmore in 1968.) In 1982 NASA finally gave the goahead to build the 5-ton sa tellite , scheduling it for launch on the space shuttle. “It was almost built in 1986 when the Challenger exploded,” says Mather, fidgeting a little at the memo­ ry. “W e had to go back to the drawing board.” of the COBE’s crowning achievements was to find and map the seeds of the galactic universe. The months after the Challenger d is a s te r w e r e p r o b a b ly th e m ost intense of the entire project. Scien­ tists and engineers at Goddard com ­ pletely redesigned the COBE, cutting its weight in half in order to fit it into the nose cone of a Delta rocket, the only launch vehicle available after the shuttle was grounded. “It hit us pretty hard,” says Mather. “But always the job in front of us was how to get from here to the next step, and if som ething looked like it was g oin g to sto p us, w ell, it w as just another thing to be overcom e. With the COBE w e were trying to do things a thousand times better than anyone had done before. There were a whole lot of things to learn along the way, and it’s really tough, it takes a lot of effort.” Was he ever discouraged? “I can’t say that I was. I tend to be the kind of person w ho just dives in and does something. When w e started off, no on e to ld us th at it w o u ld tak e 15 years. I just said to myself, ‘Well, this is fun e v e r y day. I’m n ot g o in g to w orry about whether it’s going to take another day— I’m just going to do it.” ust doing it” appears to have been John M a th er’s sty le lon g b e fo re Nike shoes made it a national cliché. Mather knew as a high school student that he wanted to be a physicist. He was adm itted to Harvard, MIT, and Swarthm ore, ch oosin g Sw arthm ore partly because of its size and setting. He had grown up on a dairy farm in New Jersey, where his father was an agricultural researcher, and “Swarth­ m o re fe lt c o m fo r ta b le — sa fe and green and peaceful. A lso, it had an integrated program. If you wanted to study physics, they m ade sure that you got all of the basics. It was a good place to sit down and study.” A n d stu d y he did, m o v in g in to sophom ore-level physics in the mid­ dle of his freshman year and graduat­ ing with Highest Honors. On receiving his second degree from the College this June— an honorary Doctor of Sci­ ence— Mather told the 1994 graduates that “Swarthmore was the first place I could really becom e a professional scientist and like it.” He also found that “the world was set up to reward people who w ere good at this. I could go ahead and follow my heart.” W hen he was a student, M ather ex p la in s, th e C old W ar w as at its height and the United States had a deep inferiority complex about its sci­ ence education. “W e w ere so sure that the Russians w ere going to take over that w e gave every kid who wanted to do science every possible advantage. It was actually very, very good for sci­ ence, and for the country too, though the paranoia wasn’t so good.” Another of Mather’s remarks to the Class of 1994 brought the only sponta­ neous applau se o f the C om m ence­ ment exercises: “Cooperation works better than competition when you are trying to get something done. There’s no point in trying to be first if you’re all riding in one canoe.” (See page 23 for a lon ger excerp t from M ath er’s talk.) W henever Mather talks about the COBE project, he uses the word “we.” (H e e v e n a ttrib u te s th e c a n o e J 7 metaphor to a co-worker, Marty Donohoe.) The initial team of six scientists even tu a lly beca m e 20, and th e y in turn w orked with hundreds of engi­ neers, technicians, and project man­ agers— even NASA la w y ers— to get the satellite built. “If you count every­ body who worked on the COBE,” says Mather, “there are about 1,500 p eo­ ple.” “Th e canoe can be as big as you want it to be,” Mather explains. “The boundaries are artificial. W e can draw little circles and say, ‘Well, this per­ son’s in this group and they’re work­ ing on this p ro b lem ,’ but th a t’s all descriptive. In the largest sense, all liv­ ing things on this planet are in one canoe.” Y e t the advan cem en t o f scien ce has traditionally depended on friendly competition between scientists. “You need the com petitive part to assure that the best ideas actually surface,” ^ \ s k e d if he thinks there was spiritual force behind the big bang, Mather is concise: “That’s way beyond my capabilities.” says Mather. “It really makes people’s creative thoughts w ork a lot better. But when you have a big group like the COBE team, you have to cooper­ ate with each other. It doesn’t always m ean b ein g p o lite and nice. If the other guy is wrong, you ought to tell him because w e’re all in this together and w e ’ re all g o in g to b e w ro n g together. There’s a duty for people to tell the truth as best they know it.” B ig tea m s a n s w e rin g b ig q u e s ­ tions— it’s called Big Science and is often criticized for its need for Big Money. Mather unashamedly defends the $300 million cost of the COBE project: “It’s a uniquely human opportunity for us. I certainly don’t want to live in a world where everyone says, ‘Well, it’s just too expensive to have an adven­ ture, so w e ’re all just g o in g to sit hom e.’ T ry to picture an ideal world w here every on e is clothed and fed, w h ere no one is p o o r or suffering. What would w e want to do then? Well, w e ’ d w ant to do w hat w e ’re doin g now. It seems to me if w e pretend we have to wait until some other problem is solved first, then w e’re never going to get anywhere. W e have to take on the challenges w e see when w e see them.” NASA scientists admit that there is no practical application for the COBE resea rch . “ But,” says M ather, “ fo r what w e got, it seems like a bargain. You can say, ‘Well, that answer itself was worth that amount of money,’ but there is no absolute scale for that. Or you could look at how hard it is to get that answer in some other way. There w ere well over 100 CMBR experiments done before the COBE, and not all of them w ere cheap. Th e pred ecessor experiments showed that w e needed this kind of project to get w here we got.” ow much is it really worth to find out about The Beginning? And if it becam e possible for science to fully explain the orig in o f the u niverse, would that be enough to satisfy the human spirit? G eorge Sm oot of the COBE team got a lot of attention at an April 1992 press conference when he said of the CMBR anisotropy map, “If you’re reli­ gious, it’s like looking at God.” Some thou gh t Sm oot was taking a cheap publicity shot, but Mather calls it “a more or less spontaneous thought. He was just trying to make it seem inter­ esting and important.” N e v e r th e le s s , th e use o f G od metaphors to describe the COBE find­ ings bothers Mather. “Within science w e d o n ’t h ave a stu dy of G od ,” he says. “It’s not our territory. If you real­ ly want to know how people feel and think, cosm ologists aren’t the right people to ask. A lot of people want us to tell them that our measurements agree with their Biblical theory of reli­ gion. But many others have m oved beyond worrying about detailed com­ parisons [of scientific discoveries] to ph ysical features d escrib ed in reli­ gious literature. I think that the real Please turn to page 62 H Aslightl • B i he Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE, rhymes with M oby) ■ satellite was the platform for three separate experiments. It was launched into polar orbit by a Delta rocket in December 1989. With its solar panels deployed, it measured 19 feet by 26 feet and weighed 5,000 pounds at launch. Its primary objec­ tive was to investigate tw o radiative remnants of the early universe: the cosmic microwave and infrared back­ ground radiations (CMBR and CIBR). Four years of observations w ere com­ pleted in December 1993, and analy­ sis of the data is continuing. The most widely publicized experi­ ment aboard the COBE proved that the CMBR is anisotropic— not the same in every direction. Previous measurements had been unable to find anisotropy, which is theoretically vital to the agglomeration of matter into stars and galaxies. George Smoot of the University of California-Berke­ ley was principal investigator for the differential microwave radiometer (DMR) that made the first detailed maps of the variations in the CMBR. t o understand the importance of this discovery, one has to delve into the theoretical physics of the early universe. Atoms are the building blocks of matter, but atoms themselves are com posed of protons, neutrons, and electrons, which in turn are made from more fundamental particles. Current theory holds that for about one second after the big bang, the universe was so hot— an estimated 1013degrees Kelvin— that all of these subatomic particles w ere separated from each other. After a few minutes, some protons and neutrons w ere able to join to make helium nuclei, but electrons and photons (particles of light) re­ mained blissfully free, banging into each other at a furious rate like ado­ lescents dancing at a rave, with each collision changing the wavelength of the photons. (In the meantime, anti­ matter annihilated most of the mat­ ter, but that’s a problem for ¿mother day.) After about a thousand years (the SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN more technical explanation of what the COBE did blink of an eye in cosmic time), the temperature dropped enough that the wavelengths of the photons were no longer being changed by their elec­ tron encounters, fixing forever the total number of photons in the back­ ground radiation. This is the radiation that w e see today. Even then, complete atoms were still unformed. The young and restless electrons w ere too energetic to settle down in quantum marriages with the heavy, dull nuclei of hydrogen and its cousin helium. Their nuclear court­ ship lasted another half million years while the universe cooled, and finally atoms came together, forming vast clouds that were the precursors to the galactic universe w e see today. The DMR maps represent the gravi­ tational potential in the universe about 300,000 years after the big bang and thus show the largest and oldest structures that may ever be detected by science. In a second experiment, the far infrared absolute spectrophotometer (FIRAS) used sensitive detectors to compare the radiation from space to a known “blackbody” calibrator that was periodically flipped in front of the cone-shaped antenna like a mute on the bell of a trumpet. John Mather was the principal investigator for this experiment. The goal was to prove that the early universe had reached what it called “thermal equilibrium” and thus had no further input of ener­ gy after the big bang. A blackbody is an ideal body or sur­ face that completely absorbs all radi­ ant energy falling upon it and itself radiates at a spectral energy distribu­ tion first worked out by mathemati­ cian Max Planck in the 1890s. He showed that the relation of brightness and wavelength of a blackbody were dependent on absolute temperature— or thermal equilibrium. Considering that the big bang was SPECTROPHOTOMETER NASA/GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER: COBE SCIENCE WORKING GROUP INSTRUMENT AND SPACECRAFT ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS ANTENNA SOLAR PANELS The COBE carried three separate experiments into orbit. AUGUST 1994 so hot, it’s hard to believe that the early universe reached any sort of equilibrium, but for a time the energy levels of the particles in the cauldron must have reached a constant state throughout the pre-atomic soup. As they bumped into each other in the chaos following the explosion, sub­ atomic particles scattered and ab­ sorbed energy in the same manner as a blackbody. Thus, for the tempera­ ture of the CMBR (2.726 degrees above absolute zero), a certain energy/wavelength curve should result— as it would for any blackbody. The curve that came from the FIRAS data matched the Planck curve point for point to an accuracy of 0.03 percent— about 1,000 times better than any previous observation. It showed that at least 99.97 percent of the energy in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) was released by the end of the first year after the big bang, confirming that the universe had in fact passed through a state of thermal equilibrium in its early evolution. This finding all but rules out competing theories of cre­ ation like the steady state theory and the “cold” big bang. The data from the third COBE experiment are still under study. NASA’s Michael Hauser is principal investigator for the diffuse infrared background experiment (DIRBE), an instrument designed to measure the infrared light left over from the forma­ tion of the earliest luminous objects. The above-described universe of sub­ atomic particles would have been a “dark age,” and the measurement of infrared background radiation would provide insight into the evolution of galaxies and the nature of the pregalactic universe. The interpretation of the DIRBE data is made difficult by the presence of so many bright in­ frared energy sources in the cosmos, but the instrument was designed to measure the collective glow from mil­ lions of objects rather than these point sources. It is hoped that a faint and uniform residual signal will remain after computer analysis has subtracted the foreground sources. — J.L. 9 WildBeasfcwil} WonderfulTab Photographs by D e ng -Je ng Lee Text by Rebecca Aim t ’s a cloudless June d ay in Colum­ I bus Park in N ew Y ork’s China­ town, th e kind o f d ay w h en chil­ dren can’t sit still, w h en shouts and skirm ishes seem to break out spon­ taneously. Four hundred and fifty children straggle on to a playing field, reined in b y their teachers, and sit cross-legged on th e hard sur­ face. T h eir w an dering attention is caught b y a m akeshift stage set up in th e corn er o f th e field. Behind the flim sy blue curtain, m agic is being made. T h e M ystic P ap er Beasts, Dan P o tter and M arya Ursin 71, pull strange masks and costum es out o f th eir large trunk, lining them up against the chainlink fen ce that sur­ rounds th e park. M arya is a dancer, writer, m ime, y o g a teacher, and m assage therapist. Dan is a p er­ former, sculptor, potter, architect, and maskmaker. Together, w ith that chest full o f cardboard, old curtains, vacuum tubing, and oth er “found” materials, th e y create th e M ystic P ap er Beasts. From behind th e curtain, a swan glides up to a group o f children in th e front row, w h o fall su ddenly The Mystic Paper Beasts (Dan Potter and Marya Ursin ’71) per­ form tales for all ages. This show for children is about the search for a princess who has disappeared with a dragon (bottom far right). Among those anxious for her is the queen mother (right). Other Beasts works, aimed at both children and adults, include Ganesha, the story of the Hindu elephant god, and Tayo, about a Native American healer. WildBeast?wi quiet. H er lon g neck bends graceful­ ly as she nibbles on children’s hands and nametags, much to th eir delight. Som e stand back, looking on w ith serious eyes, and as th e swan com es closer to them, she lifts th e gauzy w h ite d ra p e ry that s erves as her b o d y to reveal M arya underneath, sm iling and dem onstrating h o w the transform ation takes place. T h e cos­ tume, m ade prim arily o f pap er and fabric, is beautiful and unusual, and M arya’s m ovem en ts bring it to life, the essen ce o f swan-ness. T hen th e s to ry begins. A princess disappears w ith a dragon on her b irth d ay and is found after great searching o v e r land, water, and air. In his search, her father m eets w ith such beasts as a cat, several fish, a fly tryin g to esca p e from a fly sw at­ ter, an ostrich, and a pair o f m ynah birds. She’s finally found to b e living w ell w ith th e dragon, and she com es back to e n jo y her b irth d ay cake. T h e stories th ey d o are “n ew tales for old m yths,” Dan and M arya say. This on e w as adapted b y M arya esp ecially for th ese children. W h en the tale is told, pandem oni­ um breaks out behind the blue cur­ tain. Shouts and skirm ishes erupt again as children tr y on masks w ith bulging eyes, shake bouquets o f hearts, grab fabric out o f the large trunk, pull th e levers, turn the knobs, and preten d to b e beasts large and small. Pure m agic.■ 12 Dan Potter (left) founded the Mystic Paper Beasts in 1976 for a performance in Mystic, Conn. Since then, the Beasts have trav­ eled internationally in various forms: family circus, solo with audience participation, and now a duet. In 1989 Marya Ursin (top right) joined the Beasts, now based in Stonington, Conn. Marya writes and directs and Dan engi­ neers the masks, with both paint­ ing, decorating, and performing. n the Center Herbert! I In the hometown of P.T. Barnum, big business meets the big top. ow that’s what I’d really like to wear,” Michael “Mickey” Her­ bert ’67 says, gazing reverently at the glass case. The case encloses a black, some­ what beat-up top hat that has frayed around the brim. Affixed to the front of the hat is a gaudy splash of colored sequins. Beside it, coiled about like an arabesque, is a metal whistle on a black string. A card explains that the hat and whistle were donated to Bridgeport’s P.T. Barnum Museum by a form er ringmaster of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Herbert, the founder and president ■ of Physicians Health Services, one of Am erica’s first HMOs and the largest in Connecticut, has alread y w orn a ringm aster’s hat. At 49 he sp orts a w id e , e a s y s m ile and ru d d y g o o d looks. But today, at least, his attire has Barnum all over it. Literally. The lapels of his blinding­ ly bright, fire-engine red jacket are fes­ tooned with circus pins and patches. Brown and green elephants cavort on his necktie. He mentions that he was considering wearing his red sneakers, w ith th e fla sh in g ligh tb u lb s in the heels, but left them at home with his 11 ringmaster’s hat in nearby Trumbull at the last minute. That hat is a souvenir from Her­ bert’s stint as 1993 Barnum Festival ringmaster. To appear now in a top hat would be, in Herbert’s opinion, a bit much. Though Herbert is chairman of the Barnum Museum and so can still indulge in outrageousness as he sees fit, this is, after all, 1994. In an hour H erbert is goin g to have to restrain his emotions as he relinquish­ es his ringmaster’s whip, whistle, and pocket watch to the new ringmaster, the vice president of a local bank, at the Barnum Festival’s annual Whip, Whistle, and Watch Luncheon. “All good things com e to an end,” he sighs. “You can do a lot of things in life, but you’re only a Barnum Festival ringmaster once.” Parting with such a past is indeed sw eet sorrow . Festival rules sp ecify that form er ringmasters m ay appear in public (in and around Bridgeport, at least) in bright red jackets, but the jackets can’t have tails. “And I can’t w ear the w hite jodh­ purs and riding boots with it,” Herbert By Bill Kent says. “As for going around with a whip, well, I’m not exactly that kind of guy.” The festival, a Bridgeport tradition since 1949, honors the m em ory, achievements, and personality of the city’s most famous resident, Phineas Taylor Barnum: promoter, showman, politician, author, three-ring circus impresario, and all-around master of hyperbole and humbug. “Who did not say ‘There’s a sucker born every minute,’” Herbert adds. “When I became involved here, the first thing I did was read up on Bar­ num. Many things Barnum did were hoaxes, but he did them with aplomb. He never took advantage o f people. W h en he had his m useum in N ew York City, it was a bigger tourist at­ traction than the Metropolitan Muse­ um of Art. He knew that people enjoy being fooled, as long as they can share the joke.” H erbert stops in front of another case. A card identifies what looks like a cross between a dead monkey and the tail of a shark as the “Feejee Mer­ maid.” It’s an obvious fake that Bar­ num displayed m ore than a century ago in his Manhattan menagerie. “Barnum’s idea of humbugging peo- SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN 16 J. M ISENCIK 1994 / B A C K G R O U N D C O U R T E S Y H IS TO R IC A L C O L L E C TIO N S , B R ID G E P O R T P UB LIC LIB R A R Y pie was to pull their leg in such a way that everyb od y knew he was pulling their leg. He was a character who had a lot of fun and liked to share it.” As does Herbert, w ho admits that he w as so m e w h a t u n p rep a re d fo r some of the ringmaster’s skills. “I had to learn how to crack that whip, which is s o m e th in g th e y d id n ’t tea ch at Swarthmore.” Last year, from the beginning of June to mid-July, H erbert cracked a whip and blew a whistle, appearing in full ringm aster regalia at co rp orate m eetin g s, c h a r ity bazaa rs, p u b lic schools, civic organizations, church groups. His goal was to raise m oney for the festival events culminating in a triumphant parade on July 4. As ringm aster H erb ert’s jo b was not m erely to raise enough money to c o v e r the K id ’s W ing Ding, Barnum Pops Concert, Barnum Art Show, Cir­ cus Murder Mystery, Clown-Around, banana boat ride, Jenny Lind singing competition (in honor of a singer Bar­ num p ro m o ted ), parade, and oth er events. He attended all preparatory meetings, organized the program, and arranged for the largest fireworks dis­ play ev er seen in Connecticut. Th e events brought an estimated 200,000 people into downtow n Bridgeport— 150,000 for the parade alone. “ From M ay to th e end o f July, I think I had about two hours in the day w hen I cou ld go back and find out what was happening to my company. Fortunately, there w eren’t any crises w e couldn’t handle, and w e ended up getting so many businesses involved that if y o u ’ re in a B rid g ep o rt area com pany and you ’re n ot involved in the Barnum Festival, you stick out like a sore thumb.” Herbert just had to make his year as ringmaster a bang-up time because the year 1993 was the centennial of th e Barnum M useum (a d e lig h tfu l R en a issa n ce r o c o c o b u ild in g c o n ­ structed with m oney donated to the city by P.T. Barnum), as well as the bi­ centennial of the circus in A m erica (t h e firs t r e c o r d e d circ u s p e r fo r ­ mance in the new nation took place in Philadelphia in 1793). H erbert also felt a need to bring to g e th e r as m any B rid g ep o rt busi­ nesses as possible “to show the peo­ ple of this city how important w e all W it h a Barnumesque flourish, he withdraws a highly polished, flamboyantly engraved gold pocket watch, holding it like a piece of the true cross. are to each other. It’s not that Bridge­ port doesn’t have enough civic and business organizations— it does, and they do a lot of good. But the Barnum Festival crosses all barriers, all divid­ ing lines, all walks of life. W e have mil­ lionaires involved, w e have city pub­ lic school kids involved, kids from the suburbs, people of every walk of life. Th e Barnum Festival isn’t so much about solving the problems of the city as it is about raising the spirit of the city. The idea is sim ply to have the m ost fun w e can, and share it with everybody. I can assure you, if some­ b o d y told me, back w hen I was in Swarthmore, that I’d be blowing my whistle about anything like this, well, I wouldn’t’ve believed it.” He takes a bauble-encrusted brass whistle out of his jacket. “ T h e w h istle is just a w h istle. I won’t shed any tears to pass that on. But this is going to be tough to part with.” With a Barnumesque flourish, he withdraws a highly polished, flamboy­ antly en graved gold pocket watch. The watch actually belonged to P.T. Barnum, and Herbert holds it like a medieval pilgrim clutching a piece of the true cross. “This,” he says, piling on the brava­ do, “is absolutely amazing.” ickey Herbert’s fascination with P.T. Barnum is a ctu a lly only three years old. He was asked to get in v o lve d in 1991 “and I got totally swept up in it,” he says as he drives his m o d e st C h ry sler E agle to the Whip, Whistle, and Watch Luncheon at the Bridgeport Holiday Inn. Until he becam e Barnum ized, if you asked Herbert how he’d describe himself, he would say, first and fore­ most, a softball fanatic. Born in Washington, D.C., he was an early avid baseball fan and sandlot player. He picked Sw arthm ore be­ cause he wanted a “good school that SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN was close to home, where I could play a lot of baseball.” Indeed, Herbert was captain of the baseball team , co a c h ed b y G om er Davies, and also played varsity soccer for Coach Bill Stetson. At a time when the country was gripped by student protest and counterculture rebellion, Herbert was inspired to be a business­ man by Professor of Economics Clair Wilcox. “He said to us, T o be in business, you have to rem em ber tw o things,’” Herbert remembers, leaving his car in the h o te l lo t and w a lk in g r a p id ly tow ard the entrance. ‘“ T h e first is don’t trust anybody over 30.’ With all the protests happening around the country, that got a laugh. But then he said, ‘Don’t trust anybody under 30.’ That didn’t get the‘ same laugh, but it made a lot of sense to me.” H erbert figu red that d esp ite the issues that motivated his generation’s unrest, business would still be busi­ ness. He got an M.B.A. from the Har­ vard Business School and join ed a prestigious New York business con­ sulting firm just in tim e to have his job, and the firm, disappear in the recession of 1970. In th e fa ll o f 1970, H e rb e rt an­ sw ered a “ h elp w a n te d ” ad in The Washington Post for an administrative assistant in Minneapolis. The ad had been p laced b y Dr. Paul Elw ood, a Minnesota physician who was trying to persuade the Nixon administration to encourage the growth of a new kind of consumer-oriented medical service. Elw ood had kicked around several names for this service until he settled on “health maintenance organization.” M ickey Herbert becam e Elw ood’s right-hand man. He found h im self spending more time in his hometown of Washington, D.C., attending highlevel meetings with congressmen and members of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, than in Min­ n ea p olis. Th anks to th e ir e ffo rts , Congress passed the HMO Act in 1973, and H erb ert found him self back in Minneapolis, helping Elwood set up the nation’s first official HMO. The experience made Herbert want to go off and set up his own. In 1976 he had narrowed his choices to three locations: Los Angeles, Chicago, and somewhere on the East Coast outside AUGUST 1994 of New York City. He settled on Bridgeport because the neighboring town of Stratford had the defending national fast-pitch softball cham pionship team . For eight years Herbert played the outfield on the Stratford team, w hich w on the championship again in 1983. Between gam es, in Tru m b u ll, a su bu rb of Bridgeport where he made his home, Herbert founded Physicians Health Services Inc. e were clearly ahead of our time and s tru g g le d m is e ra b ly fo r years,” he says as he breezes into the Holiday Inn. “If I didn’t have softball to get my mind off things, I don’t know what would have happened. It wasn’t until 1982 that w e broke even, and w e’ve gotten bigger every year since.” In 1992 Herbert was named one of Inc. M agazine's Entrepreneurs of the Year. In 1993 Physicians Health Ser­ vices became a publicly traded com­ pany, now grossing some $300 million a year, with 4,000 participating physi­ cians and 170,000 m em bers in Con­ necticut and New York state. H erb ert is also chairm an of the American Managed Care and Review Association, the HMO industry’s trade group, and has been spending quite a bit of tim e in his hom etow n again, addressing the issue of national health care with some of the same congress­ men he met 25 years ago. “Without any effort on the part of governm ent, the entire health care industry is co n vertin g to m anaged care,” Herbert says. “M y concern is that the government will try to fix this and screw it up.” As soon as Herbert strolls into the Holiday Inn’s lobby, big business be­ comes the big top. He can’t walk far without someone in a red jacket (sig­ nifying a former ringmaster) or a busi­ ness suit saying hello, shaking his hand, posin g for a p ictu re as if he were a world-renowned celebrity. One person isn’t overwhelmed. His daughter Eleni, the eldest of his five children, is a hostess at the h otel’s restaurant. She waves her hand and says, “Hiya Dad.” Herbert waves back, asks her how she’s doing, and finds himself swept into the hotel’s banquet hall, w here his w ife, Jackie, is w aitin g, as the W Whip, Whistle, and Watch Luncheon begins. T h e 270 p e o p le in th e b a n q u et room rep resen t the elite o f n early every major business, civic, religious, professional, trade union, and political group in the area. Th e room w ould resem ble a typical Rotary, Lions, or K iw an is lu n ch eon if n ot fo r a fe w rather odd details. Every table has at least one form er ringmaster, or the w id o w o f a rin g m a ster, a tte n d in g (1985 ringmaster Victor Kiam, Reming­ ton shaver TV huckster, is noticeably absent). Colored balloons rise toward the ceiling from black plastic top hat centerpieces, surrounded by boxes of Barnum’s Animal Crackers. Politicians, the rich, the famous, and the infamous are happily roasted by a local radio personality. Herbert isn’t called to the rostrum to relin­ quish his ringm aster a ccessories— he’s passed them on to Bridgeport’s M ayor Jim Gamin and C onnecticu t Congressman Chris Shays, w ho pre­ sent them to Paul DelFino, a vice pres­ ident of the Bridgeport-based Shawmut Bank, 1994 Barnum Festival ring­ master. The buzz around the room is devel­ o p e r and ca s in o o w n e r D on a ld Tru m p’s recent proposal to build a theme park at Pleasure Beach, a por­ tio n o f th e c ity fro n tin g th e L o n g Island Sound. Because M ickey Herbert is also a m em ber of the B ridgeport Regional Business Council, his opinion is re­ quested by just about everyone who approaches his table. To one and all, Herbert is cautiously positive. “I’m fo r anything that w ill bring Bridgeport out of the recession,” he says. “The city’s been hurt badly and it’s still hurting.” But he adds that people shouldn’t put their hopes in one basket. “What’s g o in g to b rin g B r id g e p o r t back is B ridgep ort itself. T h e re ’s a lot that needs to be done and a lot of time that needs to be spent on the problem. But if you ’re looking for the people who can do it, they’re all in this room, and they can’t wait to make it happen.”* As a student at O berlin College, free­ lance w riter B ill K ent briefly studied clow ning with perform ance artist B ill Irwin. 17 ay 2, 1994. In Alexandra, the the brink of civil war. There was spec­ s c e n e is a su rrea l tab lea u ulation that the violence might force right out of Dante’s Inferno. the vote to be postponed or even can­ S om e 300,000 p e o p le liv e inceled. this Little did I suspect that I was squalid township just across the free­ going to witness a modern-day mira­ w ay from Sandton, one of Johannes­ c le — th e p e a c e fu l b irth o f a n ew burg’s wealthiest suburbs. T h ey are nation. packed into th e sq u a tte rs’ shacks, M y re g u la r jo b as an e d ito r on small brick homes, apartments, and N PR’s national desk norm ally keeps prisonlike hostels. In door toilets are a luxury and raw sewage flows in the streets, w h ile dogs, goats, and an occasional cow roam about, scavenging for food. There are no street lights and the night is blacker than black. But to n ig h t th e th ick smoke of coal fires clogs the air and the heavy blackness is illum inated b y bonfires d o ttin g th e la n d s c a p e . Garbage and trash blaze in metal oil drums or are just piled in the dirt streets and ig n ite d . A ro u n d s o m e o f th e s e fire s , p e o p le h a v e gathered to party through the night. Some drink beer, others smoke marijuana as they sing songs of liberation and dance for joy. I s to p to s e e w h a t is going on and am immediate­ ly surrounded and swept up by the joyous tumult of the crowd. It is as if people had been waiting for someone to c o m e and r e c o r d th e ir ecstasy, to share their hope. M In 1991, about six months after the National Party had repealed the Grand A parth eid laws, I had been sent to produce stories from an African American p e r s p e c t iv e a b ou t th e “ New South Africa.” The N ew South Africa was the catch phrase coined by the image-makers of the regime to distin­ guish the m ultiracial, multicultural future from the white-dotninated past. On that trip it w as p r e tt y c le a r that apartheid was not going to die an easy death. This time I got a sample of the m ultiracial face of the New South Africa while wait­ ing for my South Africa Air­ w a y s flig h t to le a v e New York. The safety film on the 747 jetliner featured a mul­ tiracial cabin crew — white, colored , and black. As the film p ro g ressed , I noticed that it was white crew mem­ bers w ho gave the instruc­ tions in Afrikaans, while the co lo red crew m em ber had the English lines. The black didn’t have any lines at all. In the film' none of the pas­ s e n g e rs a p p e a re d to be interacting with each other a c ro s s th e v a rio u s color lines, alth ou gh on e white crew member did adjust the seat belt of a black passen­ ger, a little girl. For many whites like Eric Barry and his wife, farmers from Natal w ho talked with m e d u rin g th e fligh t, v io ­ lence meant crime, not polit­ ical violen ce. Political vio­ le n c e w as a p ro b le m for blacks, not whites, and for B arry it w as th e result of tribalism. The elections, he said, w e re stirrin g up the tribal nature of the Africans. The Barry family has raised maize, wheat, and row crops for three gener­ ation s on a farm abou t tw o hours northwest of Durban in Natal, home to m ost o f South A frica ’s nearly eight m illio n Zulus, th e n a tio n ’s single largest ethnic group. B arry said th e y liv e am ong the Zulus, know them well, and respect them tremendously. “The Zulus are a proud people,” said Mrs. Barry. “We MIRACLE hen I had prepared to leave W ashington for Johannesburg in M arch, I had my doubts that such a celebration would ever take p la c e . It w as w ith so m e trepidation that I had volun­ teered to produce National Public Radio’s coverage of South Africa’s first all-race elections. Political violen ce there was running ram pant. M e m b ers o f th e Inkatha Freedom Party and the African Nation­ al C ongress had been slau ghtering each other for years, and since ANC leader Nelson Mandela was released from p rison in 1990, an estim a ted 12,000 had been killed. As the April election drew nearer, South Africa had all of the appearance of a country on W 18 South A frica pulled back from the brink o f c iv il war to a trium ph o f democracy. m e ou t o f h a rm ’ s w ay. But as an A frica n A m erican , the p ro s p e c t o f bearing some small witness to the end of white-minority rule in South Africa p r o v e d irresis tib le. B esides, I had been there once before and I loved the country and its people. By Michael Fields ’69 SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN speak their language, but they can’t coming next. One thing is clear: the speak ours.” Eric Barry described the v io le n c e d riv e s a d a g g e r o f fe a r Zulus as the Prussians of A frica— a straight into the heart of South A f­ martial, well-disciplined, hard-working rica’s financial capital. South Africa is numbed to the daily people who are loyal to their leaders. death toll. It’s not so m eth in g that The Zulus are a patriarchal people, he went on. They will never allow them­ directly affects whites, and for blacks it’s just another hazard in an already selves to be governed by the Xhosas, p re ca rio u s life. But th e M a rch 28 who are a matriarchal people, or the killings seem to demonstrate how far ANC, which is predominately Xhosa. “The real problem s facing South Inkatha is prepared to go to stop the Africa are economic, not racial,” Eric Barry concluded. W h oever wins the election will have to generate jobs, he went on. “W hen you send a b o y to school,” he said, “you’re going to have to have something for him to do when he comes out.” This was the first but by no means the last analysis based on tribal traits and s te r e o ty p e s o ffe r e d to me b y white South Africans to explain the political situation. Blacks seldom offered tribalism as an explanation for the nation’s prob­ lems. U nder apartheid the g o v e rn ­ ment attem pted to encourage tribal divisions as part o f its stra teg y of “divide and rule.” The ANC’s strategy was to build a unified mass movement by minimizing South Africa’s myriad racial and ethnic distinctions. In fact, polls before the election reported that more Zulus supported the ANC than su pported the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom P a rty — the reason, m any observers concluded, that the Zulu leader, Mangosuthu Buthelezi, was so intent on disrupting the elections. ele ctio n — and what price ev ery o n e might have to pay to hold it. People are shaken and depressed. “The violence has made everything uncertain,” says Judy Sandison, the news director of Natal Broadcasting S e rv ic e s in Durban. She se es th e social order slow ly eroding. Service w orkers are refusing to go to w ork because they fear for their lives. Tele­ phone repairmen have been attacked. O n March 28, the day after I arrive in South Africa, the Inkatha Free­ dom P arty brings the w ar hom e. A march and rally called by Inkatha for downtown Johannesburg turns deadly when marchers proceed to the ANC’s Shell House headquarters. Shooting breaks out, and before the day is over at least 30 people are gunned down in the heart of the city. It isn’t clear who really started the shooting. Many see it as Buthelezi’s latest, most desperate effort to fo rce postponem ent of the election, and peop le w onder w hat’s F, W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela led the celebrations after South Africa’s first all-race election. Violence between supporters o f the African National Congress and the Inkatha Freedom Party nearly scuttled the historic vote. AUGUST 1994 TOP: UPI/BETTMANN BOTTOM: AP/WIDE WORLD PHOTOS 19 Ilis I ¡Ssii AP/WIDE WORLD PHOTOS Cars b e lo n g in g to h ea lth c a re w o rk e rs h a v e b e en h ija ck ed . “It’s becom e im possi­ b le to plan. P e o p le d o n ’t k n ow w h a t’s happening; they feel like they’re losing c o n tr o l o f th e ir liv e s .” S a n d ison observes that this is a major problem in a society w here order was every­ thing: “You may not have liked the old South Africa, but at least everything had its place.” The next day Sunni Khalid, N PR’s rep orter coverin g Natal, and I head north with David Alcock, our transla­ tor. Our destination is Esikhiwini, a dusty little town about tw o and half hours from Durban. The drive takes us along the Indian Ocean, past beach­ es world famous for their surfing, then th rou gh ro llin g hills c o v e r e d w ith acres and acres of sugar cane. In Esikhiwini it’s not easy finding p e o p le w h o w ill talk. T a lk in g to stra n g e rs , e s p e c ia lly fo r e ig n r e ­ porters, can be fatal. W e pay a visit to the local induna, the equivalent of the v illa g e chief. H e’s not hom e, and a Nelson Mandela shakes hands with Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini after Inkatha leaders agreed to participate in the vote. A few weeks later, thousands lined up in Soweto to cast their first-ever ballots. member of his family tells us that if we want to stay healthy, w e should get out of town. W e park on a road head­ ing out of town to give the appearance that w e ’v e stopped to ask for direc­ tions. Many passersby are reluctant to talk, but a few say that they would like to vote, especially since it is the first chance they’ve ever had. They proba­ bly will, they say, despite the intimida­ tion being brought to bear by Inkatha. W e don’t ask whom they’re going to vote for. As w e’re leaving town, w e spot an official from the local taxi association who has stopped to monitor the day’s business. He w on ’t tell us his name, saying h e’s fed up with the violence because it’s bad for business. He is a fra id th at if th e Zulu king, Goodwill Zwelithini, does not get the proper respect from the governm ent, Zulus w ill be called upon to take up arms and fight. KwaZulu, a homeland within Natal with som e degree of self-rule in the old South Africa, is scheduled to be absorbed as a province under the new centralized government. The king has been asking for a recognition of Zulu s o v e re ig n ty that carries som e real power, but the ANC is only offering a budget and ceremonial trappings. The taxi official says he would not fight for a politician like Buthelezi, but if the king asks him to fight, he will fight. T he next few weeks pass in a blur. I spend 12 to 16 hours a day work­ ing with our reporters, Ann Cooper, Sunni K halid, and M ich a el Skolar, helping them with logistics, juggling assignments, conducting interviews, and dealing with bureaucrats at the SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN South African Broadcasting Corpora­ tion. At the beginning of April, the gov­ erned declares a state of emergency in Natal and sends in troops. Nonethe­ less, the killing continues, including the d eca p itation and m utilation of eight voter-edu cation w orkers w ho were distributing nonpartisan election material in a village about 50 miles north of Durban. More and more peo­ ple wonder how a “free” election can be held in an area that is under mili­ tary supervision. Meanwhile, everyone is keeping an anxious eye on efforts to bring Inkatha into the election. A summit m eeting between Mandela, then-president F.W. de Klerk, Buthelezi, and King Zwelithini comes to nothing. A team of volun­ teer m e d ia to rs h e a d e d b y H en ry Kissinger comes and goes, virtually in the blink o f an eye, a ccom p lish in g nothing. Despite a police ban, the Inkatha Party’s youth brigade calls for another march in dow ntow n Johannesburg. Everyone is afraid that the March 28 bloodbath w ill be repeated. M y col­ leagues and I are not looking forward to the p r o s p e c t o f c o v e r in g th is march. However, with the possibility of violence, our presence is mandato­ ry. The recent death of a well-known and well-liked South African photogra­ pher casts a pall over the entire press corps. The day before the march, I go to pick up a bulletproof vest. They come in white or sky blue, and the Ballistic Body Arm our Com pany assures me that the tw o ceramic plates covering my vital organs front and back are im perviou s to an yth in g up to and including rounds from an AK-47. If it’s returned undamaged, the com pany will buy the vest back at a steep dis­ count. This is not even a small conso­ lation. On Monday Johannesburg breathes a momentary sigh of relief when the march is p o stp o n e d . T h e n a tio n ’ s leaders meet yet again, trying to end Inkatha’s election boycott. No one is very op tim istic, b ecau se de Klerk, Mandela, and B u thelezi h ave been meeting off and on for months with nothing that resembles progress. The voting is scheduled to begin in just over a w eek and no new proposals have surfaced. This appears as one last attempt to bring peace before the AUGUST 1994 country slips off into a violent abyss. Then the miracle begins. Buthelezi s e ttle s . W ith e ig h t days le ft, th e guardian of Zulu nationalism agrees to end his boycott and bring Inkatha into th e e le c tio n . N o on e q u ite u n d er­ stands why, sin ce B u thelezi cou ld have gotten a b e tter deal anytim e before. Th ere is much speculation. Since it was clear that the elections w ere going to be held on schedule, some speculate he realized he faced political marginalization by refusing to participate. Others argue that he was about to lose the support of the king. The next day election posters fea­ turing B uthelezi’s pictu re o v e r the IFP’s colorful green, yellow, black, and red lo g o join those o f the National Party, the African National Congress, and the 23 other parties on p o w er poles and walls around Johannesburg. O utside the pollin g place, the disabled clog the narrow street. Voters hobble in on crutches, and one arrives carried in a wheelbarrow. This is a day many thought they would never live to see. T h e Joh a n n esb u rg s to c k m arket clim bs, and th e rand stren g th en s against the dollar. For the next few days, there is a dramatic lull in politi­ cal vio len ce, and the p o lice rep ort that crim e too seems to have fallen off, at least momentarily. Yet Inkatha is not even on the bal­ lot, creating a logistical nightmare for ele ctio n officials. W ithin one w eek stick ers th at b e a r th e lik en ess of B u th elezi and th e Inkatha sym b o l must be attached to the bottoms of 80 million ballots, just below the line for the ruling National Party. (For weeks the National Party had been telling voters to vote for the last party on the ballot. Now, at the 11th hour, they are no longer last.) Forty-eight hours before the voting, South A frica goes through one final violent convulsion. Terrorist bombs start going off around the country as w hite extremists make a final bid to derail the elections. Nine are killed in downtown Johannesburg, including a white ANC candidate for parliament, when a car bomb explodes near the A N C ’ s reg ion a l h ead qu a rters. T h e next day, a bomb kills 10 people at a taxi stand in Germiston, a predom i­ nately black area just east of Johan­ nesburg. A right-wing extremist group claims responsibility for the Germis­ ton ex p lo s io n and th reaten s m ore unless w h ite s are g ive n th eir ow n homeland so they will not be forced to submit to black-majority rule. t is soon clear, however, that neither blacks nor whites will be deterred from voting. The bombings seem to b rin g th e n a tio n t o g e th e r in grim determination to go forward with the elections. The governm ent promises to deploy more than 100,000 troops to protect the polling places, and when the voting finally starts on Tuesday, April 26, even a “cynical” Am erican journalist gets swept up in the em o­ tion. It is impossible not to get tearyey ed w itnessing this ex p ression of faith in dem ocra cy. H op e is e v e r y ­ where. The first day of voting is set aside for pensioners, invalids, and people in hospitals. It’s mid-afternoon before I can get to the Sankopano Community Center, a polling place in Alexandra tow n sh ip . O u tside, cars and taxis filled w ith eld erly men and w om en and th e d is a b le d c lo g th e n a rro w s tre e t. S om e v o te r s h o b b le in on crutches. One wom en is carried in a w heelbarrow . A nother woman, v e ry overweight, her bleeding, swollen feet w ra p p e d in rags, sto p s e v e r y few steps, gasping and wheezing to catch her breath. She says she has asthma, and I w onder if she’ll make it down­ stairs to vote without collapsing. T h e co u rtya rd inside is packed. Som e p e o p le sta n d in a lo n g lin e snaking up to a sin gle d o o r at the entrance to the voting booths. Others sit in chairs and benches, more or less Please turn to page 63 I 21 I COLLEGE "Accomplished and empowered,” Class of ’94 leaves Swarthmore ents included David Bam­ berger ’62, director of the Cleveland Opera, who received the Doctor of Hu­ mane Letters; Seamus Heaney, internationally renowned poet, who re­ ceived the Doctor of Hu­ mane Letters; and John Mather ’ 68, a physicist with NASA, who was awarded the Doctor of Science. In related Commence­ ment activities, Nadinne Cruz, senior associate for the Higher Education Con­ sortium for Urban Affairs, delivered the Baccalaure­ ate address. Amy-Jill Levine, the Sara Lawrence Lightfoot Associate Profes­ sor of Religion, spoke at Last Collection. Following are excerpts from honorary degree recipients’ charges to the seniors. Urging new graduates to use their leadership roles to help others becom e “as accomplished and as em­ powered” as they are, Pres­ ident Alfred H. Bloom pre­ sided over the College’s 122nd Commencement, awarding 321 bachelor of arts degrees, 22 bachelor of science degrees, and three honorary degrees. “What I would like to ask you today is that as you meet the demands of lead­ ership positions you as­ sume, you draw not only on the intellectual skills and on the ethical intelli­ gence you have developed at Swarthmore but that you draw also on your first­ hand experience with that special Swarthmore rela­ tionship between teacher David Bam berger ’62 is and student. Remember director o f the Cleveland how accomplished and Opera, which has received how em powered that rela­ national recognition for its tionship has led you to outreach to schools. become. Lead in a w ay that “I would ask you all as enables others to be as the parents you will be­ accomplished and as com e or the parents you em powered.” I already are, as the leaders Honorary degree recipi­ you will becom e or the leaders you already are, to remember that the reason w e need arts in the schools is not so that children will remember when Mozart lived or died, although any form of knowledge is valu­ able. The reason w e do all this is for the children to find themselves. W e talk a lot these days about won­ derful catch words— self­ esteem and self-knowledge and belief in self-worth— as if these w ere new things that had to be invented. In fact they are old things that need to be restored by putting the arts and partic­ ularly the performing arts back in the schools. So I would urge you whenever you see the chance to fight for that. “Here you have all stud­ ied some of the arts and learned to becom e quite sophisticated about them. But you have certainly not gotten to study all the arts because the time did not permit it. And so there are a lot of arts about which you may feel very unknowledgeable and very unso­ phisticated. But I’d just like to remind you that those of us who have been crazy enough to go into this busi­ ness are in it not in order to provide deep themes for research papers, but in the hope that when we do things right, when th a t... curtain goes up, there will be magic behind it for you.” Seamus Heaney, whose term as professor o f poetry at Oxford University is com ­ ing to an end, is the author o f Death of a Naturalist and many other award-winning works. “My first visit to Phila­ delphia was in 1971, when I read poems to the students of an inner-city high school. The teacher in charge of 22 that event had hidden me away in a kind of book clos­ et while he herded mini­ stampedes of teenagers Seamus Heaney down the corridors and tried to pen them in as an audience in another, much less distinguished library. And as I skulked there, like some latter-day apostle in his upper room, I heard a voice from the corridor like the voice of God asking a simple question. It cried out, in ringing American and impatient tones, ‘Who is this poet anyhow? Is he any good?’ “Today, of course, you, the Class of 1994, are hear­ ing that question, ‘Is she any good; is he any good?’ in a particularly keen way. Because from today, you must begin to live in a more exposed w ay as your­ selves. And you will only begin to live truly, I would suggest, when you have conceived standards by which you can fail. These are the standards you test yourselves against if you want to attain that ideal which Socrates once called ‘the examined life.’ They are the standards represen­ tative of the highest possi­ bility, that ultimate possi­ bility, to which an artist SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN E done. There’s no point in trying to be first if you’re all riding in one canoe. I try to work with people so that w e all get to our goal to­ gether, and then we let our creative juices flow. I think that’s important because through most of my life in school, I saw people worry­ ing about being better or worse than their fellow stu­ dents and losing sight of their larger goals. I wish I could get people to stop worrying about comparing themselves with other peo­ ple and just go after what they really care about. Competition gets our adrenalin flowing, but our competitors are not really our friends and neighbors. Our competitors are the cockroaches who will inherit the earth all too soon if w e don’t pay atten­ tion to what w e’re doing and help each other along. “If I could leave you with any parting words, it is the reminder to take the time to imagine what you really would like to do, really think about it, and then go after it with all your heart. You’ll be too busy to know if you’re better or worse than somebody else or whether you’re happy or not, but you can be proud to be yourself.” like Cézanne or a poet like Emily Dickinson or a hero like Nelson Mandela sacri­ fices himself or herself. “So you, the Class of ’94, now stand in some book closet deep within your­ selves and hear a voice calling upon you to imagine those standards, if you are to be any good.” John C. Mather ’68, a physicist with NASA, origi­ nated the concept o f the Cos­ mic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite to study microwave radiation in space (see page 4). “When I gathered the team to propose the COBE satellite, I had no idea How to make it happen. What we all did together was to solve the problems as they came along. I found out I had to learn about many things I never expected, everything from balancing budgets to running meet­ ings to learning how to type and writing memos all day long. I found out I didn’t know how to be the kind of leader that I wanted to be, and I had to ask for help about that too. “I also found out that cooperation works better than competition when you are trying to get something sj*1jflNH ■ jjjP P ;H 1 rwm i & i< m o § > 0) ééI z ■ K J I John Mather ’68 AUGUST 1994 C Gabriel Quinn Bauriedel ’94, senior class speaker “Today of all days, let us celebrate and let us dance. And what better spot to celebrate than in this am­ phitheater under the shade of Liriodendron tulipifera looking out on A cer negundo and Quercus rubra. I’ve studied the nameplates for four years. I wanted the Scott Arboretum staff to know that their hard work has not been overlooked. E G E oh no, but four years— give or take a semester or two— of fall, winter, and spring night and mid-morn­ ing dreams. And just as in the play, our dream has not always been a satisfying, successful, or especially restful dream. In fact, it has been a long, long, some­ times nightmarish, but ulti­ mately fulfilling dream.” Honors Program revised by faculty Gabriel Quinn Bauriedel ’94 Today, if you listen closely, you might hear, or even see, Swarthmore’s new mascot (w e’re ditching gar­ net because it doesn’t sing and dance). Today I an­ nounce the new mascot: Puck, our spritely, Crumdwelling, elfish twin. Puck should be our mascot here at Swarthmore, for he em­ bodies the three personali­ ties that represent us as students. “First, w e have the Hob­ goblin ‘devilish’ Puck: the April Fools’ jokers, the part of us that tries to outsmart our professors just for the challenge. Next w e have Robin Goodfellow Puck: a public servant, a problem solver, a close friend who mends our angst, someone who cares about us. Then there is the headstrong Harlequin Puck, the leader, director, and innovator. This component wrote our essays to get us into Swarthmore and ensured that we received the diplo­ ma today. Harlequin active­ ly participates on campus, fueling change and prog­ ress in organizations, the community, social life, and political life. These three personalities o f Puck have lived through not just a midsummer night’s dream, After a year and a half of intense dialogue, much of it concentrated in the last weeks of the spring se­ mester, the faculty has approved a revision de­ signed to reinvigorate the External Examination (Hon­ ors) Program. The revised program will go into effect for either the Class of 1997 or the Class of 1998, de­ pending on the recommen­ dation of the provost and the faculty’s Curriculum Committee in December. Discussions w ere led by the Council on Educational Policy (CEP) task force on curriculum, made up of the members of CEP, including the president and the provost, plus three faculty members added to ensure representation across the divisions. The task force presented its first proposal to the faculty in March, and the faculty passed the final version of the proposal with a large majority on May 23. “I believe that the new plan responds to each of the factors that placed the old Honors system in jeop­ ardy while retaining the program’s intellectual rigor, pedagogical impact, and external distinctive­ ness,” said President Alfred H. Bloom. The revised program departs from the current 23 one in several important ways. Instead of taking six seminars, Honors candi­ dates will take four “prepa­ rations,” three in a major and one in a minor, or four in a special or interdisci­ plinary major. Each prepa­ ration will be based on two or more units of academic credit. The word “prepara­ tions” was chosen rather than “seminars” to make it clear that there will be vari­ ous ways beyond the tradi­ tional seminar to prepare for external examination. In their senior year, most often in the spring semester, Honors candi­ dates will enroll for at least one credit of Senior Honors Study, designed to provide an opportunity to review, extend, and, when appro­ priate, integrate the work that has been done in preparation for external exams. “This is what many alumni who have been through Honors point to as the most important part of the program,” says Provost Jennie Keith, “so w e want to formalize that, give it credit, and give students the time to devote to it.” Senior Honors Study could take place in a variety of formats, ranging from inde­ pendent study of an addi­ tional reading list to a collo­ quium for all Honors candi­ dates in a department on a particular topic. Students could also make their own proposals for this addition­ al work. External examiners will examine students on their four preparations plus their Senior Honors Study. Departments will have the opportunity to give examin­ ers a broader picture of what a student has done by sending them information about all the student’s Hon­ ors preparations. Some 24 departments may set up panels of examiners rather than having each student be examined four times. For the first time, Swarthmore instructors will grade all work taken for credit at Swarthmore and used as a preparation for Honors. Exceptions will be Senior Honors Study and theses or other original work, such as laboratory research or projects in per­ forming or studio arts. External examiners will be responsible for awarding the level of honors. Finally, when the revised Honors Program is implemented, the honorific Distinction in Course will no longer be given. The revisions are intend­ ed to reinvigorate the pro­ gram and to give faculty members and students more flexibility to create For a while this summer, it appeared that the north campus was invaded by an army of gigantic demented ants. Piles of dirt were everywhere as work­ ers labored to relocate under­ ground utility lines to prepare for construction o f a new aca­ demic building north o f Parrish Hall next month. The relocation involved phone, data communi­ cation, electric, steam heating, water, and sewer lines that ran through Parrish Annex, which is ways to do excellent work. educational experiences President Frank Aydelotte’s that have not been easy to Honors Program “put accommodate within the Swarthmore on the map,” | program. Students who says Philip Weinstein, the have wanted to do such Alexander Griswold Cum­ things as foreign study, mins Professor of English independent research in Literature and chair of the the sciences, and interdis­ CEP task force on curricu­ ciplinary concentrations „ lum. “That’s our legacy. But have often found the pro­ the legacy has been ailing.” gram too rigid and have For 30 years the number opted not to apply. of students applying for The revision addresses and being accepted into this problem by making the the Honors Program has program more hospitable been declining, with only to a broader range of edu­ 10 percent of the Class of cational experiences. 1995 participating in the Departments will have program. Only four stu­ more flexibility in defining dents in the Natural Sci­ what kind of work will be ences Division completed required or accepted as a Honors last May. “preparation.” In addition One major reason for to traditional seminars, the decline in student par­ some students may use ticipation in the program is such things as sequences that over the years stu­ of courses, performances, dents have increasingly field work, and combina­ wanted to participate in tions of seminars with for­ eign study to prepare for Honors. Shifting the num­ ber of required prepara­ tions from six to four will also give students more flexibility in planning their course of study. Added flexibility will also aid departments, some of which have almost dropped out of the pro­ gram because its structure did not seem compatible with teaching their stu­ dents in the best possible way. “Each department should be able to partici­ expected to be tom down later pate in the w ay that makes this month. Offices formerly the most sense,” says housed in the Annex have been Philip Weinstein. The task moved to temporary quarters in force worked to create a a refurbished Pearson Hall. program that would allow When the new building is departments to set as the opened in the winter of standard for Honors the 1995-96, activity will turn to kind of work they believe Trotter Hall. A total renovation their best students should within its exterior stone walls be doing, whatever form will create new classrooms, that work might take. seminar rooms, and offices for Lack of grades has also the departments o f Classics, His­ been a big problem for stu­ tory, and Political Science. dents who are planning to SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN attend graduate or profes­ sional schools, which in recent years have more heavily relied on grades for admission. It has always been thought that not giv­ ing grades was important to the seminar, putting the instructor in the position of coach or colleague rather than evaluator. But faculty members have been grad­ ing Course students in sem­ inars since 1987, and sever­ al said in faculty discussion that they w ere surprised to find that giving grades had not made any difference in the relationship between students and instructors. Finally, the existence of two routes to honorifics at Swarthmore, the Honors Program and Distinction in Course, has put the College in a kind of “intellectual dis­ honesty,” says Philip Wein­ stein. “W e’ve been speak­ ing with two tongues. We’ve said that the Honors and the Course programs | are separate but equal, and we’ve also said that the Honors Program is the hon­ orific program.” After this latest revision, Course and Honors no longer need to be thought of as two separate tracks, says Jennie Keith. “Concep­ tually, w e now have much ! more the sense that every­ body goes through the same educational program. The students who wish to take what w e see as the ultimate step, which is to go beyond their relation­ ship to their teachers here and to use what they’ve learned in an encounter with people outside, will j want to enroll in the Hon­ ors Program. As w e move away from a two-track kind of program, it makes sense to have only one definition of what w e think is the very best that our students can AUGUST 1994 Time to say goodbye—Commencement 1994. get out of Swarthmore.” The elimination of Dis­ tinction in Course was among severed aspects of the revision that were hotly debated by the faculty. Also controversial was the creation of the Senior Hon­ ors Study, with some facul­ ty members feeling that independent study for all Honors students was not the best use of either the students’ or the faculty’s time. On the other hand, many faculty members thought that this time for reflection and integration was the most important part of the program for stu­ dents’ intellectual develop­ ment. Some faculty members questioned whether the program should continue to include external exami­ nations, pointing to the cost of these exams and the difficulty some depart­ ments have in getting examiners. But Barry Schwartz, professor of psy­ chology and a member of the CEP task force, explains the reasoning of the group: “It is important for stu­ dents to see that they are not engaged in a private conversation with their teachers, that what they have learned is actually communicable to other people.” He adds that the presence of external exam­ iners also helps keep the faculty in touch with the rest of the academic world. This fall each depart­ ment and concentration will be working to define more specifically the for­ mats for preparations and for Senior Honors Study. Depending on the progress the departments have made, in December the Curriculum Committee will decide whether the revised program will be ready to go into effect for the Class of 1997 or 1998. After four years of operation, the pro­ gram will undergo formed review. The Board of Managers is enthusiastic about the revision, says Dulany Ogden Bennett ’ 66, chair of the Board’s Instruction and Libraries Committee. Her committee was kept in­ formed of the work of the CEP task force throughout the process, and the task force “solicited discussion, comments, and questions” from the Board, she says. “There was a real frank, energetic, and positive interchange between the faculty and the Board com­ mittee, with each under­ standing its proper role. W e wanted to be sure that the faculty was giving the question of Honors the cen­ tral importance for the ethos of the College that it deserved, but w e under­ stood that the particulars of the new program w ere entirely in the faculty domain. It was very heart­ ening to be convinced of the seriousness of the fac­ ulty about the revision and their conviction that it will work.” Members of the Col­ lege’s faculty and adminis­ tration are also enthusias­ tic. “I am deeply excited about the steps the College has taken to return the Honors Program to its sta­ tus as the signature pro­ gram of the College,” said President Bloom. Thomas Blackburn, the Centennial Professor of English Litera­ ture, former dean, and a member of the CEP task force on curriculum, echoes the president, look­ ing forward to the opportu­ nity to create new possibili­ ties for the College’s best students: “Next fall could be a very exciting time.” E c Staff positions filled for student services Tw o important staff posi­ tions in student services— director of Psychological Services and director of the Black Cultural Center— w ere filled recently. David E. Ramirez, for­ merly director of clinical training for Haverford Col­ lege’s Psychological Ser­ vices, began his duties as director of Psychological Services on July 1. He re­ places Leighton Whitaker ’54, who resigned to pursue other professional opportu­ nities. Prior to his position at Haverford, Ramirez was a staff psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. His bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees are from the University of Texas at Austin. Maxine A. Proctor, previ­ ously a member of the dean’s staff at the Universi­ ty of Chicago, was named assistant dean and director of the Black Cultural Cen­ ter, effective Aug. 11 She replaces Joan Eldridge, who served as acting direc­ tor for the past year. At Chicago Proctor was an academic adviser as well as the adviser for the Minority Student Enrich­ ment Program. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Chicago State University 26 L L E College adopts new judicial system and student code David Ramirez and a master’s degree in inner-city studies from Northeastern Illinois Uni­ versity. Avery, Krugovoy retire; both become emeriti Tw o hiembers of the facul­ ty in Modern Languages and Literatures— George A very and George Krugov­ oy— retired at the end of the spring semester. Both have been named emeriti. Avery, professor emeri­ tus of German, joined the Swarthmore faculty in 1959 as a lecturer. From 1975 to 1980, he served as chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures. Born in the U.S.S.R., Kru­ govoy, professor emeritus of Russian, received his graduate degrees in Aus­ tria. He came to Swarth­ more in 1968 as an associ­ ate professor in the areas of Russian literature, phi­ losophy, and folklore. New dates for October break Maxine Proctor . 0 Please note that the dates for October break for 1994 have been changed to Oct. 7 (end of last class or semi­ nar) to Oct. 17 (8:30 a.m.). The change is to coin­ cide with the fall vacations of Bryn Mawr and Haver­ ford colleges and the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania. A revised student judicial system and code of con­ duct have been adopted and will be in place for the 1994-95 academic year. The new judicial system does away with three for­ mer disciplinary commit­ tees and replaces them with a single College Judi­ cial Committee that will adjudicate all major viola­ tions of College regulations. Composed of two faculty members, two students, and one administrator who is not a dean, it will normal­ ly be convened by Dean of the College Ngina Lythcott. Minor infractions— those where a finding of guilt would result in a sanction less severe than suspen­ sion— will be handled by Dean Lythcott or members of her staff. The new “Statement of Student Rights, Responsi­ bilities, and Code of Con­ duct” details the College’s standards concerning a c a -. demic honesty, computing ethics, personal conduct, sexual conduct, alcohol and drugs, and respect for College property. Lythcott said she had concerns about “whether the old code reflected the real values of Swarthmore and whether it gave stu­ dents a fair chance to know and understand them.” The process of revising the code of conduct was al­ ready under w ay when Lythcott joined the College two years ago, but her ar­ rival spurred an even more comprehensive overhaul. It was studied and rewritten by a committee composed of students, faculty mem­ bers, and members of the dean’s staff, then presented to the student body and G E the faculty for approval this spring. Included are more explicit definitions of sexu­ al assault and harassment and the statement that “students have the respon­ sibility to ensure that any sexual interaction occurs only with mutual consent.” ] Dean Lythcott explained, “In the past the code said in essence, ‘You have to read my mind,’ and now it says, ‘It’s m y obligation to let you know what I do or do not want to happen.’” The code emphasizes the counseling and support available on campus and refers to specific rights of complainants and accused persons in matters of sexu­ al misconduct. Praising the work of the students and faculty mem­ bers who revised the code, Lythcott stated: “It is im­ portant for students to know the values of the community that they are choosing to live, work, and j play in. I think this new statement makes those val­ ues clear.” J Admissions deadlines change The Admissions Office has changed its Regular Deci­ sion application deadline from Feb. 1 to Jan. 1. This brings Swarthmore’s date into line with other highly selective colleges and uni­ versities and will allow the deans more time to read applications carefully. Admissions has also merged its two Early Deci­ sion plans (form erly Fall Early Decision and Winter Early Decision) into one Early Decision option with a deadline of Nov. 15. At the same time, the College’s application fee has been raised from $45 to $50. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN J E Women’s lacrosse earns national ranking Guided by second-year head coach Karen Yohannon Borbee, the w om en’s lacrosse team had its most successful season in the history of the school, com­ piling an overall record of 124. The women w ere also recognized on the national level for the first time, being ranked 13th in the nation in the final Brine/ IWLCA coaches’ poll of the season. Julie Noyes ’95 led the Garnet with 107 goals and 18 assists, establishing both national and College records for the most goals scored in one season. She was named a first-team national All-American by Brine/IWLCA and the Unit­ ed States W om en’s La­ crosse Association. Lia Ernst ’97 received honor­ able mention Pennsylvania regional All-American sta­ tus, while Noyes and defen­ der Madeline Fraser ’95 were first-team All-Centen­ nial selections. Ernst and defender Heather Maloney ’95 were second-team AllCentennial selections. Bor­ bee was honored as the Pennsylvania Region Coach of the Year. The w om en’s outdoor track and field team fin­ ished fourth at the Centen­ nial Conference Champion­ ships this spring. Kate Dempsey ’95 qualified for the NCAA National Champi­ onships in the 800-meter with her time of 2:15.88, which also set a new Col­ lege record. Another high­ light of the season was the 1,600-meter relay team’s performance at the Penn Relays. In the 12 years that women’s track and field has been a varsity sport, no Swarthmore woman had ever won a medal at this prestigious event. This AUGUST 1994 C year, at the 100th anniver­ sary of the meet, the relay team of Dempsey, Megan Cunningham ’95, Tina Shepardson ’94, and Jill Wildonger ’97 took home silver medals in the MAC race. Shepardson was also the conference champion in the triple jump, in which she broke her own College record several times. The m en’s outdoor track and field team came in sixth at the Centennial Conference Champion­ ships. Scott Reents ’96 came within three seconds of the College record in the 5.000- meter when he ran a 15:03 against Haverford. His time was good enough to earn him a spot in the Penn Relays in the college 5.000- meter. Mike Turner ’96 had four first-place fin­ ishes at the conference meet, winning the 100- and 200-meter races and help­ ing to solidify victories for the 400- and 1,600-meter relay teams. Eric Pakurar ’97 had a successful rookie year, taking second place in the 400-meter hurdles at the conference meet and also having participated in the 400- and 1,600-meter relays and the triple jump throughout the season. A long-standing Swarth­ more streak was broken this spring when the men’s tennis team did not qualify to send a team to the NCAA Division III Tournament for the first time in 19 years. The men ended the year with a record of 6-10 and finished the season ranked fourth in the Northeast re­ gion of the NCAA and 18th in the nation. Including matches played in the fall, Barry Mook ’96 accumulat­ ed a record of 8-15 at No. 1 singles, and George Khalaf ’96 posted a record of 13-12 at No. 2 singles. In the No. 1 O L L E G doubles spot, the duo of Brandt Lincoln ’95 and Vijay Toke ’96 had an over­ all record of 5-12. The baseball team fin­ ished up the year with a record of 5-28. However, after winning only three of the first 30 games of the season, the men pulled things together and won two of their last three games. Pitcher Chuck Hud­ son ’96 came on strong as the season progressed, picking up the save in the Garnet’s final win against Kate Dempsey ’95 qualified for the NCAA nationals in track. Dickinson. After losing 12 seniors (and eight starters) to graduation in 1993, the team lost only four seniors to graduation this year. Under the direction of new head coach Dan Sears, the w om en’s tennis team finished the season with a record of 3-13. Becky Katz ’95, at No. 1 singles, com­ piled a record of 6-8. The team was forced to make do without Kim Crusey ’95 this spring. Crusey, who played in the No. 1 slot dur­ ing her first two years, E spent the semester study­ ing in Spain. Zack Colburn took over the reins as head m en’s lacrosse coach this year, after serving as an assistant coach in 1993. Even with Colburn at the helm, the team struggled this season, finishing with a record of 2-14. Brian Dougherty ’95 (19 goals, 13 assists) and Ben Seigel ’96 (19 goals, seven assists) led the team in scoring. The softball team fin­ ished the season with a record of 2-23 and a confer­ ence record of 1-13. The one conference win was against Washington, whom they beat 5-3. The women also won a third game against Haverford, which currently plays softball at the club level only. Margy Pierce ’95 led the team in batting with an average of .371, and outfielder Lena Loewenthal ’97 received honorable mention All-Cen­ tennial honors. Due to wet weather con­ ditions, the g o lf team got a late start to the season. At the Centennial Conference Championships, Swarth­ more finished eighth of the eight teams that participat­ ed. Swarthmore’s top com­ petitor was Andres Zuluaga ’94, who shot a 226. Shawn Bundy ’97 played at num­ ber one for the Garnet throughout the season and finished at the champion­ ships with a score of 247. Peter Yoho ’97 shot a 233. Haverford captured the H ood Trophy this year by a score of 9-6 in head-tohead competition. This spring the Fords swept the Garnet in baseball, while also winning in wom en’s tennis and men’s lacrosse. Swarthmore defeated Haverford in w om en’s lacrosse. 27 LETTERS ure of communication on the part of the authorities handling the stakeout. How­ ever, I seriously doubt that any mean­ ingful negotiation with MOVE was possi­ ble at this point. The “hybridized form of discourse” that Dr. Wagner-Pacifici calls for sounds to me like a recipe for further confusion and social disarray. How better to encourage the growth of more violence-prone cults in the future? JOYCE MILTON ’67 Brooklyn, N.Y. Don’t Drop Distinction To the Editor: I read with interest the article in the May Bulletin on revising the External Examination Program. I was most con­ cerned that there is a proposal to elimi­ nate the Distinction in Course honorific. I have always felt that the External Examination and Course programs should be separate but equal paths to a Swarthmore diploma. To eliminate Dis­ tinction unfortunately indicates that the two programs are not considered equal by many in the College community. Students who elect to finish their degree programs in Course generally have very strong reasons to do so. Why should they be penalized for this deci­ sion by taking away the potential for an honorific? Should only 20 percent of the student body have the potential to receive “with Honors” on their diploma? I understand the faculty’s wish to strengthen and improve a program that is truly unique to Swarthmore. However, these improvements should not come at the expense of the Course program, which has been and will continue to be the choice for many Swarthmore stu­ dents who feel it is the best way to achieve their academic goals. JAMES A. ROWLEY, M.D. ’85 Baltimore Editor’s Note: In late May the faculty adopted a revised External Examination Program, including the elimination o f the honorific Distinction in Course. See arti­ cle, page 23. She Was an Angel To the Editor: Recently, the Swarthmore College Bul­ letin (May 1994) circulated through the Alumni Programs and Development Office here at Franklin & Marshall. I was delighted to find an angel on page 12. 28 Continued from page 3 Back in the summers of ’66 and ’67,1 was a dippy high school kid with no future, just one of central Pennsylvania’s many small-town rural poor. I was fortu­ nate to be recruited into the PREP pro­ gram housed at F&M. PREP had been created in 1964 by concerned faculty and staff members at Swarthmore and F&M to make equal access to higher education among the disadvantaged a reality. (It subsequently became the Great Society’s national Upward Bound Program). Among the many wonderful people who helped me and 50-some other kids of all shapes and colors one summer was Marilyn Holifield ’69. As a tutor, Marilyn taught me to write better, talk better, and think better. She shared with me her culture and her love and concern for the welfare of others, no matter what their station. She shared her ideals and .beliefs, and she intro­ duced me to others who felt the same. Marilyn represented for me a new and expanded vision of a world to be ex­ plored. She was an angel. Marilyn, wherever you are, you’ll always have a fan in me. RUSS BURKE Lancaster, Pa. Terpsichorean Excesses To the Editor: The caption on the maypole picture in the May Bulletin [Class Notes, page 32] indicated that the dance is no longer performed. Its demise must be fairly recent. The maypole was danced every spring I was at Swarthmore, 1984-87.1 was taught the traditional Swarthmore maypole (apparently choreographed deep in the mists of time by a gym teacher) by Margaret Smith and Keith Henderson, both Class of 1984.1danced it myself in ’84 and ’85, then taught it to 16 more or less willing dancers in ’86 and ’87.1don’t know whether it sur­ vived after that. Swarthmore folk dancers had a chance every spring to dance at May Day at Bryn Mawr. I can confidently report that although their strawberries were excellent, the Bryn Mawrters’ maypole event was a mere beribboned footrace when compared to the splen­ didly complex terpsichorean excesses of Swarthmore’s annual logistical night­ mare. CARIN RUFF ’87 Silver Spring, Md. “One of the Brightest Memories of my College Years...” To the Editor: If the maypole tradition has in fact died, I am very sorry to hear it, because it is one of the brightest memories of my col­ lege years. The Folk and Square Dance Club was where I made some of my best friends at Swarthmore, and folk dancing continued to be a big part of my life after graduation— in fact, nine years after I graduated I met my wife in a folk dance group. In my first two years at Swarthmore the Folk and Square Dance Club was ruled with an iron hand by Irene Moll, who told us during Freshman Orienta­ tion week that she had probably taught some of our parents to dance. She re­ tired in 1977. I suspect that the only Morris dancers in the [1966] photo are the men. There were no women Morris dancers at Swarthmore until my junior year (1977-78). Morris dancing is tradi­ tionally an all-male dance, but that tradi­ tion came under increasing criticism in our group until it was finally abandoned. The Parent’s Day performance had two parts. In the morning we processed down Magill Walk, stopped a couple of places in the Ville to perform, then pro­ cessed to the train station, performing for a few bewildered Saturday com­ muters, then processed through the din­ ing hall (this was the best part.1) and onto Sharpies Patio, where we gave a brief performance. To imagine the pro­ cession, you have to visualize very bright outfits, sleighbells attached to the Morris dancers’ trousers making an unholy racket in the dining hall, flowers in all the women’s hair, ribbons across the Morris men’s chests, a piper or two, a fool, a “horse,” and a virgin if we could find one. In the afternoon we returned to the patio for a longer performance cul­ minating with the winding of the maypole. DANA NANCE MACKENZIE ’79 Gambier, Ohio CORRECTION President Lyndon B. Johnson and U.N. Secretary General U Thant received hon­ orary degrees from Swarthmore in 1964, not 1965 as was reported in “A Day in the Life” (May 1994). Thanks to Walter Pinkus ’65 and Diana Judd Stevens ’63 for their careful reading. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN ALUMNI DIGEST 4,200 alumni elect 14 to Council st r ig New York: The New York Connection gathered at Carnegie Hall for a sopra­ no performance by Susan Rosenbaum ’87. A coffee reception with Susan followed the May 20 concert. 1 ; Philadelphia: On May 27 the Philadel­ phia Connection, together with Swarthmore’s graduating seniors, traveled to Veterans Stadium to cheer on the Philadelphia Phillies as they played the Houston Astros. Bob ’81 and Carolyn Morgan Hayden ’83 orga­ nized the annual outing. ' t Chicago: On June 2 Swarthmore recent alumni participated in a fivecollege bowling extravaganza with alumni from Carleton, Oberlin, Kenyon and Wesleyan. Mary Schless Roach ’81 organized the event. lii d. j Los Angeles: Alumni, parents, and friends spent an afternoon at Warner Bros, with Los Angeles Times film critic Kenneth Turan ’67. The June 12 event was coordinated by Walter Cochran-Bond ’70. n- ie j i, d '9 o it N ore than 4,200 ballots were returned in this year’s Alumni Council election— a 17 percent increase over last year’s total. Four­ teen alumni were elected from seven geographic regions to serve threeyear terms on the Council, which meets three times each year at the College. They join 28 other Council members under the leadership of Gretchen Mann Handwerger ’56. M Zone A David Newcomer ’80 York, Pa. Anne Matthews Rawson ’50 Swarthmore, Pa. Zone B Alice Higley Gilbert ’48 Garden City, N.Y. Susan A. Rech, M.D. ’79 Plattsburgh, N.Y. Zone C Marilyn Modarelli Lee ’56 Greenfield, Mass. Lisa A. Steiner, M.D. ’54 Cambridge, Mass. Zone D Colleen A. Kennedy, M.D. ’72 Arlington, Va. Betty-Jo Matzinger ’87 Annandale, Va. Zone E Jean L. Kristeller ’74 Terre Haute, Ind. Dorothy Watt Williams ’50 Lakewood, Ohio Zone F Charles Lee Bennett ’77 Durham, N.C. Elizabeth Letts Metcalf ’42 Coral Gables, Fla. Zone G Judith Aitken Ramaley ’63 Portland, Ore. Glenda M. Rauscher ’69 Paradise Valley, Ariz. Washington, D.C./Baltimore: Close to 20 alumni, parents, and friends spent a Sunday afternoon in June at the Baltimore Museum of Art, having brunch at the museum’s café and then enjoying a tour of the Matisse cutouts. Salam Mir, parent of Sarny ’96, put together the event, For the alum ni bookshelf... London/Paris: Traveling Swarthmoreans met “local” alumni during a Col­ lege-sponsored trip with Centennial Professor of English Literature Tom Blackburn. Lucy Rickman Baruch ’42 coordinated the London reception Aug. 6, and the Paris Connection did the honors on Aug. 8, led by Gretchen Mann Handwerger ’56, Ed Gardner ’81, and Elizabeth McCrary ’83. Edited by Jeptha J. Carrell ’45 and Demaris Affleck Carrell ’47 Maine: On Aug. 20 Chris ’54 and Jane Walker Kennedy ’55 hosted their annual Swarthmore clambake at their home in Damariscotta. AUGUST 1994 A SINGULAR TIME, A SINGULAR PLACE Swarthmore College and World War II his new book from Swarthmore College contains tran­ scripts from the memorable War Years Reunion and Alumni College held in June 1992. It includes talks by former President John Nason, President Alfred H. Bloom, and numerous distinguished guests and fellow alumni. It features 16 pages of rare photographs. ■ Order from the Swarthmore College Bookstore, (610) 328-7756.116 pages. $6.50 plus $1.50 for postage and handling. Credit cards accepted. 29 Having Her Say and Including Theirs Film and video review column by Evan Levine ’84 contains comments from children. com m ent from Levine are placed next h e’s colum nist, author, m useum to the category headings. coordinator, interviewer, new Levine and her rug rat reviewers m other, and wife— and doing it all have com m ented on everything from while living in the heart of M anhattan. Last Action Hero and Batman to Disney “I’ve certainly becom e m ore orga­ m ovies and Faerie Tale Theatre nized,” says Evan Levine ’84. videos. “T he kids are savvy,” Levine Levine’s colum n, “Guide to Chil­ says. “T hey do n’t like condescending dren’s T V and V id eo ,” is d istrib u ted « vid eo s.” A nd while the popular purple w eekly in 600 new spapers arpund the dinosaur, Barney, m ay seem to be country. But the colum n, w hich high­ “irritating and the happiness forced” lights m ovies, T V show s, and special­ for Levine and som e parents, “there’s ty videos that might interest children, certainly nothing objectionable about is not just an adult’s perspective on it and young children really like it.” kid’s entertainm ent; she includes the Levine, w ho holds a m aster’s degree opinions of children and a ratings in English from New Y o rk University, scale. is also the author of two children’s T he colum n, now in its fourth year, picture books. She cam e to the pub­ “There have been videos I’ve liked but to is syndicated b y United M edia, w here which the children didn’t respond at all, ” says lishing w orld in a som ew hat fairy-tale Levine form erly w orked and m et her m anner. “I was taking a class in cre­ Evan Levine ’84, whose syndicated column husband, Robert Levy. Levine finds ative writing in graduate school at includes children’s opinions. the child reviewers m ostly through N YU . T he teacher had w on a Newber­ w ord of m outh, and over the years ry Aw ard for her children’s books and I show ed her one of she has built up a reviewing contingent of 25 to 30 children across the country plus several classroom s of children from a m y stories. She w asn’t interested in that, but on the last day of class, I show ed her another story I’d written. She gave it to Long Island sch ool. T he children range in age from 3 to 14. her publisher, w ho later w rote me a letter suggesting changes “T he older ones write their com m ents or I talk to them . W hen and then said he w as going to publish it.” That book is Not the they reach a certain age, they just kind of drop out and lose Piano, Mrs. Medley!, published in 1991. Her book Kids Pick the interest in reviewing and new ones always seem to com e along,” Levine says. “T he little ones, w ho can’t write, talk with Best Videos for Kids was recently published and is similar to the colum n but in a longer format. It also provides sources to their parents after viewing a video and then I talk with the parents.” T he review ers’ youth does not preclude self-expres­ get in tou ch w ith the makers of the video. Her second picture book, What’s Black and White and Came to Visit?, is expected sion: Levine said one 10-year-old girl enjoyed reviewing to be in stores in Septem ber. videos so m uch she declared, “I’m going to do it until I die.” Levine’s full-time job is as coordinator for publications for And a 5-year-old, w hen asked his feelings on a com pilation young people in the Education Departm ent of the M etropoli­ video of Disney songs, told Levine in an exasperated tone, “I tan M useum of Art. T o m ake the collections and exhibits only like songs about baseball!” m ore accessib le, Levine’s departm ent produces appropriate Levine takes satisfaction in the fact that for som e children, literature. In this cap acity she has coordinated a booklet reviewing videos has a greater reward than just fun. A 12titled 20 Questions: Kids’ Most Asked Questions About the year-old dyslexic b o y living in Hawaii finds the opportunity to Metropolitan Museum of Art, expected to be available in the review videos gives him a v o ice and pride. “The stigm a of fall. In it, children will find answers to questions su ch as being dyslexic has left him som ew hat sh y ,” Levine says. “But “W hat o bject in the M useum co st the m ost?” “Is this the being able to stand in front of a classroom of his peers and biggest M useum in the w orld?” and “W hat is the oldest object voice his opinions has heightened his self-esteem. W hen oth­ in the M useum ?” She also writes and develops children’s ers in the his class started asking if they could do reviews guides for the m useum ’s perm anent collections, one of the too, he said, ‘No, this is for m e.’ Things like that really make m e feel good. T he colum n is one of the few forums w here kids m ost extensive of w hich is of Egyptian art. Her departm ent p roduced a booklet that includes a guide to the collections as get to express their opinions. It teaches children to be critical well as recipes for Egyptian foods, stories, how to write hiero­ thinkers. T h ey need to think about w hy they liked or didn’t glyphs, and books to read for additional inform ation. Fam ily like som ething.” guides to special exhibitions and teacher m aterials are also Levine too has learned to becom e a critical thinker in p roduced in this departm ent. determ ining how to phrase questions. “Y o u can ’t just ask Until recently, how ever, m uch of Levine’s insight into w hat children, ‘Did you like that?’ All they do is say yes or no and children like to w atch or read could be said to be inform ed don’t elaborate. So I’ve learned to ask questions like, ‘W ould you w atch it m ore than once and w hy?’ ‘If you were the writer but not firsthand. That has now changed. Last O cto b er Levine gave birth to her first child, Tobias. “H aving a baby w hat w ould you change?’ ‘W ho is your favorite character?’ has m ade m e doubly interested in w hat’s go o d ,” she says. ‘W ould you w atch it w ith a sibling?’ ” “He has strong opinions already.” Although at this age one Before sending out the videos, however, Levine gets the susp ects they are m ore about strained carrots v s. sm ooshed perm ission of the parents or teachers. The young reviewers bananas. rank the videos on fun factor, believability, hum or, visuals, —Audree Penner appropriateness, and social value. A num ber ranking and S AUGUST 1994 55 Recent Books by Alumni We w elcom e review copies o f books by alum ni. The books are donated to the Sw arthm orean a section o f M cCabe L ib rary a fte r they have been noted fo r this colum n. KarinAguilar-SanJuan’84 (ed.), The S tate o f A sian A m erica: A ctivism a n d Resis­ tance in the 1990s, South End Press, 1994. W ritten from the perspectives of labor orga­ nizers, artists, law yers, histo­ rians, and others, this co llec­ tion of essays provides analy­ ses of a range of issues from the rise in anti-Asian violence to the social construction of race and ethnicity. Margaret Glover (Moore) FoleyAmes’38 (trans. and ed.), The N ew (S o -C alled) M agdeburg E xperim ents o f Otto von G uericke, Kluwer A cad em ic Publishers, 1994. Translated for the first time from Latin, this w ork details the experim ents of 17th-cen­ tury scientist O tto von Guer­ icke, the “neglected genius” w ho w as associated with the developm ent of the barom e­ ter, the therm om eter, the air pum p, and a rudim entary electric m achine. EmilieAmt ’82, The Acces­ sion o f H enry I I in England: R o yal G overnm ent R estored 1149-1159, T he Boydell Press, 1993. This book focuses on H en ryJI’s achievem ents in the last few years of King Stephen’s reign and the first years of his own, especially in adm inistration and finance; on the people w ho contributed to those achieve­ ments; and on the local and com m unal dim ension of the events of these years. Lotte(Lazarsfeld) Bailyn ’51, B reakin g the M old: W omen, M en, an d Tim e in the N ew C orporate W orld, T he Free Press, 1993. U sing real-life cases, Bailyn illustrates com ­ m on problem s facing this country’s w ork force as busi­ nesses stuggle to address the 58 problem of coordinating w ork and private life and explains w hy current com pa­ n y efforts usually fail. DavidCateforis ’86, W illem de K ooning, Rizzoli Interna­ tional Publications, 1994. W illem de K oonig is a painter o p po sed to any and all sys­ tem s. This fully illustrated volum e traces the everchanging career of this artist w ho altered the cpurse of A m erican art. Michael C.Ehrhardt ’77, The Search fo r Value: M easuring the C om pany’s Cost o f C apital, Harvard Business School Press, 1994. Providing a fram ew ork for practitioners, this book details the various m ethods for accurately eval­ uating investm ent in proj­ ects, divisions, or entire com ­ panies. AndreGunderFrank ’50 and Barry K. Gills (eds.), The W orld System , Routledge Inc., 1993. This book confronts the idea that historic long­ term econom ic interconnect­ edness did not begin 500 years ago but rather 5,000. T he editors gathered an array of scholars involved in w orld system analysis and include both statem ents and responses to the idea of a “one w orld system .” PatriciaGillespie ’72 and M ary M athew s, Voices from W ithin: Faith -life Stories o f W om en in the Church, H ope Publishing H ouse, 1994. This theological prim er is the result of a four-year consulta­ tion project w hose object w as to let w om en explore how they think/feel/experience their faith, their rela­ tionship to G od, and their place in the church. JohnW. Harbeson’60, Ray­ m ond F. H opkins, and David G. Sm ith (eds.), R esponsible honoring Charles E. Gilbert, w ho retired from Swarthm ore’s Politiceli Science Departm ent in 1989, this vol­ um e contains essays related to one or both of G ilbert’s sem inal articles, “T he Frame­ w ork of Adm inistrative Responsibility” and “Opera­ tive Doctrines of Representa­ tion.” AnneT. (McCaghey)Keene ’62, E arthkeepers: Observers an d Protectors o f N ature, Oxford University Press, 1994. M ore than 100 natural­ ists and environm entalists— from ancient tim es to the present— are profiled in this reference aim ed at adoles­ cent readers. It also includes tables of plant and animal classifications, the geological ages of Earth, a further read­ ing list, a glossary of term s, and a list of organizations that prom ote nature stud y and conservation. MarthaP. King’73, H ealth y K ids! State In itiative s to Im prove C h ildren’s H ealth, National Conference of State Legislatures, 1993. This pub­ lication exam ines state issues and highlights a vari­ ety of program s in insurance coverage, M edicaid im prove­ m ents, children with special health care needs, im m uniza­ tion, adolescent health, m inority health, early inter­ vention, and em ergency mediceli services. ’73, M elissa K. Hough, Jennifer M . Lam an, and Julie A . Poppe, M a te rn al an d C hild King MarthaP. H ealth Legislation 1993, National Conference of State Legislatures, 1994. Sum m ariz­ ing approxim ately 500 laws and resolutions concerning maternal and child health issues, this publication cov­ ers su ch topics as adolescent health, child fatalities, coor­ dination of services, prenatal care, and sch ool health. RichardMartin G overnance: The G lobal C hal­ lenge, University Press of ’67 and Harold K oda, W aist N ot: The A m erica, 1994. A festschrift M igration o f the W aist 1 8 0 0 - 1960, T he M etropolitan M useum of Art, 1994. Pub­ lished in conjunction with the exhibition “W aist N ot” held at the M etropolitan M useum of Art, this volum e contains drawings illustrat­ ing the variability of the “fashion w aist,” from the Empire dress of the early 1800s to the trapeze dress of 1958. JeanMichenerNicholson ’49, illustrations b y Judy NicholsonAsselin ’75, Feel­ ing a L ittle B it A fra id , Peace and Ju stice Press, 1993. This children’s book captures in sim ple language the m any fears young children face as^ they brave the world and how they find com fort and courage in the process. ’49, MichenerNicholson Jean F eeling a L ittle B it Lonely, Peace and Ju stice Press, 1994. A lso for children, this book looks at the lonely times young children experi­ ence and show s how they develop creativity to deal with their loneliness. SarahVanKeuren’66, A N on-S ilver M an u al: Cyanotype, B row nprint, P alladium & Gum B ichrom ate, pub­ lished b y the author, 1994. B ased on 14 years of teach­ ing non-silver photographic p rocesses, V an Keuren devel­ oped this m anual to supple­ ment classroom instruction by teachers experienced in the p rocesses and to help those already com m itted to printing in non-silver. WilliamFooteWhyte’36, Hon. ’84, P articip an t Observ­ er: A n A utobiography, ILR Press, 1994. Considered one of the premiere social scien­ tists of this century, W hyte, Professor Emeritus of the New Y o rk State School of Industrial and Labor Rela­ tions of Cornell University, gives his first-person account of his life and career as a scholar-practioner in sociolo­ gy and ethnography. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN the mathematical cosmologists is that w e’ll be able to do that again, to say what is the topology or shape of the Continued from page 8 whole universe.” Knowing the shape of the universe spiritual issues are about moral priori­ might help settle one of the most vex­ ties, and they are not in conflict with, ing cosmological questions. One theo­ o r even v e r y much rela te d to, the r y su g g e s ts th at th e r e m igh t be sh a p e o f th e p h y s ic a l u n iv e r s e .” enough mass in the universe to allow Asked if he thinks there was a spiritu­ gravity to halt the expansion, that all al force behind the big bang, Mather is of the objects w ould ultim ately pull concise: “That’s w ay beyond m y capa­ back together into another infinitesi­ bilities.” mal point, creating another big bang. Still, the God question hangs over This so-called “closed” universe may the work of every cosmologist. If you be attractive aesthetically and philo­ accept the big bang, you have to ask sophically, but the missing mass— or what happened before the beginning. “dark matter”— has not been found. Mather calls this “a currently unap­ The opposite ( “open”) theory holds proachable question. Because w e ’re that the universe will expand forever, part o f the expanding universe, w e becoming infinitely large— a beginning can’t observe it from an external per­ but no end. spective. As far as w e can tell, the big T h e q u e s tio n is n ’ t lik e ly to be bang happened, but there’s virtually resolved anytime soon, says Mather, no trace of the conditions that caused who, with the COBE research winding it to happen. down, is thinking about new projects. “W e’re on an almost entirely math­ “W e have only tw o ways of figuring ematical adventure here,” he points out whether the universe is going to out. “Einstein’s theories o f relativity stop expanding. One is to know all the w ere propelled by intuition and math­ law s o f p h y s ics and to kn ow h o w ematics, and everything he said about much gravity there is coming from all it turned out to be true. The hope of kinds of matter. That’s a hard prob­ BEGINNING Left: The COBE was launched into a 559- mile high polar orbit by a Delta rocket. Right: The satellite had to be completely redesigned after the Challenger explosion made a space shuttle launch impossible. lem . T h e o th e r is to m ea su re the shape of the universe so well that we can actually see if things are slowing d ow n . T h a t ’ s a w fu lly hard to o because you don’t know how far away things re a lly are. T h e r e ’s no good yardstick.” But M ather and his cosm ological colleagues have solved hard problems before. “You sort of just circle around th em and c h e w on th in gs, try to immerse yourself. It’s like learning a language. You w ork on it, memorize the words, talk to people in it— and eventu ally you can do it. You can’t quite pin down the moment in which it happens. Doing science is a skill a lo t like that, and so m etim es ideas come from who knows where.” Is he attracted more to the aesthet­ ics of a closed or an open universe? “I sort of like the idea of infinite expan­ sion fo r e v e r and e v e r ,” says John Mather. “But as an observer I have no preferred view. I have to go measure.” ■ SWARTHMORE COLLEGE BULLETIN MIRACLE Continued from page 21 patiently, w aiting their turn, eating fruit, or sipping lukewarm drinks. This is a day that many here never thought they would live to see, so they’re pre­ pared to wait a few hours more. “Today w e ’re putting apartheid in the grave,” one wom an giggles. “W e don’t know what will come out of the grave....” Her com panion chimes inf “We don’t know what is going t6 hap­ pen. W e w ere suffering a v e r y long time, you see. Now we are looking to go forward.” On W e d n e s d a y m ost o f South Africa’s 22 million voters are expected to vote. By the time I get to the Henley Primary School in Soweto just before 7 a.m., when the polls are scheduled to open, several hundred people are already in line. Those at the front say they’ve been there since 4 a.m. How­ ever, neither the ballot boxes nor the polling booths have arrived. Shortly after 7 a pickup truck manned by elec­ tion c o m m is s io n w o rk e rs c o m e s speeding up and they start scrambling to get the polling station set up. By the time voting gets started two hours later, the line is almost a mile long and g r o w in g lo n g e r b y th e moment. Tavern owner Masuga Mota is at the front and is so excited he said he couldn’t sleep all night. “I feel like I’m a b ove the m oon,” says Mota. “I feel like I’m finally a human being, like this is my country too. I’m finally a cit­ izen.” which controls radio and TV broad­ casting in South Africa, had planned round-the-clock, American-style co v­ erage of the results on radio and its three TV channels. The election spe­ cials in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, and Xhosa were going to pre-empt regular programming for a few days until the final results were in. When the shows went on the air for the first time on Saturday, there were literally no returns. For the next few days, results staggered in, a few hun­ dred or a few thousand at a time, with hours passin g w ith no sig n ifica n t news. Th e netw ork gam ely tried to carry on but eventually surrendered to reality (and audience pressure) and returned to regular programming. None of this mattered, of course, because the result was a fo re g o n e conclusion. Opinion polls had predict­ ed a comfortable victory for Mandela, so it came as no real surprise when the ANC was d ecla red the w inner, though it didn’t get the parliamentary m ajority enabling it to w rite a new con stitu tion w ithout su pp ort from other parties. De Klerk and the Nation­ al Party finished a distant second. That evening Nelson Mandela and F.W. de K lerk, th e tw o m en w h o presided over the miracle, spoke to the nation of reconciliation and coop­ eration. Mandela, the humble victor, took no credit for his role in the liber­ ation struggle, thanking the people as the true heroes. He shared again his vision of one South Africa, united, aris­ ing from its disparity of races, cul­ tures, and languages. * “W e might have our differences,” M andela said in the nationally tele­ vised address, “but w e are one people w ith a com m on destiny in our rich variety of culture, race, and tradition.” Mandela also paid an eloquent trib­ ute to de Klerk, his partner and adver­ sary in engineering this orderly and r e la tiv e ly peacefu l tran sition from white-minority rule to democracy. “W e have w orked together, quar­ reled, addressed a sensitive program, and at th e end o f ou r h e a te d e x ­ changes w e were able to shake hands and drink coffee,” Mandela said. But for me, there was a moment in d e K le r k ’ s c o n c e s s io n s p e e c h , a speech of tremendous grace and elo­ quence, that som ehow captured the dangerous passage the nation had just co m p leted and set out the difficult challenges that lie ahead. “A p o w e r g rea te r than man has g iv e n South A fr ic a th e s p irit, th e chance to com e forward in peace,” de Klerk said. “God Alm ighty has been kind to us. Now it is up to the political le a d e r s to jo in to g e th e r , to w o rk together, for the good of our people and to com plete the task of healing and reconciliation. God bless Africa.” Then he paused and repeated “God bless Africa” in Xhosa. “Nkosi Sikelele iAfrika,” he said. It’s also the name of South Africa’s new national anthem. ■ O fficials seriously underestimated how long it would take to collect and count nearly 19 million paper bal­ lots by hand. The logistical problems that plagued the elections themselves also afflicted the v o te count, and it was almost another week before the results w ere officially announced and the election was declared “free and fair” b y the In depen den t E lectoral Commission. Under procedures set up by elec­ toral officials to guard against fraud, ballots w ere supposed to be counted twice b efore results w ere released. This slowed things down so badly, it was finally abandoned. This led to an unusual problem for the South African Broadcasting Corporation. The SABC, AUGUST 1994 M ich ael Fields ’69, shown in South Africa with new president Nelson M andela, is national desk editor for N ation al Public Radio. H e helped coordinate the netw ork’s coverage o f the historic elections that brought the A frican N ation al Congress to p o w er this spring. 63 Staying Power By Jeffrey Lott his year Professor of A stronom y Wulff D. Heintz and Sproul Obser­ vatory closed the book on an 82-year p rogram o f p h o to gra p h ic o b serv a ­ tions of the heavens. More than 90,000 ph otogra p h ic plates of about 1,500 stars or star systems have now been cataloged and evaluated— the largest co llection of its kind to h ave com e from one telescope. The program has “run its course,” said Heintz. “W e have squeezed out of photography every­ thing w e could do at this location.” The research has concentrated on two distinct classes of stars— binaries and dwarfs. Binary stars are systems in w hich tw o (o r som etim es m o re) stars orbit about each other, swinging in a gravitational do-si-do. Dwarf stars have smaller-than-usual masses and low luminosities. Most stars belong to o n e o r b o th o f th e s e c a te g o r ie s , explains H eintz. But it takes c lo s e observation to optically separate the binaries or to find the faint dwarfs. “ M uch o f w h at is kn ow n o f th e m asses o f sm a ller stars has co m e from this instrum ent,” says Heintz, noting that decades of astronometric m easurem ents are often n eeded to calcu late stellar masses. “T h e first goal is to find the distance of a star and hence its luminosity. For binaries, through careful measurement w e then d eterm in e the orbits, p eriod s, and masses of the members of the system. This information allows theorists to determine the internal structure and evolutionary status of the stars.” Som etim es a b in ary system w ill have one bright, easily seen member and a darker unseen com panion of lower mass whose existence can only b e in fe r r e d th ro u g h th e p e r io d ic motion of the larger star. The gravita­ tional tug from the companion makes the bright star w aver in its path like an unbalanced tire. But because the period of this wiggle might be as long as 15 to 20 years, long-term observa­ tion is n eeded to d etect the subtle changes in direction. T „ 64 T h e Sproul o b s e rv a tio n s began shortly after the observatory’s 24-inch refracting telescope was tested out in 1912. A t the tim e, the Sw arthm ore telescope was the largest refractor on the East Coast and the third m ost powerful in the nation. Professor John Miller became the first of a long line of distinguished Sw arthm ore astrono­ mers that included Sarah Lippincott and Peter Van De Kamp. Heintz has worked at the refractor for 26 years, helped in recent years only by student assistants. “It’s diffi­ cult for us to be awake for class the next day after having spent a night at th e t e le s c o p e ,” he says, “ but th e o b serv a tio n s and th eir p ro c es sin g have continued on schedule.” Dozens o f stu d en ts h a v e c o n tr ib u te d to Heintz’s work since he joined the fac­ ulty in 1967. Of particular interest has been the Sproul Observatory hunt for so-called brow n dw arfs, stars o f such sm all m ass th at th e ir n u cle a r fu rn a ces h a ven ’t qu ite enough fuel to shine brightly. Theoretically, a brown dwarf is about one-twelfth, or less, of the mass o f the sun, to o sm all to em it light from a hydrogen thermonuclear reaction like our star but big enough to glow faintly as its gases collapse under the pressure of gravity. In 1972 Heintz put theory and ob­ servation together, announcing that a b in a ry sy s te m know n as W olf-424 could be a pair of brown dwarfs. (The object is named for Max Wolf, the as­ tronomer who first cataloged it about 85 years ago.) He made this announcement after studying Sproul photographic obser­ vations o f the object dating back to the 1930s. Then in 1989, after 17 more years of observing it through another of its p e rio d ic w iggles, Heintz pub­ lished a research note in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics claiming that W olf-424 w as in d eed a brow n dwarf system. He received wide pub­ lic ity fo r his work, w hich The New York Times described as “a victory for old-fashion ed astronom y, in w hich astronom ers used to dedicate their lives to the study of a limited number of objects in space.” Though Heintz’s findings have yet to be co n firm ed (a n d in fact have been disputed by som e other scien­ tists), he argues that “only our long­ term observations permit an accurate calculation of their masses and thus back up the claim.” He is critical of the way the United States supports basic research like his. “Governmental support has long been the lowest among industrialized The 24-inch refracting telescope in the Sproul Observatory, the gift o f Sen. W illiam Sproul, cam e into full use in the spring o f 1912. It was built by the famous telescope m a k e r John B rashear o f Pitts­ burgh. The observatory’s first director; Professor John A. M ille r (b elo w ), follow ed his friend, President Joseph Swain, to S w arthm ore from In d ia n a University. Professor W ulff H e in tz (rig h t) jo in e d the C ollege’s faculty in 1967. u You can’t rush things, says Professor Wulff Heintz, who has spent 26 years at the Sproul Observatory telescope K G nations, and in recent years what dol­ lars w ere available have been con­ sumed by expensive space missions. On long-term projects, ground-based observers have the advantage over usually sh ort sp ace m ission s,” he says, “but it is always easier to get funding fo r sh in y new eq u ip m en t than for operating and maintaining existing equipm ent. Even large re­ search universities are now seriously affected.” Heintz’s w ork was funded until 1990 by substantial National Sci­ ence Foundation grants, but financial support has since been scarce. For the past four years, Heintz has worked jointly with Harry Augensen of W idener U niversity revising and translating from German a three-vol­ ume Compendium o f Astronomy. The English edition appeared this sum­ mer. N ow 64, Heintz looks forw ard to m ore years at the Sproul eyepiece, though no longer with photography. He ex p ec ts to contin ue the visual ob servation of double stars by mi­ crom eter, a high-magnification mea­ suring d e v ic e w ith crossw ires. He first did this type of work in 1954 at Mount Stromlo O bservatory in Aus­ tralia, and he has continued to hunt binaries at Swarthmore and at Cerro T o lolo O bservatory in Chile. Heintz has discovered more than 850 double stars in his career. Even w ith o u t p h o to g ra p h y th e Sproul Observatory will have its uses, says Heintz. There is talk of adding a charge-coupled device (CCD) to the instrum ent— an electron ic im aging tool that could measure star bright­ nesses more accurately over shorter observing times, permitting shorter, m o re s tu d e n t-o rie n te d p r o je c ts . Heintz hopes to make the telescope m ore useful for science instruction and also for the popular open house nights. Though photographic observation is n ow c o n s id e re d o ld -fa sh ion ed , after m easuring th ree 16-year-long orbits of Wolf-424 recorded on more than 700 p la tes, H ein tz to ld a reporter, “You can’t rush things. I’ve m ade m y reputation b y being v e ry careful.” ■ Swartlu“ore is he’P' ,o revolutionize the teaching of science—a»d >H" don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand it- M L Learn all about it at" iSye2 REFAU ^EK EN D O CT .2*-30 AfA R T H M O R t r N H I% ■ 1 \mc\ae. rep tesel^ s ab0VenS c e X m ea d ire e ■ o rth ogon tructio n of a dim ensional rec w j w hat excel at lu res fo r students zation fo r e s math and scien H t „ifovQ H matin and scien fresh m orning y0U ! Vail Weekend, w hen forum on m em bers m otivation to b eg and lh o s e '" b ° and m athem atical g el” scien noUgh to m ake co n cep ts-1 acuity dem on„tin s p oten tial o f rrr •state-of-tbe“ ' ' D H H M SdenCeds on students, no m at­ in g dem ands on You’i\ te r ^ S ^ f o u e s m a d e p o s s llearn h ow b te b y P t ° le (K tesge allow s t u d i o ^ | tio n s ,visua' ^ I I classroom. and d riv e ro c e ss. In addition the discovery P t0 offering new learning w m etihons, arts b ack in th e 2 9 fo rF a ll dven. m m spectacu lar es.andtours^aifo campus_ wUi ^ ^ u t f o e weekend. N o m atter round ou t ^ a y o n A ccess) I v alumni wish th ey w “ ^ « “^ o' r“a t*o8" r y 8. fo r th e classr n - can’t Krinss y ° u ^ aC^ ’ -s s s g s s :