10 “The people on the two farms composing this camp evince a desire to support themselves, and they have paid for a considerable portion of the clothing distributed among them. In the Ninth month the Committee on Supplies was released and Louisa J. Roberts, Macpherson Saunders, George W. Robins, Martha Dodgson, Spencer Roberts, Nathan W. Ellis, Joseph M. Truman, Jr., and Franklin 8. Wilson, were constituted a Sanitary Committee, the Board appropriating for their use $500 to be ex- pended in hospital stores mainly for Mason’s Island. By the publication of the following appeal, prepared by them, valuable contributions were received and forwarded : “ Friends’ Association, of Philadelphia, for the Aid and Sleration of the Freedmen,’’ have co-operated with Government in the establishment of hospitals on Mason’s Island, where much sickness and great destitution now exist. The undersigned, a sanitary committee of said Association, solicit from Friends and others, contributions of hospital stores, which will be judiciously distributed by nurses and teachers sent out by the Association to Mason’s Island, Camp Wadsworth, and other points in the vicinity of Washington. “The articles most needed, are dried fruits, such as apples, peaches, cherries, plums and blackberries; also blackberry and other syrups, and all other articles suitable for the sick and convalescent. “ Contributions of bed-covering, and clothing for women and children, will be very acceptable, as they are greatly needed. Free transportation has been granted by Government from Philadelphia: “ All contributions should be sent to J. & M. a 34 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Phila., Ninth month Lith. On behalf of this Committee, Louisa J. Roberts, accompanied © by Margaret A. Griscom, again visited Mason’s Island, and thus reported upon their return : ‘After the business of the Sanitary Committee was ee at their meeting, held Ninth month 23d, I proposed to go again to Washington for the purpose of laying before the newly-appointed Quarter Master, the wants of our teachers and the people among whom they labor, and to luok after our boxes sent since his sper rerepat to office in that com ment. ‘My proposition was accepted, and I lost no time in starting, as our . interests demanded early attention. “ We had several satisfactory interviews with Col. Elison. Our teach- ers appear to have his entire confidence, and he seems willing to do all that lies in his power, to promote their comfort and er