r 11 I am determined to stay here until sent by the proper authorities into another field, or dismissed the service entirely.” She further remarks : “Tt is not labor for me, as some would call it; I Jove the work.” Her school now numbers forty-five pupils. ~~ The school under the care of Mary K. Brosius, at Vienna, although established so recently, is very satisfactory. There is not material in the surrounding country for a large school, but education is none the less needed. Her last account gave the number of pupils as twenty-six. Two instances of progress were stated by her, as follows: ‘I have two little girls not over five years old, who have learned their letters in one week.” She also states they desire her to open a First-day School, which she intends doing. In the Twelfth month last we were called to mourn the re- moval by death of our beloved friend and associate, Macpherson Saunders. Connected with this Society from its organization, and ever active in all efforts to extend its usefulness, we shall long miss the steady judgment and quiet decision that gave such value to his counsels. Endeared to us by the genial cheerful- ness and earnestness which he brought to the consideration of all our affairs, we mourn the loss of a valued friend and co- laborer. By this review it will be seen that we are now less busily en- gaged than formerly, in supplying clothing to the destitute and suffering freedmen, who are passing from a state of servitude and dependence, with its corresponding degradation, to freedom, with all its possibilities of progress and improvement. Our present efforts are directed almost exclusively to the establishment and support of schools among them. With the restoration of peace. and the general resumption of habits of industry, their privations must soon give place to comparative comfort and thrift, so that the great needs of the colored people in the future will be facili- ties for education and adequate protection from the prejudice. and rapacity of their former masters. The schools we have opened among them are all actively and vigorously conducted by conscientious and efficient teachers, whose sympathies are with the scholars in their efforts to learn. We have been eminently successful in securing the services of