2U Report of Forwarding Committee. No. “ilmira G. Fales, Washington, D. 0.— 1. 111 new and old Garments. M. Humes, Knoxville, Tenn.— 2. 304 new and old Garments. 50 pairs Blankets. Wn. F. Mitchell, eee Tenn.— 3. 251 new Garments. 4, 149) *§ she 5. 147 old “ Gen. Ralph Ely, Columbia, S. C.— 6. 322 new Garments. 40) aun oe re M. St. Leon Loud, Vicksburg, Miss.— 8. 244 old Garments. 9. 450 new + Trimmings, &c. S. A. M. Canfield, Memphis, Tenn. a 10. #367 new and old Garments. 40 pairs Shoes. Wilmer Walton, Stevenson, Ala.— ll. 343 new Garments. 12. 210 old “ Martha Schofield, Wadmalaw, S. C. 13. 204 new Garments. 14. Beddiag, &c. John Needies, Baltimore, Md.— 15. 269 old Garments. 16. 149 new at Eliza Heacock, Washington, D, C.— 17. 600 old Garments. Martha Schofield, Rockville, 8. C.— 18. 187 old Garments. Trimmings. — Cornelia Hancock, Charleston, S. C. 19. 353 new Garments, Gen. R. Saxton, Charleston, S. C., “for Atlanta, Geo.” — 20. 154 old Garments. 21. 306 new ~ Chaplain Goodfellow, Huntsv’le, Ala. 22. 282 old Garments. J. P. Rutherford, A. Q. M., Charles- ton, 8. C 23. 150new Garments. 61 old nt Gaynor Heacock, Beaufort, 8. C.— 24. 125 new Garments. 87 old rs Almira G. Fales, Washington, D. C. 25. 67 old Garmerts. Philena Heald, St. Helena, 8.{0.— 26. 143 new Garments* 40 old rr 27. Books, Slates, &. Garden Seeds. Lucy Doolittle, Washington, D. C.— 28. Flannels. Jos. Shultz, Wilmington, N. Ga. 29. School and Reading Books Cornelia Hancock, Charleston, S. O. 30. 214 new Garments. 45 old # Jos. B. Dugdale, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. 31. 75 new Garments. 1 piece Bed Ticking. Wilmer Walton, Stevenson, Ala.— 32. Garden Seeds. 16 pairs Shoes, (childrens.) | 96 ‘ . Stockings, “ 12 “ Mittens, A A. M. Arlott, Centerville, Md.— 33. 92 new Garments. J. Wesley Pritchard, Centerville, Md. 34, 96 new Garments. Maria Mann, Washington, D. C.— 35. 34 new Garments. Phila. Co. Prison, for destitute col. Soldiers. 36. 60 old Garments. Philena Heald, St. Helena, 8S. C.— 37. 174 new Garments. Stationery, &c.. Mary A. Taylor, Mt. Pleasant, 8. C. 38. 98 new Garments. Books. — Almira G. Fales, Washington, D. C., 39. 248 old Garments. Ella P. Way, Mt. Pleasant, S. C_— 40. 240 new Garments. Gen. John Ely, Lexington, Ky.— 41. 237 new Garments. Cornelia Hancock, Mt. Pleasant, S. C. Garden Implements. Garden Seeds. Louisa EH. Ricks, Washington, D. C. Flannels, Muslins, &. Several Friends— 150 old Garments for individual cases of Freedmen. . Total during the 16 months, 100 boxes. The above were forwarded from llth mo., 1865, to 5th mo., 1866. Phila,, 5th mo., 1866. Hesee. M, Larne, No. 30 N. Third St.