Clothing, ete., received from 5th mo. 1st, 1866, to 5th mo. 1st, 1867. Jaooks WE. ENG isa dissts sievkdichidanden dap niasde 4 lo's of Clothing and Books. L. K. Brown, Little Brittain............... Clothing. Linke Hanooo® 0.5 ssesmetivushte sekkisades » Freedmen’s Aid, West Chester........... 1 box Clothing. RB, Wh Caahaian cuss tec cseine Maps, Books, &c. T. B. Ackley, Germantown. ............... Clothing. Elizabeth Warner, Bristol, Dead. New Stockings. A Friend. sud bicledonds wtensdiebdwemidgnes bend vgs Clothing. Rbensibanibecbagbwnes eis oueleeeam eens Books. Franklin Bh WV MOMs ii doen nadessahnenynsin » Clothing. RAREOM Cee rei ce, tala pens Friends of Chester; Pa..iis.écisciba..cess. st Debby Bpackmans. s.sisesess..sopteuilencs a Friends of Lambertville, ...... ..0:..seee0 “A fF Providemoe.cicieiies tabsbigdeGhins 1 box of Books and Clothing, AlEVOG FL, TiO COs oe skis shsbac seks coseaupeaelbtns Pantaloons Stuff and Toys. Riohard Cad bory sii ccc iscscensy:idenadberbhets 1000 Papers ‘‘ British Workmen.” George Dold, iscsciiiiinss.-cleeasrb sncaiens Toys. Bed. As GOWARee, . iss caasienisyonndnureaieGides JHMOR ASR oi Siu iis sitise csusseyes Clothing. Kate & George T. Laing. ...:.......00.600 400 Books, Toys, &c., for Christmas. Wi Wy ORR ss irik since vin cocssutenduecnoen Clothing. SALMA.) PAIPIADS dieccenseicsssnnpnian tunsaeia T., BMRA ai dieanecnastncanbesoes Avenband 100 School Books and Clothing. Sarah Pusey, Nottingham..............+0 Stockings. Jane Hall, Hestonville.............+0++ + 2 barrels Clothing. Comly PW pelnb bes silts hoe crass Clothing. TOAD, CODON: si svi visinnesusneeovenionnbanis Friends of Hockessin, Del...............+.+ 1 box Clothing. Mary A. Eisenbry, Lumberville. Veackene Clothing, Harriet E. Reading...... -.ssceecerereeee vee DRONE VOGT ics sis ereesnieed saab neniae +f Rachel W. Moore......-.ccosecsssconeeseesess 2 lots of Stockings and Clothing. Letitia: Hain ee il ick cnanmnsaie Clothing. G. Worrel, 4000+ 1 piece of Stuff for Pants. Mullica Hill Relief Ass...... eae senesecoe ces 4 bags Clothing. Friends of Norristown........+...+sssseeee 1 box Clothing. Happy Retreat School, Norristown...... 1 box of Books and Clothing. Margaret Bancroft ...........seseseeeeseeeees Woollen Skirts. Dr. Bageell. visor ssuvses ons naive teaseeccensons 40 pieces of Clothing. Rath: A. Lippinoothnnrcosdsicsncse cores svnonen Clothing, AL BRON ih oiiss tedaenasebbvsancly os cennenve M. A. Thomas, Downingtown. ........... 1 bag Clothing. A. Campbell & Co., Chestnut St ...-... 1 piece of Stuff for Pants. Mary, A. BV Anise cicccssuensthinndenearneyipam Books. D. Ferriss, Wilmington........ Sas evin panies Socks. ( Friends of Upper Greenwivh............... Books. Laing & Maginnit.....cercie secviss vee doves Shoes.