27 Annual Report of Forwarding Committee. No. 43. 1 kox. C. Hancock, Mount Pleasant, S. C., Muslins, Trimmings, &e. 1a ke ee Taylor, AS ‘¢ Unmade Mite ny 45. 1 pkge. Saml. Le Steer, Waterford, Pais Books. e605 % 47, 1.00L a B ehae. one D. C., 50 Garments. 48. 1 pkge. Sallie E. Lloyd, Woodlawn, Va., ‘Books, &c. 49, 1 bale. Wm. Tate, London Co., Va. 50.1 ‘* Mary Still, Florida, Clothing. Ok. Swe’ i Cama, Hines, Vienna, Va., Books, &c. . 52.1 ‘* Hettie R. Painter, Painter P. 0., Va., Books, &c. 53. 1trunk.C. Hancock, Mount Pleasant, S. C., 152 Garments, &c. O46, 1 Dix. Fy Heald, St. Helena, 5. C. , Clothing. $6.7 is Books, Seeds, &c. BE AE rf ff Blankets, &eo. i 57. 1 bbl. Sarah M. Ely, ‘‘ Bread. Bed a ' te Sundries, &e. 59. 1 c 6c 6é 60. 1 box. C. Hancock, Mount Pleasant, S. C., 320 Garments, &e. 61. 1 bale. Katie E. Hall, Andrews Chapel, Va., 61 C2 tC 7 eG, Shortlidge, Big Falls, Va., 67 ‘e 63. 1 ‘* Fannie E. Gause, Herndon, Va., 60 h 64.1 ‘* KE. E. Way, Falls Church, Va., 66 - 65. 1 bbl. M. K. Brosius, Vienna, Va., 85 if 66.1 ‘“ Mary McBride, Fairfax C. H., Va., 90 ity 67. 1 ‘* Martha Wright, Lewinsville, Va., 83 ve 68. 1 box. Caroline Thumas, Leesburg, Va., 130 . 69.1 ‘* §. A. Steer, Waterford, Va., 81 ee 70. 1 ** Sallie E. Lloyd, Woodland, Va., 84 < 71.1 ‘* ©. Hancock, Mount Pleasant, Va., Clothing. 72. 1 bbl. Capt. G. R. ‘Chandler, Winchester, Va., New Clothing. doe koe Part-worn do. 74.1 ‘* Caroline tities Leesburg, Va., Trimmings, Books, &c. 75. 1 bale. J. A. Dugdale, Iowa, 3 pieces Flannel. 76. 1 box. 8. M. Ely, St. Helena, S. C., Flannels, Trimmings, &e. 77.1 * Gen. J. Ely, Louisville, Kentucky, 193 new Garments. 78. 1 bbl. M. A. Taylor, Mount Pleasant, 8. C., Clothing. 79. 1 Sundries. 80. 1 ‘* Carrie Taylor, rt big 81. 1 ‘* Caroline Thomas, Leesburg, Va., Clothing. $2.2 Oe OS AS Steer: Waterford, Va., 88 Garments. 8&3. 1 ‘* Sallie E. Lloyd, Woodlawn, Va., Clothing. 84. 1 ‘* Maria R. Mann, Washington, D. Oe 60 Garments. 85. 1 box. Mary McBride, Fairfax C. H., Va., ‘Clothing, Shoes, &c- 86.1 ‘* F. A. Gause, Herndon, Va., St. a bbl. E. E. Way, Falis Church, Va., Books, Shoes, &c. 88. 1 Gaynor Heacock, Beaufort, 8. C., Unmade Clothing. 89. 1 ey e. H. K. Painter, Painter Pa Oyy Va. , Slates, Books &e.. 90. 1 bbl. M. K. Brosius, Vienna, Van, Clothing, Books, &e.