29 By way of example we append an extract from a letter from one who frequently forwards contributions to this Association :— ‘‘T have not been able to attend to any business within the — last two months; not even to the cause that is nearest to my heart,—that of relieving the poor and destitute. I have made but little use of my means in that way; this has been a concern tome. I now desire to place in thy hands #20, for the benefit of the schools in the South.”’ Will not our Friends generally feel constrained to go and do likewise ? . JacoB W. ELLIs, ecretaries. ANNIE COOPER, ks 5th mo. Ist, 1868. Report of Henry M. Larne, Treasurer. 1867. Sth mo. 1. To Balance on hand... .....cececeseccerscseseees Pikesuaere cis ena $3022 89 Cash received from sundry meetings......... $2903 48 oe i uf s¢ individuals...... 591 20 ig ee “ U.S., (return of fare).. 50 00 3544 68 $6567 57 : | On." By cash paid Teachers ...... te ee basdesecn fon nawenl $5202 00 rf Cb FOE BOOKB agence ss neceesece oo- cee pucotvers 213 65 tf ‘“ fare of Teachers......+ a abakabvedeadus 145 30 : 6 School expenses.....0e cecccecscsesees 105 87 t “. for Annual Report...... csoceseesesee ccdee Bo 5 6" fOr, BROS. sexes sense Nvguetadiedie danabaorn 37 80 A 66 for Freight ......ceccscscscsesssess sooeee 24 50 1868. ie ‘ for sundry expenses........ Peiisscee BO.Oe 5th mo. 1. By balance on hand ........+-++++ pbatsdhiepenkal dpeuke 675 84 | $6567 57 A sum inadequate to meet engagements with our teachers for the balance of the term. : to . , Henry M. Larne, Treasurer. Phila , 5th mo., 1st, 1868. No. 30 N. Third St. - Having examined the foregoing account, we find it correct, showing the balance on hand of $675.84. EpWARD PaRRISH, \ A hi thas Phila , 4th mo. 30th, 1868. Wa. Canby BIDDLE,