18 The third one of Lincoln I presented to the old colored woman that made the first thankful speech. Before closing, six or eight oung women recited in concert a Christmas hymn, and then ‘ Rally ‘round the Flag’ was sung by them, aided by others of the company. ‘The meeting was closed by reading a poem, . ‘Talk to me of Heaven.’ ” The accompanying is a monthly statement from the difforend schools: if Ow ~ ~~ can < aioiar VIRGINIA SCHOOLS. tem ft tak Anas 3/4/38 2 © o os > ~~ @)8.)e4.+404 9) ae 2Slelje|ea/|e}sa}1<4 ia Catherine E.. Hall..... Mus ba Vaca Ganson Bie 40k ZO 66). BO Bote 0} 28 MOY. Be MOESTIG Ss s. ou ang ehas blue in daabones 40} 20] 60} 38] 47) #28} 0] 40. Ida Brinkerhoff........ DLC IN ar RR ASE OTD gd od» ea ee a Th 722 Sarah E. Lloyd....... Ueikidgde des ouheerae 27| 25) 52| 50] 48} 29} 0} 37 Helen A. Hurley... cit. pdeanes. abs sprees: 22] 082). O4l.. BL. 40). 260 4 Bar ae MRUNIO MSDEAM cc ocsae wane ums eatckenancocued 14| 29) 43) 40) 43) 35 0} 30 Sarah Ann Steer....... Pee iUcd ecu Tecan 3b} 15] 50] 36] 50; 40 0| 25 Harriett Jenkins. ....... ........ At ae 28} 42| 70] 45) 65] 55} oO} 47 BD ATEN TG iv itis sek cocdh obewiuinconsnhed Sebe coh OP OMG AOb is Bh Dade Bree. 246! 215! 461' 324! 392 272 6' 290 SOUTH CAROLINA SCHOOLS. ; COrnesia: Hancockicw.ssaversesecc opsoavae WAS SU Bh Be ok 0| 30 Elizabeth Heacock............ I UR 17} 28) 45) 45) 45] 46 O| 44 Fannie E. Gauze........ pave ses pur . 26] 24) -50) 50) 50; 25 0} 50 Isabelin Heneir vie seuss ae uae een Us 25) ZO 4B LT ERT 0} 28} 45 Total for South Carolina............ 81} 90] 171} 143] 143} 101; 28} 169 Add Virginia Reet e cee eable enees Sibiees 246| 215) 461] 324! 392) 272 6} 290 327! 305! 632! 467! 535! 373' 34] 459 To this add a school*in Canton, Miss., taught by a colored lady and her daughter, sent out at OUT CXPENSC.......ceseeecerceecrscessscerscersescere eieat es 100* Making R.MPENG LOGE) OE veh sec sbeadapet bcleabens ... 732 pupils. Three of the above teachers, and several assistants, are colored. Since the compilation of the above, a colored assistant in the school at Fairfax Court House has been promoted to the entire charge of it, upon the recommendation of the principal teacher (who resigned), who was satisfied her former pupil was entirely competent for the position. This point of making efforts to qualify themselves to be teachers of their own race has been strongly urged by us, in the belief that it will be one of the strongest aids in their elevation. . * No classified report received by us. .