T a strife in the second spelling class, to see who shall remain at the head of the class for the longest time. They all study their lessons well, and pay strict attention.” After the Christmas Holidays, Sauuiz E. Luoyp writes :— “T commenced to-day with forty-nine scholars; several returned who had not been in school since the previous winter. “(ne man had been working ever since last Spring on a farm in Montgomery County, Penna. When he left school, he procured books like those he had been using in school, and when he could find time for study, had devoted himself to them with so much energy, that he not only retained all he had learned before, but had made considerable progress.” Saran A. STEER gives an interesting account of the closing exercises of her school, Fourth month 18th:— “T gave notice that I had a letter from Philadelphia to read, and that, with the interest all seemed to feel in being present ut the close, brought a large number of the colored people together. Nearly all of the scholars had selected pieces to recite, which they did very well indeed. One of my white friends present said, ‘I might feel quite proud of my school,’ and I do, and I feel very sorry to give it up. They all promised to study as much as they can while at home, and the older ones say they will do all they can to continue the school here. They cannot re-open before fall, but I think they will do so then. I believe their interest increases in the cause of education as they see what their children have accomplished. I wish thee could have been present, and seen how perfectly satisfied, I might say happy, the parents looked when their children were called out, and recited their pieces without making a mistake. I think it would have been a satisfaction to you, who have spent so much time and money in their interest, to see the progress they have made. After they had gone through with their recitations, I read your address to them. ‘‘Your good advice was thankfully received, and I am sure will be productive of good. They expressed themselves as being so much obliged to you for all you have done for them, and I know they are, and will try to be worthy of it. I promised to read the address to them again at Sabbath School, as there are some who would like to hear it who could not come yesterday. I will remark here, that they have been punctual in paying me ten dollars per month, their portion of my salary. They also bought coal and paid a man one dollar per month to make the fire and sweep the school-room, thus relieving me of all trouble, and having the room always clean and comfortable when I went to it in the morning. Though our correspondence will, I sup- pose, cease from this time, I hope to be held in remembrance by those with whom I feel that I have been associated in this great work,—a