10 not sound large in the North, but seventeen cents cash is hard to earn here. “Tn closing, I desire that Friends will sapport this school this year out. Then, if the caterpillars do not attack their erops another year, we will try to get along without their aid, though retaining grateful hearts to them for their help in times of great need, and be- lieving that they must feel a eonsciousness of having done a great work for this community. Personally thanking all who have facili- tated my labors here, “T am sincerely their friend,” &e. The subject of closing our schools, some of which are not to be opened again, as well as the welfare of the Freedmen, claim- ing attention, it was concluded to express our views in the following Ju DD RSS. As the time draws near when our intercourse with you through your faithful teachers must cease, or with some has already ceased, we feel drawn closely towards you in anxious desires for your best interests; and, first, in reference to your education, we entreat you to — let no opportunity slip for improving your minds. Although you may be deprived of the valuable assistance of your teachers, you can do much to help one another: study your lessons with each other, what one does not know, the other may, and in this manner you can not help but improve. It may be slow, but be not discouraged; help will come to those that help themselves. You that have children, we beg of you to educate them as far as lies in your power. If you ever expect to better your condition in life, it must be by the attainment of knowledge; and this will not come of itself,—it will only come of your own exertions. We repeat then, educate your children, even if it costs you some sacrifice to ac- complish it. Another very important matter to which we would direct your attention, is the condition of your homes. If you desire to be happy in your family relations, make your homes as comfortable as possible; keep them tidy and neat; make them the pleasantest places you can find anywhere. By this means you will keep all the members of your family around you, and your true enjoyment will be thus increased. You that have wives, cherish them; do all in your power to make their labors lighter. You that have husbands, it is also your duty to endeavor to make ¢heir toils pleasant; see that their clothing, as well as your own and your children’s, is kept in as good condition as you possibly can. The better appearance you make in this particular, the “more you’will respect yourselves, and the more others will respect you. Be industrious and frugal; spend no money unnecessarily. Save every cent of your earnings you can spare; looking towards owning *-