16 In giving a summary of the work of the Association from its origin, it is impossible to form a correct estimate of its com- plete operations, from the fact, that numerous valuable contri- butions of Garments, Books, Seeds, Sanitary Stores, &c., were forwarded without an accurate inventory being had of them. With regard to the funds expended for educational purposes we would say, that although we have but thirteen schools in active operation at the present time, we have had at other | periods of our history a greater number, and have assisted others by small donations,—while, through the assistance and influence of our teachers, Night and First-day schools have been established in various neighborhoods, the books for which have been supplied by the “Friends Bible and Tract Distribu- ting Association.” Amoont paid Teachers; 9.2. 4 J SZEO1G ay ** for Books, : : ; 2,173 e © for Deedms. 4 ; : é 174 + “* for Sanitary Stores, . ; 2,990 ae ‘* for Material for Clothing, - 80,760 . ‘“< for Expenses, Reports, Xc., 1,027 ac ac for Donations to Asylums, &c., 2,300 Tote ae No, of Schools (whole namber), . f 25 ‘¢ Schools at present, . ‘ 13 “ Boxes and Barrels feewardod ae 416 “New Garments, . ; ; r 26,410 “« Part-worn Garments, . ‘ - 21,800 . Besides a large quantity forwarded of which no account was taken. Neither does this include the clothing made up for the ‘Pennsylvania Freedmen’s Association.”