5 for the dignity which has so generally characterized their move- ments. Partially, owing to irregularities in the statistical matter furnished in their monthly reports, growing out of the use by some of them of blanks furnished ly the State, differing some- what from our own in the character of the information required, we cannot present so perfectly a condensed statement as we would desire. We, however, give the following as the report of a portion of them for one of the months of the past year, as ex- tracted from our minutes, viz: Reports from the teachers of ten schools presented the fol- lowing aggregates for the second month as nearly as could be ascertained, a portion of the figures being estimated : Bw mete eh See |. > . re : 5 ;| 81 2] 2 TEACHER'S NAMES. LOCALITIES. Ce iret Saag ¥§ © 6] §| Fl a) a 38 Al ea| El] 4d] 4] a Frances E. Gauze|Gordon, Florida, | 39) 35] 39] 17| 6) 38 Two Schools at |Mt. Pleasant, 71| 49| 40] 34|. 4! 69 Harriet. Jenxins,| Falls Church, 77| 741 65| 641 O| 47 Hannau W. Cox,} Woodlawn, 65; 49; 49| 49; 46) 41 Cauista Baker, |Frying Pan, 25) 25} 25/*20]): o| *2 M. . Nicuots, /|Prince William Co.| 29) 17)*17\*15| 0} 20 O. L. Grant, Manasses, 231 2 2. M.. gl ot J. R. Nixtson, Dunfries, Bot Al Su, At et a0 DANIEL Stewart, |Prince William Co.| 37/ 37} 295! 26! 2) 31 Lavinia Cuasg, |Prince William Co. 59) 59) 42] 32} 3) 48 450/851/306|259| 65/367 * Estimated. Our faithful co-worker, Groree C. Rounp, i in an appeal made to us for pecuniary aid for Manasses and vicinity, wrote : “T have started jive new colored schools in this County during the past winter. They will all have to cease during the summer, unless I can obtain help from outside. This point (Manasses) i is, however, the most central and important. With many thanks for your past kindness and generosity, and that of your Society,” &. ;