9 Our indefatigable teacher at Mount Pleasant, S. C., accom- — panies her last report with a letter which contains so much of interest that we give it entire: **MountT PLEASANT, SoUTH CAROLINA, \ 4th Month, 18th, 1871. “Dear Frrenps:—Your school here has been continued this year with more noticeable success than heretofore. It has not increas- ed in numbers, but in quality that goes to make a good school. Those determined to become educated now constitute the school. **The State has done nothing for the education of its poor, ex- cept, in some districts, to employ teachers who have taught 6 months without a cent of compensation. ‘“*Such injustice can hardly result in good. This school could not have been continued this year except through the aid given by Friends, and to perfect the good commenced, the support will have to be continued to keep up the elevating influences over these children. ‘*They have become almost, as you may say, wards of the Asso- ciation, that to leave now would not be right. They are the same children that were taken up by you five years ago, unclothed in body and mind, and raised to the enjoyment of ideas, and in every way a better condition. It has not been a school with changing scholars. ‘*These people are wedded to the spot in which they were born ; and this is a good thing fora school. I could have hardly worked for changing children as I have felt to do for these. The new teacher here this year has been zealous in establishing a First-day School, and her efforts have beeen successful ; I think it numbers over seven- ty scholars, and they all look so happy when they assemble, it is a pleasing sight. A night school has been open most of the year, about 20 scholars in attendance; the grown people, of course, have many home cares, and it is impossible for them to give that strict attention that we enjoin upon the day scholars; but the progress, for the time they have been able to give, is encouraging. Four little boys, forced to leave the day school to earn their living, deserve especial mention. ‘* They have scarcely missed a night this winter, and have learned division in arithmetic. I know it is their own will to come, for they are all either motherless or fatherless, and are their own directors. They always bring life into the school with their presence. They are very poor ; the things that grow upon the beach and are washed upon the shore from wrecked ships being their principal dependence. I always look for them on the beach after a storm, and many are the treasures they find, and their knowledge of the water is very enter- taining. Speaking of the poverty, it is really little we know of how very much hunger and real destitution there is in the South. ©