ee ‘ Sr SORES oe ce 2 Se, ras x is wie 2, pes . oe oa A Shim ates pie = ees he Poa 2 o SFiS Be e GRE ers eet Ay wae re RS a z ee Fy x By Oe aires a ee ‘ ey Pech Re eo Et Cy Ben e “ ere ee ram ASS - : c % ‘ 2 July: #39: 1048. News” ‘distressing. Lydda nha Reamleh beken. ; ‘We. one to “help. Arab. Legion(under British control) »*have hands tieds Refugees. DOU ANE. into RamAllah. Red Cross hospital (Friends' Boys: Schook)> ery sé ‘PUBY sas | duly T4e\Cless*roomsein WhitttersHall(Girl*s\Se°hool) elgarea for one hundred m refugees f» Othersunder ithe pinestrees + Bolby bow ~ ebwt hur day A hag weft July 15. Children having a wonderful time gathering ping aeeates for fires. -Feor Tittle things , they think it is. all a pienic: ee “guly 16. Moré refugees arrive. Over: three hundred; and fifty camp out. of doors. 4 . About five°> hundred on’ our a in hyd iied nese. ond out- more all over, the Wil~ .Jage. ‘Sad storys *duly 17. An’ in@efinite! truceriss called. "The camel has his head in the tent", an Arebig saying ucaning» that the cause: is lost.if his head ms in, the whole. body wili follow.Partition is inevitable July 25. One hundred ofthe: refugees on out, grounds, are taxen, to: Jena des’ here we there is wether but’ great heat. RamAllah water, is getting, Shor tee, ALL summer we ted : had one hundred and fifty refugees on our Girl ‘s! echool, grounds. eee ey. | duly 27. Jews? looting: the villages Left: by» a = August 5. Count eee ne arrives. A gzood tie ema O Pt and, just. We. hope he can -help matters. si ka August. 17. Gount> Seb neideatitzer agga@inated wrt e | 3 ” Sept. 28 School opened. Girls School ree no hone z aa. edout two. pundred Gay pupils. Some of. the refugees have money and they are. eager th . Children ‘shall. not: lose school. They will make almost any sacri ing the educated ‘dread more than that their chi laren shall sink back ; 4 ‘ 3 3 Skies Ps 2 ee * norance. = 4 bs Oct L8vHeavy. Pichtins an the Negeb. Secs called. Ever y time a ‘truce was “gall | pe EE ‘the Jews got “in more aii ttsd.0 tee BAe LAO Gril Qemeerres < -25 aeted eats], 19495ixty bales of clobiaing SRonl Gan Bee: ORAL. Service. sy , #1600 from Arebs: _ Washing ston, PeG. 7 , : re eps we Soup kitchen ‘opened. at. your anh aiDar ee iadtrad eetnes giv meal aday. One-hundred and: fifty children given milk. aod snack&,The refugees | who ‘had been quartered . in the Meeting- house. were moved. out, into tents as the weather became warmer, And a school for’ three hundred girls was opened an the meéeting-house. A boy “gs scn00k was opened-in the Greek . convent. “During the next»few weeks | one er two other schools were opened and | we had about one thousand refuge e children in senools.. ‘The tea ers were ae EShu~. usd . “gees paid small salaries from yaerch-World Service moneyAt one t ne there was no more money for thesteachers and it though the schools mie “ght. have > 4 3 z 4 7 to close. The teachers were so interested they decided to keep on anyway, but. = the money came.Every morning atirecess time. «the children were given a snack ee which they missed very»much when!they were out.of school, — “During the winter the people inetents had suffered much from. cold, rain and : Snow. dany childrensand»,ol@ people.died ; this. is. now. the fourth winter apo | things ‘havé’ not changed | greatly. »In one night forty;babies died from. e2 posure. _ bome have started=in business 5:some have. left the. country » most are tae couraged. . Nothing worse for morale than- with leisure. with Bee HANs to do but” to talk. All» hope: of: getting» their homes is BORGs es ~ Whateverysuecess the Jews may be having in developing the country, in Bezan- © izing buginéss, in dullding vialeges,,should give us no joy. They are putting © J in millions of money ,some of it loaned by our United States. What about. the 809000 Arab refugees who have lost h omes, business and lands? One has great sympathy with the displaced Jews of Europe but to displace others ue Elve | them homes 7. the solution. | iis ib are oe eae — Whet we eonk &,¢00 Lu Ke ermetet ke fer tof es la bet if wet rod ae Se Set He hens bane ! ee aoe ar ae ae ee 2 , 5 oS See aoe ne 7 ‘ a S2 vy ices ne sgh z aes, x ast Psat Ta - oa 4 4 ; j 3