4 é 4 Dec. 2; 1947 Comment;- Jacos has again stolen. Esau's birthright .Isaac the ' U. N.,is blind,Rebecca, whe U. »- ae,has been helping Jacob in his scheming. bee. 7, Incidents almost daily. boarders begin to leave. Parents; that .in case the @chools are forced to close, the boys Gan manage themseives , but they want une girls with them. Families are leaving for the Lebanon »,vyria or : Dec. 15, sixteen gibls have: left. | 2 At Aa et Bike “9 isa. a family. x Dee. 30. Bomb explodes at the Damascas gate. One of our girls, living near, sse- ting on the veranda loses ai eye, being hit by some flying substance.Clash between Arabs and Jews at suger refinery in Haifa, with «rest loss of life. Jan. 3 1948. Jaffa belng bombed oy the. dews.Several killed, ever forty wounded. Jaffe is the old Joppa , an& Arab city. Telaviv, close to it,is « new Jewish city. = . Jane 5s Semisamis ,an Arab pension in Jerusalem, bombed} twenty lives, lost. March 21. Jews cut electric wires . W6é ecannof use radio, have no electric lights, water must be pumped ov hand. . | April 8. Fighting and loss of life on the road from Jerusalem to Jaffa. ‘eon April leTradeedy of Deirvas@en disclosed. Jews wanted position , murdered ee | inhabitants ,throwing bodies into 4 cistern.iiot discovered for several cays. april 14. Arab Legion from Trans jordan,British trained, comes to RawAllan. and occupies Gov't boy*s’ School puilding&,. Palestine , as 1 said had no army. April 22. Haifa bombec from st. Carmel. Many lives lost. 5 , “April ‘30. Tne refugees begin pouring into RamAllah from Jaffa, which is. being ; bombed. It is thirty-five miles all up hill,dJaffa on the coast , RamAllan j twenty-seven huncred feet asove sea level. Some come in trucks bringing & “4 few things: many walk the tong distance, carrying what they can, throwing away when they can carry no longer. we housed as-nany-as posetple in OUP. ARE Apc a vuilding rented fom our silall girls. we had moved them over to the big builc ing, wuere we had room,since s0 many had left. : 40 5a 3 May.2. It was Gecided to let refugees oce upy the meeting~noise sAoout fifty | are accomodated in the one room .The long benches are turned up.on end and | vlankets, sheets or anything availavle thrown over to offer some privavy se ’ way l3.cituation grows more and more tense. Many Arabs have left Jaffa..in the | Jerusajeum suburbs many have left their besutiful new homes and are crowding “into the old city within the walls” day 14 last day of Sritish mandate. Our Boy*s School offers its mein building ‘a5 a hospital for the wounded. A smaller building was already being used 4g an emergency hospital. . 288 May 20. Almost Ineessant bombing in Jerusalem .« day 22. Jews ask for truce put refuse to lay cownm arms. | 4 ay 26-28. sowe bombing of RamAllah in the nights. we sleep with bags packed, bath-roves and slippers close by. At the first shock we collect on first foor under a vaulted ceiling which seems the safest place. some fifty neighbers askea@ to sleep in our house . They bring their mattresses anc lay them on the girl s big dining -room fioor. : Dé os ) say 27Letter from America says that the Jews are getting a huge loan from U. 3. As and trying to prevent the inelish from loaning to the Arabs. “9 Jane 11. Our schools close early .Truee begins. | July 9,Truce ends, fighting be. 1NnS. - t Steer y F | yg 2085S Le Gee Kare ret di fi gort f oP “=,