=< Oo=
poem te
egies oe
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American Red Cross, BWalestine.
I offer you my sincere thanks for the valuable ‘services you have
rendered to the people of Palestine, and to the Administration of the
Occupied Enemy Territory during your service with the American
Red Cross = 4
ee a General,
Egyptian Expeditionary Force.
General Headquarters,
Egyptian Expeditionary Force.
Date... 26th» dTune,...19 L9 e
CR eT MCLE Te oe
a4 Pee ho COE 5k MEL See Ree
: .
rT ee Oe
Pete amie I saw.
I looked upon a sea
And lo, 'twas dead,
Although by Hermon $s snow
And Jordan fed.
How came a fate so dire?
The tale's soon told. —
All that it got it kept
And fast did hold. |
All tributary streams
Found here their grave
Because this sea received
~ Quand never gavel.
'Twas fed by many rills
With Bountain source
High up on Hermon s side , Ss
Whence Jordan's oSursas pee a
But Galileé!s blues sea -
Lives not alone _
Because it gets thes
As all it's Owne
It lives because it gives
It's waters blue
To other lands,and then
Es filled anewe
here 1 sees
'Twas bright and blue
Around it s shores were life —
And verdant _—
_A lesson
if + would live, —
I too must give!
TT Reo
Nearly eae hundred and fifty years ago missionaries began to.
uM 5 \t a ‘
This iittle country of the Two Seas, old in history and story, dear to the
yeople of three great faiths, its most important city, Jerusalem, being the
Holy Cityfor Jew and Christian and Moslem alike. A little country that.
has figured in the history of the world- its plains have beer the battle-
fieldsof many nations; a litile country where occurred the tragedy _ ee
the ageS, 4 tragedy,however, that brought to the world 2 blessing that must
at last, bring the who.e world to the Christ! Then will ‘the Goléen ule
oe the law for aii men and the world will ve at peace.
It is not a world of peace today and that little country, where the Christ
dived and taught , is a very troubled little lend. For over thirty
years Yaliestine was my home, and I wes there during those tragic days fron
the summer of 1946 to 1949 end I have kept closely in touch with condi-
tions since. i have been asked to tell you something of those days. Per-
haps to go through my diary of that time and tell you sowiething of the
events as they occurred, will help you to understand the situation.
_ but first let me sey thot Palestine had no army . © For 1300 years the
country had been Arab. . There was sa time in the Middle Ages when the
arabs led the world in culture, architecture, ( you remember the Alhambra
and Alcazar in Spein) in science, medicirie, mathematiés arid astronomy=
and thie was when our ancestors, yours and mine, were pagan. At that
time they ruled the Near East, Northern Africe , Spain ete.
then there came a dark period.the Arab of Palestine was under the Turk
_ for four bundared years. There was no progress, and when a person or
nation does not progress there is a slipping back’. There can be n
standing still. This pofer és eencerned chiexly wih hs Aral «ef Palestine,
e6ean to enter...
_ Palestine. There was an awakening of t e Christien Areb. Moslems, ~~
too, were interested in education and by 1946 long strides had been taken.
The youth of Palestine began to dream 6f freedom and orice more greatness
for the Arab. Christian and Moslem were studying and dreaming together.
There were Jews in Palestine whose families had siways lived there, and
there were new comers who were received in a friendly way by the Arabs. .
Then came the Balfour Declaration: “Great Beitain views with favorithe —
estavlishment in Palestine of a Mationes#?Tor the Jewish people,it being
clearly understood that nothing Shall be donewhich may predjudice thé
Civil aud religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Paleu-
tine.“ The Arabs were alarmed but there seemed to be a saving clause.
Vu Fd
Great britain had already made the McMahon treaty promising fréedam to
all the araps of the Near Last 1f they would help the Allies in the great
war with Germany and Turkey. Palestine trusted bothGreat Britain ard
the United States and both have. "played her false". ee meee
after the war Great Britain was given the mandate of Falestine. The ~
people welcomed her. They would learn from her the art of government
ana when the mandate ended , they would be ready for self-government.
_M@ny Arabs and Jews were in governzent offices. Put the icMahon
»rowises and the Balfour Declaration could not both be kept. Great Brit-
ein tried to satisfy the Arabs on one hand and the Jews on the other, an
impossibility.when the Jews began to come into the country in large num-
bers the Arabs objectedfritain was not “playinz fair" then the British
began to restrict immigration and the Jews objected. Britain was not
“slaying fair" with them. Then the serious troubles began. —
it a ac
i kl
Here . pegin items fron my eer with some explanations. > —
duly, 22nd.1946. In .the afternoon, two. Jews, disguised as Araos, entered the
kitchen of the King Davia hotel, — the. riewest. and. finest hotel in Jerusalem,
part. of which had been taken over by the gavernment for some Of.its offices...
These. Jews were carrying ‘between them a large can, apparently, or wiik,~
Setting .down the can they told the people in the kitchen that the can con=
ES tained a time pomb that would explode in a few moments. Tt trey Cereo iy
bP their lives, they must run, but, there was no time to give the alarm. In the
FE explosion some one hundred people were killed, British Arabs” and Jéws. :
' o.%_We were, having a2 conference of teachers at our Girl® school in RamAllah
f = $ey miles north. of Jerusalem. We heard the explosion but. not@ until © 2
evening did we learn what a ee One of the teacher's attending tre**
ae conference had 2 sister working as a sténogre apher in one of the government
Ber, offices. It was too late for the teacher to go to Jerusalem to find out
about yer. sister, and she spent an almost gleépless night ° Early in
the morning she went, to her home in Jerusalem and learnea that her dae
Was anong, the missing 7 A young man who head been done of our ‘school ‘boys,
a clerk in one of the government offices, was also aiiong the missing < ‘There
E was great SOrTay An thet tit eeeet at ‘Opposite thé King’ gavid | Hotel was
|. thé “wonderful ¥.M.C.A« building, ‘puobably ‘the “most beautiful Y. Me C. A.
-- -puilding in the world, Built Dy. ‘a wealthy man | pa Nee | ‘Yorks “Many” ft
* windows in this building were shattered © Sig rtebens
August 18, 1946. I was in thé Hosp ital - tn Jérusalei with a fractured Ripe |
-. We would hear “an explosion, waten the ambulance rush out and ‘soon return.
| with. Maurice ea jitnes- fed been oe ‘the road imed to ex=
I AEG : "i
opened would - ooh tadve a) Sndipiea eounds.
fice lost their livés in this way, —— oe
“Diing the. autumn there were masnaaate. ‘oF one kind” and another Gwe
* 6pened our school as usual, We 8. er och. hundred hoe
- schools, the Girls! School. and the Boys. ct
2 = Came, Christmas holidays, aed Schools cl
after New Years. et =
2» SMBgeas cheers English women “dnd chilérei £6
police will to. defeat terrorism. eo eo
March Ist. Jewish terrorist. activities 18 fourteen
Lives lost... ... ae = ee log ee eee
_ Maren’ 2nd. Martial law “astiared- ‘tn Jerisélen. a pumber of ee eee
- gune 16-Arabs strike to Show displeasure . commissions had -
been sent to. Palestine by the U. S. government or the UN. Practically all
- reported in favor of the Arabs but their reports were tabled. Another ex-
- ample. shows how the fatts have ‘been kept from the public” This” “ea yorin ~ a
~ “py Giary and. 1° cannot give the date. Vincent Sheehan had been subsidized ee
_ py the Zdew 133 t to go to Palestine and write articles” ‘for. them. when 6. 3
- got there and found the situation he could not honestly do it”, so” “he re=
turned the subsidy and camétheme, Wanting to” ‘put the facts before the Amer- >
ican people he’ wrote an article for the New: York World. This drew a mob
in front of the World office building and three thousand letters were re-
ceived from Jews. ‘protesting. No more articles were written. —
August 5th. Bomb placed in Labor Department wepiee eee sree soldiers. lost
their lives in removing
Nov. @ndf/ Partition Aeciured ‘by the U.N. Son. settles over the Arab eraa.
By what right did the U.N., an organization pledged to justice and self-de- 2
orn ee of Ss gil ie a eee: thee hed aes Arab for thirteen a
About owenty, 3 iti
Dec. 2; 1947 Comment;- Jacos has again stolen. Esau's birthright .Isaac the '
U. N.,is blind,Rebecca, whe U. »- ae,has been helping Jacob in his scheming.
bee. 7, Incidents almost daily. boarders begin to leave. Parents; that .in case
the @chools are forced to close, the boys Gan manage themseives , but they
want une girls with them. Families are leaving for the Lebanon »,vyria or
: Dec. 15, sixteen gibls have: left.
| 2
At Aa et Bike “9 isa.
a family.
Dee. 30. Bomb explodes at the Damascas gate. One of our girls, living near, sse-
ting on the veranda loses ai eye, being hit by some flying substance.Clash
between Arabs and Jews at suger refinery in Haifa, with «rest loss of life.
Jan. 3 1948. Jaffa belng bombed oy the. dews.Several killed, ever forty wounded.
Jaffe is the old Joppa , an& Arab city. Telaviv, close to it,is « new Jewish
city. = .
Jane 5s Semisamis ,an Arab pension in Jerusalem, bombed} twenty lives, lost.
March 21. Jews cut electric wires . W6é ecannof use radio, have no electric
lights, water must be pumped ov hand. . |
April 8. Fighting and loss of life on the road from Jerusalem to Jaffa. ‘eon
April leTradeedy of Deirvas@en disclosed. Jews wanted position , murdered ee |
inhabitants ,throwing bodies into 4 cistern.iiot discovered for several cays.
april 14. Arab Legion from Trans jordan,British trained, comes to RawAllan.
and occupies Gov't boy*s’ School puilding&,. Palestine , as 1 said had no army.
April 22. Haifa bombec from st. Carmel. Many lives lost. 5 ,
“April ‘30. Tne refugees begin pouring into RamAllah from Jaffa, which is. being
bombed. It is thirty-five miles all up hill,dJaffa on the coast , RamAllan j
twenty-seven huncred feet asove sea level. Some come in trucks bringing & “4
few things: many walk the tong distance, carrying what they can, throwing away
when they can carry no longer. we housed as-nany-as posetple in OUP. ARE Apc
a vuilding rented fom our silall girls. we had moved them over to the big builc
ing, wuere we had room,since s0 many had left. : 40 5a 3
May.2. It was Gecided to let refugees oce upy the meeting~noise sAoout fifty |
are accomodated in the one room .The long benches are turned up.on end and |
vlankets, sheets or anything availavle thrown over to offer some privavy se ’
way l3.cituation grows more and more tense. Many Arabs have left the |
Jerusajeum suburbs many have left their besutiful new homes and are crowding
“into the old city within the walls”
day 14 last day of Sritish mandate. Our Boy*s School offers its mein building
‘a5 a hospital for the wounded. A smaller building was already being used 4g
an emergency hospital. . 288
May 20. Almost Ineessant bombing in Jerusalem .«
day 22. Jews ask for truce put refuse to lay cownm arms. | 4
ay 26-28. sowe bombing of RamAllah in the nights. we sleep with bags packed,
bath-roves and slippers close by. At the first shock we collect on first foor
under a vaulted ceiling which seems the safest place. some fifty neighbers
askea@ to sleep in our house . They bring their mattresses anc lay them on
the girl s big dining -room fioor. : Dé os )
say 27Letter from America says that the Jews are getting a huge loan from
U. 3. As and trying to prevent the inelish from loaning to the Arabs.
Jane 11. Our schools close early .Truee begins. |
July 9,Truce ends, fighting be. 1NnS.
Steer y F |
yg 2085S Le Gee
Kare ret di fi gort f oP
ee ‘ Sr SORES oe ce 2 Se, ras x is wie 2, pes . oe oa A Shim
ates pie = ees he Poa 2 o SFiS Be e GRE ers
eet Ay wae re RS a z ee Fy x By Oe
aires a ee ‘ ey Pech Re eo Et Cy Ben e “
ere ee ram ASS - : c % ‘ 2
July: #39: 1048. News” ‘distressing. Lydda nha Reamleh beken. ; ‘We. one to “help. Arab.
Legion(under British control) »*have hands tieds Refugees. DOU ANE. into RamAllah.
Red Cross hospital (Friends' Boys: Schook)> ery sé ‘PUBY sas |
duly T4e\Cless*roomsein WhitttersHall(Girl*s\Se°hool) elgarea for one hundred m
refugees f» Othersunder ithe pinestrees + Bolby bow ~ ebwt hur day A hag weft
July 15. Children having a wonderful time gathering ping aeeates for fires.
-Feor Tittle things , they think it is. all a pienic: ee
“guly 16. Moré refugees arrive. Over: three hundred; and fifty camp out. of doors. 4
. About five°> hundred on’ our a in hyd iied nese. ond out- more all over, the Wil~
.Jage. ‘Sad storys
*duly 17. An’ in@efinite! truceriss called. "The camel has his head in the tent",
an Arebig saying ucaning» that the cause: is lost.if his head ms in, the whole.
body wili follow.Partition is inevitable
July 25. One hundred ofthe: refugees on out, grounds, are taxen, to: Jena des’ here we
there is wether but’ great heat. RamAllah water, is getting, Shor tee, ALL summer we ted
: had one hundred and fifty refugees on our Girl ‘s! echool, grounds. eee ey. |
duly 27. Jews? looting: the villages Left: by» a =
August 5. Count eee ne arrives. A gzood tie ema O Pt and, just. We. hope he can
-help matters. si ka
August. 17. Gount> Seb neideatitzer agga@inated wrt e | 3 ”
Sept. 28 School opened. Girls School ree no hone z aa. edout two. pundred
Gay pupils. Some of. the refugees have money and they are. eager th
. Children ‘shall. not: lose school. They will make almost any sacri
ing the educated ‘dread more than that their chi laren shall sink back
2 ee
* norance. = 4
bs Oct L8vHeavy. Pichtins an the Negeb. Secs called. Ever y time a ‘truce was “gall |
pe EE ‘the Jews got “in more aii ttsd.0 tee BAe LAO Gril Qemeerres < -25 aeted
eats], 19495ixty bales of clobiaing SRonl Gan Bee: ORAL. Service. sy , #1600 from Arebs:
_ Washing ston, PeG. 7 , : re
eps we Soup kitchen ‘opened. at. your anh aiDar ee iadtrad eetnes giv
meal aday. One-hundred and: fifty children given milk. aod snack&,The refugees |
who ‘had been quartered . in the Meeting- house. were moved. out, into tents as the
weather became warmer, And a school for’ three hundred girls was opened an the
meéeting-house. A boy “gs scn00k was opened-in the Greek . convent.
“During the next»few weeks | one er two other schools were opened and | we had
about one thousand refuge e children in senools.. ‘The tea ers were ae EShu~. usd
. “gees paid small salaries from yaerch-World Service moneyAt one t ne there was
no more money for thesteachers and it though the schools mie “ght. have > 4
to close. The teachers were so interested they decided to keep on anyway, but. =
the money came.Every morning atirecess time. «the children were given a snack ee
which they missed very»much when!they were out.of school, —
“During the winter the people inetents had suffered much from. cold, rain and :
Snow. dany childrensand»,ol@ people.died ; this. is. now. the fourth winter apo |
things ‘havé’ not changed | greatly. »In one night forty;babies died from. e2 posure.
_ bome have started=in business 5:some have. left the. country » most are tae
couraged. . Nothing worse for morale than- with leisure. with Bee HANs to do but”
to talk. All» hope: of: getting» their homes is BORGs es ~
Whateverysuecess the Jews may be having in developing the country, in Bezan- ©
izing buginéss, in dullding vialeges,,should give us no joy. They are putting © J
in millions of money ,some of it loaned by our United States. What about. the
809000 Arab refugees who have lost h omes, business and lands? One has great
sympathy with the displaced Jews of Europe but to displace others ue Elve |
them homes 7. the solution. | iis ib are oe eae
— Whet we eonk &,¢00 Lu Ke ermetet ke
fer tof es la bet if wet rod ae Se Set He hens bane !
ee aoe ar ae ae ee 2 , 5 oS See aoe ne
7 ‘ a S2 vy ices ne sgh z
aes, x ast Psat Ta -
All down the ages. , stronger people have’ taken land ‘an the akers Cur = 4
own land , much of it, was taken unjustly from the Indians .But what fekes ;
this today, so tragic, is that it was done under the eyes of and with the |
sanction of the most powerful nations of the world- nations Joined together
for the purpose of Safeguarding the rights of weaker nations . It will go = 4
down as one of the dark blots on “oe pages of history.
On the 7 I i teastiet neal Km
nn pe T Hato he. the ee Meee a
ete OW Jeacss Come poo mecege RA | sid
aera poo feat han
eae har, Gtthe abnt Av ge ee as. : =
hed te hen cit ae i _— .
SSPE OEE eR Te Te ewe eos Tr me
% me edn : 3
Re if ‘ : i r
2 $
ay ‘
ates ae Spe = eyes .
<. ie... pfs A Uk oe: is all ae lect
es eas 3 tained: Vatealrn y Wh nt
oe ee
- <,
| ie
eee we
a he
. ey
. %
y/ *:
emdepa Doe act din Hae wechn f
oe. Sipnay yi go haha th po wee acl ars
a whole heavens. Do shech m He ect rosf je tra lol 1
oe ge by. Che: A bese pfabealinn
ea ae Clank a
e 2 fie olay fe RB. db
(sak Us Nome ase
E a pt a ek Beal die oe fate ine,
a he
th fitness 2 ama eas
4 _Bby d walch , (
} oo The ble. Bae pi Pha Jeo 2223, feo ba |
hy Coke
7, fobs! aaa
ee i 35 shins P35 : - : ;
, si ine ee
And I fon. He
“phe ae | Meee Sars, 7: P50 Chaska. Hid. 220 andy WO pe
pach Mi ge— :
eg WL Ben 2 hl bets
te the hina whan He anal pa dew a dale he hint t— 4
PR bse. Th Ca a. pee pbb,
enim whine he Sant ep St Wha HS donee wt +
tile ch Biles “ork cad abe oe
ig) Bid Ain pimy nchote, 2 Pr hi! OL a
= Nhe Ihehan et Mohy Mure pinta rats He fin Mansa, ole
cl tenella tae ON temeitnete
Jade i “4 Ns et ae howe. bate dansk. 7
perenn =—t ett 4 kl
. et on. Ths tl dogs pz heel the
oe as Bie ha jaded et Lown : =
Brendel, Hens bck fn and town hs hh, Bag. oa ant eA
(a i ae te NaN A A Bg Shas, pavere a)
a Ni eects tn bog BS flip an 27 oth m8 poset. Gham son
Ohm wen do, Wed Be digs Ap as ose. mie
ek a esate eile ih sch dtoitheiakh, ae
i gs ak tai sale ah oe
beng Bubit aa rey bend amt et hate tty ated hth
afte Tagg we tne Wht rake Ieper tam hth
rnead day ae att bak to — Ahan ae us i ix bendy
ae a ay ebebLTN. mf ff ee Spilled hasten
: ae Caikcr: etek ttl aban iM jit WH Ansys th 1
A be a ok che key if Pehle, this eal buts, f-
ak = 7h Conk Beth
A NS A lenin
= ‘. bynes ie adhe tacks Rut wht
a FL peentt A: sts Wb pmb D gaity dud ; rs!
5 asad Dn bene pile cay pe fo dai
iy ad po fe A: Bud / ‘abe Aonidiny, w“ PRE a tes OM i a tat si AA an 7
Pi Ranjan. Buta Pane 9 7 Ae | a
rated y . wd 20 it was arrays es Shey ak del + 4 .
Ie SRR ant bade act he time J) a. fomct when TES danny Ue)
=e -4 ay nbbge wonbd come nt te dos onW Hiuds:
age and while these weee. et Ha man soot
| Bl Nay leon ps a
= Pact Oa oa ht dance uh te tock offs ant. beak
epein while Kd rod otdes women ofiand, be A goer im Bs.
_ Wsginy : Lig ttle yor comned EM wedetbarit cgca p<
na wedding. Yom masnet prt mar ennph to cath TES lh,
4 The Beds ad Be = ma ae the Ms. vcpack . Tha o hd
s a, a pal ec’ Raa. Ae Tan, pecotein
Be teh doe a de i b:, Fafa ath ate
aoa foot ila asic ess, he eM Mh ditaag soil 3)
; teed palin btennlen, and dey WS od etl 3 do, ath /
. foe p-fhae ets Phew ins Me ee Aizen on and 4 ele es,
pa onsen ht - ay eas he oe pom wills sk
. nd ef . aE qa vate “<> Fst fara oh ae dann - at
Pe A woth #sh Mt ~ ‘4
A Beshk. ed ila HES sr eel ee She
a re A bene HS. Garden Cethannone roth bie pity sdehiy
} pak aes Sent Cie ee Ee
rile 2 th halt mb hel dak:
bs li ee ee 4. he cont J ge cae ‘
rat lah and days a
Pe a oe Lk Hu ae
a eo er @ Pa, a pajght ne AQrL A ei me ee Ie. ch, i 4
fp Alt ay Be hin fs 3 Shee ore rey alii, Ca me ait ad q
} i
- ! te
va i cm |
| |
} 1
. ith, hey shells hie
ie a
ci {ot lynne (life MBrrenn ached) plain
a phat Be teh
hence bE Mahaney Ail alld by ried fl I
. Then alee toh, flee ost Ae chin Ag tts bal, Sopotchee and, :
: he = ssabail hehe soe he salt 7 i : th Abink | |
peat Crowd are Carrying 7 colle and wh htt eee nt
: e ocd o> Cie a a Ae di. bg ee a os a _ £ a
= wally t canny tm Ee At- dite als “ whas. the. chek |
Md alio Cott eg. Ve
. we
Li tbs Mis zt bs ot oh Dts pill Mardis na aL
a eo aly <4 more — Vedi eet anes hx Plame
ed a whe eek p= MA MELAS
oe pee ae
| emirate ad Hay hve a tp pak =
bby yen eat Afkema bs Img fit» b mn ne tlm
ere a ed
ae PST Be one hing
CO Bie at Larnt-3 again.
He gee Hin We hee a
; 3 5 Ue th, he ben ee athe be he nei 9 aot,
Wg tes 9 tha wey Dhive © Jihs prforte bm hoop —
1 de 4 shes may meth 22 try thal fe for Ham a hapa oma
5 Cam I phd sift te ef dt: Nannini My, aa th Het these ville
4g fas :
a Sita: whe ake Wrens re ca Imcayendse . Sotbis er Py
/ 7, dbo. im ES por 7 ton aa fl ak ak otha
than the Da clid perk te the. Chrcredol ok
Co. mi hn. Ot bende
— _ a fn} -— -_ _ ow - ~ ~ —
. i. Bl ia pes i fon dtpsss 0]
Chacct. Ws ark f. fen prcneterie scien ites Li ede
tte and ard to Litt. te ow ptt had Saabs bos q
@ te Chutstll 2 and ap ee te gt
» hebf he with | his pe hak 3) Arnag ing 7
E ow fins. oo lt os Dnnnane ee scab rae of 4
, ho Ls < roe on
Bo zis, futhban fort LAs pM) aback It bby & Meetitt. '
: piu - a nece — —— Mcetsece fos ~~ re elt 4
i. as. The tale du hoe ‘. yam
3 (me oT & onthe, i nadie. ts She tb, chang ae
: Hheas siaua me ay ak re vi hace 1
oe aad et. me Giz AO. cree gle Bast cad. iren oe, 4 t A =e
—gsaarahons will Be big ot the tinlig 2 /
Od yh the flame pe He old. mes
Bou na cher ween of welt eee fee re ak
Fs ak da eto lt, ae he
Si ee
a Pidine ails billie. Seto cil en hte, 4
powiel sae htt ne
. “ois ek. cee ba ordered all eat tinge
met th won ee
ie 4. ). ee a Died a
ate plese sicts. Ha vm half mote onl ~ banal ied
l wenn bere. re Nips te stile
ae I leditet io ad es night fe order «bic: “sh
[ bilccticode pd cthy, lanalekrnct” g-rts ginal sick iia ete |
wth Dh a a sells 2 ie he bsada ote 1
hn, Kasia cly, cha cl... the’ bate on Mathes, Lh
ss es Parrany J all werner 20 peciabl, ora whe Lod
— yt Me cone yacthens . OL bud. d) chorrns ane used. Le |
rE abet o end gra hase ? abil Aha. pets ba
a hos ed de sd nbohes She of ak [kj y
tm pany hanp oo — reine alles M kina -
a lsod med) aides ali and made ay She eck . q
tee. What maglt es Aas He Lei 4 mn
li abe ad bits Coercion whl Oot
oe cee cote
sips Hale rhea ten
LN yom magleat they Hc rod ny
as Ata, ae fA rig ter, os ” wee cs ho
Aim i. Arkon , Avot shld
a a a yom cn geen hee P aahel We Shah: Spey stp ‘st Aceplle 7
; Won eels sie te Wien t — wt hee Sy
E Tht ve dea et (Rt et 1 bu aie ba as
Es h pon eo a Ae
Pr ieia bh.
ieee (ee ay
tk: hich, The. bia seat de 2 he ee eg |
RE pe NA. eck oe
and a ete
Econ etn ak ia tangle . bee de ct ha)
Gach ce Gam ell Secale ah :
Beane ae dn da iid dee
hex het he Act? Why 3, 4 gy rt Bal fat my ind
Beek ba hier be cota tol anche Li. |
se te jab. gene ie po tehe orted copa
Rnd het dN TKS by wot Dyn” Drephid te bowl
Phossadeas thet DE yom abet ony able bh
fleas tot Da ot
Rime Wras to Furmzed at hy Bra frertt y-awty, ha
fhe bina be Th bint a ea
‘ hs oe ire hail ce pans
Sabha: ee kt. banght He Yon Of wh Meee
In cep He icod vin He: ecto. ~NPosardhny Senile’
em henna, bia ale jidcty rade Hah nth inet He dad J
eich tad the. thes oe ce SE OF dite dt a, at. Mog
i. 1 eo b= L4H oe a 8
pe rts wife ~ oe site QOnd aad fone
ete a gon yas ; Hila Ties teen aa et |
hw Miehed bree mem prog aiden ellie in doer on gon fo
Wet Nang afl be SS fol. That mo nt hence Aono fos
Dt ek be a et oe del
amr, domly Anny, Hhawe begat he ns Md bony of he dag Anny t Hin
ee petclly got Ane Bf 0 He Qa k A nnn nant web |
BW ih 8 ee he lS 7 mt wal ae
: Be ye the st” Sed te Molt ee hoo,
oy ~ bn bee hg. J cok ot and trartl- wel anll
: net b po, tek t Dah ani he hed ot oath with i
Oe ee dias he hl A ot gh Sty eae
ve ibkinnd Bs seine
By mn pi Wings Bethincid Bok dbnsoraiky ute RE wt
at Ae pti iths oho He uit Aes ap :
Bo be ease ttt abt ha dsth [Mod Sopes tel hk
Ee | fod pee abate - Pe ms Jie age ‘Thi
potted the af all de bet yo! Soe
pk i pike rm a i aluk Da. he ack 1 olf pease
Ls Prawn Babe Ahad, whe hes
os oh Ne. pie Aa fre pms eeu
ty :
i ihe te wel NN he Ml wh ee Oins. Ai us ime Lolth,
seo SPOR nO CAST ch ca coe
ea QUA pace pel He Sle hte a
ie a ios, nome aie Ae = foe Ua dod oft ~ 24 od. =
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Shey ped TI Canah ht ate ft babe ten Bom f oad fils blk a)
i fe
ae. dt Lt dos ak _ thant . — Me. Por. &-..._.,
‘eel. Ree 4 Ch Pal | my Po
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Qa ee
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tlc enn vere yt Left he a aes ‘i a
Ae Es ie Heh tame omy, Pha conn Ion arf
4 le rue fee PPEt I Toy CRG:
a alee eee! 2 ie Zick
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- oe i, ne spat bt un be
— . oe ian i. bays
bh hos hes , tes longest id or brags
Se TLE rei Meee Min
ts has ne Pht feet
le teal ane, My nck
De ee Ae
BR ON a ee ae
Wx are the Bir sunis Gospel
i Creed s |
We ane. Ve Lurks Fast messog 8
eck: our beort.
TAA the Hohe be once tnt t
MEG 1 pt bio :
2. AMed, - eee oy
a pl truralan — oe pe _ greatest yu Paling iaebe : |
a ee pe o
Ea Fa Ae RIP sidint p: Dlion. * “a thera
ae att ee Prealey [hates Sirk y one t oh Tia ebaeel 7
ee eA ok ti Ga fp ulehan. men
Oph, gate. Be ncttiee”
Gn chert Caen ne Pla Jsa ‘ s
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he fe ~ whack ie inthe nd fe took a Hh
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ibis tye ihe clint”
en on Ih) 9 ith! Sunde? emcee gon
ay oa ae