6/27/2021 Haverford College Mail - Fwd: Muslim Life events [Villanova, Haverford & Swarthmore] Ahlam Houssein Fwd: Muslim Life events [Villanova, Haverford & Swarthmore] 1 message Qaid Hassan To: Bilikisu Hanidu , Ahlam Houssein Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 5:28 PM Something to share with our email list This message was sent from an enhanced modular device with limited telephonic/satellitic capabilities. Begin forwarded message: Salaam Everyone, There are a number of events happening during the next two weeks that may interest you. See below for more information: 1) 04/21 (Wed.) at 7pm: Villanova MSA talk "Balancing Faith and College Life" with Chaplain Mouhamadou Diagne 2) 04/22 (Thurs.) at 2:30pm: Haverford MSA talk "Faith-based Reactions to anti-Black Racism" with Besheer Mohamed, Senior Researcher at the Pew Research Center 3) 04/23 (Fri.) at 6pm: Swarthmore MSA is co-sponsoring a screening and Q/A with Rohina Malik on her play, "Unveiled: A One Woman Play", which explores the lives of 5 Muslim women post-9/11 4) 04/28 (Wed.) at 6pm: Swarthmore MSA is co-sponsoring a lecture/discussion "Reflections on Malcolm X: Transformation, Leadership, Love & Spirituality" with Chaplain Khalil Abdullah from Dartmouth College Best, Umar 1) Villanova event Chaplain Mouhamadou Diagne will presenting on Juz 6 as it relates to Balancing Faith and College Life Balancing dietary needs in college (observing halal and fasting) https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=9c31e510ac&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1697596452545945770&simpl=msg-f%3A1697596452545945770 1/4 6/27/2021 Haverford College Mail - Fwd: Muslim Life events [Villanova, Haverford & Swarthmore] Balancing timing and prayers in college (structuring your day) Relating with other faiths and no faiths Date: Wednesday, April 21st, (6:30-7:30p) Speaker: Chaplain Mouhamadou Diagne Topic: Juz 6 : Balancing Faith and College Life Login link: https://villanova.zoom.us/j/2087713521 Mouhamadou B. Diagne is a Muslim Chaplain and Diversity Educator with over a decade of experience promoting interfaith and cultural engagement at Liberal Arts and Ivy League institutions. Diagne holds a bachelor’s in psychology from Carleton College and a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School. He was the first Muslim to serve in a general chaplain role at an Ivy League institution when he became Assistant Chaplain at Columbia University. He then went on to become Bucknell University’s inaugural Chaplain for the Muslim Community. Diagne was elected to the board of the Association of Muslim Chaplains as its inaugural Communications Chair. In January 2021, he joined the Muslim Wedding Service as an officiant for Muslim couples. 2) Haverford event (see attached flyer) The Haverford MSA is pleased to invite you to its Hijra 1442 Speaker Series with Besheer Mohamed Senior Researcher Pew Research Center Topic: Faith-based reactions to anti-Black racism Thursday, April 22, 2021 2:30-3:30PM EST All are welcome to attend! https://tinyurl.com/3np82fh6 Part of a collaboration with Interfaith Youth Core 3) Swarthmore event https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=9c31e510ac&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1697596452545945770&simpl=msg-f%3A1697596452545945770 2/4 6/27/2021 Haverford College Mail - Fwd: Muslim Life events [Villanova, Haverford & Swarthmore] [poster for Unveiled play screening--same info as below] "Unveiled: A One Woman Play": character studies of five ethnically diverse Muslim women post 9/11 Screening, discussion and Q & A with Rohina Malik, the play's writer and performer April 23, 6:00-7:30 EST https://swarthmore.zoom.us/j/86119076224 Sponsored by: interfaith Center, Muslim Student Association, API/A Committee 4) Swarthmore event [Event poster--same info as below] "Reflections on Malcolm X: Transformation, Leadership, Love and Spirituality" Conversation with Chaplain Khalil Abdullah from Dartmouth College April 28, 2021, 6 pm Zoom meeting ID: 896 5143 2147 Passcode: 510504 Co-sponsored by the Black Cultural Center, the Muslim Student Association and the Interfaith Center -M. Umar Abdul Rahman Muslim Student Advisor Swarthmore College Intercultural Center/Sproul 112 267-218-0483 Pronouns: He/Him/His 4 attachments IMG_7285.JPG 89K https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=9c31e510ac&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1697596452545945770&simpl=msg-f%3A1697596452545945770 3/4 6/27/2021 Haverford College Mail - Fwd: Muslim Life events [Villanova, Haverford & Swarthmore] Unveiled movie flyer.png 3794K Reflections on Malcolm X_ Transformation, Leadership, Love and Spirituality.png 3240K Besheer Mohamed MSA Event Digital Flyer.pdf 279K https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=9c31e510ac&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1697596452545945770&simpl=msg-f%3A1697596452545945770 4/4