—s should be punished. By the same token, to be treated as if one’s sexual orientation is the result of an illness or disease is equally damaging. Hypocritical bigots who call for the removal of the triangles for ’aesthetic reasons’ have either failed or refuse to see the reality of the situation, which is that gays and lesbians have been and are systematically denied the right to exist, let alone express themselves in any way, shape or form. As people on these two campuses have shown, lesbians and gays are among the last two groups against whom it is still acceptable to discriminate. For these and other reasons I am outraged. The time to stand up and be counted is NOW!!! No longer should we allow people to dictate discriminatory views against anybody. I am calling on people to stand up and fight the oppression of others that Wwe, as accepting liberals’ in the community, would like to think does not exist. ---Louis Bonilla 4/15/88