po. . a The following letter is a response to the calls to remove the pink triangles that were painted at HC. Since the letter does not address those who have been so supportive of the issue of Lesbian and Gay awareness, I would like to personally, and as a representative of the HC/BMC GPA, thank the many who HAVE been so open-minded. ---Louis Bonilla | To the Members of the Bi-College Community: As many of you have noticed by now, pink triangles were painted on the ground at Haverford last Sunday night (4/10). Unfortunately, though, many people are now | calling for the removal of these signs of freedom and liberation under the pretense of vandalism." I am outraged because I believe that this is a hypocritical, bigoted lie. First of all, to those who say that the measures (painting the pink triangles) were - unnecessary, I say, WAKE UP! The measures were necessary. Why is it that most of the women’s and men’s poetry that was put up in and around Haverford for Gay and Lesbian Awareness Week was torn down? Why is Bryn Mawr still referred to as a "School of Dykes?" Why are notices announcing lesbian and gay events vandalized and often torn down in the Bi-College Community? Why are people so reluctant to discuss openly how they feel about gay and lesbian issues? Why did some members of Drinker feel the need to urinate on some of the triangles? Why do some violent individuals feel so threatened that they have to smash beer bottles on pink triangles? And why is much of the graffiti in many of the bathrooms so blatantly homophobic (with such messages as “Kill all faggots and dykes")? The point is that when people have been generally confronted by the issue of homosexuality (on both campuses) they have either (1) ignored it, (2) spoken against it, or (3) destroyed it. Even now, people are still trying to destroy the triangles by placing ’Ban’ signs around some of the triangles. It is obviously not a simple matter of aesthetics. | I’m sure that many of these same people would like to see lesbians and gays disappear much as they would like to and are trying to make the triangles disappear BUT