oP there ie anything | ayneis, for,after . Aaya at o poliday, dewned cle @ a0 a 8 ¥ rch exci tevemt in tho al: a 3 fae-t ee ae ‘went opt to Moartow lille, + be ential. ‘wore om the vt ver. | | | ang: ve declares these: - s caanie ot L oF meine. 8 sobly. beet won m4 ol ‘vort a bat . » of thea thie. "week, “Ors mee to fo mo for the. | there trectors wor™ ani wateh thes Lae p very aigrionlt | he dl oo 4% ie. 1d for ‘writing. Ey gf cnemal sor : i : 3 : a4 a a 1 teen 5 yoo | rage, a now and. whl le: wae be oa . ee. a ereiblo | | oti tion of dace i yourte wroventive. oe we hare the e for ourselver and vaeuny - Dlook eo vet Yas safe on thet. | | ote hiy ang yine nie. condi gion ie very bade: ds | bere weer a nese he ia. ix.