3 PA Ig TT: % ? og ; ‘namely simply say a of urgency to save the lives of the chi lar Patient olinies five years. of age who are not hel ee, oe. in ea ee socal : the | eet tues to do what er oan and the scheme m "en dade ie 1 the eodlaves of National life and the distress fine : | on and lack or clothes St, erent r than FODe: ae = At — tealiy. wa UW Ps 4 3 as : German Austria with= stance Sco ery | can al n. aly ome through the renewal of ‘Yelations ‘between the new states and while racial ne ee heed this are cing overcome assistance is needed inhe bitants ad ean on ly bea ean eid ortunate allied countries. nog a Hera ot this help is similar to that required in German: to give the necessa: ood and clothing a matter ot Ure SGPGR Who we Syang An — large numbers, and to place the hospitals in a position to car ry On heir usual penek hoot work. This is being done on, a ae the Americans, wh : one ee ie scho oe 2 RG ry pe a , ienaine as | the Int ernat tonale ‘Phis committee has AY a n fmglish ar Spitalshi theme AMEGPICAN, Daten representatives as well as a | Serupay through Engl chan been to the nogpitale and te. Inf particularly in view the needs of the children under ped by the Americans. ‘These | a very serious condition of rickets ne a a help especially wee miy 21,000 out o . > Says the AFRC & ¥ 4 ay 4 _Anothe vr emergency measure the ion of clothes and yhis we are alse undertaking Cone 4 the. Infant and Velfare centres In the case beth of food and clothing we find that whe: visable to give in the home, the people are willine ar d able te on a =e "danebion tex enh present cost, is about the pre and | — ee this srrangements avoids the | ge adividual » is however, true that “demo the § ich has to let foreigners help it in this way ‘in it sauans enammbsatbens Probably ir oon ae She help nesded is of a more temporary Ygharacter ané the dent. position so that this danger: £8 not ee It in the case of Austria, ag we have pointed “a. tek ‘ sis i n the organisation of relief is ow the moment arts and it is "therefore ll the ve ry preats . t it should be done in the right “First, we must e@-operate in _ such a wen thee we stimulate peteuiie. ax oot — economic oe the Barrer betraon the National ‘States, through ae oY the # ritish : ie ood | Commission ra and ) ‘Cunningham of the British Military Mission, with | —. SSRSEENAS ats “ ae — § whe would be willing t ny there | on 2 exe anches of the work are as ae RELIEF. For this we have representation on the 1.8 i the hospitals is necessary in connection with it, — ork needing enterprise and initiative in plannir be ater aor of r mile is being mace by the ) Austrians and three of our memt ee gar great, deal of w , ent tee opaganda » England ‘and pe tu fo these we generally maie : as ft and some ‘are _eiven ‘Substantial Oe Sees Arbeiter Rat, “mn LK nderhet : we helped daring September and October, ndvantage of barracks : convalescent OMG « Tae Was a WNGARY. Some help has been sent and much enquiry staken Up as soon as Workers come out. Pg « “Tt "a seunbend to give help in r to increase coal out-put