VITA I, Florence Hemley Schneider, was born in Brooklyn, New York, on May 18th, 1914, the daughter of Benjamin Hemley and Frances Gottlieb. I received my elementary and secondary education in Brooklyn, New York. In 1934 I graduated from Brooklyn College with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. After a year of graduate study in Economics at Columbia University, I received the degree of Master of Arts from that institution in 1935. From 1935 to 1938 I was a student in the Carola Woerishoffer Graduate De- partment of Social Economy and Social Research, first as a Scholar, then as a Fellow. In 1937 I received a Two-year Certificate in Social and Industrial Re- search. ‘ To fulfill the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Bryn Mawr College, in 1938 I took preliminary examinations in the major field of Social Economy and the minor field of Economics. My dissertation was begun in 1938 under the direction of Professor Mildred Fairchild.