APPENDIX Claessens, August, A Manual for Trade Union Speakers, Published for the Educa- tional Department by the Rand School Press, 1936. National Women’s Trade Union League, Washington, D. C.: Suggested Educational Program for Local Leagues with no Paid Staff, 1937; To Chairmen of Educational Committees of Local Leagues, State Leagues, and National Committees, 1936. Work Projects Administration, Workers’ Service Program, Washington, D. C.: Workers’ Education—lIts Objectives, Standards and Techniques, (W.P.A., Division of Edu- cation Projects, Technical Series, Education Circular No. 4), February 1, 1937. List of Sources for Teachers of Workers’ Classes, September, 1937. Methods and Materials in Workers’ Education—Service Bulletin for Teachers (Office of the Specialist in Workers’ Education, Education Division F. E. R. A.), August, 1935. Additional Reference Lists, 1935. Workers’ Education Bureau, New York: Labor Speaks for Itself, A Series of broadcasts on American industrial problems by outstanding labor officials, 1936. Bowerman, George F., “The Public Library and Workers’ Education,” Workers’ Education, Vol. 6, No. 10 (July, 1929), pp. 1-4. Hader, John J. and Lindeman, Eduard C., What Do Workers Study?, Workers’ Education Research Series, No. 2, 1929. Lindeman, Eduard C., Workers’ Education and the Public Libraries, Workers’ Edu- cation Pamphlet Series, No. 7, 1926. Wolfson, Theresa, The Women’s Auxiliary to Trade Unions and Workers’ Educa- tion, Workers’ Education Pamphlet Series, No. 8, 1926. Mitchell, Broadus, How To Start Workers’ Study Classes, Workers’ Education Pamphlet Series, No, 1, 1925. MISCELLANEOUS SOURCES Black, H., “Work of a Labor School Library,” Specific Libraries, Vol. 28, (January, 1937), pp. 7-12. Carter, Jean, et al., “Creative Expression: A Symposium of Drama, Dance, and Litera- ture in Workers’ Education,” Journal of Adult Education, Vol. 7 (April, 1935), p. 179-87. leer, Emilie, “Workers’ Schools and Correspondence Courses,” American Federa- tionist, Vol. 43 (October, 1936), pp. 1069-70. Nockels, E. N., “Labor’s Experience in Radio,” American Federationist, Vol. 44 (March, 1937), pp. 276-81. Pleysier, A., ‘Workers’ Education and Broadcasting,” American Federationist, Vol. 43 (October, 1936), pp. 1056-63. Udell, Sophie, Annotated List of Motion Pictures for Workers’ Groups, New York: Southern Summer School for Workers, 1939. Note materials mentioned throughout the book. 153