PATTERNS OF WORKERS’ EDUCATION SOURCES OF FUNDS DURING 1937 AND 1938 * Source 1937 1938 From School committees located in Rochester, New York; Buffalo, New York; New Haven, Conn.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Chicago, Ill.; Denver, Colo.; Bal- timore, Md.; Washington, D. C.; Boston, Mass.; Cincinnati, O.; Providence, R. I.; Philadelphia, Pa.; New York City, N. Y.; Akron, O.; New Lon- don, Conn.; Hartford, Conn.; Cleveland, O..... $8,300.00 $8,500.00 From School faculty members.......-+-+-++++: 300.00 350.00 Prom former students. ...00600csccccccseasaee 95.00 150,00 From undergraduates in women's colleges........ 2,100:00 2,200.00 From funds and foundations...........0+0000% 1,200.00 1,020.00 From unions (exclusive of those contributing to local committees referred to above).........+- 50.00 200.00 From 75 personal contributions sent direct to School office New York City 806s. 5635566 ce lsc y ecwcwes 2,400.00 2,500.00 Ontiite New York Gite. oi 5 oss 5 6:5 th amet 36 1,500.00 1,000.00 (Chicago, Washington, Detroit, New Eng- land, Pennsylvania, Portland, Ore., Rich- mond, and upstate New York) Miscellaneous (cooperative store, faculty board, etc.) 1,000.00 1,000.00 OPER sic Gos a oon 0Gce 9 STO Oe 0 seo ais ois $16,945.00 $16,920.00 * Information secured from an interview with Miss Jean Carter, Director of the School, March 22, 1939. Local committees usually have given approximately one-half the total con- tributions. In order to analyze the sources they tapped and their problems in doing so, a questionnaire was sent to 15 of the committees. Out of nine returns, certain points of interest have been drawn, and coordinated with information from the central office. Fourteen committees, from communities representing various sections of the country, have contributed annually but in varying sums. In 1933 the range among the committees was from $5 to $7,300; two years later from $45 to $2,200; in 1937 from $50 to $4,100; and in 1938 from $35 to $3,400. For all of the 14 committees, the total given was as high as $15,500 in 1933 and as low as $6,600 in 1935. In addition to the regular contributors, many communities have given irreg- ularly to the School. Southern, Midwestern, and Western communities with * Some of these are joint committees for several schools. 74