‘ 4 : d my : * st . » ‘ Wednesday, ‘March - 20,. 1963 THE COLLEGE NEWS Tas SAYEL F Bryn Mawr Students Receive 16 Wilson Fellowships, ye Plan Graduate Studies In Preparation For Teaching © Sixteen of the 1,475 Wetees Wilson Fellowships awarded~ this year have gone to Bryn Mawr stu- dents, it was announced on Thurs- day. : \.. Each fellowship covers tuition and fees for.the first year atthe gradu- ate school: of the’. Fellow’s- choice, ° plus. a stipend of $1500: and _depen-_ dency allowances, MARGARET PABST Peggy Pabst is one of two seniors in Pembroke West who received Wil- son Fellowships. A Philosophy ma- jor, her special field of interest is . contemporary European philosophy, "especially the works of, Martin Hei- degger. : sd She hopes to attend Yale gradu- ate school, where she will:continue the study of contemporar y: Suropean j thought: ' ’ Peggy’s purpose in her studies 4 is to link Americar philosophy, which she feels is dominated by logistic and analysis, with modern European thought.. She hopes todo this by editing and translating the works of European philosophers: and later teaching them. —~ KATHLEEN JOHNSON © il Kathleen Johnson is also plan- ning to continue study in philosophy. Her~ particular~field of. interest is logic. Kathy hopes to study next year at Stanford, Harvard, or Yale graduate school. LOUISE ALPERS Louise is an archaeology major, who is doing an honors’ paper” on the origins and development of glazing in tne Near East. Her ma- jor field of interest is the Aegean Near East and Anatolia. In: past summers. she has done museum work in the Conservation Department of-the Gardiner Mu-° seum in Boston and at the Essex In- stitute in—-Salem. “ ELLEN MAGAZINER Ellen Magazine, a Russian major, plans to do graduate work in Rus- sian. Area Studies. Her honors project is a study of the effects. of ‘ the Sino-Sov iet dispute on the Indian Communist Party. In past summers Ellen has done Russian translation for Biological Abstracts magazine and has studied and traveled to the Soviet. Union in the Indiana Univer- sity Slavic Workshop. y KATHERINE MIDDLETON Kathy Middleton, majoring -in economiés,. plans to do graduate work either at. the Fletcher School. of Law and Diplomacy. in connec- tion with Tufts and Harvard, or else, Yale. eae Kathy wants to spend the summer working as an assistant to a pro- fessor of Economics at: the Univer- sity of Buffalo or working in con- nection with ‘a branch of the Fed- eral Reserve Bank. . CYNTHIA CAPLES Cynthia Caples, a German major, is not yet certain where her year of Bryn Mawr Grants New Professorship A professorship in chemistry. nam- ed for the late W. Alton Jones has been established, it was announced today by Miss McBride. « The trustees of the W. Alton Jones Foundation, Inc., which Mr. Jones established in 1944, have authorized a grant of . $400,000 to endow the professorship. in his field of chemis- try. Mr. Jones had two Saiighters, both of whom attended Bryn Mawr. They are Mrs. Milton T, Edgerton ,(Pa-. _. tricia ‘Jones) .. of .Baltimore, .Mary- -~--land, and Mrs: Roy Hamilton Ott ~(Elizabeth M. Jones) of Littletgn, . Colorado. The first holder of the Jones pro- -fessorship .will be Mr, Ernst, Ber- liner, the senior member in the De- partment, of Chemistry at Bryn. ~Mawr, whose field is organic chem- istry. Mr. Berliner will: become W. , Alton Jones Professor in: September 1908. - honors. work..under Mr. ‘different’ kinds of pills. "ly, she is thought. to bé a hypochon- graduate ici as a Wilson ‘Fellow will be spent, but she is quite defin- ite about the less immediate future. She wants to enter linguistics via- German philology, specializing even- tually in applied linguistic study of the -Ger FVANICE COPEN _-Janice-Copen--also-plans: to=study linguistics, particularly comparative and Slavig linguistics. She hopes eventually to teach Russian and lin- guistics in coHege, and will proba- bly study at Columbia in. prepara- tion. : Although a Russian major, Ginny ’ is. doing honors work in political science, studying. the nature of .the - Soviet. government with Mr. Bach- rach, ___ MARY LOU LEAVITT. “Mary Lou Leavitt will use her ‘Wilson grant to study at the Uni- versity of Michigan for an M.A. in Classical Stitdies. is She is -a classics major, doing Broughton on’a study of the use of propaganda techniques in Caesar’s Commenta- ries on, the Gallic War. SUZANNE SPAIN Suzy Spain, a history of art ma - jor, plans to study at the Institute mgnicalanguages. eet ome ar _cinati or Columbia. of Fine iad. New. York University. Her field of special interest is early Christian art and architecture. Suzy is doing het honors paper on Minoru Yamasaki,. the contem- porary Nis¢i architect. KRISTINE’ GILMARTIN— A Latin major who is doing an honors’ paper on similie™ in Virgil’s ~ Aeneid, Kristine Gilmartin hopes to be at Stanford in Galifornia next fall. She will do graduate work in ‘both Greek and Latin and is. par- . ticularly .interested in the “literary end” of. Classics. She wants to teach’ Greek and Latin and feels that the classics, not as: dead as they are often made out to be, can be instilled with life and ‘interest. “MIRANDA MARVIN iticads. *who | “really' and truly wants to teach,” is thinking’ of do- ing graduate work at either. Cin- She is an arch- aeology major and is presently work- ing —on- -““Mycenean--Pottery-from Beth’shan in Palestine,” the topic of her’ honors paper. ENID GREENBERG Double honors arrived in the : Greenberg family, since.both Enid , and her twin brother William, who Wilson sahiier’: (L-R) C. Caples, K. Gilmartin, M. Leavitt, J. Copen, E. Magaziner, V. Golondzowski (rot pictured: S. Mar- ‘bury; L. Fish). Bathroom Shelves Found’ ' To Reveal B.M.C. Psyche * + by Pauline Dubkin Do you ever look at the ithpedi- menta people keep on their bathroom shelves? Very revealing for insights to character. And at Bryn Mawr, where ten or ‘so girls have shelves in the same bathroom, a student. of human na- ture like myself can go wild with joy. I, also a student of bathroom *-shelves for many: a year; will pit my knowledge of character, derived solely from said shelves, against anyone’s analyst. Some-of my re- cent finding’ show: There is always the type whose shelf-space is taken up with seven ‘Superficial- driac. ‘I’ dispute this” judgment. I think ‘she simply has a vivid imagi- nation. er . When she takes all those pills, alias fiiagines thousands of little B’s . traveling up and down her body, and that awful hammer ceasing to hit her on'the head; she sees her cough control center relax at-last, her ner-. vous tension flow away from her? andthe stomach acid that can burn -a hole in a*hankerchief painlessly receding. For results. like. these, who wouldn’t take seven different kinds of pills? A further insight I -have -gained from my. study of bathroom shelves is that there. are two kinds of. peo- ple, Baroque and. Non-Baroque. In the. world outside the bathroom, | Baroque people eat Supercolossal, ‘nstead of a Colossal, olives, and t / ° at er A ° use Windproof .Flameproof lighters instead of matches. . The way you can tell a Baroque Bryn Mawrter is, prjharily, from her bathroom shel She doesn’t use Shampoo, she/uses Créme de Shampoo, in a bottle shaped like a wine decanter. She doesn’t use toothpaste) not even. the toothpaste which caused Group One in Oshkosh, Ohio, to be blessed with 25% fewer cavities than Group Two); she uses Poudré -Pour Les Dents, -in a tin shaped like a pérfume (ah, parfum) bottle. Her washcloth is covered with roses. -She will, of course,.end up in a Baroque profession, like de- signing curtains for the United Na- tions building or editing a snobbish little Quarterly published in, Vir- ginia, There is a rebel in every crowd, . and you ean tell who.she.i8, too; from her bathroom shelf. She is the girl of the proletariat, the Sensible girl who buys the economy ‘size of everything, and who uses dark pur- ple towels to symbolize her-efanci- ‘pation from. the blue-and-pink _ of tradjtional womanhood. Flouting ev- -ery convention’ of her beauty~cream-— ‘using peers, she bathes with rugged Lifebuoy, and; natural woman that she -is, her shelf is devoid of such - frills of civilized existence as One- a-Day. vitamin. pills. As you ‘can..see, any competent layman can learn the tricks of bath- room shelf analysis,.and very useful ~ ‘St is indeed. Home may~be where the heart is, but the bathroom shelf is where the psyche is. Ta a a Wilson Scholars: (L-R) Top row, M. Marvin, K. Middleton, L. Alpers, E. Greenberg; Bottom row, M. Pabst, K. Johnson, M. ~ Cardwell. is a physics major at Princeton, worr -Wilsons.....Knid— is .majoring in. Po- litical Science and workin® on an ‘honors project, “Politics Behind Mi- gratory” Labor Legislation,” which ‘Is a critique of the group MHUOTY of politics. Enid will go to piehae Harvard, Cornell, ‘ or Chicago. for graduate work, her particular field of interest being. American government and ture on the college. level. LINDA FISH Linda, a Spanish major, graduat- ed from Bryn Mawr last year, but because she did not go to graduate ‘school this year, her fellowship will start in the fall. _HONORABLE MENTIONS ~