Na nase amaRSNNN ei ms ccm Nanna nsssmmanmantin 5 THE COLLEGE NEWS — ~ Mol. Lil, No. 11 BRYN MAWR, PA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1968 © Trustees of Bryn Mawr College, 1967 25 Cents Freshman Show Weaves Tale of Viking Grandeur It isn’t every Freshman Show that . interweaves a Wagnerian opera star, a stuffy pompous king and an elfin Druid with a cockney accent to produce a fabricated fable of Viking lore. But ‘‘Who Put the Vie in Viking,’ Class of °71, does just that and more. Directed by Molly Sloca, ‘‘Vie,”’ slated for Feb. 9 and Feb. 10, recreates with historical authen- ticity the tale of the land of Hal- vallah and the famous race of kings. In this country out of the eso- teric depths of Norse legend lives a race of gallant warriors who each enter into the rank of king after completing a great and dar- ing. quest. The two-act-play fo- cuses on the trials and tribulations of three eta hi Erics 4, 5 and 11. Trouble begins for ‘the trio of _ hearty warriors when they defy the king’s orders and refuse either to marry one of the monarch’s four daughters or to set out on the Quest for the Holy Quail. This not only incurs the king’s wrath, but also causes difficulties when the three young men become entangled in a seemingly hopeless: love quad- rangle, further complicated by the magical mishcief of a cockney Druid. With | only one week until cur- tain tine, Director Sloca is con- fident that the ‘‘tremendous en- thusiasm and wealth of talent’’ of her fellow classmates will give the audience a‘‘really good show.”’ ‘*T have been impressed by everyone’s enthusiastic interest in everything from the starring roles to costuming to lighting to errand girl,’? said Molly. ‘“‘If . this enthusiasm continues, we can’t miss.”’ The cast of principal characters includes King Frothmuch, Chris Spear; Sigmund, Helen Kass; Mair- faiden, Ann Marie Thro; Dame- fairsel, Lee McGeorge; Brunhilda, Luicia Nixon; Edna, Leigh Elhers; Hairic the Red, Donna Vogel; Hel- dric the Heady, Jill Kaplan; Cedric the Seedy, Ashley Doherty; and ie. Arnuf C. Heathdane, Peggy Mc- Carthy. The Erics of the race of kings include: -Diane Donalson, Patsy Smith, Debby Seltzer, Martha Hill, Carolyn Kraus, Nan Schwartz, Carol Johnson, Cris Meerdink, Fio Lance, Ellen Dolnansky, Maggie Brown, and Ellen Thomp- son. Cast as court servants are Julie Yarborough, Bonnie Holcomb, Jane Harrold, Sue Wong, Bea Jones and Margaret Watkins. Mary Sch- ropback, Terry Kardos, Lynne Piersol, Elizabeth Chesney, Sally Boyd and Pam Anderson will be the. Ladies Chorus. Other Halvallian Warriors and dignitaries include Joyce Wilder, Margaret Meriwether, Gilda Teix- ido, Sally Harrison, Patty Ratner, Sue Auerbach and Nancy Halli. The Trolls will be Carol Adams, Porter Ridley, Jackie Decter, Debby Swirsky, Edie Stevenson, Rebecca Berman, DebbyC ole, Ruth Arnold and Sandy Dormont. Working behind the scenes, com- mittee chairmen include pro- duction, Kim Hanson and Vivien Schmidt; publicity, Sue Auerbach; business, Sue D’Arezzo; chore- ography, Madeleine Denko; music, Sandy Dollar; costumes, Judy Hoos and Judy Wenner; programs, Bea Jones; set design, Mimi Evans; (Continued on page 6) H‘ford Bus to Run Weekday Mornings A new bus is now running every weekday morning between Bryn Mawr and Haverford. The seven-seater Chevrolet sports van was bought by Haver- ford to alleviate overcrowding in the Bryn Mawr bus. Bryn Mawr and Haverford are sharing main- tenance costs. Driven by Eugene , Pantalone, the new Chevyarrives ateach stop five to ten minutes later than the Bryn Mavr bus. ~~ Plans for the new language house were Sstiaead at a tea yesterday in the Common Room. Students were given the op- portunity to both learn about the bellding and discuss plans for 5 34! The trolls offer handouts to Freshman Show Director Molly Sloca. photo by Mary Yee Self Gov. Attempts Undergrad Rises to Meet Challenge of Voter Apathy To Decrease Theft From-BMC Library Self Gov President Drewdie Gilpin has announced sterner sanc- tions for Library rule violators. Authorized by the constitution to take measures against any actions contrary to the spirit of the rules, the Executive Board will use hu- miliation as well as fines to stop illegal use of the Library. Violaters under the currentrule simply pay a fine; many students deliberately hold books illegally, preferring to pay than be without the books. Under the new rule, offenders will also have to appear before the Executive Board to explain their behavior. The Board does not plan to search out all violaters, but will deal with any cases brought to its attention. The new policy is not meant to swamp the board with work but rather to act as a deterrent to potential Library offenders. Currently under fire is Bryn Mawr’s system of campus- wide elections, held every spring in an atmosphere of voter apathy. Undergrad President Lola Atwood, particularly concerned by this lack of interest has called for an open meeting in the College Inn on Monday, February 5 at " o'clock to discuss alternative systems. ‘The system as it now exists--where candidates face stu- dents in a round of discussions heid after dinner and at ten-o’clock in each dorm--is designed in theory to allow the elec- torate to meet their candidates thereby having a _ real choice, In practice, however, the candi- dates meet with a _ handful of interested students and a great many impolite ones who not only ignore the visitors but do so noisily in adjoining smokers. Since ballots are manadatory for Self- Gov, Undergrad, and Big Six elec- Aon sete courtesy Public Relations its insauttien ot use. The new language house, scheduled to open in September 1969, is undergoing a change in plans in order to comply with the Lower Merion Township fire regulations. tions, the widespread ignorance of platforms and their advocates is distressing. Abstentions win a great many elections. Suggestions for modification of the system have been few. It has been proposed that the candidates speak just once ineven- ing gatherings in the Common Room; or that if the after dinner scheme is retained, dorms could be grouped together so_ that there would be fewer meetings. There has been some movement to scrap the entire system by those who feel that nothing can be done to change student attitude, which is the root of the problem. If this view prevails, a system of internal elections would be sub- stituted within campus. or- ganizations. Thrift Shop Idea Tops Undergrad’s Opening ‘68 Agenda A proposal to establish a stu- dent thrift shop in the Inn and suggestions for improving the Lib- rary record collection were dis- cussed Monday at the first Un- dergrad meeting of the new sem- ester. Freshman Laura Hershey has proposed a thrift shop to which students can bring any articles they wish to sell, including cloth- ing, records, used textbooks, and furniture. They would set their own price for their merchandise and that price, plusa small com- mission for the shop’s business expenses, will be paid by the per- son who purchases the merchan- dise, Such a shop, which would be set up in the basement of the College Inn, was thought to be a practical way for students to dispose of un- wanted possessions with a mini- ~mum of difficulty, since it would obviate the need for the student to search for her own buyer. It would be non-profit and entirely student-run. Junior Jane Shaw asked the Un- dergrad representatives for sug- gestions to maintain the college’s expanding record collection. Cur- rently kept in the west wing of the Library, the collection includes (Continued on page 6) eS sossanseans Shc rena Pear ee ee ‘sate peliengee paged owes Paka THE COLLEGE NEWS fabatetaehe THE Cc OL OLLE G E. NEWS . seoatansenenee Edjtor-in-Chief ° Nancy Miller "69 Lee Managing Editor Photographic Editor Robin Brantley °69 Mary Yee ’70 Associate Editors Sue Auerbach '71, Maggie Crosby ’70 Cathy Hoskins '71, Kathy Murphey '69 Editor Emeritus Christopher Bakke ‘68 Contributing Editor Mary Laura Gibbs '70 Editorial and Photographic Staff g Dora Chizea '69, Beverly Davis '70 Sally Dimschultz 70, Ashley Doherty ‘71 Patty Gerstenblith 71, Julie Kagan °70 Sue Lautin ’70, Marianne Lust °69 Laurel Miller '70, Marian Schever ‘70 Barbara Sindel ’70 Advertising Manager Adrienne Rossner '69 2 Business Manager Ellen Saftlas '70 Subscription: Managers dc0 Auerbach ’71, Alice Rosenblum °71 Subscriptions $3.00 — Mailing price $5.00 - Subscriptions may begin at any time. COLLEGE NEWS is enteredas second class matter at the Wayne, Penna. Post Office under the act of March 3, 1879. eet Ros Founded in 1914 Published weekly during the college year except during vacations and exam. periods. The College News is fully protected by copyright. Nothing that appears in it may be reprinted wholly or in ith f Community Reaction Much was said last semester. about the lack of community at Bryn Mawr. There were those who lamented the disappearance of the existing com- munity, those who questioned the existence of a Bryn Mawr community,}and those who denied the need for or importance’ of such a community. _It seems an important part of college, however, to learn from experiences outside as well as inside the classroom, This exchange of ideas is perhaps the most important: part of the learning experience, and the purpose of attending a residential college seems to be to faciliate this exchange by living in a community, A new semester is.a time to begin again, so- cially as well as academicaily, It is a chance to examine the values of a community like Bryn Mawr and to work for its improvement, The COLLEGE NEWS hopes to aid in this attempt to improve (Create?) the Bryn Mawr community by being a center of communication between its members, N.M. Decrease in Pressure Those responsible for the drafting and execution of the self-scheduled exams are to be commended for. their efficiency in handling the system during its first trial period. The smoothness with which the distribution of exams and details of organization were carried out is proof that the system can. work. The opportunity to determine one’s’ own exam scheduje, and the knowledge that. the responsibility ‘of planning a schedule rested on the individual student relieved many of the past pressures of. exam period, If, as was the case this year, in addition to the ‘practical successes, the academic honor system can be upheld without violation under the new system, self-scheduled exams will be a success, N.M. it’s beginning time again. i’ve always felt my year began more perly at the start of a semester rather than january 1. as a matter’ i have three beginnings each year (so much nicer to have three chances instead of one to reshape your whole existence). i start over again every summer, every.september and every end of january.(my academic time orientation comes froma long life ina library tower. if you heard taylor bell knolling the beginning of each academic session for, oh, say about a’ trillion years, wouldn't you be a bit confused as to why people make Viewpoint _ sl aceenael Friday, February 2, 1968 On Abolishing Sign- Outs Most students reacted to the ZIGZAG articley headed ‘Bryn Mawr Students Ignore Honor System’”’ by agreeing that it was a true allegation. True or not, the article was not terribly useful because it simply outlined the negative factors of the situation and suggested no real solution. The only hint of a solution presented could be summarized in two words--‘‘end hypocrisy.’ It was only a hint, and not a very helpful one at that. However, one concrete possibility was mentioned which deserves being further explored. The sign-out system for wamen college students is an anachronism from the days when women were protected, pampered and constantly shaded from the harsh realities of life. Women did not drive, and they certainly couldn’t vote. They were treated like sweet but inept children, or better yet, charmingly mindless toys. Bryn Mawr girls sign out when they leave the dorm: they write down where they are going, who they are going with, how they are going, and when they will be back. Graduate students don’t sign out, men have certainly never been subjected _ to such a process, and a growing number of women. students at other institutions are no longer re- quired to document their .comings and going, (e.g. Radcliffe). There seem to be two justifications for a sign-out system. One, a girl’s whereabouts should be known at-all times in case she should have to be reached in an emergency. This does not make much sense though, because it is applied dis- criminately only to undergraduates, and then only after 12:30. Don’t boys ever have emergencies? Don’t grad students? Do emergencies happen only , after 12:30? Hardly. The second justification is that. girls are more likely to be mugged, raped and murdered after 12:30 than before, and that these things are more likely to happen to girl undergraduates than to - tion. anyone else. Having the girl sign out will enable the , college to have a place to start looking’ if she * doesn’t return. This second reason makes sense in theory. Unfortunately, practice is not so perfect. Last - semester, a girl called in to sign out overnight to a, friend’s house. The girl taking the sign-out mistakenly made it for a 2 a.m. return. When the girl did not return at 2 nothing was done. No emergency measures were taken, no polite were notified, nobody was looking in ditches for the remains. The sign-out system was no protec- Besides, the last attack on a female member of the Bryn Mawr community happened right on campus, before 12:30, and it wasn’t even a student. The justifications for the sign-out system seem, then, a trifle thin. The case against the stystem -can be made even stronger on a Constitutional level. The recent civil rights legislation and the latest interpretations of the 14th Amendment to ' the Constitution forbid discrimination on the basis - of race, creed, color or SEX. Rules which apply sto women and not to men could easily be con- strued as contrary to such legislation and therefore unconstifutional. It is possible to recognize that having someone else know where you are is both handy and prudent, without making mandatory a specific sign-out process. Although it might be more consistent to advocate complete abolishment of the system, it is probably more practical to suggest that the Self-Gov constitution be amended to require only a phone number (so the student can be reached in the emergency and to give the police a place to start looking). and expected time of return. This way, the sign-out system could be eased out gradually, exactly as the stereotype of the woman-as — -child is being eased out. Kit Bakke Letters to A Note of Ghanks. To the Editor: I wish to thank Miss McBride, the students, the professors, the Alumni, the Deanery, the Manager of Halls, the Assistant Manager of Halls, the employees, the Hot _ Shoppes on campus, the grounds- men, and friends, for their dona- tions to help combat the fire sit- uation. I really feel that the entire campus bent over backwards to a Anna Kearney Rhoads Hall Fine Situation To the Editor: A short time ago I wrote seeking help to enable me to return to the United States. However, as you may have read in the Nov., 7 newspaper, I was sentenced to. two years in prison instead of the heavy fines which I was told to expect. In answer to my request for help I received a brief note with cash enclosed but with no name or re- turn address. Since I received no fines the cash was not needed. Therefore , could you provide me with the name of the kind person who sent it? I would like to add that I am appealing the sentence in hopes of getting it reduced, or at least to receive full credit for the time I have spent in prison so far. At my trial on Nov. 7, the Judge only gave me creditfor ‘being held 60 days when in fact I was arrested and imprisoned on June 30. With the appeal I hope to get credit for the entire 4 1/2 months before the trial. _ Thank you for your interest in my situation. ~ James Cebula bee ra the Customs ‘Law, ‘and a person — Consul’s Defense To the Editor: A-letter from a Mr. James A. Cebula which appeared in the Col- lege News on October 6, 1967, contains several gross errors in its representation and interpreta- tion of relevant provisions of the Japanese penal code. We regret not having written sooner, but Mr. Cebula’s letter only recently came to the atten- tion of our office. First, the statement that ‘‘in Japan, if you do not have the necessary funds you must stay in prison and work the fine off at the rate of 200 yen per day,’’ is incorrect. In Japan, the code provides that persons who are unable to pay their fines in full shall be de- tained in a workhouse for not less than one day nor more than two years (three years in cases where two or more fines have been imposed jointly). However, the rate at which the amount of the fine assessed is converted to the period of deten- tion at the workhouse is not legally fixed but is determined at the dis- cretion of the judge, who takes into consideration the circumstances under which the crime was com- mitted. Therefore, there is no ground for the 200 yen per day Mr. Ce- bula quoted. The rate is higher in most cases these days. Secondly, as for the statement that ‘‘a thousand dollar fine would - be 360,000 yen, or in terms of time, five years,’’ the limita- tions mentioned above would pre- clude such a term from being imposed. Thirdly, regarding the point that **my fines will be far greater than that,’ the crimes which Mr. Ce- bula is alleged to have committed are the uttering of foreign counter- feit currency and the violation of _who commits such crimes is usu- ally punished with penal servitude. - sGUniier ‘the code, the. penalty for a the Editor ¥ appreciated if you would take .p- propriate measures to correct ‘he erroneous impressions which the College News and other schools and newspapers may have received from Mr. Cebula. Keiichi Tachibana Deputy Consul General Consulate General of Japan Citrus Cult Confidential to O.J. °70: I was overwhelmed at your kind Christmas gift of four orange juice glasses and the orange pitcher. I would like to convey my grat- itude to you personally some day. I am still eagerly waiting for you to unveil your identity.. I remain yours truly, Faintly Disgusted °68 Poetry Contest Deadline Set An April 8 deadline has been set by the Department of English for the annual May Day poetry con- tests. The two prizes awarded are the Academy of Poets Prize of $100 for the best group of poems and the Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize of $50 for the best single selection. The judges for both competitions. will be Richmond Lattimore, Mrs. Isabel MacCaffrey and Mrs. Katrin Norton. Due in the President’s Office ~ by 4 p.m., April 8, all manu- scripts should be typed and un- signed, with the author’s name given on.a separate piece of paper. 4. es “aterested™ in to writing for the COLLEGE NEWS second semester should contact Nancy Miller in Merion ‘Friday, February 2, 1968 | Sv tecantaanenthatoanatinneterma nore aienavanasaenrhrthinemaifernsneansandenga parnsemameanennseh ne inion. SANA THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Three Photo by Drewdie Gilpin ‘When the Deanery closes March 21, this swing will go to the breezeway between the two sec- tions of Wyndham. Sounds of Silence Give Timbre of College to ’71 This article was found in the Editor’s box with the attached note: ‘‘Camus and Sartre were getting to me at 4 this a.m. So | wrote down some reactions. Maybe you can use it.” So this is it, Bryn Mawr College after one semester, A very sound exper- ience, I have spent four months writing freshman comps, reading Plato, --Mmixing, fire drilling, working for the NEWS, going to class, not going to class, looking for a Greek god and learning to listen. Listening at Bryn Mawr means many things. It means reading books, taking notes and talking to professors; but there is more than written words and spoken sylla- bles. ..e 4 cough, the creak of achair and the rip of paper in the Li- brary. .+. the vibrations of real music behind the Doors. -.- the pounding of four pairs of feet stampeding down the hall to the screams of four sets of vocal chords, ‘