4 as & ~ 2 COLLEGE NEWS Page Three “Mawr College Theatre _.| 13,_All material may be submitted November 6, 1964 The November syndrome —— silent smokers overflow. _. Music Groups Present - JFK Memorial Concert At.8 p.m. Sunday, November 22, the. combined orchestra and choruses of Haverford and Bryn ““Mawr will present a concert in commemoration of President « -Kennedys The piece tobe perform= ed is ‘*When Lilacs Last in the “Door-Yard Bloom’d” by — Paul Hindemith. The hour long: performance in Goodhart, to be free to the public, will feature guest soloists Ethelwyn Whitmore,mezzo-so- prano, and baritone Mac Morgan, ». formerly of the NBC Opera Com- pany. This requiem has never been performed before in the Philadel- phia area. Though adifficult, chal- lenging piece, Mr. Goodale commented that the singers ‘‘are ‘extremely “ “erithusiastic about it. The circumstances of the poem and music seem extremely appropri- ate.’? . ~ Walt Whitman wrote the poem in Campus Events -Tuésday, November Tenth Andre Gregory; of the Theater — of’ Living Arts in~ Philadelphia will speak in the Common Room. under the auspices of Arts Coun- cil,at 8:30. 8 Thursday, November Twelfth Jean Boorsch, Street Professor of Modern Languages, Yale Uni- - versity, will.speak on ‘‘Sartre et LES MOTS,”’ under the auspices of the Department of French. The lecture will be given in French at 8:30 in the Ely Room. Thursday, November Twelfth Friday and Saturday, November ‘thirteenth and fourteenth, Shakes - peare’s ‘‘Antony and Cleopatra,’’ ‘will: be ‘presented by the Bryn Haverford Drama Club, under the direction of Robert Butman. Tickets ($1.50 for both perfor- mances) will be on sale from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Goodhart Hall Box Office the week of the per- formance. The play will be pre- .sented in Goodhart at 8 p.m. both nights, 2, and the « Review Deadline for all stories, pleys, ort work, etc. submitted to the Bryn Mawr REVIEW is Friday, November to Faith —- Pembroke ~ East. ‘22 N. Bryn Mowr Ave., Bryn Manno A 5.9126 LA 5-0443 LA 5-6664 James P. Kerchner Pharmacist 30 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr. Pa. | PARVIN’S PHARMACY} |. memory of Lincoln, In 1946 Paul Hindemith set the work to music with the subtitle ‘*A Requiem For “those we love” to commemorate Franklin D, Roosevelt’s death. Three symbols, the lilac, the star, and the bird, pervade the poem. The lilac with its heart- shaped leaves, abundant in Wash- ington at the time of. Lincoln’s funeral, suggested love to Whitman, The star is Lincoln, and the bird is the poet singing his song. The three are drawn together finally in a simple and very beauti- ‘ful chorus. at the end of the piece. Hindemith was ‘moved by deep personal feelings in writing the Re- quiem for Roosevelt. The musician was forced to flee Nazi Gérmany and found asylum in the United States, where he became ateacher at Yale, Roosevelt, as the leader of the American people, was the embodiment of the American ideal for him. His expression of this - ideal in music can now aptly serve © to honor the memory of. John F, Kennedy. _ NSA Offers Low-Rate Insurance- To BMC Students in New Plan Bryn Mawr students are now eains0?*orod..a. new. low-rate life insurance plan under the auspices © of the National Madan Associa- tion. ~ “Two weeks" ago™ all parents “of Bryn Mawr students received a letter from Undergrad President Betsey Pinckney explaining the new “program and including in- formation folders -and an applica- tion form. - The NSA plan offers $10, 000 ' coverage at a Student rate of $20 -a year through age 24, $25 a year ages 25 through 28 and $30 a year ages 29 through 33. -" The present enrollment period . is open to all graduate and under- graduate: students at-NSA member. colleges through November 30. The only. restriction inthe policy is in case of suicide within the first two’ years, Otherwise,, the policy is guaranteed renewable and _non-cancellable by the com-, pany as long as premiums are paid, even if the student becomes “Uninsurable.~ If a student drops out of col- lege, transfers or enters the Armed Forces after- his policy has been issued, he may retain his: insurance at student. rates until after his expected gradua- tion date. Following graduation, the plan . will change . automatically to life — _ coverage (at reduced rates for the first four years) if the student desires. Permanent rates, for. .women are; graduation age 18, "$100. 80; reduced rate for four years, $77.- 83; age 21, $109.30, reduced rate, $86.35; age. 24, $118.20, reduced rate, $95.30; and age 27; $129.10, reduced rate, $106.18. _A_ medical examination is not required for any*NSA student who is in good health as determined by the company’s inspection. B.M.C. -Yale Mental Mixer Proves A Stimulating Affair -. By Sinus Orbeton, °67 The Bryn Mawr-Yale mental .mixer held October 24 was a _.definite success. Both hosts and guests found the event far more enjoyable than traditional free- for-alls. It provided an opportunity ‘for genuine exchange of ideas. The mixer was held in the home of Dr. Andrew Patterson, master of Morse College. His daughter, Ellen Patterson, is a BMC junior in-Merion Hall, Participating inthe mixer were 15 Bryn Mawr girls and: 30 Yalies. The springboard for discussion was a lecture by Jose Delgada, a ““Yatephysiology professor: He spoke on a series of behavior ex- periments he had conducted. Elec- trical impulses canbe sent through electrodes cic in the brain’ . I STATION Sak [EANERS} 10% Discount To Bryn Mawr Students DEL TONE RECORD SHOP | 824 LANCASTER AVENUE _ (Bryn Mawr Theatre Arcade) : BRYN MAWR, PA, PHONE 527-0163 | i FEATURING. ~ Golden Discs of the Past . in ROCK 'N ROLL, FIESTA Sion a AS eet imi . z — wieow ge DS =|) INTRIGUING, HANDMADE. 6 DISCOUNT RECORDS» ; EARRINGS - —— FOR THAT PIERCED LOOK" _ Ardmore. ee : ; Mi 2-0764 . = — . Classics « > Jozz ~ BRYN rece PENNA. 3 ; a Sh ae a eT ome ae Of .a human. or -animal wihibak: They stimulate” the subject to respond in a certain way. Different . areds of the brain control different responses. By recording the effect produced, experimenters have be- gun to map out functional areas of the brain. Enlivened with dry wit,’ Mr. Delgada’s speech was ‘entertaining as well as_ thought-provoking. Afterwards, the listeners. dis- cussed his experiments ‘with him - and with each other. As supper- ~ time approached, every girl found . herself invited. to dinner. A dance with a live band followed. The Pat- ‘tersons kept ‘their home open to the’ girls and their dates through- out the évening. Underwriting the plan is Ameri- can Healthg,ap4 life. Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Com- ‘mercial Credit Company. The - company guarantees that rates cannot be“ increased, restrictions cannot be added, and benefits can- not be reduced in the plan. The student....has the. right, through age 33, to convert ‘the policy to one which will accumu- late cash savings. The student is “also free to cancel the policy ~ at any time. Plans Taking Shape ~ For BMC-Princeton Play — “\¢Hippolytus”” enthusiasts met with Richmond Lattimore and - Mable -Lang last Thursday evening to discuss the play and possible production techniques. Traditional tragic drama masks will be worn by ‘both principal actors and chorus members.,°» Speaking through the masks, how- ever was agreed to be technically _ difficult, since masks would muffle actors voices and in Goodhart “Auditorium and in McCarter’ thea- ter (both acoustically poor) many of -the- lines: would-be: lost. Pre-recording the production - would also give added freedom: to the chorus. Chorus members would not then be faced with the difficult order of speaking and. dancing Director Gregory Presents Lecture On Phila. Theater Mr.. Andre Gregory, from tne Theater of the Living Arts, will speak at an Arts Council Lecture in the Common Room; October 10 at 8:30. The Theater of the Living Arts has. been organized as a non- profit, tax-exempt community foundation by a group of distin- guished Philadelphians to sponsor a resident,*professional play pro- ducing company. : Mr. Gregory,.Artistic Director of the Theater’s productions, is . well known in theater circles. He ‘is with the N. Y. Actors Studio - (Directors Wing); was ‘founder of Writers Studio in New York and co-founder last year of the Seattle ~Repertory Theatre:, Mr, Gregory has. also worked with the Actors Workshop in San Francisco And Bertolt Brecht’s : Berliner Ensemble. He is producer of Jean Genets THE BLACKS, now in its fourth year in New York and was direc- tor of the American Theater at the Brussels World’s Fair. - Unique Office Supply Co: - Office & School Supplies , Greeting Cards —../ "26 N. BRYN MAWR AVE, (BRYN MAWR,; PA. LA 5-9845 simultaneously. Since the play will be presented in Greek, it was felt that the movement of the chorus — should express, as fully as possi- ‘ble, the meaning and emotional tenor of their speeches. Greater ~ freedom in its choreography might | accomplish this. '. Recording of the principal speeches ‘will be done during a complete rehearsal of. the’ play. Recording of the choruses may be “done ‘by Gréek stidénts, who are ~ more fanfiliar with the metrics of Greek poetry. “Carol Cain and Anne ROR met.with Princeton coordinators of the play Friday October 30. At this nfteting it was decided that final casting for principal parts be. held at’ Bryn Mawr and Princeton next week. Time and place of the Bryn Mawr ‘‘Hipploytus’’ tryouts will be announced in the halls. The casting meeting will take the form of a play reading (in English of course) with acting hopefuls alternating on the roles.: Presently under consideration is a joint meeting of Princeton and Bryn Mawr actors and prédiiction workers next weekend. This week- end might ‘include play reading, a lecture on the presentation of -Greek drama in classical times and enjoyment of College Theater’s **Antony and Cleopatra.’» Anyone interesting in- working on ‘¢*Hippolytus” in any capacity should contact Pilar Richardson ‘in Rhoads. GANE SNYDER” 834 Lane ster Avenue Exotic Tea Supplies [SHARP GIRLS WANTED Our company presently plans to pub- lish a book surveying the political attitudes of college students on college campuses throughout the U.S. We are presently in need of several attractive, personadie girls ir. or sr. preferred) with an interest in politics ‘to spend about 5 hours 3 weeks in Nov./Dec. interviewing ‘their friends * and ‘other college students on their politicaf opin- ions from prepared question . forms. Salary is $5.00/hr. Work is chatlenging, interesting and only for responsible, mature individuals. . Mn: this york you will be working with a young, dedicated recent graduate of itical science at Oxford University. To-arrange:an inter- view in N.Y.C. call Mr. Greenberg “@ 212-MU'3-8802 or write Monarch oe Inc., 387 Park Ave. So., N.Y, 16, N.Y. = = ir _ Avoid a guilt complex. ‘ paohie aime tonight—before you find that you can no longer live ‘with your- self. Your parents miss you and you know it. Comfort them with a call. _The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsyivania sic SWeratabeum Sedan” saat cnet SNA ia cue pampcacvigers & sas 4 dcadiiens ~ss sunset inane seas SSS SE dpe ca Bs