hit. ; ‘ | THE COLLEGE NEWS it hesmata Friday, September.20, 1963 Intelligent Girls ee B.M.C. Pay Day: ctor Map.to Stacks, F reshman Hall Directo y ‘The Fabled Foible ‘MERION HALL ~ George, M.G.1/2 79 Hosmer, H. H. i/2 254 an / Among’ ‘the customs at Bryn ; : NN 1, L. S, 1/2 79 Aziz, M. 51 Mawr, the most innocent and the wa. Reading Rooms a Genet, =e. 1/2 i Borley, WN. Le. 153 most deadly is Pay Day. Des-.. | | Allard, R, J. ce sR. Ie 301 in the Handbook as a con- ee eee th OO” Barth, B. . 20 rice ne La oe panel eon 302 ices way to stagger, expenses, know by now, includes a mandatory Bishop, S, L, 1/2 41AB Meigs, P, W. 1/2 73-74 Milbouer, H, Ss 1/2 254 laataee the dene Fe tour of that imposing and Blevins, S, J. 1/2 . 19 Ohle, J. 1/2 16-20 wore oe = sit oe age’ wager _ Strategically located edifice, the _ Dudeck,C.V. — tae oe oi a . — ute Robrmayer, B. A, ERs iene: : a ~M, Carey: Thomas Library. | carseat ssa a OES we “P. 1/2. = gy. Seavey, D. M. 172 353 ‘The Pay Day bills are posted This tour, although a highlight ier a “ime 30) —Pravis, B,-B: 1/2 ie Simonoff, B.S, 1/2 263°. every six weeks on the bulletin of, Orientation, 18 subject to two . joncen ML. 2 Unger, D._ - yk eee Stech, T. FR. 1/2 263 board in your hall, They are a unfortunate but unavoidable draw- bso 'E. J. ik gai winston J. 1/2 4 statement of how much money. -: backs; 1) it is the rare freshman Moody, P, L,.1/2 41AB : aet you owe the Pay Day mistresses, »? Yelin, L, E,.1/2 » 952 who can take in anything by this Peterson, B, H, 1/2 41AB broken down into categories, Be time; and 2) the Library does Peterson, R, C. 7 a : “sure to check this- breakdown. not reveal its mysteries, oreven . Prosser, oT, ‘ RHOADS SOUTH against your own ‘records because floor plan, on first encounter, eas = : 1/2 - mistakes can happen and they are The Library is the shape of a « Yo oho S. M. 6 Agnew, E. H. : 109 most often expensive for you. €,5. M, = Appleton, R. E. wien | eccsas. . square doughnut, Passages on > ates. F rhe The majority of items on yqur three’ story levels are continuous, RADNOR HALL - Beate, ide - Pay Day bill are for things you that if all d to alk f 1 : Austin, Cy RR. 209 ; en otragalevier negra Seam me ee Dubynin, O. 315 have charged at the Book Store, _< e SOOE Th BD FOOSE VO ROOM al 8 C sy cetal -Feinsilber, B,.M. — 207 -.—-hall--book--shop, or.from.yorious. “prevents access on the first floor), ' Banquer, C. A. 35 Horowitz, K,L.1/2 * 101 college organizations (tickets _ one could ‘start out °on any floor Carey, B. E, 45 Katz, F, A, 204 for dances, etc.), But, there will .. and return eventually to the samé~~- Cranch, V, 1/2 oe Kinder, J, C, 105 also be items of which you have spot. Dickson, Jo A, 1/2 Baer Mathews, S, A, 1/2 : 108 no record: Common Treasury Of specalnoteates Begs M/E 8 i re eee Oe ¢ : “3 ? e sq athe Periodical “ROO; Woere 89 caoaman, BCR. — “< ___'-Snappérman, C, J. t/a, -191___ fines, gym_fees,-caps-and-gowns.<.° n excellent collection of literary Jennings, L, E. 1/2 49 = Spanier, B, B, 220 It is. difficult if not impossible ” ; fe urnals, professional and popular — Meade, M. D. 29 Williams, M. B, 1/2, 108 , to predict when these things will , periodicals. ang De NY Dee ee - phthaneet Os 4. — 47 * Zakon, J. 1. : 205: appear on your Pay Day bill so ~ paper can be found, 3 Nickerson, M-L . 56 _..._ it’s wise to maintain a reserve -Quita_ Woodward Room, = bn eine S ee 7 SPANISH HOUSE: _ fund-of- money at all times, studying allowed, rear of the build-— ah There are a few pointers which Southern, A, 36 *wW porn ing, to the left of the West Wing Taschek, Pee oe Krugman, .L. 1/2 a) if followed take the bite out of ' stacks, ace 6 th ern - —— my : Pay Day: keep a record of what. - -bathroom, in the basement to the ; HALL nae ubin, C, J. you charge and then plan for $10 rear of the building (next to the — Locsecc mange ROCKEFELLER HALL WORK, de din E22 6 to $15 more in hidden. expenses; Non-Res Room). ‘ Brecht, K,.T,.1/2 10-14 Baer, J. A. : 30 remember when you charge that, The Main Reading Room, an ap-._-_ Brown, S, R, 1/2 AG Barald, P. F. 25 : unlike Eloise, you also have to pendage of the Reserve Room, is Chapman, J, C, 1/2 37 Beadle, A, M, 1/2 41AB FIESTA pay the bill; pay your bill promptly where you'll be spending your 3 dts, ve ae ve Beveridge, M. J. 7 " Buctiing Citic ccd A ; since there’s a fine for every" time, and expending a lot of energy, oe tu 62 penis “ — , 4 eat Apes ter Ave | day your money isn’t in. ., . edun ° 7 7 ee = toward DuBrowin, E. T. 74 -Hanna, E, rom 45 Bryn Mawr “maintaining Silence, . . imeiah; Bets “08 on Hartmann, A, 1/2 = (Next to Hobson & Owens) UNUSUAL ( h reedman, B, li. Janover, J. L, | pe largest -naniber: of the Gonzalez, D. 1/2. 73 Keith, B. J. 1/2 53 FOOTWEAR — HANDBAGS Library s books are located in the Heckmann, K-58, 1/2 73° « » Dede 1/2 . — _ ; Main Stacks, but many others can ' Hood, M. S. 1/2. ae ra 5 ..|.. KITTY \MeLEAN r ’ e e.? - e e ‘ - be found in the West Wing stacks, Horton, L, C, 1/2 ag canes 3. 4 Pm SKIRTS BLOUSES to the rear of the Library, grétind Kadison,-R.- W, -1/2----~:-95-—- “Lynch, Ls A. 36 “SPORTSW E A a floor; .the Art Study, 2nd floor Kimura, K. rit = Magi: 5. J; : 12 ee rear: Lange, B, J. 1 Marks, R. F.1/2.- 41AB 2 Lancaster Ave. Mangum,.C,.M..1/2 83-84 Maw, 8; M. 9 - a we : Underg rad “ Newirth, T.L,1/2 10-14 Metcalf, M. 1/2. 49 ' SS oo >, Ooi, C. G, _ 22 ; Palmer, L..M. ee! ‘Continued z. Page 1 Col.'4 Reynolds, L.M. 1/2. 10-20 - park, C.D. 1/2 | 58 ’ KEOnx | , of who was doing what, where.This Taylor, K. 1/2 40 —~gaitaman, A, J. 172 ee eee change, it is also hoped, will give Vander Horst, E.1/2 40 Saurel, L. G.: ee —@ MUSIC o- you -a better idea of whom you are Walk, C. A, 1/2 16-20 ; Sborovy, K, E, 79 Wassyng, W. R. 1/2 76 » Searpelli, S, M. 78 Slocting 10F WOM Yow, Le 1/2 83-84 Schnakenberg, J. N. 38 ane Tanah eos Another -revision’ in_the Under- ; ; Schwartz, F, 1/2 19 best bluegrass in the land grad Constitution concerned the PEMBROKE EAST Small, J. P. oe sanecte iii manner of electing hall represen- Chavenelle, G, 1/2 13 Termin, F.J, 1/2 saa extraordinary guitarist z tatives, Previously, hallrepswere — Oliakee me ogg. homes, $050 LE Sapa ' ~“@lected at hall meetings. Whoever Dreher, F. p, i) 62 Van Hoorn, S, E, 48 was at the meeting voted. Now, , fawards, M, F. 2A Willis, .D, H. BS THE OND PRET however, the hall rep is elected _ Fairbank, He G, : E ; 1902 SANSOM STREET, LO 7-9640 HANDBAGS — ailiee * he ecu is ; - f HOOTENANNY EVERY TUESDAY | WAYNE - wen Banas each person in the hall, Itishoped Hurwitz, B, E. 1/2 49 Paar : : — : that this revision, although minor’ Keister, L, K, 1/2 97 Hunt, J. ¢ Klaus, S, L, 1/2 63 Newell, S. W. 2 4 MONO p will’ add to the Sat Rt, 5+ Purvis ;-D;-54/2— n PAPERBACK-8OOK-SHOP_ tinction of the rep and make hera = paciey s) M. 1/2 62 3 22 E. LANCASTER AVENUE, ARDMORE, PA. more responsible. representative Safir, E, M.1/2 : 49 pn ‘eieiiii -MIDWAY 9- 4888 both of andtoherhallandthe Asso-' —_ Schachter, E. a 57 BARNES AND NOBLE COLLEGE OUTLINES - ciation. - _ | 7 Seegert, M. Metje : 2256 Clearman,N.E,1/2 . 352. : There was discussion-last year Segal, J. Bi fe a Gilluly, S. 172 ‘5 = | Call us to reserve books. of making the hall vice-president _ Harrah, K,S, 1/2 _. 351 «7 Sa the Undergrad Rep. Although the- P BUSRORR WEst roe 7 motion was not passed by Legis- Ames, S. 1/2 9-13 LA 5-0443 LA 5-6684 ar, wil rome en. Bom wie | RICHARD STOCKTON tise facet tc sock caiman, Delaney, . 1.1/2 > 76 |PARVIN’S PHARMACY ‘é looking forward to your opinions, - Eddy, S.C, 1/2 79 wy . Weekly Meetings Gellman, N.J.1/2 " __81___|James P. Kerchner Pharmacist | | 851 Lancaster Avenue... pil A change outside the stricture” Gemmili, EH. 1/2 ela. 30 Bryn Mawr Ave.® 4ryn Mawr., Pa! ‘ of the Constitution was made inthe : ‘os Mawr, ee wera eee Gh decision fo-bels masks, ineetings ek -MADS~ _ muy Tf i +. Bey a pe eters p= => -andto post the ‘agenda {DISCOUNT RECORDS hee ees in Taylor Hall. Inthis way students | . . coun RECORD 3 M t LA 5- 0616 ; - will be able to know when. and what Ardmore if : ee is being discussed if they .would bie ow A GIFTS -« SOCIAL STATIONERY - lund ad like to attend a meeting, All our | ~-ergest Selection Folk Music : -_ LS seca? : ‘+ meetings are open, andwehope you |____Te? - Classics - Joz= BOB GROSSMAN = “ will take the opportunity to come ex a a wera |. fRaMmers’s |. RET diy BRYN MAWR COLLEGE INN or © : 2 é cad And so to you the Class of "67, Br n Mawr : 3 TRAVELERS 7 o” “BR EAKFAST....:. eeeweeses eaten ereeenes 9: :00. ~ “11 :00 A M Se iorknt: members, the Undergrads} va. eae ‘ . JOHN BON| 4 Ga-A REMERNOON TER desteeereenenens Lae. 2:00 BM, | |= warmest welcome. We are ll eager “Flower Shop, Inc. | HNsoN BOYS che: | armenia vemes weMPnMOee let, a E,W Naar our voloes metal singing |e Lowmns ev-wme Vor WHAT-FM Mf. | -SuNDay. DINNER... 1200...7:30 Pi, oe ‘Sophias’ on Lantern Night, but’ | @ WEDDING BOUQUETS "| -GENE SHAY cf M, ae _ LUNCHEON PLATTERS FROM °50 | x | _ Secinia ortcning | @ UNUSUAL GIFT ARRANGEMENTS} SAT. EVE., SEPT. 28, 830 PM. |. DINNER PLATTERS FROM $1.05 | ing in campus he {0 | 823 Lercemer Ave. Br Mew, Pa at Town Hall, 150 No. Broad St. NIGHT SNACKS served Monday : Wednesday - Friday 8:30 fo 12 debate and discussion ential. : on sale at Be 5 MARTS, 1527 Ghestnut, ) SPECIAL PARTIES AND BANQUESTS ARR ANGED i. Rh arson of students. es LA 5.0326 re _ Be bel SS Bt rproat: SIDES | = TELEPHONE _LOMBAERT ST. AND MORRIS-AVE. ee As 3 a _* sv 8 8€6| : wit stamp Sel are 902 Sensom St. ; LAVRENEE §-0386 ss BRYN. MAWR.. PENWSYLY ANIA. | Pret, Undead Association ’ — — with stamped self address -_ ; ; oo, ene \ . ‘ As 4 - : ts ‘ * ; : ry , / \ : : pee ‘ sscbala’ stan Gie si eilesigus eect Sah Me ete ae a ee ee eee Bip ABR OBE EA ea CB Ra Ri AS tat te SUS gs tg WS Bh tiple Saban deena ee one SB ash ti 8 Cp ig i ac peep te a ee oe Sos ees express ee peri Sen eee ee Pr TS Wik scatalP2-Pesahan 2) ak Ay ein, ea orate et 5 pees Spoaey Ay : m + yah 2 Kha chomag etre \ Bias wee ee ge ea Ait SOR, . A , wt te sy! Ay