COLLEG Ss Page Five Inter-Colleg Ennerence on U.S. | Foreign Policy Held at West Point December 11, 1964 Brains, Rain i in Spain to Mix In Madrid Summer Program. Bryn Mawr, not to be outdone by.recruiters for various summer jobs and other. activities, has an- nounced its second summer foreign language. study program, the CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS HISPANI- COS EN MADRID, . The CENTRO, established in ' September 1964, is designed for selected undergraduate and grad- “ uate students, from Bryn Mawr and other institutions. - The Madrid program, like | the INSTITUT -D’ETUDES FRAN- CAISES D’AVIGNON, now in its fourth year, is designed for «stu~ dents who plancareers in teaching, foreign service, or international affairs, It will offer courses in language and literature, history and politics, and the history of art, and will open on June 21. Students will live with Spanish . families in each country“ and will have opportunities to meet Euro- pean students through local organi- zations. Following final examina- tions, students will be free totravel for several weeks before rejoining the group for orgranized trips and the return trip tothe United States. While in Madrid, students will attend plays and concerts, visit art museums and studios of Spanish painters, and have the opportunity to meet poets, dramatists and novelists. Student excursions to Ioledo, Illescas, the Escorial, the Castle of Manzaneras, Segovia and La Granja have been planned: The -fee for the CENTRO is $590 covering tuition, housing, meals, trips, plays, and concerts, except for the period of free travel. The Centro offers a limited num- ber of scholarships, which are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need, The CENTROhas been organized with the support of the Henry L. and .Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation of New York, Its classes will be held in the Inter- national Institute in Madrid, and the library of the Institute and the | \Classified Ads | WANTED Bryn Mawr share apartment in Bryn Mawr or Haverford with music student— working girl. Call Debbie — LA 5-3959 | fhe MAGASIN AD LINGE LAwrence 5-5802: 825 Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pa. WARARALALARALLT Make it gay, festive and enlightening. The William Sloane House YMCA helps you do it with special holiday programs. Clean, comfortable and inexpensive accommodations for men, women and .. co-ed groups of all sizes. ““\1,373 single rooms, $3.15 ~t0°$4.50; 120 double rooms, $4.80 to $5.20. In the heart of New York and-convenient ‘to everything. Ideal year-round residence and program center for men, women and co-ed groups. Write Residence Director for Folder WILLIAM SLOANE HOUSE Y.M.C.A. 356 West 34th St. (ar Ninth Ave.) New York, N.Y. Phone: OXford 5-5133 (One Block From Penn Station) ONANAANANERERNR ® Bibliotheca Nacional will be open to students, Miss Phyllis Turnbull, Assistant Professor of Spanish at Bryn Mawr, is Director of the CENTRO, The INSTITUT program will be- gin.on the same date and students will live with French families in and around «Avignon. The fee~-is $630, and covers the same items ‘as that of the CENTRO. Sch ships are also available. For catalog and application forms, students should spegk -to the Departments of Spanish and French respectively. By Eugenia Ladnar '65 dnd Caroline Roosevelt ’65 , SCUSA XVI (16th Student Con- ference on United States Affairs) . held December 2-5 at West Point had as its ‘theme United States national security’ policy in the developing nations. The delegates were commissioned to formulate U.S. policy and its implementa- tion for specific regions. There were approximately five hours of round table discussion each day of the Conference. The emphasis on well-directed, small- group discussion among students from widely differentiated geo- Princeton Holds Program, Forum on Europe’s Unity To those interested in interna- tional affairs, political science, history, or merely the world we live in, the Princeton University American Whig-Cliosophic so- ciety extends a cordial invitation to attend a-forum sponsored by its European Affairs Committee. The topic of the Forum is to be *‘Europe-From Conflict to Con- federation.’’ It will take place at Princeton, February 26, 27, 28, 1965. Representatives from 21 foreign countries and several foreign newspapers are to -attend as well as experts from private industry and several noted university pro- fessors. Discussion, more’ specifically, will be on a new Europe. The trend towards a European unity will be analyzed in relation to the development of a third power. The Princeton European Affairs Committee feels that ‘‘the LA 5-0443 LA 5-6664 PARVIN’S PHARMACY James P: Kerchner Pharmacist 30 Bryn Mawr Ave. Bryn Mawr. Pa. conference is timely and valuable, for perhaps the most significant trend in international politics to- day is the movement toward a European mous natural resources and of equally extensive influence” in determining~-the~-destiny “of the world.”? " During the four-day conference Princeton hopes to bring together an intellectual array that will be able-to analyze in a stimulating manner the question of European unity. They feel that any student who attends will be able to benefit sgreatly from the experience. Con- ‘sequently, they urge the attendance of Bry Mawrters. Harold Leventhal presents PETE FRI. EVE. = DEC. 18" = Academy of Music Broad & Locust Sts. TIX: 3.78, 3, 2.50, 2 On sale or "box. office Mail orders and checks “ payable Academy of Music. Enclose stamped self-addressed return “envelope. ICOLUMBIA/FOLKWAYS RECORDS supernation of enor-. _ Bryn Mawr . Flower Shop. Inc. LA 5-0326 3 @ FLOWERS BY WIRE @ CUT FLOWERS @ UNUSUAL GIFT ARRANGEMENTS 823-Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr, oa — unusual one year program naer Vy - JUNIOR YEAR NEW TORK ~ UNIVERSITY Three undergraduate colleges-offer students from all parts cf the United States:an opportunity to spend their junior year in the stimulating environment of the University’s Washington - Square Center. Small classes; new residence halls. Program open to students who are recommended by the deans of the colleges to which they will return for their degrees. School of Commerce H Director, Junior Year in New York | NEW Dear Sir: NEW YORK and the catalog for 0 School of Commerce 0) Junior Year in Brazil NAME YORK UNIVERSITY Room 906-C Main Building, Washington Square, N.Y., N.Y. 10003 Wire Please the brochure JUNIOR YEAR IN J! 0 Washington Square College of Arts and Science lam also interested in ([] Junior Year in Spain Washington Square College of Arts and Science Schogl of Education on et J School of Education 0 Sunrise Semester ADDRESS graphical regions, led by chair- men and advisors who were know- ledgable’ and’ experienced in their fields was the most fruitful and exciting aspect of the Conference. General conclusions reached by the Middle East roundtable II, chaired by Dr. Lorna Hahn and advised by Wing Commander games Walsh, RAF, were put un- der three headings: 1. U.S.. in- terests in the Middle East are prevention of t spread of out- side influence/ and control, es+ - pecially of Communism over the Middle* Eastern nations and the promotion of stabilization and modernization of these nations to the extent that this does not en- danger U.S. security. 2. Our ob- jectives in the area include main- taining our commitments in the . area (e.g, the existence of Israel); minimizing the arms race, foster- ing a balance of power among the Arab states and between Israel and the Arab states ; promoting governments responsible to the needs of the people and able to NEWS AGENCY Books Stationery Greeting Cards 844 Lancaster Ave. arye Mawr, Pa. Ri ete problems through orderly —Daaaeoaes en- couraging cooperation; ~(the-round table concluded that it was better to promote cooperation among the states than to promote Arab unity); greater use of human and econom- ic resources and greater partici- pation of the Middle Eastern peo- ple in the dévelopment process. 3. Guidelines to formulating our policy were: ‘As little U.S, in- tervention as- possible except where our national security was involved; the need to work through leaders and existing institutions; the need to pursue long-range policy while allowing for shorts range flexibility; the need tounder- stand the aspirations and desires of Middle East people; cognizance (Continued on page 7) Main Line Photo Service -830 LANCASTER AVE. BRYN MAWR, PA. LA 5-4440 FREE FILM for every roll left for develop- ing and printing. Kodacolor or black and white. Sizes 620-127- 120, _ Cameras - Projectors - Screens Sale and Rentals Photostats - Camera Repair Dark .Room Supplies We develop our own black and white film, * NSU PRINZ 4 from $1598 delivered P.0.E.. N.Y. overall economy. its outstanding Cooled Rear Engines... NSU PRINZ & WINS & 18 HOUR ENDURANCE RACE at EUGENE, OREGON (Oregon International me On Oct. 4, 1964, two NSU PRINZ 4 Sedans won Ist and 2nd places in the Oregon Endurance- “Economy Race winning over’Ford Cortina, Volks- |,” wagen, Renault R-8. Following cars never finished: Simca 1000, Toyota, MG 1100 and Volvo. Once again this demonstrates (as before at Lime Rock, Conn. and Marlboro, Md.) amazing superiority in endurance and ae Test-drive an NSU PRINZ! You will be pleasantly surprised by all of features: (1) Functional, (2) Elegant and comfortable interior. panorama visibility. (3) Up to 50 m.p.g. economy; up to 80 m.p.h.; 0-50 mi. in 16 seconds; aircooled engine — full 4 speed Synchromesh transmission. (4) Large passenger & luggage capacity. NSU is only second among the famous West German cars. with Air We are eager — and we try harder! OVERSEAS DELIVERIES ARRANGED. For Brochure and name of nearest dealer, write to: Exclusive importer: TRANSCONTINENTAL MOTORS, Inc. 421 £91 St., New York 10028 Tel: 2/2 186-7013 NSU PRINZ 1000 from $1798 | delivered P.O.E. N.Y. NSU SPORT PRINZ by Bertone $1998 delivered P.0.E. N.Y. pleasing & modern styling. ° Well cushioned; good heater; ° t A DELTA BOOK.. “One of the funniest evenings in town.” TAUBMAN, N.Y. TIMES, “Fantastically droll British bedroom farce.” TIME MAGAZINE THEKWAGK by ANN JELLICOE Just published as ae Sy ge >APLAY BY || THE KNACK “- AF | $3.40, 4.40, 5.40. Now playing at THE NEW THEATRE - 154 E. 54th St. N.Y.C. PL 2-0440 Digectea By MIKE NICHOLS Mail orders accepted thru March 31, 1965 ; Tues. thru Thurs. 8:40., Sun. 3 &' 8:40. ia $2°90, 3.90, 4.90 Fri. 8:40, Sat. 7 & 10. ~ ee ee ®