Page Four THE COLLEG@eN EWS Wednesday, March 5, 1958.- Events in Philadelphia Plays: > Long Day’s Journey into Night—Eugene O’Neill‘s drama, with Fay Bainter and Anew McMaster ,opened at Locust Monday, 8 p.m. No Time for Sergeants—Ira Levin’s comedy, with Myron McCormick and James Holden, continues at Forrest, Monday evening. Say, Darling—Abe Burrows, Richard and Marian Bissell play with mu- sic by Betty Comden, Adolph Greeen and Jule Styne, co-starring David Wayne, Vivian Blaine and Johnny Desmond, opened at Shu- bert Tuesday, 8 p.m... Musieal Events: Eileen Farrell—Soprano in recital, presented by Philadelphia All Star Concert Series, at Academy, Thursday evening. Philadelphia Orchestra—Fritz Reiner conducting concerts, at Academy, Friday afternoon, Saturday evening and next Monday evening, March 10. New Films: I Accuse!—The Dreyfus Affair again, starrimg Jose Ferrer, Goldman, Wednesday. Maria Schell, Lee J. Cobb, William ‘Shatner, Richard asehart, The Brothers Karamazov—Dostoievsky’s classic, with ripest Albert Salmi, Claire Bloom. Trans-Lux, Wednesday. Assault—Finnish drama, and Samurai—Japanese revival, Spruce, Wed- nesday. Lowe: Red China Is Not Truly Chinese And Should Not Be Admitted To U.N. Last Thursday night the Alli- ance presented Mr. C. H. Lowe of the Chinese Embassy. His topic, which after a ‘brief speech took the form of a discussion, was “Should Red China Be Admitted to the U.N.” Although Mr. Lowe began with the statement that he was not go- ing to answer the question, no doubt was left in the hearer’s mind that neither Mr. Lowe nor the ‘Chinese Embassy was in favor of the admittance of Red China to the U.N. The crux of Mr. Lowe’s argu- ment was based on the following three points: 1) The nationalist Chinese government is the only legitimate government the Chinese mainland has had since 1911.. He also refuted the claim that the Red Chinese represented 500 million people; 98% are not Communists and the remaining 1214 million be- came members because of coercion. 2) Mr. Lowe stated that the basic philosophy behind the Red regime is contrary to Chinese beliefs. The third point discussed by Mr, Lowe dealt with the possible economic motives the free-world nations might have for wishing the admittance of Red (China. He stat- ‘ed that it wouldn’t be possible to do business with Red China for profit on the United States terms because all foreign trade is con- trolled by.the state. The Suburban Travel Agency SUBURBAN SQUARE, ARDMORE Agents for Airlines, Steamship, Tours, Resorts NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOU! TELEPHONE MI 9-2366 Complete Line of Imported and Handicrafted Gifts Suit the season in Spring suits and coats from Joyce Lewis Bryn Mawr LA 5-0570 LA 5-0326 JEANNETT’S Bryn Mawr Flower Shop, Inc Member Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association Wm. J. Bates, Jr. 823 Lancaster Ave. Manager Bryn Mawr, Pa. 3 Said Letter Continued from Page 2, Col. 5 tageously. During ‘the first years of their independence, they need a firm guiding hand. If a democ- racy similar to that of the U. S. were set up in Egypt today there would be chaos, Few people know how hard Nasser is trying to give the Egyptians a feeling of res- ponsibility and participation. From the point of view of the average Egyptian, the so-called Fascist dictator is nothing but a strong and well-defined leader, I do not wish to make this a political letter, so I will not go into Arabs’ long-desired quest for unity as opposed to your idea of the Syria-Egyptian merger being a “coup.” What I want to say is that if we students of the liberal arts colleges in the U. S. can make an effort to see beyond ourselves and be tolerent of foreign ideals, we would be taking a positive step towards future peace. Contrary to the tone and implication of your editorial, it seems to me that noth- ing is more important at this stage of world politics than for one country to understand the character, history’ and ideals of another. Rosemarie Said ’58 PETE SEEGER FOLK SINGER Friday, March 14, 8:30 p. m. TOWN HALL Broad & Race Sts., Phila. Pa. Admission: $1.50 Sponsored by the American. Youth Hostels 1520 Race St., Phila. 2, Pa. RI 6-9926 Mail orders filled; please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Tickets availible at the door. Bryn Mawrters Attend Vassar Playday To Participate In Volleyball, Swimming by Alice Todd Last Saturday, the gym at Vassar. Female College was the setting for a Playday that includ- ed Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Vassar, and assorted bathing-suited males. In basketball, Bryn Mawr defeat. ed Barnard, 31-5. In the two eight- minute halves against Vassar we lost, 21-27, Our volleyball team, which was composed of everyone. who had played basketball, was twice victorious. Despite the fact that some members had never played volleyball before, the Bryn Mawr team defeated Barnard, 12-10, and Vassar, 16-5, The swimming included silly as well as serious rates with the vic- torious team th each race winning one point. The “Funny Clothes” race consisted of three laps, the second of which was swum by boys Have a WORLD of FUNI Travel with SITA Unbelievable Low Cost err 60 deys t.. from $585 "Orient Many ee include college credit. gee low-cost trips to Mexico . South America $699 up Study Tour $498 up and Around the World $1398 up. Ask Your Travel Agent " TA 545 Sth Ave.,! WORLD TRAVEL, INC. “aursee q Hawell 25th Year chosen to represent each of the participating “female” colleges. There were valiant efforts on every side and one Bryn Mawrter almost went down for the third time in a desparate attempt to re- gain her sinking blue-jeans:. The ‘fifial score in the swimming was Vassar four points and Bryn | Mawr two. You're “set when your hair’s set at the VANITY SHOPPE Bryn Mawr LA 5-1208 Gibbs Girls Get the Top Jobs Special Course for College Women. Residences. Write College Dean for GipBs GIRLS AT WorK. catarn OLBBS SECRETARIAL SOSTON 16, 21 Marlborough St. PROVIDENCE 6, 155 Angell St. WEW YORK 17, 230 Park Ave. MONTCLAIR, N.J., 33 Plymouth St. Compliments of HAVERFORD PHARMACY Haverford, Pa. BRYN MAWR Breakfast Luncheon Afternoon Tea Dinner Sunday Dinner Telephone LAwrence. 5-0386 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY SPECIAL PARTIES AND BANQUETS ARRANGED COLLEGE INN 9:00-11:00 A.M. 12:00 - 2:00 P.M. 3:30 - 5:00 P.M. 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. 12:00 - 7:30 P.M. Lombaert St. and Morris Ave. “+ Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania A new : idea in smoking! Salem refreshes your taste * menthol fresh + tich tobacco taste CREATED BY R. J, REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, , WINSTON: *SALEM,N.C, I RN Perfect Spring days are all too few... but you can always enjoy a Salem Cigarette. . ...and a Salem refreshes your taste just as Spring refreshes you. Yes, the freshest _ taste in cigarettes flows through Salem’s pure white filter. Rich tobacco taste with a new eunpeice softness. That’s Salem. . oe love = ee ee me Dee apt ar ee a ere eer One ee Tee