aah sanianeeneenge Page Six a THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday, May 16, 1956 New Course Dr. Robert A. Rupen, who taught at Bryn Mawr in 1953-1954, has been appointed Assistant Professor of Political Science. In addition to a section of the first-year course, he will give the following in 1956-1957: P.S. 207a. The Soviet Union and the Far East. Tuesday, Thursday, 10 a.m.; Wednesday, 3 p.m. P. S. 208b. Communism and Na- tionalism in Asia. These courses are. open to stu- dents who have completed one unit of work in the social sciences, his- tory or philosophy. EVENTS IN PHILADELPHIA The Graduate Center has elect- MOVIES Arcadia: I’ll Cry Tomorrow with Susan Hayward. Midtown: The Birds and The Bees with George Gobel, Mitzi Gaynor. Randolph: The Swan with Grace Kelly, Alec Guinness. Studio: Diabolique. Trans-Lux: The Rose Tattoo with Anna Magnani, Burt Lancaster. THEATRES ed_ the following officers: Bea- trice Yamasaki, president; Bar- bara Gagnen, vice president; Bettie Forte, treasurer, Forrest: Teahouse of the August Moon with Eli Wallach. Up, os vy oo. OO ms . “, atadhdibteeeddiaaondianes oe When June rolls around And you’re homeward bound, For the best smoke you’ve found— Have a CAMEL! It’s a psychological fact: Pleasure helps your ‘dispdsifion. If you're a smoker, : I more pure pleasure from Camels than from any other cigarette!- ° No other cigarette is so rich-tasting, yet so mild! , R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. 0. (am Pemember + more people get ty f ey ee. 2 ——~ ° = 2 i : “ | MAIL ‘THE COUPON NOW FOR FULL INFORMATION YS ON YOUR OPPORTUNITIES FOR A DIRECT COMMISSION - IF YOU ARE A WOMAN OF | DD, @ D1 2 OM WAYS DE-8 53 8 0p Os be THE U.S. AIR FORCE HAS AN IMPORTANT JOB FOR YOU AS AN-OFFICER ... WITH| OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, AND MANY OYHER BENEFITS As a*‘young woman of executive ability, you want a career that offers the challenge, the interest and the future commensurate with your talents. That’s why you _ have the chance to apply for a direct commission in the U.S. Air’Force, As an officer, you will have the career that does most for you, while you do most for your country. In responsibility, job equality, travel, adven- ture and pay, you will share equally with the men and women who today constitute our nation’s new “first line of defense.” i @ e WAF RECRUITING WAF-58-CN é Hq. 3500th Recruiting Wing, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio e _ Please send me more information on my opportunities for a DIRECT e COMMISSION as a WAF officer in the U. S. Air Force. Name. Address. City. Zone. State. College. ‘Degree. es Major Subject 49023