Saturday, September 26, 1959 THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Five Marriage Lectures Will Begin Soon Every year the college offers a lecture and discussion series on marriage in which the social, psy- chological, physiological and prac- tical aspects of marriage are pre- sented by specialists in health, marriage counselling and family life. The dates and topics of the lectures are given below. Partici- pating in the presentation are Mr. Richard. N. Hey, Supervisor of Education for Marriage and Fam- ily Living, Marriage. Council of Philadelphia, and Instructor in Family Study, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Elizabeth Humeston, College Physician of Bryn Mawr College. The course offers the opportunity not only to read -and™ listen but also to ask questions and join in exchange of opinion around sig- nificant questions relating to mar- riage. Students sometimes find it help- ful to have individual counselling. Applications for this can be made with the leaders of the series for convenient hours during the day of November 11. Continued from Page 1, Col. 1 Self-Gov as they relate to the halls. SELF’-GOV EXECUTIVE BOARD — This is the executive body of Self-Gov, elected by the college and the classes. UNDERGRAD ADVISORY BOARD—Composed of a represen- tative from each hall, this bears the same-relation to Undergrad as the Self-Gov advisory board does to Self-Gov. UNDERGRAD EXECUTIVE BOARD — This is the executive body of Undergrad, also composed of class and college-elected mem- bers, HALL REPRESENTATIVES — This term covers a variety of things. There are hall reps to the classes and to League, Alliance, A.A. and Interfaith. There is one class hall rep from each class in each hall; there are two hall reps (one freshman, one upperclassman ) to each of the four organizations mentioned above, who serve on their boards. LEGISLATURE—This organiza- tion bears a similar relationship to Bryn Mawr as Congress does to the United States, although it meets much less often. It is chair- ed by the senior class president: ig [| a Poo emma 8 AN. FAs, enatePCR RECAP ELOS? snmewne +4 ‘“OOKE"? $B 4 REGISTERED TRADE MARK, COPYRIGHT 1987 THE COCA-COLA ConrANY A Freshman Glossary Continued its‘) members are the class presi- , Self-Gov Advisory and Executive , revised. election systems to appor- dents, the Undergrad Council, the | Boards, and the class hall reps. It | tioning funds for the United Serv- Undergrad Executive Board, the|passes on matters ranging from |ice Fund. . Tareyton’s Dual Filter filters as no single filter can: THE TAREYTON RING MARKS THE REAL THING! Mr Funk & Mr Wagnalls “In re this matter of Good Taste,” said Mr. Funk to his secretary, “take a definition.” “Taste: sensations ... excited... by the... action of the gustatory nerves...” “And add this,”’ put in Mr. Wagnalls. “Taste: the faculty of . . . appreciating the beautiful...” “That,” said Mr. Funk, “wraps it up. Mr. ” Wagnalls, will you join me in a Coca-Cola?” “So good in taste...” “And ... in such good t-ste!” 1. It combines an efficient puse white outer filter... Hooray for college students! They’re making new Dual Filter Tareyton the big smoke on American campuses! Are you part of this movement? If so, thanks. If not, try ’em! 2. with a unique inrer filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL .. . which has been definitely proved to make the » smoke of a cigarette _milder_an smoother. \ new buat Fitter /C27EVLOT2 Y In on is our middle name. Product of She Nmuriean Sobaccolompany Jabaceo 3 ddl SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by THE PHILADELPHIA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY © A. 7. Co. DOT DASHES THROUGH HER ASSIGNMENT AND ON THE @ ‘ j NIGHT OF THE FALL BALL... r oon, YOU DANCE DIVINELY. IM ALWAYS DANCING YOU'RE SO LIGHT ON MY ON AIR, PAL, SINCE FEET! _ I BECAME A AIK CEVA \ SMITH-CORONA = . Ve) WT , >) ne 0 Se J < Nv he? . WN =<, P 239 a4 SE