4. Page Six THE COLLEGE NEWS Saturday, September 26, 1959 : e e | Freshman Dorm Assignments Listed Geology e ® @ s Continued from Page 1, Col. 3 BLACK, C. R. COATES, N. P. GRADUATE CENTER Continued from Page 4, Col. 2 MIDDLETON. Ki. BROWN, R. A. DODGE, L. 1963 joy of staring back at passing ’ COPEN, J. G. FALCIONE, D. tarlat ie ee PADDOCK, J. C. CARLSON, K. motorists as you an others DEUTSCH, J. F. FANNING, B. lik , ; GARDINER. C. ike you cling to the side of a road PERRENOD, A. DUBKIN, P. B. FAULKNER, S. : i icipati Pp ’ ’ GEIST, E. cut in breathless anticipation of POTTER, P. HOWLETT, L. FLEMING, H. di : ‘lobi A JOHNSON, N. iscovering a trilobite. POTTER, S. A. JACXSENS, C. C. INGLIS, M. : SCHMIDERER, D. JAHAN, M. JOHNSON, M. MAYMAN, T. 7) And you will acquire that SCHRODER, S. NEILSEN. L JONES. M NEWMAN, L. calm, self-assured swagger of the STILLER, R. J. SALTEN ’p : KLEMP AY g OUGHTON, D. person who can detect an anticline VAN CLEEF. Ss. ey age ROSENBURG, C. or a syncline anywhere—and isn’t ’ . SHAPLEY, S. S. McMEEKIN, L. : STEARMS, E | METCALF, H SCHAUB, M. ators eer a0. TRAPNELL, C. C. MILES, K. : SONTHEIMER, K. This survivor assumes that any- PEMBROKE WEST TUCCIARONE, R. _ SKOVRON, E. | EB rearrsecte one hardy enough to choose geo- 1963 VIVENTI, 8. VINIKOOR, C. wer logy in her ie pl ag road a. WADE-DALTON, N. science requirement clause in e ALEXANDER, R. mente: Re eee first place should not be discour- BLIJUR, B. S. DAVIS, H see aged by this run-down (literally) CHAPIN, A. L. COLLEGE INN HEFFNER J of the joys of geology. Certainly CHAPIN, ‘J. 1963 : HUNTER C : a potential geology major would : . CONDO, 8S. A. KINDT lL rs not be deterred—they are a’ breed 4 DOWNS, R. H. CAPLES, C. KOKI L : in themselves and among the most 4 EUSTIS, A. DANIEL, S. MOTZ J undaunted around. FOX, E. A. GAYNOR, L. a —_— ’ SMITH, S. GOLDBERG, D. R. GORDON, J. : LARSEN, L. A. LONGOBARDI, A. INFIRMARY A A Plans MILLER, S. SPAIN, S. 1963 Continued from Page 3, Col. 5 MOMENT, 8S. G. SWIFT, C. will be posted in Taylor Hall so MURPHEY, K. L. TIHANY, E. BLANCHARD, M that you can plan to come out and MUTCHOW, S. FOSTER, L. support the team. PABST, M. A. Aa A m C : JOHNSON, K. Any ideas which you may have _ SCHNEIDER, L. T. C/ he nae onvene SCHOENER, A. for activities or projects will al- SEYMOUR, A. F. STRONG, H. ways be very welcome, The Ath- SILBER, C, C. RHOADS SOUTH 3 L do Di ———— letie Medtatesian is here to serve STEVENSON, S. M. 1963 or on n inner Livel Art you and we are grateful for any THOMAS, A. DOBBIN, A. J. Previewing the 75th anniversary y suggestions you might have. Each CHRISTENFELD, K. cclehration which will be teld st} Continued from Page 2, Col, 5 | héll sende several representatives GOODFRIEND, J. the college this year, the alumnae|,If one were to go into the finer | 0s. Spire ae Li vl wu ROCKEFELLER HALL GREENWOLD, M. held _a dinner in London, England | points of individual classification, more e g sl 1963 KIBLER, L. M. at the Oxford and Cambridge Uni-| there would be innumerable sub-| 2° W! I. BURLANT, L. LEAVITT, M. L. versities Club on June 24, The|strata and minglings of these ‘a COOP oe MARVIN, M. C. dinner was sponsored by the Bryn|broad categories, and indeed it Notice Ci oc pial F.C ROSENTHAL, J. A. Mawr Club of London; Miss Mc-| might be an interesting study for CULLEY, N ete SMITH, J. L. Bride was guest of honor. someone, to determine what effect| The Revue plans to sponsor an GABOR age Faculty members attending, the/the drinking of tea has had or is|exhibit of Doulton china on Tues- panne K EAST HOUSE dinner were Miss Caroline Rob-| likely to have in the future on the day, September 29. The survey TIN, K. 1963 bins, Professor and Mrs. Arthur | developing Bryn Mawrter.. There|will go on all day and will prob- GREENFADER, H. Colby Sprague, Miss Mary Wood-|are few other colleges where a|ably be held in the Common Room, HEIN, B. BAILEY, J. worth and Charles Mitchell, Visit- | recommended article for incoming |Goodhart. Proceeds will bolster . e oe cn 24 BRINK, J. A. ing Professor-elect. Freshmen is a tea set. the Revue’s flagging exchequer, LESS, J. LEWENTHAL, 1. , NEW! INSTANT! MOSSMAN, Ss. ‘A. 9 S rea S : Just mix with cold water a ORR, §. D. At last! A breakfast drink 4 PATON, s. , re _ POLISHUK, A. . Po . SCHAAR, C. y k p y aia e. OU Can Keep In your room : SCHOELLKOPF, M. a SEN, G. SMITH, P. K. More vitamin C than orange juice. New instant TANG is the breakfast WHAAAMS __ E. P. drink you can keep right on your bookshelf—because TANG _ any- where without refrigeration. RHOADS NORTH Make as much as you want, whenever you want. Just mix with plain cold 1963 water—nothing to squeeze, nothing to unfreeze. ASHER, F. L. Drink TANG every morning and get more vitamin C than orange or BEEKEY, S. A. grapefruit juice gives you. Plus vitamin A. Tastes real avod, too. Today's assignment: get TANG! Whether it is for the Ist, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year JOYCE LEWIS ] Welcomes you (TAN G Ss Back To Bryn Mawr FOR THE | VITAMIN C pon sia wl To The Class Of 1963 The VANITY SHOPPE LA 5-1208 YOU'RE WELCOME! A Hearty Hello To Al Upperclassmen And A Warm Welcome To The Freshmen From DINAH. FROST a | JEANETT’S Bryn Mawr Flower Shop 823 Lancaster Avenue ie acer _ We-Wire Flowers| 'D: Situa Sa Gils. Noms Salil Gus: Cdl sundae Address: TANG College Contest, Dept. GRM, Post Division, Battle ‘LAwrence 5-0570- i (above). Must relate to TANG. Will pay $25 for every entry used. Creek, Michigan. (Entries must be postmarked before Dec. 15, 1959.)