_ Wednesday, Oceober 28, 1959 THE COLLEGE NEWS Page Five Princetonian Protests Continued from Page 2, Col. 5 these people would bear full re- sponsibility for the agony, paraly- sis, and death of millions of men, women, and children! Such a sit- uation must not be allowed to oc- cur! ‘We may pledge ourselves not to use these weapons, but similar pledges are worthless from an enemy who publicly states he will use every means and trick to de- stroy us! The research must go on—#in the interests of humanity. MAKE YOUR PARTY A SUCCESS! Now Available For All Social Oacasions THE GREAT MARCO MAGICIAN-HYPNOTIST 240 Rivington Street New York ‘Sincerely yours, Alexander M. (Williamson 444 ‘Witherspoon Hall (Princeton University ‘Prniceton, (N. J. Notice Guy Carawan will present an evening of folk songs at the (Penn ‘University Museum on Sunday, Nov. 22 at 730 p.m. Student tickets $1.00. Moonshine Motif Continued from Page 1, Col. 5 composed of Carolyn Franco, cho- reographer, Cathy Blanc, Betty Cassady, Lisa Dobbin, Polly Mer- rill, and Nora Reiner. The singing chorus consists of Charlotte Pretty, Carol Waller, Rhoda Leven, Betty Frantz, Cor- nie Wadsworth, Harriet Rosen, Gay Booth, ,, Dee Wheelwright, Nancy Beyer, Diana Burgess, Au- drey Wollenburg, and Ellen Ober. Tickets for the show will be on sale this week at Goodhart Box Office on Monday for Juniors, Tuesday for Freshmen, Wednes- day for Seniors, and Thursday for Sophomores, DUAL FILTER DOES IT! Filters as no single filter can for mild, full flavor! Here’s how th e Dual Filter does it: 1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL... .defi- nitely make the smoke of a ci 2 mil nd smooth... 2. with an efficient pure white outer filter. Together they bring you the real thing in mildness and fine tobacco taste! NEW DUAL FILTER 2 iN Na ia ala iia tg ow y ee fareyto: bane ts tar iniillé wane (QA. T. Co.) Beaver Hands Bryn Mawr 3-0 Defeat Due To Lack Of Speed But Not Spirit by Pixie Schieffelin To have emerged victorious in the hockey game Tuesday, October 20, Bryn Mawr should have heed- ed those words of the First Lady of Hockey, Miss Applebee, who al- ways shouted “Run, for Heaven Sakes, r-r-r-run!” The varsity and junior varsity both lost to ‘Beaver by a score of 8-0. Lack of Speed It was lack of speed that pre- vented Bryn Mawr from scoring. Although the team ran faster than it ever has before, Beaver was faster. The Beaver defense always had time to get into position to block the forward line. In the sec- ond half the varsity was too tired to keep up the pace set by Beaver. Although the players didn’t use their legs, they did use their heads. In the opinion of Miss Stevenson, the referee, this was the best game Bryn Mawr has ever played. The team showed great improvement over last.-week’s..performance,...In the second half, Edie Murphy pre- tended to pass to the left and in- stead flicked the ball to the right HARLEY-DAVIDSON OPPER Low cost; transportation — up to 100 mpg. Safe... because its so easy to ride, Automatic transmission. Go the fun way— ideal for school, outings and errands, See the TOPPER at... PHILA. HARLEY-DAVIDSON CO. 857 N. BROAD STREET PO 9-1100 5813 WOODLAND AVE. $A 9-4747 inner, thus thoroughly confusing the opposing center halfback. Goal “Mistake” The first goal that Beaver made was a definite mistake on a techni- cality. The goalie, Corky Corcor- an let the ball go because she thought no one had touched it in the striking circle, but apparently someone had . However, Corky’s performance on the whole is to be commended tbecause she saved a number of goals. The final goal ‘was a beautiful hard hit by the Beaver left wing. The junior varsity played well, but again was not fast enough. During the remaining minutes of play the game was highlighted by a splendid sprint performed by Kate Niles. Movies Bryn Mawr Theatre. Wednes- day through Saturday: Anatomy of a Murder starring James Stew- art, Lee Remick and Joseph Welch. Saturday. through Tuesday: The Bat and A Private Affair. Ardmore. Wednesday through Saturday: A Hole in the Head starring Frank Sinatra, . Suburban. ‘Wednesday through Saturday: That Kind of Woman starring Sophia Loren and Tab Hunter. Notice There will be a fire drill in Tay- lor some time during the next two weeks, All are asked to read the exit instructions found in each room. BEAU and BELLE Breakfast — Lunch Dinner — Late Snaks Excellént Banquet Facilities Open Seven Days Next Door To Bryn Mawr P.O. Super Sub! *s been said that the atomic submarine ; ae de stays submerged so long that it only surfaces to let the crew re-enlist. Perhaps for this reason, the Navy has taken valuable space aboard the ‘“‘Nautilus” for the only soft-drink vending machine i in the entire submarine fleet. Naturally (or you wouldn’t hear about it from us) it’s a Coca-Cola machine. And not unexpectedly, re-enlistments are quite respectable. Rugged lot, those submariners. Great = drink, Coke! SIGN OF GOOD TASTE Bottled under authority of The Coca-Cola Company by _ THE PHILADELPHIA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY a Xe Seah S ts on i rae Ae eg iol il ia he a gets tk sancti beet