Page Four THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday, December 7, 1955 Don’t Get Mononucleosis Neurosis! The Bug’s More Feared Than Found that the college age group as a fect. whole is more vulnerable to it than The threat of “mono” is no|any other particular group of peo- greater than that of many other|Ple, says Dr. Humeston. diseases: The reason people talk| The cause of “mono” is uncer- about “mono” so much is probably!tain. It is thought to be a virus Continued from Page 3 Why do more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette? Because only Viceroy gives you 20,000 filter traps in every filter tip, made from a pure natural substance —cellulose—found in delicious fruits and other edibles! Yes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,000 tiny @ filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering action in any other cigarette. The Viceroy filter wasn’t just whipped up and rushed to @ market to meet the new and skyrocketing demand for fil- tered cigarettes. Viceroy pioneered. Started research more than 20 years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. Smokers en masse report that filtered Viceroys have a @ finer flavor even than cigarettes without Sites, Rich, satisfying, yet pamrently mild. Viceroy draws so easily that you wouldn’t know, without @ looking, that it even had 4 filter tip . . . and Viceroys cost only a penny or two mone than cigarettes without filters! That’s why more saihise men and women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette . . . that’s why VICEROY is the largest- selling filter cigarette in the world! “ cis Bruce Reeves III. Mary Plunkett ’54 te Robert Freeman. Walda Barnett ex-’58 to Sydney Besthoff III. Dorothy Ridgely Thomas. that may be lodged in the mem- branes of the nose and throat. How “mono” might possibly (on unofficial authority) be transmit- ted from one person to another is best left to the imagination. Let it suffice to say that it may be for- tuhate Bryn Mawr and the Ivy to Andrew League are not in closer conjunc- tion.’ -' The Library is holding a Dutch Auction Book Sale, to continue through December 17. ENGAGEMENTS Monday - Wednesday, December "Sally Moore 56 to Louis L. Cor- 5-7—$1.00 each book. nell. Thursday -Saturday, December ’ 8-10—$.75 each book. Bae 56 to George H. Stunden, Waleeulide, tiaacnehas Marilyn’ Fr nkel 58 t Jack AT VRE PO: Hirschberg eee . Thursday - Saturday, December : -17—$. book. Carlene Chittenden ’56 to Fran- vty >-4,00 aace a long- standing and happy tradition with college men and women. They all agree that meeting old friends—and new, ones!—at The Biltmore, sets thé right mood for a wonderful time in New York. There are special college rates, of course. And The Biltmore’s a convenient, mid- town location, with a private elevator on which many an old grad has ridden from Grand Central Station. Other fine New York hotels under the same management include The Barclay and The Park Lane. For reservations and rates: Dept. of College Relations, Mrs. John Hammond, Dir. . CABILTMORE Madison Avenue at 43rd St., N. Y. 1%, N. Y. Charles K. Butler, General Manager REALTY HOTELS, INC. Harry M. Anbolt, President Wonderful things happen when you wear it! The inevitable choice for the special occasion—because a fragrance is as memorable as the gown you wear. Per- fume from $3; de luxe toilet water and dusting powder, each $1.75 (all plus tax). Created in England, made in U.S.A. Yardley of London. Inc., 620 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.C, ° ‘| utes, \ Christmas Cards Pi Hockey Year Ends With Team Victory On November 17 the Bryn Mawr Varsity Hockey Team completed its 1955 season with a 1-0 victory over Rosemont. The game was scoreless until the last few min- when Diana Oppenlander made the telling goal. iWith this victory the pesity ended its season with a record of 2 wins, 3 losses and one tie. Of these games perhaps the best were she Penn game, which resulted in a tie, and the game with Temple, when the Bryn Mawrters played exceedingly well and held the very axcellent Temple players to 4 soals. The low point was perhaps he Swarthmore game, when the eam played quite poorly and lost 1-0. High scorer for the year was Diana Scott Oppenlander, with five goals. Lucy Wales and Steffie Hetzel each made one goal apiece. This year’s team was unusual for its preponderance of upper- classmen. Six juniors and two seniors returned as veteran play- ers, 6 In the hall and class hockey games, Pem West and the Non- Reses share the honors, while the juniors and freshmen tied for the Class Championship. Joyce Lewis now has Wondamere Full-fashioned Sweaters Compliments of HAVERFORD ~ PHARMACY Haverford, Pa. Peer i Get your and Gift Dressings at DINAH FROST Bryn ‘Mawr, Pa. — 07 Pen, gO, 090 0%%q, 0000000, 909° 0 00, Secretarial Coaching for College Women A short intensive program of shorthand training especially designed for girls with college background. Expert teaching in an informal atmosphere with small groups of college- level associates assures rapid progress. Before you know it, you'll be a private secretary in the field of your choice— medicine, law, advertising, publishing, foreign service. Our discriminate job place- » ment is professional—and free. Write, call, or telephone PEnnypacker 5-2100 for information. e e e s e s eo ne rree, Oe, .020000g, nOOOOn, OOORe, ONOOn, werrer, -0OPOda, -000MOn, 000000 Enroll Now New Midyear Classes Forming PEIRCE * School of Business Administration 1420 Pine ‘St., Phila. 2, Pa. ¢ 90th Year Accredited Lesaaet” eagaet” eanaet” Seager” Messer” ee a” sangeet” Mecsas” **eacet"” ences!” Mecca” cee "enees*” “Necsee®”” “onnee®” *oner*” “*oece*” eccet®™ *eeces’” “eonet ,