Page Six THE COLLEGE NEWS - Wedneeday, March 10, 1960 More on Merchant Continued from Page 1, Col. 5 ~ tia, Trudy Hoffman as Nerissa, and Mickie Webb as Jessica. The male cast includes Andy Lehner as Antonio, Ray de Ris as Bass- anio, Preston Mears as Solanio and Frank Bowles as Salerio. Gra- ~ Rimbaud Lecture Continued from Page 1, Col:"4 books, no learning. It is probable, however, that this hatred stem- med in part from his great dis- like for his mother. At the age of 17, Rimbaud wrote a poem in which he explains his. Knight, Lorenzo by Scott Gillam, Shylock by Peter Garett, Tubal by Mike Kohn and Launcelot by Danny Turner. Chris Shilock will portray Old Gobbo, Hank Bibber the messenger, Keith Bradley the Duke of Venice, Jim McRae the Prince of Morocco, and Bob Par- ker the Prince of Aragon. The sets and costumes will be done in the Italian Renaissance style. Committee heads include Sue Chaffee of costumes, Nancy Myers and Mickie Webb on sets, Ethel Alice Sussman in charge of props, Lindsay Clemson on lights, Trudy Hoffman directing both make-up and publicity and Bar- bara Toan in charge of business. RIDING MASTERS AND ASSISTANTS Positions Open . At Children’s SUMMER CAMPS Write: Dr. David Goodman 2511 Carter Street Wilmington, Delaware discovery that his mother didn’t really love him in her heart al- though she tried outwardly to make him believe she did, The realization of this fact must have been a great shock to him, because he was never able to accept love or to permit any woman to share his life, M. Bonnefoy also attributes Rimbaud’s lack of confidence in himself to his reactiom to his moth- OPPER Low cost transportation——up to 100 mpg. Safe... because its so easy to ride, Automatic transmission. Go the fun way— ideal for school, ‘outings and errands, See the TOPPER at... PHILA. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Co 857 N. BROAD STREET PO 9-1100 5813 WOODLANDAVE. SA 9-4747 College week in Bermuda With Pan Am in your plans you won't be left home! Seats for everybody! No matter how many people are plan- ning to visit Bermuda during College Week this Spring — Pan Am will get you there! Pan Am plans to put as many extra planes in service as necessary to,assure passage for everyone who wants f or two in Bermuda this Spring. There’s no week quite like College Week in Bermuda! Every Spring, Bermuda becomes the college students’ va- to spend a wee cation capital of the world . . specializing in fun. And for many years Pan Am has been recognized as the finest way to get there. Several reasons: @ Dozens of Clipper* flights York and Boston, with as many more to be added as necessary. * * New York. Make this your year to spend the Spring holidays in Bermuda. You'll find many of your friends have made their reservations already. Make airline that carries more passengers to Bermuda than the next two airlines combined. Call your Travel Agent or “nearest Pan Am office. WORLD'S MOST EXPERIENCED APRLINE ON THE ATLANTIC ...FIRST ON THE PACIFIC ... The round-trip fare. is only $105, tourist class. Or, pay only 10% down on the Pan Am Pay-Later Plan. By Pan Am Jet Clipper, Bermuda is only 1% hours from . asort of temporary campus available each week from New yours now on Pan Am, the ©Trade-Mark, Reg. U.8. Pat. Of. Ses ere ee ee ee wa LU mn “nisin. er’s false love. The third part of Rimbaud’s re- volt .also follows from his rela- tionship with. his mother. He could not accept her moral stan- dards of good and evil. He want- ed to reinvent love, to find the key to a world in which love and wom- en were not his mother. He need- ace to Une Saison En Enfer, writ- ten after his break with Verlaine, Rimbaud declares that charity is the key to the new set of values he has been seeking. The importance of Rimbaud’s works to modern French poetry, M. Bonnefoy explained, is that the search for something was to -the oe Notice BRYN MAWR BLOOD BANK The college blood bank must replenish its deposit at the Bryn Mawr Hospital during March in order to continue for one more vear in the hank mnlan__ Rimbaud’s first and second at- tempts at living with this “nega- tive theology” failed, and it was only his third attempt, in his later years, that succeeded. In the pref- ‘poet more important than his art. The essence of contemporary poet- ry is its use as a means, not as an end. After the lecture, M. Bonnefoy read some of his own poetry. -your contribution serves the If you would like to contribute a. pint please contact Don Brown at Ext. 344. Remember entire faculty. Want, To Knit A Sweater (Or Perhaps Mittens)? Choose Your Yarn At DINAH FROST Breakfast ..... Luncheon .... Afternoon Tea . Dinner ... Telephone LAwrence 5-0386 BRYN MAWR COLLEGE INN Open To The Public eeeee eeereeveeeevee e@eese eeecee OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK SPECIAL PARTIES AND BANQUETS ARRANGED eeeseee 9:00-11:00 A.M. eeeeeee12:00- 2:00 P.M. .- 3:30- 5;00 P.M. §:30- 7:30 P.M. 12:00- 7:30 P.M. Lombaert St. and Morris Ave. Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania FIRST IN LATIN AMERICA ...FIRST "ROUND THE WORLD The 1 out of 20 that didn't get smoked fav a lot of satisfaction in pointing out something good to a friend. That’s why it often happens that one ci get smoked. garette out of a pack of Dual Filter Tareytons never does People break it open to demonstrate its unique Dual Filter containing Activated Charcoal. They may not know why it works so well, but they do know this: It delivers far more than high filtration . . . it brings out the best taste of the best tobaccos—as no single filter can!.. Try a pack of Tareytons. We believe the extra you passing the good word to your friends. prov a Pade of I thernon leo Capang Te pleasure they bring will soon have ~ HERE'S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT: 1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL . definitely and smooth . igarette mild 2. with an efficient pure white outer filter. Together they bring | you the real thing in mildness and fine tobacco taste! NEW DUAL FILTER ton "Sean is eur middle nan $s 1 © re a