Wednesday, February 29,1956 THE COLLEGE NEWS- Page Three. pecial College Election Supplement Candidates for Undergrad Questionnaire for candidates for President of Undergrad: 1, What do you think is the most important function~or~fune- tions of the Undergraduate Asso- ciation? 2. Do you have any suggestions on how to bring the knowledge of and interest in the Undergrad Board activities to the level of ev- ery student member? 8. To what extent do you think that Undergrad’s co-ordination of activities is necessary and/or suc- cessful? . : 4 .What do you feel is the least successful aspect of Undergrad? The following is a list of candi- dates for the President of the Un- dergraduate Association, listed in alphabetical order: MIMI MACHADO MICKEY NUSBAUM JOAN PARKER JANE WHITE MIMI MACHADO Freshman: Temporary Class Chairman Class Vice-President and Treas- urer Chorus Freshman Show Permission Giver Nominating Committee ° Sophomore: Varsity Swimming Team Chorus Permission Giver Campus Guide Junior: Chorus, Junior Show Varsity Swimming Team Cap- tain Chairman of Senior Songbook Curriculum Committee Permission Giver Campus Guide The Undergraduate Association is the representative of the stu- dent body. As such it must co-or- dinate all the various student ac- tivities, as well as faculty-student relationships, functions essential to keeping the college running smoothly. Improvements in. this enormous area could, of course, be made, but a far more serious de- .fect is found in the lack of student awareness of Undergrad. Ostensi- bly the organization of the stu- dents, Undergrad must keep track —of-campus.issues and opinions, a function even more important than its job of co-ordination. What little that is generally known about Undergrad is mostly negative. _ Undergrad is often thought of as the organization to which is given left over jobs. In order to increase campus aware- ness of Undergrad I would sug- gest more- émphasis on opening ‘Board meetings to students. Un- dergrad is written up in the Fresh- Joan Parker, Mickey Nusbaum, Jane White, Mimi Machado. man Handbook; this, however, is usually read before the student en- ters college, when nothing can be properly related to anything else. I think that a later writeup in College News, for example, would ie be. invaluable in clarifying the or- ganization of Undergrad. - More representation is needed to solidify the college as an entity; therefore, more co-ordination is needed between hall and class rep- resentatives. By this, and by bring- ing more issues to the halls, I be- tieve that the students and Under- grad can be more unified. MICKEY NUSBAUM freshman: Freshman Show Temporary Rep to Self-Gov ‘Chorus Synchronized Swimming Club Sophomore: .Subscription Board of College News Assistant Librarian of Chorus Co-Chairman Publicity of Maids and Porters Show Campus Guide Junior: Junior Show Junior Class Song Mistress Second Junior to Undergrad Librarian of Chorus _ Co-Director Maids and Porters Caroling Campus Guide It is the job of Undergrad to su- pervise specific activities on cam- pus—such as dances, clubs, com- mittees and the continuance of col- lege traditions. Undergrad should have its finger on every pulse and it is only by co-ordinating ‘these numerous projects that this can be accomplished. There is room for improvement with the Curriculum Committee, class reps, the function of the Legislature and the position of N.S.A. on campus. However, I feel that Under- grad’s primary function is to voice campus opinion on matters large and small. The important consid- eration is that of getting student opinion to the Board, rather than informing the student body of the Board’s opinions. The least successful aspect of Undergrad is its lack of student participation. Being an ipso facto member, each student is affected by policies made and discussed by the Board. Although each Board hmember=is—elected for her repre- sentative qualities, it is impossible for her to be aware of every cam- pus problem. © Perhaps. stheduled open meetings, inviting student participation and suggestions and more hall coffee-hour discussions with Board members would help remedy this lack. I would also like to smooth out channels for better administration-faculty-stu- dent relations. JOAN PARKER Freshman: lst Varsity Hockey, Basketball and Softball Freshman Show Campus Guide Sophomore: Director, Bryn Mawr Summer Camp Soda Fountain Manager College News lst Varsity Hockey, Basketball and Lacrosse Campus Guidgs A.A. Hall Rep A.A. Rep to National Conference Manager of the Basketball Team Freshman Week Committee Junior: Freshman Week Committee Junior Class Rep. to A.A. College News Hockey Varsity Lacrosse Manager Campus Guide Junior Show Undergrad should not only func- tion as a channel for the exchange of opinion, but also present the college with important issues which will stimulate opinion. Il think its primary function should be the correlation of committees which go directly to students or faculty, e.g., the Size-of-the-Col- lege and the Curriculum Commit- tees. It is necessary, therefore, that Undergrad not get too bogged down in the detail of executive du-. ties. Through more delegation of these duties, the members could handle the unavoidable last-minute detail and still have time to think. Bryn Mawr is hall-oriented, al- though we do not recognize this, for we elect class reps, and there- by assume that the large differ- enees of opinion lie within the classes. Undergrad’ Board present- ly consists of four members from Rock, two from the Pembrokes, two from Merion, and one Non- Res. To contact opinion at a level closer to every member of the col- lege (not just in Undergrad Coun- cil which is too far above the col- lege level to have maximum Con- tact with all campus opinion), I suggest a Board of hall reps.. To incorporate: this group with the ex- isting Board might produce too un- wieldy a group, therefore, this Board could meet weekly with the Undergrad President as a separate body. ; Undergrad should co-ordinate faculty, students and administra- tion. I suggested one way in which student opinion might be informed of Undergrad and vice-versa. The Curriculum Committee should use its excellent opportunity to further student-faculty relationships, and Undergrad might work to keep students better informed of admin- istrative policy.. fe ™ Lee JANE WHITE Freshman: Chorus Campus Guide Freshman Show Kick Chorus Basketball J.V. Lacrosse Varsity Sophomore: Sophomore Hall Representative Campus Guide Permission Giver Business Manager of the Fresh- man Handbook Basketball Varsity Lacrosse Varsity Lacrosse Manager Junior: Class President Secretary of the College Coun- cil = Pembroke East Vice-President Freshman Week Committee Campus Guide Permission Giver Hall Bookshop Basketball Varsity Junior Show The most important function of the Undergraduate Association is to act as a liaison between the stu- abe: dents and the administration and faculty. On every campus some organization is necessary to co-or- dinate the various activities, and to provide the means for discus- sion of problems which are of common interest to the college as a whole. Through Undergrad’s Executive Board, its clubs and committees, the association is keenly aware, of student opinions, and, in acting with the Undergrad- uate and College Councils, is able to fulfill successfully the need for _o-ordination, | Although Undergrad’s activities affect each student, few realize ex- actly what the organization does. There is an obvious lack of inter- est in Undergrad—clearly indicat- ing a definite need for wider pub- licity of the organization. Because of Undergrad’s relative- ly small campus and class-elected board, a hall may not have a’rep- resentative on the board and may easily not hear of issues which are discussed: at the meetings. To in- crease the knowledge of and in- ‘terest in Undergrad, each hall might elect an Undergrad repre- sentative who would attend an Un- dergrad meeting, perhaps monthly, or meet with the President to dis- cuss some of the more important issues. Also, by strengthening the Legislature, the President would have an additional way to dissemi- nate information about the organi- zation. In addition, I would strongly suggest a more complete coverage of Undergrad in The College News, including, for example some of the fascinating issues which arise in College Council. The statements written by all candidates were limited to ap- proximately 200 words due to lack of space. PATTY FERGUSON Freshman: Pembroke East Hall Representa- tive Freshman Hall Plays Freshman Show Rotating Member to Self-Gov- ernment Tennis Junior Varsity Basketball Junior. Varsity Sophomore: al Freshman Week Committee Campus Guide Advisor to Freshman Hall Play Director of Maids’ and Porters’ Show Soda Fountain (worker) Counterpoint Board Permission Giver Tennis Junior Varsity Basketball Varsity Junior : 2 Second Junior Member to Self- Government Freshman Week Committee Junior Show Campus Guile Permission Giver Revue Board (first half year), Revue Editor (second half year) Basketball Varsity PAT FOX > Freshman: Radio Station Announcer Property Committee (Chairman) for Freshman Show ' Sophomore: ‘Sophomore Hall Rep Hall’ Rep to the Dance Commit- tee Soda Fountain Crew Junior: President of Rockefeller Hall Advisory Board to Self-Gov ‘Election System Revision Com- mittee Candidates for Self-Gov Pat Fox, Patty Ferguson, Mary Lou Kemp, Elizabeth Thomas. MARY LOU KEMP Freshman: Freshman Hall Plays Freshman Hall Representative to Alliance Rotating Member to Self-Gov- ernment Freshman Show (stage crew and publicity) Sophomore: -, Hall representative to Alliance Permission Giver Junior: Secretary of Self-Government Permission Giver ELIZABETH B. THOMAS Freshman: Stage Manager Hall Play Prompter for Freshman Show Alliance Freshman Hall Rep Lacrosse Varsity Badminton J.V. sub. Badminton Class Manager of Freshman Chairman of Committee for WBMC Dance Sophomore: Class Secretary WBMC Board, Record Librarian, Secretary Permission Giver Campus Guide AA Hall Rep Advisor to Freshman Hall Play Hockey Varsity sub. Badminton Varsity Lacrosse Varsity. Junior: WBMC Station Manager Permission Giver Campus Guide Prompter for Junior Show Hockey Varsity Badminton Varsity os Junior Prom Committee Lacrosse Captain