oJ _ of the less athletic students can be ‘Sophomore; ~ Basketball Team thusiasm in the school as Page Six THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday, February 29, 1956 Mimi Machado Continued from, Page 5 rowing the gap between varsity activities and the rest of the col- lege, by increasing the number of extra-athletic activities, by publi- cizing A.A.’s activities, including varsity and intercollegiate events, and by better organization of A.A.’s planned events (particular- ly in inter-hall and class games) I think that more of the interest aroused in A.A. as an organiza- tion. MARJORIE MILBANK Freshman: Freshman Hall Play Freshman Show YWCA Hockey Squad r Freshman Rotating A.A. Mem- ber First Sophomore to A.A. Varsity Hockey Life-Saving Instructor Dance Committee Freshman Week Committee Permission Giver Nominating Committee Campus Guide Junior: Junior Year Abroad BITSY McELROY Freshman: Freshman Show A.A. Hall Rep A.A. Class Rep Basketball Team Hockey Team Campus Guide Sophomore: Soda Fountain Campus Guide Junior: A.A. Secretary Junior Show Undergrad Dance Committee Junior Prom Dance Committee Hockey Team Campus Guide I have found the office of Secre- tary of the Athletic Association most rewarding to me, both be- cause of the friendships I have made as a result of it and because of the great enthusiasm of this year’s president who stirred in me a real desire to want to work for the A.A. I believe that I have gained, through working with the/ Board, the gym department and the Council, a new sense “of re- sponsibility, and I have learned how to cooperate better with those around me. By participation in hall and class games, I have found a great deal of pleasure. The spirit of these seems to me contagious and it is an exhilarating feeling to strive together to win. By playing in varsities I have been in contact with girls of other schools and I believe that meeting them has been a valuable experience for me. Bryn Mawr teams sometimes seem to lack the spirit which must be kept alive if a team is to win. I would like to see more participa- tion by the junior and senior class- es in varsity sports and more en- a whole >In “these, ways the spirit of the varsities might be improved and as a result more games won. I believe that the A.A. President should organize activities so that the interest of all is increased. By having movies, lectures, the bridge tournament and hall and class games this year, the A.A. tried to reach the campus as a whole. I think this program is of the ut- most importance and I would like _|der: Sandra Grant, Marty Fuller, Questionnaire for candidates for President of the League: 1. What in your opinion is the League and what does it do? What role do you think it plays in extra- curricular affairs on campus? 2. What would be your purpose in heading the League? 3. Do you have a general aware- ness of and interest in the field of social weltare and its problems? 4. What social and civic activi- ties have you undertaken: a) at college b) during vacations c) at any other time The following is a list of candi- dates for the President of the League, listed in alphabetical or- NANCY DYER MARTY FULLER SANDY GRANT ANITA KAPLAN NANCY DYER Freshman: Rotating Member to Self-Gov- ernment Hall Representative to A.A. Weekend Work Camp Soda Fountain Manager Sophomore: Second Sophomore Member to Self-Government Class President Weekend Work Camp I feel that the League plays a vital role in the life of every stu- dent here at Bryn Mawr. As it says in the organization’s constitu- tion, we are all in a position to learn far more than we actually give. Through the various committees such as the Coatesville group, the Summer ‘Camp and Weekend Work Camps, the’ League offers. the chance to every student to get to know people as individuals, rather than as members of some social or economic group. The office of President has not been clearly regulated, this leaves a great deal of room for imagina- tion and individual interpretation of the position. My interpretation would be to think of ways in which to bring as close a relationship as possible between League activities and the-campus as a whole. For just this reason, it is very important that the President of Council meetings in order to be able to co-ordinate old policy with new ideas. My actual experience in the field For the Non Plus Ultra in gift-giving, at the _ just-right price come tothe. MEXICAN SHOP e to see it carried on and enlarged upon in the future. ~ the League attend Undergraduate’ of social welfare is still very lim-| E EAR Sa Candidates for League. Nancy Dyer, Anita Kaplan. ited. During high school I worked on Friday afternoons in various settlement houses for underprivi- leged children, and last summer lived in a settlement house in the East End of London, again work- ing with city children who were growing up in a slum area. MARTY FULLER Freshman: Athletic Association Representa-. tive Campus Guide Freshman Show Hockey Lacrosse League Hall Representative Weekend Work ‘Camp Norristown State Hospital Chorus " Nominating Committee Inter-Racial Relations Commis- sion Sophomore: Vice-President of Class Campus Guide Chorus College Theatre Maids and Porters Hockey Manager Hockey Team Badminton J.V. Election Committee Vacation: Settlement house and day camp for underprivileged children Occupational therapy work with the physically handicapped Volunteer hospital work and mental health program London settlement house and | ‘ club work The League is an organization for social work of all kinds and it brings interest to the college from contact with the various sorts o1 recreational and construc- tlve projects which reach everyone, My purpose in heading the and encourage the participants to jearn more about our community and to stress the value of experi- encing what its various projects aave to offer. There are several .lew committees this year, such as vhe Bryn Mawr, Hospital Children’s ward, which have received much interest and would definitely be very stimulating if developed. And I would also like to see the scope and depth of the present program widened, especially in the Inter- Racial Relations Committee and joint activities with the Alliance. My feeling about the ‘League is that it is here for both the curious and the career-minded person and could be very valuable experience for either. I have worked ‘in several differ-|" ‘ent communities and have become acquainted with the many different types .of problems. which confront specific ‘areas. SANDRA GRANT Freshman: Freshman Hall Plays Freshman Show Freshman Rep. to Chapel Com- mittee Weekend Workcamp Soda Fountain (worker) Chorus Summer: Volunteer, Metropoli- tan State Hospital, Waltham, _ Mass. Sophomore: Hall Rep. to League Chorus Chapel Committee Board Weekend Workcamp Embreeville Mental Hospital Assistant—Girls Scouts in Ber- wyn The League’s professed stand that action and .education in the field of social. service are interde- pendent is one with which I strong- ly agree. Unenlightened action can be actually harmful and knowl- edge-of existing social problems Without action is worthless. The many outside sources in the com- munity: The League helps to place the college in its environment and give the students experience and social problems of the community. In extra-curricular affairs on campus, 4 think the League should serve as a co-ordinator tor many different League would be to try to interest League’s purpose is to stimulate interest in social problems and to provide opportunities for social service by Bryn Mawrters. All en- couragement and aid should be giv- en by the League to particular so- cial welfare activities in which stu- dents show an interest. Next year League should spon- sor discussions on a theoretical ba- sis and could arrange — possibly with Alliance—a panel discussion or conference with prominent so- cial theorists participating. .A se- ries of lectures on social conditions in foreign countries should be sponsored (in spite of the lack of success in this year’s series). It should be stressed that League provides an opportunity to increase one’s knowledge of the real prob- lems that will have to be faced by conscientious people after college. The League Board should be made to feel more of a _ unified group; its members should in fact be the people active in and enthusi- astic about working for better so- cial conditions, and human rela- tionships. , ANITA-KAPLAN Freshman: Haverford’ Community Center ‘Chairman of Denbigh Dance Freshman Show Weekend Work Camp 1.C.G. W.B.M.C. Freshman Hall Play Arts. Night Sophomore: Co-Chairman Haverford Commu- nity Center League Board Weekend Work Camp Foreign Students’ Committee Hall Rep-to Alliance I.C.G. Business Manager of Maids’ and Porters’ Committee W.B.M.C. Freshman Week Committee Conferences Junior: Junior Show W.B.M.C. Board W.B.M.C. Business Manager League Vice-President Girl Scouts ? Permission Giver Summers: Greenwich Youth Council — Ex- ecutive Secretary Girl Scouts Junior U.N.E.S.C.O. Student Leader Councils (Continued on Page 8, Col. 4) oe f pt ERE 1 &E& . Te ag Siaetgan cs ete eae | . RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS a ; Wednesday, March 7 AY AND SAVE TIME DBS PTS bata a gg — 3 = et Taylor Hall = 9:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. a en ERECT n¢ ‘ MAINLINER RESERVATIONS! — GOING HOME FOR VACATION? FOR ALL SCHEDULED AIR LINES SEE AIR LINE REPRESENTATIVE IITITINITINININIIITININITINTIAEINTIEEIIIIE IEEE