Page Six. THE COLLEGE NEWS Wednesday, March 26, 1958 e the Water with Glenn Ford,} and Jean Seberg. Ann Francis. Movies Anne Francis. Greenhill Sunday, March 30—Tuesday, April Engagements Sunday, March 27—Tuesday, April 1—Bonjour Tristesse. “one Ryan to Ge Ol Bryn Mawr i—The Steel Bayonet and The| ednesday, March 26— Wednes- | Wednesday, April 2 — Sayonara Ax Te eg an aca d Aut OA ai 8 ith ‘th Marl B Martha C. Heath to Matthew Starting Tuesday, March 25 —j| Golden Age of Comedy. ai. ee wide = arlon Brando. Wiencke. Doctor at Large with Dirk] Wednesday, April 2—Sayonara. Alec aitoceaiin Marcia Lockwood to John Bogarde, Muriel Pavlo. lia slaits Anthony Wayne ‘“ Hincks. Ardmore Wednesday, March 25—Saturday. Wednesday, March 26—Saturday, Marriage Sandra Pia Stoeger ’57 to John Wednesday, March 25—Satur-| March 29 — Bonjour Tristesse| March 29—Don’t Go Near the| fjljzabeth Cox ’60 to James Williams Sullivan, day, March 29—Don’t Go Near with Deborah Kerr, David Niven Water with Glenn Ford and Cooper. Grace Leona Bunker to Edmund D. Lowney. ‘What does this fruit have to do with this cigarette filter? j 4 VICEROY FILTER THE VICEROY FILTER IS MADE FROM A PURE, NATURAL MATERIAL FOUND IN ALL FRUIT -and it gives you Maximum Filtration for the Smoothest Smoke! | © From the same soft, pure material found in the rich pulp of nature’s healthful fruits, modern filter scientists have created the greatest cigarette filter ever designed . . . the Viceroy filter. For the Viceroy filter gives you the maximum filtration for the smoothest smoke of any cigarette. More taste, too. . . the pure, natural taste of rich, mellow tobaccos. Yes, Viceroy gives you more of what you~ change to a filter for! a a gn hi niatieggta New crush-proof flip-open box or famous familiar pack. PURE, NATURAL FILTER. .. - PURE, NATURAL TASTE ©1958, Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.