Page Six THE COLLEGE NEWS Security Search Is Liberty Peril Goodhart Dec. 5: Walter Gell- horn, Professor of Law at Columbia University, contended in the Al- liance lecture, “The Hazardous Quest for Public Security,” that the greatest peril is the‘ gradual de- struction of liberty. It is the ag- gregate of the isolated government- al actions that is imposing and dan- gerous and marks the “loosening of the fiber of our society.” According to Mr. Gellhorn, “this creeping absurdity or insanity”: against subversion is reflected on both the local and national levels, Ihe five Federal Security Programs now operating affect between sev- en and eight million’ Americans, while the local progams affect one out of five. The New York Bar Association, after an exhaustive study of the question of national security, suggested that there be a "reduction in scope of the progams. It remarked on the inutility of some of the measures applied to persons who are in insensitive po- sitions. Among the federal measures is the stringently regulated with- holding of government information without due regard to the nature of the data, i.e., whether it be top secret military intelligence, or sim- ply general information that should be available to the public. Also cited were the restraints on travel which stifle international inter- change. It is too difficult to enter this country, as the shunnirig of the-U.S. by International Scientific Congress has shown, and similarly difficult to leave. According to Mr, Gellhorn, prohibition of pass- port issuance is not rare. Another governmental measure is the loy- alty clearance for those who seek positions with international organ- izations that have no national af- filiations. The process is a lengthy one and often results in quicker job appointments for non-Ameri- cans. Mr. Gellhorn asserted that we do have cause for hope and encour- agement. Improvements have been effected through the efforts of act- ive thinking people. RO CRE CRE CET CRE LEG REALE AAAS A AL OTA Br) Grd Sr 0 57 87) 57 8 S78 EP Ee 878, One of a series of Christmas dratwings by Paul Brown, famous American artist. ‘ “Dee Bieve he’s sure to appreciate our x DISTINCTIVE GIFTS FOR MEN : +eefeaturing our own exclusive styling 5 Whether it is something from our outstand- ing giftware department or from our attrac- tive selections of sweaters, shirts, ties or hosiery, a gift front Brooks Brothers will be most welcome and appreciated. aS 6 259 6 25 6 2 a be be Peal &8 Co. Leather Goods, from $5 i Sweaters Knitted for us in Scotland, from $14.50 ts Our Own Design Wool Sport Hose, from $4 i Our-Own Make Neckwear, from $2.50 " Colorful Brooksflannel Sport Shirts, from $13.50 a Our Own Make Shirt% from $6.50 ts Chleenans Catalogue Upon Ricuiest ‘ ' ESTABLISHED 1818. i SGLOTHINGS) i Mens Furnishings, ings, Hats ¢ Shoes He 346 MADISON AVENUE, COR. 44TH ST., NEW YORK 17, N. Y. hy 46 NEWBURY, COR. BERKELEY STREET, BOSTON 16, MASS. he CHICAGO * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO iB OP OL AL OETA Cat COAT A tN Wednesday, December 12, 1956 MISS DE PARIS - PRESENTS FOR THE FIRST TIME, DIRECTLY FROM PARIS TO. YOU, BY AIR FRANCE Glamorous Parisian cocktail dress, “Amour, Amopr”, in sparkling French Taffeta or romantic Fench File, with a full skirt/and intriguing decollete, especially created and executed for American College girl by Lempereur of Paris __ In Taffeta or File In Opera Black, Paris Red, Symphonie Blue, Brilliant Green Sizes 9-15, 8-16 $27.95, including Air Mail Postage ’ Scarves, long or square, in chiffon, silk or rhodia, plain or printed in every possible color. A perfect holiday gift for you and your friends. $2.95 each including Air Mail Postage Miss de Paris 944 Madison Avenue New York City 21, N.Y. Make drisnds with Winsten WINSTON |; is always good company ! ee TASTES GOOD! BARGE Sect em epee ae : sali iii iii ks Di hi cad ii liaide'n ciaurslicocn snlipenasians ou . only Winston filter sige ts job so well get together on! Winston flavor is rich, the flavor really comes through! For finer full — the way you like it. And the one and Switch to WINSTON Americcs best-selling, best tasting filter cigarette! ~~ . filter smoking, make a date with Winston! — LIKE A CIGARETTE SHOULD! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., WINSTON-SALEM, N. @