eee ee tee St E Co VOL. XLII, NO. 13 -ARDMORE and BRYN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1947 Copyright Trustees of PRICE 10 CENTS Original Scripts For Arts Night Chosen by Thon Plays by Knettle,-Adams Chosen in Contest For Production The two original one-act plays selected for. production on Arts Night, March 7, in Goodhart Hall, 8 p. m, are “Tell Me Why” by Nancy Ann Knettle °47, and “Faithfully Yours” by James F. Adams, Jr., Haverford ’47. (Knet- tle is on the Title staff; Adams is the retiring editor of the Haver- ford News). “Tell Me Why” study of a young girl disappointed in love; the setting is New York. Adams’ play is a brilliant light comedy of the marital complica-| tions of a script writer and his) wife, takixg place in Hollywood. | Both offer opportunities for act- ing: Knettle’s three girls (Skeet, Joan, Molly) and boy (Phil); Adams’ three women (Christine Drake, the wife; Hatti Arlington, wife of a picture producer; Lore- lei, the maid) and three men (Carl Drake, the script writer; Bruno Staunchion, the . producer; Mr. Basserman, the mailman). Try-outs for the acting parts are scheduled for February 11 at Bryn Mawr and February 12 at Haverford; everyone is eligible. Under the direction of Mr. Thon, the two plays will be given com- plete production with settings, cos- tumes, make-up, and lighting as a part of the Arts Night program. The remaining scripts from the play-writing class willbe present- ed in the Skinner Workshop in mid-April; try-outs for these will be announced later. They include: “Compartment D” by E. B. Coale, Haverford ’48, a drama aboard a homeward-bound troopship; “Time for Nothing” by Marcia Dembow 747, a fantasy of the push-button future one thousand years from now; “The Lily and the Wind” by John. S..-Estey, Haverford. .’47,: the dramatic struggle between a Con- scientious Objector returning from the war with his family; “Spring Is out of Season” by Don Kindler, Haverford ’48, a poetic play con- . cerning a carnival in the Italian Alps; “Prometheus Westbound,” Continued on Page 3 Alwyne Prepares Recital Program Mr. Horace Alwyne, Professor of Music and noted pianist, will give a recital in Goodhart, Febru- ary 6, at 8:30 p. m. The.program follows: ; Bach - Busoni— Organ Chorale- Prelude, “Now comes the Gentiles’ Saviour.” Chopin—Sonata in B flat minor, ‘Op. 35 Grave; Doppio movimento; Scherzo; Marche funebre; Presto. Brahms—Romanze, Op. 118; Bal- lade in D major, Op. 10, No. 2; Intermezzo in E flat, Op. 117 (Cra- dle Song); Rhapsodie in E flat, Op. 119. Rachmaninoff—Etude-Tableau in E flat minor, Op. 39, No. 5. ‘de Severac—Etudes pittoresques de Cerdagne; The. Mule-drivés. v~" ivia Lament) ; Fiddlers and ‘Gleaners (Catalonian Folk-Dance). - Dohananyi—Rhapsody i in F eee minor, Op. 11, No. 2; Rhapsody in © major, Op. 11, No. 3. . era backed by cash began. zled into the interested mouths of: : Bryn: Mawr. “She Firemen, Hoses Invade Taylor To Extinguish Mysterious ‘Blaze’ By Emily Townsend, ’50, and Gwynne Williams, ’50 Clutching his lunch-box to his breast, Mr. Herben _heroicaily pushed his.way through the clouds of smoke and screaming girls to safety behind the green and gleam- ing fire-engines. Professors rush- ed through the crowds toward the library, some balancing tea-trays, others shuffling loose pages (“in- criminating term papers, no} doubt”). Taylor was burning down, Crowds’ gathered, speculation Rain driz- Writing Contest is a oaevn Offers Students ; Cerould Award The Alumnae Association an- nounces the establishment of a fund in memory of Katherine Ful- lerton Gerould, some time instruct- or in English at Bryn Mawr. The proceeds will be used to award a prize of $40 to $50 to a Bryn Mawr_ student submitting -the-best orignal work in the fields of in- formal esasy, short story, longer narrative, verse or playwriting. The Judging Committee, com- posed of two alumnae and a mem- ber of the English Department, will award the prize, to be given on May Day of each year in which material subniitted justifies an award. :: Th@ judges are Eleanor F. Rambo, 1909, Chairman,, Mari- anne C. Moore, 1909, and Frederick. W. Thon, Assistant’ Professor of English. The fund was_ estab- lished by a group of Mrs. Ger- nuld’s students and .friends, and will be administered by the Trus- sees of Bryn Mawr College. Mrs. Gerould came to Bryn Mawr in 1901 from Radcliffe, tak- ing some graduate work here and teaching English Composition. In 910 she married Professor Gor- lon Hall Gerould of Princeton, for- merly Associate in Philology at published“a aumber of essays and short. stor- es, her best known collection be- ng Vain Oblations, and also wrote 1ovels and poetry. federalists Meet On World Gov't Delegates from various organi- zations in the United States whose purpose is to further the cause of world government will convene: in Asheville, North Carolina from Feb. 21-23 to discuss a possible merger of these organizations. The conference will include rep- resentatives from both adult and student~groups among which will be Clarence Streit’s Union Now and its auxiliary group, the Stud- ent Federalists, Each state’s Stud- ent Federalist chapters will meet prior to the conference in Ashe- ville. The Student Federalist chap- ter at Bryn Mawr has been chos- en to manage the meeting of the other chapters in the state of Pennsylvania. The meeting will be held on February 4 in the Common Room and will be attended by students | sening ' Vere our gallant Lower Merion | eroes burning bravely? the bettors. Handsome Lower student body. Where was fire? Wherever it was, as one | fireman said to the other, “Taylor | must be saved.” Evacuees report- ed smoke in the corridors. “We could smell it all through Psychol- ogy.’ Precious documents and 2118. Broughton’ were cleared from the scene of danger. With remark- | .ole efficiency several hundred feet of hose were unwound from the trucks and disappeared through the door of Taylor. More rain drizzled, fewer bets were laid. The crowd grew larg- er; action was demanded. Com- muniques from the front reported doubtful’ progress. What was hap- inside the. death-trap? These . nd similar comments rose through che confusion of the crowd. Ap- rehensive eyes were turned to- ward the sinister ambulance wait- ing outside Pembroke Arch, devoid of driver and/or corpse throughout vhe uproar. — Suddenly the crowd grew silent. An announcement was about to be made. Eagerly they listened as the mystery was solved. The fire had been traced to its hidden source. Secretly smouldering away, neglected by all, the fuse box had j:arelessly left on its top.. treacherously ignited some lumber Excite- ment was at its peak, while the stirring, strains of “The Fireman’s | Band” rose to the moist sky. Cheers were given, and Miss Mc- Bride. was voted the:-Speaker of the Day:.“Why don’t we all go home to lunch?” she said. College Announces Faculty Changes The following faculty and staff changes have been announced for the second semester: Miss Caroline Robbins, Associ- ate Professor of History is re- turning from-a~-leave of-absence, from November 15, 1945 to Febru- ary, 1947. Dean Lily Ross Tay- lor, Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Latin, has been granted a leave of absence for the second semester to hold the Sath- er Professorship at the University of California. Miss Eunice M. Schenck, Pro- fessor of French, will be away on a sabbatical leave; Miss D. Bea- trice McCown, Assistant Profes- sor of Political Science, has resign- ed to take a position in the State Department. Returning to Bryn Mawr is Miss Edith Finch, who has been reap- pointed part-time Instructor ‘in English for the second semester. Miss Doris Straus, head of. the French’ House, 1946-47, has been appointed part-time snatrnctor in French. Mrs. Joanne Loewe Coates, A. B. Bryn Mawr, 1942, has been ap- pointed .part-time Instructor in History, and Mrs. Josephine Ya- ger King, M. A. Bryn Mawr, 1943, has been appointed part-time As- sistant in Political Science. CALENDAR | from Swarthmore, Haverford, Gar- negie - Tn. id C Jr. : Col- lege as weil as dividual mem- bers of Student Federalists in|: | Pennsylvania. Three delegates will be elected to represent Pennsyl- vania at the. coming convention. — waa ee Lb es hl Be January 24 to January 31 . /Exe~*- aa | February 5 Vacation. February 4 Second semester begins, 9 a.m. Merion firemen mingled with. the. the J Curric. Committee Announces Result Of Students’ Poll The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee has announced the re- sults of its poll regarding the ad- visability of having the period of scheduled mid-semesters restored. A total of 403 students answered, twenty of whom were in favor of having all scheduled, 261 in’ favor of having none scheduled, and 118 in favor of having only No. 100 classes scheduled. Since the com- mittee will only act if two-thirds of the student body favors a change in the existing system, it will not petition the faculty gor a change in the present procedure of leaving the scheduling of mid- semesters in the hands of the in- dividual professors. Answers to the Committee’s question of orals were tabulated only for the class of 1947, since it seemed to apply particularly to this group. Of the 67 seniors who offered German for one of their languages, 24 passed the oral on the first attempt, 18 on the sec- ond, 19 on the third, five on the fourth and one on the fifth! Of the 88 who’ took the French oral, 49 passed it the first time, 22 the second, 13 the third, three the fourth, and one the fifth. Span- ish, offered by 22. seniois, was passed by ten on the first attempt, 10 on the second and two\on the third: | Results of the question’ asking where the language used to. pass the orals' was acquired were -tab- ulated only for the -two upper classes. One hundred sixty-one out of 228 learned their first language prior to entering college} while 137 out of 206 | ash : March 8, Swarthuare, here; March M i ; d family “complication Th ' Mr. Thon Sele : and family ‘complications. e ~ © ' rs Basketball Squad, 12, Rosemont, , here. HRS : elects widely varied acting parts total 25 Civil Service Exam The basketball squad includes| Prize-winning P lays women and 30 men! The: U.'S: Civil Service Commis- (Games Announced the following: Bierwirth, Tozzer, Continued From Page 1 e : : ah f ; c Young, Bentley, Porter, Tqwnsend Ce unc = ’ Ss , , > . . ) sion announces a Junior Adminis a riotous farce by Henry Levinson, | ‘ trative Technician examination.:| The 1947 basketball schedule is Sloan, H. Coleman, Harrington, : fey ; ; Applications must be received in| as follows: Hitchcock, Gilmartin, R. Johnson, oo ee ee Gane and oo Civil Service Commission in Wash- B. Coleman, J. Coleman, Worth- Carsteads,” a subtle comedy by ; Foods of Quality February 8, Beaver, away; Feb. ington, Fahnestock, F. Edwards, Marilyn Raab ’47; and “Twice on 11, Penn, here; Feb. 15, Ursinus,|N, Polakoff, Wickham, Riggs, Sundays” by Liew Young, Haver- mancenet 17% ca ford ’47, a comedy of young love | } ington, D. C., not later than Feb-! ruary 11. See Bureau of Recom- mendations for further details. away; March 1, Drexel, away;| Hayes. PBL ALLO Oe Inn Open Mondays in sum a Hs tm a oo ga me a ae eat a Beginning this week, the Inn : will be open on Mondays as on||i. other .weekdays. We'll be Open Every Day Now. (Even Mondays) . Satisfy Those Hunger. Pangs of Exam Week With Tea at the COLLEGE INN Kniited Evening Blouses-and Classics ‘ Are Lovely In 100% French Light-Weight Angora White, Pink, Blue, Maize DINAH FROST’S o MAYO and PAYNE Card: Gifts RADIO Parts Wasire 82t LANCASTER AVE. éé y ae BRYN. MAWR Everybody's wearing a HAMBURGERS Are 1 \\ Bigger Sune ei and ° : yobooY discs Betier «x00! ee : = aanceadie> with c HAMBURG HEARTH an : paul asa FLUNKING? Send Your Dress by Barbara Jane. Professor a Flower Loa ‘CORDS — : e SOLD from > | My BOND pause L peTTE® gic pial JEANNETT’S > HRS wirg THE Hits FROM HOLLYWOOD : Sunset and Vine Free booklet: “WARDROBE TRICKS”. Write Judy Bord, Inc., Dept. F, 1375 B’way, N. Y. 18 WHEN 7 KEEP THAT SAFETY BELT TIGHT AND HUG y. THE STEEPLEJACKS ARE BUILDING A TELEVISION MAST. WE WANT A SHOT OF DO WE THAT MAST. THIS ‘EM — FROM ABOVE. SHOOT? WIND UP HERE IS WANT TO TRY ? Pi 4 POWERFUL - 7 THOUGHT NN \\ — YOU'RE ALL ALONE AND ON YOUR OWN ARMY COMBAT THANKS... AND I’D THANK YOU FOR A CAMEL, TOO...BOY~S. ee THATS FOR ME RIGHT NOW/ THEY'RE KNOCKOUTS/ 7 WHEN—LIKE WERNER WOLFF, NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY LENSMAN—YOURE 1275 FEET ABOVE ‘ IN_ITALY_WAS THE SIDEWALKS OF NEW YORK, <> . i Z RUGGED... SHOOTING PICTURES FROM THE : EMPIRE STATE BUILDINGS SLENDER TELEVISION MAST. ( > : E 3 S r Pa AY ANN ‘~K (ae Por . R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, North Carolina ow % CLEAR AS CRYSTAL... CONGRATULATIONS, . KID, ON THE PICTURE OF THE YEAR/ FINE THING / ALL I CAN GET IN THE THE ANGLES NOW IF ONLY THE PICTURES |r COME OUT ALL, ese 4 Page Four | : THE COLLEGE NEWS Curriculum Committee Presents Results THE For the Student “Body” ; , ! Connelly’s Flower Of Campus Poll on Orals, Midsemester pinay atalie Shop —s =a Corsets and Lingerie 1226 Lancaster Avenue at Bryn Mawr were as follows: in should constitute fulfillment of the|] RBooKS STATIONERY Ardmore Ard. 7018 . Bryn Mawr 1515 the freshman class, 37 voted no, language requirement. : he — wezecera 74 yes; of the sophomores, 32 no,| In regard to the advisability of — : rcs instituting a social science require- bale a4 yoni of the er? om he, ment, 61 freshmen, 47 sophomores, For Unusual WE’RE OPEN yes; and of the seniors, 44 no, 43) 44 juniors and 41 seniors replied Compliments «Gif yes. Of those who replied in the| in the negative, while 51, 51, 46 ilts affirmative, 111 felt the amount of| and 49 replied yes. Early knowledge required in the one lan- of the Mexican or guage should be the same a8 N0V, | ory ||. h Late! and 118 said that it should be more UB averford Pharmac S ‘iP extensive than that now required. H BS STORE a y Pp BLU COMET * In reply to the question asking COMPLETE FOOD | - ” : whether the present oral system is| |. ~ MARKET wd Haverford padoker 2 aman BRYN MAWR + > “QUALITY, SERVICE 7 Se the best method of determining } ECONOMY ‘ reading ability, 65 freshmen, 40| jj, ‘i sophomores, 27 juniors, and 31] |} for more than : seniors said yes, while 46, 61, 62, | jj. 29 and 57, respectively, said no, The||/" 30 Years form of the orals was criticized by ‘ 850 Lancaster Ave. “tl SMOKING 75 people, while 96 thought that a| jj. Bryn Mawr ¥ certain grade in a language course | |), 4g sp teted det tb tetdetedat teat t Vs E l E | ST TF E : We have hats that are fancy; . Hats that are gay— They’re sure to have everyone Looking your way. TRES CHIC SHOPPE Lancaster Avenue Bryn Mawr The Spirit of Service "TecepHone LINEMEN, braving blizzards to keep lines up and calls moving . . . telephone girls refusing to leave their switchboards even while floods mount and fires rage . . . former telephone employees coming back | their own accord-to-help out in a crisis». All this is a familiar story to the public. : To telephone people, it’s tradition. It’s the spirit of service that makes telephone people think first and act first in the interests of the public. It’s a devotion to duty that no thing and no one can WILLIAM possibly destroy. _ BENDIX It’s loyalty to a cause that is greater than those who teach APPEARING IN it, those who learn it, those who feel it, and those who FARE OUNT'S For salaaietite people, from fledglings to old timers, know_ BEFORE THE what telephone service is and what it means and what it must continue to be. They know that a single telephone call can be the dif- ference between life and death, joy and sorrow, success and failure, victory and defeat. They know that nothing must stop telephone calls from going through. Nothing! - You count on telephone people. You always have. You ) } \ always can. : CRESTERFIELD IS BY FAR THE FAVORITE. WITH ' They know their obligation. They live it. It’s a part of i ie THE HOLtYWwOOD STARS their very fibre. It’s second nature to them. It’s the thing Gr : that keeps telephone service going against any obstacles. , It’s the thing that seems to produce miracles of service =a when miracles are needed. | It’s the thing that assures telephone service for .the heed of hiatal . +. come what may. a _ The Bell ‘Telephone Compangs of Pennsylvania To Raise Funds ARDMORE and BRYN MAWR, PA., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1947 ~ Campus Drive For Bryn Mawr Fund Starts F und Donations Total $500,000 At Present Date . The national contributions to the Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946— now total approximately $500,000. Of this amount 89 per cent has been given by Alumnae, 8 per cent by other people connected with the college (parents, grandparents, and trustees), and the remaining 3 per cent by outside donors. Gifts from foreign donors figure in the above half-million dollars already received by the Fund. Among these foreign contributions are three from England, three from Hawaii, four from Canada, two from India, one. from Italy, and one from Puerto Rico. Students Collect $861.05 for Fund With $7,500 set as their quota for this year, the undergraduates have raised only $861.05 to date. Of this, individual contributions ac- count for $345 and $516.05 has come from various benefits. Junior Show—$385.00. Varsity Players’ “Skin of Our Teeth” —$100. Merion Concert—$17.05. Undergraduate Assoc. Record Concert—$6.00. Apples Sold in Rhoads—$8.00. College Bazaar The Philadelphia Committee of the Bryn Mawr College Fund for gifts-in-kind is asking for contri- butions from the undergraduate body. At the Bryn Mawr Bazaar _ on the eighth floor of Wanamakers they will sell the articles which students contribute or collect from their families or friends and will credit the undergraduates for them. The gifts must, of course, be suitable, emphasis being laid on treasures rather than rummage _ sale articles. Contributions may be given to the members of the Drive Commit- tee in each hall or taken direct to the Gifts-in-Kind office in the Deanery. A Some of the articles to be asked for are books, china, glass, jew- elry, musical instruments, paint- ings, sporting equipment, textiles, furniture, lace, linens, and metals. ‘| present $2,000 ae Sought As Total For Fund—Drive Fund to Bring About Raise in Salaries Of Faculty Two million dollars has been set as the quota for the Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946—(“The Alum- nae Drive”) for Faculty Salaries, Scholarships, and Academic Proj- ects. The quota is to be raised over two years, the Committee hoping to raise $1,000,000 this year and the remainder next year, Of this, $1,000,000 will be set aside for endowment, $500,000 will be spent over a period of ten to fifteen years to aid faculty salar- ‘ies, $200,000 will be used for grad- uate and undergraduate scholar- ships, and the remaining $300,000 for special academic projects and expenses. The increase in faculty salaries which the Fund will provide will be the first since 1920, since rising costs of operation in recent years have prevented any such action on the present income of the college. At present, salaries vary from a minimum of $1,800 for an instruc- tor to a maximum of $5,200 for a full professor, and it is hoped that this can be increased 15 to 20 per cent as a result of the Fund. The college is also hoping to raise additional funds for a new building program. It is hoped to -be able to complete the two wings of Park Hall, to hose the depart- ments of Biology, Physics, and Mathematics. This would release space in Dalton Hall to ease the. overcrowding in class- rooms and offices in Taylor and the Library. Funds are also needed for new language houses, to ex- pand present facilities. Money may be pledged, given as cash, set up as a trust fund, or as a legacy, or given as a stock cer- tificate. It can also be given as direct. endowment, i. e., $200,000 will endow a chair as a memorial in any subject; the money being paid that professor is entirely re- leased and raises the whole teach- ing scale. Five hundred thousand dollars will endow a department, $100,000 an assistantship or lec- turer. Any sum from ten to fifty thousand will support books, in- struments, and working materials for a department. The students of Bryn Mawr as their part in the Drive have set a quota of $12,000 to be raised in two years. ‘Vogue’ Subscription Offered The style-conscious students liv- ing in one of the halls on campus will soon be given a fine oppor- tunity to catch up on the smart fashionable Spring. modes. And : mee ™ Avegsed dassies will-have additional satisfaction of! th RS rs grenenas cae he . swell the Bryn Mawr College Fund _in the process. Here’s the low- down ess fatgest 3 xmodat in- proportion re all ‘running, oe eee a_ while As Prize in Interhall Contest test as a part of the. student drive, to encourage the halls and individ- ual students to exercise their in- genuity and conjure up as many ideas as ag _for raising imener The prize ore > ae the number of students - living there is a year’s subscription to Alumnae, Students Comprise Entire Fund-Raising Org. The money raising organization of the Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946—is made up entirely of alum- nae and students without the as- sistance of any professional fund- raising group. The National Head- quarters is in the Deanery on cam- pus, and the organization is head- ed jointly by Mrs. F. Louis Slade, National Chairman, and Mrs. James Chadwick-Collins, Execu- tive Director. Mrs. James A. Sut- ton is the Assistant Executive Di- rector. Mrs. Slade, ex-’96, a vice-presi- dent of the Board of Directors of the College, has been chairman of Bryn Mawr’s three other drives in 1920, 1925, and 1935. Mrs. Chad- wick Collins, ’05, held the same po- sition in the drives of ’25 and ’35 as she does in this one, and is the Director in Residence at the Col- lege. Mrs. Sutton, ’39, is Bryn Mawr’s Assistant Director of Pub- lic Relations. The Fund office at the Deanery is the center of co-ordination be- tween the eight alumnae districts. Conforming to the headquarters’ policy, each district with its Coun- cillor and district..and local fund chairmen, in contrast to the past three drives, acts as a separate unit and may organize differently in forming its sub-committees for benefits, entertainment, publicity, alumnae gifts, outside gifts, lega- cies, and gifts in kind. WATCH TAYLOR THERMOMETER Mrs. Slade Commends Students For Assuming Quota In Drive To the Students of Bryn Mawr College: Bryn Mawr Alumnae in every part of our country, and in far-flung corners of the world, are working as though ‘shoulder to shoulder to make secure the educational heritage that is theirs, and of which they are justly proud. Since the early days of the College the Alumnae have steadfastly believed th sound teaching is the essential of sound edugation, and their pride has been above all in the outstanding quality of eir Faculty. To maintain this qual- ity they have always een willing and eager to work, and to’ make the necessary Aacrifices. Comm. Will Start Campus Soliciting Of Each Student Soliciting among the undergrad- uates will be carried out in the halls by the members of the cen- tral undergraduate drive commit- tee. Each person is urged to give what she can, realizing the impor- tance of the drive; the amount may be paid at once, put on payT® day, or pledged. Mrs. Sutton will speak in each hall within the first-four days of the opening of the drive: Rhoads: after supper Monday. Merion: 10:00 Monday. Non-res.: 1:15 Tuesday. Wyndham: before supper, Tues- day. Pembroke and East House: after supper Tuesday. Pembroke East: 10.00 Tuesday. Rockefeller: after supper Thurs- day. 20, °25, ’35 Drives Raised Funds For Buildings and Scholarships About every ten years the Bryn Mawr alumnae under the leader- ship of Mrs. Louis F. Slade launch a drive for a millon or so dollars. In. 1919 in answer to a plea from acting-President Taft for a rise in faculty salaries to compete with the high cost of living, they launch- ed the Two Million Dollar Cam- paign Fund and topped the goal with $2,191,346,56 despite the com- ment of the dubious businessman who said that “no college in the world has ever attempted so gigan- tic a feat as to get $2,000,000 from 2,000 alumnae.” The undergradu- ates, having pledged $50,000 of this were forced to enlist parental aid to fill the quota. In 1925 the alumnae, realizing the great need of a student’s build- ing and a music department, or- ganized a drive for $650,000. Be- ing of Quaker foundation, the col- lege had not included music in the curriculum, but now that it crept in Bryn Mawr needed a larger place than the rented wing of Wyndham in which to hold classes. A New York newspaper commented on the limited seating capacity of the gym 1 menuse.of the new fire laws: “that these ambitious girls want to‘ sit | still; for instance they sat for two], edge of their chairs hours on -Bach recital.” The’ “ambitious” students this time pledged $31,000, but did not enlist the/aid of their parents and filled the quota by selling sand- wiches on Taylor steps, lotteries, and a bicycle agency under Pem Arch which made trips to the vil! for the benefit of the drive contrib- uted $18.20. Mr. Howard L. Goodhart of New. York City gave the auditorium, in Continued on Page 2 CALENDAR EVENTS FOR DRIVE Saturday, February 22 Freshman Show, Goodhart. Undergraduate Dance, Gym. Wednesday, February 26 Radio Broadcast by B. M. Chorus, Station W.I.B.G. 4:30- 5:00. Friday, February 28 Concert by Mischa Goodhart. Saturday, March 8 .. Arts’ Night, Goodhart. Friday, April 4 Harvard-Bryn Mawr Concert, Goodhart. Saturday, April 26 | - Sophomor> “-”"*yghunsternoon. Junior Prom, Gym. Unscheduled Faculty - Student Elman, PT basketball game, Gym. Today they know that the secur- ity of the Faculty is threatened, and that serious steps must be taken to protect them from the heavy pressures of mounting costs due-to- postwar conditions. It is vital that Faculty salaries be increased, and increased with- out delay, and this the Alumnae have again set themselves to do. In 1935, after a careful study made by the President, the Dean of the College, the Board of Di- rectors, and the Alumnae,.a long term plan was adopted and carried out. This included the building of Rhoads Hall, the Quita Woodward Wing of the Library, and the Mar- ion Edwards Park Science Build- ing, and made possible an addition- al one. hundred students, thereby increasing the annual college income, primarily intended for salary advances. But even so the inevitable expense of every day living, as well as repair and main- tenance, has gone up by leaps and bounds and has made it impossible for higher salaries to be included in the regular college resources. In what the Alumnae are doing the greatest encouragement has come from you. When you elect- ed to assume a quota of this re- sponsibility you gave them new hope and new courage, and an as- surance that could come from no one else and from no other group. You are the College of today and you know its worth. When you bring your support it is as though you were laying a new corner stone of confidence and determina- tion. There can now be no failure, for your pledge typifies what you will mean to Bryn Mawr in the years to come. Many doors will open before you, and you will be called upon to meet many crises in this changing world. And in all you dare and do, Bryn Mawr and what she has given you will have a part. For you are the Alumnae of to- morrow, and with the students who come after you, you will build, on the corner stone you are now lay- ing, a Bryn Mawr as yet undream- . ed of, a Bryn Mawr that will con- . tinue to hold high its light of lead- ership. I know, I too was a student of Bryn Mawr College. ..Caroline McCormick c?- Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946 WATCH TAYLOR THERMOMET See eee eee. eg ee ee 4 : ; E : ; ; Page Two PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN Joan AUERBACH °47 ANN OrLov °47 Emily Evarts *47 “Harriet Ward °48 Helen Goldberg °49 Ellen Shepherd °47 Mary Lee Blakely °47 COLLEGE NEWS Betty-Bright Page °49 Nancy Morehouse ’47 Louise Gorham *47 Katrina Thomas ’49 Barbara Bettman *49 Judy Da Silva 49 Alice Wadsworth ’49 Louise Ervin °49 ASSISTED BY: THE COLLEGE NEWS¢ Published Under The Auspices of National Headquarters Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946 ANN Chass ’48, Chairman Undergraduate Fund Committee Mary Cross ’47 Betty Byfield °47 Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946— Every student here knows the necessity of the Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946—. Weare by now well aware of the drastic changes, lower teaching standards and the increased tuition, which will occur if the money is not raised. We feel that many students, although could do would be of use. Two million dollars must interested in the drive, have . wondered what they could do for it and how the little they be iaingl if Bryn Mawr is te remain the college every student wishes it to be. The sum is a large one and large gifts will be necessary to raise it. We can help in this by giving names of those who might be in- terested in contributing to the Fund. But’ Bryn Mawr can- not raise two million dollars by large gifts alone. The Fund cannot succeed without them nor can it succeed without the equally important contribtuions made by each student. Our quota is comparatively small. It will, however, en- tail effort for a small student body to fill it. Everyone will have to give not merely what than she thought she could. she can, but a little bit more We will not only be contributing $12,000 to the Fund, but by the volunteer work do for the drive and the proj- ects we organize for additional money, by the enthusiasm and effort which we will have to put into the raising of our quota, we ‘will show our appreciation of the value of Bryn Mawr and our conviction that it should and must be main- tained. Such evidence of a sincere interest in the welfare : of the College on the part of the students here now is the best | - __.—_proof-of the importance of the Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946. | Students Seeking Fund Office Lost In Recesses Have you yet run the obstacle course to the office of the Bryn Mawr College Fund 1946—? The road to the Deanery is reasonably safe, but from then on, there are constant surprises. An arrowed sign in bold print hangs near the door to point you, the willing worker, on your way—into the phone booth. Faced by a blank wall and a silent telephone, it is necessary to alter your course be- fore you are seized by a fit of claustrophobia. With enthusiasm unimpaired by this initial setback, on to work! the passageways to your goal. Up the stairs, perhaps, is the next idea. They are narrow, spiral, and properly mysterious. (The where- abouts of the Fund Office itself, of miscellany. te pe ee & yea: — Of Deanery peeling potatoes for an hour or so, if you are persistent in your intentions and your horoscope is favorable, a knowing alumna might hurry by on her way to heaquarters.- Then throwing down. poptatoes you follow her down the corridor like Alice pursuing the White Rabbit. You have arrived! The Fund Office is at hand, and an afternoon of licking, folding, and sorting can get underway.* Surrounded by shelves of ceramics, silver candle- sticks, china, and various rare articles (“Gifts in’ Kind”), you work in a refreshing atmosphere While you play Post Office by sorting out the des- tinations of the multitudinous- en- velopes, the geography of Penn- sylvania reveals itself through such places as Wawa, Cynppd, and Birdinhand (you look for two in the bush). . As the nerves in your back lose their feeling while the afternoon .| Wears on, the pile of red stringed envelopes slowly grows. When Taylor clock strikes four, you stag- ger back through the labyrinths of the Deanery. The Fund Office 6. om) Chase Letter Explains ’ Aims of Student Drive To the Students: This ‘special issue of the News and the week of February 10th mark the beginning of what will, I hope, be an increased awareness and enthusiasm on the, part of Bryn Mawr _ students toward the Drive. A quota of $12, 000 was set in November by the Undergraduate Committee for the Drive, to be collected by June, 1948.- This has been split into two separate parts: $7,500 to be collected by this June and the rest by next June. To fill this quota, we are counting on in- dividual contributions from the students, and proceeds from the concert and theater benefits given on campus. The intensity of next year’s drive as it will affect the students will depend on what is done this year. So far, only $861.05 has been collected this year to- wards the student quota. We ‘are now beginning a con- certed attempt to collect this year’s part of our-quota. During the next semester, solicitors in the halls will collect from each student as much as she feels she can give. We have decided not to ask for a specific amount as a set contribu- tion, but we hope that each stu- dent will give as much as she can, realizing the importance of the Drive. In this issue, there are sugges- tions as to what else the students can do in helping the'central Drive office in the Deanery or by raising money on their own. It is possible and even probable that we can more than fill the $12,- 000 quota, but it will take individ- ual effort and a realization that this part of the Drive is our re- sponsibility. We must be aware of this and ready to help in any way we can. Sincerely, Ann Chase. NOTICES VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Drive Office frequently is in desperate need of -volunteer—aid. This involves the mailing and dis- tributing of drive publicity and in- formation, the putting up of post- ers, and perhaps a stint in the box office on benefit performance nights. Please tell the members of the’ Publicity Committee what hours you would be free and willing to help ... Mrs. Sutton will be very grateful. ANOTHER WAY TO HELP The National Committee wouid like the names of any people, other than alumnae and parents, whom students think would be interested in contributing to the drive. This is one of the most important con- tributions students can make. Please give such names to the members of the Publicity Commit- tee, with all pertinent information; full name and address, relation to the student; whether student wish- es or does not wish her name to be mentioned. . On Sale in Bookshop Bryn Mawr Engagement calen- dars! It’s still not too late to buy one for a gift or for personal use. “Photographs of the College. $1.25 a piece. Order by number from sample album. \ Benefits Maceneatal The Philadelphia Fund Commit- tee and the New York Fund Com- ‘mittee report that they netted $1,325.91 and $7,000 (approximate- ly) is ap lie direster ea Vv benefit >": reember 16, . poy all |Weatnss ene hei InN ¥,, aa ~ Organization of Undergraduate Committee eee Bryn Mawr Fund 1946 Deanery Drive Office » Undergraduate Association Chairman Undergraduate Committee | Concert Committee Secretary Central Committee Soliciting Committee Publicity Committee Central Committee The diagram above dius the organization of the committee for the Undergraduate Drive for the Bryn Mawr Fund 1946—. Plans are co-ordinated in the Deanery Drive Office by Mrs. James A. Sutton and Ann Chase, 48, the Undergraduate Chairman who was chosen by the National Committee and the Undergraduate Association, to whom she makes weekly reports. The Central Committee is re- sponsible for the planning and co- ordination of drive activities on campus. This was chosen by the Chairman and is composed of rep- resentatives from each hall, -in- cluding one graduate student. To- gether with the Chairman, this committee set the quota for the Undergraduate Drive. It is re- sponsible for \ the soliciting of meney. Several additional solici- tors have been named in order to facilitate collection. The Central Committee also works with Henny Burch, ’48, who is in charge of Concerts on Cam- pus, by selling tickets for the vari- ous functions. In addition, some members help Judy Adams, 49, Soliciting Chairman. A Publicity committee works with Ann Orlov, ’47, and Joan Auerbach, ’47, Pub- licity Chairmen. Amoret Bissell, as Secretary, arranges and co-or- for Fund Drive Plans and Coordinates all Activity functions of the Drive on campus. The Central Committee consists of the following: WOME WONG: ss ciliinichiisscm tunes Adams Shaw Prem wast cb Ericson Martin BORDER Beiccssiscavcncanae Rogers Garton MUNOOGE <6) aaron McClure Coates Gregory Rockefeller iicsc5500 ce Baker Kelly 1 OB COT Sree ye bea oti Sige Keffer Spanish House .............. Kauffmann DROLION © fii ceiiihenccone Mathais Burch WORUENE ce Henderson me he Rodes AGQOY 8k Werring (grad.) Additional Solicitors are: MONE CHONG (iicics ol cecaicoa Mutch PIR ec cccrpceccreeretersrerrinniees Lovejoy PROMO ROOM. cs ich ean Newbold UAAINON So cshicic pecs Vipond (grad.) Members of the Publicity Com- mittee are: dinate$ the dates for the various Out of the Wastelands we came searching in vain for a breath of fresh air or some similar object not stamped with the inevitable received or accepted or gratefully thanked. It is not to be found and we plunge blindly across Merion Green thinking that we are on the way to Taylor. Where is it, he, She? We are searching for some- thing and dreamlike (with, traces of Freud) we are going in the Drives in ’20, ’25, °35 Filled Their Quotas — Continued From Page 1 memory of his wife, class of 712 and the $60,000 needed for furnish- ing the entire building, the stud- ents’ and Music wing was~raised by the alumnae. $100,000 was set aside for the Dickerman Chair of Music which has been held ever since by Mr. Alwynne._ . In 1934, realizing that the 50th anniversary of the college was about to take place, the alumnae again joined forces for a Million Dollar drive for buildings. The Politics, History of Art and Biol- ogy departments all needed funds, and so the Marion Edwards Park Hall was built and Dalton remod- eled. The Carnegie Corporation of New York gave Bryn Mawr and other =o $150,000 for the co- -ordinasiem.~* ~ tha sciences... Dr. ——- ai ter, Quita, class of ’32. The bal- oe WIT’S END PUM MOEMIO? 555.6 sicivicisrecerisen Henry NEGMIOM ses Ki Gna, eee Ide MINN Sidi snindidicnloueer Young Denbigh, Sp. House ................ Vorys I aca ee Jackson 11 ed 1 TR ae Kirschbaum GW WEGRG fics leisdscepeesccs Edgemon WRENGGO Os. 560cstinaiee Henderson TORRE PROUNG bos. cicesscccsssoctscssvdcoss Rodes PNR Siok, A ciebus Lanin wrong direction. The eternal search for food, or sleep, or, weli as we have mentioned Freud, you know what we mean. But now it is raining and the bell is ringing which means that there is a fire drill and perhaps’ everything is burning down and we will never be able to find he, she, it. But it is not rain, just showers and show- ers of dollar signs. Some of them are large and curly and red and others are just S’s, some up-side down and some side-ways. Of course, now we know what it is we are hunting for and never find- - ing. Now the Library is covered with S’s of all kinds. People are hurrying to and fro and every one has an S on his coat or his blue jeans. The Chemists are all gath- ered in a group under the tree the class of 1916 (or was it 19177) planted. They are catching them to carry down to Park to put into the new wing. Taylor is surround- ed by familiar people all beginning to make bundles of S’s. Of course they are familiar, Readers, Lec- turers, Associates, Assistants, Pro- fessors are all co-operating in the collection of S’s. We would like to help but something drives us on and we must keep on searching. We retrace our steps hiding our eyes from the glitter of S’s. All at once the atmosphere changes Baik. 2. Se ee poe ballet Siw Eat [and-we are back in °° De.| and ‘Mrs. “George ‘Woodward of | of the}. library in memory of their daugh- | -