Page Four 4 THE COLLEGE NEWS ‘Two English BM students greet member of touring team. Eng. Hockey Skill Overcomes BM Team Continued from Page 1 Only a few of the Bryn Mawr players were able to overtake an English player. the English team was outstanding in her own position, but especial- ly the center forward, Joan Arkell, Every member of Turkish Student. _ Elected to Council - Delegates from International House and sixteen colleges were present at a recent meeting of the United Nations Student Council held here at Bryn Mawr. Suna Kili ’48, of Turkey, was elected one of the International House repre- sentatives to the Council. Committees were appointed to plan the possible publication of a United’-Nations Student. Council newspaper, to arrange for an ac- tive foreign student program, and to plan a program for the year. The next meeting will be held Bryn Mawr. All students are in- vited to attend all meetings, even if they are not delegates. An in- teresting item on the forthcoming agenda is a proposed ‘trip to New York to attend the United, Nation sessions. : on Sunday, December 7, here at Watch the Flicks: Benefit the Vets Now Bryn Mawrtyrs have a legi- timate excuse to forget the books and go to the “flicks.”” December 8th through 12th, movies will be shown in Ardmore, Wayne and Conshohocken, with proceeds to go toward a Christmas party for the patients at Valley Forge General Hospital, Coatesville Veterans’ Hospital and Philadelphia Naval Hospital. The theatres showing the films will be the Suburban in Ardmore, the Anthony Wayne in Wayne, and the Riant in Conshohocken. donation is $.75, tax included. The'both colleges, and also Villanova, | Since the Alliance realizes that the foreign students at Bryn Mawr do not have sufficient opportunities to see the sights around Philadel- phia, or to meet and know Ameri- can students on a social basis, it is sponsoring projects under’ the scope of the United Nations Stu- dent Council and the IRC for this purpose. The United Nations Student Council, the IRC clubs of Haver- ford and Bryn Mawr and the lan- guage clubs are jointly giving a party for the foreign students of on Friday night, December 5, at ~ Alliance Angles Wyndham, from 8.30 to 12.00. A program of dancing, games and re- freshments will not only give the foreign students an opportunity to mix with and meet Americans, but it will also introduce the American students of the respective clubs to an interesting, cosmopolitan social atmosphere. In addition to this party, the United Nations~Student Council plans further to provide sight see- ing tours to points of special his- torical interest in and around Phil- adelphia, so the foreign students can learn more from America than courses alone offer. om ye who scored nine of the 23 goals. Others scoring were Barbara Wood | Davies RH Rogers 5, Joan Cummins 5, Peggy Sulman | Sulman CH +" Cadbury 2, Pat Curtis 1, Peggy Lodge 1. Lodge LH Bagley This was the thirteenth game/| Hellyar RF Focardi for the English team, and in these | Barnes LF Savage 13 games they have scored a total} Finley G Geib — of 174 goals with only 4 goals scored against them. On Novem- ber 30 they defeated the All-Amer- ican team 8-0. The line-ups of the teams were as follows: England Bryn Mawr Lunches - Dinner Lodge RW Stone | J — West RI Parker Arkell CF Boas Cummins LI Hayes Dicks LW Winslow MEET AT THE GREEK’S Tasty Sandwiches | Refreshments Gane and Snyder Foods of Quality Lancaster Ave. Bryn Mawr Compliments of the Haverford Pharmacy Haverford | | JUST WHAT YOU'VE | BEEN SEEKING! | THE GIFT WITH THE FOREIGN TOUCH! MEXICAN SHOP Ardmore HETHER you play basketball or are one of its host of enthusiastic fans, you will enjoy the re- freshing flavor of . .. Beech-Nut Gum ee) A WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF CHILDREN’S BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Country Book Shoppe BRYN MAWR \ Everywhere it goes, the assur- ance of Beech-Nut for fine flavor goes with it. The yellow package with the red oval IT’S STILL NOT TOO LATE TO GET \ CHRISTMAS CARDS ; AT Richard Stockton BUT YOU'D BETTER HURRY! *. i | | Copyright 1947, Locerr & Mysxs Tosacco Co. a A ALWAYS MILDER B BETTER TASTING € cooLER SMOKING