q HE COLLEGE NEWS Page Three Curric, Committee. Names Members Jean Ellis, representative for the History department, has _ been elected Chairman of next year’s Curriculum Committee, with Gale Minton, representative for the Pol- itics department, as Vice-Chair- man. Other members of the com- mittee include: GOH VOPGR Ns Archaeology GOON BYORATOOE |... sec Biology Christel Kappes ............ Chemistry Bertha Wexler ................ Virginia Brooke .......... to be elected Ellen Tan Jean Pearson Clarissa Platt ..:.:... History of Art Mary Lutley Latin and Greek Betty Abernethy ........ Mathematics Jane Horner Music Catherine Lord Philosophy Marion Harvey Physics Sally Worthington Psychology Barbara Singer ................ Sociology Clare Fahnestock Spanish Anyone having _ suggestions, questions or complaints about the curriculum is asked to refer them to the member from her depart- ment. Economics . English French Peeeee Peer eee eee Co eet Pee errr eee er erere res 11) rr TRES CHIC SHOPPE Sunbacks ° and Cottons Galore! gram, NOTICES Sneak Preview The Bryn: Mawr Theatre will have a sreak preview Thursday night in addition to its regular pro- “The Immortal Sergeant,” with Henry Fonda and Maureen O’Hara. Anyone who arrives be- fore 9 o’clock will see a complete show. Merry May Day The Seven Colleges will sponsor a tea-dance in the Savoy-Plaza Ball Room Suite on Saturday, May 1. Tickets, at $3.50, can be obtained by writing to Deborah Sporn, 464 Riverside Drive, New York, 27, ms Xs Hudson Shore The Hudson Shore Labor School will hold a tea in the Common Room on Sunday,-May 2. Philadel- phia Alumnae will be present, and there will be an open discussion on labor education. Wyndham President In its annual Spring election, Wyndham” has elected Lucille Flory, ’49, president. Schrecker Book Paul Schrecker’s new book, Work and History, is now available at the Bookshop, Published by the Princeton University Press, the book costs $5.00. Dance Secretary Miss Emelia-Louise Kilby was elected “Secretary-elect” of the Dance Section, Eastern District American Association Health, Physical Education and Recreation, at a recent meeting of the Associa- tion held in Baltimore. Miss Kilby is also secretary of the Philadel- phia Dance Council, composed of representatives of colleges in this area. Speakers’ Bureau The Undergraduate Board an- nounces the appointment of Emily Townsend, ’50, as head of the new- ly-formed Speakers’ Bureau for the Seven Colleges. Bryn Mawr volunteered to have this bureau on campus, during the recent Seven College Conference at Mount Hol- yoke. PRIX DE PARIS If you are still thinking of a job after college in publishing, fash- and that kind of thing, we strongly advise ions, stores, publicity, you to enter the Vogue Prix de Paris Contest. It usually consists of four fairly short assignments or “quizzes” which do not take a great deal of time, and a long ar- ticle to be submitted by‘those who have passed the quizzes. The first prize is a year’s job on Vogue, six months in New York, six months in Paris. The second prize is a six months’ job on Vogue in New York. Honorable mention contestants are given other jobs on other Conde Nast publications which include House and Garden and Glamour. Vogue also provides a free em- ployment service to the top hun- dred, and it has many connections with other magazines, advertising agencies, stores, and so forth. Even if you do not end up in the first hundred, the experience in writing for a purpose will be very valuable for your future job. Incidentally ‘The Bryn Mawr Movie has now been shown 98 times, in 60 schools and 19 Bryn Mawr clubs, Fund and alumnae groups in 39 cities. The Movie has been bought by the Civil Affairs Division of the U. S. Army to be shown in Germany, Austria, Japan and Korea as an example of education in a democracy. ” TIP FOR YOUR CAREER @ Over 500 college women now preparing for success in busi- ness through Gibbs secretarial training. Write College Course Dean for job-oppor- tunity booklet — “Gibbs Girls at Work.” AATHARINE GIBBS NEW YORK 17 BOSTON 16 CHICAGO 11 PROVIDENCE 6 arit neers 51 East it or St. 155 Angell St. A Fine Selection of BOOKS at the COUNTRY BOOK SHOPPE Bryn Mawr Compliments of the Haverford Pharmacy Haverford LETTER AIR MAIL NOTES POST CARDS EATON’S PERSONALIZED Engraved or Printed CHECK ENVELOPES AT DINAH FROST'S BRYN MAWR PAPERS PLACE CARDS INFORMALS COMING SOON MOTHER’S DAY Get the Perfect Card at Richard Stockton’s Bryn Mawr | American Cleaner and Dyer For Quality Work Call Bryn Mawr 0494 JOSEPH TRONCELLITI Proprietor 880 LANCASTER AVENUE ACROSS FROM THE FIRE HOUSE ¥ Treat Your Week-end Guest HOME - cotititn DINNER THE CHATTERBOA tw Heres Canme eines new lave RECORD. / Y'Sily No—Sily A SIGNATURE RECORD RELEASE —— = == = Z =. = a> e lm ae 4 ey — i“ oA - Bie i ROT a ened is the cigarette CAMEL \ a for me!